class MainWindow(KXmlGuiWindow): """the main window""" # pylint: disable=too-many-instance-attributes def __init__(self): # see super(MainWindow, self).__init__() self.exitConfirmed = None self.exitReady = None self.exitWaitTime = None Internal.mainWindow = self self._scene = None self.centralView = None self.background = None self.playerWindow = None self.rulesetWindow = None self.confDialog = None self.__installReactor() if Options.gui: KStandardAction.preferences(self.showSettings, self.actionCollection()) self.setupUi() self.setupGUI() Internal.Preferences.addWatch('tilesetName', self.tilesetNameChanged) Internal.Preferences.addWatch('backgroundName', self.backgroundChanged) self.retranslateUi() for action in self.toolBar().actions(): if 'onfigure' in action.text(): action.setPriority(QAction.LowPriority) if and not Options.demo: self.scene = PlayingScene(self) HumanClient() StateSaver(self) else: HumanClient() @staticmethod def __installReactor(): """install the twisted reactor""" if Internal.reactor is None: import qtreactor qtreactor.install() from twisted.internet import reactor reactor.runReturn(installSignalHandlers=False) Internal.reactor = reactor if Debug.quit: logDebug('Installed qtreactor') @property def scene(self): """a proxy""" return self._scene @scene.setter def scene(self, value): """if changing, updateGUI""" if not isAlive(self): return if self._scene == value: return if not value: self.actionChat.setChecked(False) self.actionExplain.setChecked(False) self.actionScoreTable.setChecked(False) self.actionExplain.setData(ExplainView) self.actionScoreTable.setData(ScoreTable) self._scene = value self.centralView.setScene(value) self.adjustMainView() self.updateGUI() self.actionChat.setEnabled(isinstance(value, PlayingScene)) self.actionExplain.setEnabled(value is not None) self.actionScoreTable.setEnabled(value is not None) def sizeHint(self): """give the main window a sensible default size""" result = KXmlGuiWindow.sizeHint(self) result.setWidth(result.height() * 3 // 2) # we want space to the right for the buttons # the default is too small. Use at least 2/3 of screen height and 1/2 # of screen width: available = height = max(result.height(), available.height() * 2 // 3) width = max(result.width(), available.width() // 2) result.setHeight(height) result.setWidth(width) return result def showEvent(self, event): """force a resize which calculates the correct background image size""" self.centralView.resizeEvent(True) KXmlGuiWindow.showEvent(self, event) def kajonggAction(self, name, icon, slot=None, shortcut=None, actionData=None): """simplify defining actions""" res = QAction(self) if icon: res.setIcon(KIcon(icon)) if slot: res.triggered.connect(slot) self.actionCollection().addAction(name, res) if shortcut: res.setShortcut(Qt.CTRL + shortcut) res.setShortcutContext(Qt.ApplicationShortcut) if actionData is not None: res.setData(actionData) return res def _kajonggToggleAction(self, name, icon, shortcut=None, actionData=None): """a checkable action""" res = self.kajonggAction(name, icon, shortcut=shortcut, actionData=actionData) res.setCheckable(True) if actionData is not None: res.toggled.connect(self._toggleWidget) return res def setupUi(self): """create all other widgets we could make the scene view the central widget but I did not figure out how to correctly draw the background with QGraphicsView/QGraphicsScene. QGraphicsView.drawBackground always wants a pixmap for a huge rect like 4000x3000 where my screen only has 1920x1200""" # pylint: disable=too-many-statements self.setObjectName("MainWindow") centralWidget = QWidget() self.centralView = FittingView() layout = QGridLayout(centralWidget) layout.setContentsMargins(0, 0, 0, 0) layout.addWidget(self.centralView) self.setCentralWidget(centralWidget) self.centralView.setFocusPolicy(Qt.StrongFocus) self.background = None # just for pylint self.windTileset = Tileset(Internal.Preferences.windTilesetName) self.adjustMainView() self.actionScoreGame = self.kajonggAction("scoreGame", "draw-freehand", self.scoringScene, Qt.Key_C) self.actionPlayGame = self.kajonggAction("play", "arrow-right", self.playGame, Qt.Key_N) self.actionAbortGame = self.kajonggAction("abort", "dialog-close", self.abortAction, Qt.Key_W) self.actionAbortGame.setEnabled(False) self.actionQuit = self.kajonggAction("quit", "application-exit", self.close, Qt.Key_Q) self.actionPlayers = self.kajonggAction("players", "im-user", self.slotPlayers) self.actionRulesets = self.kajonggAction("rulesets", "games-kajongg-law", self.slotRulesets) self.actionChat = self._kajonggToggleAction("chat", "call-start", shortcut=Qt.Key_H, actionData=ChatWindow) self.actionChat.setEnabled(False) self.actionAngle = self.kajonggAction("angle", "object-rotate-left", self.changeAngle, Qt.Key_G) self.actionAngle.setEnabled(False) self.actionScoreTable = self._kajonggToggleAction( "scoreTable", "format-list-ordered", Qt.Key_T, actionData=ScoreTable) self.actionScoreTable.setEnabled(False) self.actionExplain = self._kajonggToggleAction( "explain", "applications-education", Qt.Key_E, actionData=ExplainView) self.actionExplain.setEnabled(False) self.actionFullscreen = self._kajonggToggleAction("fullscreen", "view-fullscreen", shortcut=Qt.Key_F + Qt.ShiftModifier) self.actionFullscreen.toggled.connect(self.fullScreen) self.actionAutoPlay = self.kajonggAction("demoMode", "arrow-right-double", None, Qt.Key_D) self.actionAutoPlay.setCheckable(True) self.actionAutoPlay.setEnabled(True) self.actionAutoPlay.toggled.connect(self._toggleDemoMode) self.actionAutoPlay.setChecked(Internal.autoPlay) QMetaObject.connectSlotsByName(self) def playGame(self): """manual wish for a new game""" if not Internal.autoPlay: # only if no demo game is running self.playingScene() def playingScene(self): """play a computer game: log into a server and show its tables""" self.scene = PlayingScene(self) HumanClient() def scoringScene(self): """start a scoring scene""" scene = ScoringScene(self) game = scoreGame() if game: self.scene = scene = game game.throwDices() self.updateGUI() def fullScreen(self, toggle): """toggle between full screen and normal view""" if toggle: self.setWindowState(self.windowState() | Qt.WindowFullScreen) else: self.setWindowState(self.windowState() & ~Qt.WindowFullScreen) def close(self, dummyResult=None): """wrap close() because we call it with a QTimer""" if isAlive(self): ParallelAnimationGroup.cancelAll() return KXmlGuiWindow.close(self) def closeEvent(self, event): KXmlGuiWindow.closeEvent(self, event) if event.isAccepted() and self.exitReady: QTimer.singleShot(5000, self.aboutToQuit) def queryClose(self): """queryClose, queryExit and aboutToQuit are no ideal match for the async Deferred approach. At app start, self.exitConfirmed and exitReady are None. queryClose will show a confirmation prompt if needed, but it will not wait for the answer. queryClose always returns True. Later, when the user confirms exit, self.exitConfirmed will be set. If the user cancels exit, self.exitConfirmed = False, otherwise self.close() is called. This time, no prompt will appear because the game has already been aborted. queryExit will return False if exitConfirmed or exitReady are not True. Otherwise, queryExit will set exitReady to False and asynchronously start shutdown. After the reactor stops running, exitReady is set to True, and self.close() is called. This time it should fall through everywhere, having queryClose() and queryExit() return True. and it will reset exitConfirmed to None. Or in other words: If queryClose or queryExit find something that they should do async like asking the user for confirmation or terminating the client/server connection, they start async operation and append a callback which will call self.close() when the async operation is done. This repeats until queryClose() and queryExit() find nothing more to do async. At that point queryExit says True and we really end the program. """ # pylint: disable=too-many-branches def confirmed(result): """quit if the active game has been aborted""" self.exitConfirmed = bool(result) if Debug.quit: if self.exitConfirmed: logDebug('mainWindow.queryClose confirmed') else: logDebug('mainWindow.queryClose not confirmed') # start closing again. This time no question will appear, the game # is already aborted if self.exitConfirmed: assert isAlive(self) self.close() else: self.exitConfirmed = None def cancelled(result): """just do nothing""" if Debug.quit: logDebug('mainWindow.queryClose.cancelled: {}'.format(result)) self.exitConfirmed = None if self.exitConfirmed is False: # user is currently being asked return False if self.exitConfirmed is None: if self.scene: self.exitConfirmed = False self.abortAction().addCallbacks(confirmed, cancelled) else: self.exitConfirmed = True if Debug.quit: logDebug( 'MainWindow.queryClose not asking, exitConfirmed=True') return True def queryExit(self): """see queryClose""" def quitDebug(*args, **kwargs): """reducing branches in queryExit""" if Debug.quit: logDebug(*args, **kwargs) if self.exitReady: quitDebug( 'MainWindow.queryExit returns True because exitReady is set') return True if self.exitConfirmed: # now we can get serious self.exitReady = False for widget in chain( (x.tableList for x in HumanClient.humanClients), [self.confDialog, self.rulesetWindow, self.playerWindow]): if isAlive(widget): widget.hide() if self.exitWaitTime is None: self.exitWaitTime = 0 if Internal.reactor and Internal.reactor.running: self.exitWaitTime += 10 if self.exitWaitTime % 1000 == 0: logDebug('waiting since %d seconds for reactor to stop' % (self.exitWaitTime // 1000)) try: quitDebug('now stopping reactor') Internal.reactor.stop() assert isAlive(self) QTimer.singleShot(10, self.close) except ReactorNotRunning: self.exitReady = True quitDebug( 'MainWindow.queryExit returns True: It got exception ReactorNotRunning' ) else: self.exitReady = True quitDebug( 'MainWindow.queryExit returns True: Reactor is not running' ) return bool(self.exitReady) @staticmethod def aboutToQuit(): """now all connections to servers are cleanly closed""" mainWindow = Internal.mainWindow Internal.mainWindow = None if mainWindow: if Debug.quit: logDebug('aboutToQuit starting') if mainWindow.exitWaitTime > 1000.0 or Debug.quit: logDebug('reactor stopped after %d ms' % (mainWindow.exitWaitTime)) else: if Debug.quit: logDebug('aboutToQuit: mainWindow is already None') StateSaver.saveAll() try: # if we are killed while loading, Internal.db may not yet be # defined if Internal.db: Internal.db.close() except NameError: pass checkMemory() logging.shutdown() if Debug.quit: logDebug('aboutToQuit ending') def abortAction(self): """abort current game""" if Debug.quit: logDebug('mainWindow.abortAction invoked') return self.scene.abort() def retranslateUi(self): """retranslate""" self.actionScoreGame.setText( i18nc('@action:inmenu', "&Score Manual Game")) self.actionScoreGame.setIconText( i18nc('@action:intoolbar', 'Manual Game')) self.actionScoreGame.setWhatsThis( i18nc('kajongg @info:tooltip', '&Score a manual game.')) self.actionPlayGame.setText(i18nc('@action:intoolbar', "&Play")) self.actionPlayGame.setPriority(QAction.LowPriority) self.actionPlayGame.setWhatsThis( i18nc('kajongg @info:tooltip', 'Start a new game.')) self.actionAbortGame.setText(i18nc('@action:inmenu', "&Abort Game")) self.actionAbortGame.setPriority(QAction.LowPriority) self.actionAbortGame.setWhatsThis( i18nc('kajongg @info:tooltip', 'Abort the current game.')) self.actionQuit.setText(i18nc('@action:inmenu', "&Quit Kajongg")) self.actionQuit.setPriority(QAction.LowPriority) self.actionPlayers.setText(i18nc('@action:intoolbar', "&Players")) self.actionPlayers.setWhatsThis( i18nc('kajongg @info:tooltip', 'define your players.')) self.actionRulesets.setText(i18nc('@action:intoolbar', "&Rulesets")) self.actionRulesets.setWhatsThis( i18nc('kajongg @info:tooltip', 'customize rulesets.')) self.actionAngle.setText( i18nc('@action:inmenu', "&Change Visual Angle")) self.actionAngle.setIconText(i18nc('@action:intoolbar', "Angle")) self.actionAngle.setWhatsThis( i18nc('kajongg @info:tooltip', "Change the visual appearance of the tiles.")) self.actionFullscreen.setText( i18nc('@action:inmenu', "F&ull Screen Mode")) self.actionScoreTable.setText( i18nc('kajongg @action:inmenu', "&Score Table")) self.actionScoreTable.setIconText( i18nc('kajongg @action:intoolbar', "&Scores")) self.actionScoreTable.setWhatsThis( i18nc('kajongg @info:tooltip', "Show or hide the score table for the current game.")) self.actionExplain.setText(i18nc('@action:inmenu', "&Explain Scores")) self.actionExplain.setIconText(i18nc('@action:intoolbar', "&Explain")) self.actionExplain.setWhatsThis( i18nc('kajongg @info:tooltip', 'Explain the scoring for all players in the current game.')) self.actionAutoPlay.setText(i18nc('@action:inmenu', "&Demo Mode")) self.actionAutoPlay.setPriority(QAction.LowPriority) self.actionAutoPlay.setWhatsThis( i18nc( 'kajongg @info:tooltip', 'Let the computer take over for you. Start a new local game if needed.' )) self.actionChat.setText(i18n("C&hat")) self.actionChat.setWhatsThis( i18nc('kajongg @info:tooltip', 'Chat with the other players.')) def changeEvent(self, event): """when the applicationwide language changes, recreate GUI""" if event.type() == QEvent.LanguageChange: self.setupGUI() self.retranslateUi() def slotPlayers(self): """show the player list""" if not self.playerWindow: self.playerWindow = PlayerList(self) def slotRulesets(self): """show the player list""" if not self.rulesetWindow: self.rulesetWindow = RulesetSelector() def adjustMainView(self): """adjust the view such that exactly the wanted things are displayed without having to scroll""" if not Internal.scaleScene or not isAlive(self): return view, scene = self.centralView, self.scene if scene: scene.adjustSceneView() view.fitInView(scene.itemsBoundingRect(), Qt.KeepAspectRatio) @afterQueuedAnimations def backgroundChanged(self, dummyDeferredResult, dummyOldName, newName): """if the wanted background changed, apply the change now""" centralWidget = self.centralWidget() if centralWidget: self.background = Background(newName) self.background.setPalette(centralWidget) centralWidget.setAutoFillBackground(True) @afterQueuedAnimations def tilesetNameChanged(self, dummyDeferredResult, dummyOldValue=None, dummyNewValue=None, *dummyArgs): """if the wanted tileset changed, apply the change now""" if self.centralView: with AnimationSpeed(): if self.scene: self.scene.applySettings() self.adjustMainView() @afterQueuedAnimations def showSettings(self, dummyDeferredResult, dummyChecked=None): """show preferences dialog. If it already is visible, do nothing""" # This is called by the triggered() signal. So why does KDE # not return the bool checked? if ConfigDialog.showDialog("settings"): return # if an animation is running, Qt segfaults somewhere deep # in the SVG renderer rendering the wind tiles for the tile # preview self.confDialog = ConfigDialog(self, "settings") def _toggleWidget(self, checked): """user has toggled widget visibility with an action""" assert self.scene action = self.sender() actionData = if checked: if isinstance(actionData, type): clsName = actionData.__name__ actionData = actionData(scene=self.scene) action.setData(actionData) setattr(self.scene, clsName[0].lower() + clsName[1:], actionData) actionData.raise_() else: assert actionData actionData.hide() def _toggleDemoMode(self, checked): """switch on / off for autoPlay""" if self.scene: self.scene.toggleDemoMode(checked) else: Internal.autoPlay = checked if checked and Internal.db: self.playingScene() def updateGUI(self): """update some actions, all auxiliary windows and the statusbar""" if not isAlive(self): return self.setCaption('') for action in [self.actionScoreGame, self.actionPlayGame]: action.setEnabled(not bool(self.scene)) self.actionAbortGame.setEnabled(bool(self.scene)) scene = self.scene if isAlive(scene): scene.updateSceneGUI() @afterQueuedAnimations def changeAngle(self, deferredResult, dummyButtons=None, dummyModifiers=None): # pylint: disable=unused-argument """change the lightSource""" if self.scene: with AnimationSpeed(): self.scene.changeAngle()
class Respin(QMainWindow, Ui_Respin): def __init__(self, parent=None): QMainWindow.__init__(self, parent) self.setupUi(self) self.vecBtn = [] self.initUi() desktop = QDesktopWidget() w = desktop.screenGeometry().width() h = desktop.screenGeometry().height() self.move((w - self.width()) / 2, (h - self.height()) / 2) def initUi(self): self.vecBtn.append(self.backupBtn) self.vecBtn.append(self.distBtn) self.vecBtn.append(self.customBtn) self.vecBtn.append(self.clearBtn) self.vecBtn.append(self.checklogBtn) for i in range(0, len(self.vecBtn)): self.vecBtn[i].setCheckable(True) self.vecBtn[i].setAutoExclusive(True) self.vecBtn[i].clicked.connect(self.setCurrentWidget) self.console1.hide() self.console2.hide() self.aboutDlg = AboutDialog() self.quitBtn.clicked.connect(qApp.quit) self.aboutBtn.clicked.connect( self.configDlg = ConfigDialog() self.configDlg.showMainWin.connect( self.plymouth = Plymouth() self.plymouth.showMainWin.connect( self.userSetting = UserSetting() self.userSetting.showMainWin.connect( def setCurrentWidget(self): for i in range(0, len(self.vecBtn)): if self.vecBtn[i].isChecked(): self.stackedWidget.setCurrentIndex(i) if i == 0: # for Backup mode if self.console1.isHidden(): self.mainImg.hide() self.console1.StartProcess( QString("pwd")) #respin backup elif i == 1: # for Dist mode if self.console2.isHidden(): self.console2.StartProcess(QString("ls")) #respin dist elif i == 2: # for Custom mode self.splashImgBtn.clicked.connect(self.pickSplash) self.grubImgBtn.clicked.connect(self.pickGrubImg) self.plymouthBtn.clicked.connect(self.showPlymouth) self.userSettingBtn.clicked.connect(self.showUserSetting) self.configureBtn.clicked.connect(self.showConfigDialog) elif i == 3: self.clearLog() QMessageBox.information(self,"Success"),"Working Folder cleared")) elif i == 4: self.checkLog() def pickSplash(self): fileName = QFileDialog.getOpenFileName( self,"Choose a 640x480 png file for the live background"), QDir.homePath(),"Image Files (*.png)")) if not fileName.isEmpty(): QMessageBox.information(self, "Splash", fileName) cmd = "cp -f " + fileName + "/etc/respin/isolinux/splash.png" #os.system(cmd.toUtf8().data()) def pickGrubImg(self): fileName = QFileDialog.getOpenFileName( self,"Choose a png file for grub background"), QDir.homePath(),"Image Files (*.png)")) if not fileName.isEmpty(): QMessageBox.information(self, "Grub image", fileName) #os.system("sed -i -e '/^GRUB_BACKGROUND/d' /etc/default/grub") cmd = "echo 'GRUB_BACKGROUND=" + fileName + "' >> /etc/default/grub" #os.system(cmd.toUtf8().data()) #os.system("update-grub") def showPlymouth(self): self.hide() def showUserSetting(self): self.hide() def showConfigDialog(self): self.hide() def clearLog(self): os.system("respin clean") def checkLog(self): file = QFile("/home/respin/respin/respin.log") if not file.exists(): self.textEdit.setText("Logfile respin.log not found") return if not | QIODevice.Text): return input = QTextStream(file) lines = "" while not input.atEnd(): lines += input.readLine() + "\n" file.close() self.textEdit.setText(lines)
class MainWindow(KXmlGuiWindow): """the main window""" # pylint: disable=too-many-instance-attributes def __init__(self): # see super(MainWindow, self).__init__() self.exitConfirmed = None self.exitReady = None self.exitWaitTime = None Internal.mainWindow = self self._scene = None self.centralView = None self.background = None self.playerWindow = None self.rulesetWindow = None self.confDialog = None if Options.gui: KStandardAction.preferences( self.showSettings, self.actionCollection()) self.setupUi() self.setupGUI() Internal.Preferences.addWatch( 'tilesetName', self.tilesetNameChanged) Internal.Preferences.addWatch( 'backgroundName', self.backgroundChanged) self.retranslateUi() for action in self.toolBar().actions(): if 'onfigure' in action.text(): action.setPriority(QAction.LowPriority) if and not Options.demo: self.scene = PlayingScene(self) HumanClient() StateSaver(self) else: HumanClient() @property def scene(self): """a proxy""" return self._scene @scene.setter def scene(self, value): """if changing, updateGUI""" if not isAlive(self): return if self._scene == value: return if not value: self.actionChat.setChecked(False) self.actionExplain.setChecked(False) self.actionScoreTable.setChecked(False) self.actionExplain.setData(toQVariant(ExplainView)) self.actionScoreTable.setData(toQVariant(ScoreTable)) self._scene = value self.centralView.setScene(value) self.adjustView() self.updateGUI() self.actionChat.setEnabled(isinstance(value, PlayingScene)) self.actionExplain.setEnabled(value is not None) self.actionScoreTable.setEnabled(value is not None) def sizeHint(self): """give the main window a sensible default size""" result = KXmlGuiWindow.sizeHint(self) result.setWidth(result.height() * 3 // 2) # we want space to the right for the buttons # the default is too small. Use at least 2/3 of screen height and 1/2 # of screen width: available = KApplication.kApplication().desktop().availableGeometry() height = max(result.height(), available.height() * 2 // 3) width = max(result.width(), available.width() // 2) result.setHeight(height) result.setWidth(width) return result def showEvent(self, event): """force a resize which calculates the correct background image size""" self.centralView.resizeEvent(True) KXmlGuiWindow.showEvent(self, event) def kajonggAction( self, name, icon, slot=None, shortcut=None, actionData=None): """simplify defining actions""" res = KAction(self) if icon: res.setIcon(KIcon(icon)) if slot: res.triggered.connect(slot) self.actionCollection().addAction(name, res) if shortcut: res.setShortcut(Qt.CTRL + shortcut) res.setShortcutContext(Qt.ApplicationShortcut) if PYQT_VERSION_STR != '4.5.2' or actionData is not None: res.setData(toQVariant(actionData)) return res def _kajonggToggleAction(self, name, icon, shortcut=None, actionData=None): """a checkable action""" res = self.kajonggAction( name, icon, shortcut=shortcut, actionData=actionData) res.setCheckable(True) res.toggled.connect(self._toggleWidget) return res def setupUi(self): """create all other widgets we could make the scene view the central widget but I did not figure out how to correctly draw the background with QGraphicsView/QGraphicsScene. QGraphicsView.drawBackground always wants a pixmap for a huge rect like 4000x3000 where my screen only has 1920x1200""" # pylint: disable=too-many-statements self.setObjectName("MainWindow") centralWidget = QWidget() self.centralView = FittingView() layout = QGridLayout(centralWidget) layout.setContentsMargins(0, 0, 0, 0) layout.addWidget(self.centralView) self.setCentralWidget(centralWidget) self.centralView.setFocusPolicy(Qt.StrongFocus) self.background = None # just for pylint self.windTileset = Tileset(Internal.Preferences.windTilesetName) self.adjustView() self.actionScoreGame = self.kajonggAction( "scoreGame", "draw-freehand", self.scoringScene, Qt.Key_C) self.actionPlayGame = self.kajonggAction( "play", "arrow-right", self.playingScene, Qt.Key_N) self.actionAbortGame = self.kajonggAction( "abort", "dialog-close", self.abortAction, Qt.Key_W) self.actionAbortGame.setEnabled(False) self.actionQuit = self.kajonggAction( "quit", "application-exit", self.close, Qt.Key_Q) self.actionPlayers = self.kajonggAction( "players", "im-user", self.slotPlayers) self.actionRulesets = self.kajonggAction( "rulesets", "games-kajongg-law", self.slotRulesets) self.actionChat = self._kajonggToggleAction("chat", "call-start", shortcut=Qt.Key_H, actionData=ChatWindow) self.actionChat.setEnabled(False) self.actionAngle = self.kajonggAction( "angle", "object-rotate-left", self.changeAngle, Qt.Key_G) self.actionAngle.setEnabled(False) self.actionFullscreen = KToggleFullScreenAction( self.actionCollection()) self.actionFullscreen.setShortcut(Qt.CTRL + Qt.Key_F) self.actionFullscreen.setShortcutContext(Qt.ApplicationShortcut) self.actionFullscreen.setWindow(self) self.actionCollection().addAction("fullscreen", self.actionFullscreen) self.actionFullscreen.toggled.connect(self.fullScreen) self.actionScoreTable = self._kajonggToggleAction( "scoreTable", "format-list-ordered", Qt.Key_T, actionData=ScoreTable) self.actionScoreTable.setEnabled(False) self.actionExplain = self._kajonggToggleAction( "explain", "applications-education", Qt.Key_E, actionData=ExplainView) self.actionExplain.setEnabled(False) self.actionAutoPlay = self.kajonggAction( "demoMode", "arrow-right-double", None, Qt.Key_D) self.actionAutoPlay.setCheckable(True) self.actionAutoPlay.setEnabled(True) self.actionAutoPlay.toggled.connect(self._toggleDemoMode) self.actionAutoPlay.setChecked(Internal.autoPlay) QMetaObject.connectSlotsByName(self) def playingScene(self): """play a computer game: log into a server and show its tables""" self.scene = PlayingScene(self) HumanClient() def scoringScene(self): """start a scoring scene""" scene = ScoringScene(self) game = scoreGame() if game: self.scene = scene = game game.throwDices() self.updateGUI() def fullScreen(self, toggle): """toggle between full screen and normal view""" self.actionFullscreen.setFullScreen(self, toggle) def close(self, dummyResult=None): """wrap close() because we call it with a QTimer""" if isAlive(self): return KXmlGuiWindow.close(self) def closeEvent(self, event): KXmlGuiWindow.closeEvent(self, event) if event.isAccepted() and self.exitReady: QTimer.singleShot(5000, self.aboutToQuit) def queryClose(self): """queryClose, queryExit and aboutToQuit are no ideal match for the async Deferred approach. At app start, self.exitConfirmed and exitReady are None. queryClose will show a confirmation prompt if needed, but it will not wait for the answer. queryClose always returns True. Later, when the user confirms exit, self.exitConfirmed will be set. If the user cancels exit, self.exitConfirmed = False, otherwise self.close() is called. This time, no prompt will appear because the game has already been aborted. queryExit will return False if exitConfirmed or exitReady are not True. Otherwise, queryExit will set exitReady to False and asynchronously start shutdown. After the reactor stops running, exitReady is set to True, and self.close() is called. This time it should fall through everywhere, having queryClose() and queryExit() return True. and it will reset exitConfirmed to None. Or in other words: If queryClose or queryExit find something that they should do async like asking the user for confirmation or terminating the client/server connection, they start async operation and append a callback which will call self.close() when the async operation is done. This repeats until queryClose() and queryExit() find nothing more to do async. At that point queryExit says True and we really end the program. """ # pylint: disable=too-many-branches def confirmed(result): """quit if the active game has been aborted""" self.exitConfirmed = bool(result) if Debug.quit: if self.exitConfirmed: logDebug(u'mainWindow.queryClose confirmed') else: logDebug(u'mainWindow.queryClose not confirmed') # start closing again. This time no question will appear, the game # is already aborted if self.exitConfirmed: assert isAlive(self) self.close() else: self.exitConfirmed = None def cancelled(result): """just do nothing""" if Debug.quit: logDebug(u'mainWindow.queryClose.cancelled: {}'.format(result)) self.exitConfirmed = None if self.exitConfirmed is False: # user is currently being asked return False if self.exitConfirmed is None: if self.scene: self.exitConfirmed = False self.abortAction().addCallbacks(confirmed, cancelled) else: self.exitConfirmed = True if Debug.quit: logDebug( u'MainWindow.queryClose not asking, exitConfirmed=True') return True def queryExit(self): """see queryClose""" def quitDebug(*args, **kwargs): """reducing branches in queryExit""" if Debug.quit: logDebug(*args, **kwargs) if self.exitReady: quitDebug(u'MainWindow.queryExit returns True because exitReady is set') return True if self.exitConfirmed: # now we can get serious self.exitReady = False for widget in chain( (x.tableList for x in HumanClient.humanClients), [ self.confDialog, self.rulesetWindow, self.playerWindow]): if isAlive(widget): widget.hide() if self.exitWaitTime is None: self.exitWaitTime = 0 if Internal.reactor and Internal.reactor.running: self.exitWaitTime += 10 if self.exitWaitTime % 1000 == 0: logDebug( u'waiting since %d seconds for reactor to stop' % (self.exitWaitTime // 1000)) try: quitDebug(u'now stopping reactor') Internal.reactor.stop() assert isAlive(self) QTimer.singleShot(10, self.close) except ReactorNotRunning: self.exitReady = True quitDebug( u'MainWindow.queryExit returns True: It got exception ReactorNotRunning') else: self.exitReady = True quitDebug(u'MainWindow.queryExit returns True: Reactor is not running') return bool(self.exitReady) @staticmethod def aboutToQuit(): """now all connections to servers are cleanly closed""" mainWindow = Internal.mainWindow Internal.mainWindow = None if mainWindow: if Debug.quit: logDebug(u'aboutToQuit starting') if mainWindow.exitWaitTime > 1000.0 or Debug.quit: logDebug( u'reactor stopped after %d ms' % (mainWindow.exitWaitTime)) else: if Debug.quit: logDebug(u'aboutToQuit: mainWindow is already None') StateSaver.saveAll() try: # if we are killed while loading, Internal.db may not yet be # defined if Internal.db: Internal.db.close() except NameError: pass checkMemory() logging.shutdown() if Debug.quit: logDebug(u'aboutToQuit ending') def abortAction(self): """abort current game""" if Debug.quit: logDebug(u'mainWindow.abortAction invoked') return self.scene.abort() def retranslateUi(self): """retranslate""" self.actionScoreGame.setText( m18nc('@action:inmenu', "&Score Manual Game")) self.actionScoreGame.setIconText( m18nc('@action:intoolbar', 'Manual Game')) self.actionScoreGame.setHelpText( m18nc('kajongg @info:tooltip', '&Score a manual game.')) self.actionPlayGame.setText(m18nc('@action:intoolbar', "&Play")) self.actionPlayGame.setPriority(QAction.LowPriority) self.actionPlayGame.setHelpText( m18nc('kajongg @info:tooltip', 'Start a new game.')) self.actionAbortGame.setText(m18nc('@action:inmenu', "&Abort Game")) self.actionAbortGame.setPriority(QAction.LowPriority) self.actionAbortGame.setHelpText( m18nc('kajongg @info:tooltip', 'Abort the current game.')) self.actionQuit.setText(m18nc('@action:inmenu', "&Quit Kajongg")) self.actionQuit.setPriority(QAction.LowPriority) self.actionPlayers.setText(m18nc('@action:intoolbar', "&Players")) self.actionPlayers.setHelpText( m18nc('kajongg @info:tooltip', 'define your players.')) self.actionRulesets.setText(m18nc('@action:intoolbar', "&Rulesets")) self.actionRulesets.setHelpText( m18nc('kajongg @info:tooltip', 'customize rulesets.')) self.actionAngle.setText( m18nc('@action:inmenu', "&Change Visual Angle")) self.actionAngle.setIconText(m18nc('@action:intoolbar', "Angle")) self.actionAngle.setHelpText( m18nc('kajongg @info:tooltip', "Change the visual appearance of the tiles.")) self.actionScoreTable.setText( m18nc('kajongg @action:inmenu', "&Score Table")) self.actionScoreTable.setIconText( m18nc('kajongg @action:intoolbar', "&Scores")) self.actionScoreTable.setHelpText(m18nc('kajongg @info:tooltip', "Show or hide the score table for the current game.")) self.actionExplain.setText(m18nc('@action:inmenu', "&Explain Scores")) self.actionExplain.setIconText(m18nc('@action:intoolbar', "&Explain")) self.actionExplain.setHelpText(m18nc('kajongg @info:tooltip', 'Explain the scoring for all players in the current game.')) self.actionAutoPlay.setText(m18nc('@action:inmenu', "&Demo Mode")) self.actionAutoPlay.setPriority(QAction.LowPriority) self.actionAutoPlay.setHelpText(m18nc('kajongg @info:tooltip', 'Let the computer take over for you. Start a new local game if needed.')) self.actionChat.setText(m18n("C&hat")) self.actionChat.setHelpText( m18nc('kajongg @info:tooltip', 'Chat with the other players.')) def changeEvent(self, event): """when the applicationwide language changes, recreate GUI""" if event.type() == QEvent.LanguageChange: self.setupGUI() self.retranslateUi() def slotPlayers(self): """show the player list""" if not self.playerWindow: self.playerWindow = PlayerList(self) def slotRulesets(self): """show the player list""" if not self.rulesetWindow: self.rulesetWindow = RulesetSelector() def adjustView(self): """adjust the view such that exactly the wanted things are displayed without having to scroll""" if not Internal.scaleScene or not isAlive(self): return view, scene = self.centralView, self.scene if scene: scene.adjustView() oldRect = view.sceneRect() view.setSceneRect(scene.itemsBoundingRect()) newRect = view.sceneRect() if oldRect != newRect: view.fitInView(scene.itemsBoundingRect(), Qt.KeepAspectRatio) @afterQueuedAnimations def backgroundChanged(self, dummyDeferredResult, dummyOldName, newName): """if the wanted background changed, apply the change now""" centralWidget = self.centralWidget() if centralWidget: self.background = Background(newName) self.background.setPalette(centralWidget) centralWidget.setAutoFillBackground(True) @afterQueuedAnimations def tilesetNameChanged( self, dummyDeferredResult, dummyOldValue=None, dummyNewValue=None, *dummyArgs): """if the wanted tileset changed, apply the change now""" if self.centralView: with MoveImmediate(): if self.scene: self.scene.applySettings() self.adjustView() @afterQueuedAnimations def showSettings(self, dummyDeferredResult, dummyChecked=None): """show preferences dialog. If it already is visible, do nothing""" # This is called by the triggered() signal. So why does KDE # not return the bool checked? if ConfigDialog.showDialog("settings"): return # if an animation is running, Qt segfaults somewhere deep # in the SVG renderer rendering the wind tiles for the tile # preview self.confDialog = ConfigDialog(self, "settings") def _toggleWidget(self, checked): """user has toggled widget visibility with an action""" assert self.scene action = self.sender() actionData = variantValue( if checked: if isinstance(actionData, type): clsName = actionData.__name__ actionData = actionData(scene=self.scene) action.setData(toQVariant(actionData)) setattr( self.scene, clsName[0].lower() + clsName[1:], actionData) actionData.raise_() else: assert actionData actionData.hide() def _toggleDemoMode(self, checked): """switch on / off for autoPlay""" if self.scene: self.scene.toggleDemoMode(checked) else: Internal.autoPlay = checked if checked and Internal.db: self.playingScene() def updateGUI(self): """update some actions, all auxiliary windows and the statusbar""" if not isAlive(self): return self.setCaption('') for action in [self.actionScoreGame, self.actionPlayGame]: action.setEnabled(not bool(self.scene)) self.actionAbortGame.setEnabled(bool(self.scene)) scene = self.scene if isAlive(scene): scene.updateSceneGUI() @afterQueuedAnimations def changeAngle(self, deferredResult, dummyButtons=None, dummyModifiers=None): # pylint: disable=unused-argument """change the lightSource""" if self.scene: with MoveImmediate(): self.scene.changeAngle()
class Respin(QMainWindow, Ui_Respin): def __init__(self, parent = None): QMainWindow.__init__(self, parent) self.setupUi(self) self.vecBtn = [] self.initUi() desktop = QDesktopWidget() w = desktop.screenGeometry().width(); h = desktop.screenGeometry().height(); self.move((w - self.width()) / 2, (h - self.height()) / 2) def initUi(self): self.vecBtn.append(self.backupBtn) self.vecBtn.append(self.distBtn) self.vecBtn.append(self.customBtn) self.vecBtn.append(self.clearBtn) self.vecBtn.append(self.checklogBtn) for i in range(0, len(self.vecBtn)): self.vecBtn[i].setCheckable(True); self.vecBtn[i].setAutoExclusive(True); self.vecBtn[i].clicked.connect(self.setCurrentWidget) self.console1.hide() self.console2.hide() self.aboutDlg = AboutDialog() self.quitBtn.clicked.connect(qApp.quit) self.aboutBtn.clicked.connect( self.configDlg = ConfigDialog() self.configDlg.showMainWin.connect( self.plymouth = Plymouth() self.plymouth.showMainWin.connect( self.userSetting = UserSetting() self.userSetting.showMainWin.connect( def setCurrentWidget(self): for i in range(0, len(self.vecBtn)): if self.vecBtn[i].isChecked(): self.stackedWidget.setCurrentIndex(i) if i == 0: # for Backup mode if self.console1.isHidden(): self.mainImg.hide() self.console1.StartProcess(QString("pwd")) #respin backup elif i == 1: # for Dist mode if self.console2.isHidden(): self.console2.StartProcess(QString("ls")) #respin dist; elif i == 2: # for Custom mode self.splashImgBtn.clicked.connect(self.pickSplash) self.grubImgBtn.clicked.connect(self.pickGrubImg) self.plymouthBtn.clicked.connect(self.showPlymouth) self.userSettingBtn.clicked.connect(self.showUserSetting) self.configureBtn.clicked.connect(self.showConfigDialog) elif i == 3: self.clearLog() QMessageBox.information(self,"Success"),"Working Folder cleared")) elif i == 4: self.checkLog() def pickSplash(self): fileName = QFileDialog.getOpenFileName(self,"Choose a 640x480 png file for the live background"), QDir.homePath(),"Image Files (*.png)")) if not fileName.isEmpty(): QMessageBox.information(self, "Splash", fileName) cmd = "cp -f " + fileName + "/etc/respin/isolinux/splash.png" #os.system(cmd.toUtf8().data()) def pickGrubImg(self): fileName = QFileDialog.getOpenFileName(self,"Choose a png file for grub background"), QDir.homePath(),"Image Files (*.png)")) if not fileName.isEmpty(): QMessageBox.information(self, "Grub image", fileName) #os.system("sed -i -e '/^GRUB_BACKGROUND/d' /etc/default/grub") cmd = "echo 'GRUB_BACKGROUND=" + fileName + "' >> /etc/default/grub" #os.system(cmd.toUtf8().data()) #os.system("update-grub") def showPlymouth(self): self.hide() def showUserSetting(self): self.hide() def showConfigDialog(self): self.hide() def clearLog(self): os.system("respin clean") def checkLog(self): file = QFile("/home/respin/respin/respin.log") if not file.exists(): self.textEdit.setText("Logfile respin.log not found") return if not | QIODevice.Text): return input = QTextStream(file) lines = "" while not input.atEnd(): lines += input.readLine() + "\n" file.close() self.textEdit.setText(lines)