class AsanMapFileBuilder(base_builders.Builder):
    name: str = 'asan-mapfile'
    config_list: List[configs.Config] = configs.android_configs()

    def _build_config(self) -> None:
        arch = self._config.target_arch
        # We can not build asan_test using current CMake building system. Since
        # those files are not used to build AOSP, we just simply touch them so that
        # we can pass the build checks.
        asan_test_path = self.output_toolchain.path / 'test' / arch.llvm_arch / 'bin'
        asan_test_path.mkdir(parents=True, exist_ok=True)
        asan_test_bin_path = asan_test_path / 'asan_test'

        lib_dir = self.output_toolchain.resource_dir
        self._build_sanitizer_map_file('asan', arch, lib_dir)
        self._build_sanitizer_map_file('ubsan_standalone', arch, lib_dir)

        if arch == hosts.Arch.AARCH64:
            self._build_sanitizer_map_file('hwasan', arch, lib_dir)

    def _build_sanitizer_map_file(san: str, arch: hosts.Arch,
                                  lib_dir: Path) -> None:
        lib_file = lib_dir / f'libclang_rt.{san}-{arch.llvm_arch}-android.so'
        map_file = lib_dir / f'libclang_rt.{san}-{arch.llvm_arch}-android.map.txt'
        mapfile.create_map_file(lib_file, map_file)
class LibOMPBuilder(base_builders.LLVMRuntimeBuilder):
    name: str = 'libomp'
    src_dir: Path = paths.LLVM_PATH / 'openmp'

    config_list: List[configs.Config] = (
                                extra_config={'is_shared': False}) +
                                extra_config={'is_shared': False}) +
                                extra_config={'is_shared': True}))

    def is_shared(self) -> bool:
        return cast(Dict[str, bool], self._config.extra_config)['is_shared']

    def output_dir(self) -> Path:
        old_path = super().output_dir
        suffix = '-shared' if self.is_shared else '-static'
        return old_path.parent / (old_path.name + suffix)

    def cmake_defines(self) -> Dict[str, str]:
        defines = super().cmake_defines
        defines['OPENMP_ENABLE_OMPT_TOOLS'] = 'FALSE'
        defines['LIBOMP_ENABLE_SHARED'] = 'TRUE' if self.is_shared else 'FALSE'
        # Some compiler-rt math builtins depend on libm, so link against it.
        # TODO: Try to break the builtins->libm dependency (llvm.org/PR32279).
        defines['LIBOMP_LIBFLAGS'] = '-lm'
        # Minimum version for OpenMP's CMake is too low for the CMP0056 policy
        # to be ON by default.
        defines['CMAKE_POLICY_DEFAULT_CMP0056'] = 'NEW'
        return defines

    def install_config(self) -> None:
        # We need to install libomp manually.
        libname = 'libomp.' + ('so' if self.is_shared else 'a')
        src_lib = self.output_dir / 'runtime' / 'src' / libname
        dst_dir = self.install_dir
        dst_dir.mkdir(parents=True, exist_ok=True)
        shutil.copy2(src_lib, dst_dir / libname)
 def config_list(self) -> List[configs.Config]:
     result = configs.android_configs(platform=False,
                                      extra_config={'is_exported': False})
     # For arm32 and x86, build a special version of the builtins library
     # where the symbols are exported, not hidden. This version is needed
     # to continue exporting builtins from libc.so and libm.so.
     for arch in [configs.AndroidARMConfig(), configs.AndroidI386Config()]:
         arch.platform = False
         arch.extra_config = {'is_exported': True}
     return result
class LldbServerBuilder(base_builders.LLVMRuntimeBuilder):
    name: str = 'lldb-server'
    src_dir: Path = paths.LLVM_PATH / 'llvm'
    config_list: List[configs.Config] = configs.android_configs(platform=False,
    ninja_targets: List[str] = ['lldb-server']

    def cflags(self) -> List[str]:
        cflags: List[str] = super().cflags
        # The build system will add '-stdlib=libc++' automatically. Since we
        # have -nostdinc++ here, -stdlib is useless. Adds a flag to avoid the
        # warnings.
        return cflags

    def ldflags(self) -> List[str]:
        # Currently, -rtlib=compiler-rt (even with -unwindlib=libunwind) does
        # not automatically link libunwind.a on Android.
        return super().ldflags + ['-lunwind']

    def _llvm_target(self) -> str:
        return {
            hosts.Arch.ARM: 'ARM',
            hosts.Arch.AARCH64: 'AArch64',
            hosts.Arch.I386: 'X86',
            hosts.Arch.X86_64: 'X86',

    def cmake_defines(self) -> Dict[str, str]:
        defines = super().cmake_defines
        # lldb depends on support libraries.
        defines['LLVM_ENABLE_PROJECTS'] = 'clang;lldb'
        defines['LLVM_TARGETS_TO_BUILD'] = self._llvm_target
        defines['LLVM_TABLEGEN'] = str(self.toolchain.build_path / 'bin' /
        defines['CLANG_TABLEGEN'] = str(self.toolchain.build_path / 'bin' /
        defines['LLDB_TABLEGEN'] = str(self.toolchain.build_path / 'bin' /
        triple = self._config.target_arch.llvm_triple
        defines['LLVM_HOST_TRIPLE'] = triple.replace('i686', 'i386')
        return defines

    def install_config(self) -> None:
        src_path = self.output_dir / 'bin' / 'lldb-server'
        install_dir = self.install_dir
        install_dir.mkdir(parents=True, exist_ok=True)
        shutil.copy2(src_path, install_dir)
class PlatformLibcxxAbiBuilder(base_builders.LLVMRuntimeBuilder):
    name = 'platform-libcxxabi'
    src_dir: Path = paths.LLVM_PATH / 'libcxxabi'
    config_list: List[configs.Config] = configs.android_configs(
        platform=True, suppress_libcxx_headers=True)

    def cmake_defines(self) -> Dict[str, str]:
        defines: Dict[str, str] = super().cmake_defines
        defines['LIBCXXABI_LIBCXX_INCLUDES'] = str(paths.LLVM_PATH / 'libcxx' /
        defines['LIBCXXABI_ENABLE_SHARED'] = 'OFF'
        return defines

    def _is_64bit(self) -> bool:
        return self._config.target_arch in (hosts.Arch.AARCH64,

    def _build_config(self) -> None:
        if self._is_64bit():
            # For arm64 and x86_64, build static cxxabi library from
            # toolchain/libcxxabi and use it when building runtimes.  This
            # should affect all compiler-rt runtimes that use libcxxabi
            # (e.g. asan, hwasan, scudo, tsan, ubsan, xray).

    def install_config(self) -> None:
        arch = self._config.target_arch
        lib_name = 'lib64' if arch == hosts.Arch.X86_64 else 'lib'
        install_dir = self._config.sysroot / 'usr' / lib_name

        if self._is_64bit():
            src_path = self.output_dir / 'lib64' / 'libc++abi.a'
            shutil.copy2(src_path, install_dir / 'libc++abi.a')
            with (install_dir / 'libc++abi.so').open('w') as f:
class SysrootsBuilder(base_builders.Builder):
    name: str = 'sysroots'
    config_list: List[configs.Config] = (
        configs.android_configs(platform=True) +

    def _build_config(self) -> None:
        config: configs.AndroidConfig = cast(configs.AndroidConfig,
        arch = config.target_arch
        platform = config.platform
        sysroot = config.sysroot
        if sysroot.exists():
        sysroot.mkdir(parents=True, exist_ok=True)

        # Copy the NDK prebuilt's sysroot, but for the platform variant, omit
        # the STL and android_support headers and libraries.
        src_sysroot = paths.NDK_BASE / 'toolchains' / 'llvm' / 'prebuilt' / 'linux-x86_64' / 'sysroot'

        # Copy over usr/include.
        shutil.copytree(src_sysroot / 'usr' / 'include',
                        sysroot / 'usr' / 'include',

        if platform:
            # Remove the STL headers.
            shutil.rmtree(sysroot / 'usr' / 'include' / 'c++')
            # Add the android_support headers from usr/local/include.
            shutil.copytree(src_sysroot / 'usr' / 'local' / 'include',
                            sysroot / 'usr' / 'local' / 'include',

        # Copy over usr/lib/$TRIPLE.
        src_lib = src_sysroot / 'usr' / 'lib' / arch.ndk_triple
        dest_lib = sysroot / 'usr' / 'lib' / arch.ndk_triple
        shutil.copytree(src_lib, dest_lib, symlinks=True)

        # Remove the NDK r20's old libcompiler_rt-extras and libunwind. (In the
        # future, libunwind.a will be located in the toolchain resource
        # directory along with libclang_rt.*.a, not in the sysroot directory.)
        # For the platform, also remove the NDK libc++.
        (dest_lib / 'libcompiler_rt-extras.a').unlink()
        if arch == hosts.Arch.ARM:
            (dest_lib / 'libunwind.a').unlink()
        if platform:
            (dest_lib / 'libc++abi.a').unlink()
            (dest_lib / 'libc++_static.a').unlink()
            (dest_lib / 'libc++_shared.so').unlink()
        # Each per-API-level directory has libc++.so, libc++.a, and libcompiler_rt-extras.a.
        for subdir in dest_lib.iterdir():
            if subdir.is_symlink() or not subdir.is_dir():
            if not re.match(r'\d+$', subdir.name):
            (subdir / 'libcompiler_rt-extras.a').unlink()
            if platform:
                (subdir / 'libc++.a').unlink()
                (subdir / 'libc++.so').unlink()
        # Verify that there aren't any extra copies somewhere else in the
        # directory hierarchy.
        verify_gone = ['libcompiler_rt-extras.a', 'libunwind.a']
        if platform:
            verify_gone += [
        for (parent, _, files) in os.walk(sysroot):
            for f in files:
                if f in verify_gone:
                    raise RuntimeError('sysroot file should have been ' +
                                       f'removed: {os.path.join(parent, f)}')

        if not platform and arch in [hosts.Arch.ARM, hosts.Arch.I386]:
            # HACK: The arm32 libunwind uses dl_unwind_find_exidx rather than
            # __gnu_Unwind_Find_exidx. However, libc.a only provides the latter
            # until NDK r22. Until this build system upgrades to NDK r22,
            # replace libc.a(exidx_static.o) with an upgraded copy.
            # HACK: The x86 libc.a from NDK r20 needs __x86.get_pc_thunk.cx from
            # libgcc.a. This incorrect dependency will be fixed in NDK r22's
            # libc.a. The workaround here might result in a mislinked
            # lldb-server that crashes, but instead, lldb-server seems to be OK.
            # See https://bugs.llvm.org/show_bug.cgi?id=45594.
            if constants.NDK_VERSION >= 'r22':
                raise RuntimeError(
                    'libc.a patching should be removed with r22 prebuilt: '
            patch_dir = paths.OUT_DIR / 'ndk_libc_patch'
            patch_dir.mkdir(parents=True, exist_ok=True)
            if arch == hosts.Arch.ARM:
                patch_src = (paths.ANDROID_DIR / 'bionic' / 'libc' /
                             'arch-arm' / 'bionic' / 'exidx_static.c')
                patch_name = 'exidx_static'
                patch_src = (paths.ANDROID_DIR / 'bionic' / 'libc' /
                             'arch-x86' / 'bionic' / '__x86.get_pc_thunk.S')
                patch_name = '__x86.get_pc_thunk'
            patch_obj = patch_dir / f'{patch_name}.o'
            libc_archive = (sysroot / 'usr' / 'lib' / arch.ndk_triple / '29' /
                self.toolchain.cc, f'--sysroot={sysroot}', '-c',
                f'--target={arch.llvm_triple}', f'-o{patch_obj}', patch_src
                self.toolchain.path / 'bin' / 'llvm-ar', 'rcs', libc_archive,

        if platform:
            # Create a stub library for the platform's libc++.
            platform_stubs = paths.OUT_DIR / 'platform_stubs' / arch.ndk_arch
            platform_stubs.mkdir(parents=True, exist_ok=True)
            libdir = sysroot / 'usr' / ('lib64' if arch == hosts.Arch.X86_64
                                        else 'lib')
            libdir.mkdir(parents=True, exist_ok=True)
            with (platform_stubs / 'libc++.c').open('w') as f:
                    void __cxa_atexit() {}
                    void __cxa_demangle() {}
                    void __cxa_finalize() {}
                    void __dynamic_cast() {}
                    void _ZTIN10__cxxabiv117__class_type_infoE() {}
                    void _ZTIN10__cxxabiv120__si_class_type_infoE() {}
                    void _ZTIN10__cxxabiv121__vmi_class_type_infoE() {}
                    void _ZTISt9type_info() {}

                self.toolchain.cc, f'--target={arch.llvm_triple}',
                '-fuse-ld=lld', '-nostdlib', '-shared',
                '-Wl,-soname,libc++.so', '-o{}'.format(libdir / 'libc++.so'),
                str(platform_stubs / 'libc++.c')
class LibUnwindBuilder(base_builders.LLVMRuntimeBuilder):
    name: str = 'libunwind'
    src_dir: Path = paths.LLVM_PATH / 'libunwind'

    # Build two copies of the builtins library:
    #  - A copy targeting the NDK with hidden symbols.
    #  - A copy targeting the platform with exported symbols.
    # Bionic's libc.so exports the unwinder, so it needs a copy with exported
    # symbols. Everything else uses the NDK copy.
    config_list: List[configs.Config] = (
        configs.android_configs(platform=True) +

    def is_exported(self) -> bool:
        return self._config.platform

    def output_dir(self) -> Path:
        old_path = super().output_dir
        suffix = '-exported' if self.is_exported else '-hermetic'
        return old_path.parent / (old_path.name + suffix)

    def cflags(self) -> List[str]:
        return super().cflags + ['-D_LIBUNWIND_USE_DLADDR=0']

    def ldflags(self) -> List[str]:
        # This flag is currently unnecessary but will become necessary if the
        # default -unwindlib changes to libunwind. libunwind.a doesn't exist
        # when libunwind is built, and libunwind can't use
        # LIBUNWIND_HAS_PTHREAD_LIB must be set to false.
        return super().ldflags + ['-unwindlib=none']

    def cmake_defines(self) -> Dict[str, str]:
        defines = super().cmake_defines
            'LIBUNWIND_HERMETIC_STATIC_LIBRARY'] = 'TRUE' if not self.is_exported else 'FALSE'
        defines['LIBUNWIND_ENABLE_SHARED'] = 'FALSE'
        # TODO: Enable the FrameHeaderCache, for the platform only (not the
        # NDK), after (a) upgrading libunwind to a version with this config
        # setting and (b) upgrading the prebuilt NDK to r21 (which adds
        # dlpi_adds/dlpi_subs).
        return defines

    def install_config(self) -> None:
        # We need to install libunwind manually.
        src_path = self.output_dir / 'lib64' / 'libunwind.a'
        arch = self._config.target_arch
        out_res_dir = self.output_toolchain.resource_dir / arch.value
        out_res_dir.mkdir(parents=True, exist_ok=True)

        if self.is_exported:
            # This special copy exports its symbols and is only intended for use
            # in Bionic's libc.so.
            shutil.copy2(src_path, out_res_dir / 'libunwind-exported.a')
            shutil.copy2(src_path, out_res_dir / 'libunwind.a')

            # Also install to self.toolchain.resource_dir, if it's different, for
            # use when building runtimes.
            if self.toolchain.resource_dir != self.output_toolchain.resource_dir:
                res_dir = self.toolchain.resource_dir / arch.value
                res_dir.mkdir(parents=True, exist_ok=True)
                shutil.copy2(src_path, res_dir / 'libunwind.a')

            # Make a copy for the NDK.
            ndk_dir = self.output_toolchain.path / 'runtimes_ndk_cxx' / arch.value
            ndk_dir.mkdir(parents=True, exist_ok=True)
            shutil.copy2(src_path, ndk_dir / 'libunwind.a')
class CompilerRTBuilder(base_builders.LLVMRuntimeBuilder):
    name: str = 'compiler-rt'
    src_dir: Path = paths.LLVM_PATH / 'compiler-rt'
    config_list: List[configs.Config] = (
        configs.android_configs(platform=True) +

    def install_dir(self) -> Path:
        if self._config.platform:
            return self.output_toolchain.clang_lib_dir
        # Installs to a temporary dir and copies to runtimes_ndk_cxx manually.
        output_dir = self.output_dir
        return output_dir.parent / (output_dir.name + '-install')

    def cmake_defines(self) -> Dict[str, str]:
        defines = super().cmake_defines
        arch = self._config.target_arch
        defines['COMPILER_RT_BUILD_BUILTINS'] = 'OFF'
        # FIXME: Disable WError build until upstream fixed the compiler-rt
        # personality routine warnings caused by r309226.
        # defines['COMPILER_RT_ENABLE_WERROR'] = 'ON'
        defines['COMPILER_RT_TEST_COMPILER_CFLAGS'] = defines['CMAKE_C_FLAGS']
        defines['COMPILER_RT_DEFAULT_TARGET_TRIPLE'] = arch.llvm_triple
        defines['COMPILER_RT_INCLUDE_TESTS'] = 'OFF'
        defines['SANITIZER_CXX_ABI'] = 'libcxxabi'
        # With CMAKE_SYSTEM_NAME='Android', compiler-rt will be installed to
        # lib/android instead of lib/linux.
        del defines['CMAKE_SYSTEM_NAME']
        libs: List[str] = []
        if arch == 'arm':
            libs += ['-latomic']
        if self._config.api_level < 21:
            libs += ['-landroid_support']
        # Currently, -rtlib=compiler-rt (even with -unwindlib=libunwind) does
        # not automatically link libunwind.a on Android.
        libs += ['-lunwind']
        defines['SANITIZER_COMMON_LINK_LIBS'] = ' '.join(libs)
        if self._config.platform:
        return defines

    def cflags(self) -> List[str]:
        cflags = super().cflags
        return cflags

    def install_config(self) -> None:
        # Still run `ninja install`.

        # Install the fuzzer library to the old {arch}/libFuzzer.a path for
        # backwards compatibility.
        arch = self._config.target_arch
        sarch = 'i686' if arch == hosts.Arch.I386 else arch.value
        static_lib_filename = 'libclang_rt.fuzzer-' + sarch + '-android.a'

        lib_dir = self.install_dir / 'lib' / 'linux'
        arch_dir = lib_dir / arch.value
        arch_dir.mkdir(parents=True, exist_ok=True)
        shutil.copy2(lib_dir / static_lib_filename, arch_dir / 'libFuzzer.a')

        if not self._config.platform:
            dst_dir = self.output_toolchain.path / 'runtimes_ndk_cxx'
            shutil.copytree(lib_dir, dst_dir, dirs_exist_ok=True)

    def install(self) -> None:
        # Install libfuzzer headers once for all configs.
        header_src = self.src_dir / 'lib' / 'fuzzer'
        header_dst = self.output_toolchain.path / 'prebuilt_include' / 'llvm' / 'lib' / 'Fuzzer'
        header_dst.mkdir(parents=True, exist_ok=True)
        for f in header_src.iterdir():
            if f.suffix in ('.h', '.def'):
                shutil.copy2(f, header_dst)

        symlink_path = self.output_toolchain.resource_dir / 'libclang_rt.hwasan_static-aarch64-android.a'
        os.symlink('libclang_rt.hwasan-aarch64-android.a', symlink_path)
class SysrootsBuilder(base_builders.Builder):
    name: str = 'sysroots'
    config_list: List[configs.Config] = (
        configs.android_configs(platform=True) +

    def toolchain(self) -> toolchains.Toolchain:
        return toolchains.get_runtime_toolchain()

    def _build_config(self) -> None:
        config: configs.AndroidConfig = cast(configs.AndroidConfig, self._config)
        arch = config.target_arch
        platform = config.platform
        sysroot = config.sysroot
        if sysroot.exists():
        sysroot.mkdir(parents=True, exist_ok=True)

        base_header_path = paths.NDK_BASE / 'sysroot' / 'usr' / 'include'
        base_lib_path = paths.NDK_BASE / 'platforms' / f'android-{config.api_level}'
        dest_usr = sysroot / 'usr'

        # Copy over usr/include.
        dest_usr_include = dest_usr / 'include'
        shutil.copytree(base_header_path, dest_usr_include, symlinks=True)

        # Copy over usr/include/asm.
        asm_headers = base_header_path / arch.ndk_triple / 'asm'
        dest_usr_include_asm = dest_usr_include / 'asm'
        shutil.copytree(asm_headers, dest_usr_include_asm, symlinks=True)

        # Copy over usr/lib.
        arch_lib_path = base_lib_path / f'arch-{arch.ndk_arch}' / 'usr' / 'lib'
        dest_usr_lib = dest_usr / 'lib'
        shutil.copytree(arch_lib_path, dest_usr_lib, symlinks=True)

        # For only x86_64, we also need to copy over usr/lib64
        if arch == hosts.Arch.X86_64:
            arch_lib64_path = base_lib_path / f'arch-{arch.ndk_arch}' / 'usr' / 'lib64'
            dest_usr_lib64 = dest_usr / 'lib64'
            shutil.copytree(arch_lib64_path, dest_usr_lib64, symlinks=True)

        if platform:
            # Create a stub library for the platform's libc++.
            platform_stubs = paths.OUT_DIR / 'platform_stubs' / arch.ndk_arch
            platform_stubs.mkdir(parents=True, exist_ok=True)
            libdir = dest_usr_lib64 if arch == hosts.Arch.X86_64 else dest_usr_lib
            with (platform_stubs / 'libc++.c').open('w') as f:
                    void __cxa_atexit() {}
                    void __cxa_demangle() {}
                    void __cxa_finalize() {}
                    void __dynamic_cast() {}
                    void _ZTIN10__cxxabiv117__class_type_infoE() {}
                    void _ZTIN10__cxxabiv120__si_class_type_infoE() {}
                    void _ZTIN10__cxxabiv121__vmi_class_type_infoE() {}
                    void _ZTISt9type_info() {}

                              '-fuse-ld=lld', '-nostdlib', '-shared',
                              '-o{}'.format(libdir / 'libc++.so'),
                              str(platform_stubs / 'libc++.c')])

            # For arm64 and x86_64, build static cxxabi library from
            # toolchain/libcxxabi and use it when building runtimes.  This
            # should affect all compiler-rt runtimes that use libcxxabi
            # (e.g. asan, hwasan, scudo, tsan, ubsan, xray).
            if arch not in (hosts.Arch.AARCH64, hosts.Arch.X86_64):
                with (libdir / 'libc++abi.so').open('w') as f:
                # We can build libcxxabi only after the sysroots are
                # created.  Build it for the current arch and copy it to
                # <libdir>.
                out_dir = build_libcxxabi(self.toolchain, arch)
                out_path = out_dir / 'lib64' / 'libc++abi.a'
                shutil.copy2(out_path, libdir)