def get_calendar():
    Retrieves Code Clinic calendar and stores the events in a JSON file
    Parameter:  nothing
    Returns:    Dictionary of events on the calendar

    # assign variables stored in the user's config file
    days_to_get = int(config.retrieve_variable('days_to_get'))
    calendar = config.retrieve_variable('calendar')
    service = config.user_login()

    # set start and end time of events to get
    start_filter = datetime.datetime.utcnow().isoformat() + 'Z'
    end_filter = (datetime.datetime.utcnow() + timedelta(days=days_to_get))
    end_filter = end_filter.isoformat() + 'Z'

    # Call the Calendar API
    events_result =,

    # store data in json if there is update information
    if os.path.exists("google/calendar_pull.json"):
        if config.check_calender_state("google/calendar_pull.json",\
            with open('google/calendar_pull.json', 'w') as outfile:
                json.dump(events_result, outfile, indent=4)

    return events_result
def remove_attendee(id):
    Sends API request to remove an attendee from an event
    Parameter:  id: event identifier
    Returns:    nothing

    # assign variables stored in the user's config file
    username = config.retrieve_variable('username')
    calendar = config.retrieve_variable('calendar')
    service = config.user_login()

    # First retrieve the event from the API.
    event =, eventId=id).execute()

    # update attendee
    event['attendees'] = [

    # revert description to volunteer's speciality
    event['description'] = (event['description'].split(" -"))[0]

    # API call to send updated information, eventId=event['id'], \
    body=event, sendUpdates = 'all').execute()

    # call function to mail the volunteer
    mailer.cancelled_event(username, event)
def add_attendee(id, support_needed):
    Sends API request to add an attendee to an event and notify the
    volunteer of the booking
    Parameter:  id: event identifier
                support_needed: what user needs help with
    Returns:    link to the event

    # assign variables stored in the user's config file
    username = config.retrieve_variable('username')
    service = config.user_login()
    calendar = config.retrieve_variable('calendar')

    # First retrieve the event from the API.
    event =, eventId=id).execute()

    # update attendee
    event['attendees'] = [
            'email': f"{username}"

    # update description
    event['description'] = f"{event['description']} - {support_needed}"

    # API call to send updated information, eventId=event['id'], \
    body=event, sendUpdates = 'all').execute()

    # call function to mail the volunteer
    mailer.booked_event(username, event)
def freebusy(date, time):
    Sends API request to retrieve times that the calendar contains events 
    between two time ranges
    Parameter:  date (yyy-mm-dd), time (HH:MM)
    Returns:    list of times that the calendar contains events

    # assign variables stored in the user's config file
    service = config.user_login()
    username = config.retrieve_variable('username')

    # set start time and add 30 minutes to the start time
    start_filter = (make_datetime_from_string(f'{date}T{time}:00+0200'))
    start_filter = start_filter.isoformat()
    end_filter = make_datetime_from_string(f'{date}T{time}:00+0200')
    end_filter = (end_filter + timedelta(minutes=30)).isoformat()

    # create body to be used by Freebusy request
    busy_body = {
        "timeMin": start_filter,
        "timeMax": end_filter,
        "timeZone": 'Africa/Johannesburg',
        "items": [{
            "id": f'{username}'
    # API call to retrieve busy information
    results = service.freebusy().query(body=busy_body).execute()

    # refine returned date to only have list of busy times
    busy_dict = results[u'calendars']
    busy_list = busy_dict[f'{username}']['busy']

    return busy_list
def create_event(speciality, date, time):
    Sends API request to create an event
    Parameter:  speciality: what volunteer can help with
                date: when event should be made
                time: what time event should be made
    Returns:    Nothing

    # assign variables stored in the user's config file
    location = config.retrieve_variable('campus')
    username = config.retrieve_variable('username')
    calendar = config.retrieve_variable('calendar')
    service = config.user_login()

    # add 30 minutes to the start time
    end_time = datetime.datetime.strptime(f"{date}{time}", '%Y-%m-%d%H:%M')
    end_time = end_time + timedelta(minutes=30)
    end_time = (str(end_time)).replace(" ", "T") + "+02:00"

    # details for the event to be created
    event = {
        'summary': f"Code Clinic - {username}",
        'location': location,
        'description': speciality,
        'start': {
            'dateTime': f"{date}T{time}:00+02:00",
            'timeZone': 'Africa/Johannesburg',
        'end': {
            'dateTime': end_time,
            'timeZone': 'Africa/Johannesburg',
        'attendees': [
                'email': f"{username}"

    # call API to create event
    event =, body=event, \
            sendUpdates = 'all').execute()
def filter_my_empty_volunteer_slots():
    Filters out code_clinic_events to show specific volunteer slots 
    where no one has booked
    Returns: list of not_booked
    username = config.retrieve_variable('username')
    code_clinic_events = filter_for_codeclinic()
    not_booked = filter(lambda x: len(x['attendees']) == 1 \
                    and username in x['creator']['email'], code_clinic_events)

    return list(not_booked)
def delete_event(id):
    Sends API request to remove an event
    Parameter:  id: event identifier
    Returns:    nothing

    # assign variables stored in the user's config file
    calendar = config.retrieve_variable('calendar')
    service = config.user_login()

    # API call to send updated information, eventId=id, \
    sendUpdates = 'all').execute()
def filter_my_patient_slots():
    Filters out code_clinic_events events for events where user's patient slots
    are extracted - this is used in cancel operation. 
    It only removes the patient.
    Returns: list of events where you are the patient

    username = config.retrieve_variable('username')
    code_clinic_events = filter_for_codeclinic()
    patients_booked_slots = filter(lambda x: len(x['attendees']) == 2  \
                            and username in x['attendees'][1]['email'] \
                            and username not in x['creator']['email'], \

    return list(patients_booked_slots)
def filter_for_booking():
    Gives all available slots that may be booked by current user. The filter 
    searches for events where there is only one person attached to the event and
    that the user did not create the event i.e. you cannot book yourself 
    for help.
    Returns: list of open_slots
    username = config.retrieve_variable('username')
    code_clinic_events = filter_for_codeclinic()
    open_slots = filter(lambda x: len(x['attendees']) == 1 and username \
                    not in x['creator']['email']
                    and filter_available_creation(x['start']['dateTime'][:10],
                            x['start']['dateTime'][11:16]), code_clinic_events)

    return list(open_slots)
def list_of_users_clinic_events():
    Filters out specific users code clinic events they have 
    booked and volunteered for
    Returns: list of events booked and volunteered for

    username = config.retrieve_variable('username')
    code_clinic_events = filter_for_codeclinic()
    volunteered_events = []
    booked_events = []

    for event in code_clinic_events:
        if username in event['creator']['email']:

            for attendee in event['attendees']:
                if username in attendee['email']:

    return volunteered_events, booked_events
def get_personal_cal():
    Retrieves Code Clinic calendar and stores the events in a JSON file
    Parameter:  nothing
    Returns:    Dictionary of events on the calendar
    # assign variables stored in the user's config file
    days_to_get = int(config.retrieve_variable('days_to_get'))
    service = config.user_login()

    # set start and end time of events to get
    start_filter = datetime.datetime.utcnow().isoformat() + 'Z'
    end_filter = (datetime.datetime.utcnow() + timedelta(days=days_to_get))
    end_filter = end_filter.isoformat() + 'Z'
    # Call the Calendar API
    events_result ='primary',
    my_events = events_result.get('items', [])

    return my_events