def OnDisplayPseudos(self, event):
        """ change the display pseudos option """

        # save the new parameter value in the conf file
        self.isDisplayPseudos = self.menu2DView.IsChecked(wxID_WXMAINFRAMEMENU2DVIEWDISPLAYPSEUDOS)
        configuration.writeConfParameterValue("displayPseudos", self.isDisplayPseudos)

        # refresh the display
        self.toRefresh = TRUE
    def OnOkButton(self,event):
        """ Change the size of the avatars in the 2D view """
        size = self.sizeSlider.GetValue()

        # generate the avatars of the neighbors with the size value

        # save the new value in the conf file
        configuration.writeConfParameterValue("avatarSize", size)

        # close the dialog box
    def OnDisplayAvatars(self, event):
        """ change the display avatars option """

        # save the new parameter value in the conf file
        self.isDisplayAvatars = self.menu2DView.IsChecked(wxID_WXMAINFRAMEMENU2DVIEWDISPLAYAVATARS)
        configuration.writeConfParameterValue("displayAvatars", self.isDisplayAvatars)

        # active the displayPseudos mode if the displayAvatars mode is desactivate
        if self.isDisplayAvatars == 0:
            self.isDisplayPseudos = 1
            configuration.writeConfParameterValue("displayPseudos", self.isDisplayPseudos)

        # refresh the display
        self.toRefresh = TRUE