    def test_adjoint_inject_interpolate(self, shape, coords, npoints=19):
        Verify that p.inject is the adjoint of p.interpolate for a
        devito SparseFunction p
        a = unit_box(shape=shape)
        a.data[:] = 0.
        c = unit_box(shape=shape, name='c', grid=a.grid)
        c.data[:] = 27.

        assert a.grid == c.grid
        # Inject receiver
        p = points(a.grid, ranges=coords, npoints=npoints)
        p.data[:] = 1.2
        expr = p.inject(field=a, expr=p)
        # Read receiver
        p2 = points(a.grid, name='points2', ranges=coords, npoints=npoints)
        expr2 = p2.interpolate(expr=c)
        Operator(expr + expr2)(a=a, c=c)
        # < P x, y > - < x, P^T y>
        # Px => p2
        # y => p
        # x => c
        # P^T y => a
        term1 = np.dot(p2.data.reshape(-1), p.data.reshape(-1))
        term2 = np.dot(c.data.reshape(-1), a.data.reshape(-1))
        assert np.isclose((term1-term2) / term1, 0., atol=1.e-6)
    def test_adjoint_inject_interpolate(self, shape, coords, npoints=19):
        Verify that p.inject is the adjoint of p.interpolate for a
        devito SparseFunction p
        a = unit_box(shape=shape)
        a.data[:] = 0.
        c = unit_box(shape=shape, name='c', grid=a.grid)
        c.data[:] = 27.

        assert a.grid == c.grid
        # Inject receiver
        p = points(a.grid, ranges=coords, npoints=npoints)
        p.data[:] = 1.2
        expr = p.inject(field=a, expr=p)
        # Read receiver
        p2 = points(a.grid, name='points2', ranges=coords, npoints=npoints)
        expr2 = p2.interpolate(expr=c)
        Operator(expr + expr2)(a=a, c=c)
        # < P x, y > - < x, P^T y>
        # Px => p2
        # y => p
        # x => c
        # P^T y => a
        term1 = np.dot(p2.data.reshape(-1), p.data.reshape(-1))
        term2 = np.dot(c.data.reshape(-1), a.data.reshape(-1))
        assert np.isclose((term1-term2) / term1, 0., atol=1.e-6)
def test_interpolate_array(shape, coords, npoints=20):
    """Test generic point interpolation testing the x-coordinate of an
    abitrary set of points going across the grid.
    a = unit_box(shape=shape)
    p = points(a.grid, coords, npoints=npoints)
    xcoords = p.coordinates.data[:, 0]

    expr = p.interpolate(a)
    Operator(expr)(a=a, points=p.data[:])

    assert np.allclose(p.data[:], xcoords, rtol=1e-6)
def test_interpolate_array(shape, coords, npoints=20):
    """Test generic point interpolation testing the x-coordinate of an
    abitrary set of points going across the grid.
    a = unit_box(shape=shape)
    p = points(a.grid, coords, npoints=npoints)
    xcoords = p.coordinates.data[:, 0]

    expr = p.interpolate(a)
    Operator(expr)(a=a, points=p.data[:])

    assert np.allclose(p.data[:], xcoords, rtol=1e-6)
def test_inject(shape, coords, result, npoints=19):
    """Test point injection with a set of points forming a line
    through the middle of the grid.
    a = unit_box(shape=shape)
    a.data[:] = 0.
    p = points(a.grid, ranges=coords, npoints=npoints)

    expr = p.inject(a, FLOAT(1.))


    indices = [slice(4, 6, 1) for _ in coords]
    indices[0] = slice(1, -1, 1)
    assert np.allclose(a.data[indices], result, rtol=1.e-5)
def test_interpolate_custom(shape, coords, npoints=20):
    """Test generic point interpolation testing the x-coordinate of an
    abitrary set of points going across the grid.
    a = unit_box(shape=shape)
    p = custom_points(a.grid, coords, npoints=npoints)
    xcoords = p.coordinates.data[:, 0]

    p.data[:] = 1.
    expr = p.interpolate(a * p.indices[0])

    assert np.allclose(p.data[0, :], 0.0 * xcoords, rtol=1e-6)
    assert np.allclose(p.data[1, :], 1.0 * xcoords, rtol=1e-6)
    assert np.allclose(p.data[2, :], 2.0 * xcoords, rtol=1e-6)
def test_inject(shape, coords, result, npoints=19):
    """Test point injection with a set of points forming a line
    through the middle of the grid.
    a = unit_box(shape=shape)
    a.data[:] = 0.
    p = points(a.grid, ranges=coords, npoints=npoints)

    expr = p.inject(a, FLOAT(1.))


    indices = [slice(4, 6, 1) for _ in coords]
    indices[0] = slice(1, -1, 1)
    assert np.allclose(a.data[indices], result, rtol=1.e-5)
def test_interpolate_custom(shape, coords, npoints=20):
    """Test generic point interpolation testing the x-coordinate of an
    abitrary set of points going across the grid.
    a = unit_box(shape=shape)
    p = custom_points(a.grid, coords, npoints=npoints)
    xcoords = p.coordinates.data[:, 0]

    p.data[:] = 1.
    expr = p.interpolate(a * p.indices[0])

    assert np.allclose(p.data[0, :], 0.0 * xcoords, rtol=1e-6)
    assert np.allclose(p.data[1, :], 1.0 * xcoords, rtol=1e-6)
    assert np.allclose(p.data[2, :], 2.0 * xcoords, rtol=1e-6)
def test_inject_from_field(shape, coords, result, npoints=19):
    """Test point injection from a second field along a line
    through the middle of the grid.
    a = unit_box(shape=shape)
    a.data[:] = 0.
    b = Function(name='b', grid=a.grid)
    b.data[:] = 1.
    p = points(a.grid, ranges=coords, npoints=npoints)

    expr = p.inject(field=a, expr=b)
    Operator(expr)(a=a, b=b)

    indices = [slice(4, 6, 1) for _ in coords]
    indices[0] = slice(1, -1, 1)
    assert np.allclose(a.data[indices], result, rtol=1.e-5)
def test_interpolate_indexed(shape, coords, npoints=20):
    """Test generic point interpolation testing the x-coordinate of an
    abitrary set of points going across the grid. Unlike other tests,
    here we interpolate an expression built using the indexed notation.
    a = unit_box(shape=shape)
    p = custom_points(a.grid, coords, npoints=npoints)
    xcoords = p.coordinates.data[:, 0]

    p.data[:] = 1.
    expr = p.interpolate(a[a.grid.dimensions] * p.indices[0])

    assert np.allclose(p.data[0, :], 0.0 * xcoords, rtol=1e-6)
    assert np.allclose(p.data[1, :], 1.0 * xcoords, rtol=1e-6)
    assert np.allclose(p.data[2, :], 2.0 * xcoords, rtol=1e-6)
def test_inject_from_field(shape, coords, result, npoints=19):
    """Test point injection from a second field along a line
    through the middle of the grid.
    a = unit_box(shape=shape)
    a.data[:] = 0.
    b = Function(name='b', grid=a.grid)
    b.data[:] = 1.
    p = points(a.grid, ranges=coords, npoints=npoints)

    expr = p.inject(field=a, expr=b)
    Operator(expr)(a=a, b=b)

    indices = [slice(4, 6, 1) for _ in coords]
    indices[0] = slice(1, -1, 1)
    assert np.allclose(a.data[indices], result, rtol=1.e-5)
def test_interpolate_indexed(shape, coords, npoints=20):
    """Test generic point interpolation testing the x-coordinate of an
    abitrary set of points going across the grid. Unlike other tests,
    here we interpolate an expression built using the indexed notation.
    a = unit_box(shape=shape)
    p = custom_points(a.grid, coords, npoints=npoints)
    xcoords = p.coordinates.data[:, 0]

    p.data[:] = 1.
    expr = p.interpolate(a[a.grid.dimensions] * p.indices[0])

    assert np.allclose(p.data[0, :], 0.0 * xcoords, rtol=1e-6)
    assert np.allclose(p.data[1, :], 1.0 * xcoords, rtol=1e-6)
    assert np.allclose(p.data[2, :], 2.0 * xcoords, rtol=1e-6)
def test_interpolation_dx():
    Test interpolation of a SparseFunction from a Derivative of
    a Function.
    u = unit_box(shape=(11, 11))
    sf1 = SparseFunction(name='s', grid=u.grid, npoint=1)
    sf1.coordinates.data[0, :] = (0.5, 0.5)

    op = Operator(sf1.interpolate(u.dx))

    assert sf1.data.shape == (1, )
    u.data[:] = 0.0
    u.data[5, 5] = 4.0
    u.data[4, 5] = 2.0
    u.data[6, 5] = 2.0

    # Exactly in the middle of 4 points, only 1 nonzero is 4
    assert sf1.data[0] == pytest.approx(-20.0)