class KetamaMemcacheClient(memcache.Client): """ A memcache subclass. This implementation allows you to add a new host at run time. It uses consistent hash library (libketama). All server are initilized with weight 1, that should uniformly distribute the keys, you can assign different weights that is more reflective of your memcached setup. It takes By default all servers have a weight of 1. { '': 1, '': 2, '': 1 } would generate a 25/50/25 distribution of the keys. @see """ def __init__(self, *args, **kwargs): super(KetamaMemcacheClient, self).__init__(*args, **kwargs) if self.servers: # ConsistentHash expects dictionary of servers and associated weights s = { str(server).split(":", 1)[1]: server.weight for server in self.servers } self.consistent_hash = ConsistentHash(s) def _get_server(self, key): """ Returns the most likely server to hold the key """ server_ip_address = self.consistent_hash.get_node(key) # find the server object if server_ip_address: server = next( (x for x in self.servers if server_ip_address in str(x)), None) if server and server.connect(): return server, key return (None, None) def add_server(self, server): """ Adds a host at runtime to client """ server_tmp = server # Create a new host entry server = memcache._Host(server, self.debug, dead_retry=self.dead_retry, socket_timeout=self.socket_timeout, flush_on_reconnect=self.flush_on_reconnect) # Add this to our server choices self.servers.append(server) self.buckets.append(server) # Adds this node to the circle self.consistent_hash.add_nodes([server_tmp])
class KetamaMemcacheClient(memcache.Client): """ A memcache subclass. This implementation allows you to add a new host at run time. It uses consistent hash library (libketama). All server are initilized with weight 1, that should uniformly distribute the keys, you can assign different weights that is more reflective of your memcached setup. It takes By default all servers have a weight of 1. { '': 1, '': 2, '': 1 } would generate a 25/50/25 distribution of the keys. @see """ def __init__(self, *args, **kwargs): super(KetamaMemcacheClient, self).__init__(*args, **kwargs) if self.servers: # ConsistentHash expects dictionary of servers and associated weights s = {str(server).split(":", 1)[1]: server.weight for server in self.servers} self.consistent_hash = ConsistentHash(s) def _get_server(self, key): """ Returns the most likely server to hold the key """ server_ip_address = self.consistent_hash.get_node(key) # find the server object if server_ip_address: server = next((x for x in self.servers if server_ip_address in str(x)), None) if server and server.connect(): return server, key return (None, None) def add_server(self, server): """ Adds a host at runtime to client """ server_tmp = server # Create a new host entry server = memcache._Host( server, self.debug, dead_retry=self.dead_retry, socket_timeout=self.socket_timeout, flush_on_reconnect=self.flush_on_reconnect ) # Add this to our server choices self.servers.append(server) self.buckets.append(server) # Adds this node to the circle self.consistent_hash.add_nodes([server_tmp])
class YamClient(object): clientFromString = staticmethod(endpoints.clientFromString) def __init__(self, reactor, hosts, retryDelay=2, **kw): self.reactor = reactor self._allHosts = hosts self._consistentHash = ConsistentHash([]) self._connectionDeferreds = set() self._protocols = {} self._retryDelay = retryDelay self._protocolKwargs = kw self.disconnecting = False def connect(self): self.disconnecting = False deferreds = [] for host in self._allHosts: deferreds.append(self._connectHost(host)) dl = defer.DeferredList(deferreds) dl.addCallback(lambda ign: self) return dl def _connectHost(self, host): endpoint = self.clientFromString(self.reactor, host) d = endpoint.connect( MemCacheClientFactory(self.reactor, **self._protocolKwargs)) self._connectionDeferreds.add(d) d.addCallback(self._gotProtocol, host, d) d.addErrback(self._connectionFailed, host, d) return d def _gotProtocol(self, protocol, host, deferred): self._connectionDeferreds.discard(deferred) self._protocols[host] = protocol self._consistentHash.add_nodes([host]) protocol.deferred.addErrback(self._lostProtocol, host) def _connectionFailed(self, reason, host, deferred): self._connectionDeferreds.discard(deferred) if self.disconnecting: return log.err(reason, 'connection to %r failed' % (host,), system='txyam') self.reactor.callLater(self._retryDelay, self._connectHost, host) def _lostProtocol(self, reason, host): if not self.disconnecting: log.err(reason, 'connection to %r lost' % (host,), system='txyam') del self._protocols[host] self._consistentHash.del_nodes([host]) if self.disconnecting: return if reason.check(ConnectionAborted): self._connectHost(host) else: self.reactor.callLater(self._retryDelay, self._connectHost, host) @property def _allConnections(self): return itervalues(self._protocols) def disconnect(self): self.disconnecting = True log.msg('disconnecting from all clients', system='txyam') for d in list(self._connectionDeferreds): d.cancel() for proto in self._allConnections: proto.transport.loseConnection() def flushAll(self): return defer.gatherResults( [proto.flushAll() for proto in self._allConnections]) def stats(self, arg=None): ds = {} for host, proto in iteritems(self._protocols): ds[host] = proto.stats(arg) return deferredDict(ds) def version(self): ds = {} for host, proto in iteritems(self._protocols): ds[host] = proto.version() return deferredDict(ds) def getClient(self, key): return self._protocols.get(self._consistentHash.get_node(key)) def getMultiple(self, keys, withIdentifier=False): clients = defaultdict(list) for key in keys: clients[self.getClient(key)].append(key) dl = defer.DeferredList( [c.getMultiple(ks, withIdentifier) for c, ks in iteritems(clients) if c is not None], consumeErrors=True) dl.addCallback(self._consolidateMultiple) return dl def setMultiple(self, items, flags=0, expireTime=0): ds = {} for key, value in iteritems(items): ds[key] = self.set(key, value, flags, expireTime) return deferredDict(ds) def deleteMultiple(self, keys): ds = {} for key in keys: ds[key] = self.delete(key) return deferredDict(ds) def _consolidateMultiple(self, results): ret = {} for succeeded, result in results: if succeeded: ret.update(result) return ret set = _wrap('set') get = _wrap('get') increment = _wrap('increment') decrement = _wrap('decrement') replace = _wrap('replace') add = _wrap('add') checkAndSet = _wrap('checkAndSet') append = _wrap('append') prepend = _wrap('prepend') delete = _wrap('delete')
class TestConsistentHash: init_nodes = {'': 1, '': 1, '': 1, '': 1} obj_nums = 10000 @classmethod def setup_class(cls): cls.objs = cls.gen_random_objs() print('Initial nodes {nodes}'.format(nodes=cls.init_nodes)) @classmethod def teardown_class(cls): pass def setUp(self): self.hit_nums = {} def tearDown(self): pass def test___init__(self): self.con_hash = ConsistentHash(self.init_nodes) # Get nodes from hashing ring for obj in self.objs: node = self.con_hash.get_node(obj) self.hit_nums[node] = self.hit_nums.get(node, 0) + 1 distribution = self.show_nodes_balance() self.validate_distribution(distribution, { '': (23, 27), '': (23, 27), '': (23, 27), '': (23, 27) }) def test_empty__init__(self): self.con_hash = ConsistentHash() for obj in self.objs: node = self.con_hash.get_node(obj) if node is not None: raise Exception("Should have received an exception \ when hashing using an empty LUT") self.con_hash.add_nodes(self.init_nodes) for obj in self.objs: node = self.con_hash.get_node(obj) self.hit_nums[node] = self.hit_nums.get(node, 0) + 1 distribution = self.show_nodes_balance() self.validate_distribution(distribution, { '': (23, 27), '': (23, 27), '': (23, 27), '': (23, 27) }) def test_add_nodes(self): self.con_hash = ConsistentHash(self.init_nodes) # Add nodes to hashing ring add_nodes = {'': 1} self.con_hash.add_nodes(add_nodes) # Get nodes from hashing ring for obj in self.objs: node = self.con_hash.get_node(obj) self.hit_nums[node] = self.hit_nums.get(node, 0) + 1 distribution = self.show_nodes_balance() self.validate_distribution(distribution, { '': (17, 23), '': (17, 23), '': (17, 23), '': (17, 23), '': (17, 23) }) print('->The {nodes} added!!!'.format(nodes=add_nodes)) def test_del_nodes(self): self.con_hash = ConsistentHash(self.init_nodes) # del_nodes = self.nodes[0:2] del_nodes = ['', ''] # Delete the nodes from hashing ring self.con_hash.del_nodes(del_nodes) # Get nodes from hashing ring after deleting for obj in self.objs: node = self.con_hash.get_node(obj) self.hit_nums[node] = self.hit_nums.get(node, 0) + 1 distribution = self.show_nodes_balance() self.validate_distribution(distribution, { '': (48, 52), '': (48, 52) }) print('->The {nodes} deleted!!!'.format(nodes=del_nodes)) # -------------Help functions------------- def show_nodes_balance(self): distribution = {} print('-' * 67) print('Nodes count:{nNodes} Objects count:{nObjs}'.format( nNodes=self.con_hash.get_nodes_cnt(), nObjs=len(self.objs) )) print('-' * 27 + 'Nodes balance' + '-' * 27) for node in self.con_hash.get_all_nodes(): substitutions = { 'nNodes': node, 'nObjs': self.hit_nums[node], 'percentage': self.get_percent(self.hit_nums[node], self.obj_nums) } print('Nodes:{nNodes} \ - Objects count:{nObjs} \ - percent:{percentage}%'.format(**substitutions)) distribution[node] = substitutions['percentage'] return distribution def validate_distribution(self, actual, expected): if expected.keys() != actual.keys(): raise Exception("Expected nodes does not match actual nodes") for i in expected.keys(): actual_value = actual[i] min_value = expected[i][0] max_value = expected[i][1] if actual_value < min_value or actual_value > max_value: print(min_value, actual_value, max_value) raise Exception("Value outside of expected range") print("Validated ranges") def get_percent(self, num, sum): return int(float(num) / sum * 100) @classmethod def gen_random_objs(cls, num=10000, len=10): objs = [] for i in range(num): objs.append(''.join([random.choice(chars) for i in range(len)])) return objs
class TestConsistentHash: init_nodes = { '': 1, '': 1, '': 1, '': 1 } obj_nums = 10000 @classmethod def setup_class(cls): cls.objs = cls.gen_random_objs() print('Initial nodes {nodes}'.format(nodes=cls.init_nodes)) @classmethod def teardown_class(cls): pass def setUp(self): self.hit_nums = {} def tearDown(self): pass def test___init__(self): self.con_hash = ConsistentHash(self.init_nodes) # Get nodes from hashing ring for obj in self.objs: node = self.con_hash.get_node(obj) self.hit_nums[node] = self.hit_nums.get(node, 0) + 1 distribution = self.show_nodes_balance() self.validate_distribution( distribution, { '': (23, 27), '': (23, 27), '': (23, 27), '': (23, 27) }) def test_empty__init__(self): self.con_hash = ConsistentHash() for obj in self.objs: node = self.con_hash.get_node(obj) if node is not None: raise Exception("Should have received an exception \ when hashing using an empty LUT") self.con_hash.add_nodes(self.init_nodes) for obj in self.objs: node = self.con_hash.get_node(obj) self.hit_nums[node] = self.hit_nums.get(node, 0) + 1 distribution = self.show_nodes_balance() self.validate_distribution( distribution, { '': (23, 27), '': (23, 27), '': (23, 27), '': (23, 27) }) def test_add_nodes(self): self.con_hash = ConsistentHash(self.init_nodes) # Add nodes to hashing ring add_nodes = {'': 1} self.con_hash.add_nodes(add_nodes) # Get nodes from hashing ring for obj in self.objs: node = self.con_hash.get_node(obj) self.hit_nums[node] = self.hit_nums.get(node, 0) + 1 distribution = self.show_nodes_balance() self.validate_distribution( distribution, { '': (17, 23), '': (17, 23), '': (17, 23), '': (17, 23), '': (17, 23) }) print('->The {nodes} added!!!'.format(nodes=add_nodes)) def test_del_nodes(self): self.con_hash = ConsistentHash(self.init_nodes) # del_nodes = self.nodes[0:2] del_nodes = ['', ''] # Delete the nodes from hashing ring self.con_hash.del_nodes(del_nodes) # Get nodes from hashing ring after deleting for obj in self.objs: node = self.con_hash.get_node(obj) self.hit_nums[node] = self.hit_nums.get(node, 0) + 1 distribution = self.show_nodes_balance() self.validate_distribution(distribution, { '': (48, 52), '': (48, 52) }) print('->The {nodes} deleted!!!'.format(nodes=del_nodes)) # -------------Help functions------------- def show_nodes_balance(self): distribution = {} print('-' * 67) print('Nodes count:{nNodes} Objects count:{nObjs}'.format( nNodes=self.con_hash.get_nodes_cnt(), nObjs=len(self.objs))) print('-' * 27 + 'Nodes balance' + '-' * 27) for node in self.con_hash.get_all_nodes(): substitutions = { 'nNodes': node, 'nObjs': self.hit_nums[node], 'percentage': self.get_percent(self.hit_nums[node], self.obj_nums) } print('Nodes:{nNodes} \ - Objects count:{nObjs} \ - percent:{percentage}%'.format(**substitutions)) distribution[node] = substitutions['percentage'] return distribution def validate_distribution(self, actual, expected): if expected.keys() != actual.keys(): raise Exception("Expected nodes does not match actual nodes") for i in expected.keys(): actual_value = actual[i] min_value = expected[i][0] max_value = expected[i][1] if actual_value < min_value or actual_value > max_value: print(min_value, actual_value, max_value) raise Exception("Value outside of expected range") print("Validated ranges") def get_percent(self, num, sum): return int(float(num) / sum * 100) @classmethod def gen_random_objs(cls, num=10000, len=10): objs = [] for i in range(num): objs.append(''.join([random.choice(chars) for i in range(len)])) return objs
class TestConsistentHash(unittest.TestCase): init_nodes = { '': 1, '': 1, '': 1, '': 1, } obj_nums = 10000 @classmethod def setup_class(cls): cls.objects = cls.generate_random_objects() print('Initial nodes {nodes}'.format(nodes=cls.init_nodes)) @classmethod def teardown_class(cls): pass def setUp(self): self.hit_nums = {} def tearDown(self): pass def test___init__(self): self.con_hash = ConsistentHash(self.init_nodes) # Get nodes from hashing ring for obj in self.objects: node = self.con_hash.get_node(obj) self.hit_nums[node] = self.hit_nums.get(node, 0) + 1 distribution = self.show_nodes_balance() self.validate_distribution( distribution, { '': (23, 27), '': (23, 27), '': (23, 27), '': (23, 27) }) def test_empty__init__(self): self.con_hash = ConsistentHash() for obj in self.objects: node = self.con_hash.get_node(obj) if node is not None: raise AssertionError( 'Should have received an exception when hashing using an empty LUT' ) self.con_hash.add_nodes(self.init_nodes) for obj in self.objects: node = self.con_hash.get_node(obj) self.hit_nums[node] = self.hit_nums.get(node, 0) + 1 distribution = self.show_nodes_balance() self.validate_distribution( distribution, { '': (23, 27), '': (23, 27), '': (23, 27), '': (23, 27), }) def test_add_nodes(self): self.con_hash = ConsistentHash(self.init_nodes) # Add nodes to hashing ring add_nodes = {'': 1} self.con_hash.add_nodes(add_nodes) # Get nodes from hashing ring for obj in self.objects: node = self.con_hash.get_node(obj) self.hit_nums[node] = self.hit_nums.get(node, 0) + 1 distribution = self.show_nodes_balance() self.validate_distribution( distribution, { '': (17, 23), '': (17, 23), '': (17, 23), '': (17, 23), '': (17, 23), }) print('->The {nodes} added!!!'.format(nodes=add_nodes)) def test_add_nodes_unicode(self): self.con_hash = ConsistentHash({ u'': 1, u'': 1, u'': 1, u'': 1, }) # Add nodes to hashing ring add_nodes = u'' self.con_hash.add_nodes(add_nodes) # Get nodes from hashing ring for obj in self.objects: node = self.con_hash.get_node(obj) self.hit_nums[node] = self.hit_nums.get(node, 0) + 1 distribution = self.show_nodes_balance() self.validate_distribution( distribution, { '': (17, 23), '': (17, 23), '': (17, 23), '': (17, 23), '': (17, 23), }) print('->The {nodes} added!!!'.format(nodes=add_nodes)) def test_add_nodes_tuple(self): self.con_hash = ConsistentHash(self.init_nodes) # Add nodes to hashing ring add_nodes = ('', '') self.con_hash.add_nodes(add_nodes) # Get nodes from hashing ring for obj in self.objects: node = self.con_hash.get_node(obj) self.hit_nums[node] = self.hit_nums.get(node, 0) + 1 distribution = self.show_nodes_balance() self.validate_distribution( distribution, { '': (15, 17), '': (15, 17), '': (15, 17), '': (15, 17), '': (15, 17), '': (15, 17), }) print('->The {nodes} added!!!'.format(nodes=add_nodes)) def test_del_nodes(self): self.con_hash = ConsistentHash(self.init_nodes) # del_nodes = self.nodes[0:2] del_nodes = ['', ''] # Delete the nodes from hashing ring self.con_hash.del_nodes(del_nodes) # Get nodes from hashing ring after deleting for obj in self.objects: node = self.con_hash.get_node(obj) self.hit_nums[node] = self.hit_nums.get(node, 0) + 1 distribution = self.show_nodes_balance() self.validate_distribution(distribution, { '': (48, 52), '': (48, 52) }) print('->The {nodes} deleted!!!'.format(nodes=del_nodes)) def test_del_nodes_tuple(self): self.con_hash = ConsistentHash(self.init_nodes) # del_nodes = self.nodes[0:2] del_nodes = ('', '') # Delete the nodes from hashing ring self.con_hash.del_nodes(del_nodes) # Get nodes from hashing ring after deleting for obj in self.objects: node = self.con_hash.get_node(obj) self.hit_nums[node] = self.hit_nums.get(node, 0) + 1 distribution = self.show_nodes_balance() self.validate_distribution(distribution, { '': (48, 52), '': (48, 52) }) print('->The {nodes} deleted!!!'.format(nodes=del_nodes)) # -------------Help functions------------- def show_nodes_balance(self): distribution = {} print('-' * 67) print('Nodes count:{nNodes} Objects count:{nObjects}'.format( nNodes=self.con_hash.get_nodes_cnt(), nObjects=len(self.objects))) print('-' * 27 + 'Nodes balance' + '-' * 27) for node in self.con_hash.get_all_nodes(): substitutions = { 'nNodes': node, 'nObjects': self.hit_nums[node], 'percentage': self.get_percent(self.hit_nums[node], self.obj_nums) } print('Nodes: {nNodes} \ - Objects count: {nObjects} \ - percent:{percentage}%'.format(**substitutions)) distribution[node] = substitutions['percentage'] return distribution @staticmethod def validate_distribution(actual, expected): if expected.keys() != actual.keys(): raise AssertionError('Expected nodes does not match actual nodes') for i in expected.keys(): actual_value = actual[i] min_value = expected[i][0] max_value = expected[i][1] if actual_value < min_value or actual_value > max_value: print(min_value, actual_value, max_value) raise AssertionError( 'Value {actual} outside of expected range ({expected1},{expected2})' .format( expected1=min_value, expected2=max_value, actual=actual_value, )) print('Validated ranges') @staticmethod def get_percent(numerator, denominator): return int(float(numerator) / denominator * 100) @staticmethod def generate_random_objects(num=10000, length=10): objects = [] for i in range(num): objects.append(''.join( [random.choice(chars) for _ in range(length)])) return objects def test_sample_hash_output(self): ConsistentHash.interleave_count = 40 # Test backward compatibility with version 1.0 samples = { '35132097': 'B', '25291004': 'D', '48182416': 'F', '45818378': 'H', '52733021': 'A', '94027025': 'I', '18116713': 'F', '75531098': 'J', '99011825': 'F', '99371754': 'A', '19630740': 'D', '87823770': 'G', '32160063': 'A', '28054420': 'E', '75904283': 'H', '08458048': 'E', '51583844': 'I', '16226754': 'B', '95450503': 'E', '47557476': 'C', '38808589': 'A', } hash_ring = ConsistentHash( objects=['A', 'B', 'C', 'D', 'E', 'F', 'G', 'H', 'I', 'J']) for node, output in samples.items(): result = hash_ring.get_node(node) if result != output: raise AssertionError( 'Expected node does not match actual node. Expected: {}. Got: {}' .format( output, result, ))