def __init__(self, parent=None): super(TelepatManager, self).__init__(parent) self.applications = [] uic.loadUi('telepatmanager.ui', self) console.set_widget(self.loggerWidget) self.actionConnect.triggered.connect(self.openConnection) self.actionRefresh.triggered.connect(self.refreshContexts) self.actionEditApp.triggered.connect(self.editApplication) self.actionShowNameId.toggled.connect(self.showNameId) self.contextsTreeView.clicked.connect(self.itemSelected) self.filterLineEdit.textChanged.connect(self.filterChanged) # Set up the UI self.actionRefresh.setEnabled(False) self.loggerWidget.setFont(QtGui.QFont(QtGui.QFontDatabase.systemFont(QtGui.QFontDatabase.FixedFont))) self.setupHistoryMenu() self.setupSplitters() self.setupAppsCombobox() self.treeViewLayout.setContentsMargins(0, 0, 0, 0) self.stackedWidget.setContentsMargins(0, 0, 0, 0) self.setUnifiedTitleAndToolBarOnMac(True) self.contexts_model = QtGui.QStandardItemModel() self.proxy = QtCore.QSortFilterProxyModel(self) self.proxy.setSourceModel(self.contexts_model) self.proxy.setFilterCaseSensitivity(QtCore.Qt.CaseInsensitive) self.contextsTreeView.setModel(self.proxy) console.log("Application started")
def clonar_repositorio(directorio, url): if os.path.exists(os.path.join('..', directorio)): console.log(" Evitando clonar %s porque ya existe." %(directorio)) os.system('cd ..; git pull ') else: console.success("Clonando %s ..." %(directorio)) os.system('cd ..; git clone ' + url + " " + directorio)
def __generate_bundle_pom(bundle, packaging): """ Generate the pom.xml file for the given bundle and given packaging :param bundle: The bundle to generate the pom for :param packaging: The type of packaging (feature or plugin) :return: True if the operation succeeded, False otherwise """ if len(bundle.targets) == 0: console.log("Bundle " + + " has no target => skipped", "WARNING") return True if len(bundle.targets) >= 2: console.log("Bundle " + + " has more than one target:", "ERROR") for target in bundle.targets: console.log("\t" + target, "ERROR") return False if os.path.isfile(os.path.join(bundle.location, "pom.xml")): console.log("Bundle " + + " already has pom.xml => skipped") return True relative = os.path.relpath(".", bundle.location) relative = os.path.join(relative, bundle.targets[0].pom) impl = xml.dom.minidom.getDOMImplementation() doc = impl.createDocument(None, "project", None) project = doc.documentElement __xml_append_text(doc, project, "modelVersion", MAVEN_MODEL_VERSION) parent = doc.createElement("parent") project.appendChild(parent) __xml_append_tycho_ref(doc, parent, PRODUCT_GROUP) __xml_append_text(doc, parent, "relativePath", relative) __xml_append_tycho_ref(doc, project, __xml_append_text(doc, project, "packaging", packaging) xmlutils.output(doc, os.path.join(bundle.location, "pom.xml")) console.log("Bundle " + + " POM generated for target " + bundle.targets[0].name) return True
def __cleanup_classpath(bundle): """ Cleanup the classpath of the specified Eclipse bundle :param bundle: An Eclipse bundle :return: None """ subs = os.listdir(bundle.location) if not ".classpath" in subs: return doc = xml.dom.minidom.parse(os.path.join(bundle.location, ".classpath")) dirty = False for entry in doc.getElementsByTagName("classpathentry"): data = entry.getAttribute("excluding") folder = entry.getAttribute("path") if data is not None and len(data) > 0: files = data.split("|") for file in files: if file is not None and len(file) > 0: dirty = True full = os.path.join(bundle.location, os.path.join(folder, os.path.join(file))) print("Found " + full) if full.endswith("/"):["git", "rm", "-r", full]) else:["git", "rm", full]) entry.parentNode.removeChild(entry) if dirty: xmlutils.output(doc, os.path.join(bundle.location, ".classpath")) console.log("Bundle " + + " => Fixed .classpath to remove excluded sources")
def gen_segments(x, y, old_w, old_d): new_segments = [] d = old_d % 360 target = (90, 270)[d > 180] upper = target - d lower = random.randint(-10, 10) if lower > upper: lower, upper = upper, lower d += random.randint(lower, upper) dx = int(10*sin(radians(d))) dy = int(10*cos(radians(d))) width = min(3, max(1, old_w + random.randint(-1, 1))) log(d, dx, dy, m='cave') if (x+dx in range(chunk_pos - world_gen['max_cave_radius'], chunk_pos + world_gen['max_cave_radius'] + world_gen['chunk_size']) and 0 < y+dy < ground_heights[x+dx]): new_segments.append(((x, y), (dx, dy), width)) new_segments += gen_segments(x + dx, y + dy, width, d) if random.random() < 0.1: new_segments += gen_segments(x + dx, y + dy, width, random.choice([-90, 90]) + d) return new_segments
def isValidRepo(path): try: repo = git.Repo(path) console.log('Valid Repo!', 'info') return True except: console.log('is Not Valid Repo!', 'error') return False
def create_lighting_buffer(width, height, x, y, map_, slice_heights, bk_objects, sky_colour, day, lights): if settings_ref['render_c']: return render_c.create_lighting_buffer(width, height, x, y, map_, slice_heights, bk_objects, sky_colour, day, lights, settings_ref) else: global day_global day_global = day log('Not implemented: Python create_lighting_buffer function', m='warning')
def _event_set_players(self, players): self.current_players.update(players) self.redraw = True # TODO: Move the login checks out of this method if self._name in players and not self.finished_login.is_set(): log('FINISHED LOGIN') self.finished_login.set()
def get_light_level(*args): if settings_ref['render_c']: result = render_c.get_world_light_level(*args) else: result = day_global log('Not implemented: Python get_light_level function', m='warning') log('{}'.format(result), m='lighting') return result
def local_interface_kill_server(self): log('Server stopped') self.serving = False self._update_clients({'event': 'logout', 'args': ['Server Closed']}, exclude=self.local_player) self.current_players = {} self._stop_server() self.port, self._stop_server = None, None
def __init__(self, name, ip, port): self.map_ = {} self.slice_heights = {} self.current_players = {} = True self.error = None self._name = name # We cannot serve, we are connected to a server. # TODO: Maybe we can do this better...? self.serving = None try: self._sock = network.connect(ip, int(port)) except (ConnectionRefusedError, ValueError): self.error = 'Cannot connect to server' return self._sock.setblocking(True) self.finished_login = Event() self._listener_t = Thread(target=self._listener) self._listener_t.daemon = True self._listener_t.start() # Login self._send('login', [self._name]) # Server doesn't respond if not self.finished_login.wait(3): self.error = 'No response from server on login' log(self.error) self._sock.close() return # Server responds with error if self.error is not None: log('Error response from server on login:'******'tick'] self._dt = False self._last_tick = time() self._chunks_requested = set() self._send('get_players') self._send('get_time') self.redraw = False self.view_change = False
def execute(arguments): """ Executes the update process :return: None """ # Checks the arguments nb = len(arguments) if nb <= 1: print_usage() sys.exit(1) # Initializes the local data local = False simrel = SIMREL_PATH targets = [] # Parse the arguments expect_local = False for arg in arguments[1:]: if arg == "-h" or arg == "--help": print_usage() sys.exit(0) elif arg == console.CLI_COLOR: console.USE_COLOR = True elif arg == "--simrel": expect_local = True elif expect_local: local = True simrel = arg expect_local = False else: targets.append(arg) # Checks the data if expect_local: console.log("Expected path the local SIMREL repo", "ERROR") print_usage() sys.exit(1) if len(targets) == 0: console.log("No target given", "ERROR") print_usage() sys.exit(1) # Clone the SIMREL repo if needed if local: console.log("Using local simrel at " + simrel) else: console.log("Cloning the simrel repository from Eclipse")["git", "clone", SIMREL_GIT, simrel]) # Do the updates for target in targets: update(simrel, target) # Cleanup if required if not local: console.log("Cleaning up ...") shutil.rmtree(simrel)
def collision_system(self): map_width =['width'] map_height =['height'] for bullet in self.bullets: # Bullet-wall collision if (bullet.x < 0 or bullet.x > map_width or bullet.y < 0 or bullet.y > map_height): self.bullets.remove(bullet) continue # Bullet-enemy for enemy in self.enemies: force_break = 0 if circle_collision(bullet, enemy): if random.randint(0, 100) <= self.config['powerup_chance']: powerup = PowerupFactory.create_random() powerup.x, powerup.y = enemy.x, enemy.y self.powerups.append(powerup) points = enemy.move_speed * 2 self.add_score(points) self.enemies.remove(enemy) self.bullets.remove(bullet) force_break = 1 # NOTE: Workaround to prevent nonexistent bullets (bullets that # were already killed) from being tested against if force_break: break for enemy in self.enemies: # Enemy-wall if not 0 < enemy.x < map_width or not 0 < enemy.y < map_height: self.enemies.remove(enemy) continue # Enemy-tank if circle_collision(enemy, self.tank): -= enemy.impact * self.tank.get('damage_modifier') self.enemies.remove(enemy) continue # Enemy-enemy for enemy2 in self.enemies: if circle_collision(enemy, enemy2) and enemy != enemy2: self.enemies.remove(enemy) self.enemies.remove(enemy2) break # Stop iterating because `enemy` has been deleted for powerup in self.powerups: # Powerup-tank if circle_collision(powerup, self.tank): self.tank.apply_powerup(powerup) = 0 console.log("Picked up powerup: " +
def event_logout(self, sock=None): # Re-add all players which aren't the sock players = {} for name, conn in self.current_players.items(): if conn == sock: log('Logging out', name, sock) self._update_clients({'event': 'remove_player', 'args': [name]}, name) else: players[name] = sock self.current_players = players
def create_ui(self): """Create the HUD""" ui_path = 'resources/ui/play_ui.ini' w, h =['width'],['height'] self.ui = load_ui(ui_path, (w, h)) try: self.ui['score_label'].x = w-self.ui['score_label'].width-10 except ValueError: console.log("Score label not found in `" + ui_path + "`.")
def _create_xpi(self, files_map=None): if not files_map: files_map = self.result_files xpi = zipfile.ZipFile(self.xpi_file, "w", compression=zipfile.ZIP_DEFLATED) if not self.config["verbose"]: console.log("building xpi", self.xpi_file) for i in files_map: if self.config["verbose"]: console.log("archiving", "%s to @%s@/%s" % (i[0], self.xpi_file, i[1])) xpi.write(i[0], i[1]) # source, path_inside_xpi xpi.close()
def event_login(self, name, sock): if name not in self.current_players.keys() and not name == self.local_player: log('Logging in: ' + name) if not name == self.local_player: # local_player already contains the local_player name self.current_players[name] = sock self._update_clients({'event': 'set_players', 'args': [{name:}]}) else: log('Not Logging in: ' + name) return {'event': 'error', 'args': [{'event': 'login', 'message': 'Username in use'}]}
def _preprocess(self, source, target, app_version=None): source_full = os.path.join(self.src_dir, source) target_full = os.path.join(self.build_dir, target) if not self.config["verbose"]: console.log("", "... %s" % target_full) else: console.log("", "... %s from %s" % (target_full, source_full)) deps_tmp_file = os.path.join(self.build_dir, "deps.tmp") if not os.path.isdir(os.path.dirname(deps_tmp_file)): os.makedirs(os.path.dirname(deps_tmp_file)) # exist_ok=True if not os.path.isdir(os.path.dirname(target_full)): os.makedirs(os.path.dirname(target_full)) # exist_ok=True variables = [] if app_version: variables = ["-D", "APP_VERSION="+str(app_version)] python2 = "python2" if "PYTHON2PATH" in os.environ: python2 = os.environ.get("PYTHON2PATH") if not (os.path.isfile(python2) or os.access(python2, os.X_OK)): print("Error: can't execute %s" % python2) print("Please check your PYTHON2PATH environment variable") sys.exit(1) cmd = [] cmd = cmd + [python2, "build/", "--marker=%"] cmd = cmd + ["--depend="+deps_tmp_file] cmd = cmd + variables cmd = cmd + ["--output="+target_full, source_full] try: subprocess.check_output(cmd, stderr=subprocess.STDOUT, universal_newlines=True) except subprocess.CalledProcessError as e: print("BuildError: returned no zero code (%i)" % e.returncode) print("Command: \"%s\"" % " ".join(str(a) for a in cmd)) print(e.output, end="") os.remove(target_full) sys.exit(2) line = open(deps_tmp_file, "r").readline() line = re.sub(r"^[^:]*:", "", line) line = line.replace(os.path.abspath(self.src_dir)+"/", "") line = line.replace(source_full, "") line = line.strip() if line: deps = line.split(" ") self._update_dependencies(target, deps)
def import_render_c(): render_c = None sys.path += glob.glob('build/lib.*') try: import render_c except ImportError: log('Cannot import C renderer: disabling option.', m='warning') settings_ref['render_c'] = False saves.save_settings(settings_ref) return render_c
def process_input(self): """Process events and input such as keypresses, mouse button presses, and PyGame Events.""" for event in pygame.event.get(): if event.type == QUIT: console.log("Thanks for playing " + self.settings['title'] + "!") pygame.quit() sys.exit() elif event.type == KEYDOWN: if event.key == K_ESCAPE: # If ESC is pressed, QUIT the game self.screen.handle_input(event)
def local_interface_kill_server(self): log('Server stopped') self.serving = False self._update_clients({ 'event': 'logout', 'args': ['Server Closed'] }, exclude=self.local_player) self.current_players = {} self._stop_server() self.port, self._stop_server = None, None
def saveSpectrogram(spectrogram, filePath): spectrum = spectrogram"Range of spectrum is " + str(np.min(spectrum)) + " -> " + str(np.max(spectrum))) image = np.clip( (spectrum - np.min(spectrum)) / (np.max(spectrum) - np.min(spectrum)), 0, 1)"Shape of spectrum is", image.shape) # Low-contrast image warnings are not helpful, tyvm with warnings.catch_warnings(): warnings.simplefilter("ignore") io.imsave(filePath, image) console.log("Saved image to", filePath)
def handle(self): while True: data = receive(self.request) if data: response = self.data_handler(self.request, data) if response: send(self.request, response) else: break log('Handler Exiting')
def gen_cave_features(features, ground_heights, slices_biome, chunk_pos, meta): def gen_segments(x, y, old_w, old_d): new_segments = [] d = old_d % 360 target = (90, 270)[d > 180] upper = target - d lower = random.randint(-10, 10) if lower > upper: lower, upper = upper, lower d += random.randint(lower, upper) dx = int(10*sin(radians(d))) dy = int(10*cos(radians(d))) width = min(3, max(1, old_w + random.randint(-1, 1))) log(d, dx, dy, m='cave') if (x+dx in range(chunk_pos - world_gen['max_cave_radius'], chunk_pos + world_gen['max_cave_radius'] + world_gen['chunk_size']) and 0 < y+dy < ground_heights[x+dx]): new_segments.append(((x, y), (dx, dy), width)) new_segments += gen_segments(x + dx, y + dy, width, d) if random.random() < 0.1: new_segments += gen_segments(x + dx, y + dy, width, random.choice([-90, 90]) + d) return new_segments for x in range(chunk_pos, chunk_pos + world_gen['chunk_size']): # TODO: Each of these `if` blocks should be abstracted into a function # which just returns the `attrs` object. if features.get(x) is None: # Init to empty, so 'no features' is cached. features[x] = {} # If it is not None, it has all ready been generated. if features[x].get('cave') is None: random.seed(str(meta['seed']) + str(x) + 'cave') if random.random() <= world_gen['cave_chance']: attrs = {} attrs['y'] = random.randint(0, ground_heights[x] + 1) attrs['segments'] = gen_segments(x, attrs['y'], 2, 180) features[x]['cave'] = attrs log('got a cave', features[x]['cave'], m='cave')
def generate_data_arrs(file_path, slice_size_t=1536): audio, sr = conversion.file_to_audio(file_path) amplitude, phase = conversion.audio_to_spectrogram(audio, fft_window_size=1536) amplitude = amplitude[:, :2 * slice_size_t] # clipping only the first part to minimize "easy" repeated audio content = amplitude[:, :slice_size_t] style = amplitude[:, slice_size_t:2 * slice_size_t] freq_rang = [np.min(content, 1), np.max(content, 1)] console.log("Content shape", content.shape) console.log("Style shape", style.shape) # it's a lot of work to compute the x... fundamental_mask = sst.extract_fundamental(amplitude) #console.stats(fundamental_mask, "fundamental_mask") #console.stats(amplitude, "amplitude") fundamental_freqs, fundamental_amps = sst.extract_fundamental_freqs_amps( fundamental_mask, amplitude) content_fundamental_freqs = fundamental_freqs[:slice_size_t] content_fundamental_amps = fundamental_amps[:slice_size_t] style_fundamental_freqs = fundamental_freqs[slice_size_t:2 * slice_size_t] # features are computed directly and then sliced features = sst.get_feature_array(file_path) / 5 features = sst.resize(features, (2048, amplitude.shape[1])) content_features = features[:, :slice_size_t] style_features = features[:, slice_size_t:2 * slice_size_t] stylized = sst.audio_patch_match(content, style, content_fundamental_freqs, style_fundamental_freqs, content_features, style_features, iterations=10) # Harmonic recovery content_harmonics = sst.fundamental_to_harmonics(content_fundamental_freqs, content_fundamental_amps, content) content_harmonics = sst.grey_dilation(content_harmonics, size=3) content_harmonics *= content.max() / content_harmonics.max() # Sibilant recovery content_sibilants = sst.get_sibilants(content, content_fundamental_amps) content_sibilants *= content.max() / content_sibilants.max() x_arr = np.dstack([ np.mean(stylized, axis=2), np.mean(content_harmonics, axis=2), np.mean(content_sibilants, axis=2) ]) y_arr = np.mean(content, axis=2) style_arr = np.mean(style, axis=2) return 0, 0, style_arr
def main(): while True: if check_connection() is False: log('No internet connection!') break worker = WorkerThread() progress = ProgressThread(worker) worker.start() progress.start() progress.join() delay = args.delay time.sleep(delay)
def event_logout(self, sock=None): # Re-add all players which aren't the sock players = {} for name, conn in self.current_players.items(): if conn == sock: log('Logging out', name, sock) self._update_clients({ 'event': 'remove_player', 'args': [name] }, name) else: players[name] = sock self.current_players = players
def calculate_attack(entity, ax, ay, radius, strength): dist_from_attack_sq = (ax - entity['x'])**2 + (ay - entity['y'])**2 success = False if dist_from_attack_sq <= radius**2: dist_from_attack = sqrt(dist_from_attack_sq) affected_strength = (1 - (dist_from_attack / radius)) * strength log(dist_from_attack, affected_strength, m='mobs') entity['health'] -= affected_strength success = True return success
def generate(inputs, targets, include_pattern, exclude_pattern): """ Generate the Tycho data and files :param inputs: Array of input directories to load Eclipse plugins and features from :param targets: Array of build targets :param include_pattern: Pattern matching Eclipse bundle to include into a build target :param exclude_pattern: Pattern matching Eclipse bundle to exclude from any build target :return: The error code, or 0 if all went well """ # Build repo console.log("== Preparing the repository ...") repo = __build_repository(inputs, include_pattern, exclude_pattern) if repo is None: return 1 # Setup the bundles' target data for target in targets: __add_target(repo, target.feature, target) # Generate all bundles POM console.log("== Generating POM for features ...") for name in iter(sorted(repo.features)): if not __generate_bundle_pom(repo.features[name], "eclipse-feature"): return 2 console.log("== Generating POM for plugins ...") for name in iter(sorted(repo.plugins)): if not __generate_bundle_pom(repo.plugins[name], "eclipse-plugin"): return 2 # Update the targets' top pom.xml console.log("== Updating the module references in top POMs ...") for target in targets: __update_modules(repo, target) return 0
def list_configs(opt): config = utils.get_config() def to_str(value, key): return "[%s] %s %s" % (value, "-", key) if opt == 'disk': disks = config[utils.DISK_SECTION]'Disks list...', True) console.log('\n'.join([to_str(value, key) for key, value in disks.iteritems()])) if opt == 'inet': inet = config[utils.INET_SECTION]'Net Interface list...', True) console.log('\n'.join([to_str(value, key) for key, value in inet.iteritems()]))
def __init__(self): mashup = Input(shape=(None, None, 1), name='input') convA = Conv2D(64, 3, activation='relu', padding='same')(mashup) conv = Conv2D(64, 4, strides=2, activation='relu', padding='same', use_bias=False)(convA) conv = BatchNormalization()(conv) convB = Conv2D(64, 3, activation='relu', padding='same')(conv) conv = Conv2D(64, 4, strides=2, activation='relu', padding='same', use_bias=False)(convB) conv = BatchNormalization()(conv) conv = Conv2D(128, 3, activation='relu', padding='same')(conv) conv = Conv2D(128, 3, activation='relu', padding='same', use_bias=False)(conv) conv = BatchNormalization()(conv) conv = UpSampling2D((2, 2))(conv) conv = Concatenate()([conv, convB]) conv = Conv2D(64, 3, activation='relu', padding='same')(conv) conv = Conv2D(64, 3, activation='relu', padding='same', use_bias=False)(conv) conv = BatchNormalization()(conv) conv = UpSampling2D((2, 2))(conv) conv = Concatenate()([conv, convA]) conv = Conv2D(64, 3, activation='relu', padding='same')(conv) conv = Conv2D(64, 3, activation='relu', padding='same')(conv) conv = Conv2D(32, 3, activation='relu', padding='same')(conv) conv = Conv2D(1, 3, activation='relu', padding='same')(conv) acapella = conv m = Model(inputs=mashup, outputs=acapella) console.log("Model has", m.count_params(), "params") m.compile(loss='mean_squared_error', optimizer='adam') self.model = m # need to know so that we can avoid rounding errors with spectrogram # this should represent how much the input gets downscaled # in the middle of the network self.peak_downscale_factor = 4
def __init__(self, config): self.config = config metrics = Metrics().get() m = Modeler().get() loss = Loss().get() optimizer = Optimizer().get() console.log("Model has", m.count_params(), "params") m.compile(loss=loss, optimizer=optimizer, metrics=metrics) m.summary(line_length=150) self.model = m # need to know so that we can avoid rounding errors with spectrogram # this should represent how much the input gets downscaled # in the middle of the network self.peakDownscaleFactor = 4
def 命令_显示附件宠物信息(): "显示在附近已被加载出来的宠物信息,未加载出来的无法显示" cs = GameObject.FindObjectsOfType(Character) for c in cs: if not c.IsPlayer and c.AnimalData != None: if c.AnimalData.OnwerType == 1: type = Config.GetLangText(c.Name) if c.AnimalData.SelfAnimalData != None: name = c.AnimalData.SelfAnimalData.Name else: name = "" console.log( "种类:%s\t\t 名字:<color=#66CD00>%s</color>\t\t ID:%s" % (type, name,"(Character)", "")))
def 命令_自动回血(): "当血量低于50%时,自动加满血量" def autoHealth(): if Config.PlayerCharacter: if Config.PlayerCharacter.Hp < Config.PlayerCharacter.MaxHp / 2: Config.PlayerCharacter.Hp = Config.PlayerCharacter.MaxHp if not core.isContainsUpdateCallback(keplerth_commands, autoHealth): core.registerUpdateCallback(keplerth_commands, autoHealth) console.log("开启自动回血") else: core.unRegisterUpdateCallback(keplerth_commands, autoHealth) console.log("关闭自动回血")
def 命令_杀死周围生物(*可选_排除中立): "消灭范围内的生物,例: <color=#FF4500>杀死周围生物 是</color> 或 <color=#FF4500>杀死周围生物</color>" justMonster = False if len(可选_排除中立) > 0: justMonster = True cs = GameObject.FindObjectsOfType(Character) for c in cs: if not c.IsPlayer: if c.type == CharacterType.Monster or c.type == CharacterType.Humanoid or ( not justMonster and c.type == CharacterType.Animal): console.log( "杀死 <color=red>%s</color> <color=yellow>%s</color>" % (c.type, Config.GetLangText(c.Name))) c.Hp = 0
def spawn(mobs, players, map_, x_start_range, y_start_range, x_end_range, y_end_range): log("spawning", x_start_range, x_end_range, m='mobs') n_mobs_to_spawn = random.randint(0, 5) if random.random() < mob_rate else 0 new_mobs = {} max_attempts = 100 * n_mobs_to_spawn attempts = 0 while (len(mobs) + len(new_mobs) < mob_limit and len(new_mobs) < n_mobs_to_spawn and attempts < max_attempts): attempts += 1 mx = random.randint(x_start_range, x_end_range - 1) my = random.randint(y_start_range, y_end_range - 1) if mx not in map_ or my < 1 or my > len(map_[mx]) - 2: continue feet = map_[mx][my] head = map_[mx][my - 1] floor = map_[mx][my + 1] closest_player_dist = min( map(lambda p: abs(p['x'] - mx), players.values())) spot_found = (not terrain.is_solid(feet) and not terrain.is_solid(head) and terrain.is_solid(floor) and render_interface.get_light_level( mx, my) < max_spawn_light_level and render_interface.get_light_level( mx, my - 1) < max_spawn_light_level and not closest_player_dist < spawn_player_range_min) if spot_found: new_mobs[str(uuid4())] = { 'x': mx, 'y': my, 'x_vel': 0, 'health': max_mob_health, 'type': 'mob', 'last_attack': 0 } mobs.update(new_mobs) return new_mobs
def setup(): log('Start\n') meta = saves.get_global_meta() settings = saves.get_settings() profile = c.getenv_b('PYCRAFT_PROFILE') name = c.getenv('PYCRAFT_NAME') or settings.get('name') or port = c.getenv('PYCRAFT_PORT') or meta.get('port') or 0 init_colours(settings) saves.check_map_dir() print(HIDE_CUR + CLS) return meta, settings, profile, name, port
def list_configs(opt): config = utils.get_config() def to_str(value, key): return "[%s] %s %s" % (value, "-", key) if opt == 'disk': disks = config[utils.DISK_SECTION]'Disks list...', True) console.log('\n'.join( [to_str(value, key) for key, value in disks.iteritems()])) if opt == 'inet': inet = config[utils.INET_SECTION]'Net Interface list...', True) console.log('\n'.join( [to_str(value, key) for key, value in inet.iteritems()]))
class Main(object): def __init__(self): self._behaviorGos = {} self._load() self.debug_go = None file_mgr.load(None) #load mod save def Update(self): #debug if Input.GetKeyDown(KeyCode.F12): if not self.debug_go: path2 = "C:/Users/Administrator/Desktop/New Unity Project 2/AssetBundles/StandaloneWindows/debug_hierarchy"; asset2 = AssetBundle.LoadFromFile(path2); go = asset2.LoadAsset("Canvas"); self.debug_go = GameObject.Instantiate(go); GameObject.DontDestroyOnLoad(self.debug_go); asset2.Unload(False); else: self.debug_go.SetActive(not; if Input.GetKeyDown(KeyCode.R) and Input.GetKey(KeyCode.LeftControl): self._reload() for mod in self._behaviorGos: if config.ModList[mod].Count <= 0 or config.ModList[mod].Contains(config.CurrentScene): self._behaviorGos[mod].SetActive(True); else: self._behaviorGos[mod].SetActive(False); for module, funs in updateCallback.iteritems(): for fun in funs: fun() def _load(self): for mod, scenes in config.ModList.iteritems(): if not self._behaviorGos.ContainsKey(mod): console.log(Text.getText(Text.LOAD_MOD, mod.__name__)) go = behavior_creator(mod.__name__, mod.MonoBehaviour, True) go.SetActive(False) self._behaviorGos.Add(mod, go) else: console.error(Text.getText(Text.MOD_ALREADY_EXIT, mod.__name__)) def _reload(self): try: for mod in self._behaviorGos.Keys: GameObject.DestroyImmediate(self._behaviorGos[mod]) reload(mod) self._behaviorGos.Remove(mod) console.log(Text.getText(Text.UNLOAD_MOD, mod.__name__)) except StandardError, e: print 'except:', e for module in config.CommandModules: console.log(Text.getText(Text.UNLOAD_CMD_SCRIPT, mod.__name__)) updateCallback.Clear() self._load()
def recieve(self): year = self.year.get('1.0', tk.END).strip('\n') month = self.month.get('1.0', tk.END).strip('\n') day ='1.0', tk.END).strip('\n') id_ ='1.0', tk.END).strip('\n') if id_ == '': messagebox.showerror('Fatal Error', 'Please enter an ID') console.log(console.E, 'Invalid ID entered') else: try: id_ = int(id_) except ValueError: messagebox.showerror('Fatal Error', 'ID must be an integer') console.log(console.E, 'ID not an integer') if day != '' and month != '' and year != '' and id_ != '': try: day = int(day) except ValueError: messagebox.showerror('Fatal Error', 'Day must be an integer between 1 and 7') console.log(console.E, 'Day not an integer') try: month = int(month) except ValueError: messagebox.showerror( 'Fatal Error', 'Month must be an integer between 1 and 31/30/29') console.log(console.E, 'Month not an integer') try: year = int(year) except ValueError: messagebox.showerror('Fatal Error', 'Year must be an integer') console.log(console.E, 'Year not an integer') room_request = ts.Room(id_, year=year, month=month, day=day) self.process(room_request) else: room_request = ts.Room(id_) self.process(room_request)
def spawn(mobs, players, map_, x_start_range, y_start_range, x_end_range, y_end_range): log("spawning", x_start_range, x_end_range, m='mobs'); n_mobs_to_spawn = random.randint(0, 5) if random.random() < mob_rate else 0 new_mobs = {} max_attempts = 100 * n_mobs_to_spawn attempts = 0 while (len(mobs) + len(new_mobs) < mob_limit and len(new_mobs) < n_mobs_to_spawn and attempts < max_attempts): attempts += 1 mx = random.randint(x_start_range, x_end_range-1) my = random.randint(y_start_range, y_end_range-1) if mx not in map_ or my < 1 or my > len(map_[mx]) - 2: continue feet = map_[mx][my] head = map_[mx][my - 1] floor = map_[mx][my + 1] closest_player_dist = min(map(lambda p: abs(p['x'] - mx), players.values())) spot_found = (not terrain.is_solid(feet) and not terrain.is_solid(head) and terrain.is_solid(floor) and render_interface.get_light_level(mx, my) < max_spawn_light_level and render_interface.get_light_level(mx, my - 1) < max_spawn_light_level and not closest_player_dist < spawn_player_range_min) if spot_found: new_mobs[str(uuid4())] = { 'x': mx, 'y': my, 'x_vel': 0, 'health': max_mob_health, 'type': 'mob', 'last_attack': 0 } mobs.update(new_mobs) return new_mobs
def cleanupBuildProperties(bundle): subs = os.listdir(bundle.location) if not "" in subs: return properties = open(os.path.join(bundle.location, ""), "r") found = False for line in properties: if line.find("src.includes") != -1: found = True break properties.close() if not found: if not "about.html" in subs: shutil.copy("about.html", os.path.join(bundle.location, "about.html")) properties = open(os.path.join(bundle.location, ""), "a") properties.write("src.includes = about.html\n") properties.close() console.log("Bundle " + + " => Fixed to add src.includes")
def main(): parser = argparse.ArgumentParser() parser.add_argument('key', help='key name to be fetched ("." to fetch all)') parser.add_argument('conf', help='path to a config file') ns = parser.parse_args() try: val = fetch_value_from_file(ns.key, ns.conf) except KeyError: log('no such key: ' + ns.key) sys.exit(1) if isinstance(val, dict) or isinstance(val, list): print yaml.dump(val) else: print val
def _generate_install_manifest(self, source, target): source = os.path.join(self.src_dir, source) target = os.path.join(self.build_dir, target) if not self.config["verbose"]: console.log("generating", target) else: console.log("generating", "%s from %s" % (target, source)) if not os.path.isdir(os.path.dirname(target)): os.makedirs(os.path.dirname(target)) # exist_ok=True with open(source, "rt") as source_file: with open(target, "wt") as target_file: for l in source_file: l = l.replace("@VERSION@", str(self.config["version"])) l = l.replace("@MIN_VERSION@", str(self.config["min-version"])) l = l.replace("@MAX_VERSION@", str(self.config["max-version"])) target_file.write(l)
def main(): stylized_img = np.load("stylized_img.npy") content_phase = np.load("content_phase.npy") for radius in [0.2, 0.5, 1, 1.5]: # stylized_image_sharp = unsharp_mask(stylized_img, radius=radius, amount=1) stylized_img_blur = cv2.GaussianBlur(stylized_img, (9, 9), radius) stylized_img_sharp = cv2.addWeighted(stylized_img, 1.5, stylized_img_blur, -0.5, 0, stylized_img) stylized_audio = conversion.amplitude_to_audio(stylized_img_sharp, fft_window_size=1536, phase_iterations=15, phase=content_phase) conversion.audio_to_file( stylized_audio, "/Users/ollin/Desktop/stylized_random_phase.sharpened." + str(radius) + ".mp3") console.log("Tested radius", radius)
def save_slices(save, new_slices, slice_heights): """ Updates slices anywhere in the world. """ # Group slices by chunk chunks = {} for pos, slice_ in new_slices.items(): chunk_pos = chunk_num(pos) try: chunks[chunk_pos].update({pos: slice_}) except KeyError: chunks[chunk_pos] = {pos: slice_} log('saving slices', new_slices.keys()) log('saving chunks', chunks.keys()) # Update chunk files for chunk_pos, chunk in chunks.items(): save_chunk(save, chunk_pos, chunk, slice_heights)
def receive(sock): data = None error = False bufsize = 1024 try: d = sock.recv(4) except OSError: error = True else: if not d: error = True if not error: length = struct.unpack('I', d)[0] log('data length', length) d = bytes() try: for i in range(length // bufsize): d += sock.recv(bufsize) time.sleep(0.001) d += sock.recv(length % bufsize) except OSError: error = True else: if not len(d): error = True if not error: data = str(d, 'ascii') log('real length', len(d)) if error: log('Socket closing') sock.close() else: log('Received:', repr(data), trunc=False) try: return json.loads(data) except ValueError as e: log('JSON Error:', e)
def build_cave(chunk, chunk_pos, x, cave_feature, ground_heights): """ Adds caves at x to the chunk. """ for segment in cave_feature['segments']: (sx, sy), (dx, dy), r = segment x_quad = abs(dx) >= abs(dy) r -= (r/2) * abs(cos(atan2(dy, dx))) log(r, x_quad, m='cave') if x_quad: if dx < 0: sx = sx + dx dx *= -1 sy = sy + dy dy *= -1 ry = int(r * cos(atan2(dy, dx))) for u in range(sx, sx + dx): if in_chunk(u, chunk_pos): y_intercept = int(world_gen['height'] - (sy + dy * (u - sx) / dx)) for zy in range(y_intercept-ry, y_intercept+ry+1): if zy < world_gen['height'] and chunk[u][zy] is not '_': chunk[u][zy] = ' ' else: if dy < 0: sy = sy + dy dy *= -1 sx = sx + dx dx *= -1 rx = int(r * cos(atan2(dx, dy))) for v in range(sy, sy + dy): x_intercept = int((sx + dx * (v - sy) / dy)) world_y = world_gen['height'] - v if world_y < world_gen['height']: for zx in range(x_intercept-rx, x_intercept+rx): if in_chunk(zx, chunk_pos) and chunk[zx][world_y] is not '_': chunk[zx][world_y] = ' '
def train(self, data, epochs, batch=8): xTrain, yTrain = data.train() xValid, yValid = data.valid() while epochs > 0: console.log("Training for", epochs, "epochs on", len(xTrain), "examples"), yTrain, batch_size=batch, epochs=epochs, validation_data=(xValid, yValid)) console.notify(str(epochs) + " Epochs Complete!", "Training on", data.inPath, "with size", batch) while True: try: epochs = int(input("How many more epochs should we train for? ")) break except ValueError: console.warn("Oops, number parse failed. Try again, I guess?") if epochs > 0: save = input("Should we save intermediate weights [y/n]? ") if not save.lower().startswith("n"): weightPath = ''.join(random.choice(string.digits) for _ in range(16)) + ".h5" console.log("Saving intermediate weights to", weightPath) self.saveWeights(weightPath)
def save_spectrogram(spectrogram, file_path, learn_phase=False): if learn_phase: spectrogram = stft_to_amplitude( real_and_imag_to_stft(spectrogram)) spectrogram = spectrogram[:, :, 0] cm_hot = get_cmap('magma') spectrum = spectrogram"Range of spectrum is " + str(np.min(spectrum)) + " -> " + str(np.max(spectrum))) image = np.clip((spectrum - np.min(spectrum)) / (np.max(spectrum) - np.min(spectrum)), 0, 1)"Shape of spectrum is", image.shape) # Low-contrast image warnings are not helpful, tyvm with warnings.catch_warnings(): image = cm_hot(image) warnings.simplefilter("ignore") io.imsave(file_path, image) console.log("Saved image to", file_path)
def chess(): token = None if 'x-access-tokens' in request.headers: token = request.headers['x-access-tokens'] if request.method == 'GET': if not token: plain_text = str( new_key = jwt.encode({ 'key': plain_text }, app.config['SECRET_KEY']).decode('UTF-8') document = loads(dumps(({'_id': plain_text, 'game': 'whippii'}))) collection.insert_one(document) console.log('inserting this key: ' + plain_text) tmp = collection.find_one({'_id': plain_text}) if tmp is not None: return loads(dumps({ 'game': tmp.get('game'), 'token': new_key })) return jsonify({'error': 'something went wrong'}) try: jwt_dict = jwt.decode(token, app.config['SECRET_KEY']) key = jwt_dict.get('key') console.log('trying this key: ' + key) tmp = collection.find_one({'_id': key}) if tmp is not None: return loads(dumps({'game': tmp.get('game')})) else: return jsonify({'message': 'token was not in the database'}) except: return jsonify({'message': 'token is invalid'}) if request.method == 'POST': if not token: return jsonify({'message': 'there was no token'}) json_document = request.json return jsonify({'message': 'ei vittu'})
def isolateVocals(self, path, fftWindowSize, phaseIterations=10): console.log("Attempting to isolate vocals from", path) audio, sampleRate = conversion.loadAudioFile(path, sr=22100) spectrogram, phase = conversion.audioFileToSpectrogram( audio, fftWindowSize=fftWindowSize) console.log("Retrieved spectrogram; processing...") expandedSpectrogram = conversion.expandToGrid(spectrogram, self.peakDownscaleFactor) expandedSpectrogramWithBatchAndChannels = expandedSpectrogram[ np.newaxis, :, :, np.newaxis] print(expandedSpectrogramWithBatchAndChannels.shape) # 预测 predictedSpectrogramWithBatchAndChannels = self.model.predict( expandedSpectrogramWithBatchAndChannels) predictedSpectrogram = predictedSpectrogramWithBatchAndChannels[ 0, :, :, 0] # o /// o newSpectrogram = predictedSpectrogram[:spectrogram. shape[0], :spectrogram.shape[1]] console.log("Processed spectrogram; reconverting to audio") newAudio = conversion.spectrogramToAudioFile( newSpectrogram, sampleRate, fftWindowSize=fftWindowSize, phaseIterations=phaseIterations) # file information pathParts = os.path.split(path) fileNameParts = os.path.splitext(pathParts[1]) outputFileNameBase = os.path.join(pathParts[0], fileNameParts[0] + "_densenet") console.log("Converted to audio; writing to", outputFileNameBase) conversion.saveAudioFile(newAudio, outputFileNameBase + ".wav", sampleRate) # conversion.saveSpectrogram(newSpectrogram, outputFileNameBase + ".png") # conversion.saveSpectrogram(spectrogram, os.path.join(pathParts[0], fileNameParts[0]) + ".png") console.log("Vocal isolation complete")
def process_spectrogram(self, spectrogram, channels=1): chopper = Chopper() = "infer" chopper.params = "{'scale': %d}" % self.config.inference_slice chop = chopper.get(both=False) slices = chop(spectrogram) normalizer = Normalizer() normalize = normalizer.get(both=False) denormalize = normalizer.get_reverse() new_spectrogram = np.zeros((spectrogram.shape[0], 0, channels)) for slice in slices: # normalize slice, norm = normalize(slice) epanded_spectrogram = conversion.expand_to_grid( slice, self.peakDownscaleFactor, channels) epanded_spectrogram_with_batch_and_channels = \ epanded_spectrogram[np.newaxis, :, :] predicted_spectrogram_with_batch_and_channels = self.model.predict( epanded_spectrogram_with_batch_and_channels) # o /// o predicted_spectrogram = \ predicted_spectrogram_with_batch_and_channels[0, :, :, :] local_spectrogram = predicted_spectrogram[:slice.shape[0], :slice. shape[1], :] # de-normalize local_spectrogram = denormalize(local_spectrogram, norm) new_spectrogram = np.concatenate( (new_spectrogram, local_spectrogram), axis=1) console.log("Processed spectrogram") return spectrogram, new_spectrogram