def user_iam_role(iamrole_table, www_user): from consoleme.lib.dynamo import IAMRoleDynamoHandler ddb = IAMRoleDynamoHandler() role_entry = { "arn": www_user.pop("Arn"), "name": www_user.pop("RoleName"), "accountId": "123456789012", "ttl": int((datetime.utcnow() + timedelta(hours=36)).timestamp()), "policy": ddb.convert_role_to_json(www_user), } ddb.sync_iam_role_for_account(role_entry)
class Aws: """The AWS class handles all interactions with AWS.""" def __init__(self): = RedisHandler().redis_sync() self.redis_key = config.get("aws.iamroles_redis_key", "IAM_ROLE_CACHE") self.dynamo = IAMRoleDynamoHandler() @retry( stop_max_attempt_number=3, wait_exponential_multiplier=1000, wait_exponential_max=1000, ) def _add_role_to_redis(self, role_entry: dict): """Add the role to redis with a retry. :param role_entry: :return: """, role_entry["arn"], json.dumps(role_entry)) @retry( stop_max_attempt_number=3, wait_exponential_multiplier=1000, wait_exponential_max=1000, ) def _fetch_role_from_redis(self, role_arn: str): """Fetch the role from redis with a retry. :param role_arn: :return: """ return, role_arn) @retry( stop_max_attempt_number=3, wait_exponential_multiplier=1000, wait_exponential_max=1000, ) def _invoke_lambda(self, client: object, function_name: str, payload: bytes): """Invoke the lambda function for creating the user-roles.""" return client.invoke( FunctionName=function_name, InvocationType="RequestResponse", Payload=payload, ) async def _cloudaux_to_aws(self, role): """Convert the cloudaux get_role into the get_account_authorization_details equivalent.""" # Pop out the fields that are not required: # Arn and RoleName will be popped off later: unrequired_fields = ["_version", "MaxSessionDuration"] for uf in unrequired_fields: role.pop(uf, None) # Fix the Managed Policies: role["AttachedManagedPolicies"] = list( map( lambda x: {"PolicyName": x["name"], "PolicyArn": x["arn"]}, role.get("ManagedPolicies", []), ) ) role.pop("ManagedPolicies", None) # Fix the tags: if isinstance(role.get("Tags", {}), dict): role["Tags"] = list( map( lambda key: {"Key": key, "Value": role["Tags"][key]}, role.get("Tags", {}), ) ) # Note: the instance profile list is verbose -- not transforming it (outside of renaming the field)! role["InstanceProfileList"] = role.pop("InstanceProfiles", []) # Inline Policies: role["RolePolicyList"] = list( map( lambda name: { "PolicyName": name, "PolicyDocument": role["InlinePolicies"][name], }, role.get("InlinePolicies", {}), ) ) role.pop("InlinePolicies", None) return role async def fetch_iam_role( self, account_id: str, role_arn: str, force_refresh: bool = False ) -> dict: """Fetch the IAM Role template from Redis and/or Dynamo. :param account_id: :param role_arn: :return: """ log_data: dict = { "function": f"{__name__}.{self.__class__.__name__}.{sys._getframe().f_code.co_name}", "role_arn": role_arn, "account_id": account_id, "force_refresh": force_refresh, } result: dict = {} if not force_refresh: # First check redis: result: str = await sync_to_async(self._fetch_role_from_redis)(role_arn) if result: result: dict = json.loads(result) # If this item is less than an hour old, then return it from Redis. if result["ttl"] > int( (datetime.utcnow() - timedelta(hours=1)).timestamp() ): log_data["message"] = "Role not in Redis -- fetching from DDB." log.debug(log_data) stats.count( "aws.fetch_iam_role.in_redis", tags={"account_id": account_id, "role_arn": role_arn}, ) result["policy"] = json.loads(result["policy"]) return result # If not in Redis or it's older than an hour, proceed to DynamoDB: result = await sync_to_async(self.dynamo.fetch_iam_role)( role_arn, account_id ) # If it's NOT in dynamo, or if we're forcing a refresh, we need to reach out to AWS and fetch: if force_refresh or not result.get("Item"): if force_refresh: log_data["message"] = "Force refresh is enabled. Going out to AWS." stats.count( "aws.fetch_iam_role.force_refresh", tags={"account_id": account_id, "role_arn": role_arn}, ) else: log_data["message"] = "Role is missing in DDB. Going out to AWS." stats.count( "aws.fetch_iam_role.missing_dynamo", tags={"account_id": account_id, "role_arn": role_arn}, ) log.debug(log_data) try: tasks = [] role_name = role_arn.split("/")[-1] # Instantiate a cached CloudAux client client = await sync_to_async(boto3_cached_conn)( "iam", account_number=account_id, assume_role=config.get("policies.role_name"), retry_max_attempts=2, ) conn = { "account_number": account_id, "assume_role": config.get("policies.role_name"), "region": config.region, } role_details = asyncio.ensure_future( sync_to_async(client.get_role)(RoleName=role_name) ) tasks.append(role_details) all_tasks = [ get_role_managed_policies, get_role_inline_policies, list_role_tags, ] for t in all_tasks: tasks.append( asyncio.ensure_future( sync_to_async(t)({"RoleName": role_name}, **conn) ) ) responses = asyncio.gather(*tasks) result = await responses role = result[0]["Role"] role["ManagedPolicies"] = result[1] role["InlinePolicies"] = result[2] role["Tags"] = result[3] except ClientError as ce: if ce.response["Error"]["Code"] == "NoSuchEntity": # The role does not exist: log_data["message"] = "Role does not exist in AWS." log.error(log_data) stats.count( "aws.fetch_iam_role.missing_in_aws", tags={"account_id": account_id, "role_arn": role_arn}, ) return None else: log_data["message"] = f"Some other error: {ce.response}" log.error(log_data) stats.count( "aws.fetch_iam_role.aws_connection_problem", tags={"account_id": account_id, "role_arn": role_arn}, ) raise # Format the role for DynamoDB and Redis: await self._cloudaux_to_aws(role) result = { "arn": role.get("Arn"), "name": role.pop("RoleName"), "resourceId": role.pop("RoleId"), "accountId": account_id, "ttl": int((datetime.utcnow() + timedelta(hours=36)).timestamp()), "policy": self.dynamo.convert_role_to_json(role), "permissions_boundary": role.get("PermissionsBoundary", {}), "templated": config.get("templated_roles.redis_key", "TEMPLATED_ROLES_v2"), role.get("Arn").lower(), ), } # Sync with DDB: await sync_to_async(self.dynamo.sync_iam_role_for_account)(result) log_data["message"] = "Role fetched from AWS, and synced with DDB." stats.count( "aws.fetch_iam_role.fetched_from_aws", tags={"account_id": account_id, "role_arn": role_arn}, ) else: log_data["message"] = "Role fetched from DDB." stats.count( "aws.fetch_iam_role.in_dynamo", tags={"account_id": account_id, "role_arn": role_arn}, ) # Fix the TTL: result["Item"]["ttl"] = int(result["Item"]["ttl"]) result = result["Item"] # Update the redis cache: stats.count( "aws.fetch_iam_role.in_dynamo", tags={"account_id": account_id, "role_arn": role_arn}, ) await sync_to_async(self._add_role_to_redis)(result) log_data["message"] += " Updated Redis." log.debug(log_data) result["policy"] = json.loads(result["policy"]) return result async def call_user_lambda( self, role: str, user_email: str, account_id: str, user_role_name: str = "user" ) -> str: """Call out to the lambda function to provision the per-user role for the account.""" # Get the template's name based on the account and user role name: accounts = await get_account_id_to_name_mapping() account_name = accounts[account_id] role_to_fetch = ( f"arn:aws:iam::{account_id}:role/{account_name}_{user_role_name}" ) # Fetch the role role_details = await self.fetch_iam_role(account_id, role_to_fetch) # If we did not receive any role details, raise an exception: if not role_details: raise NoRoleTemplateException(f"Unable to locate {role_to_fetch}") # Prepare the payload for the lambda and send it out: payload = json.dumps( { "user_role_short_name": role.split("role/")[1], "user_email": user_email, "account_number": account_id, "primary_policies": role_details["policy"].get("RolePolicyList", []), "managed_policy_arns": role_details["policy"].get( "AttachedManagedPolicies", [] ), } ).encode() client = boto3.client("lambda", region_name=config.region) lambda_result = await sync_to_async(self._invoke_lambda)( client, config.get("lambda_role_creator.function_name", "UserRoleCreator"), payload, ) lambda_result = json.loads(lambda_result["Payload"].read().decode()) if not lambda_result.get("success", False): raise UserRoleLambdaException(f"Received invalid response: {lambda_result}") return f'arn:aws:iam::{lambda_result["account_number"]}:role/{lambda_result["role_name"]}' @tenacity.retry( wait=tenacity.wait_fixed(2), stop=tenacity.stop_after_attempt(5), retry=tenacity.retry_if_exception_type(UserRoleNotAssumableYet), ) async def get_credentials( self, user: str, role: str, enforce_ip_restrictions: bool = True, user_role: bool = False, account_id: str = None, custom_ip_restrictions: list = None, ) -> dict: """Get Credentials will return the list of temporary credentials from AWS.""" log_data = { "function": f"{__name__}.{self.__class__.__name__}.{sys._getframe().f_code.co_name}", "user": user, "role": role, "enforce_ip_restrictions": enforce_ip_restrictions, "custom_ip_restrictions": custom_ip_restrictions, "message": "Generating credentials", } session = boto3.Session() client = session.client( "sts", region_name=config.region, endpoint_url=f"https://sts.{config.region}", ) ip_restrictions = config.get("aws.ip_restrictions") stats.count("aws.get_credentials", tags={"role": role, "user": user}) # If this is a dynamic request, then we need to fetch the role details, call out to the lambda # wait for it to complete, assume the role, and then return the assumed credentials back. if user_role: stats.count("aws.call_user_lambda", tags={"role": role, "user": user}) try: role = await self.call_user_lambda(role, user, account_id) except Exception as e: raise e try: if enforce_ip_restrictions and ip_restrictions: policy = json.dumps( dict( Version="2012-10-17", Statement=[ dict( Effect="Deny", Action="*", Resource="*", Condition=dict( NotIpAddress={"aws:SourceIP": ip_restrictions} ), ), dict(Effect="Allow", Action="*", Resource="*"), ], ) ) credentials = await sync_to_async(client.assume_role)( RoleArn=role, RoleSessionName=user.lower(), Policy=policy, DurationSeconds=config.get("aws.session_duration", 3600), ) credentials["Credentials"]["Expiration"] = int( credentials["Credentials"]["Expiration"].timestamp() ) return credentials if custom_ip_restrictions: policy = json.dumps( dict( Version="2012-10-17", Statement=[ dict( Effect="Deny", Action="*", Resource="*", Condition=dict( NotIpAddress={ "aws:SourceIP": custom_ip_restrictions } ), ), dict(Effect="Allow", Action="*", Resource="*"), ], ) ) credentials = await sync_to_async(client.assume_role)( RoleArn=role, RoleSessionName=user.lower(), Policy=policy, DurationSeconds=config.get("aws.session_duration", 3600), ) credentials["Credentials"]["Expiration"] = int( credentials["Credentials"]["Expiration"].timestamp() ) return credentials credentials = await sync_to_async(client.assume_role)( RoleArn=role, RoleSessionName=user.lower(), DurationSeconds=config.get("aws.session_duration", 3600), ) credentials["Credentials"]["Expiration"] = int( credentials["Credentials"]["Expiration"].timestamp() ) log.debug(log_data) return credentials except ClientError as e: # TODO(ccastrapel): Determine if user role was really just created, or if this is an older role. if user_role: raise UserRoleNotAssumableYet(e.response["Error"]) raise async def generate_url( self, user: str, role: str, region: str = "us-east-1", user_role: bool = False, account_id: str = None, ) -> str: """Generate URL will get temporary credentials and craft a URL with those credentials.""" function = ( f"{__name__}.{self.__class__.__name__}.{sys._getframe().f_code.co_name}" ) log_data = { "function": function, "user": user, "role": role, "message": "Generating authenticated AWS console URL", } log.debug(log_data) credentials = await self.get_credentials( user, role, user_role=user_role, account_id=account_id, enforce_ip_restrictions=False, ) credentials_d = { "sessionId": credentials.get("Credentials", {}).get("AccessKeyId"), "sessionKey": credentials.get("Credentials", {}).get("SecretAccessKey"), "sessionToken": credentials.get("Credentials", {}).get("SessionToken"), } req_params = { "Action": "getSigninToken", "Session": bleach.clean(json.dumps(credentials_d)), "DurationSeconds": config.get("aws.session_duration", 3600), } http_client = AsyncHTTPClient(force_instance=True) url_with_params: str = url_concat( config.get( "aws.federation_url", "" ), req_params, ) r = await http_client.fetch(url_with_params, ssl_options=ssl.SSLContext()) token = json.loads(r.body) login_req_params = { "Action": "login", "Issuer": config.get("aws.issuer"), "Destination": ( "{}".format( config.get( "aws.console_url", "https://{}" ).format(region) ) ), "SigninToken": bleach.clean(token.get("SigninToken")), "SessionDuration": config.get("aws.session_duration", 3600), } r2 = requests_sync.Request( "GET", config.get( "aws.federation_url", "" ), params=login_req_params, ) url = r2.prepare().url return url async def sns_publisher_group_requests( self, user, group, justification, request_id, bg_check_passed ): raise NotImplementedError() async def sns_publish_policy_requests(self, request, request_uri): raise NotImplementedError() async def send_communications_policy_change_request(self, request, send_sns=False): """ Optionally send a notification when there's a new policy change request :param request: :param send_sns: :return: """ log_data: dict = { "function": f"{__name__}.{self.__class__.__name__}.{sys._getframe().f_code.co_name}", "message": "Function is not configured.", } log.warning(log_data) return async def send_communications_new_policy_request( self, extended_request, admin_approved, approval_probe_approved ): """ Optionally send a notification when there's a new policy change request :param approval_probe_approved: :param admin_approved: :param extended_request: :return: """ log_data: dict = { "function": f"{__name__}.{self.__class__.__name__}.{sys._getframe().f_code.co_name}", "message": "Function is not configured.", } log.warning(log_data) return @staticmethod def handle_detected_role(role): pass async def should_auto_approve_policy_v2(self, extended_request, user, user_groups): return {"approved": False}