def test_menu_items_ascii_margins_and_padding(self): print_screen_edge() sect = MenuItemsSection(MenuStyle(margins=MenuMargins(2, 8, 2, 8), padding=MenuPadding(1, 8, 1, 8)), items=self.small_list) for line in sect.generate(): print(line)
def __init__(self, max_dimension=None): if max_dimension is None: max_dimension = Dimension(width=80, height=40) self.__max_dimension = max_dimension self.__border_style_factory = MenuBorderStyleFactory() self.__header = MenuHeader(menu_style=MenuStyle(), max_dimension=max_dimension) self.__prologue = MenuTextSection(menu_style=MenuStyle(), max_dimension=max_dimension) self.__items_section = MenuItemsSection(menu_style=MenuStyle(), max_dimension=max_dimension) self.__epilogue = MenuTextSection(menu_style=MenuStyle(), max_dimension=max_dimension) self.__footer = MenuFooter(menu_style=MenuStyle(), max_dimension=max_dimension) self.__prompt = MenuPrompt(menu_style=MenuStyle(), max_dimension=max_dimension) # Indent items deeper than other sections = 3 # Change default top border of prompt to 0, so it hugs the bottom of the menu = 0
def test_show_top_border_for_items(self): print_screen_edge() sect = MenuItemsSection(MenuStyle(border_style=LightBorderStyle()), items=self.large_list) sect.show_item_top_border('menu_item_4', True) sect.show_item_top_border('menu_item_8', True) sect.show_item_top_border('menu_item_12', True) for line in sect.generate(): print(line)
class MenuFormatBuilder(object): """ Builder class for generating the menu format. """ def __init__(self, max_dimension=None): if max_dimension is None: max_dimension = Dimension(width=80, height=40) self.__max_dimension = max_dimension self.__border_style_factory = MenuBorderStyleFactory() self.__header = MenuHeader(menu_style=MenuStyle(), max_dimension=max_dimension) self.__prologue = MenuTextSection(menu_style=MenuStyle(), max_dimension=max_dimension) self.__items_section = MenuItemsSection(menu_style=MenuStyle(), max_dimension=max_dimension) self.__epilogue = MenuTextSection(menu_style=MenuStyle(), max_dimension=max_dimension) self.__footer = MenuFooter(menu_style=MenuStyle(), max_dimension=max_dimension) self.__prompt = MenuPrompt(menu_style=MenuStyle(), max_dimension=max_dimension) # Indent items deeper than other sections = 3 # Change default top border of prompt to 0, so it hugs the bottom of the menu = 0 # ============================================================ # Margins and Border style applies to entire menu # ============================================================ def set_border_style(self, border_style): """ Set the border style using the specified MenuBorderStyle instance. :param border_style: the instance of MenuBorderStyle to use for border style formatting. """ if not isinstance(border_style, MenuBorderStyle): raise TypeError('border_style must be type MenuBorderStyle') = border_style = border_style = border_style = border_style = border_style = border_style return self def set_border_style_type(self, border_style_type): """ Set the border style using the specified border style type. The border style type should be an integer value recognized by the border style factory for this formatter instance. The built-in border style types are provided by the `MenuBorderStyleType` class, or custom border style types can be provided if using a custom border style factory. :param border_style_type: an integer value representing the border style type. """ style = self.__border_style_factory.create_border(border_style_type) self.set_border_style(style) return self def set_border_style_factory(self, border_style_factory): """ Set the instance of MenuBorderStyleFactory to use for generating border styles. Typically, this method will never need to be used, unless the default MenuBorderStyleFactory has been subclassed to provide custom border styles. :param border_style_factory: an instance of MenuBorderStyleFactory. """ if not isinstance(border_style_factory, MenuBorderStyleFactory): raise TypeError('border_style_factory must be type MenuBorderStyleFactory') self.__border_style_factory = border_style_factory return self def set_bottom_margin(self, bottom_margin): """ Set the bottom margin of the menu. This will determine the number of console lines appear between the bottom of the menu border and the menu input prompt. :param bottom_margin: an integer value """ = bottom_margin return self def set_left_margin(self, left_margin): """ Set the left margin of the menu. This will determine the number of spaces between the left edge of the screen and the left menu border. :param left_margin: an integer value """ = left_margin = left_margin = left_margin = left_margin = left_margin = left_margin return self def set_right_margin(self, right_margin): """ Set the right margin of the menu. This will determine the number of spaces between the right edge of the screen and the right menu border. :param right_margin: an integer value """ = right_margin = right_margin = right_margin = right_margin = right_margin = right_margin return self def set_top_margin(self, top_margin): """ Set the top margin of the menu. This will determine the number of console lines between the top edge of the screen and the top menu border. :param top_margin: an integer value """ = top_margin return self # ============================================================ # Header Settings # ============================================================ def set_title_align(self, align='left'): self.__header.title_align = align return self def set_subtitle_align(self, align='left'): self.__header.subtitle_align = align return self def set_header_left_padding(self, x): = x return self def set_header_right_padding(self, x): = x return self def set_header_bottom_padding(self, x): = x return self def set_header_top_padding(self, x): = x return self def show_header_bottom_border(self, flag): self.__header.show_bottom_border = flag return self # ============================================================ # Footer Settings # ============================================================ def set_footer_left_padding(self, x): = x return self def set_footer_right_padding(self, x): = x return self def set_footer_bottom_padding(self, x): = x return self def set_footer_top_padding(self, x): = x return self # ============================================================ # Items Section Settings # ============================================================ def set_items_left_padding(self, x): = x return self def set_items_right_padding(self, x): = x return self def set_items_bottom_padding(self, x): = x return self def set_items_top_padding(self, x): = x return self def show_item_bottom_border(self, item_text, flag): # Allow a menu item to be passed in instead of text. if not isinstance(item_text, str) and hasattr(item_text, 'get_text'): item_text = item_text.get_text() self.__items_section.show_item_bottom_border(item_text, flag) return self def show_item_top_border(self, item_text, flag): # Allow a menu item to be passed in instead of text. if not isinstance(item_text, str) and hasattr(item_text, 'get_text'): item_text = item_text.get_text() self.__items_section.show_item_top_border(item_text, flag) return self # ============================================================ # Prologue Section Settings # ============================================================ def set_prologue_text_align(self, align='left'): self.__prologue.text_align = align return self def show_prologue_top_border(self, flag): self.__prologue.show_top_border = flag return self def show_prologue_bottom_border(self, flag): self.__prologue.show_bottom_border = flag return self # ============================================================ # Epilogue Section Settings # ============================================================ def set_epilogue_text_align(self, align='left'): self.__epilogue.text_align = align return self def show_epilogue_top_border(self, flag): self.__epilogue.show_top_border = flag return self def show_epilogue_bottom_border(self, flag): self.__epilogue.show_bottom_border = flag return self # ============================================================ # Prompt Settings # ============================================================ def set_prompt(self, prompt): self.__prompt.prompt = prompt return self # ============================================================ # Menu generation # ============================================================ def clear_data(self): """ Clear menu data from previous menu generation. """ self.__header.title = None self.__header.subtitle = None self.__prologue.text = None self.__epilogue.text = None self.__items_section.items = None def format(self, title=None, subtitle=None, prologue_text=None, epilogue_text=None, items=None): """ Format the menu and return as a string. :return: a string representation of the formatted menu. """ self.clear_data() content = '' # Header Section if title is not None: self.__header.title = title if subtitle is not None: self.__header.subtitle = subtitle sections = [self.__header] # Prologue Section if prologue_text is not None: self.__prologue.text = prologue_text sections.append(self.__prologue) # Items Section if items is not None: self.__items_section.items = items sections.append(self.__items_section) # Epilogue Section if epilogue_text is not None: self.__epilogue.text = epilogue_text sections.append(self.__epilogue) sections.append(self.__footer) sections.append(self.__prompt) for sect in sections: content += "\n".join(sect.generate()) # Don't add newline to prompt so input is on same line as prompt if not isinstance(sect, MenuPrompt): content += "\n" return content
def test_show_both_borders_for_items_then_disable_borders(self): print_screen_edge() sect = MenuItemsSection(MenuStyle(border_style=LightBorderStyle()), items=self.large_list) sect.show_item_top_border('menu_item_4', True) sect.show_item_bottom_border('menu_item_4', True) sect.show_item_top_border('menu_item_8', True) sect.show_item_bottom_border('menu_item_8', True) sect.show_item_top_border('menu_item_12', True) sect.show_item_bottom_border('menu_item_12', True) print("This should show top and bottom borders on items 4, 8, and 12") for line in sect.generate(): print(line) sect.show_item_top_border('menu_item_4', False) sect.show_item_bottom_border('menu_item_4', False) sect.show_item_top_border('menu_item_8', False) sect.show_item_bottom_border('menu_item_8', False) sect.show_item_top_border('menu_item_12', False) sect.show_item_bottom_border('menu_item_12', False) print("This should not show any borders on any item") for line in sect.generate(): print(line)
def test_menu_items_unicodelight(self): print_screen_edge() sect = MenuItemsSection(MenuStyle(border_style=LightBorderStyle()), items=self.small_list) for line in sect.generate(): print(line)
def test_menu_items_ascii_padding_large_list(self): print_screen_edge() sect = MenuItemsSection(MenuStyle(padding=MenuPadding(1, 4, 1, 4)), items=self.large_list) for line in sect.generate(): print(line)
def test_menu_items_ascii(self): print_screen_edge() sect = MenuItemsSection(MenuStyle(), items=self.small_list) for line in sect.generate(): print(line)
def test_menu_items_ascii_no_items(self): print_screen_edge() sect = MenuItemsSection(MenuStyle()) for line in sect.generate(): print(line)