def Stage_Clear(screen,player): #============================================================================== # Fonte #============================================================================== stage_clear = constants.Get_Font(constants.SaiyanFont,100) Stage_clear = stage_clear.render("Stage Clear",True,constants.WHITE,None) Stage_clear_Rect = Stage_clear.get_rect() = ((constants.SCREEN_WIDTH/2),(constants.SCREEN_HEIGHT/2)) #============================================================================== # Tela #============================================================================== black_surf = pygame.Surface((constants.SCREEN_WIDTH, constants.SCREEN_HEIGHT), pygame.SRCALPHA) black_surf.fill((0, 0, 0, 180)) screen.blit(black_surf, (0, 0)) screen.blit(Stage_clear,Stage_clear_Rect) for event in pygame.event.get(): if pygame.joystick.get_count() > 0: if event.type == pygame.JOYBUTTONDOWN: if event.button == 2 or 9: constants.game_clear = True else: pressed = pygame.key.get_pressed() if event.type == pygame.QUIT: pygame.quit() # Fecha a janela se o usuário clicar em fechar quit() if event.type == pygame.KEYDOWN: if ((pressed[pygame.K_LALT] and pressed[pygame.K_F4]) or (pressed[pygame.K_RALT] and pressed[pygame.K_F4])): pygame.quit() # Fecha a janela se o usuário pressionar ALT+F4 quit() if pygame.K_RETURN: constants.game_clear = True
def player_hud(self, screen): self.Hp_Max_Porc = (constants.Hp_Max/constants.Hp_Max)*100 self.Hp_Porc = (self.hp/constants.Hp_Max)*100 self.Mp_Max_Porc = (constants.Mp_Max/constants.Mp_Max)*100 self.Mp_Porc = (*100 Vida = constants.Get_Font("font\8-BIT WONDER.TTF", 10) Vidas = Vida.render("x"+str(self.Lives), True, constants.WHITE, None) Vidas_Rect = Vidas.get_rect() Vidas_Rect.x ,Vidas_Rect.y = 190,104 pygame.draw.rect(screen, constants.WHITE,(0,60,60,69)) pygame.draw.rect(screen, constants.BGREEN,(1,61,58,67)) screen.blit(self.Face, (1,60)) pygame.draw.rect(screen, constants.WHITE, (61, 104, 1.5*self.Hp_Max_Porc+2, 12)) pygame.draw.rect(screen, constants.GRAY, (62, 105, 1.5*self.Hp_Max_Porc, 10)) if self.Hp_Porc >= self.Hp_Max_Porc * 0.75: pygame.draw.rect(screen, constants.GREEN, (62, 105, 1.5*self.Hp_Porc, 10)) elif self.Hp_Porc >= self.Hp_Max_Porc * 0.25 and self.Hp_Porc < self.Hp_Max_Porc * 0.75: pygame.draw.rect(screen, constants.YELLOW, (62, 105, 1.5*self.Hp_Porc, 10)) elif self.Hp_Porc < self.Hp_Max_Porc * 0.25 and self.Hp_Porc > 0: pygame.draw.rect(screen, constants.RED, (62, 105, 1.5*self.Hp_Porc, 10)) elif self.Hp_Porc == 0: pygame.draw.rect(screen, constants.GRAY, (62, 105, 1.5*self.Hp_Max_Porc, 10)) screen.blit(Vidas,Vidas_Rect) pygame.draw.rect(screen, constants.WHITE, (61, 117, (1.5*self.Mp_Max_Porc)+2, 12)) pygame.draw.rect(screen, constants.GRAY, (62, 118, 1.5*self.Mp_Max_Porc, 10)) pygame.draw.rect(screen, constants.BLUE, (62, 118, 1.5*self.Mp_Porc, 10))
def Game_Start(Screen,player): black_surf = pygame.Surface((constants.SCREEN_WIDTH, constants.SCREEN_HEIGHT), pygame.SRCALPHA) black_surf.fill((0, 0, 0,0)) Screen.blit(black_surf, (0, 0)) if 45 < player.rect.x : if constants.b == 0: constants.b = 1 if constants.e <=20: Ready = constants.Get_Font(constants.SaiyanFont,constants.f_s) ready_txt = Ready.render("Ready",True, constants.WHITE, None) ready_txt_rect = ready_txt.get_rect() = (constants.SCREEN_WIDTH / 2, constants.SCREEN_HEIGHT/2-25) Screen.blit(ready_txt, ready_txt_rect) constants.f_s += 1 constants.e += 1 elif 20< constants.e <= 40: if constants.a == 0: constants.f_s = 72 constants.a = 1 go = constants.Get_Font(constants.SaiyanFont,constants.f_s) go_txt = go.render("Go", True ,constants.WHITE, None) go_txt_rect = go_txt.get_rect() =(constants.SCREEN_WIDTH / 2, constants.SCREEN_HEIGHT/2-25) Screen.blit(go_txt, go_txt_rect) constants.f_s += 1 constants.e += 1 else: constants.e = 0 constants.f_s = 72 constants.b = 0 if player.rect.x <= 200: if player.State('move'): player.go_right() else: player.stop() constants.game_start = False
def Pause(): pygame.joystick.init() if pygame.joystick.get_count() > 0: joystick = pygame.joystick.Joystick(0) joystick.init() background = pygame.image.load("Fotos\Start Screen.png").convert() start = constants.Get_Font(constants.BitFont, 22) press_start = start.render("Pause", True, constants.WHITE, None) instart = True while instart: screen1 = pygame.display.set_mode( (constants.SCREEN_WIDTH, constants.SCREEN_HEIGHT)) screen1.blit(background, (0, 0)) press_start_rect = press_start.get_rect() = (constants.SCREEN_WIDTH / 2, constants.SCREEN_HEIGHT / 2) screen1.blit(press_start, press_start_rect) pygame.display.update() for event in pygame.event.get(): if pygame.joystick.get_count() > 0: if event.type == pygame.QUIT: pygame.quit() if event.type == pygame.JOYBUTTONDOWN: if event.button == 9: instart = False constants.Pause = True else: pressed = pygame.key.get_pressed() if event.type == pygame.QUIT: pygame.quit() if event.type == pygame.KEYDOWN: if ((pressed[pygame.K_LALT] and pressed[pygame.K_F4])): pygame.quit() elif pressed[pygame.K_RETURN]: instart = False constants.Pause = True
def boss_hud(self, screen): if self.boss_name = self.nome self.Hp_Max_Porc = (self.Hp_Max / self.Hp_Max) * 100 self.Hp_Porc = (self.hp / self.Hp_Max) * 100 nome = constants.Get_Font("font\8-BIT WONDER.TTF", 10) nome = nome.render(self.boss_name, True, constants.WHITE, None) nome_Rect = nome.get_rect() nome_Rect.x, nome_Rect.y = 1000, 104 # pygame.draw.rect(screen, constants.WHITE,(0,60,60,69)) # pygame.draw.rect(screen, constants.BGREEN,(1,61,58,67)) # screen.blit(self.Face, (1,60)) pygame.draw.rect(screen, constants.WHITE, (951, 117, (2 * self.Hp_Max_Porc) + 2, 12)) pygame.draw.rect(screen, constants.GRAY, (952, 118, 2 * self.Hp_Max_Porc, 10)) if self.Hp_Porc > 0.75 * self.Hp_Max_Porc: pygame.draw.rect(screen, constants.GREEN, (952, 118, 2 * self.Hp_Max_Porc, 10)) pygame.draw.rect(screen, constants.BLUE, (952, 118, 2 * self.Hp_Porc, 10)) if 0.5 * self.Hp_Max_Porc < self.Hp_Porc <= .75 * self.Hp_Max_Porc: pygame.draw.rect(screen, constants.YELLOW, (952, 118, 2 * self.Hp_Max_Porc, 10)) pygame.draw.rect(screen, constants.GREEN, (952, 118, 2 * self.Hp_Porc, 10)) if 0.25 * self.Hp_Max_Porc < self.Hp_Porc <= .5 * self.Hp_Max_Porc: pygame.draw.rect(screen, constants.RED, (952, 118, 2 * self.Hp_Max_Porc, 10)) pygame.draw.rect(screen, constants.YELLOW, (952, 118, 2 * self.Hp_Porc, 10)) if 0.25 * self.Hp_Max_Porc >= self.Hp_Porc: pygame.draw.rect(screen, constants.RED, (952, 118, 2 * self.Hp_Porc, 10))
def Start_Screen(): pygame.joystick.init() if pygame.joystick.get_count() > 0: joystick = pygame.joystick.Joystick(0) joystick.init()"Music\StartScreean.ogg") background = pygame.image.load("Fotos\Start Screen.png").convert() Title = constants.Get_Font(constants.SaiyanFont, 72) bit = constants.Get_Font(constants.BitFont, 22) game_title = Title.render("Satan World Hero", True, constants.WHITE, None) if pygame.joystick.get_count() > 0: press_start = bit.render("Press START", False, constants.WHITE) else: press_start = bit.render("Press ENTER", False, constants.WHITE) instart = True while instart: screen1 = pygame.display.set_mode( (constants.SCREEN_WIDTH, constants.SCREEN_HEIGHT)) screen1.blit(background, (0, 0)) game_title_rect = game_title.get_rect() = (constants.SCREEN_WIDTH / 2, constants.SCREEN_HEIGHT - 600) screen1.blit(game_title, game_title_rect) press_start_rect = press_start.get_rect() = (constants.SCREEN_WIDTH / 2, constants.SCREEN_HEIGHT - 150) screen1.blit(press_start, press_start_rect) pygame.display.update() for event in pygame.event.get(): if pygame.joystick.get_count() > 0: if event.type == pygame.QUIT: pygame.quit() if event.type == pygame.JOYBUTTONDOWN: if event.button == 9: instart = False constants.game_start = True else: #ERRROU pygame.display.update() pygame.event.wait() else: pressed = pygame.key.get_pressed() if event.type == pygame.QUIT: pygame.quit() if event.type == pygame.KEYDOWN: if ((pressed[pygame.K_LALT] and pressed[pygame.K_F4])): pygame.quit() elif pressed[pygame.K_RETURN]: instart = False constants.game_start = True else: #ERRROU pygame.display.update() pygame.event.wait()
def Game_Clear(Screen,player,cp): background = pygame.image.load("Fotos\Start Screen.png").convert() if constants.teste == 0:"Music\GameClear.ogg") constants.teste = 1 Bla= constants.Get_Font(constants.BitFont,72) Bla_Bla = Bla.render("Satan World Hero", True, constants.WHITE, None) Bla_Bla_Rect = Bla_Bla.get_rect() black_surf = pygame.Surface((constants.SCREEN_WIDTH, constants.SCREEN_HEIGHT), pygame.SRCALPHA) black_surf.fill((0, 0, 0, 0)) Screen.blit(black_surf, (0, 0)) if constants.y >= constants.SCREEN_HEIGHT/2 : = (constants.SCREEN_WIDTH / 2, constants.y) Screen.blit(background, (0,0)) Screen.blit( Bla_Bla,Bla_Bla_Rect) constants.y -=5 else: = (constants.SCREEN_WIDTH / 2, constants.SCREEN_HEIGHT/2) Screen.blit(background, (0,0)) Screen.blit( Bla_Bla,Bla_Bla_Rect) for event in pygame.event.get(): if pygame.joystick.get_count() > 0: if event.type == pygame.JOYBUTTONDOWN: if event.button == 2 or 9: levels.Start_Screen() constants.regrecive = 11 = True player.hp = constants.Hp_Max player.rect.x -= cp - 200 player.Muda_Rota = 20 player.rect.y = constants.SCREEN_HEIGHT - player.rect.height - player.Muda_Rota player.dmg = False player.jump = False constants.reset = True constants.game_clear = False else: pressed = pygame.key.get_pressed() if event.type == pygame.QUIT: pygame.quit() # Fecha a janela se o usuário clicar em fechar quit() if event.type == pygame.KEYDOWN: if ((pressed[pygame.K_LALT] and pressed[pygame.K_F4]) or (pressed[pygame.K_RALT] and pressed[pygame.K_F4])): pygame.quit() # Fecha a janela se o usuário pressionar ALT+F4 quit() if pygame.K_RETURN: levels.Start_Screen() constants.regrecive = 11 = True player.hp = constants.Hp_Max player.rect.x -= cp - 200 player.Muda_Rota = 20 player.rect.y = constants.SCREEN_HEIGHT - player.rect.height - player.Muda_Rota player.dmg = False player.jump = False constants.reset = True constants.game_clear = False
def dead_screen(screen,player, cp): if constants.regrecive >= 0: #============================================================================== #Carre as Fontes #============================================================================== pre_game_over = constants.Get_Font(constants.SaiyanFont,72) Continue = constants.Get_Font(constants.BitFont, 22) Cont = constants.Get_Font(constants.BitFont,200) you_died_txt = pre_game_over.render("Meu Estomago Doi", True, constants.WHITE, None) continue_txt = Continue.render("Continue?", True, constants.WHITE, None) #============================================================================== #Carrega Es informaçoes: #============================================================================== if constants.regrecive <=10: black_surf = pygame.Surface((constants.SCREEN_WIDTH, constants.SCREEN_HEIGHT), pygame.SRCALPHA) black_surf.fill((0, 0, 0, 180)) screen.blit(black_surf, (0, 0)) you_died_rect = you_died_txt.get_rect() = ((constants.SCREEN_WIDTH/2),(constants.SCREEN_HEIGHT/5-100)) screen.blit(you_died_txt, you_died_rect) continue_rect = you_died_txt.get_rect() = ((100+constants.SCREEN_WIDTH/2),(constants.SCREEN_HEIGHT/5)) screen.blit(continue_txt, continue_rect) cont_txt = Cont.render(str(constants.regrecive),True,constants.WHITE,None) cont_txt_rect = cont_txt.get_rect() = ((constants.SCREEN_WIDTH/2),(constants.SCREEN_HEIGHT/2)) screen.blit (cont_txt,cont_txt_rect) if constants.n == 0: Sounds.contagem() constants.n = 1 if constants.delays > 40: constants.n = 0 constants.delays = 0 constants.regrecive -= 1 else: constants.delays += 1 for event in pygame.event.get(): if pygame.joystick.get_count() > 0: if event.type == pygame.JOYBUTTONDOWN: if event.button == 2 or event.button == 9: constants.regrecive = 11 = True player.Lives = 2 player.hp = constants.Hp_Max player.rect.x -= cp - 200 player.Muda_Rota = 20 player.rect.y = constants.SCREEN_HEIGHT - player.rect.height - player.Muda_Rota player.dmg = False player.jump = False constants.reset = True elif event.button == 0: constants.regrecive -= 1 else: pressed = pygame.key.get_pressed() if event.type == pygame.QUIT: pygame.quit() # Fecha a janela se o usuário clicar em fechar quit() if event.type == pygame.KEYDOWN: if event.key == pygame.K_RETURN: constants.regrecive = 11 = True player.hp = constants.Hp_Max player.rect.x -= cp - 200 player.Muda_Rota = 20 player.rect.y = constants.SCREEN_HEIGHT - player.rect.height - player.Muda_Rota player.dmg = False player.jump = False constants.reset = True if ((pressed[pygame.K_LALT] and pressed[pygame.K_F4]) or (pressed[pygame.K_RALT] and pressed[pygame.K_F4])): pygame.quit() # Fecha a janela se o usuário pressionar ALT+F4 quit() else: if constants.s == 0: constants.s = 1 black_surf = pygame.Surface((constants.SCREEN_WIDTH, constants.SCREEN_HEIGHT), pygame.SRCALPHA) black_surf.fill((0, 0, 0, 255)) screen.blit(black_surf, (0, 0)) game_over = constants.Get_Font(constants.SaiyanFont,90) Game_over = game_over.render("Game Over",True,constants.WHITE,None) Game_over_Rect = Game_over.get_rect() = ((constants.SCREEN_WIDTH/2),(constants.SCREEN_HEIGHT/2)) screen.blit(Game_over, Game_over_Rect) for event in pygame.event.get(): if pygame.joystick.get_count() > 0: if event.type == pygame.JOYBUTTONDOWN: if event.button == 2 or 9: levels.Start_Screen() constants.regrecive = 11 = True player.hp = constants.Hp_Max player.rect.x -= cp - 200 player.Muda_Rota = 20 player.rect.y = constants.SCREEN_HEIGHT - player.rect.height - player.Muda_Rota player.dmg = False player.jump = False constants.reset = True else: pressed = pygame.key.get_pressed() if event.type == pygame.QUIT: pygame.quit() # Fecha a janela se o usuário clicar em fechar quit() if event.type == pygame.KEYDOWN: if ((pressed[pygame.K_LALT] and pressed[pygame.K_F4]) or (pressed[pygame.K_RALT] and pressed[pygame.K_F4])): pygame.quit() # Fecha a janela se o usuário pressionar ALT+F4 quit() if pygame.K_RETURN: levels.Start_Screen() constants.regrecive = 11 = True player.hp = constants.Hp_Max player.rect.x -= cp - 600 player.Muda_Rota = 20 player.rect.y = constants.SCREEN_HEIGHT - player.rect.height - player.Muda_Rota player.dmg = False player.jump = False constants.reset = True constants.d = 0