def do_transfer_from(self, project_id, t_from, t_to, amount):

        storage = StorageManager()
        if amount <= 0:
            return False

        available_key = concat(t_from, t_to)

        available_to_to_addr = storage.get_double(project_id, available_key)

        if available_to_to_addr < amount:
            print("Insufficient funds approved")
            return False

        from_balance = storage.get_double(project_id, t_from)

        if from_balance < amount:
            print("Insufficient tokens in from balance")
            return False

        to_balance = storage.get_double(project_id, t_to)

        new_from_balance = from_balance - amount

        new_to_balance = to_balance + amount

        storage.put_double(project_id, t_to, new_to_balance)
        storage.put_double(project_id, t_from, new_from_balance)

        print("transfer complete")

        new_allowance = available_to_to_addr - amount

        if new_allowance == 0:
            print("removing all balance")
            storage.delete_double(project_id, available_key)
            print("updating allowance to new allowance")
            storage.put_double(project_id, available_key, new_allowance)

        OnTransfer(project_id, t_from, t_to, amount)

        return True
    def do_transfer(self, project_id, t_from, t_to, amount):
        storage = StorageManager()

        # Pointless
        if amount <= 0:
            return False

        # Validate address
        if CheckWitness(t_from):

            # Pointless
            if t_from == t_to:
                print("transfer to self!")
                return True

            from_val = storage.get_double(project_id, t_from)

            if from_val < amount:
                print("insufficient funds")
                return False

            if from_val == amount:
                storage.delete_double(project_id, t_from)

                difference = from_val - amount
                storage.put_double(project_id, t_from, difference)

            to_value = storage.get_double(project_id, t_to)

            to_total = to_value + amount

            storage.put_double(project_id, t_to, to_total)

            OnTransfer(project_id, t_from, t_to, amount)

            return True
            print("from address is not the tx sender")

        return False