class SlackEditForm(ActionEditForm): """An edit form for the slack action.""" schema = ISlackAction label = _("Edit Slack Action") description = _("Action to post a message to a Slack channel.") form_name = _("Configure element") # custom template will allow us to add help text template = ViewPageTemplateFile("")
class SlackAddForm(ActionAddForm): """An add form for the Slack Action.""" schema = ISlackAction label = _("Add Slack Action") description = _("Action to post a message to a Slack channel.") form_name = _("Configure element") Type = SlackAction # custom template will allow us to add help text template = ViewPageTemplateFile("")
class ISlackAction(Interface): """Definition of the configuration available for a slack action.""" webhook_url = schema.URI( title=_("Webhook url"), description=_( "URL configuration for this integration. " 'i.e.:""', ), required=True, ) channel = schema.TextLine( title=_("Channel"), description=_('Channel to receive the message. eg.:"#plone-rulez"'), required=True, ) pretext = schema.TextLine( title=_("Pretext"), description=_( "This is optional text that appears above the message attachment block.", ), required=False, ) title = schema.TextLine( title=_("Title"), description=_( "The title is displayed as larger, bold text near the top of a message attachment.", ), required=True, ) title_link = schema.TextLine( title=_("Title Link"), description=_('Link to be added to the title. i.e.: "${absolute_url}"'), default="${absolute_url}", required=False, ) text = schema.TextLine( title=_("Text"), description=_("This is the main text in a message attachment."), required=True, ) color = schema.TextLine( title=_("Color"), description=_( 'Color of the message. Valid values are "good", "warning", "danger" or ' "any hex color code (eg. #439FE0)", ), required=False, ) icon = schema.TextLine( title=_("Icon"), description=_('Icon to be displayed on the message. eg:":flag-br:"'), required=False, ) username = schema.TextLine( title=_("Username"), description=_("Name to be displayed as the author of this message."), default="Plone CMS", required=True, ) fields = schema.Text( title=_("Fields"), description=_( "Fields are added to the bottom of the Slack message like a small table." 'Please add one definition per line in the format:"title|value|Short", i.e:' '"Review State|${review_state_title}|True"', ), required=False, )
def summary(self): return _( "Post a message on channel ${channel}", mapping=dict(, )