def test_RandomRecommender(self): backend = [config_global.SAVE_RANDOM_RECOMMENDER] self.saveJson(backend) fb = Random_Recommender() additional_filter_1 = {'domainid': 'domain1'} fb.train(userid, additional_filter_1) # train for the specific user and the filter resultSet_1 = fb.get_recommendation(userid, additional_filter_1, N=N, remove=False)
def setUp(self): self.redis_con = redis.Redis("localhost") self.redis_con.flushall() userid = 123 N = 3 fb = Random_Recommender( ) additional_filter_1 = { 'domainid' : 'domain1' } self.insertRecommendables(additional_filter_1, 0, 10) fb.train( userid, additional_filter_1 ) # train for the specific user and the filter
def test_Get_Recommendation_with_multiple_constraints(self): userid = 123 N = 3 fb = Random_Recommender( ) additional_filter_1 = { 'domainid' : 'domain1', 'channelid' : 'channel1' } self.insertRecommendables(additional_filter_1, 0, 10) fb.train( userid, additional_filter_1 ) # train for the specific user and the filter resultSet_1 = fb.get_recommendation(userid, additional_filter_1, N=N, remove = False ) if self.debug: print resultSet_1 self.assertEqual(len(resultSet_1), N, 'the resulting recommendation have the wrong number')
def test_get_recommendable_item(self): fb = Random_Recommender() # inserting two items for domain1 fb.set_recommendables( 1, { 'domainid' : 'domain1' } ) fb.set_recommendables( 2, { 'domainid' : 'domain1' } ) g = fb.get_recommendable_item( { 'domainid' : 'domain1' } ) self.assertIn(int(g), (1,2), "fetched wrong recommendable item") # for this domain there is no way of recommending anything, because we don't have any items g = fb.get_recommendable_item( { 'domainid' : 'domain2' } ) self.assertIsNone(g, "fetched wrong recommendable item")
def test_Get_Recommendation_Ranked(self): userid = 123 N = 3 fb = Random_Recommender( ) additional_filter_1 = { 'domainid' : 'domain1' } self.insertRecommendables(additional_filter_1, 0, 10) additional_filter_2 = { 'domainid' : 'domain2' } self.insertRecommendables(additional_filter_2, 20, 30) self.insertRecommendables({}, 20, 30) fb.train( userid, additional_filter_1 ) # train for the specific user and the filter resultSet_1 = fb.get_recommendation( userid, additional_filter_1, N=N, remove = False, ranked = True ) if self.debug: print resultSet_1 self.assertEqual(len(resultSet_1), N, 'the resulting recommendation have the wrong number')
def testSimpleMergeList(self): fb = Random_Recommender( ) additional_filter_1 = { 'domainid' : 'domain1' } userid = 123 N = 3 resultSet_1 = fb.get_recommendation( userid, additional_filter_1, N=N, remove = False, ranked = True ) if self.debug: print resultSet_1 resultSet_2 = fb.get_recommendation( userid, additional_filter_1, N=N, remove = False, ranked = True ) if self.debug: print resultSet_2 slm = SimpleListMerge() slm.add('a', resultSet_1) slm.add('b', resultSet_2) unchanged_list = slm.merge_naive( {'a':0.5, 'b' : 0.5} ) self.assertEqual(unchanged_list, resultSet_1, "merging two same lists results the same list")
def test_compute_key(self): additional_filter = { } fb = Random_Recommender() full_key = fb.compute_key( additional_filter ) self.assertEqual(fb.itemList , full_key, "the key constraints are wrong") a = 'domainid' b = 'domain2' additional_filter = { a : b } fb = Random_Recommender() full_key = fb.compute_key( additional_filter ) self.assertEqual(fb.itemList + ':' + a + ':' + b, full_key, "the key constraints are wrong") a = 'domainid' b = 'domain2' c = 'categoryid' d = 'category1' additional_filter = { a : b, c : d } fb = Random_Recommender() full_key = fb.compute_key( additional_filter ) self.assertEqual(fb.itemList + ':' + a + ':' + b + ':' + c + ':' + d, full_key, "the key constraints are wrong")
def test_Get_Recommendation_with_constraint(self): userid = 123 N = 3 fb = Random_Recommender( ) additional_filter_1 = { 'domainid' : 'domain1' } self.insertRecommendables(additional_filter_1, 0, 10) additional_filter_2 = { 'domainid' : 'domain2' } self.insertRecommendables(additional_filter_2, 20, 30) self.insertRecommendables({}, 20, 30) fb.train( userid, additional_filter_1 ) # train for the specific user and the filter resultSet_1 = fb.get_recommendation( userid, additional_filter_1, N=N, remove = False ) if self.debug: print resultSet_1 self.assertEqual(len(resultSet_1), N, 'the resulting recommendation have the wrong number') resultSet_2 = fb.get_recommendation( userid, additional_filter_2, N=N, remove = False ) self.assertEqual(len(resultSet_2), 0, 'the resulting recommendation have the wrong number') resultSet_new = fb.get_recommendation( userid, {}, N=N, remove = True ) self.assertEqual(len(resultSet_new), 0, 'the resulting recommendation have the wrong number') fb.train( userid, {} ) # train for the specific user but with no constraint, meaning we can recommend everything resultSet_new = fb.get_recommendation( userid, {}, N=N, remove = True, ranked=True ) if self.debug: print resultSet_new self.assertEqual(len(resultSet_new), N, 'the resulting recommendation have the wrong number') resultSet_new_1 = fb.get_recommendation( userid, {}, N=N, remove = True, ranked=True ) if self.debug: print resultSet_new_1 self.assertEqual(len(resultSet_new_1), N, 'the resulting recommendation have the wrong number') self.assertNotEqual(resultSet_new_1,resultSet_new, 'items were not removed from the recommendation Set')
def test_Get_Recommendation_userid_disctinction(self): N = 3 fb = Random_Recommender( ) additional_filter_1 = { 'domainid' : 'domain1' } userid1 = 123 self.insertRecommendables(additional_filter_1, 0, 10) fb.train( userid1, additional_filter_1 ) # train for the specific user and the filter userid2 = 456 self.insertRecommendables(additional_filter_1, 0, 10) fb.train( userid2, additional_filter_1 ) # train for the specific user and the filter resultSet_1 = fb.get_recommendation( userid1, additional_filter_1, N=N, remove = False ) if self.debug: print resultSet_1 self.assertEqual(len(resultSet_1), N, 'the resulting recommendation have the wrong number') resultSet_2 = fb.get_recommendation( userid2, additional_filter_1, N=N, remove = False ) if self.debug: print resultSet_2 self.assertEqual(len(resultSet_2), N, 'the resulting recommendation have the wrong number')
def insertRecommendables(self, additional_filter, N1, N2): fb = Random_Recommender() for item_id in xrange(N1,N2): fb.set_recommendables( itemid = item_id, additional_filter = additional_filter )
def __init__(self, json_string, async=False, api='contest', backends=[] ): ''' Constructor ''' self.backends = backends fullParsedDataModel = FullContestMessageParser() fullParsedDataModel.parse(json_string) domain_id = fullParsedDataModel.domain_id user_id = fullParsedDataModel.user_id # now compile the constraints, which are important for an onsite Recommender: do not recommend item from another domain constraints = {'domainid': domain_id} random_recommender = Random_Recommender() N = 4 # TODO initialize a new training session if necessary random_recommender.train(user_id, constraints) self.resultSet = random_recommender.get_recommendation(user_id, constraints, N=N, remove=True) def recommend(self): """ lets hope there are recommendation ready for this user/constraint """ return self.resultSet
if not async: # save the data instantly if api == 'contest': fullParsedDataModel = FullContestMessageParser() fullParsedDataModel.parse(message) item_id = fullParsedDataModel.item_id if config_global.SAVE_RAW_JSON in backends: raw = rawJsonModel(message, mode='redis') if config_global.SAVE_RANDOM_RECOMMENDER in backends: fb = Random_Recommender() domain_id = fullParsedDataModel.domain_id ## todo the recommender has to decide on its own what to save and therefore save constraints, even though the constrain management should be centralized #constraints = {'domainid': domain_id} fb.set_recommendables(item_id, constraints) if api == 'orp': # todo throw not implemented error pass elif api == 'id_list': ## this for debugging purposes userid = message['userid'] itemid = message['itemid'] timestamp = message['timestamp'] domainid = message['domainid']