def create_table(): if check_tables(): return "Table already exists" else: with DB("users.db") as db: db.curs.execute("CREATE TABLE Users " "(username text, " "password text)") print("Table created")
def fetch_all(): with DB("users.db") as db: if check_tables(): db.curs.execute("SELECT * FROM Users") results = db.curs.fetchall() if results: return tuple(results) else: print("Users table empty")
def check_tables(): with DB("users.db") as db: db.curs.execute("SELECT * FROM sqlite_master where type='table'") results = db.curs.fetchall() if results and "Users" in results[0]: return True else: print("No Users table") return False
def add_one(user_name, pw): with DB("users.db") as db: if check_tables(): if fetch_one(user_name): print("User already exists") return hashpw = hashlib.sha256(bytes(pw, encoding='utf-8')).hexdigest() db.curs.execute("INSERT INTO Users " "(username, password) " "VALUES (?, ?)", (user_name, hashpw)) db.conn.commit() print("User added")
def delete_one(user_name): with DB("users.db") as db: if not check_tables(): return if not fetch_one(user_name): print("User does not exists") return db.curs.execute("DELETE FROM Users " "WHERE username = ? ", (user_name,)) db.conn.commit() print("User deleted")
def fetch_one(user_name): with DB("users.db") as db: if check_tables(): db.curs.execute("SELECT * FROM Users " "WHERE username = ?", (user_name,)) try: results = db.curs.fetchone() if results: return tuple(results) else: print("Not found") except TypeError: return None
def change_one(user_name, newpw): # with DB("users.db") as db: if not check_tables(): return if not fetch_one(user_name): print("User does not exists") return # pass to placeholders in right order! hashpw = hashlib.sha256(bytes(newpw, encoding='utf-8')).hexdigest() db.curs.execute("UPDATE Users " "SET password = ? " "WHERE username = ? ", (hashpw, user_name)) db.conn.commit() print("Info changed")
def zap_table(): with DB("users.db") as db: db.curs.execute("DROP TABLE IF EXISTS Users")