def test_print_invalid_person_identifier(self): main.add_person("erika", "dike", "staff") test_output = ("No identifier was found for the name supplied\n") with capture(main.print_person_id, "ina", "dike") as app_output: self.assertEqual( test_output, app_output, msg=("{0} != {1}").format(test_output, app_output) )
def test_print_allocations_when_there_are_no_allocations(self): test_output = ("There are no allocations in memory. You can either " "enter new data or load data from database\n") with capture(main.print_allocations, "screen") as app_output: self.assertEqual( test_output, app_output, msg=("- {0} != {1}!!!".format(test_output, app_output)) )
def test_print_unallocated(self): main.add_person("erika", "dike", "fellow", "Y") test_output = ("LIST OF ALL UNALLOCATED PEOPLE\n\n" "ERIKA DIKE\n\n") with capture(main.print_unallocated, "screen") as app_output: self.assertEqual( test_output, app_output, msg=("{0} != {1}!!!".format(test_output, app_output)) )
def test_print_allocations_when_there_are_allocations(self): self.add_data_to_memory_for_print_allocation_tests() test_output = self.prepare_test_output() test_output += "\n" with capture(main.print_allocations, "screen") as app_output: self.assertEqual( test_output, app_output, msg=("{0} != {1}!!!".format(test_output, app_output)) )
def test_print_unallocated_invalid_file(self): main.add_person("erika", "dike", "fellow", "Y") test_output = ("You must enter a file name with a .txt extension to " "save to file\n") with capture(main.print_unallocated, "unalloc.pkl") as app_output: self.assertEqual( test_output, app_output, msg=("{0} != {1}".format(test_output, app_output)) )
def test_print_person_identifier(self): main.create_room("bellows", 0, "office") main.add_person("erika", "dike", "staff") test_output = ("ERIKA DIKE's identifier: 0\n") with capture(main.print_person_id, "erika", "dike") as app_output: self.assertEqual( test_output, app_output, msg=("get_person_identifier does not print as expected!!! " "{0} != {1}").format(test_output, app_output) )
def test_print_room_with_out_occupants(self): main.create_room("bellows", 0, "office") test_output = ("NAMES OF PEOPLE IN BELLOWS\n\n" "There is no one in this Room!!!\n\n" ) with capture(main.print_room, "bellows") as app_output: self.assertEqual( test_output, app_output, msg=("print_room does not print correct room content " "- {0} != {1}!!!".format(test_output, app_output)) )
def test_print_room_with_occupants(self): main.create_room("bellows", 0, "office") main.add_person("erika", "dike", "fellow", "Y") test_output = ("NAMES OF PEOPLE IN BELLOWS\n\nERIKA DIKE\n\n\n") with capture(main.print_room, "bellows") as app_output: self.assertEqual( test_output, app_output, msg=("print_room does not print correct room content " "- {0} != {1}!!!".format(test_output, app_output)) )
def test_print_allocations_invalid_file(self): main.create_room("bellows", 0, "office") main.add_person("erika", "dike", "fellow", "Y") test_output = ("You must enter a file name with a .txt extension to " "save to file\n") with capture(main.print_allocations, "alloc.pkl") as app_output: self.assertEqual( test_output, app_output, msg=("print_allocations does not detect invalid file " "extensions - {0} != {1}".format(test_output, app_output)) )
def test_invalid_person_identifiers_arguments_to_reallocate_person(self): main.create_room("bellows", 0, "office") main.add_person("erika", "dike", "staff") main.create_room("bench hook", 0, "office") test_output = ("No person was found in memory for person identifier " "supplied.\n") with capture(main.reallocate_person, 45, "bench hook") as app_output: self.assertEqual( test_output, app_output, msg="{0} != {1}".format(test_output, app_output) )
def test_cannot_reallocate_staff_to_living_space(self): main.create_room("bellows", 0, "office") main.add_person("erika", "dike", "staff") main.create_room("iroko", 1, "living space") test_output = "You cannot allocate staff to 'living space'.\n" with capture(main.reallocate_person, 0, "iroko") as app_output: self.assertEqual( test_output, app_output, msg=("Staff cannot be reallocated to living space!!! {0} != " "{1}".format(test_output, app_output)) )
def test_does_not_allocate_to_filled_living_space(self): main.create_room("iroko", 1, "living space") main.add_person("erika", "dike", "fellow", "Y") main.add_person("eze", "janu", "fellow", "Y") main.add_person("sunday", "nwuguru", "fellow", "Y") main.add_person("stephen", "oduntan", "fellow", "Y") main.add_person("seyi", "adekoya", "fellow", "Y") test_output = ("No room was found in memory with that name. You may " "want to create a new room with that\n" "name or view all rooms in memory by requesting " "allocations.\n" ) with capture(main.reallocate_person, 4, "iroko") as app_output: self.assertEqual( test_output, app_output, msg=("{0} != {1}".format(test_output, app_output)) )