def test_env_setting(self): """ Test that and environment variable passed to the process starter is correctly passed to the child process. """ s = sio() a = FakeAMP(s) STRING = "ciao" BOOT = """\ import sys, os def main(): os.write(4, os.getenv("FOOBAR")) main() """ starter = main.ProcessStarter(bootstrap=BOOT, packages=("twisted", "ampoule"), env={"FOOBAR": STRING}) amp, finished = starter.startPythonProcess(main.AMPConnector(a), "I'll be ignored") def _eb(reason): print reason finished.addErrback(_eb) return finished.addCallback( lambda _: self.assertEquals(s.getvalue(), STRING))
def test_startProcess(self): """ Test that startProcess actually starts a subprocess and that it receives data back from the process through AMP. """ s = sio() a = FakeAMP(s) STRING = "ciao" BOOT = """\ import sys, os def main(arg): os.write(4, arg) main(sys.argv[1]) """ starter = main.ProcessStarter(bootstrap=BOOT, args=(STRING, ), packages=("twisted", "ampoule")) amp, finished = starter.startPythonProcess(main.AMPConnector(a)) def _eb(reason): print reason finished.addErrback(_eb) return finished.addCallback( lambda _: self.assertEquals(s.getvalue(), STRING))
def start_plugin_services(server): """ This will be called by the Evennia Server when starting up. server - the main Evennia server application """ if not PROCPOOL_ENABLED: return # terminal output print ' amp (Process Pool): %s' % PROCPOOL_PORT from contrib.procpools.ampoule import main as ampoule_main from contrib.procpools.ampoule import service as ampoule_service from contrib.procpools.ampoule import pool as ampoule_pool from contrib.procpools.ampoule.main import BOOTSTRAP as _BOOTSTRAP from contrib.procpools.python_procpool import PythonProcPoolChild # for some reason absolute paths don't work here, only relative ones. apackages = ("twisted", os.path.join(os.pardir, "contrib", "procpools", "ampoule"), os.path.join(os.pardir, "ev"), "settings") aenv = { "DJANGO_SETTINGS_MODULE": "settings", "DATABASE_NAME": settings.DATABASES.get("default", {}).get("NAME") or settings.DATABASE_NAME } if PROCPOOL_DEBUG: _BOOTSTRAP = _BOOTSTRAP % "log.startLogging(sys.stderr)" else: _BOOTSTRAP = _BOOTSTRAP % "" procpool_starter = ampoule_main.ProcessStarter( packages=apackages, env=aenv, path=PROCPOOL_DIRECTORY, uid=PROCPOOL_UID, gid=PROCPOOL_GID, bootstrap=_BOOTSTRAP, childReactor=sys.platform == 'linux2' and "epoll" or "default") procpool = ampoule_pool.ProcessPool(name=SERVICE_NAME, min=PROCPOOL_MIN_NPROC, max=PROCPOOL_MAX_NPROC, recycleAfter=500, timeout=PROCPOOL_TIMEOUT, maxIdle=PROCPOOL_IDLETIME, ampChild=PythonProcPoolChild, starter=procpool_starter) procpool_service = ampoule_service.AMPouleService(procpool, PythonProcPoolChild, PROCPOOL_PORT, PROCPOOL_INTERFACE) procpool_service.setName(SERVICE_NAME) # add the new services to the server
def checkPool(_): pp = pool.ProcessPool(starter=main.ProcessStarter( childReactor=SECOND, packages=("twisted", "ampoule")), ampChild=ReactorChild, min=MIN, max=MAX) pp.start() return pp.doWork(Reactor).addCallback(self.assertEquals, { 'classname': "PollReactor" }).addCallback(lambda _: pp.stop())
def test_roundtripError(self): """ Test that invoking a child using an unreachable class raises a L{RunTimeError} . """ class Child(child.AMPChild): pass starter = main.ProcessStarter(packages=("twisted", "ampoule")) self.assertRaises(RuntimeError, starter.startAMPProcess, ampChild=Child)
def test_startAMPProcess(self): """ Test that you can start an AMP subprocess and that it correctly accepts commands and correctly answers them. """ STRING = "ciao" starter = main.ProcessStarter(packages=("twisted", "ampoule")) c, finished = starter.startAMPProcess(child.AMPChild) c.callRemote(commands.Echo, data=STRING).addCallback( lambda response: self.assertEquals(response['response'], STRING) ).addCallback(lambda _: c.callRemote(commands.Shutdown)) return finished
def test_BootstrapContext(self): starter = main.ProcessStarter(packages=('twisted', 'ampoule')) c, finished = starter.startAMPProcess(TempDirChild) cwd = [] def checkBootstrap(response): cwd.append(response['cwd']) self.assertNotEquals(cwd, os.getcwd()) d = c.callRemote(GetCWD) d.addCallback(checkBootstrap) d.addCallback(lambda _: c.callRemote(commands.Shutdown)) finished.addCallback( lambda _: self.assertFalse(os.path.exists(cwd[0]))) return finished
def __init__(self, ampChild=None, ampParent=None, min=5, max=20, name=None, maxIdle=20, recycleAfter=500, starter=None, timeout=None, timeout_signal=DIE, ampChildArgs=()): self.starter = starter self.ampChildArgs = tuple(ampChildArgs) if starter is None: self.starter = main.ProcessStarter(packages=("twisted", "ampoule")) self.ampParent = ampParent self.ampChild = ampChild if ampChild is None: from contrib.procpools.ampoule.child import AMPChild self.ampChild = AMPChild self.min = min self.max = max = name self.maxIdle = maxIdle self.recycleAfter = recycleAfter self.timeout = timeout self.timeout_signal = timeout_signal self._queue = [] self.processes = set() self.ready = set() self.busy = set() self._finishCallbacks = {} self._lastUsage = {} self._calls = {} self.looping = task.LoopingCall(self._pruneProcesses) self.looping.start(maxIdle, now=False)
def test_startAMPAndParentProtocol(self): """ Test that you can start an AMP subprocess and the children can call methods on their parent. """ DATA = "CIAO" APPEND = "123" class Parent(amp.AMP): def pong(self, data): return {'response': DATA + APPEND} Pong.responder(pong) starter = main.ProcessStarter(packages=("twisted", "ampoule")) subp, finished = starter.startAMPProcess(ampChild=Child, ampParent=Parent) subp.callRemote( Ping, data=DATA).addCallback(lambda response: self.assertEquals( response['response'], DATA + APPEND)).addCallback( lambda _: subp.callRemote(commands.Shutdown)) return finished
def test_failing_deferToProcess(self): """ Test failing subprocesses and the way they terminate and preserve failing information. """ s = sio() a = FakeAMP(s) STRING = "ciao" BOOT = """\ import sys def main(arg): raise Exception(arg) main(sys.argv[1]) """ starter = main.ProcessStarter(bootstrap=BOOT, args=(STRING, ), packages=("twisted", "ampoule")) ready, finished = starter.startPythonProcess(main.AMPConnector(a), "I'll be ignored") self.assertFailure(finished, error.ProcessTerminated) finished.addErrback( lambda reason: self.assertEquals(reason.getMessage(), STRING)) return finished