    def test_evalfr(self, dt, omega, resp):
        """Evaluate the frequency response at single frequencies"""
        A = [[-2, 0.5], [0.5, -0.3]]
        B = [[0.3, -1.3], [0.1, 0.]]
        C = [[0., 0.1], [-0.3, -0.2]]
        D = [[0., -0.8], [-0.3, 0.]]
        sys = StateSpace(A, B, C, D)

        if dt:
            sys = sample_system(sys, dt)
            s = np.exp(omega * 1j * dt)
            s = omega * 1j

        # Correct version of the call
        np.testing.assert_allclose(evalfr(sys, s), resp, atol=1e-3)
        # Deprecated version of the call (should generate warning)
        with pytest.deprecated_call():
            np.testing.assert_allclose(sys.evalfr(omega), resp, atol=1e-3)

        # call above nyquist frequency
        if dt:
            with pytest.warns(UserWarning):
                np.testing.assert_allclose(sys._evalfr(omega + 2 * np.pi / dt),
    def test_sample_system(self):
        # Make sure we can convert various types of systems
        for sysc in (self.siso_tf1, self.siso_tf1c, self.siso_ss1,
                     self.siso_ss1c, self.mimo_ss1, self.mimo_ss1c):
            for method in ("zoh", "bilinear", "euler", "backward_diff"):
                sysd = sample_system(sysc, 1, method=method)
                self.assertEqual(sysd.dt, 1)

        # Check "matched", defined only for SISO transfer functions
        for sysc in (self.siso_tf1, self.siso_tf1c):
            sysd = sample_system(sysc, 1, method="matched")
            self.assertEqual(sysd.dt, 1)

        # Check errors
        self.assertRaises(ValueError, sample_system, self.siso_ss1d, 1)
        self.assertRaises(ValueError, sample_system, self.siso_ss1, 1,
    def test_sample_system(self):
        # Make sure we can convert various types of systems
        for sysc in (self.siso_tf1, self.siso_tf1c,
                     self.siso_ss1, self.siso_ss1c,
                     self.mimo_ss1, self.mimo_ss1c):
            for method in ("zoh", "bilinear", "euler", "backward_diff"):
                sysd = sample_system(sysc, 1, method=method)
                self.assertEqual(sysd.dt, 1)

        # Check "matched", defined only for SISO transfer functions
        for sysc in (self.siso_tf1, self.siso_tf1c):
            sysd = sample_system(sysc, 1, method="matched")
            self.assertEqual(sysd.dt, 1)

        # Check errors
        self.assertRaises(ValueError, sample_system, self.siso_ss1d, 1)
        self.assertRaises(ValueError, sample_system, self.siso_ss1, 1, 'unknown')
    def test_printing(self):
        """Print SISO"""
        sys = ss2tf(rss(4, 1, 1))
        assert isinstance(str(sys), str)
        assert isinstance(sys._repr_latex_(), str)

        # SISO, discrete time
        sys = sample_system(sys, 1)
        assert isinstance(str(sys), str)
        assert isinstance(sys._repr_latex_(), str)
    def test_printing(self):
        # SISO, continuous time
        sys = ss2tf(rss(4, 1, 1))
        self.assertTrue(isinstance(str(sys), str))
        self.assertTrue(isinstance(sys._repr_latex_(), str))

        # SISO, discrete time
        sys = sample_system(sys, 1)
        self.assertTrue(isinstance(str(sys), str))
        self.assertTrue(isinstance(sys._repr_latex_(), str))
    def test_printing(self):
        # SISO, continuous time
        sys = ss2tf(rss(4, 1, 1))
        self.assertTrue(isinstance(str(sys), str))
        self.assertTrue(isinstance(sys._repr_latex_(), str))

        # SISO, discrete time
        sys = sample_system(sys, 1)
        self.assertTrue(isinstance(str(sys), str))
        self.assertTrue(isinstance(sys._repr_latex_(), str))
 def test_sample_tf(self):
     # double integrator
     sys = TransferFunction(1, [1,0,0])
     for h in (0.1, 0.5, 1, 2):
         numd_expected = 0.5 * h**2 * np.array([1.,1.])
         dend_expected = np.array([1.,-2.,1.])
         sysd = sample_system(sys, h, method='zoh')
         self.assertEqual(sysd.dt, h)
         numd = sysd.num[0][0]
         dend = sysd.den[0][0]
         np.testing.assert_array_almost_equal(numd, numd_expected)
         np.testing.assert_array_almost_equal(dend, dend_expected)
 def test_sample_tf(self):
     # double integrator
     sys = TransferFunction(1, [1, 0, 0])
     for h in (0.1, 0.5, 1, 2):
         numd_expected = 0.5 * h**2 * np.array([1., 1.])
         dend_expected = np.array([1., -2., 1.])
         sysd = sample_system(sys, h, method='zoh')
         self.assertEqual(sysd.dt, h)
         numd = sysd.num[0][0]
         dend = sysd.den[0][0]
         np.testing.assert_array_almost_equal(numd, numd_expected)
         np.testing.assert_array_almost_equal(dend, dend_expected)
    def test_copy_constructor_nodt(self, sys322):
        """Test the copy constructor when an object without dt is passed"""
        sysin = sample_system(sys322, 1.)
        del sysin.dt            # this is a nonsensical thing to do
        sys = StateSpace(sysin)
        assert sys.dt == defaults['control.default_dt']

        # test for static gain
        sysin = StateSpace([], [], [], [[1, 2], [3, 4]], 1.)
        del sysin.dt            # this is a nonsensical thing to do
        sys = StateSpace(sysin)
        assert sys.dt is None
 def test_sample_ss(self):
     # double integrators, two different ways
     sys1 = StateSpace([[0.,1.],[0.,0.]], [[0.],[1.]], [[1.,0.]], 0.)
     sys2 = StateSpace([[0.,0.],[1.,0.]], [[1.],[0.]], [[0.,1.]], 0.)
     I = np.eye(2)
     for sys in (sys1, sys2):
         for h in (0.1, 0.5, 1, 2):
             Ad = I + h * sys.A
             Bd = h * sys.B + 0.5 * h**2 * (sys.A * sys.B)
             sysd = sample_system(sys, h, method='zoh')
             np.testing.assert_array_almost_equal(sysd.A, Ad)
             np.testing.assert_array_almost_equal(sysd.B, Bd)
             np.testing.assert_array_almost_equal(sysd.C, sys.C)
             np.testing.assert_array_almost_equal(sysd.D, sys.D)
             self.assertEqual(sysd.dt, h)
 def test_sample_ss(self):
     # double integrators, two different ways
     sys1 = StateSpace([[0., 1.], [0., 0.]], [[0.], [1.]], [[1., 0.]], 0.)
     sys2 = StateSpace([[0., 0.], [1., 0.]], [[1.], [0.]], [[0., 1.]], 0.)
     I = np.eye(2)
     for sys in (sys1, sys2):
         for h in (0.1, 0.5, 1, 2):
             Ad = I + h * sys.A
             Bd = h * sys.B + 0.5 * h**2 * (sys.A * sys.B)
             sysd = sample_system(sys, h, method='zoh')
             np.testing.assert_array_almost_equal(sysd.A, Ad)
             np.testing.assert_array_almost_equal(sysd.B, Bd)
             np.testing.assert_array_almost_equal(sysd.C, sys.C)
             np.testing.assert_array_almost_equal(sysd.D, sys.D)
             self.assertEqual(sysd.dt, h)
    def test_call_siso(self, dt, omega, resp):
        """Evaluate the frequency response of a SISO system at one frequency."""
        sys = TransferFunction([1., 3., 5], [1., 6., 2., -1])

        if dt:
            sys = sample_system(sys, dt)
            s = np.exp(omega * 1j * dt)
            s = omega * 1j

        # Correct versions of the call
        np.testing.assert_allclose(evalfr(sys, s), resp, atol=1e-3)
        np.testing.assert_allclose(sys(s), resp, atol=1e-3)
        # Deprecated version of the call (should generate exception)
        with pytest.raises(AttributeError):
            np.testing.assert_allclose(sys.evalfr(omega), resp, atol=1e-3)
    def test_div(self):
        # Make sure that sampling times work correctly
        sys1 = TransferFunction([1., 3., 5], [1., 6., 2., -1])
        sys2 = TransferFunction([[[-1., 3.]]], [[[1., 0., -1.]]], True)
        sys3 = sys1 / sys2
        self.assertEqual(sys3.dt, True)

        sys2 = TransferFunction([[[-1., 3.]]], [[[1., 0., -1.]]], 0.5)
        sys3 = sys1 / sys2
        self.assertEqual(sys3.dt, 0.5)

        sys1 = TransferFunction([1., 3., 5], [1., 6., 2., -1], 0.1)
        self.assertRaises(ValueError, TransferFunction.__truediv__, sys1, sys2)

        sys1 = sample_system(rss(4, 1, 1), 0.5)
        sys3 = TransferFunction.__rtruediv__(sys2, sys1)
        self.assertEqual(sys3.dt, 0.5)
    def test_div(self):
        # Make sure that sampling times work correctly
        sys1 = TransferFunction([1., 3., 5], [1., 6., 2., -1])
        sys2 = TransferFunction([[[-1., 3.]]], [[[1., 0., -1.]]], True)
        sys3 = sys1 / sys2
        self.assertEqual(sys3.dt, True)

        sys2 = TransferFunction([[[-1., 3.]]], [[[1., 0., -1.]]], 0.5)
        sys3 = sys1 / sys2
        self.assertEqual(sys3.dt, 0.5)

        sys1 = TransferFunction([1., 3., 5], [1., 6., 2., -1], 0.1)
        self.assertRaises(ValueError, TransferFunction.__truediv__, sys1, sys2)

        sys1 = sample_system(rss(4, 1, 1), 0.5)
        sys3 = TransferFunction.__rtruediv__(sys2, sys1)
        self.assertEqual(sys3.dt, 0.5)
    def test_div(self):
        # Make sure that sampling times work correctly
        sys1 = TransferFunction([1., 3., 5], [1., 6., 2., -1], None)
        sys2 = TransferFunction([[[-1., 3.]]], [[[1., 0., -1.]]], True)
        sys3 = sys1 / sys2
        assert sys3.dt is True

        sys2 = TransferFunction([[[-1., 3.]]], [[[1., 0., -1.]]], 0.5)
        sys3 = sys1 / sys2
        assert sys3.dt == 0.5

        sys1 = TransferFunction([1., 3., 5], [1., 6., 2., -1], 0.1)
        with pytest.raises(ValueError):
            TransferFunction.__truediv__(sys1, sys2)

        sys1 = sample_system(rss(4, 1, 1), 0.5)
        sys3 = TransferFunction.__rtruediv__(sys2, sys1)
        assert sys3.dt == 0.5
    def test_call(self, dt, omega, resp):
        """Evaluate the frequency response at single frequencies"""
        A = [[-2, 0.5], [0.5, -0.3]]
        B = [[0.3, -1.3], [0.1, 0.]]
        C = [[0., 0.1], [-0.3, -0.2]]
        D = [[0., -0.8], [-0.3, 0.]]
        sys = StateSpace(A, B, C, D)

        if dt:
            sys = sample_system(sys, dt)
            s = np.exp(omega * 1j * dt)
            s = omega * 1j

        # Correct versions of the call
        np.testing.assert_allclose(evalfr(sys, s), resp, atol=1e-3)
        np.testing.assert_allclose(sys(s), resp, atol=1e-3)

        # Deprecated name of the call (should generate error)
        with pytest.raises(AttributeError):
    def test_evalfr_siso(self, dt, omega, resp):
        """Evaluate the frequency response at single frequencies"""
        sys = TransferFunction([1., 3., 5], [1., 6., 2., -1])

        if dt:
            sys = sample_system(sys, dt)
            s = np.exp(omega * 1j * dt)
            s = omega * 1j

        # Correct versions of the call
        np.testing.assert_allclose(evalfr(sys, s), resp, atol=1e-3)
        np.testing.assert_allclose(sys(s), resp, atol=1e-3)
        # Deprecated version of the call (should generate warning)
        with pytest.deprecated_call():
            np.testing.assert_allclose(sys.evalfr(omega), resp, atol=1e-3)

        # call above nyquist frequency
        if dt:
            with pytest.warns(UserWarning):
                np.testing.assert_allclose(sys._evalfr(omega + 2 * np.pi / dt),
def c2d(sysc, Ts, method):
    # TODO: add docstring
    #  Call the sample_system() function to do the work
    return sample_system(sysc, Ts, method)
def c2d(sysc, Ts, method):
    # TODO: add docstring
    #  Call the sample_system() function to do the work
    return sample_system(sysc, Ts, method)