 def getControlOutput(self, d_est, phi_est, d_ref, phi_ref, v_ref, t_delay,
     #Exception for dt_last=0
     if (dt_last == 0): dt_last = 0.0001
     #Update state
     v_ref = self.gain * v_ref
     x = np.array([[d_est], [phi_est], [self.d_int]])
     #Adapt State Space to current time step
     a = np.array([[1., v_ref * dt_last, 0], [0, 1., 0],
                   [-dt_last, -0.5 * v_ref * dt_last * dt_last, 1]])
     b = np.array([[0.5 * v_ref * dt_last * dt_last], [dt_last],
                   [-v_ref * dt_last * dt_last * dt_last / 6]])
     #Solve ricatti equation
     (x_ric, l, g) = control.dare(a, b, self.q, self.r)
     #feed trough velocity
     v_out = v_ref
     #Change sign on on K_I (because Ricatti equation returns [K_d, K_phi, -K_I])
     g[[0], [2]] = -g[[0], [2]]
     #Calculate new input
     omega_out = -g * x * self.gain
     #Update integral term
     self.d_int = self.d_int + d_est * dt_last
     return (v_out, omega_out)
def dlqe(A, G, C, Q, R):
    Kalmann filter

    [K,X] = dlqe(A, G, C, Q, R)
   # Get the weighting matrices (converting to matrices, if needed)
    Q = np.array(Q, ndmin=2, dtype=float);
    R = np.array(R, ndmin=2, dtype=float);

    A = np.mat(A)
    C = np.mat(C)
    G = np.mat(G)
    #Solve the riccati equation
    (X,L,G) = ct.dare(A.T, C.T, G*Q*G.T, R)

    # Now compute the return value
    K = X*C.T /(C*X*C.T+R)
    Z = X - K*C*X
    Z = (Z+Z.T)/2
    return K, X
def gen_preview_control_parameter(Zc, T, t_preview, Qe, R):
    ####Zc is the height of CoM
    ####T sampling time
    ####t_preview is the preview time
    #### Qe and R is the weight
    g = 9.8
    A_d = np.array([[1, T, T * T / 2], [0, 1, T], [0, 0, 1]])
    B_d = np.array([[pow(T, 3) / 6], [pow(T, 2) / 2], [T]])
    C_d = np.array([1, 0, -Zc / g])
    D_d = np.array([0])
    ####A,B,C matrix for LQI control

    A_tilde = np.array([[1, 1, T, T * T / 2 - Zc / g], [0, 1, T, T * T / 2],
                        [0, 0, 1, T], [0, 0, 0, 1]])
    B_tilde = np.array([[pow(T, 3) / 6 - Zc * T / g], [pow(T, 3) / 6],
                        [T * T / 2], [T]])
    C_tilde = np.array([1, 0, 0, 0])
    Q = np.zeros((4, 4))
    Q[0, 0] = Qe
    I_tilde = np.array([[1], [0], [0], [0]])
    [P, DC1, DC2] = control.dare(A_tilde, B_tilde, Q, R)
    Gi = 1 / (R + np.dot(B_tilde.T, np.dot(P, B_tilde))) * np.dot(
        B_tilde.T, np.dot(P, I_tilde))
    F_tilde = np.vstack((np.dot(C_d, A_d), A_d))
    Gx = 1 / (R + np.dot(B_tilde.T, np.dot(P, B_tilde))) * np.dot(
        B_tilde.T, np.dot(P, F_tilde))
    K = np.hstack((Gi, Gx))
    Gd = np.zeros((1, 1 + int(t_preview / T)))
    Gd[0, 0] = -Gi
    ##Orignial formula in the paper is to complicated, it can be reduced into equation below
    Ac_tilde = A_tilde - np.dot(B_tilde, K)
    X_tilde = -np.dot(Ac_tilde.T, np.dot(P, I_tilde))
    for i in range(1, 1 + int(t_preview / T)):
        Gd[0, i] = pow(R + np.dot(B_tilde.T, np.dot(P, B_tilde)), -1) * np.dot(
            B_tilde.T, X_tilde)
        X_tilde = np.dot(Ac_tilde.T, X_tilde)
    return A_d, B_d, C_d, Gi, Gx, Gd
    def setup_KF(self):

        # Derive the optimal controller (LQR).
        # This sets self.A, self.B, self.Q, self.R and self.gain

        # Construct continuous-time linear model
        Gcss = control.ss(self.A, self.B, self.C, self.D)

        # Convert to discrete-time model
        Gdss = control.c2d(Gcss, self.env.tau)
        A = Gdss.A
        B = Gdss.B
        C = Gdss.C
        D = Gdss.D

        # Choose KF parameters: process noise covariance 
        # matrix and output measurement noise covariance matrix
        Q = 0.1**2 * np.eye(4)
        R = 0.001**2 * np.eye(2)

        # Calculate discrete-time Kalman filter gain and state
        # estimation error covariance matrix (P)
        X, L, G = control.dare(A.T, C.T, Q, R)
        P = X.T
        self.kf_gain = G.T
        self.kf_params = {
            'A': A,
            'B': B,
            'C': C,
            'D': D,
            'Q': Q,
            'R': R,
            'P': P,
            'L': L
def kalman_design_simple(A, B, C, D, Qn, Rn, type='filter'):
    """ Simplified design a Kalman predictor or a Kalman filter for the discrete-time system

     x_{k+1} = Ax_{k} + Bu_{k} + Iw_{k}
     y_{k} = Cx_{k} + Du_{k} + I v_{k}

     with known inputs u and stochastic disturbances v, w.
     In particular, v and w are zero mean, white Gaussian noise sources with
     E[vv'] = Qn, E[ww'] = Rn, E[wv'] = 0

    The Kalman filter has structure
     \hat x_{k+1|k+1} = A\hat x_{k|k} + Bu_{k} + L[y_{k+1} - C(A \hat x{k|k} + Bu_{k})]
     \hat y_{k|k}   = Cx_{k|k}

    where L is the Kalman filter gain

    The Kalman predictor has structure
     \hat x_{k+1|k} = Ax_{k|k-1} + Bu_{k} + L[y_{k} - C\hat x{k|k-1}]
     \hat y_{k|k-1}   = Cx_{k|k-1}

    where L is the Kalman predictor gain

    P, W, K, = control.dare(np.transpose(A), np.transpose(C), Qn, Rn)
    #    L = np.transpose(K) # Kalman gain

    if type == 'filter':
        L = P @ np.transpose(C) @ sp.linalg.basic.inv(C @ P @ np.transpose(C) +
    elif type == 'predictor':
        L = A @ P @ np.transpose(C) @ sp.linalg.basic.inv(
            C @ P @ np.transpose(C) + Rn)
        raise ValueError(
            "Unknown Kalman design type. Specify either filter or predictor!")

    return L, P, W
def find_minimizer(A, B, Q, R):
	"""Returns a tuple of things from solving a Riccatti equation, the
	third entry in the tuple is the optimal policy."""
	return control.dare(A, B, Q, R)
def compute_optimal_controller(A, B, Q, R):
    return control.dare(A, B, Q, R)[2]
    def __init__(self,
                 dt=1. / 240.,
                 initialTargetZMP=np.array([0., 0.]),
                 initialFootPrint=np.array([[[0., 0.065], [0., -0.065]]]),
                 Q=np.matrix([[7000, 0, 0, 0], [0, 1, 0, 0], [0, 0, 1, 0],
                              [0, 0, 0, 1]])):
        self._RIGHT_LEG = 1
        self._LEFT_LEG = 0
        self.dt = dt
        self.previewStepNum = previewStepNum
        self.A = np.matrix([[1, dt, (dt**2) / 2], [0, 1, dt], [0, 0, 1]])
        self.B = np.matrix([(dt**3) / 6, (dt**2) / 2, dt]).T
        self.C = np.matrix([1, 0, -CoMheight / g])
        self.CoMheight = CoMheight

        self.G = np.vstack((-self.C * self.B, self.B))
        self.Gr = np.matrix([1., 0., 0., 0.]).T
        #state vector
        self.x = np.matrix(np.zeros(3)).T
        self.y = np.matrix(np.zeros(3)).T

        self.footPrints = np.array([[[0., 0.065], [0., -0.065]],
                                    [[0., 0.065], [0., -0.065]],
                                    [[0., 0.065], [0., -0.065]]])
        self.Tsup = int(Tsup_time / dt)
        self.Tdl = int(Tdl_time / dt)

        self.px_ref = np.full((self.Tsup + self.Tdl) * 3, initialTargetZMP[0])
        self.py_ref = np.full((self.Tsup + self.Tdl) * 3, initialTargetZMP[1])
        self.px = np.array([0.0])  #zmp
        self.py = np.array([0.0])

        self.phi = np.hstack(
            (np.matrix([1, 0, 0, 0]).T, np.vstack((-self.C * self.A, self.A))))
        P, _, _ = control.dare(self.phi, self.G, Q, R)
        zai = (np.eye(4) - self.G * la.inv(R + self.G.T * P * self.G) *
               self.G.T * P) * self.phi
        self.Fr = np.array([])
        for j in range(1, previewStepNum + 1):
            self.Fr = np.append(
                self.Fr, -la.inv(R + self.G.T * P * self.G) * self.G.T *
                ((zai.T)**(j - 1)) * P * self.Gr)

        self.F = -la.inv(R + self.G.T * P * self.G) * self.G.T * P * self.phi

        self.px_ref_log = self.px_ref[:(self.Tsup + self.Tdl) * 2]
        self.py_ref_log = self.py_ref[:(self.Tsup + self.Tdl) * 2]

        self.xdu = 0
        self.ydu = 0

        self.xu = 0
        self.yu = 0

        self.dx = np.matrix(np.zeros(3)).T
        self.dy = np.matrix(np.zeros(3)).T

        self.swingLeg = self._RIGHT_LEG
        self.supportLeg = self._LEFT_LEG

        self.targetZMPold = np.array([initialTargetZMP])

        self.currentFootStep = 0
    def __init__(self, dT, mpc_horizon, curr_pos, robot_size, lb_state,
                 ub_state, lb_control, ub_control, Q, R,
                 relative_measurement_noise_cov, maxComm_distance, obs,
                 animate, multi_agent):

        # initialize Optistack class
        self.opti = casadi.Opti()
        # dt = discretized time difference
        self.dT = dT
        # mpc_horizon = number of time steps for the mpc to look ahead
        self.N = mpc_horizon
        # robot_size = input a radius value, where the corresponding circle represents the size of the robot
        self.robot_size = robot_size
        # if the uav is to be animated along the same graph as the ugv, then put multi_agent to true
        self.multi_agent = multi_agent
        # lower_bound_state = numpy array corresponding to the lower limit of the robot states, e.g.
        # lb_state = np.array([[-20], [-20], [-pi], dtype=float), the same for the upper limit (ub). Similar symbolic
        # representation for the controls (lb_control and ub_control) as well
        self.lb_state = lb_state
        self.ub_state = ub_state
        self.lb_control = lb_control
        self.ub_control = ub_control
        # initialize obstacles
        self.obs = obs
        # distance to obstacle to be used as constraints
        self.max_obs_distance = 10
        # Q and R diagonal matrices, used for the MPC objective function, Q is 3x3, R is 4x4 (first 2 diagonals
        # represent the cost on linear and angular velocity, the next 2 diagonals represent cost on state slack,
        # and terminal slack respectively. The P diagonal matrix represents the cost on the terminal constraint.
        self.relative_measurement_noise_cov = relative_measurement_noise_cov
        # initialize the maximum distance that robot 1 and 2 are allowed to have for cross communication
        self.maxComm_distance = maxComm_distance
        # initialize cross diagonal system noise covariance matrix
        self.P12 = np.array([[0, 0], [0, 0]])
        # bool variable to indicate whether the robot has made first contact with the uav
        self.first_contact = False
        self.Q = Q
        self.R = R
        # initialize cost on slack
        self.slack_cost = 10000
        # initialize discretized state matrices A and B
        A1 = 0.7969
        A2 = 0.02247
        A3 = -1.7976
        A4 = 0.9767
        B1 = 0.01166
        B2 = 0.9921
        g = 9.81
        KT = 0.91
        m = .001  #originally 1.42

        self.A = np.array(
            [[1, self.dT, (g * self.dT**2) / 2, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0],
             [0, 1, g * self.dT, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0],
             [0, 0, A1, A2, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0,
              0], [0, 0, A3, A4, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0],
             [0, 0, 0, 0, 1, self.dT, (g * self.dT**2) / 2, 0, 0, 0],
             [0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 1, g * self.dT, 0, 0, 0],
             [0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, A1, A2, 0, 0],
             [0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, A3, A4, 0, 0],
             [0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 1, self.dT],
             [0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 1]])

        self.B = np.array([[0, 0, 0], [0, 0, 0], [B1, 0, 0], [B2, 0, 0],
                           [0, 0, 0], [0, 0, 0], [0, B1, 0], [0, B2, 0],
                           [0, 0, (-KT * self.dT**2) / (m * 2)],
                           [0, 0, (-KT * self.dT) / m]])
        self.P, _, _ = control.dare(self.A, self.B, self.Q, self.R)
        # TODO: adding the C matrix does not work, potentially a problem with equations
        #self.C = np.array([[0],[0],[0],[0],[0],[0],[0],[0],[0.0031], [0.2453]])
        # Current covariance of robot
        self.r1_cov_curr = np.array([[0.01 + self.robot_size, 0],
                                     [0, 0.01 + self.robot_size]])
        # initialize robot's current position
        self.curr_pos = curr_pos
        # initialize measurement noise (in our calculation, measurement noise is set by the user and is gaussian,
        # zero-mean). It largely represents the noise due to communication transmitters, or other sensor devices. It
        # is assumed to be a 3x3 matrix (x, y, and theta) for both robots
        self.relative_measurement_noise_cov = relative_measurement_noise_cov

        # initialize parameters for animation
        if animate:
            if not self.multi_agent:
                fig = plt.figure()
                    lambda event: [exit(0) if event.key == 'escape' else None])
                self.ax = fig.add_subplot(111, projection='3d')
                self.ax = Axes3D(fig)
            u = np.linspace(0, 2 * np.pi, 100)
            v = np.linspace(0, np.pi, 100)
            self.x_fig = np.outer(self.robot_size * np.cos(u), np.sin(v))
            self.y_fig = np.outer(self.robot_size * np.sin(u), np.sin(v))
            self.z_fig = np.outer(self.robot_size * np.ones(np.size(u)),
Q = numpy.array([
    [weighting['state']['arm_angle'], 0, 0, 0],
    [0, weighting['state']['pendulum_angle'], 0, 0],
    [0, 0, weighting['state']['arm_angle_velocity'], 0],
    [0, 0, 0, weighting['state']['pendulum_angle_velocity']]

# weight for control input
R = weighting['input']

# discretization
Qd = Q * T
Rd = R * T

# solve Riccati equation
P, L, F = control.dare(Ad, Bd, Qd, Rd)
# P:solution of Riccati equation
# L:eigen value of closed loop system
# F:linear state Fb gain vector

# ===============================================================

# Furuta pendulum simulator

# state vector
# x = (x1,x2,x3,x4)
#   = (theta_a, phi_p, dot_theta_a, dot_phi_p)

# Non-lienar equation of motion
# M(x2)ddot_[x3 \\ x4] = - D[x3 \\ x4] + Bv + h(x2,x3,x4)
文件: SMPC_ugv.py 项目: AlexS28/SABER
    def __init__(self, dT, mpc_horizon, curr_pos, robot_size, lb_state,
                 ub_state, lb_control, ub_control, Q, R, angle_noise_r1, angle_noise_r2,
                 relative_measurement_noise_cov, maxComm_distance, obs, animate):

        # initialize Optistack class
        self.opti = casadi.Opti()
        # dt = discretized time difference
        self.dT = dT
        # mpc_horizon = number of time steps for the mpc to look ahead
        self.N = mpc_horizon
        # robot_size = input a radius value, where the corresponding circle represents the size of the robot
        self.robot_size = robot_size
        # lower_bound_state = numpy array corresponding to the lower limit of the robot states, e.g.
        # lb_state = np.array([[-20], [-20], [-pi], dtype=float), the same for the upper limit (ub). Similar symbolic
        # representation for the controls (lb_control and ub_control) as well
        self.lb_state = lb_state
        self.ub_state = ub_state
        self.lb_control = lb_control
        self.ub_control = ub_control
        # Q and R diagonal matrices, used for the MPC objective function, Q is 3x3, R is 4x4 (first 2 diagonals
        # represent the cost on linear and angular velocity, the next 2 diagonals represent cost on state slack,
        # and terminal slack respectively. The P diagonal matrix represents the cost on the terminal constraint.
        self.Q = Q
        self.R_dare = R
        self.R = np.array([[R[0,0], 0], [0, R[2,2]]])
        # initialize discretized state matrices A and B (note, A is constant, but B will change as it is a function of
        # state theta)
        self.A = np.array([[1, 0, 0], [0, 1, 0], [0, 0, 1]])
        self.B = np.array([[self.dT, 0, 0], [0, self.dT, 0], [0, 0, self.dT]])
        # initialize the P matrix, which is the cost matrix that defines the optimal state feedback controller
        self.P, _, _ = control.dare(self.A, self.B, self.Q, self.R_dare)
        # initalize cost on slack
        self.slack_cost = 1000
        # initialize measurement noise (in our calculation, measurement noise is set by the user and is gaussian,
        # zero-mean). It largely represents the noise due to communication transmitters, or other sensor devices. It
        # is assumed to be a 3x3 matrix (x, y, and theta) for both robots
        self.relative_measurement_noise_cov = relative_measurement_noise_cov
        # we assume that there is constant noise in angle (while x and y are dynamically updated) - should be a variance
        # value
        self.angle_noise_r1 = angle_noise_r1
        self.angle_noise_r2 = angle_noise_r2
        # initialize the maximum distance that robot 1 and 2 are allowed to have for cross communication
        self.maxComm_distance = maxComm_distance
        # distance to obstacle to be used as constraints
        self.max_obs_distance = 20
        # initialize obstacles
        self.obs = obs
        # initialize robot's current position
        self.curr_pos = curr_pos
        # self.change_goal_point(goal_pos)
        # initialize the current positional uncertainty (and add the robot size to it)
        # TODO: this is a temporary fix for testing
        self.r1_cov_curr = np.array([[0.1 + self.robot_size, 0], [0, 0.1 + self.robot_size]])
        # initialize cross diagonal system noise covariance matrix
        self.P12 = np.array([[0, 0], [0, 0]])
        # bool variable to indicate whether the robot has made first contact with the uav
        self.first_contact = False
        # initialize state, control, and slack variables
        # initialize states for DQN (relative distance between robot-goal, and robot-obstacles
        num_obs_const = 0
        for i in range(1, len(self.obs)+1):
            num_obs_const += self.obs[i]['polygon_type']
        self.dqn_states = np.zeros((num_obs_const,))
        # initialize parameters for animation
        if animate:
            fig = plt.figure()
                                   lambda event: [exit(0) if event.key == 'escape' else None])
            self.ax = fig.add_subplot(111, projection='3d')
            self.ax = Axes3D(fig)
            u = np.linspace(0, 2 * np.pi, 100)
            v = np.linspace(0, np.pi, 100)
            self.x_fig = np.outer(self.robot_size * np.cos(u), np.sin(v))
            self.y_fig = np.outer(self.robot_size * np.sin(u), np.sin(v))
            self.z_fig = np.outer(self.robot_size * np.ones(np.size(u)), np.cos(v))
def get_KL(ss, Q, R):
    A, B, C, Bw, W, V = ss
    K = control.dare(A, B, Q, R)[2]
    L = control.dare(A.T, C.T, Bw @ Bw.T * W, V)[2]
    return torch.tensor(K), torch.tensor(L)
    m = np.shape(B)[1]

    # Discretizing the continuous-time system
    C = np.zeros((n, n))
    D = np.zeros((n, m))

    dt = 0.05
    sys1 = control.StateSpace(A, B, C, D)
    sysd = sys1.sample(dt)
    A = np.asarray(sysd.A)
    B = np.asarray(sysd.B)

    # LQR control for the original system
    Q = np.eye(np.shape(A)[0])
    R = np.eye(np.shape(B)[1])
    (P1, L1, K1) = control.dare(A, B, Q, R)

    # Adding dA
    Ur, _, _ = la.linalg.svd(B, 0)
    iterator = 0
    while 1:
        dA = np.zeros((4, 4))
        dA[0:4, 0:4] = np.random.normal(0, .05, (4, 4))
        tilde_A = (np.eye(n) - Ur @ Ur.T) @ (A + dA)
        if np.max(np.abs(la.eigvals(tilde_A))) < 1.:
        iterator += 1

    A = A + dA
def Trajectory_generator(A, B, K_old, x0, noise, alpha, number_of_iteration, control_mode):
    ''' generate the trajectory and upper-bound based on DGR paper and compare it to DeePC paper '''

    # System dimensions
    n = np.shape(A)[0]
    m = np.shape(B)[1]

    mean_w = 0

    ############# Implementing DeePC for comparison ###################

    # Parameters for DeePC algorithm (for comparison)
    if control_mode == 0 or control_mode == 2:
        T_ini = 1  # 8
        N_deepc = 4  # 30
        T_ini = 1
        N_deepc = 5
    # L_deepc = T_ini + N_deepc
    T_deepc = (m+1)*(T_ini+N_deepc + n)

    # solver parameters
    q = 80
    r = 0.000000001
    lam_sigma = 800000
    lam_g = 1

    X_deepc = [x0]
    U_deepc = []

    # offline data
    data_u = []
    data_x = [x0]

    # offline data generation
    for t in range(T_deepc):
        data_u.append(-K_old@data_x[-1] + np.array(np.random.normal(mean_w, 2, size=(m, 1))))
        data_x.append(A @ data_x[-1] + B @ data_u[-1])

    print('DeePC started')
    # DeePC implementation
    for t in range(number_of_iteration):

        if noise:
            if control_mode == 0 or control_mode == 2:
                w = np.array(np.random.normal(mean_w, 0.001, size=(n, 1)))
                w = np.array(np.random.normal(mean_w, 0.01, size=(n, 1)))
            w = np.zeros((n, 1))

        if t <= T_ini:
            U_deepc.append(np.array(np.random.normal(mean_w, 0.1, size=(m, 1))))
            X_deepc.append(A @ X_deepc[-1] + B @ U_deepc[-1] + w)
            if la.norm(X_deepc[-1]) > 1000:
                print('DeePC is blown up at')

                u_N_deepc = deepc(U_deepc, X_deepc[:-1], data_u, data_x[:-1], T_ini, N_deepc, q, r, lam_sigma, lam_g)
                print('Deepc is stopped at iteration')
            X_deepc.append(A@X_deepc[-1] + B @ U_deepc[-1] + w)

    print('DeePC ended')

    ###################### Algorithm 1 implementation ####################
    # Parameters for Algorithm 1
    X = [x0]
    Y = []
    K = [np.zeros((m, n))]
    u = []

    G_alpha = la.pinv(alpha * np.eye(m) + B.T @ B) @ B.T

    X_old = [x0]
    X_new = [x0]

    print('DGR started')
    for t in range(number_of_iteration):
        if noise:
            if control_mode == 0 or control_mode == 2:
                w = np.array(np.random.normal(mean_w, 0.001, size=(n, 1)))
                w = np.array(np.random.normal(mean_w, 0.01, size=(n, 1)))
            w = np.zeros((n, 1))

        u.append(-K[-1] @ X[-1])
        X.append(A @ X[-1] + B @ u[-1] + w)
        Y.append(X[-1] - B @ u[-1] )

        K.append(G_alpha @ np.hstack(Y) @ la.pinv(np.hstack(X[:-1])))
        if t < T_deepc:
        elif t == T_deepc:
            xposition = t
            Q = np.eye(np.shape(A)[0])
            if control_mode == 0 or control_mode ==2:
                R = 0.0000001*np.eye(np.shape(B)[1])
                R = 0.0000001*np.eye(np.shape(B)[1])
            A_hat = np.hstack(Y) @ la.pinv(np.hstack(X[:-1]))

            (_,_,K1) = control.dare(A_hat, B, Q, R)
            X_new.append((A-B@K1) @ X_new[-1] + w)
            X_new.append((A-B@K1) @ X_new[-1] + w)

        if la.norm(X_old[-1]) < 200:
            X_old.append((A - B @ K_old) @ X_old[-1] + w)

    print('DGR ended')

    # Find upper-bound based on Lemma 2
    z     = [X[0]]
    z_bar = [X[0] / la.norm(X[0])]
    w_bar = [X[0] / la.norm(X[0]) - z_bar[0]]
    for t in range(1, number_of_iteration+1):
        X_subspace = np.hstack(X[:t])
        l = len(X_subspace)
        Ux, _ , _ = la.svd(X_subspace, 0)
        z.append((np.eye(l) - Ux @ Ux.T) @ X[t])

        if la.norm(z[-1]) > 10e-12:
            z_bar.append(z[-1] / la.norm(z[-1]))
            w_bar.append(X[t]/la.norm(X[t]) - z_bar[-1])
            z_bar.append(np.zeros((n, 1)))
            w_bar.append(X[t] / la.norm(X[t]))

    Ur, _, _ = la.linalg.svd(B, 0)

    tilde_A = (np.eye(n) - Ur @ Ur.T) @ A
    tilde_B = Ur @ Ur.T @ A
    a_t     = [la.norm(A)]

    for t in range(1, number_of_iteration + 1):
        a_t.append(la.norm(la.matrix_power(tilde_A, t) @ A, 2))

    L  = [0]
    UB = [la.norm(X[0])]

    L.append(la.norm(A @ z_bar[0]))
    UB.append(L[-1] * la.norm(X[0]))
    Delta = B @ (la.pinv(B)-G_alpha) @ A
    for t in range(2, number_of_iteration + 1):
        sum_bl = 0
        for r in range(1, t):
            sum_bl += np.sqrt( la.norm( la.matrix_power(tilde_A, t-1-r) @ tilde_B @ z_bar[r])**2
                        + la.norm( la.matrix_power(tilde_A, t-1-r) @ Delta @ w_bar[r])**2 ) * L[r]
        L.append( a_t[t-1] + sum_bl )
        UB.append( L[-1] * la.norm(X[0]) )

    # ###################### DPC for a system after DGR is done ###############

    # online data generation for a system with DGR in the closed loop
    data_u = []
    data_x = [x0]

    # Parameters for DGR
    Y = []
    u_dgr = []
    K_dgr = [np.zeros((m, n))]
    G_alpha = la.pinv(alpha * np.eye(m) + B.T @ B) @ B.T

    for t in range(T_deepc):
        if noise:
            if control_mode == 0 or control_mode == 2:
                w = np.array(np.random.normal(mean_w, 0.001, size=(n, 1)))
                w = np.array(np.random.normal(mean_w, 0.01, size=(n, 1)))
            w = np.zeros((n, 1))

        data_u.append(np.array(np.random.normal(mean_w, 1, size=(m, 1))))
        u_dgr.append(-K_dgr[-1] @ data_x[-1] + data_u[-1])

        data_x.append(A @ data_x[-1] + B@u_dgr[-1] + w)
        Y.append(data_x[-1] - B @ u_dgr[-1])
        K_dgr.append(G_alpha @ np.hstack(Y) @ la.pinv(np.hstack(data_x[:-1])))

    print('DGR+DeePC started')
    # DeePC implementation

    X_deepc_dgr = []
    U_deepc_dgr = []
    X_deepc_dgr[0:T_deepc] = data_x
    U_deepc_dgr[0:T_deepc] = data_u

    # solver parameters
    if control_mode == 0 or control_mode == 2:
        q = 400
        r = 0.05
        lam_sigma = 10000
        lam_g = 1
    elif control_mode == 1 or control_mode == 3:
        q = 400
        r = 0.05
        lam_sigma = 10000
        lam_g = 1

    for t in range(T_deepc, number_of_iteration):

        if noise:
            if control_mode == 0 or control_mode == 2:
                w = np.array(np.random.normal(mean_w, 0.001, size=(n, 1)))
                w = np.array(np.random.normal(mean_w, 0.01, size=(n, 1)))
            w = np.zeros((n, 1))

        if la.norm(X_deepc_dgr[-1]) > 1000:
            print('DeePC is blown up at')

            u_N_deepc_dgr = deepc(U_deepc_dgr, X_deepc_dgr[:-1], data_u, data_x[:-1], T_ini, N_deepc, q, r, lam_sigma,
            print('DeePC is stopped at iteration')
        X_deepc_dgr.append(A @ X_deepc_dgr[-1] + B @(-K_dgr[-1]@ X_deepc_dgr[-1] + U_deepc_dgr[-1]) + w)

    print('DGR+DeePC ended')

    return X, X_old, UB, X_new, xposition, K, X_deepc, X_deepc_dgr
# ])
B = tau * np.array([[0], [1 / M], [0], [b / (M * L)]])
Q = np.eye(4)  # state cost, 4x4 identity matrix
R = 0.0001  # control cost

def f(x, u):
    return A @ x + B @ u

#%% Traditional LQR
# lq = dlqr(A, B, Q, R)
# C = lq[0]

#%% Solve riccati equation
soln = dare(A * np.sqrt(gamma), B * np.sqrt(gamma), Q, R)
P = soln[0]
C = np.linalg.inv(R + gamma * B.T @ P @ B) @ (gamma * B.T @ P @ A)

#%% Construct snapshots of u from random agent and initial states x0
x0 = np.array([[-1], [0], [np.pi], [0]])

perturbation = np.array([[0], [0], [np.random.normal(0, 0.05)], [0]])
x = x0 + perturbation

N = 10000
action_range = 50
state_range = 10
U = np.random.rand(1, N) * action_range * np.random.choice(np.array([-1, 1]),
                                                           size=(1, N))
X0 = np.random.rand(4, N) * state_range * np.random.choice(np.array([-1, 1]),
def Trajectory_generator(A, B, K_old, x0, noise, alpha):
    ''' generate the trajectory and upper-bound based on DGR '''

    # System dimensions
    n = np.shape(A)[0]
    m = np.shape(B)[1]

    # Parameters for Algorithm 1
    X = [x0]
    Y = []
    K = [np.zeros((m, n))]
    u = []

    G_alpha = la.pinv(alpha * np.eye(m) + B.T @ B) @ B.T

    X_old = [x0]
    X_new = [x0]

    number_of_iteration = 40 * n
    mean_w = 0

    # Algorithm 1 implementation
    for t in range(number_of_iteration):

        if noise:
            w = np.array(np.random.normal(mean_w, 0.01, size=(n, 1)))
            w = np.zeros((n, 1))

        u.append(-K[-1] @ X[-1])

        X.append(A @ X[-1] + B @ u[-1] + w)
        Y.append(X[-1] - B @ u[-1])

        A_hat = np.hstack(Y) @ la.pinv(np.hstack(X[:-1]))
        K.append(G_alpha @ A_hat)

        if t < 30:
        elif t == 30:
            xposition = t
            Y_ = np.hstack(Y)
            X_ = np.hstack(X[:-1])
            A1_hat = Y_[0:4, :] @ la.pinv(X_[0:4, :])
            A2_hat = Y_[4:8, :] @ la.pinv(X_[4:8, :])
            A_hat = 0 * A_hat
            A_hat[0:4, 0:4] = A1_hat[0:4, 0:4]
            A_hat[4:8, 4:8] = A2_hat[0:4, 0:4]

            Q = np.eye(np.shape(A)[0])
            R = np.eye(np.shape(B)[1])

            (P1, L1, K1) = control.dare(A_hat, B, Q, R)
            X_new.append((A - B @ K1) @ X_new[-1] + w)
            X_new.append((A - B @ K1) @ X_new[-1] + w)

        X_old.append((A - B @ K_old) @ X_old[-1] + w)

    # Find upper-bound based on Lemma 2
    z = [X[0]]
    z_bar = [X[0] / la.norm(X[0])]
    w_bar = [X[0] / la.norm(X[0]) - z_bar[0]]

    for t in range(1, number_of_iteration + 1):

        X_subspace = np.hstack(X[:t])
        l = len(X_subspace)
        Ux, _, _ = la.svd(X_subspace, 0)
        z.append((np.eye(l) - Ux @ Ux.T) @ X[t])

        if la.norm(z[-1]) > 10e-12:
            z_bar.append(z[-1] / la.norm(z[-1]))
            w_bar.append(X[t] / la.norm(X[t]) - z_bar[-1])
            z_bar.append(np.zeros((n, 1)))
            w_bar.append(X[t] / la.norm(X[t]))

    Ur, _, _ = la.linalg.svd(B, 0)

    tilde_A = (np.eye(n) - Ur @ Ur.T) @ A
    tilde_B = Ur @ Ur.T @ A
    a_t = [la.norm(A)]

    for t in range(1, number_of_iteration + 1):
        a_t.append(la.norm(la.matrix_power(tilde_A, t) @ A, 2))

    L = [0]
    UB = [la.norm(X[0])]

    L.append(la.norm(A @ z_bar[0]))
    UB.append(L[-1] * la.norm(X[0]))
    Delta = B @ (la.pinv(B) - G_alpha) @ A

    for t in range(2, number_of_iteration + 1):
        sum_bl = 0
        for r in range(1, t):
            sum_bl += np.sqrt(
                    la.matrix_power(tilde_A, t - 1 -
                                    r) @ tilde_B @ z_bar[r])**2 + la.
                norm(la.matrix_power(tilde_A, t - 1 - r) @ Delta @ w_bar[r])**2
            ) * L[r]
        L.append(a_t[t - 1] + sum_bl)
        UB.append(L[-1] * la.norm(X[0]))

    return X, X_old, UB, X_new, xposition
def run_robot(T, A, B, Q, R, noise, lam, mode, ini_lambda):

    # Initialize

    _myopic_x = np.zeros((T, np.shape(A)[0]))
    _optimal_x = np.zeros((T, np.shape(A)[0]))
    _online_x = np.zeros((T, np.shape(A)[0]))
    w = np.zeros((T, np.shape(A)[0]))
    estimated_w = np.zeros((T, np.shape(A)[0]))
    W = 0
    Z = 0
    Y = 0
    X = 0
    epsilon = 0

    P, _, _ = control.dare(A, B, Q, R)
    D = _get_D(B, P, R)
    H = _get_H(B, D)
    F = _get_F(A, P, H)

    myopic_ALG = 0
    online_ALG = 0
    OPT = 0

    for t in range(T):

        # Generate perturbations

        w = generate_w(mode, A, T)
        estimated_w = w + noise

        # Compute norms

        inner_epsilon = 0
        inner_W = 0
        inner_Z = 0
        for s in range(t, T):
            inner_epsilon += np.linalg.norm(matrix_power(
                F, s - t), 2) * np.linalg.norm(P, 2) * np.linalg.norm(noise[s])
            inner_W += np.linalg.norm(matrix_power(
                F, s - t), 2) * np.linalg.norm(P, 2) * np.linalg.norm(
            inner_Z += np.linalg.norm(matrix_power(
                F, s - t), 2) * np.linalg.norm(P, 2) * np.linalg.norm(w[s])
        epsilon += inner_epsilon**2
        W += inner_W**2
        Z += inner_Z**2
        Y += inner_epsilon * inner_Z
        X += inner_Z * inner_W

    for t in range(T):

        # Update actions

        _myopic_E = np.matmul(P, np.matmul(A, _myopic_x[t]))
        _online_E = np.matmul(P, np.matmul(A, _online_x[t]))
        _optimal_E = np.matmul(P, np.matmul(A, _optimal_x[t]))
        _myopic_G = 0
        _optimal_G = 0

        for s in range(t, T):
            _myopic_G += np.matmul(
                np.linalg.matrix_power(np.transpose(F), s - t),
                np.matmul(P, estimated_w[s]))
            _optimal_G += np.matmul(
                np.linalg.matrix_power(np.transpose(F), s - t),
                np.matmul(P, w[s]))

        # Myopic algorithm

        _myopic_u = -np.matmul(D, _myopic_E) - lam * np.matmul(D, _myopic_G)

        # Online algorithm (time-varying lambda)

        _FTL_lam = _find_lam(t, w, estimated_w, P, F, H, ini_lambda)
        _online_u = -np.matmul(D, _online_E) - _FTL_lam * np.matmul(
            D, _myopic_G)

        # Omniscient algorithm

        _optimal_u = -np.matmul(D, _optimal_E) - np.matmul(D, _optimal_G)

        # Update states

        if t < T - 1:
            _myopic_x[t + 1] = np.matmul(A, _myopic_x[t]) + np.matmul(
                B, _myopic_u) + w[t]
            _online_x[t + 1] = np.matmul(A, _online_x[t]) + np.matmul(
                B, _online_u) + w[t]
            _optimal_x[t + 1] = np.matmul(A, _optimal_x[t]) + np.matmul(
                B, _optimal_u) + w[t]

        # Update costs

        if t < T - 1:

            myopic_ALG += np.matmul(np.transpose(
                _myopic_x[t]), np.matmul(Q, _myopic_x[t])) + np.matmul(
                    np.transpose(_myopic_u), np.matmul(R, _myopic_u))
            online_ALG += np.matmul(np.transpose(
                _online_x[t]), np.matmul(Q, _online_x[t])) + np.matmul(
                    np.transpose(_online_u), np.matmul(R, _online_u))
            OPT += np.matmul(np.transpose(
                _optimal_x[t]), np.matmul(Q, _optimal_x[t])) + np.matmul(
                    np.transpose(_optimal_u), np.matmul(R, _optimal_u))

            online_ALG += np.matmul(np.transpose(_online_x[t]),
                                    np.matmul(P, _online_x[t]))
            myopic_ALG += np.matmul(np.transpose(_myopic_x[t]),
                                    np.matmul(P, _myopic_x[t]))
            OPT += np.matmul(np.transpose(_optimal_x[t]),
                             np.matmul(P, _optimal_x[t]))

    print("Online Cost is")
    print("Myopic Cost is")
    print("Optimal Cost is")
    return epsilon, X, Y, W, Z, myopic_ALG, online_ALG, OPT
threshold = 0.01
T = 100

A = np.zeros((2, 2))
B = r * np.array([[1 / 2, 1 / 2], [-1 / n, 1 / n]])
C = np.eye(2)
D = 0

sysc = ctrl.ss(A, B, C, D)
sysd = ctrl.sample_system(sysc, dt)
Ad, Bd, Cd, Dd = sysd.A, sysd.B, sysd.C, sysd.D

Q = np.array([[1, 0], [0, 100]])
R = 25 * np.eye(2)

K = ctrl.dare(Ad, Bd, Q, R)[-1]

x0 = np.array([0, 0]).T
start_loc = np.array([0, 0])
end_loc = np.array([5, 5])

def angle(vec):
    return np.arctan2(vec[1], vec[0])

def velocity(psi, u):
    return r * np.array([[np.cos(psi) / 2, np.cos(psi) / 2],
                         [np.sin(psi) / 2, np.sin(psi) / 2]]) @ u

    C = np.transpose(B)

    found = False
    while not found:
        A_random = np.random.rand(state_dim, state_dim)
        ctrb_mat = control.ctrb(A_random, B)
        obsv_mat = control.obsv(A_random, C)

        rank_ctrb = np.linalg.matrix_rank(ctrb_mat)
        rank_obsv = np.linalg.matrix_rank(obsv_mat)
        if rank_ctrb == state_dim and rank_obsv == state_dim:
            found = True

    Qstate = 10 * np.eye(state_dim)
    Qinput = 1000 * np.eye(input_dim)
    (_, L, Klqr) = control.dare(A_random, B, Qstate, Qinput)
    for eigval in L:
        assert (np.abs(eigval) < 1)

    A = A_random - B @ Klqr

# or just use the standard integrator chain
elif args.dynamics == "integrator_chain":
    dt = 0.05
    A = np.eye(state_dim)
    for i in range(state_dim - 1):
        A[i, i + 1] = dt
    B = np.zeros((state_dim, 1))
    B[-1, 0] = 1
    C = np.transpose(B)
def Trajectory_generator(A, B, K_old, x0, noise, alpha):

    X = []  # Define state array
    u = []  # Define control array
    Y = []
    K = []
    P = []
    Q_ = []
    xi = []

    n = np.shape(A)[0]
    m = np.shape(B)[1]

    G_alpha = la.pinv(alpha * np.eye(m) + B.T @ B) @ B.T

    X_old_control = [x0]
    X_newController = [x0]
    K = [np.zeros((m, n))]

    number_of_iteration = 40 * n
    mean_w = 0

    for _ in range(number_of_iteration):

        if noise:
            w = np.array(np.random.normal(mean_w, 0.01, size=(n, 1)))
            w = np.zeros((n, 1))

        u.append(-K[-1] @ X[-1])

        X.append(A @ X[-1] + B @ u[-1] + w)
        Y.append(X[-1] - B @ u[-1])

        A_hat = np.hstack(Y) @ la.pinv(np.hstack(X[:-1]))
        if _ == 0:

            P.append((X[0] @ X[0].T) / (la.norm(X[0])**2))
            Q_.append((X[1] @ X[0].T) / (la.norm(X[0])**2))
            K.append(G_alpha @ Q_[-1])

            xi.append(X[-1] - P[-1] @ X[-1])
            Q_.append(Q_[-1] + (Y[-1] - Q_[-1] @ X[-1]) @ la.pinv(xi[-1]))
            P.append(P[-1] - xi[-1] @ la.pinv(xi[-1]))
            K.append(G_alpha @ Q_[-1])

        if _ < 30:
        elif _ == 30:

            xposition = _
            Y_ = np.hstack(Y)
            X_ = np.hstack(X[:-1])

            A1_hat = Y_[0:4, :] @ la.pinv(X_[0:4, :])
            A2_hat = Y_[4:8, :] @ la.pinv(X_[4:8, :])
            A_hat = 0 * A_hat
            A_hat[0:4, 0:4] = A1_hat[0:4, 0:4]
            A_hat[4:8, 4:8] = A2_hat[0:4, 0:4]

            Q = np.eye(np.shape(A)[0])
            R = np.eye(np.shape(B)[1])
            (P1, L1, K1) = control.dare(A_hat, B, Q, R)
            X_newController.append((A - B @ K1) @ X_newController[-1] + w)
            X_newController.append((A - B @ K1) @ X_newController[-1] + w)

        X_old_control.append((A - B @ K_old) @ X_old_control[-1] + w)

    ############ Find z_t  ###############
    z = [X[0]]
    z_bar = [X[0] / la.norm(X[0])]
    w_bar = [X[0] / la.norm(X[0]) - z_bar[0]]

    for t in range(1, number_of_iteration + 1):

        X_subspace = np.hstack(X[:t])
        l = len(X_subspace)
        Ux, _, _ = la.svd(X_subspace, 0)
        z.append((np.eye(l) - Ux @ Ux.T) @ X[t])

        if la.norm(z[-1]) > 10e-12:
            z_bar.append(z[-1] / la.norm(z[-1]))
            w_bar.append(X[t] / la.norm(X[t]) - z_bar[-1])
            z_bar.append(np.zeros((n, 1)))
            w_bar.append(X[t] / la.norm(X[t]))

    ''' ###### Upper bound ###### '''

    Ur, _, _ = la.linalg.svd(B, 0)

    tilde_A = (np.eye(n) - Ur @ Ur.T) @ A
    tilde_B = Ur @ Ur.T @ A
    a_t = [la.norm(A)]

    for t in range(1, number_of_iteration + 1):
        a_t.append(la.norm(la.matrix_power(tilde_A, t) @ A, 2))

    L = [0]
    UB = [la.norm(X[0])]

    L.append(la.norm(A @ z_bar[0]))
    UB.append(L[-1] * la.norm(X[0]))
    Delta = B @ (la.pinv(B) - G_alpha) @ A

    for t in range(2, number_of_iteration + 1):
        sum_bl = 0
        for r in range(1, t):
            sum_bl += np.sqrt(
                    la.matrix_power(tilde_A, t - 1 -
                                    r) @ tilde_B @ z_bar[r])**2 + la.
                norm(la.matrix_power(tilde_A, t - 1 - r) @ Delta @ w_bar[r])**2
            ) * L[r]

        L.append(a_t[t - 1] + sum_bl)
        UB.append(L[-1] * la.norm(X[0]))
    # xposition=0
    return X, X_old_control, UB, X_newController, xposition
 def __init__(self, A, B):
     self.state_dim = A.shape[0]
     self.action_dim = B.shape[1]
     Q = np.eye(self.state_dim)
     R = np.eye(self.action_dim)
     [self.P,L,self.K] = control.dare(A,B,Q,R)
G2.A = np.array([[1, 0, .1, 0], [0, 1, 0, .1], [0, 0, 1, 0], [0, 0, 0, 1]])
G2.B = np.array([[0, 0], [0, 0], [1, 0], [0, 1]])
G2.C = np.array([[1, 0, 0, 0], [0, 1, 0, 0]])
G2.D = np.array([[0, 0], [0, 0]])

x01 = np.array([[0], [0], [0], [0]])  # Initial state
WP1 = np.array([[5], [0], [0], [0]])  # Waypoint

x02 = np.array([[-5], [0], [0], [0]])  # Initial state
WP2 = np.array([[2], [0], [0], [0]])  # Waypoint

w1 = mpc.Weight()  # Empty weights class
w1.Q = np.array([[5, 0, 0, 0], [0, 5, 0, 0], [0, 0, 1, 0],
                 [0, 0, 0, 1]])  # State weight matrix Q
w1.R = np.array([[1, 0], [0, 1]])  # Control input weight matrix R
w1.P = control.dare(G1.A, G1.B, w1.Q,
                    w1.R)[0]  # Final state matrix P, based off DARE

w2 = mpc.Weight()  # Empty weights class
w2.Q = np.array([[5, 0, 0, 0], [0, 5, 0, 0], [0, 0, 1, 0],
                 [0, 0, 0, 1]])  # State weight matrix Q
w2.R = np.array([[1, 0], [0, 1]])  # Control input weight matrix R
w2.P = control.dare(G2.A, G2.B, w2.Q,
                    w2.R)[0]  # Final state matrix P, based off DARE

predMat1 = mpc.generate_prediction_matrices(G1,
                                            N)  # Prediction matrices P and S
costMat1 = mpc.generate_cost_matrices(
    predMat1, w1, N)  # Cost matrices Q, inverse Q (Qi) and c

predMat2 = mpc.generate_prediction_matrices(G2,
                                            N)  # Prediction matrices P and S
 def dlqr(self, A, B, Q, R, state):
     X, L, K = ct.dare(A, B, Q, R)
     control = -np.matmul(K, state)
     return control
def compute_steadystate_cov(A, C, state_noise_cov, meas_noise_cov):
    (X, _, _) = control.dare(A, C.T, state_noise_cov, meas_noise_cov)
    return X
#%% Definitions
G = mpc.LTI()  # State-space system
G.A = np.array([[1, 0, .1, 0], [0, 1, 0, .1], [0, 0, 1, 0], [0, 0, 0, 1]])
G.B = np.array([[0, 0], [0, 0], [1, 0], [0, 1]])
G.C = np.array([[1, 0, 0, 0], [0, 1, 0, 0]])
G.D = np.array([[0, 0], [0, 0]])

x0 = np.array([[0], [0], [0], [0]])  # Initial state
WP = np.array([[5], [0], [0], [0]])  # Waypoint

w = mpc.Weight()  # Empty weights class
w.Q = np.array([[5, 0, 0, 0], [0, 5, 0, 0], [0, 0, 1, 0],
                [0, 0, 0, 1]])  # State weight matrix Q
w.R = np.array([[1, 0], [0, 1]])  # Control input weight matrix R
w.P = control.dare(G.A, G.B, w.Q,
                   w.R)[0]  # Final state matrix P, based off DARE

predMat = mpc.generate_prediction_matrices(G, N)  # Prediction matrices P and S
costMat = mpc.generate_cost_matrices(
    predMat, w, N)  # Cost matrices Q, inverse Q (Qi) and c

vMax = 5  # Bound on velocity
xBound = 5  # Bound on position

Ac = np.array([[0, 1, 0, 0], [0, -1, 0, 0], [0, 0, 1, 0], [0, 0, -1, 0],
               [0, 0, 0, 1], [0, 0, 0, -1]])  # Constraint matrix A (Ax <= b)
bc = np.array([[xBound], [xBound], [vMax], [vMax], [vMax],
               [vMax]])  # Constraint vector b

#%% MPC simulation
x = np.zeros((4, T + 1))  # States
#!/usr/bin/env python3
import numpy as np
import control  # pylint: disable=import-error

dt = 0.01
A = np.array([[0., 1.], [-0.78823806, 1.78060701]])
B = np.array([[-2.23399437e-05], [7.58330763e-08]])
C = np.array([[1., 0.]])

# Kalman tuning
Q = np.diag([1, 1])
R = np.atleast_2d(1e5)

(_, _, L) = control.dare(A.T, C.T, Q, R)
L = L.T

# LQR tuning
Q = np.diag([2e5, 1e-5])
R = np.atleast_2d(1)
(_, _, K) = control.dare(A, B, Q, R)

A_cl = (A - B.dot(K))
sys = control.ss(A_cl, B, C, 0, dt)
dc_gain = control.dcgain(sys)

print(("self.A = np." + A.__repr__()).replace('\n', ''))
print(("self.B = np." + B.__repr__()).replace('\n', ''))
print(("self.C = np." + C.__repr__()).replace('\n', ''))
print(("self.K = np." + K.__repr__()).replace('\n', ''))
print(("self.L = np." + L.__repr__()).replace('\n', ''))
print("self.dc_gain = " + str(dc_gain))
#weighting matrix Q
Q = numpy.array( [ [1, 0, 0, 0], [0, 1, 0 ,0], [0, 0, 10, 0], [0, 0, 0, 10] ] )
#weighting scalar R
R = 1000.0
#calculate the weighting values for the discrete system
Qd = Q * T
Rd = R * T
#solve the Discrete-time Algebraic Riccati Equation (DARE)
#P: solution of the Riccati equation
#L: eigenvalues of the closed loop
#G: optimal feedback gain
P, L, G = control.dare(Ax, Bx, Qd, Rd)
print("*Solution of the Riccati equation*")
#calculate Gain: Gain = (B^TPB+R)^-1B^TPA
tran_Bx = Bx.transpose()
BTPB = numpy.dot( numpy.dot(tran_Bx, P), Bx )
temp = 1.0/(BTPB[0][0] + Rd)
Gain = - temp * numpy.dot( numpy.dot(tran_Bx, P), Ax )
print("Gain (calculated)")
print("Gain (obtained from congtrol.dare)")
    K_1[i - 1] = np.matmul(
            np.transpose(A), K_1[i] - np.matmul(
                np.matmul(K_1[i], B),
                    np.matmul(np.matmul(np.transpose(B), K_1[i]), B) + R),
                np.matmul(np.transpose(B), K_1[i]))), A) + Q

L_1 = np.empty([N, n, n])
for i in range(0, N):
    L_1[i] = -np.matmul(
            np.matmul(np.matmul(np.transpose(B), K_1[i + 1]), B) + R),
        np.matmul(np.matmul(np.transpose(B), K_1[i + 1]), A))

K_2, G, E = control.dare(A=A, B=B, Q=Q, R=R)

L_2 = -np.matmul(
    np.linalg.inv(np.matmul(np.matmul(np.transpose(B), K_2), B) + R),
    np.matmul(np.matmul(np.transpose(B), K_2), A))

for i in range(0, N):
    # Values normal
    x_1[i + 1] = np.matmul(A + np.matmul(B, L_1[i]), x_1[i]) + w[i]
    # Values much larger
    x_2[i + 1] = np.matmul(A + np.matmul(B, L_2), x_2[i]) + w[i]

# plot
plot_fig5 = plt.figure(5)
plt.title('Behavior of the system optimal control vs steady-state control')
def dlqr(*args, **keywords):
    """Linear quadratic regulator design for discrete systems

    [K, S, E] = dlqr(A, B, Q, R, [N])
    [K, S, E] = dlqr(sys, Q, R, [N])

    The dlqr() function computes the optimal state feedback controller
    that minimizes the quadratic cost

        J = \sum_0^\infty x' Q x + u' R u + 2 x' N u

    A, B: 2-d arrays with dynamics and input matrices
    sys: linear I/O system 
    Q, R: 2-d array with state and input weight matrices
    N: optional 2-d array with cross weight matrix

    K: 2-d array with state feedback gains
    S: 2-d array with solution to Riccati equation
    E: 1-d array with eigenvalues of the closed loop system

    # Process the arguments and figure out what inputs we received
    # Get the system description
    if (len(args) < 3):
        raise ControlArgument("not enough input arguments")

    elif (issys(args[0])):
        # We were passed a system as the first argument; extract A and B
        A = array(args[0].A, ndmin=2, dtype=float);
        B = array(args[0].B, ndmin=2, dtype=float);
        index = 1;
        if args[0].dt==None:
            print('dlqr works only for discrete systems!')
        # Arguments should be A and B matrices
        A = array(args[0], ndmin=2, dtype=float);
        B = array(args[1], ndmin=2, dtype=float);
        index = 2;

    # Get the weighting matrices (converting to matrices, if needed)
    Q = array(args[index], ndmin=2, dtype=float);
    R = array(args[index+1], ndmin=2, dtype=float);
    if (len(args) > index + 2): 
        N = array(args[index+2], ndmin=2, dtype=float);
        Nflag = 1;
        N = zeros((Q.shape[0], R.shape[1]));
        Nflag = 0;

    # Check dimensions for consistency
    nstates = B.shape[0];
    ninputs = B.shape[1];
    if (A.shape[0] != nstates or A.shape[1] != nstates):
        raise ControlDimension("inconsistent system dimensions")

    elif (Q.shape[0] != nstates or Q.shape[1] != nstates or
          R.shape[0] != ninputs or R.shape[1] != ninputs or
          N.shape[0] != nstates or N.shape[1] != ninputs):
        raise ControlDimension("incorrect weighting matrix dimensions")

    if Nflag==1:
    #Solve the riccati equation
    (X,L,G) = dare(Ao,B,Qo,R)
#    X = bb_dare(Ao,B,Qo,R)

    # Now compute the return value
    return K,X,L
    def run(self):
        # publish message every 1/x second
        rate = rospy.Rate(15)
        car_cmd_msg = WheelsCmdStamped()
        tnew = time.time()
        while not rospy.is_shutdown():
            #computing dt for I-part of controller
            told = tnew
            tnew = time.time()
            dt = tnew - told

            #state feedback: statevector x = [d;phi]
            #K places poles at -1 and -2

            Ts = dt

            #computing integral state
            self.dint += self.dist * dt
            #discrete state space matrices (without integral d state)
            A = np.matrix([[1,self.vref*Ts],[0,1]])
            B = np.matrix([[0.5*Ts*Ts*self.vref],[Ts]])

            #weighting matrices
            Q = np.matrix([[2.5,0],[0,1]])
            R = np.matrix([[0.1]])

            #discrete state space matrices (with integral d state)
            A = np.matrix([[1, self.vref * Ts, 0], [0, 1, 0],
                           [Ts, 0.5 * self.vref * Ts * Ts, 1]])
            B = np.matrix([[0.5 * self.vref * Ts * Ts], [Ts],
                           [self.vref * Ts * Ts * Ts / 6.0]])

            Q = np.matrix([[4.0, 0.0, 0.0], [0.0, 1.0, 0.0], [0.0, 0.0, 0.5]])
            R = np.matrix([[0.1]])

            #solving dare
            (X, L, G) = control.dare(A, B, Q, R)

            #extracting K-matrix-components
            k1 = G[0, 0]
            k2 = -G[0, 1]
            k3 = G[0, 2]

            # u = -K*x   (state feedback)
            #self.omega = -k1*self.dist - k2*self.phi
            self.omega = -k1 * self.dist - k2 * self.phi - k3 * self.dint

            self.omega = self.omega

            #def. motor commands that will be published
            car_cmd_msg.header.stamp = rospy.get_rostime()
            car_cmd_msg.vel_left = self.vref + self.L * self.omega
            car_cmd_msg.vel_right = self.vref - self.L * self.omega


            #printing messages to verify that program is working correctly
            #i.ei if dist and tist are always zero, then there is probably no data from the lan_pose
            message1 = k1
            message2 = k2
            message3 = self.omega

            rospy.loginfo('k1: %s' % message1)
            rospy.loginfo('k2: %s' % message2)
            rospy.loginfo('omega: %s' % message3)