def attitude_sysid(y_acc, u_mix, verbose=False):
    # type: (np.array, np.array, bool) -> (control.tf, float, float)
    roll/pitch system id assuming delay/gain model
    :param y_acc: (roll or pitch acceleration)
    :param u_mix: (roll or pitch acceleration command)
    :param verbose: show debug output
    :return: (G_ol, delay, k)
        G_ol: open loop plant
        delay: time delay (sec)
        k: gain
    if verbose:
        print('solving for plant model ', end='')
    k, delay = delay_and_gain_sysid(y_acc, u_mix, verbose)
    if verbose:

    # open loop, rate output, mix input plant
    tf_acc = k * control.tf(*control.pade(delay, 1))  # order 1 approx
    # can neglect motor, pole too fast to matter compared to delay, not used in sysid either
    tf_integrator = control.tf((1), (1, 0))
    G_ol = tf_acc * tf_integrator

    return G_ol, delay, k
def test_describing_function_plot():
    # Simple linear system with at most 1 intersection
    H_simple = ct.tf([1], [1, 2, 2, 1])
    omega = np.logspace(-1, 2, 100)

    # Saturation nonlinearity
    F_saturation = ct.descfcn.saturation_nonlinearity(1)
    amp = np.linspace(1, 4, 10)

    # No intersection
    xsects = ct.describing_function_plot(H_simple, F_saturation, amp, omega)
    assert xsects == []

    # One intersection
    H_larger = H_simple * 8
    xsects = ct.describing_function_plot(H_larger, F_saturation, amp, omega)
    for a, w in xsects:
        np.testing.assert_almost_equal(H_larger(1j * w),
                                       -1 /
                                       ct.describing_function(F_saturation, a),

    # Multiple intersections
    H_multiple = H_simple * ct.tf(*ct.pade(5, 4)) * 4
    omega = np.logspace(-1, 3, 50)
    F_backlash = ct.descfcn.friction_backlash_nonlinearity(1)
    amp = np.linspace(0.6, 5, 50)
    xsects = ct.describing_function_plot(H_multiple, F_backlash, amp, omega)
    for a, w in xsects:
        np.testing.assert_almost_equal(-1 /
                                       ct.describing_function(F_backlash, a),
                                       H_multiple(1j * w),
def test_nyquist_fbs_examples():
    s = ct.tf('s')
    """Run through various examples from FBS2e to compare plots"""
    plt.title("Figure 10.4: L(s) = 1.4 e^{-s}/(s+1)^2")
    sys = ct.tf([1.4], [1, 2, 1]) * ct.tf(*ct.pade(1, 4))
    count = ct.nyquist_plot(sys)
    assert _Z(sys) == count + _P(sys)

    plt.title("Figure 10.4: L(s) = 1/(s + a)^2 with a = 0.6")
    sys = 1 / (s + 0.6)**3
    count = ct.nyquist_plot(sys)
    assert _Z(sys) == count + _P(sys)

    plt.title("Figure 10.6: L(s) = 1/(s (s+1)^2) - pole at the origin")
    sys = 1 / (s * (s + 1)**2)
    count = ct.nyquist_plot(sys)
    assert _Z(sys) == count + _P(sys)

    plt.title("Figure 10.10: L(s) = 3 (s+6)^2 / (s (s+1)^2)")
    sys = 3 * (s + 6)**2 / (s * (s + 1)**2)
    count = ct.nyquist_plot(sys)
    assert _Z(sys) == count + _P(sys)

    plt.title("Figure 10.10: L(s) = 3 (s+6)^2 / (s (s+1)^2) [zoom]")
    count = ct.nyquist_plot(sys, omega_limits=[1.5, 1e3])
    # Frequency limits for zoom give incorrect encirclement count
    # assert _Z(sys) == count + _P(sys)
    assert count == -1
def attitude_sysid(y_acc, u_mix, verbose=False):
    roll/pitch system id assuming delay/gain model
    :param y_acc: (roll or pitch acceleration)
    :param u_mix: (roll or pitch acceleration command)

    :return: (G_ol, delay, k)
        G_ol: open loop plant
        delay: time delay (sec)
        k: gain
    if verbose:
        print('solving for plant model ', end='')
    k, delay = delay_and_gain_sysid(y_acc, u_mix, verbose)
    if verbose:

    # open loop, rate output, mix input plant
    tf_acc = k*control.tf(*control.pade(delay, 1)) # order 1 approx
    # can neglect motor, pole too fast to matter compared to delay, not used in sysid either
    tf_integrator = control.tf((1), (1, 0))
    G_ol = tf_acc * tf_integrator

    return G_ol, delay, k
def pt1(smooth, time):
    smoothed_df     = pd.concat([pd.DataFrame(smooth, columns = ['smoothed']), \
                                 pd.DataFrame(time, columns   = ['time'])], axis = 1)
    steady_state = smooth[-1]
    #last element of the smoothed data is passed as steady state value
    standard_output = steady_state * (1 - np.exp(-1))
    #case when t = time_constant in the eqn.
    #       standard_output = steady_state * (1 - e ^ (−t / time_constant))     #
    delay = smoothed_df.time[smoothed_df.smoothed < 0.02].values[-1]
    #returns the time at which the step change occurs i.e a transition from 0 to some value.
    #Values lesser than 0.02 were treatred as zero.
    time_constant = smoothed_df.time[smoothed_df.index == abs(smoothed_df.smoothed - standard_output)\
    #derived from the equation of standard_output
    tf_pt1 = con.matlab.tf(steady_state, [time_constant, 1])
    numerator, denominator = con.pade(delay, 1)
    delay_tf_pt1 = con.matlab.tf(numerator, denominator)
    yout_pt1, t_pt1 = con.matlab.step(tf_pt1 * delay_tf_pt1)
    #first order transfer function is given by
    #                                  steady_state * (e ^ - (delay * s))         #
    #    transfer_function(s) =       ------------------------------------        #
    #                                       (time_constant * s + 1 )              #
    return tf_pt1 * delay_tf_pt1, yout_pt1, t_pt1, delay, time_constant, steady_state
def pt2(smooth, time):
    def fourpoint(z):
        f1_zeta = 0.451465 + (0.066696 * z) + (0.013639 * z**2)
        f3_zeta = 0.800879 + (0.194550 * z) + (0.101784 * z**2)
        f6_zeta = 1.202664 + (0.288331 * z) + (0.530572 * z**2)
        f9_zeta = 1.941112 - (1.237235 * z) + (3.182373 * z**2)
        return f1_zeta, f3_zeta, f6_zeta, f9_zeta

    def method():
        #the second method from the article is adopted, as the response/data handled strictly follows this method.
        zeta = np.sqrt(
            (np.log(overshoot)**2) / ((np.pi**2) + (np.log(overshoot)**2)))

        f1_zeta, f3_zeta, f6_zeta, f9_zeta = fourpoint(zeta)

        time_constant = (t9 - t1) / (f9_zeta - f1_zeta)
        #delay        = t1 - time_constant*f1_zeta              #based on article.
        delay = smoothed_df.time[smoothed_df.smoothed < 0.02].values[-1]
        return zeta, time_constant, delay

    smoothed_df  = pd.concat([pd.DataFrame(smooth, columns = ['smoothed']), \
                              pd.DataFrame(time, columns = ['time'])], axis = 1)
    steady_state = smooth[-1]

    #ssn = steady state at n/10th instant of time
    ss1 = steady_state * 0.1
    ss3 = steady_state * 0.3
    ss6 = steady_state * 0.6
    ss9 = steady_state * 0.9

    #tn = time at n/10th instant
    t1 = smoothed_df.time[smoothed_df.index == abs(
        smoothed_df.smoothed - ss1).sort_values().index[0]].values[0]
    t3 = smoothed_df.time[smoothed_df.index == abs(
        smoothed_df.smoothed - ss3).sort_values().index[0]].values[0]
    t6 = smoothed_df.time[smoothed_df.index == abs(
        smoothed_df.smoothed - ss6).sort_values().index[0]].values[0]
    t9 = smoothed_df.time[smoothed_df.index == abs(
        smoothed_df.smoothed - ss9).sort_values().index[0]].values[0]

    peak = smoothed_df.smoothed.max()
    #returns the highest output in the response
    overshoot = (peak - steady_state) / steady_state
    #represented as Mp in article

    zeta, time_constant, delay = method()

    tf_pt2 = con.matlab.tf(steady_state,
                           [time_constant**2, 2 * zeta * time_constant, 1])
    n_2, d_2 = con.pade(delay, 1)
    delay_tf_pt2 = con.matlab.tf(n_2, d_2)
    yout_pt2, t_pt2 = con.matlab.step(tf_pt2 * delay_tf_pt2)
    #second order transfer function is given by
    #                                           steady_state * (e ^ - (delay * s))                         #
    #    transfer_function(s) =  ----------------------------------------------------------------------    #
    #                            ((time_constant ^ 2) * (s ^ 2)) + (2 * zeta * time_constant * s) + 1 )    #
    return tf_pt2 * delay_tf_pt2, yout_pt2, t_pt2, delay, time_constant, steady_state, zeta
def ideal_pt1(ss_array, tc_array, d_array):
    ideal_ss                    = np.average(ss_array)
    ideal_tc                    = np.average(tc_array)
    ideal_d                     = np.average(d_array)
    ideal_tf_pt1                = con.matlab.tf(ideal_ss, [ideal_tc, 1])
    numerator, denominator      = con.pade(ideal_d, 1)
    ideal_d_tf_pt1              = con.matlab.tf(numerator,denominator)
    ideal_yout_pt1, ideal_t_pt1 = con.matlab.step(ideal_tf_pt1 * ideal_d_tf_pt1)
    return ideal_tf_pt1 * ideal_d_tf_pt1, ideal_yout_pt1, ideal_t_pt1
def ideal_pt2(ss_array, tc_array, d_array, z_array):
    ideal_ss                    = np.average(ss_array)
    ideal_tc                    = np.average(tc_array)
    ideal_d                     = np.average(d_array)
    ideal_z                     = np.average(z_array)
    ideal_tf_pt2                = con.matlab.tf(ideal_ss, [ideal_tc ** 2, 2 * ideal_z * ideal_tc, 1])
    numerator, denominator      = con.pade(ideal_d, 1)
    ideal_d_tf_pt2              = con.matlab.tf(numerator,denominator)
    ideal_yout_pt2, ideal_t_pt2 = con.matlab.step(ideal_tf_pt2 * ideal_d_tf_pt2)
    return ideal_tf_pt2 * ideal_d_tf_pt2, ideal_yout_pt2, ideal_t_pt2
def ActuatorModel(bw, delay=(0, 1)):
    # Inputs: ['cmd']
    # Outputs: ['pos']

    sysNom = control.tf2ss(control.tf(1, [1 / bw, 1]))

    delayPade = control.pade(delay[0], n=delay[1])
    sysDelay = control.tf2ss(control.tf(delayPade[0], delayPade[1]))

    sys = sysDelay * sysNom

    return sys
def attitude_sysid(y_acc, u_mix):
    print('solving for plant model ', end='')
    k, delay = delay_and_gain_sysid(y_acc, u_mix)

    # open loop, rate output, mix input plant
    tf_acc = k * control.tf(*control.pade(delay, 1))  # order 1 approx
    # can neglect motor, pole too fast to matter compared to delay, not used in sysid either
    tf_integrator = control.tf((1), (1, 0))
    G_ol = tf_acc * tf_integrator

    return G_ol, delay, k
def WoodBerry(model_id):

    g11 = control.tf([12.8], [16.7, 1]) * control.tf(*control.pade(1, 1))
    g12 = control.tf([-18.9], [21.0, 1]) * control.tf(*control.pade(3, 1))
    g21 = control.tf([6.6], [10.9, 1]) * control.tf(*control.pade(7, 1))
    g22 = control.tf([-19.4], [14.4, 1]) * control.tf(*control.pade(3, 1))
    g1f = control.tf([3.8], [14.9, 1]) * control.tf(*control.pade(8, 1))
    g2f = control.tf([4.9], [13.2, 1]) * control.tf(*control.pade(3, 1))

    row_1_num = [x[0][0] for x in (g11.num, g12.num, g1f.num)]
    row_2_num = [x[0][0] for x in (g21.num, g22.num, g2f.num)]
    row_1_den = [x[0][0] for x in (g11.den, g12.den, g1f.den)]
    row_2_den = [x[0][0] for x in (g21.den, g22.den, g2f.den)]

    sys = control.tf([row_1_num, row_2_num], [row_1_den, row_2_den])

    R = Tag(0, 'Reflux', 'Reflux flow rate', TagType.INPUT)
    S = Tag(1, 'Steam', 'Steam flow rate', TagType.INPUT)
    F = Tag(2, 'Feed', 'Feed flow rate', TagType.INPUT)
    x_D = Tag(3, 'x_D', 'Distillate purity', TagType.OUTPUT)
    x_B = Tag(4, 'x_B', 'Bottoms purity', TagType.OUTPUT)

    return Model('Wood-Berry Distillation Model', sys,
                 OrderedDict([('R', R), ('S', S), ('F', F)]),
                 OrderedDict([('x_D', x_D), ('x_B', x_B)]), model_id)
def SensorModel(bw, delay=(0, 1)):
    # Inputs: ['meas', 'dist']
    # Outputs: ['sens']

    sysNom = control.tf2ss(control.tf(1, [1 / bw, 1]))

    delayPade = control.pade(delay[0], n=delay[1])
    sysDelay = control.tf2ss(control.tf(delayPade[0], delayPade[1]))

    sysDist = control.tf2ss(control.tf(1, 1))

    sys = control.append(sysDelay * sysNom, sysDist)
    sys.C = sys.C[0, :] + sys.C[1, :]
    sys.D = sys.D[0, :] + sys.D[1, :]

    sys.outputs = 1

    return sys
def attitude_loop_design(m, name, dcut_hz, fbcut_hz, est_delay):
    tf_est = control.tf(*control.pade(est_delay, 1))
    G_rate_ol = model_to_acc_tf(m)
    K_rate, G_rate_ol, G_rate_comp_cl = ut.lqrofb.pid_design(
        G=G_rate_ol, K_guess=[0.2, 0.2, 0], dcut_hz=dcut_hz, fbcut_hz=fbcut_hz)
    tf_integrator = control.tf([1], [1, 0])
    G_ol = G_rate_comp_cl * tf_integrator * tf_est
    K, G_ol, G_comp_cl = ut.lqrofb.pid_design(G=G_ol,
    return {
        'MC_{:s}RATE_P'.format(name): K_rate[0, 0],
        'MC_{:s}RATE_I'.format(name): K_rate[1, 0],
        'MC_{:s}RATE_D'.format(name): K_rate[2, 0],
        'MC_{:s}_P'.format(name): K[0, 0],
    def test_fixed_view(self):
        # respect xlim, ylim set by user
        g = (tf([1], [1 / 1, 2 * 0.01 / 1, 1]) *
             tf([1], [1 / 100**2, 2 * 0.001 / 100, 1]) * tf(*pade(0.01, 5)))

        # normally a broad axis

        assert (plt.xlim()[0] == -1440)
        assert (plt.ylim()[0] <= -240)

        nichols(g, grid=False)

        # zoom in
        plt.axis([-360, 0, -40, 50])

        # nichols_grid doesn't expand limits
        assert (plt.xlim()[0] == -360)
        assert (plt.ylim()[1] >= -40)
def ideal_pt1(ss_array, tc_array, d_array):
    ideal_ss = np.average(ss_array)
    ideal_tc = np.average(tc_array)
    ideal_d = np.average(d_array)
    ideal_tf_pt1 = con.matlab.tf(ideal_ss, [ideal_tc, 1])
    numerator, denominator = con.pade(ideal_d, 1)
    ideal_d_tf_pt1 = con.matlab.tf(numerator, denominator)
    transfer_function = ideal_tf_pt1 * ideal_d_tf_pt1
    # manual fitting of ideal pt1 model
    # Based on the assumption that the plot of denominator of the transfer function has only one intercept in x-axis
    # We have ax ^ 2 + bx + c = 0
    # Therefore we change b such that b ^ 2 - 4 * a * c = 0
    # For more fitting, we round down the result
    transfer_function.den[0][0][1] = math.floor(
        math.sqrt(4 * transfer_function.den[0][0][0] *
    # To obtain the normal result, comment the above line
    ideal_yout_pt1, ideal_t_pt1 = con.matlab.step(transfer_function)
    return transfer_function, ideal_yout_pt1, ideal_t_pt1
#Code by  P.Aashrith
#April 28, 2020
#Released under GNU GPL

import control
import numpy as np
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt

#if using termux
import subprocess
import shlex
#end if

num = 4
den = [1,3,2,0]
[n1,d1]=control.pade(0.1744,10)   #Creating delay of 0.1744
[n2,d2]=control.pade(0.5,10)	#Creating delay of 0.5
[n3,d3]=control.pade(0.0005,10)	#Creating delay of 0.0005

#Creating a transfer function G = num/den
G = control.tf(num,den) 

#assigning delay to system G

#plotting nyquist plot with variable tau
    H_ring.plot_step(figsize=(4, 3))
    pid = ms.PID(0.6, 1.0 * fs, 0.3 / fs)
    pid = ms.PID(0, .8 * fs, 0. / fs)

    delay_calc = 2e-3  # 2e-3
    delay_adc = 0.5e-3
    delay_dac = 0.5e-3
    delay = delay_calc + delay_adc + delay_dac

    H_delay = ms.TF(*control.pade(delay))
    pid = ms.PID(0.9, 0.5 * fs, 0.15 / fs)

    #    H_delay = ms.TF([1],[1])
    #    H = pid*H_delay*H_lp

    Hpid = pid * H_delay * H_lp
    Gpid = H_ring / (1 + Hpid * H_ring)
    Gpid.plot_hw(w=np.linspace(0.0001, 75) * 2 * np.pi,
                 figsize=(4, 3))
# https://etda.libraries.psu.edu/catalog/13071yxl5197
Alat = np.array([[-0.1180, 32.033, 0, 0], [0, -6.411, 1, 0],
                 [0, -20.639, 0, 1], [0, -1.235, 0, 0]])

Blat = np.array([[0], [0.0039974], [0.016275], [0.0040072]])

Clat = np.array([0.3048, 0, 0, 0])
Dlat = 0

sys_lat = control.ss(Alat, Blat, Clat, Dlat)
# Test if system is controllable
ContMatrix = control.ctrb(Alat, Blat)
print("Rank of Controllability Matrix: %s" % np.linalg.matrix_rank(ContMatrix))
# Test if system is observable
ObsMatrix = control.obsv(Alat, Clat)
print("Rank of Observability Matrix: %s" % np.linalg.matrix_rank(ObsMatrix))

sys_tf_lat = control.ss2tf(sys_lat)
lat_delay = 0.156
delay_NUM, delay_DEN = control.pade(lat_delay, 4)
sys_tf_lat_delay = control.tf(delay_NUM, delay_DEN)
sys_tf_lat = sys_tf_lat * sys_tf_lat_delay

T, yout = control.step_response(sys_tf_lat * 17.3333)
plt.plot(T, yout)

# Fully controllable, fully observable. So we can employ state feedback
# = control.acker(Alat, Blat, [-10])
import numpy as np
import control
from matplotlib import pyplot as plt
# definir las fdt
sysgp = control.tf(10, [1, 1])
[numd, dend] = control.pade(0.01, 3)
sysd = control.tf(numd, dend)
sysgpd = sysgp * sysd
sysga = control.tf(1, [1 / 10, 1])
sysgt = control.tf(1, 1)
Kp = 0.1
Ti = 10  #Ki=1/Ti
Td = 0
N = 1000
sysp = control.tf(Kp, 1)
sysi = control.tf(1, [Ti, 0])
sysd = control.tf([Td, 0], [1 / N, 1])
syspid = sysp + sysi + sysd
#obtener la fdt en lazo cerrado mediante feedback
syslc = control.feedback(syspid * sysga * sysgpd, sysgt)
[t, y1] = control.step_response(4 * syslc, 100)
# %%
plt.plot(t, y1)
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
import control as ctr
import numpy as np
import math

counter = 0
Kmin = 0.09
K_p = 0.0910
kdrange = np.linspace(1, 5, 100) * Kmin
Tcrit = np.zeros(kdrange.size)
a, b = ctr.pade(0.4)
print(a, b)
sys1 = ctr.tf(a, b)
for kd in kdrange:
    s = ctr.tf('s')
    # G = ctr.tf([1121*math.exp(-s*0.4)*(K_p+s*kd)],[200*s**2*(1+s)])
    G = (1121 * (K_p + s * kd)) / (200 * s**2 * (1 + s)) * sys1
    gm, pm, Wcg, Wcp = ctr.margin(G)
    Tcrit[counter] = pm * (2 * math.pi) / (360 * 0.88) + 0.4
    counter += 1
fig1 = plt.figure()
plt.plot(kdrange, Tcrit)
# help(ctr.tf)
文件: tools.py 项目: AndresAE/common
def pade_model(tau, n=1):
    approx = pade(tau, n)
    approx = tf(approx[0], approx[1])
    return approx
def WoodBerry():
    g_tf = control.tf([12.8], [16.7, 1])
    td = 1
    g_delay = control.tf(control.pade(td, 1)[0], control.pade(td, 1)[1])
    g11 = g_tf * g_delay

    g_tf = control.tf([-18.9], [21.0, 1])
    td = 3
    g_delay = control.tf(control.pade(td, 1)[0], control.pade(td, 1)[1])
    g12 = g_tf * g_delay

    g_tf = control.tf([6.6], [10.9, 1])
    td = 7
    g_delay = control.tf(control.pade(td, 1)[0], control.pade(td, 1)[1])
    g21 = g_tf * g_delay

    g_tf = control.tf([-19.4], [14.4, 1])
    td = 3
    g_delay = control.tf(control.pade(td, 1)[0], control.pade(td, 1)[1])
    g22 = g_tf * g_delay

    g_tf = control.tf([3.8], [14.9, 1])
    td = 8
    g_delay = control.tf(control.pade(td, 1)[0], control.pade(td, 1)[1])
    g1f = g_tf * g_delay

    g_tf = control.tf([4.9], [13.2, 1])
    td = 3
    g_delay = control.tf(control.pade(td, 1)[0], control.pade(td, 1)[1])
    g2f = g_tf * g_delay

    row_1_num = [x[0][0] for x in (g11.num, g12.num, g1f.num)]
    row_2_num = [x[0][0] for x in (g21.num, g22.num, g2f.num)]

    row_1_den = [x[0][0] for x in (g11.den, g12.den, g1f.den)]
    row_2_den = [x[0][0] for x in (g21.den, g22.den, g2f.den)]

    sys = control.tf([row_1_num, row_2_num], [row_1_den, row_2_den])

    R = Tag('Reflux', 'Reflux flow rate', IOtype='INPUT')
    S = Tag('Steam', 'Steam flow rate', IOtype='INPUT')
    F = Tag('Feed', 'Feed flow rate', IOtype='INPUT')

    xD = Tag('x_D', 'Distillate purity', IOtype='OUTPUT')
    xB = Tag('x_B', 'Bottoms purity', IOtype='OUTPUT')

    inputs = {'R': R, 'S': S, 'F': F}
    outputs = {'xD': xD, 'xB': xB}
    wood_berry = Model(sys, "Wood Berry Distillation Model", inputs, outputs)
    return wood_berry
def test_nyquist_arrows(arrows):
    sys = ct.tf([1.4], [1, 2, 1]) * ct.tf(*ct.pade(1, 4))
    plt.title("L(s) = 1.4 e^{-s}/(s+1)^2 / arrows = %s" % arrows)
    count = ct.nyquist_plot(sys, arrows=arrows)
    assert _Z(sys) == count + _P(sys)
def model_to_acc_tf(m):
    acc_tf = m['gain'] * control.tf(*control.pade(m['delay'],
                                                  1))  # order 1 approx
    tf_integrator = control.tf((1), (1, 0))
    return acc_tf * tf_integrator