def schedulePeriodic(request, resource, template, aged): print "Schedule Day" errors = {} if type(request.from_date) is not datetime: times = convertDatetime(request, template, resource) startime = times[0] endtime = times[1] period = times[2] expirationtime = times[3] else: startime = request.from_date endtime = request.to_date period = timedelta(days=template.period * 7) expirationtime = resource.to_date if expirationtime == None: expirationtime = endtime valid_interval = endtime - startime if valid_interval > period: endtime = startime + period if template.nmsgmin != template.nmsgmax: nmsg = rnd.randrange(template.nmsgmin, template.nmsgmax + 1) else: nmsg = template.nmsgmax miniplan = [Message(count, aged.aged_id, intervention_session_id=1) for count in xrange(nmsg)] channels = getChannelsAvailable(template, aged) with open('csv/prova_import_messages.csv') as csvmessages: messages = csv.DictReader(csvmessages) msgs_tosend = getListMessages(messages, nmsg, resource, channels) er = checkForErrors(errors, endtime, expirationtime, startime, miniplan, nmsg, len(msgs_tosend)) errors = er[0] miniplan = er[1] if er[2]: endtime = er[3] else: return errors, miniplan day_of_event = mapDay(resource.on_day) if day_of_event == None: errors['ErrorNoDay'] = 'Error no day specified for periodic messages' miniplan = [] return errors, miniplan # length of the loop depending on the msgs found if len(msgs_tosend) < nmsg: lenloop = len(msgs_tosend) else: lenloop = nmsg c = 0 i = 0 current_date = while current_date < if current_date.weekday() == day_of_event - 1: if c % int(resource.every) == 0: if i > lenloop: break miniplan[i].date = current_date miniplan[i].time = scheduleHour(aged, None) miniplan[i].attached_audio = msgs_tosend[i]['Audio'] miniplan[i].attached_media = msgs_tosend[i]['Media'] miniplan[i].URL = msgs_tosend[i]['URL'] miniplan[i].channel = msgs_tosend[i]['Channel'] miniplan[i].message_text = generate_message_text(aged, msgs_tosend[i]['Text'], msgs_tosend[i]['URL']) i += 1 c += 1 current_date += timedelta(days=1) miniplan = checkMsgsOneDay(miniplan, endtime) return errors, miniplan
def scheduleEquallyDividedPeriod(request, resource, template, aged): ''' Returns the miniplan with the temporal interval between the msgs divided equally :param request: a request class :param template: a template class :param aged: a user class :return: a miniplan that is a list of messages class with all the fields completed ''' print "Schedule Day" errors = {} if type(request.from_date) is not datetime: times = convertDatetime(request, template, resource) startime = times[0] endtime = times[1] period = times[2] else: startime = request.from_date endtime = request.to_date period = timedelta(days=template.period * 7) valid_interval = endtime - startime if valid_interval > period: valid_interval = period if template.nmsgmin != template.nmsgmax: nmsg = rnd.randrange(template.nmsgmin, template.nmsgmax + 1) else: nmsg = template.nmsgmax step_send_msg = valid_interval / nmsg # creates miniplan that is a list of messages miniplan = [Message(count, aged.aged_id, intervention_session_id=1) for count in xrange(nmsg)] channels = getChannelsAvailable(template, aged) with open('csv/prova_import_messages.csv') as csvmessages: messages = csv.DictReader(csvmessages) msgs_tosend = getListMessages(messages, nmsg, resource, channels) er = checkForErrors(errors, endtime, None, startime, miniplan, nmsg, len(msgs_tosend)) errors = er[0] miniplan = er[1] if er[2]: endtime = er[3] else: return errors, miniplan # length of the loop depending on the msgs found if len(msgs_tosend) < nmsg: lenloop = len(msgs_tosend) else: lenloop = nmsg # for nmsg fill the miniplan msgs date = startime for i in range(0, lenloop): miniplan[i].date = miniplan[i].time = scheduleHour(aged, None) miniplan[i].message_text = generate_message_text(aged, msgs_tosend[i]['Text'], msgs_tosend[i]['URL']) miniplan[i].attached_audio = msgs_tosend[i]['Audio'] miniplan[i].attached_media = msgs_tosend[i]['Media'] miniplan[i].URL = msgs_tosend[i]['URL'] miniplan[i].channel = msgs_tosend[i]['Channel'] date += step_send_msg miniplan = checkMsgsOneDay(miniplan, endtime) return errors, miniplan
def scheduleLogarithmic(request, resource, template, aged): ''' Returns the miniplan scheduled with more frequency at the end of the interval It divides the interval for every msg with logaritmic growth:1 1/2 1/3 1/4 Check on period(valid weeks): if request interval is larger that period then user period as interval Last message always sent the day before the event :param request: a request class :param template: a template class :param aged: a user class :return: a miniplan that is a list of messages class with all the fields completed ''' print "Schedule Day" errors = {} if type(request.from_date) is not datetime: times = convertDatetime(request, template, resource) startime = times[0] endtime = times[1] period = times[2] expirationtime = times[3] else: startime = request.from_date endtime = request.to_date period = timedelta(days=template.period * 7) expirationtime = resource.to_date if expirationtime == None: expirationtime = endtime if template.nmsgmin != template.nmsgmax: nmsg = rnd.randrange(template.nmsgmin, template.nmsgmax + 1) else: nmsg = template.nmsgmax miniplan = [Message(count, aged.aged_id, intervention_session_id=1) for count in xrange(nmsg)] valid_interval = endtime - startime if valid_interval > period: valid_interval = period channels = getChannelsAvailable(template, aged) with open('csv/prova_import_messages.csv') as csvmessages: messages = csv.DictReader(csvmessages) msgs_tosend = getListMessages(messages, nmsg, resource, channels) er = checkForErrors(errors, endtime, expirationtime, startime, miniplan, nmsg, len(msgs_tosend)) errors = er[0] miniplan = er[1] if er[2]: endtime = er[3] else: return errors, miniplan # length of the loop depending on the msgs found if len(msgs_tosend) < nmsg: lenloop = len(msgs_tosend) else: lenloop = nmsg valid_interval = timedelta(seconds=valid_interval.total_seconds()) for i in range(0, lenloop): date = endtime - valid_interval miniplan[i].date = miniplan[i].time = scheduleHourFromDate(aged, date).time() miniplan[i].message_text = generate_message_text(aged, msgs_tosend[i]['Text'], msgs_tosend[i]['URL']) miniplan[i].attached_audio = msgs_tosend[i]['Audio'] miniplan[i].attached_media = msgs_tosend[i]['Media'] miniplan[i].URL = msgs_tosend[i]['URL'] miniplan[i].channel = msgs_tosend[i]['Channel'] valid_interval = timedelta(seconds=valid_interval.total_seconds() / (i + 2)) miniplan = checkMsgsOneDay(miniplan, endtime) return errors, miniplan
def schedulePPendulum(request, resource, template, aged): errors = {} u = generateXMLDoc(aged) r = generateXMLDoc(resource) c = None # per ora non usato template.message_structure templateInfo = {} templateInfo['tags'] = template.message_structure #todo il tone e' da aggiungere come parametro alla classe template--> template.tone #templateInfo['tone'] = template.tone templateInfo['tone'] = "Neutral" if type(request.from_date) is not Pendulum: times = convertPendulum(request, template, resource) startime = times[0] endtime = times[1] period = times[2] expirationtime = times[3] else: startime = request.from_date endtime = request.to_date period = pendulum.Period(startime, startime.add(weeks=template.period)) expirationtime = resource.to_date if expirationtime == None: expirationtime = endtime valid_interval = endtime - startime if valid_interval > period: valid_interval = period if template.nmsgmin != template.nmsgmax: nmsg = rnd.randrange(template.nmsgmin, template.nmsgmax + 1) else: nmsg = template.nmsgmax miniplan = [Message(count, aged.aged_id, intervention_session_id=1) for count in xrange(nmsg)] miniplanID = uuid.uuid4() channels = getChannelsAvailable(template, aged) with open('csv/prova_import_messages.csv') as csvmessages: messages = csv.DictReader(csvmessages) msgs_tosend = getListMessages(messages, nmsg, resource, channels) er = checkForErrors(errors, endtime, expirationtime, startime, miniplan, nmsg, len(msgs_tosend)) errors = er[0] miniplan = er[1] if er[2]: endtime = er[3] else: return errors, miniplan day_of_event = mapDay(resource.on_day) if day_of_event == None: errors['ErrorNoDay'] = 'Error no day specified for periodic messages' miniplan = [] return errors, miniplan # length of the loop depending on the msgs found if len(msgs_tosend) < nmsg: lenloop = len(msgs_tosend) else: lenloop = nmsg c = 0 i = 0 for dt in valid_interval.range("days"): if dt.day_of_week == day_of_event: if c % int(resource.every) == 0: if i > lenloop: break miniplan[i].miniplan_id = miniplanID miniplan[i].date = miniplan[i].time_1 = miniplan[i].time_2 = dt.subtract(days=1).date() miniplan[i].time = scheduleHour(aged, None) miniplan[i].attached_audio = msgs_tosend[i]['Audio'] miniplan[i].attached_media = msgs_tosend[i]['Media'] miniplan[i].URL = msgs_tosend[i]['URL'] miniplan[i].channel = msgs_tosend[i]['Channel'] #miniplan[i].message_text = generate_message_text(aged, msgs_tosend[i]['Text'],msgs_tosend[i]['URL']) message_body = msgs_tosend[i]['Text'] m = createMessageJson(message_body, templateInfo) miniplan[i].message_text = composeMessage(u, r, c, m) miniplan[i].intervention_session_id = request.intervention_session_id miniplan[i].pilot_id = request.pilot_id i += 1 c += 1 miniplan = checkMsgsOneDay(miniplan, endtime) return errors, miniplan