def __init__(self, *args, **kwargs): base_class.__init__(self, *args, **kwargs) for field_name in field_names: path = get_file_field_base_path(model_class, field_name) field = model_class._meta.get_field_by_name(field_name)[0] choices = [] for name in os.listdir(path): if extensions: for extension in extensions: if name.endswith(extension): choices.append((name, name)) break else: choices.append((name, name)) if field.blank: choices = (("empty", "---------"),) + tuple(choices) self.fields[field_name].required = False self.fields[field_name].widget = forms.widgets.Select(choices=choices)
def __init__(self, *args, **kwargs): base_class.__init__(self, *args, **kwargs) for field_name in field_names: # FIXME path is invalid on dynamic upload_to + settings override path = get_file_field_base_path(model_class, field_name) field = model_class._meta.get_field_by_name(field_name)[0] choices = [] for name in os.listdir(path): # get file path relative to MEDIA_ROOT file_path = os.path.join(path, name) file_path = os.path.relpath(file_path, settings.MEDIA_ROOT) if extensions: for extension in extensions: if name.endswith(extension): choices.append((file_path, name)) break else: choices.append((file_path, name)) if field.blank: choices = (("empty", "---------"),) + tuple(choices) self.fields[field_name].required = False self.fields[field_name].widget = forms.widgets.Select(choices=choices)
def __init__(self, *args, **kwargs): base_class.__init__(self, *args, **kwargs) for field_name in field_names: #FIXME path is invalid on dynamic upload_to + settings override path = get_file_field_base_path(model_class, field_name) field = model_class._meta.get_field_by_name(field_name)[0] choices = [] for name in os.listdir(path): # get file path relative to MEDIA_ROOT file_path = os.path.join(path, name) file_path = os.path.relpath(file_path, settings.MEDIA_ROOT) if extensions: for extension in extensions: if name.endswith(extension): choices.append((file_path, name)) break else: choices.append((file_path, name)) if field.blank: choices = (('empty', '---------'), ) + tuple(choices) self.fields[field_name].required = False self.fields[field_name].widget = forms.widgets.Select( choices=choices)
def build(build_id, *args, **kwargs): """ Builds a firmware image for build.node, excluding exclude files """ # Avoid circular imports from firmware.models import Build, Config exclude = kwargs.get('exclude', []) # retrieve the existing build instance, used for user feedback update_state(build, 1, 4, 'Build started') build_obj = Build.objects.get(pk=build_id) build_obj.task_id = config = Config.objects.get() node = build_obj.node image = Image(build_obj.base_image.path) try: # Build the image image.prepare() update_state(build, 5, 14, 'Unpackaging base image') image.gunzip() update_state(build, 15, 29, 'Preparing image file system') image.mount() # handle registry api #245: put cert content into firmware image build_file = build_obj.files.get(path='/etc/confine/registry-server.crt') image.create_file(build_file) files = config.eval_files(node, exclude=exclude, image=image) total = len(files) for num, build_file in enumerate(files): current = 30 + num/total*25 next = min(30 + (num+1)/total*25, 59) update_state(build, current, next, 'Generating %s file' % image.create_file(build_file) = build_obj # generate binary versions of uhttpd key and certificate #410 from .models import BuildFile # avoid circular imports for pem_path in ['/etc/uhttpd.crt.pem', '/etc/uhttpd.key.pem']: try: pem_file = build_obj.files.get(path=pem_path) except BuildFile.DoesNotExist: pass else: der_content = pem2der_string(pem_file.content) der_path = pem_path.rstrip('.pem') der_file = BuildFile(path=der_path, content=der_content, config=pem_file.config) image.create_file(der_file) plugins = total = len(plugins) for num, plugin in enumerate(plugins): plugin.instance.pre_umount(image, build_obj, *args, **kwargs) update_state(build, 60, 74, 'Unmounting image file system') image.umount() # Post umount for num, plugin in enumerate(plugins): # FIXME this progress is not correct current = 75 + num/total*25 next = min(75 + (num+1)/total*25, 80) instance = plugin.instance update_state(build, current, next, instance.post_umount.__doc__) instance.post_umount(image, build_obj, *args, **kwargs) update_state(build, 80, 94, 'Compressing image') image.gzip() update_state(build, 95, 99, 'Cleaning up') # Image name image_name = config.get_image_name(node, build_obj) for plugin in image_name = plugin.instance.update_image_name(image_name, **kwargs) base_path = get_file_field_base_path(Build, 'image') dest_path = os.path.join(base_path, image_name) image.move(dest_path) finally: image.clean() build_obj.image = dest_path return { 'progress': 100, 'description': 'Redirecting', 'result': dest_path }
def build(build_id, *args, **kwargs): """ Builds a firmware image for build.node, excluding exclude files """ # Avoid circular imports from firmware.models import Build, Config exclude = kwargs.get('exclude', []) # retrieve the existing build instance, used for user feedback update_state(build, 1, 4, 'Build started') build_obj = Build.objects.get(pk=build_id) build_obj.task_id = config = Config.objects.get() node = build_obj.node image = Image(build_obj.base_image.path) try: # Build the image image.prepare() update_state(build, 5, 14, 'Unpackaging base image') image.gunzip() update_state(build, 15, 29, 'Preparing image file system') image.mount() # handle registry api #245: put cert content into firmware image build_file = build_obj.files.get( path='/etc/confine/registry-server.crt') image.create_file(build_file) files = config.eval_files(node, exclude=exclude, image=image) total = len(files) for num, build_file in enumerate(files): current = 30 + num / total * 25 next = min(30 + (num + 1) / total * 25, 59) update_state(build, current, next, 'Generating %s file' % image.create_file(build_file) = build_obj # generate binary versions of uhttpd key and certificate #410 from .models import BuildFile # avoid circular imports for pem_path in ['/etc/uhttpd.crt.pem', '/etc/uhttpd.key.pem']: try: pem_file = build_obj.files.get(path=pem_path) except BuildFile.DoesNotExist: pass else: der_content = pem2der_string(pem_file.content) der_path = pem_path.rstrip('.pem') der_file = BuildFile(path=der_path, content=der_content, config=pem_file.config) image.create_file(der_file) plugins = total = len(plugins) for num, plugin in enumerate(plugins): plugin.instance.pre_umount(image, build_obj, *args, **kwargs) update_state(build, 60, 74, 'Unmounting image file system') image.umount() # Post umount for num, plugin in enumerate(plugins): # FIXME this progress is not correct current = 75 + num / total * 25 next = min(75 + (num + 1) / total * 25, 80) instance = plugin.instance update_state(build, current, next, instance.post_umount.__doc__) instance.post_umount(image, build_obj, *args, **kwargs) update_state(build, 80, 94, 'Compressing image') image.gzip() update_state(build, 95, 99, 'Cleaning up') # Image name image_name = config.get_image_name(node, build_obj) for plugin in image_name = plugin.instance.update_image_name( image_name, **kwargs) base_path = get_file_field_base_path(Build, 'image') dest_path = os.path.join(base_path, image_name) image.move(dest_path) finally: image.clean() build_obj.image = dest_path return {'progress': 100, 'description': 'Redirecting', 'result': dest_path}