def __init__(self, mID, modelStrand, virtualHelixItem): """ The parent should be a VirtualHelixItem. Initialize function creates the Maya Node for the strand, and setups the lookup tables inside of mayaObjectManager (Mom) so that the Maya Node can be globally found given a strand, and the other way around. Also, sets up StrandItemController that is used to setup all the slots and signals between strand model and this strandItem. """ self._modelStrand = modelStrand self._virtualHelixItem = virtualHelixItem self._viewroot = app() mayaNodeInfo = () # print "solidview.StrandItem.__init__ %s" % mID if(modelStrand.strandSet().isScaffold()): mayaNodeInfo = self.createMayaHelixNodes(virtualHelixItem.x(), virtualHelixItem.y(), modelStrand.oligo().color(), StrandType.SCAFFOLD, mID) else: mayaNodeInfo = self.createMayaHelixNodes(virtualHelixItem.x(), virtualHelixItem.y(), modelStrand.oligo().color(), StrandType.STAPLE, mID) #self.onStrandDidMove(strand) m = Mom() m.cnToMaya[modelStrand] = mayaNodeInfo m.mayaToCn[mayaNodeInfo[2]] = modelStrand m.mayaToCn[mayaNodeInfo[0]] = modelStrand self.updateSize() self._controller = StrandItemController(self, modelStrand)
def __init__(self, modelStrand, virtualHelixItem, viewroot): """The parent should be a VirtualHelixItem.""" super(StrandItem, self).__init__(virtualHelixItem) self._modelStrand = modelStrand self._virtualHelixItem = virtualHelixItem self._viewroot = viewroot self._activeTool = virtualHelixItem.activeTool() self._controller = StrandItemController(self, modelStrand) isDrawn5to3 = modelStrand.strandSet().isDrawn5to3() self._strandFilter = modelStrand.strandFilter() self._insertionItems = {} # caps self._lowCap = EndpointItem(self, 'low', isDrawn5to3) self._highCap = EndpointItem(self, 'high', isDrawn5to3) self._dualCap = EndpointItem(self, 'dual', isDrawn5to3) # orientation self._isDrawn5to3 = isDrawn5to3 # self._isOnTop = virtualHelixItem.isStrandOnTop(modelStrand) # label self._seqLabel = QGraphicsSimpleTextItem(self) self.refreshInsertionItems(modelStrand) self._updateSequenceText() # create a larger click area rect to capture mouse events self._clickArea = cA = QGraphicsRectItem(_defaultRect, self) cA.mousePressEvent = self.mousePressEvent cA.setPen(_noPen) self.setAcceptHoverEvents(True) cA.setAcceptHoverEvents(True) cA.hoverMoveEvent = self.hoverMoveEvent self.setZValue(styles.ZSTRANDITEM) # xover comming from the 3p end self._xover3pEnd = XoverItem(self, virtualHelixItem) # initial refresh self._updateColor(modelStrand) self._updateAppearance(modelStrand) self.setZValue(styles.ZSTRANDITEM) self.setFlag(QGraphicsItem.ItemIsSelectable)
class StrandItem(object): """ StrandItem is the visual representation of the strand in the 3D SolidView. For this visual representation, StrandItem creates HalfCylinderHelixNode Node inside of Maya, so while the StrandItem itself does not get drawn in any way, it is the object that communicates with Maya Nodes associated with a given strand. """ def __init__(self, mID, modelStrand, virtualHelixItem): """ The parent should be a VirtualHelixItem. Initialize function creates the Maya Node for the strand, and setups the lookup tables inside of mayaObjectManager (Mom) so that the Maya Node can be globally found given a strand, and the other way around. Also, sets up StrandItemController that is used to setup all the slots and signals between strand model and this strandItem. """ self._modelStrand = modelStrand self._virtualHelixItem = virtualHelixItem self._viewroot = app() mayaNodeInfo = () # print "solidview.StrandItem.__init__ %s" % mID if(modelStrand.strandSet().isScaffold()): mayaNodeInfo = self.createMayaHelixNodes(virtualHelixItem.x(), virtualHelixItem.y(), modelStrand.oligo().color(), StrandType.SCAFFOLD, mID) else: mayaNodeInfo = self.createMayaHelixNodes(virtualHelixItem.x(), virtualHelixItem.y(), modelStrand.oligo().color(), StrandType.STAPLE, mID) #self.onStrandDidMove(strand) m = Mom() m.cnToMaya[modelStrand] = mayaNodeInfo m.mayaToCn[mayaNodeInfo[2]] = modelStrand m.mayaToCn[mayaNodeInfo[0]] = modelStrand self.updateSize() self._controller = StrandItemController(self, modelStrand) # end def ### SLOTS ### def strandResizedSlot(self, strand, indices): """Receives notification from the model when a strand is resized""" #print "solid.StrandItem.strandResizedSlot", self._modelStrand.idxs() self.updateSize() self._virtualHelixItem.updateDecorators() m = Mom() m.updateSelectionBoxes() def strandUpdateSlot(self, strand): """strandUpdateSlot - empty""" pass def sequenceAddedSlot(self, oligo): """sequenceAddedSlot - empty""" pass def sequenceClearedSlot(self, oligo): """sequenceClearedSlot - empty""" pass def strandRemovedSlot(self, strand): """ Receives notification from the model when a strand is removed. Deletes the strand related mapping in mayaObjectManager, deletes all the Maya nodes, deletes all the decorators(live in the virtualHelixItem right now), deletes itself from the virtualHelixItem, and disconnects itself from the controller. """ mom = Mom() mID = mom.strandMayaID(strand) mom.removeIDMapping(mID, strand) # print "solidview.StrandItem.strandRemovedSlot %s" % mID transformName = "%s%s" % (mom.helixTransformName, mID) cylinderName = "%s%s" % (mom.helixNodeName, mID) meshName = "%s%s" % (mom.helixMeshName, mID) if cmds.objExists(transformName): cmds.delete(transformName) if cmds.objExists(cylinderName): cmds.delete(cylinderName) if cmds.objExists(meshName): cmds.delete(meshName) if mID in self._virtualHelixItem.StrandIDs(): self._virtualHelixItem.StrandIDs().remove(mID) self._virtualHelixItem.updateDecorators() self._virtualHelixItem.removeStrandItem(self) self._virtualHelixItem = None self._modelStrand = None self._controller.disconnectSignals() self._controller = None # end def def oligoAppearanceChangedSlot(self, oligo): """ Receives notification from the model when a oligo changes appearance. Updates the color of the strandItem associated with this strand """ mom = Mom() id = mom.strandMayaID(self._modelStrand) self.updateColor(id, oligo.color()) pass def oligoSequenceAddedSlot(self, oligo): """oligoSequenceAddedSlot - empty""" pass def oligoSequenceClearedSlot(self, oligo): """oligoSequenceClearedSlot - empty""" pass def strandHasNewOligoSlot(self, strand): """ Receives notification from the model when there is a new oligo. Updates the color of the strandItem associated with this strand """ mom = Mom() self._controller.reconnectOligoSignals() mID = mom.strandMayaID(strand) self.updateColor(mID, strand.oligo().color()) def strandInsertionAddedSlot(self, strand, insertion): """strandInsertionAddedSlot - empty""" pass def strandInsertionChangedSlot(self, strand, insertion): """strandInsertionChangedSlot - empty""" pass def strandInsertionRemovedSlot(self, strand, index): """strandInsertionRemovedSlot - empty""" pass def strandModsAddedSlot(self, strand, mods): """strandModsAddedSlot - empty""" pass def strandModsChangedSlot(self, strand, mods): """strandModsChangedSlot - empty""" pass def strandModsRemovedSlot(self, strand, index): """strandModsRemovedSlot - empty""" pass def strandModifierAddedSlot(self, strand, modifier): """strandModifierAddedSlot - empty""" pass def strandModifierChangedSlot(self, strand, modifier): """strandModifierChangedSlot - empty""" pass def strandModifierRemovedSlot(self, strand, index): """strandModifierRemovedSlot - empty""" pass def selectedChangedSlot(self, strand, indices): #print "solidview.stranditem.selectedChangedSlot", strand, indices mom = Mom() if mom.ignoreExternalSelectionSignal: return mID = mom.strandMayaID(strand) mom.ignoreExternalSelectionSignal = True transformName = "%s%s" % (mom.helixTransformName, mID) if cmds.objExists(transformName): if(indices[0] or indices[1]):, add=True) # print "selecting a strand" self._viewroot.addToSelectionDict(strand) else: # print "deselecting in the slot", deselect=True) self._viewroot.removeFromSelectionDict(strand) mom.ignoreExternalSelectionSignal = False # end def ### METHODS ### def createMayaHelixNodes(self, x, y, colorname, strandType, mID): """ Create all the Maya nodes, set the initial attributes and connections. There are 3 Maya nodes associated with each Strand: Transform Node, Shape Node (spHalfCylinderHelixNode), and a Mesh Node (a generic Maya Node that is used for rendering) The Mesh Node is the child of the Transform Node, and spHalfCylinderHelixNode node inputs the shape data into the Mesh Node, using cmds.connectAttr command ________________ | Transform Node | ---------------- | ________________ .inMesh .outputMesh _____________________ | Mesh Node |<---------------------------| HalfCylinderHelixNode | ---------------- ----------------------- """ m = Mom() cylinderName = "%s%s" % (m.helixNodeName, mID) transformName = "%s%s" % (m.helixTransformName, mID) meshName = "%s%s" % (m.helixMeshName, mID) # shaderName = "%s%s" % (m.helixShaderName, mID) cmds.createNode("transform", name=transformName, skipSelect=True) cmds.setAttr("%s.rotateX" % transformName, 90) cmds.setAttr("%s.translateX" % transformName, x) cmds.setAttr("%s.translateY" % transformName, y) cmds.createNode("mesh", name=meshName, parent=transformName, skipSelect=True) cmds.createNode("spHalfCylinderHelixNode", name=cylinderName, skipSelect=True) cmds.connectAttr("%s.outputMesh" % cylinderName, "%s.inMesh" % meshName) # XXX - [SB] This should go away and we will ask the model for # the right numbers... vhi = self._virtualHelixItem part = vhi.partItem().part() cSType = part.crossSectionType() cmds.setAttr("%s.rotation" % cylinderName, part.twistPerBase()) cmds.setAttr("%s.parity" % cylinderName, vhi.isEvenParity()) if cSType == LatticeType.HONEYCOMB: cmds.setAttr("%s.rotationOffset" % cylinderName, 250) cmds.setAttr("%s.decoratorRotOffset" % cylinderName, 90) elif cSType == LatticeType.SQUARE: cmds.setAttr("%s.rotationOffset" % cylinderName, 125) cmds.setAttr("%s.decoratorRotOffset" % cylinderName, 200) else: raise NotImplementedError cmds.setAttr("%s.strandType" % cylinderName, strandType) self.updateColor(mID, colorname) cmds.polySoftEdge(a=89.99) cmds.setAttr("%s.displayEdges" % meshName, 2) return (cylinderName, transformName, meshName) def updateColor(self, mID, colorname): """ Update the color of the Maya's Mesh Node associated with a this StrandItem, this is done by creating a shadingNode for each color or connecting the Mesh Mode to an existing shadingNode if one exists for a given color. """ m = Mom() meshName = "%s%s" % (m.helixMeshName, mID) color = QColor(colorname) colorval = "%d_%d_%d" % (,, shaderName = "%s%d_%d_%d" % (m.helixShaderName,,, if not cmds.objExists(shaderName): # Shader does not exist create one cmds.shadingNode('lambert', asShader=True, name=shaderName) cmds.sets(n="%sSG" % shaderName, r=True, nss=True, em=True) cmds.connectAttr("%s.outColor" % shaderName, "%sSG.surfaceShader" % shaderName) cmds.setAttr("%s.color" % shaderName, color.redF(), color.greenF(), color.blueF(), type="double3") cmds.sets(meshName, forceElement="%sSG" % shaderName) else: #shader exist connect cmds.sets(meshName, forceElement="%sSG" % shaderName) def updateSize(self): """ Update Maya's Half Cylinder Node attributes related to the size """ mom = Mom() mID = mom.strandMayaID(self._modelStrand) cylinderName = "%s%s" % (mom.helixNodeName, mID) endpoints = self._modelStrand.idxs() totalNumBases = \ self._virtualHelixItem.virtualHelix().part().maxBaseIdx() cmds.setAttr("%s.startBase" % cylinderName, endpoints[0]) cmds.setAttr("%s.endBase" % cylinderName, endpoints[1]) cmds.setAttr("%s.totalBases" % cylinderName, int(totalNumBases))
class StrandItem(QGraphicsLineItem): _filterName = "strand" def __init__(self, modelStrand, virtualHelixItem, viewroot): """The parent should be a VirtualHelixItem.""" super(StrandItem, self).__init__(virtualHelixItem) self._modelStrand = modelStrand self._virtualHelixItem = virtualHelixItem self._viewroot = viewroot self._activeTool = virtualHelixItem.activeTool() self._controller = StrandItemController(self, modelStrand) isDrawn5to3 = modelStrand.strandSet().isDrawn5to3() self._strandFilter = modelStrand.strandFilter() self._insertionItems = {} # caps self._lowCap = EndpointItem(self, 'low', isDrawn5to3) self._highCap = EndpointItem(self, 'high', isDrawn5to3) self._dualCap = EndpointItem(self, 'dual', isDrawn5to3) # orientation self._isDrawn5to3 = isDrawn5to3 # self._isOnTop = virtualHelixItem.isStrandOnTop(modelStrand) # label self._seqLabel = QGraphicsSimpleTextItem(self) self.refreshInsertionItems(modelStrand) self._updateSequenceText() # create a larger click area rect to capture mouse events self._clickArea = cA = QGraphicsRectItem(_defaultRect, self) cA.mousePressEvent = self.mousePressEvent cA.setPen(_noPen) self.setAcceptHoverEvents(True) cA.setAcceptHoverEvents(True) cA.hoverMoveEvent = self.hoverMoveEvent self.setZValue(styles.ZSTRANDITEM) # xover comming from the 3p end self._xover3pEnd = XoverItem(self, virtualHelixItem) # initial refresh self._updateColor(modelStrand) self._updateAppearance(modelStrand) self.setZValue(styles.ZSTRANDITEM) self.setFlag(QGraphicsItem.ItemIsSelectable) # end def ### SIGNALS ### ### SLOTS ### def strandResizedSlot(self, strand, indices): """docstring for strandResizedSlot""" lowMoved = self._lowCap.updatePosIfNecessary(self.idxs()[0]) highMoved = self._highCap.updatePosIfNecessary(self.idxs()[1]) group = self.tempReparent() if lowMoved: self.updateLine(self._lowCap) if highMoved: self.updateLine(self._highCap) if strand.connection3p(): self._xover3pEnd.update(strand) self.refreshInsertionItems(strand) self._updateSequenceText() if group: group.addToGroup(self) # end def def sequenceAddedSlot(self, oligo): """docstring for sequenceAddedSlot""" pass # end def def sequenceClearedSlot(self, oligo): """docstring for sequenceClearedSlot""" pass # end def def strandRemovedSlot(self, strand): # self._modelStrand = None self._controller.disconnectSignals() self._controller = None scene = self.scene() scene.removeItem(self._clickArea) scene.removeItem(self._highCap) scene.removeItem(self._lowCap) scene.removeItem(self._seqLabel) self._xover3pEnd.remove() self._xover3pEnd = None for insertionItem in self._insertionItems.itervalues(): insertionItem.remove() self._insertionItems = None self._clickArea = None self._highCap = None self._lowCap = None self._seqLabel = None self._modelStrand = None self._virtualHelixItem = None scene.removeItem(self) # end def def strandUpdateSlot(self, strand): """ Slot for just updating connectivity and color, and endpoint showing """ self._updateAppearance(strand) # end def def oligoAppearanceChangedSlot(self, oligo): strand = self._modelStrand self._updateColor(strand) if strand.connection3p(): self._xover3pEnd._updateColor(strand) for insertion in self.insertionItems().itervalues(): insertion.updateItem() # end def def oligoSequenceAddedSlot(self, oligo): self._updateSequenceText() # end def def oligoSequenceClearedSlot(self, oligo): self._updateSequenceText() # end def def strandHasNewOligoSlot(self, strand): strand = self._modelStrand self._controller.reconnectOligoSignals() self._updateColor(strand) if strand.connection3p(): self._xover3pEnd._updateColor(strand) # end def def strandInsertionAddedSlot(self, strand, insertion): self.insertionItems()[insertion.idx()] = \ InsertionItem(self._virtualHelixItem, strand, insertion) # end def def strandInsertionChangedSlot(self, strand, insertion): self.insertionItems()[insertion.idx()].updateItem() # end def def strandInsertionRemovedSlot(self, strand, index): instItem = self.insertionItems()[index] instItem.remove() del self.insertionItems()[index] # end def def strandDecoratorAddedSlot(self, strand, decorator): pass # end def def strandDecoratorChangedSlot(self, strand, decorator): pass # end def def strandDecoratorRemovedSlot(self, strand, index): pass # end def def strandModifierAddedSlot(self, strand, modifier): pass # end def def strandModifierChangedSlot(self, strand, modifier): pass # end def def strandModifierRemovedSlot(self, strand, index): pass # end def def selectedChangedSlot(self, strand, indices): self.selectIfRequired(self.partItem().document(), indices) # end def ### ACCESSORS ### def activeTool(self): return self._activeTool # end def def viewroot(self): return self._viewroot # end def def insertionItems(self): return self._insertionItems # end def def strand(self): return self._modelStrand # end def def strandFilter(self): return self._strandFilter # end def def idxs(self): return self._modelStrand.idxs() # end def def virtualHelixItem(self): return self._virtualHelixItem # end def def partItem(self): return self._virtualHelixItem.partItem() # end def def window(self): return self._virtualHelixItem.window() ### PUBLIC METHODS FOR DRAWING / LAYOUT ### def refreshInsertionItems(self, strand): iItems = self.insertionItems() iModel = strand.insertionsOnStrand() was_in_use = set(iItems) in_use = set() # add in the ones supposed to be there for insertion in iModel: idx = insertion.idx() in_use.add(idx) if idx in iItems: pass else: iItems[insertion.idx()] = \ InsertionItem(self._virtualHelixItem, strand, insertion) # end for # remove all in items not_in_use = was_in_use - in_use for index in not_in_use: iItems[index].remove() del iItems[index] # end for # end def def resetStrandItem(self, virtualHelixItem, isDrawn5to3): self.setParentItem(virtualHelixItem) self._virtualHelixItem = virtualHelixItem self.resetEndPointItems(isDrawn5to3) # end def def resetEndPointItems(self, isDrawn5to3): self._isDrawn5to3 = isDrawn5to3 self._lowCap.resetEndPoint(isDrawn5to3) self._highCap.resetEndPoint(isDrawn5to3) self._dualCap.resetEndPoint(isDrawn5to3) # end def def updateLine(self, movedCap): # setup bw = _baseWidth cA = self._clickArea line = self.line() # set new line coords if movedCap == self._lowCap: p1 = line.p1() newX = self._lowCap.pos().x() + bw p1.setX(newX) line.setP1(p1) temp = cA.rect() temp.setLeft(newX) cA.setRect(temp) else: p2 = line.p2() newX = self._highCap.pos().x() p2.setX(newX) line.setP2(p2) temp = cA.rect() temp.setRight(newX) cA.setRect(temp) self.setLine(line) # end def ### PRIVATE SUPPORT METHODS ### def _updateAppearance(self, strand): """ Prepare Strand for drawing, positions are relative to the VirtualHelixItem: 1. Show or hide caps depending on L and R connectivity. 2. Determine line coordinates. 3. Apply paint styles. """ # 0. Setup vhi = self._virtualHelixItem bw = _baseWidth halfBaseWidth = bw / 2.0 lowIdx, highIdx = strand.lowIdx(), strand.highIdx() lUpperLeftX, lUpperLeftY = vhi.upperLeftCornerOfBase(lowIdx, strand) hUpperLeftX, hUpperLeftY = vhi.upperLeftCornerOfBase(highIdx, strand) lowCap = self._lowCap highCap = self._highCap dualCap = self._dualCap # 1. Cap visibilty lx = lUpperLeftX + bw # draw from right edge of base lowCap.safeSetPos(lUpperLeftX, lUpperLeftY) if strand.connectionLow() != None: # has low xover # if we are hiding it, we might as well make sure it is reparented to the StrandItem lowCap.restoreParent() lowCap.hide() else: # has low cap if not lowCap.isVisible(): hx = hUpperLeftX # draw to edge of base highCap.safeSetPos(hUpperLeftX, hUpperLeftY) if strand.connectionHigh() != None: # has high xover # if we are hiding it, we might as well make sure it is reparented to the StrandItem highCap.restoreParent() highCap.hide() else: # has high cap if not highCap.isVisible(): # special case: single-base strand with no L or H connections, # (unconnected caps were made visible in previous block of code) if strand.length() == 1 and \ (lowCap.isVisible() and highCap.isVisible()): lowCap.hide() highCap.hide() dualCap.safeSetPos(lUpperLeftX, lUpperLeftY) else: dualCap.hide() # 2. Xover drawing xo = self._xover3pEnd if strand.connection3p(): xo.update(strand) xo.showIt() else: xo.restoreParent() xo.hideIt() # 3. Refresh insertionItems if necessary drawing self.refreshInsertionItems(strand) # 4. Line drawing hy = ly = lUpperLeftY + halfBaseWidth self.setLine(lx, ly, hx, hy) rectf = QRectF(lUpperLeftX + bw, lUpperLeftY, bw * (highIdx - lowIdx - 1), bw) self._clickArea.setRect(rectf) self._updateHighlight(self.pen().color()) # end def def _updateColor(self, strand): oligo = self._modelStrand.oligo() color = QColor(oligo.color()) self._updateHighlight(color) # end def def _updateHighlight(self, color): """ """ oligo = self._modelStrand.oligo() penWidth = styles.PATH_STRAND_STROKE_WIDTH if oligo.shouldHighlight(): color.setAlpha(128) penWidth = styles.PATH_STRAND_HIGHLIGHT_STROKE_WIDTH pen = QPen(color, penWidth) # pen.setCosmetic(True) brush = QBrush(color) pen.setCapStyle(Qt.FlatCap) self.setPen(pen) self._lowCap.updateHighlight(brush) self._highCap.updateHighlight(brush) self._dualCap.updateHighlight(brush) # end def def _updateSequenceText(self): """ docstring for _updateSequenceText """ bw = _baseWidth seqLbl = self._seqLabel strand = self.strand() seqTxt = strand.sequence() isDrawn3to5 = not self._isDrawn5to3 textXCenteringOffset = styles.SEQUENCETEXTXCENTERINGOFFSET if seqTxt == '': seqLbl.hide() for iItem in self.insertionItems().itervalues(): iItem.hideSequence() return # end if strandSeqList = strand.getSequenceList() seqList = [x[1][0] for x in strandSeqList] insertSeqList = [(x[0], x[1][1]) for x in strandSeqList] iItems = self.insertionItems() for idx, seqTxt in insertSeqList: if seqTxt != '': iItems[idx].setSequence(seqTxt) if isDrawn3to5: seqList = seqList[::-1] seqTxt = ''.join(seqList) # seqLbl.setPen(QPen( Qt.NoPen)) # leave the Pen as None for unless required seqLbl.setBrush(QBrush( seqLbl.setFont(styles.SEQUENCEFONT) # this will always draw from the 5 Prime end! seqX = 2 * textXCenteringOffset + bw * strand.idx5Prime() seqY = styles.SEQUENCETEXTYCENTERINGOFFSET if isDrawn3to5: # offset it towards the bottom seqY += bw * .8 # offset X by the reverse centering offset and the string length seqX += textXCenteringOffset # rotate the characters upside down this does not affect positioning # coordinate system, +Y is still Down, and +X is still Right seqLbl.setRotation(180) # draw the text and reverse the string to draw 5 prime to 3 prime # seqTxt = seqTxt[::-1] # end if seqLbl.setPos(seqX, seqY) seqLbl.setText(seqTxt) # end def ### EVENT HANDLERS ### def mousePressEvent(self, event): """ Parses a mousePressEvent to extract strandSet and base index, forwarding them to approproate tool method as necessary. """ activeToolStr = str(self._activeTool()) self.scene().views()[0].addToPressList(self) idx = int(floor((event.pos().x()) / _baseWidth)) self._virtualHelixItem.setActive(idx) toolMethodName = activeToolStr + "MousePress" if hasattr(self, toolMethodName): getattr(self, toolMethodName)(event, idx) else: event.setAccepted(False) # end def def mouseMoveEvent(self, event): """ Parses a mouseMoveEvent to extract strandSet and base index, forwarding them to approproate tool method as necessary. """ toolMethodName = str(self._activeTool()) + "MouseMove" if hasattr(self, toolMethodName): idx = int(floor((event.pos().x()) / _baseWidth)) getattr(self, toolMethodName)(idx) # end def def hoverLeaveEvent(self, event): self.partItem().updateStatusBar("") # end def def hoverMoveEvent(self, event): """ Parses a mouseMoveEvent to extract strandSet and base index, forwarding them to approproate tool method as necessary. """ vhiNum = self._virtualHelixItem.number() idx = int(floor((event.pos().x()) / _baseWidth)) oligoLength = self._modelStrand.oligo().length() self.partItem().updateStatusBar("%d[%d]\tlength: %d" % (vhiNum, idx, oligoLength)) toolMethodName = str(self._activeTool()) + "HoverMove" if hasattr(self, toolMethodName): getattr(self, toolMethodName)(idx) # end def def customMouseRelease(self, event): """ Parses a mouseReleaseEvent to extract strandSet and base index, forwarding them to approproate tool method as necessary. """ toolMethodName = str(self._activeTool()) + "MouseRelease" if hasattr(self, toolMethodName): idx = int(floor((event.pos().x()) / _baseWidth)) getattr(self, toolMethodName)(idx) # end def ### TOOL METHODS ### def breakToolMousePress(self, event, idx): """Break the strand is possible.""" mStrand = self._modelStrand mStrand.split(idx) # end def def breakToolHoverMove(self, idx): pass # mStrand = self._modelStrand # vhi = self._virtualHelixItem # breakTool = self._activeTool() # breakTool.updateHoverRect(vhi, mStrand, idx, show=True) # end def def selectToolMousePress(self, event, idx): event.setAccepted(False) currentFilterDict = self._viewroot.selectionFilterDict() if self.strandFilter( ) in currentFilterDict and self._filterName in currentFilterDict: selectionGroup = self._viewroot.strandItemSelectionGroup() mod = Qt.MetaModifier if not (event.modifiers() & mod): selectionGroup.clearSelection(False) selectionGroup.setSelectionLock(selectionGroup) selectionGroup.pendToAdd(self) selectionGroup.pendToAdd(self._lowCap) selectionGroup.pendToAdd(self._highCap) selectionGroup.processPendingToAddList() event.setAccepted(True) return selectionGroup.mousePressEvent(event) # end def def pencilToolMousePress(self, event, idx): """Break the strand is possible.""" mStrand = self._modelStrand vhi = self._virtualHelixItem partItem = vhi.partItem() activeTool = self._activeTool() if activeTool.isFloatingXoverBegin(): if idx == mStrand.idx5Prime(): return tempXover = activeTool.floatingXover() tempXover.updateBase(vhi, mStrand, idx) activeTool.setFloatingXoverBegin(False) else: activeTool.setFloatingXoverBegin(True) # install Xover activeTool.attemptToCreateXover(vhi, mStrand, idx) # end def def pencilToolHoverMove(self, idx): """Pencil the strand is possible.""" mStrand = self._modelStrand vhi = self._virtualHelixItem activeTool = self._activeTool() if not activeTool.isFloatingXoverBegin(): tempXover = activeTool.floatingXover() tempXover.updateFloatingFromStrandItem(vhi, mStrand, idx) # end def def eraseToolMousePress(self, event, idx): mStrand = self._modelStrand mStrand.strandSet().removeStrand(mStrand) # end def def insertionToolMousePress(self, event, idx): """Add an insert to the strand if possible.""" mStrand = self._modelStrand mStrand.addInsertion(idx, 1) # end def def paintToolMousePress(self, event, idx): """Add an insert to the strand if possible.""" mStrand = self._modelStrand if mStrand.isStaple(): color = self.window().pathColorPanel.stapColorName() else: color = self.window().pathColorPanel.scafColorName() mStrand.oligo().applyColor(color) # end def def pencilToolHoverMove(self, idx): """Pencil the strand is possible.""" mStrand = self._modelStrand vhi = self._virtualHelixItem activeTool = self._activeTool() if not activeTool.isFloatingXoverBegin(): tempXover = activeTool.floatingXover() tempXover.updateFloatingFromStrandItem(vhi, mStrand, idx) # if mStrand.idx5Prime() == idx: # tempXover.hide3prime() # elif mStrand.idx3Prime() != idx: # tempXover.show3prime() # end def def pencilToolMousePress(self, event, idx): """Break the strand is possible.""" mStrand = self._modelStrand vhi = self._virtualHelixItem partItem = vhi.partItem() activeTool = self._activeTool() if activeTool.isFloatingXoverBegin(): # block xovers starting at a 5 prime end if mStrand.idx5Prime() == idx: return else: tempXover = activeTool.floatingXover() tempXover.updateBase(vhi, mStrand, idx) activeTool.setFloatingXoverBegin(False) else: activeTool.setFloatingXoverBegin(True) # install Xover activeTool.attemptToCreateXover(vhi, mStrand, idx) # end def def skipToolMousePress(self, event, idx): """Add an insert to the strand if possible.""" mStrand = self._modelStrand mStrand.addInsertion(idx, -1) # end def def addSeqToolMousePress(self, event, idx): """ Checks that a scaffold was clicked, and then calls apply sequence to the clicked strand via its oligo. """ mStrand = self._modelStrand if mStrand.isScaffold(): olgLen, seqLen = self._activeTool().applySequence(mStrand.oligo()) if olgLen: msg = "Populated %d of %d scaffold bases." % (min( seqLen, olgLen), olgLen) if olgLen > seqLen: d = olgLen - seqLen msg = msg + " Warning: %d bases have no sequence." % d elif olgLen < seqLen: d = seqLen - olgLen msg = msg + " Warning: %d sequence bases unused." % d self.partItem().updateStatusBar(msg) # end def def restoreParent(self, pos=None): """ Required to restore parenting and positioning in the partItem """ # map the position # print "restoring parent si" self.tempReparent(pos) self.setSelectedColor(False) self.setSelected(False) # end def def tempReparent(self, pos=None): vhItem = self.virtualHelixItem() if pos == None: pos = self.scenePos() self.setParentItem(vhItem) tempP = vhItem.mapFromScene(pos) self.setPos(tempP) # end def def setSelectedColor(self, value): if value == True: color = QColor("#ff3333") else: oligo = self._modelStrand.oligo() color = QColor(oligo.color()) if oligo.shouldHighlight(): color.setAlpha(128) pen = self.pen() pen.setColor(color) self.setPen(pen) # end def def itemChange(self, change, value): # for selection changes test against QGraphicsItem.ItemSelectedChange # intercept the change instead of the has changed to enable features. if change == QGraphicsItem.ItemSelectedChange and self.scene(): activeTool = self._activeTool() if str(activeTool) == "selectTool": viewroot = self._viewroot currentFilterDict = viewroot.selectionFilterDict() selectionGroup = viewroot.strandItemSelectionGroup() # only add if the selectionGroup is not locked out isNormalSelect = selectionGroup.isNormalSelect() if value == True and (self._filterName in currentFilterDict or not isNormalSelect): if self._strandFilter in currentFilterDict: if != selectionGroup: self.setSelectedColor(True) # This should always be the case, but... if isNormalSelect: selectionGroup.pendToAdd(self) selectionGroup.setSelectionLock(selectionGroup) selectionGroup.pendToAdd(self._lowCap) selectionGroup.pendToAdd(self._highCap) # this else will capture the error. Basically, the # strandItem should be member of the group before this # ever gets fired else: selectionGroup.addToGroup(self) return True else: return False # end if elif value == True: # Don't select return False # end elif else: # Deselect # print "Deselecting strand" selectionGroup.pendToRemove(self) self.setSelectedColor(False) selectionGroup.pendToRemove(self._lowCap) selectionGroup.pendToRemove(self._highCap) return False # end else # end if elif str(activeTool) == "paintTool": viewroot = self._viewroot currentFilterDict = viewroot.selectionFilterDict() if self._strandFilter in currentFilterDict: if not activeTool.isMacrod(): activeTool.setMacrod() self.paintToolMousePress(None, None) # end elif return False # end if return QGraphicsItem.itemChange(self, change, value) # end def def selectIfRequired(self, document, indices): """ Select self or xover item as necessary """ strand5p = self._modelStrand con3p = strand5p.connection3p() selectionGroup = self._viewroot.strandItemSelectionGroup() # check this strand's xover idxL, idxH = indices if con3p: # perhaps change this to a direct call, but here are seeds of an # indirect way of doing selection checks if document.isModelStrandSelected( con3p) and document.isModelStrandSelected(strand5p): val3p = document.getSelectedStrandValue(con3p) # print "xover idx", indices test3p = val3p[0] if con3p.isDrawn5to3() else val3p[1] test5p = idxH if strand5p.isDrawn5to3() else idxL if test3p and test5p: xoi = self._xover3pEnd if not xoi.isSelected() or not selectionGroup.setNormalSelect(False) selectionGroup.addToGroup(xoi) xoi.modelSelect(document) selectionGroup.setNormalSelect(True) # end if # end if # end if # Now check the endpoints lowCap = self._lowCap if idxL == True: if not lowCap.isSelected() or not selectionGroup.addToGroup(lowCap) lowCap.modelSelect(document) else: if lowCap.isSelected() or lowCap.restoreParent() highCap = self._highCap if idxH == True: if not highCap.isSelected() or not selectionGroup.addToGroup(highCap) highCap.modelSelect(document) else: if highCap.isSelected() or highCap.restoreParent() # now check the strand itself if idxL == True and idxH == True: if not self.isSelected() or not selectionGroup.setNormalSelect(False) selectionGroup.addToGroup(self) self.modelSelect(document) selectionGroup.setNormalSelect(True) elif idxL == False and idxH == False: self.modelDeselect(document) # end def def modelDeselect(self, document): self.restoreParent() self._lowCap.modelDeselect(document) self._highCap.modelDeselect(document) # end def def modelSelect(self, document): self.setSelected(True) self.setSelectedColor(True) # end def def paint(self, painter, option, widget): painter.setPen(self.pen()) painter.drawLine(self.line())
class StrandItem(QGraphicsLineItem): _filterName = "strand" def __init__(self, modelStrand, virtualHelixItem, viewroot): """The parent should be a VirtualHelixItem.""" super(StrandItem, self).__init__(virtualHelixItem) self._modelStrand = modelStrand self._virtualHelixItem = virtualHelixItem self._viewroot = viewroot self._activeTool = virtualHelixItem.activeTool() self._controller = StrandItemController(self, modelStrand) isDrawn5to3 = modelStrand.strandSet().isDrawn5to3() self._strandFilter = modelStrand.strandFilter() self._insertionItems = {} # caps self._lowCap = EndpointItem(self, 'low', isDrawn5to3) self._highCap = EndpointItem(self, 'high', isDrawn5to3) self._dualCap = EndpointItem(self, 'dual', isDrawn5to3) # orientation self._isDrawn5to3 = isDrawn5to3 # self._isOnTop = virtualHelixItem.isStrandOnTop(modelStrand) # label self._seqLabel = QGraphicsSimpleTextItem(self) self.refreshInsertionItems(modelStrand) self._updateSequenceText() # create a larger click area rect to capture mouse events self._clickArea = cA = QGraphicsRectItem(_defaultRect, self) cA.mousePressEvent = self.mousePressEvent cA.setPen(_noPen) self.setAcceptHoverEvents(True) cA.setAcceptHoverEvents(True) cA.hoverMoveEvent = self.hoverMoveEvent self.setZValue(styles.ZSTRANDITEM) # xover comming from the 3p end self._xover3pEnd = XoverItem(self, virtualHelixItem) # initial refresh self._updateColor(modelStrand) self._updateAppearance(modelStrand) self.setZValue(styles.ZSTRANDITEM) self.setFlag(QGraphicsItem.ItemIsSelectable) # end def ### SIGNALS ### ### SLOTS ### def strandResizedSlot(self, strand, indices): """docstring for strandResizedSlot""" lowMoved = self._lowCap.updatePosIfNecessary(self.idxs()[0]) highMoved = self._highCap.updatePosIfNecessary(self.idxs()[1]) group = self.tempReparent() if lowMoved: self.updateLine(self._lowCap) if highMoved: self.updateLine(self._highCap) if strand.connection3p(): self._xover3pEnd.update(strand) self.refreshInsertionItems(strand) self._updateSequenceText() if group: group.addToGroup(self) # end def def sequenceAddedSlot(self, oligo): """docstring for sequenceAddedSlot""" pass # end def def sequenceClearedSlot(self, oligo): """docstring for sequenceClearedSlot""" pass # end def def strandRemovedSlot(self, strand): # self._modelStrand = None self._controller.disconnectSignals() self._controller = None scene = self.scene() scene.removeItem(self._clickArea) scene.removeItem(self._highCap) scene.removeItem(self._lowCap) scene.removeItem(self._seqLabel) self._xover3pEnd.remove() self._xover3pEnd = None for insertionItem in self._insertionItems.itervalues(): insertionItem.remove() self._insertionItems = None self._clickArea = None self._highCap = None self._lowCap = None self._seqLabel = None self._modelStrand = None self._virtualHelixItem = None scene.removeItem(self) # end def def strandUpdateSlot(self, strand): """ Slot for just updating connectivity and color, and endpoint showing """ self._updateAppearance(strand) # end def def oligoAppearanceChangedSlot(self, oligo): strand = self._modelStrand self._updateColor(strand) if strand.connection3p(): self._xover3pEnd._updateColor(strand) for insertion in self.insertionItems().itervalues(): insertion.updateItem() # end def def oligoSequenceAddedSlot(self, oligo): self._updateSequenceText() # end def def oligoSequenceClearedSlot(self, oligo): self._updateSequenceText() # end def def strandHasNewOligoSlot(self, strand): strand = self._modelStrand self._controller.reconnectOligoSignals() self._updateColor(strand) if strand.connection3p(): self._xover3pEnd._updateColor(strand) # end def def strandInsertionAddedSlot(self, strand, insertion): self.insertionItems()[insertion.idx()] = \ InsertionItem(self._virtualHelixItem, strand, insertion) # end def def strandInsertionChangedSlot(self, strand, insertion): self.insertionItems()[insertion.idx()].updateItem() # end def def strandInsertionRemovedSlot(self, strand, index): instItem = self.insertionItems()[index] instItem.remove() del self.insertionItems()[index] # end def def strandDecoratorAddedSlot(self, strand, decorator): pass # end def def strandDecoratorChangedSlot(self, strand, decorator): pass # end def def strandDecoratorRemovedSlot(self, strand, index): pass # end def def strandModifierAddedSlot(self, strand, modifier): pass # end def def strandModifierChangedSlot(self, strand, modifier): pass # end def def strandModifierRemovedSlot(self, strand, index): pass # end def def selectedChangedSlot(self, strand, indices): self.selectIfRequired(self.partItem().document(), indices) # end def ### ACCESSORS ### def activeTool(self): return self._activeTool # end def def viewroot(self): return self._viewroot # end def def insertionItems(self): return self._insertionItems # end def def strand(self): return self._modelStrand # end def def strandFilter(self): return self._strandFilter # end def def idxs(self): return self._modelStrand.idxs() # end def def virtualHelixItem(self): return self._virtualHelixItem # end def def partItem(self): return self._virtualHelixItem.partItem() # end def def window(self): return self._virtualHelixItem.window() ### PUBLIC METHODS FOR DRAWING / LAYOUT ### def refreshInsertionItems(self, strand): iItems = self.insertionItems() iModel = strand.insertionsOnStrand() was_in_use = set(iItems) in_use = set() # add in the ones supposed to be there for insertion in iModel: idx = insertion.idx() in_use.add(idx) if idx in iItems: pass else: iItems[insertion.idx()] = \ InsertionItem(self._virtualHelixItem, strand, insertion) # end for # remove all in items not_in_use = was_in_use - in_use for index in not_in_use: iItems[index].remove() del iItems[index] # end for # end def def resetStrandItem(self, virtualHelixItem, isDrawn5to3): self.setParentItem(virtualHelixItem) self._virtualHelixItem = virtualHelixItem self.resetEndPointItems(isDrawn5to3) # end def def resetEndPointItems(self, isDrawn5to3): self._isDrawn5to3 = isDrawn5to3 self._lowCap.resetEndPoint(isDrawn5to3) self._highCap.resetEndPoint(isDrawn5to3) self._dualCap.resetEndPoint(isDrawn5to3) # end def def updateLine(self, movedCap): # setup bw = _baseWidth cA = self._clickArea line = self.line() # set new line coords if movedCap == self._lowCap: p1 = line.p1() newX = self._lowCap.pos().x() + bw p1.setX(newX) line.setP1(p1) temp = cA.rect() temp.setLeft(newX) cA.setRect(temp) else: p2 = line.p2() newX = self._highCap.pos().x() p2.setX(newX) line.setP2(p2) temp = cA.rect() temp.setRight(newX) cA.setRect(temp) self.setLine(line) # end def ### PRIVATE SUPPORT METHODS ### def _updateAppearance(self, strand): """ Prepare Strand for drawing, positions are relative to the VirtualHelixItem: 1. Show or hide caps depending on L and R connectivity. 2. Determine line coordinates. 3. Apply paint styles. """ # 0. Setup vhi = self._virtualHelixItem bw = _baseWidth halfBaseWidth = bw / 2.0 lowIdx, highIdx = strand.lowIdx(), strand.highIdx() lUpperLeftX, lUpperLeftY = vhi.upperLeftCornerOfBase(lowIdx, strand) hUpperLeftX, hUpperLeftY = vhi.upperLeftCornerOfBase(highIdx, strand) lowCap = self._lowCap highCap = self._highCap dualCap = self._dualCap # 1. Cap visibilty lx = lUpperLeftX + bw # draw from right edge of base lowCap.safeSetPos(lUpperLeftX, lUpperLeftY) if strand.connectionLow() != None: # has low xover # if we are hiding it, we might as well make sure it is reparented to the StrandItem lowCap.restoreParent() lowCap.hide() else: # has low cap if not lowCap.isVisible(): hx = hUpperLeftX # draw to edge of base highCap.safeSetPos(hUpperLeftX, hUpperLeftY) if strand.connectionHigh() != None: # has high xover # if we are hiding it, we might as well make sure it is reparented to the StrandItem highCap.restoreParent() highCap.hide() else: # has high cap if not highCap.isVisible(): # special case: single-base strand with no L or H connections, # (unconnected caps were made visible in previous block of code) if strand.length() == 1 and \ (lowCap.isVisible() and highCap.isVisible()): lowCap.hide() highCap.hide() dualCap.safeSetPos(lUpperLeftX, lUpperLeftY) else: dualCap.hide() # 2. Xover drawing xo = self._xover3pEnd if strand.connection3p(): xo.update(strand) xo.showIt() else: xo.restoreParent() xo.hideIt() # 3. Refresh insertionItems if necessary drawing self.refreshInsertionItems(strand) # 4. Line drawing hy = ly = lUpperLeftY + halfBaseWidth self.setLine(lx, ly, hx, hy) rectf = QRectF(lUpperLeftX+bw, lUpperLeftY, bw*(highIdx-lowIdx-1), bw) self._clickArea.setRect(rectf) self._updateHighlight(self.pen().color()) # end def def _updateColor(self, strand): oligo = self._modelStrand.oligo() color = QColor(oligo.color()) self._updateHighlight(color) # end def def _updateHighlight(self, color): """ """ oligo = self._modelStrand.oligo() penWidth = styles.PATH_STRAND_STROKE_WIDTH if oligo.shouldHighlight(): color.setAlpha(128) penWidth = styles.PATH_STRAND_HIGHLIGHT_STROKE_WIDTH pen = QPen(color, penWidth) # pen.setCosmetic(True) brush = QBrush(color) pen.setCapStyle(Qt.FlatCap) self.setPen(pen) self._lowCap.updateHighlight(brush) self._highCap.updateHighlight(brush) self._dualCap.updateHighlight(brush) # end def def _updateSequenceText(self): """ docstring for _updateSequenceText """ bw = _baseWidth seqLbl = self._seqLabel strand = self.strand() seqTxt = strand.sequence() isDrawn3to5 = not self._isDrawn5to3 textXCenteringOffset = styles.SEQUENCETEXTXCENTERINGOFFSET if seqTxt == '': seqLbl.hide() for iItem in self.insertionItems().itervalues(): iItem.hideSequence() return # end if strandSeqList = strand.getSequenceList() seqList = [x[1][0] for x in strandSeqList] insertSeqList = [(x[0], x[1][1]) for x in strandSeqList] iItems = self.insertionItems() for idx, seqTxt in insertSeqList: if seqTxt != '': iItems[idx].setSequence(seqTxt) if isDrawn3to5: seqList = seqList[::-1] seqTxt = ''.join(seqList) # seqLbl.setPen(QPen( Qt.NoPen)) # leave the Pen as None for unless required seqLbl.setBrush(QBrush( seqLbl.setFont(styles.SEQUENCEFONT) # this will always draw from the 5 Prime end! seqX = 2*textXCenteringOffset + bw*strand.idx5Prime() seqY = styles.SEQUENCETEXTYCENTERINGOFFSET if isDrawn3to5: # offset it towards the bottom seqY += bw * .8 # offset X by the reverse centering offset and the string length seqX += textXCenteringOffset # rotate the characters upside down this does not affect positioning # coordinate system, +Y is still Down, and +X is still Right seqLbl.setRotation(180) # draw the text and reverse the string to draw 5 prime to 3 prime # seqTxt = seqTxt[::-1] # end if seqLbl.setPos(seqX,seqY) seqLbl.setText(seqTxt) # end def ### EVENT HANDLERS ### def mousePressEvent(self, event): """ Parses a mousePressEvent to extract strandSet and base index, forwarding them to approproate tool method as necessary. """ activeToolStr = str(self._activeTool()) self.scene().views()[0].addToPressList(self) idx = int(floor((event.pos().x()) / _baseWidth)) self._virtualHelixItem.setActive(idx) toolMethodName = activeToolStr + "MousePress" if hasattr(self, toolMethodName): getattr(self, toolMethodName)(event, idx) else: event.setAccepted(False) # end def def mouseMoveEvent(self, event): """ Parses a mouseMoveEvent to extract strandSet and base index, forwarding them to approproate tool method as necessary. """ toolMethodName = str(self._activeTool()) + "MouseMove" if hasattr(self, toolMethodName): idx = int(floor((event.pos().x()) / _baseWidth)) getattr(self, toolMethodName)(idx) # end def def hoverLeaveEvent(self, event): self.partItem().updateStatusBar("") # end def def hoverMoveEvent(self, event): """ Parses a mouseMoveEvent to extract strandSet and base index, forwarding them to approproate tool method as necessary. """ vhiNum = self._virtualHelixItem.number() idx = int(floor((event.pos().x()) / _baseWidth)) oligoLength = self._modelStrand.oligo().length() self.partItem().updateStatusBar("%d[%d]\tlength: %d" % (vhiNum, idx, oligoLength)) toolMethodName = str(self._activeTool()) + "HoverMove" if hasattr(self, toolMethodName): getattr(self, toolMethodName)(idx) # end def def customMouseRelease(self, event): """ Parses a mouseReleaseEvent to extract strandSet and base index, forwarding them to approproate tool method as necessary. """ toolMethodName = str(self._activeTool()) + "MouseRelease" if hasattr(self, toolMethodName): idx = int(floor((event.pos().x()) / _baseWidth)) getattr(self, toolMethodName)(idx) # end def ### TOOL METHODS ### def breakToolMousePress(self, event, idx): """Break the strand is possible.""" mStrand = self._modelStrand mStrand.split(idx) # end def def breakToolHoverMove(self, idx): pass # mStrand = self._modelStrand # vhi = self._virtualHelixItem # breakTool = self._activeTool() # breakTool.updateHoverRect(vhi, mStrand, idx, show=True) # end def def selectToolMousePress(self, event, idx): event.setAccepted(False) currentFilterDict = self._viewroot.selectionFilterDict() if self.strandFilter() in currentFilterDict and self._filterName in currentFilterDict: selectionGroup = self._viewroot.strandItemSelectionGroup() mod = Qt.MetaModifier if not (event.modifiers() & mod): selectionGroup.clearSelection(False) selectionGroup.setSelectionLock(selectionGroup) selectionGroup.pendToAdd(self) selectionGroup.pendToAdd(self._lowCap) selectionGroup.pendToAdd(self._highCap) selectionGroup.processPendingToAddList() event.setAccepted(True) return selectionGroup.mousePressEvent(event) # end def def pencilToolMousePress(self, event, idx): """Break the strand is possible.""" mStrand = self._modelStrand vhi = self._virtualHelixItem partItem = vhi.partItem() activeTool = self._activeTool() if activeTool.isFloatingXoverBegin(): if idx == mStrand.idx5Prime(): return tempXover = activeTool.floatingXover() tempXover.updateBase(vhi, mStrand, idx) activeTool.setFloatingXoverBegin(False) else: activeTool.setFloatingXoverBegin(True) # install Xover activeTool.attemptToCreateXover(vhi, mStrand, idx) # end def def pencilToolHoverMove(self, idx): """Pencil the strand is possible.""" mStrand = self._modelStrand vhi = self._virtualHelixItem activeTool = self._activeTool() if not activeTool.isFloatingXoverBegin(): tempXover = activeTool.floatingXover() tempXover.updateFloatingFromStrandItem(vhi, mStrand, idx) # end def def eraseToolMousePress(self, event, idx): mStrand = self._modelStrand mStrand.strandSet().removeStrand(mStrand) # end def def insertionToolMousePress(self, event, idx): """Add an insert to the strand if possible.""" mStrand = self._modelStrand mStrand.addInsertion(idx, 1) # end def def paintToolMousePress(self, event, idx): """Add an insert to the strand if possible.""" mStrand = self._modelStrand if mStrand.isStaple(): color = self.window().pathColorPanel.stapColorName() else: color = self.window().pathColorPanel.scafColorName() mStrand.oligo().applyColor(color) # end def def pencilToolHoverMove(self, idx): """Pencil the strand is possible.""" mStrand = self._modelStrand vhi = self._virtualHelixItem activeTool = self._activeTool() if not activeTool.isFloatingXoverBegin(): tempXover = activeTool.floatingXover() tempXover.updateFloatingFromStrandItem(vhi, mStrand, idx) # if mStrand.idx5Prime() == idx: # tempXover.hide3prime() # elif mStrand.idx3Prime() != idx: # tempXover.show3prime() # end def def pencilToolMousePress(self, event, idx): """Break the strand is possible.""" mStrand = self._modelStrand vhi = self._virtualHelixItem partItem = vhi.partItem() activeTool = self._activeTool() if activeTool.isFloatingXoverBegin(): # block xovers starting at a 5 prime end if mStrand.idx5Prime() == idx: return else: tempXover = activeTool.floatingXover() tempXover.updateBase(vhi, mStrand, idx) activeTool.setFloatingXoverBegin(False) else: activeTool.setFloatingXoverBegin(True) # install Xover activeTool.attemptToCreateXover(vhi, mStrand, idx) # end def def skipToolMousePress(self, event, idx): """Add an insert to the strand if possible.""" mStrand = self._modelStrand mStrand.addInsertion(idx, -1) # end def def addSeqToolMousePress(self, event, idx): """ Checks that a scaffold was clicked, and then calls apply sequence to the clicked strand via its oligo. """ mStrand = self._modelStrand if mStrand.isScaffold(): olgLen, seqLen = self._activeTool().applySequence(mStrand.oligo()) if olgLen: msg = "Populated %d of %d scaffold bases." % (min(seqLen, olgLen), olgLen) if olgLen > seqLen: d = olgLen - seqLen msg = msg + " Warning: %d bases have no sequence." % d elif olgLen < seqLen: d = seqLen - olgLen msg = msg + " Warning: %d sequence bases unused." % d self.partItem().updateStatusBar(msg) # end def def restoreParent(self, pos=None): """ Required to restore parenting and positioning in the partItem """ # map the position # print "restoring parent si" self.tempReparent(pos) self.setSelectedColor(False) self.setSelected(False) # end def def tempReparent(self, pos=None): vhItem = self.virtualHelixItem() if pos == None: pos = self.scenePos() self.setParentItem(vhItem) tempP = vhItem.mapFromScene(pos) self.setPos(tempP) # end def def setSelectedColor(self, value): if value == True: color = QColor("#ff3333") else: oligo = self._modelStrand.oligo() color = QColor(oligo.color()) if oligo.shouldHighlight(): color.setAlpha(128) pen = self.pen() pen.setColor(color) self.setPen(pen) # end def def itemChange(self, change, value): # for selection changes test against QGraphicsItem.ItemSelectedChange # intercept the change instead of the has changed to enable features. if change == QGraphicsItem.ItemSelectedChange and self.scene(): activeTool = self._activeTool() if str(activeTool) == "selectTool": viewroot = self._viewroot currentFilterDict = viewroot.selectionFilterDict() selectionGroup = viewroot.strandItemSelectionGroup() # only add if the selectionGroup is not locked out isNormalSelect = selectionGroup.isNormalSelect() if value == True and (self._filterName in currentFilterDict or not isNormalSelect): if self._strandFilter in currentFilterDict: if != selectionGroup: self.setSelectedColor(True) # This should always be the case, but... if isNormalSelect: selectionGroup.pendToAdd(self) selectionGroup.setSelectionLock(selectionGroup) selectionGroup.pendToAdd(self._lowCap) selectionGroup.pendToAdd(self._highCap) # this else will capture the error. Basically, the # strandItem should be member of the group before this # ever gets fired else: selectionGroup.addToGroup(self) return True else: return False # end if elif value == True: # Don't select return False # end elif else: # Deselect # print "Deselecting strand" selectionGroup.pendToRemove(self) self.setSelectedColor(False) selectionGroup.pendToRemove(self._lowCap) selectionGroup.pendToRemove(self._highCap) return False # end else # end if elif str(activeTool) == "paintTool": viewroot = self._viewroot currentFilterDict = viewroot.selectionFilterDict() if self._strandFilter in currentFilterDict: if not activeTool.isMacrod(): activeTool.setMacrod() self.paintToolMousePress(None, None) # end elif return False # end if return QGraphicsItem.itemChange(self, change, value) # end def def selectIfRequired(self, document, indices): """ Select self or xover item as necessary """ strand5p = self._modelStrand con3p = strand5p.connection3p() selectionGroup = self._viewroot.strandItemSelectionGroup() # check this strand's xover idxL, idxH = indices if con3p: # perhaps change this to a direct call, but here are seeds of an # indirect way of doing selection checks if document.isModelStrandSelected(con3p) and document.isModelStrandSelected(strand5p): val3p = document.getSelectedStrandValue(con3p) # print "xover idx", indices test3p = val3p[0] if con3p.isDrawn5to3() else val3p[1] test5p = idxH if strand5p.isDrawn5to3() else idxL if test3p and test5p: xoi = self._xover3pEnd if not xoi.isSelected() or not selectionGroup.setNormalSelect(False) selectionGroup.addToGroup(xoi) xoi.modelSelect(document) selectionGroup.setNormalSelect(True) # end if # end if # end if # Now check the endpoints lowCap = self._lowCap if idxL == True: if not lowCap.isSelected() or not selectionGroup.addToGroup(lowCap) lowCap.modelSelect(document) else: if lowCap.isSelected() or lowCap.restoreParent() highCap = self._highCap if idxH == True: if not highCap.isSelected() or not selectionGroup.addToGroup(highCap) highCap.modelSelect(document) else: if highCap.isSelected() or highCap.restoreParent() # now check the strand itself if idxL == True and idxH == True: if not self.isSelected() or not selectionGroup.setNormalSelect(False) selectionGroup.addToGroup(self) self.modelSelect(document) selectionGroup.setNormalSelect(True) elif idxL == False and idxH == False: self.modelDeselect(document) # end def def modelDeselect(self, document): self.restoreParent() self._lowCap.modelDeselect(document) self._highCap.modelDeselect(document) # end def def modelSelect(self, document): self.setSelected(True) self.setSelectedColor(True) # end def def paint(self, painter, option, widget): painter.setPen(self.pen()) painter.drawLine(self.line())