def save_and_insert_file(file, card_type): # Load in uploaded file and current data as DFs # Old tail is default index of earliest value to be updated (For updating derived values: Checking, Savings, Total, Total Inc) uploaded_file = Loaders.save_and_load_file(file) data = Loaders.load_data() old_tail = data.shape[0] # Sets framework to build a dataframe out of new data # Needed to map columns in uploaded CSVs to my data columns new_dataframe = DataHandlers.construct_new_dataframe_dict( uploaded_file, card_type) min_date_in_new = min(new_dataframe['Date']) # Converts dict to DF, then concats to my data, and sorts them by date primarily, reseting index values new_dataframe = pd.DataFrame.from_dict(new_dataframe) data = pd.concat([data, new_dataframe]) data.sort_values(by=['Date', 'Transaction History', 'Cost'], inplace=True) data.reset_index(drop=True, inplace=True) # Uses the minimum date in the new data defined above # Finds first index occurrence of lowest added date for the new data # This way, if data is added that is inserted BEFORE previous existing data, # the derived values (Check, Sav, Tot etc) will adjust properly # This does have the side-effect of overwriting sacvings transfers, but this can be accounted for later for index, row in data.iterrows(): if (row['Date'] == min_date_in_new): old_tail = index break # Iterates and calculates column values for derived columns DataHandlers.recalc_check_sav_tot_from(data, old_tail) # Saves shiny new Data to pickle fiel data.to_pickle(Routes.STORAGE_ADDRESS)
def get_line_data(cols=None): # Loads File from memory into df, initializes datasets and series ('Columns') df = Loaders.load_data(cols) datasets = [] series = df.columns series = series.delete(series.get_loc("Date")) series = series.delete(series.get_loc('Transaction History')) # Maps columns to objects, column head goes to header key # Data key will hold array of formatted data objects for i in range(0, len(series)): datasets.append({'header': series[i], 'data': []}) # Iterates through rows, then takes each column values out of the row # and inserts the necessary data into the corresponding dataset array for index, row in df.iterrows(): count = 0 for header in series: datasets[count]['data'].append({ 'x': row["Date"].timestamp(), 'y': round(row[header], 2), 'name': row['Transaction History'] }) count += 1 return datasets
def add_entry(body): # Below block loads in data.p, and initializes values of new row in a dictionary data = Loaders.load_data() new_dataframe = {} new_dataframe['Transaction History'] = [body['th']] min_date_in_new = pd.Timestamp(body['date']) new_dataframe['Date'] = [min_date_in_new] if (body['type']): new_dataframe['Type'] = [body['type']] else: new_dataframe['Type'] = ['N/A'] new_dataframe['Cost'] = [float(body['cost'])] new_dataframe['Checking'] = [0] new_dataframe['Savings'] = [0] new_dataframe['Total'] = [0] new_dataframe['Total Income'] = [0] new_dataframe['401k'] = [0] new_dataframe['HSA Account'] = [0] # Coverts new_dataframe dict to dataframe new_dataframe = pd.DataFrame.from_dict(new_dataframe) # Concats new row to old dataframe data = pd.concat([data, new_dataframe]) data.sort_values(by=['Date', 'Transaction History', 'Cost'], inplace=True) data.reset_index(drop=True, inplace=True) # Locates earliest index that Checking, Savings, Total etc will need recalc old_tail = data.shape[0] for index, row in data.iterrows(): if (row['Date'] == min_date_in_new): old_tail = index break # Recalcs values, overwrites pickle, returns success DataHandlers.recalc_check_sav_tot_from(data, old_tail) data.to_pickle(Routes.STORAGE_ADDRESS) return True
def reset_from_backup(body): tag = body['filetag'] if (tag == 'p'): df = Loaders.load_pickle_file(body['filename']) df.to_pickle(Routes.STORAGE_ADDRESS) return True elif (tag == 'csv'): df = Loaders.load_csv_file(body['filename']) df.to_pickle(Routes.STORAGE_ADDRESS) return True elif (tag == 'xlsx'): df = Loaders.load_excel_file(body['filename']) df.to_pickle(Routes.STORAGE_ADDRESS) return True else: return False
def delete_entry(body): df = Loaders.load_data() index = int(body['index']) try: df.drop(index, inplace=True) except KeyError: print("This key was out of bounds") return False else: df.reset_index(drop=True, inplace=True) DataHandlers.recalc_check_sav_tot_from(df, index - 1) df.to_pickle(Routes.STORAGE_ADDRESS) return True
def save_backup(body): df = Loaders.load_data() tag = body['filetag'] if (tag == 'p'): df.to_pickle(Routes.PICKLE + body['filename']) return True elif (tag == 'csv'): df.to_csv(Routes.CSV + body['filename']) return True elif (tag == 'xlsx'): df.to_excel(Routes.XL + body['filename']) return True else: return False
def initialize_table(file): uploaded_file = Loaders.save_and_load_file(file) uploaded_file = uploaded_file.astype({ 'Cost': 'float_', 'Checking': 'float_', 'Savings': 'float_', 'Total': 'float_', 'Total Income': 'float_' }) uploaded_file.replace(np.nan, 'N/A', regex=True, inplace=True) Loaders.initialize_files() preferences = prefs = preferences['user'] for category in np.unique(uploaded_file[['Type']].values): if category != 'N/A': if (category not in prefs['categories'].keys()): prefs['categories'][category] = { 'spending': False, 'income': False } for (category, values) in prefs['categories'].items(): if category.lower() == 'correction': prefs['correction_type'] = category if category.lower() == 'transfer': prefs['transfer_type'] = category preferences['user'] = prefs preferences.close() columns = uploaded_file.columns.tolist() for header in ColumnSets.COLUMN_LIST: if not header in uploaded_file.columns: return False uploaded_file.sort_values(by=['Date', 'Transaction History', 'Cost'], inplace=True) uploaded_file.reset_index(drop=True, inplace=True) uploaded_file.to_pickle(Routes.STORAGE_ADDRESS) return True
def export_file(body): df = Loaders.load_data() tag = body['filetag'] if (tag == 'p'): address = Routes.EXPORTS + body['filename'] df.to_pickle(address) return address elif (tag == 'csv'): address = Routes.EXPORTS + body['filename'] df.to_csv(address) return address elif (tag == 'xlsx'): address = Routes.EXPORTS + body['filename'] df.to_excel(address) return address else: return ""
def get_pie_data(cats, cols=None): df = Loaders.load_data(cols) df = df.groupby(['Type']).sum() # Below adjustments are personal, due to errors in my data, remove if you use #['INCOME', 'Cost'] += 10800 #['TAX', 'Cost'] -= 5703.06 #['UNTRACKED', 'Cost'] -= 3200 # Sets framework, iterates through aggregate table and fills matching values # into arrays in order dataset = {'data': [], 'labels': []} for i in range(len(cats)): try: datum =[cats[i], 'Cost'] except KeyError: datum = 0 dataset['data'].append(round(datum, 2)) dataset['labels'].append(cats[i]) else: if (datum < 0): datum *= -1 dataset['data'].append(round(datum, 2)) dataset['labels'].append(cats[i]) return dataset
def get_data(cols=None): df = Loaders.load_data(cols) df.replace(np.nan, 'N/A', regex=True, inplace=True) return df
def update_cell(body): df = Loaders.load_data()[int(body['index']), body['column']] = body['category'] df.to_pickle(Routes.STORAGE_ADDRESS) return df.to_dict()