    def __init__(self):
        rospy.init_node('turtlebot_state_machine', anonymous=True)
        self.mode = Mode.EXPLORE

        # current nav cmd
        self.cmd_nav = Pose2D()

	# map
	self.map = OccupancyGrid()
	self.map_meta_data = MapMetaData()

        self.traj_controller = TrajectoryTracker(self.kpx, self.kpy, self.kdx, self.kdy, self.v_max, self.om_max)
        self.pose_controller = PoseController(0., 0., 0., self.v_max, self.om_max)
        self.heading_controller = HeadingController(self.kp_th, self.om_max)
	# publishers
        self.map_pub = rospy.Publisher('/map', OccupancyGrid, queue_size=10)
	self.map_meta_data_pub = rospy.Publisher('/map_meta_data', MapMetaData, queue_size=10)
	self.cmd_nav_pub = rospy.Publisher('/cmd_nav',Pose2D, queue_size=10)
	# subscribers
        #rospy.Subscriber('/map', OccupancyGrid, self.map_callback)
        #rospy.Subscriber('/map_metadata', MapMetaData, self.map_md_callback)
        #rospy.Subscriber('/cmd_nav', Pose2D, self.cmd_nav_callback)

        print "finished init"
    def __init__(self):
        rospy.init_node('turtlebot_navigator', anonymous=True)
        self.mode = Mode.IDLE

        # current state
        self.x = 0.0
        self.y = 0.0
        self.theta = 0.0

        # goal state
        self.x_g = None
        self.y_g = None
        self.theta_g = None

        self.th_init = 0.0

        # map parameters
        self.map_width = 0
        self.map_height = 0
        self.map_resolution = 0
        self.map_origin = [0, 0]
        self.map_probs = []
        self.occupancy = None
        self.occupancy_updated = False

        # plan parameters
        self.plan_resolution = 0.1
        self.plan_horizon = 15

        # time when we started following the plan
        self.current_plan_start_time = rospy.get_rostime()
        self.current_plan_duration = 0
        self.plan_start = [0., 0.]

        # Robot limits
        self.v_max = 0.2  # maximum velocity
        self.om_max = 0.4  # maximum angular velocity

        self.v_des = 0.12  # desired cruising velocity
        self.theta_start_thresh = 0.05  # threshold in theta to start moving forward when path-following
        self.start_pos_thresh = 0.2  # threshold to be far enough into the plan to recompute it

        # threshold at which navigator switches from trajectory to pose control
        self.near_thresh = 0.2
        self.at_thresh = 0.02
        self.at_thresh_theta = 0.05

        # trajectory smoothing
        self.spline_alpha = 0.15
        self.traj_dt = 0.1

        # trajectory tracking controller parameters
        self.kpx = 0.5
        self.kpy = 0.5
        self.kdx = 1.5
        self.kdy = 1.5

        # heading controller parameters
        self.kp_th = 2.

        self.traj_controller = TrajectoryTracker(self.kpx, self.kpy, self.kdx,
                                                 self.kdy, self.v_max,
        self.pose_controller = PoseController(0., 0., 0., self.v_max,
        self.heading_controller = HeadingController(self.kp_th, self.om_max)

        self.nav_planned_path_pub = rospy.Publisher('/planned_path',
        self.nav_smoothed_path_pub = rospy.Publisher('/cmd_smoothed_path',
        self.nav_smoothed_path_rej_pub = rospy.Publisher(
            '/cmd_smoothed_path_rejected', Path, queue_size=10)
        self.nav_vel_pub = rospy.Publisher('/cmd_vel', Twist, queue_size=10)

        self.trans_listener = tf.TransformListener()

        self.cfg_srv = Server(NavigatorConfig, self.dyn_cfg_callback)

        rospy.Subscriber('/map', OccupancyGrid, self.map_callback)
        rospy.Subscriber('/map_metadata', MapMetaData, self.map_md_callback)
        rospy.Subscriber('/cmd_nav', Pose2D, self.cmd_nav_callback)

        # Section 6

        print "finished init"
    def __init__(self):
        rospy.init_node('turtlebot_navigator', anonymous=True)
        self.mode = Mode.IDLE
        self.mode_at_stop = None
        self.x_saved = None
        self.y_saved = None
        self.theta_saved = None

        # current state
        self.x = 0.0
        self.y = 0.0
        self.theta = 0.0

        # history tracking of controls
        self.history_cnt = 0
        self.V_history = np.zeros(CMD_HISTORY_SIZE)
        self.om_history = np.zeros(CMD_HISTORY_SIZE)
        self.backing_cnt = 0

        #laser scans for collision
        self.laser_ranges = []
        self.laser_angle_increment = 0.01  # this gets updated
        self.chunky_radius = 0.1  #TODO: Tune this!

        # goal state
        self.x_g = None
        self.y_g = None
        self.theta_g = None

        self.th_init = 0.0

        self.iters = 0

        # map parameters
        self.map_width = 0
        self.map_height = 0
        self.map_resolution = 0
        self.map_origin = [0, 0]
        self.map_probs = []
        self.occupancy = None
        self.occupancy_updated = False

        # plan parameters
        self.plan_resolution = 0.1
        self.plan_horizon = 15

        # time when we started following the plan
        self.current_plan_start_time = rospy.get_rostime()
        self.current_plan_duration = 0
        self.plan_start = [0., 0.]

        # Robot limits
        self.v_max = rospy.get_param("~v_max", 0.2)  #0.2  # maximum velocity
        self.om_max = rospy.get_param("~om_max",
                                      0.4)  #0.4   # maximum angular velocity

        self.v_des = 0.12  # desired cruising velocity
        self.theta_start_thresh = 0.05  # threshold in theta to start moving forward when path-following
        self.start_pos_thresh = 0.2  # threshold to be far enough into the plan to recompute it

        # threshold at which navigator switches from trajectory to pose control
        self.near_thresh = 0.2
        self.at_thresh = 0.02
        self.at_thresh_theta = (2.0 * np.pi) / 20.0  #0.05

        # trajectory smoothing
        self.spline_alpha = 0.01
        self.traj_dt = 0.1

        # trajectory tracking controller parameters
        self.kpx = 0.5
        self.kpy = 0.5
        self.kdx = 1.5
        self.kdy = 1.5

        # heading controller parameters
        self.kp_th = 2.

        self.traj_controller = TrajectoryTracker(self.kpx, self.kpy, self.kdx,
                                                 self.kdy, self.v_max,
        self.pose_controller = PoseController(0., 0., 0., self.v_max,
        self.heading_controller = HeadingController(self.kp_th, self.om_max)

        # Publishers
        self.nav_planned_path_pub = rospy.Publisher('/planned_path',
        self.nav_smoothed_path_pub = rospy.Publisher('/cmd_smoothed_path',
        self.nav_smoothed_path_rej_pub = rospy.Publisher(
            '/cmd_smoothed_path_rejected', Path, queue_size=10)
        self.nav_vel_pub = rospy.Publisher('/cmd_vel', Twist, queue_size=10)

        self.trans_listener = tf.TransformListener()

        self.cfg_srv = Server(NavigatorConfig, self.dyn_cfg_callback)
        #communication with squirtle_fsm to inform goal status
        self.publish_squirtle = rospy.Publisher('/post/squirtle_fsm',

        # Subscriber Constructors
        rospy.Subscriber('/post/nav_fsm', Bool,
                         self.post_callback)  #service queue
        rospy.Subscriber('/map', OccupancyGrid, self.map_callback)
        rospy.Subscriber('/map_metadata', MapMetaData, self.map_md_callback)
        rospy.Subscriber('/cmd_nav', Pose2D, self.cmd_nav_callback)
        rospy.Subscriber('/scan', LaserScan, self.laser_callback)
        rospy.Subscriber('debug/nav_fsm', String, self.debug_callback)

        print "finished init"
    def __init__(self):
        rospy.init_node('turtlebot_navigator', anonymous=True)
        self.mode = Mode.IDLE
        self.xlist = []
        self.ylist = []
        self.tlist = []
        self.object_dic = {}
        with open('locations.json', 'r') as f:
            self.object_dic = json.load(f)
            for i in self.object_dic:
                print i

        # current state
        self.x = 0.0
        self.y = 0.0
        self.theta = 0.0

        # goal state
        self.x_g = None
        self.y_g = None
        self.theta_g = None

        self.th_init = 0.0

        # map parameters
        self.map_width = 0
        self.map_height = 0
        self.map_resolution = 0
        self.map_origin = [0, 0]
        self.map_probs = []
        self.occupancy = None
        self.occupancy_updated = False

        # plan parameters
        self.plan_resolution = 0.1
        self.plan_horizon = 15

        # time when we started following the plan
        self.current_plan_start_time = rospy.get_rostime()
        self.current_plan_duration = 0
        self.plan_start = [0., 0.]

        # Robot limits
        self.v_max = 0.2
        self.om_max = 0.5  #0.5

        self.v_des = 0.12  # desired cruising velocity
        self.theta_start_thresh = 0.05  # threshold in theta to start moving forward when path-following
        self.start_pos_thresh = 0.2  # threshold to be far enough into the plan to recompute it

        # threshold at which navigator switches from trajectory to pose control
        self.near_thresh = 0.2
        self.at_thresh = 0.02
        self.at_thresh_theta = 0.05

        # trajectory smoothing
        self.spline_alpha = 0.15
        self.traj_dt = 0.1

        # trajectory tracking controller parameters
        self.kpx = 0.5
        self.kpy = 0.5
        self.kdx = 1.5
        self.kdy = 1.5

        self.kpx = 0.5
        self.kpy = 0.5
        self.kdx = 1.5
        self.kdy = 1.5

        # heading controller parameters
        self.kp_th = 2.
        self.kp_th = 5.  #try

        self.traj_controller = TrajectoryTracker(self.kpx, self.kpy, self.kdx,
                                                 self.kdy, self.v_max,
        self.pose_controller = PoseController(0., 0., 0., self.v_max,
        self.heading_controller = HeadingController(self.kp_th, self.om_max)

        self.nav_planned_path_pub = rospy.Publisher('/planned_path',
        self.nav_smoothed_path_pub = rospy.Publisher('/cmd_smoothed_path',
        self.nav_smoothed_path_rej_pub = rospy.Publisher(
            '/cmd_smoothed_path_rejected', Path, queue_size=10)
        self.nav_vel_pub = rospy.Publisher('/cmd_vel', Twist, queue_size=10)
        self.vis_pub = rospy.Publisher('marker_topic', Marker, queue_size=10)

        self.trans_listener = tf.TransformListener()

        self.cfg_srv = Server(NavigatorConfig, self.dyn_cfg_callback)

        self.stop_min_dist = 1.0
        self.stop_time = 3.0
        self.crossing_time = 10.0
        rospy.Subscriber('/map', OccupancyGrid, self.map_callback)
        rospy.Subscriber('/map_metadata', MapMetaData, self.map_md_callback)
        rospy.Subscriber('/cmd_nav', Pose2D, self.cmd_nav_callback)
        rospy.Subscriber('/detector/stop_sign', DetectedObject,
        rospy.Subscriber('/detector/broccoli', DetectedObject,
        rospy.Subscriber('/detector/cake', DetectedObject, self.cake_callback)
        rospy.Subscriber('/detector/bowl', DetectedObject, self.bowl_callback)
        rospy.Subscriber('/detector/banana', DetectedObject,
        rospy.Subscriber('/detector/donut', DetectedObject,
        rospy.Subscriber('/delivery_request', String, self.delivery_callback)
        self.initPos = False
        self.auto = False
        self.broccoli = 0
        self.cake = 1
        self.bowl = 2
        self.banana = 3
        self.donut = 4
        self.control = False

        print "finished init"
    def __init__(self):
        rospy.init_node('turtlebot_navigator', anonymous=True)
        self.mode = Mode.IDLE

        # Time to stop at a stop sign
        self.stop_time = rospy.get_param("~stop_time", 3.)

        # Minimum distance from a stop sign to obey it (originally 0.5)
        self.stop_min_dist = rospy.get_param("~stop_min_dist", 1.)

        # Time taken to cross an intersection
        self.crossing_time = rospy.get_param("~crossing_time", 3.)

        # Stop sign detector
        rospy.Subscriber('/detector/stop_sign', DetectedObject,

        rospy.Subscriber('/detector/hot_dog', DetectedObject,


        # current state
        self.x = 0.0
        self.y = 0.0
        self.theta = 0.0

        # goal state
        self.x_g = None
        self.y_g = None
        self.theta_g = None

        self.th_init = 0.0

        # map parameters
        self.map_width = 0
        self.map_height = 0
        self.map_resolution = 0
        self.map_origin = [0, 0]
        self.map_probs = []
        self.occupancy = None
        self.occupancy_updated = False

        # plan parameters
        self.plan_resolution = 0.1
        self.plan_horizon = 15

        # time when we started following the plan
        self.current_plan_start_time = rospy.get_rostime()
        self.current_plan_duration = 0
        self.plan_start = [0., 0.]

        # Robot limits
        #self.v_max = 0.2    # maximum velocity
        self.v_max = 0.5
        #self.om_max = 0.4   # maximum angular velocity
        self.om_max = 0.8

        self.v_des = 0.12  # desired cruising velocity
        self.theta_start_thresh = 0.05  # threshold in theta to start moving forward when path-following
        self.start_pos_thresh = 0.2  # threshold to be far enough into the plan to recompute it

        # threshold at which navigator switches from trajectory to pose control
        self.near_thresh = 0.2
        self.at_thresh = 0.02
        self.at_thresh_theta = 0.05

        # trajectory smoothing
        self.spline_alpha = 0.15
        self.traj_dt = 0.1

        # trajectory tracking controller parameters
        self.kpx = 0.5
        self.kpy = 0.5
        self.kdx = 1.5
        self.kdy = 1.5

        # heading controller parameters
        self.kp_th = 2.

        self.traj_controller = TrajectoryTracker(self.kpx, self.kpy, self.kdx,
                                                 self.kdy, self.v_max,
        self.pose_controller = PoseController(0., 0., 0., self.v_max,
        self.heading_controller = HeadingController(self.kp_th, self.om_max)

        self.nav_planned_path_pub = rospy.Publisher('/planned_path',
        self.nav_smoothed_path_pub = rospy.Publisher('/cmd_smoothed_path',
        self.nav_smoothed_path_rej_pub = rospy.Publisher(
            '/cmd_smoothed_path_rejected', Path, queue_size=10)
        self.nav_vel_pub = rospy.Publisher('/cmd_vel', Twist, queue_size=10)

        self.trans_listener = tf.TransformListener()

        self.cfg_srv = Server(NavigatorConfig, self.dyn_cfg_callback)

        rospy.Subscriber('/map', OccupancyGrid, self.map_callback)
        rospy.Subscriber('/map_metadata', MapMetaData, self.map_md_callback)
        rospy.Subscriber('/cmd_nav', Pose2D, self.cmd_nav_callback)

        self.current_state_pub = rospy.Publisher('/current_state',

        print "finished init"
    def __init__(self):
        rospy.init_node('turtlebot_navigator', anonymous=True)
        self.mode = Mode.EXPLORE
        self.delivery_locations = {}
        self.requests = []
        self.vendor_marker_ids = {}

        # current state
        self.x = 0.0
        self.y = 0.0
        self.theta = 0.0

        # goal state
        self.x_g = None
        self.y_g = None
        self.theta_g = None

        self.th_init = 0.0

        # map parameters
        self.map_width = 0
        self.map_height = 0
        self.map_resolution = 0
        self.map_origin = [0, 0]
        self.map_probs = []
        self.occupancy = None
        self.occupancy_updated = False

        # plan parameters
        self.plan_resolution = 0.1
        self.plan_horizon = 20  # NOTE: Changed this to incraese the plan horizon for testing

        # time when we started following the plan
        self.current_plan_start_time = rospy.get_rostime()
        self.current_plan_duration = 0
        self.plan_start = [0., 0.]

        # Robot limits
        self.v_max = 0.2  # maximum velocity
        self.om_max = 0.4  # maximum angular velocity

        self.v_des = 0.12  # desired cruising velocity
        self.theta_start_thresh = 0.05  # threshold in theta to start moving forward when path-following
        self.start_pos_thresh = 0.2  # threshold to be far enough into the plan to recompute it

        # threshold at which navigator switches from trajectory to pose control
        self.near_thresh = 0.2
        self.at_thresh = 0.02
        self.at_thresh_theta = 0.05
        #self.at_thresh_theta = 0.1

        # trajectory smoothing
        self.spline_alpha = 0.15
        self.traj_dt = 0.1

        # trajectory tracking controller parameters
        self.kpx = 0.5
        self.kpy = 0.5
        self.kdx = 1.5
        self.kdy = 1.5

        # heading controller parameters
        self.kp_th = 2.

        self.traj_controller = TrajectoryTracker(self.kpx, self.kpy, self.kdx,
                                                 self.kdy, self.v_max,
        self.pose_controller = PoseController(0., 0., 0., self.v_max,
        self.heading_controller = HeadingController(self.kp_th, self.om_max)

        self.nav_planned_path_pub = rospy.Publisher('/planned_path',
        self.nav_smoothed_path_pub = rospy.Publisher('/cmd_smoothed_path',
        self.nav_smoothed_path_rej_pub = rospy.Publisher(
            '/cmd_smoothed_path_rejected', Path, queue_size=10)
        self.nav_vel_pub = rospy.Publisher('/cmd_vel', Twist, queue_size=10)

        self.trans_listener = tf.TransformListener()

        self.cfg_srv = Server(NavigatorConfig, self.dyn_cfg_callback)

        #stop sign parameters
        self.stop_min_dist = 2
        self.stop_sign_roll_start = 0

        self.stop_sign_stop_time = 4
        self.wait_time = 1
        self.first_seen_time = -1

        rospy.Subscriber('/map', OccupancyGrid, self.map_callback)
        rospy.Subscriber('/map_metadata', MapMetaData, self.map_md_callback)
        rospy.Subscriber('/cmd_nav', Pose2D, self.cmd_nav_callback)
        #For the stop sign
        rospy.Subscriber('/detector/stop_sign', DetectedObject,

        # For ETA rviz markers
        self.vis_pub = rospy.Publisher('/eta', Marker, queue_size=10)
        # For landmark rviz markers
        self.vis_pub = rospy.Publisher('/marker_topic', Marker, queue_size=10)

        # Listen to object detector and save locations of interest

        rospy.Subscriber('/delivery_request', String, self.request_callback)
        print "finished init"
    def __init__(self):
        rospy.init_node('turtlebot_navigator', anonymous=True)
        self.mode = Mode.IDLE

        # current state
        self.x = 0.0
        self.y = 0.0
        self.theta = 0.0

        # goal state
        self.x_g = None
        self.y_g = None
        self.theta_g = None

        self.vendor_queue = []
        self.energy = 65

        self.th_init = 0.0

        # map parameters
        self.map_width = 0
        self.map_height = 0
        self.map_resolution = 0
        self.map_origin = [0,0]
        self.map_probs = []
        self.occupancy = None
        self.occupancy_updated = False
        self.vendors = {'apple': None, 'banana': None, 'broccoli': None, 'pizza': None, 'donut': None, 'home': None}
        #self.vendors = {'apple': (0.27, 1), 'banana': (1, 0.27), 'broccoli': (1.85, 2.8), 'pizza': (1.15, 1.65), 'donut': (2.2, 1.85), 'home': (3.3, 1.6)}
        self.intermediate_left = (2.5, 0.3)
        self.intermediate_right = (2.5, 2.7)
        # plan parameters
        self.plan_resolution =  0.1
        self.plan_horizon = 15
        self.fail_count = 0
        # Stop sign related parameters
        # Time to stop at a stop sign
        self.stop_time = rospy.get_param("~stop_time", 3.)
        # Minimum distance from a stop sign to obey it
        self.stop_min_dist = rospy.get_param("~stop_min_dist", 0.4)
        # Time taken to cross an intersection
        self.crossing_time = rospy.get_param("~crossing_time", 3.5)
        self.crossing_vel = 0.125

        self.vendor_detector_dist = 0.4
        self.vendor_time = rospy.get_param("~vendor_stop_time", 5.)
        self.vendor_stop_start_time = rospy.get_rostime()

        # time when we started following the plan
        self.current_plan_start_time = rospy.get_rostime()
        self.current_plan_duration = 0
        self.plan_start = [0.,0.]
        # Robot limits
        self.v_max = 0.2    # maximum velocity
        self.om_max = 0.4   # maximum angular velocity
	#self.v_max = rospy.get_param("~v_max")
	#self.om_max = rospy.get_param("~om_max")

        self.v_des = 0.12   # desired cruising velocity
        self.theta_start_thresh = 0.05   # threshold in theta to start moving forward when path-following
        self.start_pos_thresh = 0.2     # threshold to be far enough into the plan to recompute it

        # threshold at which navigator switches from trajectory to pose control
        self.near_thresh = 0.2
        self.at_thresh = 0.02
        self.at_thresh_theta = 0.05 # cfg

        # trajectory smoothing
        self.spline_alpha = 0.1 #need to change in cfg
        self.traj_dt = 0.1

        # trajectory tracking controller parameters
        self.kpx = 0.5
        self.kpy = 0.5
        self.kdx = 1.5
        self.kdy = 1.5

        # heading controller parameters
        self.kp_th = 2.

        self.traj_controller = TrajectoryTracker(self.kpx, self.kpy, self.kdx, self.kdy, self.v_max, self.om_max)
        self.pose_controller = PoseController(0., 0., 0., self.v_max, self.om_max)
        self.heading_controller = HeadingController(self.kp_th, self.om_max)

        self.nav_planned_path_pub = rospy.Publisher('/planned_path', Path, queue_size=10)
        self.nav_smoothed_path_pub = rospy.Publisher('/cmd_smoothed_path', Path, queue_size=10)
        self.nav_smoothed_path_rej_pub = rospy.Publisher('/cmd_smoothed_path_rejected', Path, queue_size=10)
        self.nav_vel_pub = rospy.Publisher('/cmd_vel', Twist, queue_size=10)
        self.marker_pub = rospy.Publisher('/vendor_loc', Pose2D, queue_size=10)
        self.goal_marker_pub = rospy.Publisher('/goal_loc', Pose2D, queue_size=10)
        self.hungry_pub = rospy.Publisher('/hungry', String, queue_size=10)
        self.trans_listener = tf.TransformListener()

        self.cfg_srv = Server(NavigatorConfig, self.dyn_cfg_callback)

        rospy.Subscriber('/map', OccupancyGrid, self.map_callback)
        rospy.Subscriber('/map_metadata', MapMetaData, self.map_md_callback)
        rospy.Subscriber('/cmd_nav', Pose2D, self.cmd_nav_callback)

        # Stop sign detector
        rospy.Subscriber('/detector/stop_sign', DetectedObject, self.stop_sign_detected_callback)
        # Vendor detector
        rospy.Subscriber('/detector/objects', DetectedObjectList, self.vendor_detected_callback)

        rospy.Subscriber('/delivery_request', String, self.order_callback)

        print "finished init"
    def __init__(self):
        rospy.init_node('turtlebot_navigator', anonymous=True)
        self.mode = Mode.IDLE

        # current state
        self.x = 0.0
        self.y = 0.0
        self.theta = 0.0

        # goal state
        self.x_g = None
        self.y_g = None
        self.theta_g = None

        self.th_init = 0.0

        # map parameters
        self.map_width = 0
        self.map_height = 0
        self.map_resolution = 0
        self.map_origin = [0,0]
        self.map_probs = []
        self.occupancy = None
        self.occupancy_updated = False

        # plan parameters
        self.plan_resolution =  0.1
        self.plan_horizon = 15

        # time when we started following the plan
        self.current_plan_start_time = rospy.get_rostime()
        self.current_plan_duration = 0
        self.plan_start = [0.,0.]
        # Robot limits
        self.v_max = rospy.get_param("~v_max", 0.2)    # 0.2    # maximum velocity
        self.om_max = rospy.get_param("~om_max", 0.4)   # 0.4   # maximum angular velocity

        self.v_des = 0.12   # desired cruising velocity
        self.theta_start_thresh = 0.05   # threshold in theta to start moving forward when path-following
        self.start_pos_thresh = 0.2     # threshold to be far enough into the plan to recompute it

        # threshold at which navigator switches from trajectory to pose control
        self.near_thresh = 0.2
        self.at_thresh = 0.02
        self.at_thresh_theta = 0.05

        # trajectory smoothing
        self.spline_alpha = 0.15
        self.traj_dt = 0.1

        # trajectory tracking controller parameters
        self.kpx = 0.5
        self.kpy = 0.5
        self.kdx = 1.5
        self.kdy = 1.5

        # heading controller parameters
        self.kp_th = 2.

        self.traj_controller = TrajectoryTracker(self.kpx, self.kpy, self.kdx, self.kdy, self.v_max, self.om_max)
        self.pose_controller = PoseController(0., 0., 0., self.v_max, self.om_max)
        self.heading_controller = HeadingController(self.kp_th, self.om_max)

        self.nav_planned_path_pub = rospy.Publisher('/planned_path', Path, queue_size=10)
        self.nav_smoothed_path_pub = rospy.Publisher('/cmd_smoothed_path', Path, queue_size=10)
        self.nav_smoothed_path_rej_pub = rospy.Publisher('/cmd_smoothed_path_rejected', Path, queue_size=10)
        self.nav_vel_pub = rospy.Publisher('/cmd_vel', Twist, queue_size=10)

        self.trans_listener = tf.TransformListener()

        self.cfg_srv = Server(NavigatorConfig, self.dyn_cfg_callback)
        self.detected_objects = {}

        rospy.Subscriber('/map', OccupancyGrid, self.map_callback)
        rospy.Subscriber('/map_metadata', MapMetaData, self.map_md_callback)
        rospy.Subscriber('/cmd_nav', Pose2D, self.cmd_nav_callback)

        # Food delivery
        rospy.Subscriber('/delivery_request', String, self.delivery_request_callback)
        rospy.Subscriber('/detector/objects', DetectedObjectList, self.detected_objects_name_callback, queue_size=10)

        # Vendor state
        self.vendor_start  = None  # Starting time of vendor state
        self.vendor_time   = 4.0   # 3-5s stop time
        self.gotovendor    = False
        self.home_location = [3.15,1.6,0.0]

        # Stop state
        # Time to stop at a stop sign
        self.stop_time = rospy.get_param("~stop_time", 5.)

        # Minimum distance from a stop sign to obey it
        self.stop_min_dist = rospy.get_param("~stop_min_dist", 0.6)  # original value 0.5

        # Time taken to cross an intersection
        self.crossing_time = rospy.get_param("~crossing_time", 3.)

        # Stop sign detector
        rospy.Subscriber('/detector/stop_sign', DetectedObject, self.stop_sign_detected_callback)
        self.stopped = False
        self.v = 0.0
        self.stop_sign_start = None

        print "finished init"
    def __init__(self):
        rospack = rospkg.RosPack()
        package_dir = rospack.get_path("final_project")
        self.points_path = package_dir + "/scripts/points.txt"
        rospy.init_node('turtlebot_navigator', anonymous=True)
        if SAVE_POINTS:
            with open(self.points_path, "w") as f:
                f.write("x, y, theta\n")
        self.mode = Mode.IDLE

        # current state
        self.x = 0.0
        self.y = 0.0
        self.theta = 0.0

        # goal state
        self.x_g = None
        self.y_g = None
        self.theta_g = None

        self.th_init = 0.0

        # map parameters
        self.map_width = 0
        self.map_height = 0
        self.map_resolution = 0
        self.map_origin = [0,0]
        self.map_probs = []
        self.occupancy = None
        self.occupancy_updated = False

        # plan parameters
        self.plan_resolution =  0.1
        self.plan_horizon = 15

        # time when we started following the plan
        self.current_plan_start_time = rospy.get_rostime()
        self.current_plan_duration = 0
        self.plan_start = [0.,0.]
        # Robot limits
        self.v_max = 0.2    # maximum velocity
        self.om_max = 0.4   # maximum angular velocity

        self.v_des = 0.12   # desired cruising velocity
        self.theta_start_thresh = 0.05   # threshold in theta to start moving forward when path-following
        self.start_pos_thresh = 0.2     # threshold to be far enough into the plan to recompute it

        # threshold at which navigator switches from trajectory to pose control
        self.near_thresh = 0.2
        self.at_thresh = 0.02
        self.at_thresh_theta = 0.05

        # trajectory smoothing
        self.spline_alpha = 0.05
        self.traj_dt = 0.1

        # trajectory tracking controller parameters
        self.kpx = 0.5
        self.kpy = 0.5
        self.kdx = 1.5
        self.kdy = 1.5

        self.stop_time = 0.0

        # heading controller parameters
        self.kp_th = 2.

        self.traj_controller = TrajectoryTracker(self.kpx, self.kpy, self.kdx, self.kdy, self.v_max, self.om_max)
        self.pose_controller = PoseController(0., 0., 0., self.v_max, self.om_max)
        self.heading_controller = HeadingController(self.kp_th, self.om_max)

        self.nav_planned_path_pub = rospy.Publisher('/planned_path', Path, queue_size=10)
        self.nav_smoothed_path_pub = rospy.Publisher('/cmd_smoothed_path', Path, queue_size=10)
        self.nav_smoothed_path_rej_pub = rospy.Publisher('/cmd_smoothed_path_rejected', Path, queue_size=10)
        self.nav_vel_pub = rospy.Publisher('/cmd_vel', Twist, queue_size=10)
        self.nav_mode_pub = rospy.Publisher('/nav_mode', Int16, queue_size=10)
        # Publish robot's perception of own state
        self.robot_pose_current_pub = rospy.Publisher('/robot/pose/current', Pose2D, queue_size=10)
        self.trans_listener = tf.TransformListener()

        self.cfg_srv = Server(NavigatorConfig, self.dyn_cfg_callback)

        rospy.Subscriber('/map_inflated', OccupancyGrid, self.map_callback)
        rospy.Subscriber('/map_metadata', MapMetaData, self.map_md_callback)
        rospy.Subscriber('/cmd_nav', Pose2D, self.cmd_nav_callback)
        rospy.Subscriber('/detector/objects', DetectedObjectList, self.object_detected_callback)

        print "finished init"