def convertWhile(token,line,t,v,i,understood,variables, oldIdent):

    condition = ''
    i += 1
    while len(token)-i > 0 :
        (t, v, _, _,_) = token[i]
        if t == tokenize.NAME:
            condition,i,understood,variables = convertToken.convertToken(token, condition,t,v,i,understood,variables, oldIdent)
        elif t == tokenize.OP and re.match(r'^[()[\]<>&^|~=+*%,/-]$|^\*\*$|<<|>>|>=|<=|!=|==',v):
            condition,i,understood,variables = convertToken.convertToken(token, condition,t,v,i,understood,variables, oldIdent)
        elif t == tokenize.NL or t == tokenize.NUMBER:
            condition,i,understood,variables = convertToken.convertToken(token,condition,t,v,i,understood,variables, oldIdent)
        elif t == tokenize.STRING:
            condition,i,understood,variables = convertToken.convertToken(token,condition,t,v,i,understood,variables, oldIdent)
        elif t == tokenize.COMMENT and token[i+1][0] == tokenize.NL:
            condition,i,understood,variables = convertToken.convertToken(token,condition,t,v,i,understood,variables, oldIdent)
        elif t == tokenize.OP and v == ":":
        i += 1
    i += 1
    (t, v, _, _,_) = token[i]
    body, i,understood,variables, singleLine, noSimpleStatements, comment = convertSuite(token,t,v,i,understood,variables, oldIdent)

    if singleLine and noSimpleStatements <= 1:
        line += body + ' ' + 'while ' + condition + ';' + comment + '\n'
    elif singleLine:
        line += 'while (' + condition + ') {' + body + '}' + comment + '\n'
        line += 'while (' + condition + ') {\n' + body + '\n'+ oldIdent+ '}\n' + oldIdent

    return line, i, understood, variables
def convertFor(token,line,t,v,i,understood,variables, oldIdent):

    target = ''
    i += 1
    while len(token)-i > 0 :
        (t, v, _, _,_) = token[i]
        if t == tokenize.NAME:
            if v == 'in':
            target,i,understood,variables = convertToken.convertToken(token, target,t,v,i,understood,variables, '')
        elif t == tokenize.OP and re.match(r'^[()[\]<>&^|~=+*%[,/-]$|^\*\*$|<<|>>|>=|<=|!=|==',v):
            target,i,understood,variables = convertToken.convertToken(token, target,t,v,i,understood,variables, '')
        elif t == tokenize.NL or t == tokenize.NUMBER:
            target,i,understood,variables = convertToken.convertToken(token,target,t,v,i,understood,variables, '')
        elif t == tokenize.STRING:
            target,i,understood,variables = convertToken.convertToken(token,target,t,v,i,understood,variables, '')
        elif t == tokenize.COMMENT and token[i+1][0] == tokenize.NL:
            target,i,understood,variables = convertToken.convertToken(token,target,t,v,i,understood,variables, '')
            understood = False
        i += 1
    source = ''
    i += 1
    while len(token)-i > 0 :
        (t, v, _, _,_) = token[i]
        if t == tokenize.NAME:
            source,i,understood,variables = convertToken.convertToken(token, source,t,v,i,understood,variables, "")
        elif t == tokenize.OP and re.match(r'^[()[\]<>&^|~=+*%,/-]$|^\*\*$|<<|>>|>=|<=|!=|==',v):
            source,i,understood,variables = convertToken.convertToken(token, source,t,v,i,understood,variables, '')
        elif t == tokenize.NL or t == tokenize.NUMBER:
            source,i,understood,variables = convertToken.convertToken(token,source,t,v,i,understood,variables, '')
        elif t == tokenize.STRING:
            source,i,understood,variables = convertToken.convertToken(token,source,t,v,i,understood,variables, '')
        elif t == tokenize.COMMENT and token[i+1][0] == tokenize.NL:
            source,i,understood,variables = convertToken.convertToken(token,source,t,v,i,understood,variables, '')
        elif t == tokenize.OP and v == ":":
        else: understood = False
        i += 1
    i += 1
    (t, v, _, _,_) = token[i]
    body, i,understood,variables, singleLine, noSimpleStatements, comment = convertSuite(token,t,v,i,understood,variables, oldIdent)

    if singleLine:
        line += 'foreach ' + target + ' (' + source +'){' + body + '}' + comment + '\n'
        line += 'foreach ' + target + ' (' + source +'){\n' + body + '\n'+ oldIdent+'}\n'+ oldIdent

    return line, i, understood, variables
def convertElse(token,line,t,v,i,understood,variables, oldIdent):

    condition = ''
    i += 1
    while len(token)-i > 0 :
        (t, v, _, _,_) = token[i]
        if t == tokenize.OP and v == ":":
        i += 1
    i += 1
    (t, v, _, _,_) = token[i]
    body, i,understood,variables, singleLine, noSimpleStatements, comment = convertSuite(token,t,v,i,understood,variables, oldIdent)
    if singleLine:
        line += 'else {' + body + '}' + comment + '\n'
        line += 'else {\n' + body + '\n'+ oldIdent+'}\n'+ oldIdent

    return line, i, understood, variables