def convert(tree,fileName=None):
    Converts variables and aliases in MAMMOTH interface input files to syntax
    established in merge request 643.
    @ In, tree, xml.etree.ElementTree.ElementTree object, the contents of a RAVEN input file
    @ In, fileName, the name for the raven input file
    @ Out, tree, xml.etree.ElementTree.ElementTree object, the modified RAVEN input file
  simulation = tree.getroot()
  # Check if this is RAVEN input
  if simulation.tag!='Simulation' and simulation.tag!='ExternalModel': return tree
  # Check if this is MAMMOTH interface input
  mammothInput = False
  for code in simulation.iter('Code'):
    if code.attrib['subType'].lower == 'mammoth':
      mammothInput = True
    for codeChild in code:
      if codeChild.tag == 'alias'
      checkAliases = True
  if not mammothInput:
    return tree
  # Collect alias variable names and update the full variable syntax
  aliasStorage = []
  if checkAliases:
    for alias in simulation.iter('alias'):
      splitVarName = alias.text.split(':')
      # Rattlesnake variable case
      if len(splitVarName) == 1:
        alias.text = 'Rattlesnake@' + alias.text
      # Named Application Case
        alias.text = splitVarName[1] + '@' + splitVarName[0]
  # Check if variables are listed as aliases, if not, update variable syntax
  for variable in simulation.iter('variable'):
    if variable.attrib['name'] not in aliasStorage:
      splitVarName = variable.attrib['name'].split(':')
      # Rattlesnake variable case
      if len(splitVarName) == 1:
        variable.attrib['name'] = 'Rattlesnake@' + variable.attrib['name']
      # Named Application case
        variable.attrib['name'] = splitVarName[1] + '@' + splitVarName[0]
  return tree

if __name__=='__main__':
  import convert_utils
  import sys
def convert(tree,fileName=None):
    Converts variables and aliases in Cubit interface input files to syntax
    established in merge request 643.
    @ In, tree, xml.etree.ElementTree.ElementTree object, the contents of a RAVEN input file
    @ In, fileName, the name for the raven input file
    @ Out, tree, xml.etree.ElementTree.ElementTree object, the modified RAVEN input file
  simulation = tree.getroot()
  # Check if this is RAVEN input
  if simulation.tag!='Simulation' and simulation.tag!='ExternalModel': return tree
  # Check if this is Cubit interface input
  cubitInput = False
  for code in simulation.iter('Code'):
    if code.attrib['subType'].lower == 'cubitmoose' or code.attrib['subType'].lower == 'bisonandmesh':
      cubitInput = True
    for codeChild in code:
      if codeChild.tag == 'alias'
      checkAliases = True
  if not cubitInput:
    return tree
  # Collect alias variable names and update the full variable syntax
  aliasStorage = []
  if checkAliases:
    for alias in simulation.iter('alias'):
      splitVarName = alias.text.split('|')
      # Cubit variable case
      if splitVarName[0].lower() == 'cubit':
        alias.text = 'Cubit@' + '|'.join(splitVarName[1:])
  # Check if variables are listed as aliases, if not, update variable syntax
  for variable in simulation.iter('variable'):
    if variable.attrib['name'] not in aliasStorage:
      splitVarName = variable.attrib['name'].split('|')
      # Cubit variable case
      if splitVarName[0].lower() == 'cubit':
        variable.attrib['name'] = 'Cubit@' + '|'.join(splitVarName[1:])
  return tree

if __name__=='__main__':
  import convert_utils
  import sys
    Converts input files to be compatible with merge request #???:
    Where ARMA exists, if FourierOrders present, move into the Fourier node explicitly
    @ In, tree, xml.etree.ElementTree.ElementTree object, the contents of a RAVEN input file
    @ In, fileName, the name for the raven input file
    @Out, tree, xml.etree.ElementTree.ElementTree object, the modified RAVEN input file
  simulation = tree.getroot()
  models = simulation.find('Models')
  if models is not None:
    for child in models:
      if child.tag == 'ROM' and child.attrib['subType'] == 'ARMA':
        orderNode = child.find('FourierOrder')
        fourierNode = child.find('Fourier')
        if orderNode is not None:
          orders = [int(x) for x in orderNode.text.split(',')]
          if fourierNode is not None:
            fouriers = [float(x) for x in fourierNode.text.split(',')]
            new = []
            for i, fourier in enumerate(fouriers):
              for o in range(orders[i]):
                new.append(fourier / float(o+1))
            new = sorted(list(set(new)), reverse=True)
            fourierNode.text = ', '.join(['{:f}'.format(x) for x in new])
  return tree

if __name__ == '__main__':
  import convert_utils
  import sys