def __init__(self, map_name='fleming', bounds=[-5, -5, 5, 5], plot_robbers=True, map_display_type='particle', combined_only=True, publish_to_ROS=False): # <>TODO: Move to main? self.human_cfg = load_config()['human_interface'] # Define map properties self.map_name = map_name # <>TODO: Clean this up- add seperate map creation function? if self.map_name == 'fleming': self.bounds = [-9.5, -3.33, 4, 3.68] else: self.bounds = bounds # [x_min,y_min,x_max,y_max] in [m] useful area self.plot_robbers = plot_robbers self.outer_bounds = [i * 1.1 for i in self.bounds] self.origin = [0, 0] # in [m] self.fig = plt.figure(1, figsize=(14, 10)) # <>TODO: Make display type relative to each robber self.display_type = map_display_type self.combined_only = combined_only self.publish_to_ROS = publish_to_ROS if publish_to_ROS: from cv_bridge import CvBridge import rospy from sensor_msgs.msg import Image from std_msgs.msg import String self.probability_target = 'Roy' self.bridge = CvBridge() self.image_pub = rospy.Publisher("python_probability_map", Image, queue_size=10) rospy.Subscriber("robot_probability_map", String, self.change_published_ax) # Define map elements self.objects = {} # For dynamic/static map objects (not robbers/cops) self.areas = {} self.cops = {} self.robbers = {} self.dynamic_elements = [] self.static_elements = [] self.information_elements = [] self.element_dict = {'dynamic': self.dynamic_elements, 'static': self.static_elements, 'information': self.information_elements} # Define layers self.shape_layer = ShapeLayer(self.element_dict, bounds=self.bounds) self.feasible_layer = FeasibleLayer(bounds=self.bounds) self.particle_layers = {} # One per robber, plus one combined self.probability_layers = {} # One per robber, plus one combined # Set up map if self.map_name == 'fleming': set_up_fleming(self) # <>TODO: make a generic 'setup map' function else: pass
def main(config_file=None): # Load configuration files cfg = load_config(config_file) main_cfg = cfg['main'] cop_cfg = cfg['cops'] robber_cfg = cfg['robbers'] distractor_cfg = cfg['distractors'] # Set up logging and printing logger_level = logging.getLevelName(main_cfg['logging_level']) logger_format = '[%(levelname)-7s] %(funcName)-30s %(message)s' logging.basicConfig(format=logger_format, level=logger_level, ) np.set_printoptions(precision=main_cfg['numpy_print_precision'], suppress=True) # Set up a ROS node (if using ROS) and link it to Python's logger if main_cfg['use_ROS']: import rospy rospy.init_node(main_cfg['ROS_node_name'], log_level=rospy.DEBUG) handler = logging.StreamHandler() handler.setFormatter(logging.Formatter(logger_format)) logging.getLogger().addHandler(handler) # Create cops with config params cops = {} for cop, kwargs in cop_cfg.iteritems(): cops[cop] = Cop(cop, **kwargs)'{} added to simulation'.format(cop)) # Create robbers with config params robbers = {} for robber, kwargs in robber_cfg.iteritems(): robbers[robber] = Robber(robber, **kwargs)'{} added to simulation'.format(robber)) # Create distractors with config params distractors = {} for distractor, kwargs in distractor_cfg.iteritems(): distractors[distractor] = Distractor(distractor, **kwargs) # <>TODO: Replace with message passing # Give cops references to the robber's actual poses for cop in cops.values(): for robber_name, robber in robbers.iteritems(): cop.missing_robbers[robber_name].pose2D = \ robber.pose2D for distrator_name, distractor in distractors.iteritems(): cop.distracting_robots[distrator_name].pose2D = \ distractor.pose2D # Give robber the cops list of found robots, so they will stop when found for robber in robbers.values(): robber.found_robbers = cops['Deckard'].found_robbers # Describe simulation cop_names = cops.keys() if len(cop_names) > 1: cop_str = ', '.join(cop_names[:-1]) + ' and ' + str(cop_names[-1]) else: cop_str = cop_names robber_names = robbers.keys() if len(robber_names) > 1: robber_str = ', '.join(robber_names[:-1]) + ' and ' + \ str(robber_names[-1]) else: robber_str = robber_names'Simulation started with {} chasing {}.' .format(cop_str, robber_str)) # Start the simulation fig = cops['Deckard'].map.fig fusion_engine = cops['Deckard'].fusion_engine cops['Deckard'].map.setup_plot(fusion_engine) sim_start_time = time.time() if cop_cfg['Deckard']['map_cfg']['publish_to_ROS']: headless_mode(cops, robbers, distractors, main_cfg, sim_start_time) else: animated_exploration(fig, cops, robbers, distractors, main_cfg, sim_start_time)