def copy_data(config, debug=False, insert_method='batch', multi_process=False):
    # try:
        #optional parameters for config
        optional = {}
        optional['debug'] = debug
        optional["insert_method"] = insert_method

        # determine CopyConf instance depending user input (whether a CopyConf instance or path of xml/json config file)
        if type(config)== str:
            # user pass a path of config file
            cc = copyconf.CopyConf(config)
        if config.__class__.__name__ == 'CopyConf':
            # user pass an instance of CopyConf
            cc = config

        #cc = copyconf.CopyConf(config)
        #for c in cc.copy_list:
        #    for k,v in c.__dict__.items():
        #        print(k,v)

        # validate config

        # validate config for existence/accessible

        if debug:

        if multi_process is True:
            copies = []
            copies =  [c for c in cc.copy_list]
            for copy in copies:
                copy.optional = optional
                with Pool(processes=4) as pool:
                    p = pool.map(execute_copy,copies)
            for copy in cc.copy_list:
                copy.optional = optional
        return 0
def process(data, session_dt_string=None):
    # print(data)
    # print(session_dt_string)
    # drop target table (or comment the two lines below to append data into an existing table)
    #conn_str = "DRIVER={ODBC Driver 13 for SQL Server};SERVER=EHL5CD8434KLM;PORT=1443;DATABASE=ARTG;UID=tester1;PWD=password;"

    # start writing a simple programmable copy
    # define a dict that holds paths from different group in json (think this as schema)
    paths_dict = {}
    colmap_dict = {}

    # define if there is any data injection required
    data_injection_lod = []
        "table_name": "artg_entry",
        "column_name": "created_on",
        "value": session_dt_string
        "table_name": "artg_entry",
        "column_name": "data_source",
        "value": "apps.tga.gov.au"

    ##### prepare artg_entry table #############
    # create artg_entry paths
    artg_entry = ['/Results/#/ApprovalArea'\
    # add the path dict
    paths_dict['artg_entry'] = artg_entry
    #colmap for artg_entry
    colmap_artg_entry_dict = {
        'ApprovalArea': 'ApprovalArea',
        'EntryType': 'EntryType',
        'LicenceClass': 'LicenceClass',
        'LicenceId': 'LicenceId',
        'Name': 'Name',
        'ProductCategory': 'ProductCategory',
        'DocumentLink': 'DocumentLink',
        'StartDate': 'StartDate',
        'Status:': 'Status',
        'created_on': 'created_on'  #injected
        'data_source': 'data_source'
    # add colmap_artg_entry_dict
    colmap_dict['artg_entry'] = colmap_artg_entry_dict

    ##### prepare manufacturers table #############
    # create manufacturers paths
    manufacturers = [
    # add manufacturers paths
    paths_dict['manufacturers'] = manufacturers
    # create manufacturers colmap
    colmap_manufacturers_dict = {
        'LicenceId': 'LicenceId',
        'AddressLine1': 'AddressLine1',
        'AddressLine2': 'AddressLine2',
        'Country': 'Country',
        'Postcode': 'Postcode',
        'State': 'State',
        'Suburb': 'Suburb',
        'Name': 'Name'
    # add manufacturers colmap
    colmap_dict['manufacturers'] = colmap_manufacturers_dict

    ##### prepare sponsor table #############
    # create products paths
    products = ['/Results/#/LicenceId'
    # add products paths
    paths_dict['products'] = products
    #  create products colmap
    colmap_products_dict = {
        'LicenceId': 'LicenceId',
        'EffectiveDate': 'EffectiveDate',
        'GMDNCode': 'GMDNCode',
        'GMDNTerm': 'GMDNTerm',
        'Name': 'Name',
        'Type': 'Type'

    ##### prepare sponsor table #############
    # create sponsor paths
    sponsor = [
        '/Results/#/LicenceId', '/Results/#/Sponsor/Address/AddressLine1',
        '/Results/#/Sponsor/Address/Suburb', '/Results/#/Sponsor/Name'
    # add sponsor path
    paths_dict['sponsor'] = sponsor
    # create sponsor colmap
    colmap_sponsor_dict = {
        'LicenceId': 'LicenceId',
        'AddressLine1': 'AddressLine1',
        'AddressLine2': 'AddressLine2',
        'Country': 'Country',
        'Postcode': 'Postcode',
        'State': 'State',
        'Suburb': 'Suburb',
        'Name': 'Name'
    # add sponsor colmap
    colmap_dict['sponsor'] = colmap_sponsor_dict

    #source: http://apps.tga.gov.au/prod/ARTGSearch/ARTGWebService.svc/json/ARTGValueSearch/?entrytype=device&pagestart=1&pageend=1
    #path = r"C:\Users\60145210\Documents\ARTG\test2.json"
    #data = json.load(open(path))
    # for k,v in data.items():
    #     print("{} type {}".format(k,type(v)))

    tab_with_records = get_tables_with_record(
        data, paths_dict, data_injection_lod=data_injection_lod)

    # inject timestamp
    ##### test debug here #######
    # for tab in tab_with_records:
    #     print(tab,tab_with_records[tab])
    # for k,v in colmap_dict.items():
    #     print(k,':',v)
    #     for src,trg in v.items():
    #         print(src,trg)
    #tab_with_records['artg_entry']['created_on'] = timestamp
    # print(tab_with_records['artg_entry'])
    # print('hello')
    # print(timestamp)

    ###### start interfacing to copython
    # create a CopyConf object with None arg (no config file passed in) and fill up its attributes
    cc = copyconf.CopyConf()
    cc.description = "copy a list of dictionary (LOD) into mssql"  # description of this copy

    # for each table create an instance of copypthon copy
    for tab in tab_with_records:

        # create a Copy object and define its source/target type
        c = copyconf.Copy("artg_entry_copy")
        c.source_type = "lod"
        c.target_type = "sql_table"

        # create a source object (in this case a csv object) and fill up its attributes
        src_obj = copyconf.LODConf()
        src_obj.lod = tab_with_records[tab]

        # assign this object to copy object as source
        c.source = src_obj

        # creat target object (in this case a sql table)
        trg_obj = copyconf.SQLTableConf()
        trg_obj.conn_str = "DRIVER={ODBC Driver 13 for SQL Server};SERVER=EHL5CD8434KLM;PORT=1443;DATABASE=ARTG;UID=tester1;PWD=password;"
        trg_obj.schema_name = "dbo"
        trg_obj.table_name = tab
        # assign this object to copy object as target
        c.target = trg_obj

        # define column mapping.
        # in this simple example we need to create colmap objects and add them to the copy
        # of course there is better way to do this eg. get a list fo column mapping pair
        # and create a for-loop process to add any colmap.
        # colmap = copyconf.ColMapConf("EntryType","EntryType")
        # c.colmap_list.append(colmap)
        # colmap = copyconf.ColMapConf("LicenceClass","LicenceClass")
        # c.colmap_list.append(colmap)
        # colmap = copyconf.ColMapConf("LicenceId","LicenceId")
        # c.colmap_list.append(colmap)

        for k, v in colmap_dict.items():
            if k == tab:
                for src, trg in v.items():
                    colmap = copyconf.ColMapConf(src, trg)

        #add this c (Copy instance) into cc (a CopyConf above)

    # end

    # call copython.copy_data and pass the cc as argument
    PRINT_RESULT = False
    res = copython.copy_data(cc, debug=False)
def process(data,session_dt_string = None):
    # print(data)
    # print(session_dt_string)
    # drop target table (or comment the two lines below to append data into an existing table)
    #conn_str = "DRIVER={ODBC Driver 13 for SQL Server};SERVER=EHL5CD8434KLM;PORT=1443;DATABASE=ARTG;UID=tester1;PWD=password;"

    # start writing a simple programmable copy
    path = r"C:\Users\60145210\Documents\Projects\copython\test\artg_project\_cf_path_totable.json"
    jc = jsontabs.JSONPath_Tables_Conf(path)

    #define if there is any data injection required
    data_injection_lod = []
    # for tab in jc.tables:
    #     print(tab.name)
    #     print(' ',tab.referencing_columns)
    #     print(' ',tab.referencing_tables)
    # quit()
    # for tab in jc.tables:
    #     print(' tab', tab.name)
    #     print(' isprimary', tab.is_primary)
    # quit(0)

    #print('---start debugging...')
    # traverse the entire key & value and any sub key & value
    jc = jsontabs.gen_json_tables(jc,data,data_injection_lod = data_injection_lod)

    # print('\n--- debugging CURRENT ROW .....')
    # for tab in jc.tables:
    #     print(tab.name)
    #     print('-----------')
    #     print(' ',[str(x) for x in tab.current_row])
    #     print('-----------')
    #     # for i,row in enumerate(tab.rows):
    #     #     print(' ',i,row)
    # print('--- end debugging CURRENT ROW .....\n')

    # print('--- debugging FINAL ROWS')
    # for tab in jc.tables:
    #     print(tab.name)
    #     print('-----------')
    #     #print(' ',tab.rows)
    #     for k,v in tab.rows.items():
    #         print(' ',k,v.print_kv())
    #     print('-----------')
    # print('--- end debugging FINAL ROWS....\n')
    # quit()

    # for tab in jc.tables:
    #     print(tab.name)
    #     print(' ',len(tab.rows))
    #     print(' counter:',tab.counter)
    # for rowid,row in jc.tables[0].rows.items():
    #     print(rowid,row)
    #     for dc in row.datarow:
    #         print('--->',dc)

    ##### test debug here #######
    # for tab in jc.tables:
    #     print(tab.name)
    # for k,v in colmap_dict.items():
    #     print(k,':',v)
    #     for src,trg in v.items():
    #         print(src,trg)
    #tab_with_records['artg_entry']['created_on'] = timestamp
    # print(tab_with_records['artg_entry'])
    # print('hello')
    # print(timestamp)

    ###### start interfacing to copython
    # create a CopyConf object with None arg (no config file passed in) and fill up its attributes
    cc = copyconf.CopyConf()
    cc.description = "copy a flytab into mssql"      # description of this copy

    # for each table create an instance of copypthon copy
    for tab in jc.tables:

        # create a Copy object and define its source/target type
        c = copyconf.Copy("artg_entry_copy")
        c.source_type = "flytab"
        c.target_type = "sql_table"

        # create a source object (in this case a csv object) and fill up its attributes
        src_obj = copyconf.FlyTableConf()
        src_obj.flytab = tab

        # assign this object to copy object as source
        c.source =src_obj

        # creat target object (in this case a sql table)
        trg_obj = copyconf.SQLTableConf()
        trg_obj.conn_str = "DRIVER={ODBC Driver 13 for SQL Server};SERVER=EHL5CD8434KLM;PORT=1443;DATABASE=Test;UID=tester1;PWD=password;"
        trg_obj.schema_name = "dbo"
        trg_obj.table_name = tab.name
        # assign this object to copy object as target
        c.target = trg_obj

        # define column mapping.
        # in this simple example we need to create colmap objects and add them to the copy
        # of course there is better way to do this eg. get a list fo column mapping pair
        # and create a for-loop process to add any colmap.
        # colmap = copyconf.ColMapConf("EntryType","EntryType")
        # c.colmap_list.append(colmap)
        # colmap = copyconf.ColMapConf("LicenceClass","LicenceClass")
        # c.colmap_list.append(colmap)
        # colmap = copyconf.ColMapConf("LicenceId","LicenceId")
        # c.colmap_list.append(colmap)

        for src,trg in tab.colmap.items():
            colmap = copyconf.ColMapConf(src,trg)

        #add this c (Copy instance) into cc (a CopyConf above)

    # end

    # call copython.copy_data and pass the cc as argument
    PRINT_RESULT = False
    res = copython.copy_data(cc,debug=False)

import copython
from copython import copyconf

if __name__ == "__main__":
    # drop target table (or comment the two lines below to append data into an existing table)
    conn_str = "DRIVER={ODBC Driver 13 for SQL Server};SERVER=EHL5CD8434KLM;PORT=1443;DATABASE=Test;UID=tester1;PWD=password;"
    copython.drop_table(conn_str, "dbo", "routes")

    # start writing a simple programmable copy

    # create a CopyConf object with None arg (no config file passed in) and fill up its attributes
    cc = copyconf.CopyConf()
    cc.description = "copy csv file into mssql"  # description of this copy

    # create a Copy object and define its source/target type
    c = copyconf.Copy("routes")
    c.source_type = "csv"
    c.target_type = "sql_table"

    # create a source object (in this case a csv object) and fill up its attributes
    src_obj = copyconf.CSVConf()
    src_obj.path = r"C:\Users\60145210\Documents\Projects\copython\test\routes.txt"
    src_obj.encoding = "utf-8-sig"
    src_obj.has_header = "yes"
    src_obj.delimiter = ","
    src_obj.quotechar = '"'  # or "\""
    # assign this object to copy object as source