class BMDaemon(jsonrpc.JSONRPC):
    """\brief Uses a json-rpc server on a well-known port to present a
			  Blockmon API to the outside world (json is also used for 
			  marshalling and demarshalling objects). All calls return a 
			  core.returnvalue.ReturnValue object. Note that function
			  documentation will list ReturnValue as the return type, but
			  the human-readable description refers to ReturnValue.value.
			  Run as root/sudo.

			  The daemon works by spawning processes each running a separate
			  instance of blockmon. In order to communicate with these, the
			  BMDaemon uses xml-rpc and pickle. Note that core/bmprocess.py
			  must be executable (u+x) in order for things to work.
    def __init__(self, config):
        """\brief Initializes class
		\param config (\c string) The path to the daemon's configuration file
        self.__bm_processes = {
        }  # [string]->BMProcessInfo (string: composition id)
        self.__config = config
        self.__parser = CompositionParser()
        self.__listening_port = None
        self.__bm_proc_exec = None
        self.__block_ext = None
        self.__blocks_path = None
        self.__logging_dir = None
        self.__bm_base_path = None
        self.__tmp_dir = None
        self.__logger = None

        self.__bc_ipaddr = None
        self.__bc_listening_port = None
        self.__bc_connected = False
        self.__local_ip = None

        self.__spawn_proc_id = 1
        self.__logger.info("starting bm daemon on port %s",

        TIMEOUT = 3
        self.__MAX_ATTEMPTS = 5
        self.__attempts = 0
        self.__registration_loop = task.LoopingCall(self.__registration)

    def jsonrpc_get_blocks_list(self):
        """\brief Gets a list of the block types currently installed on the local host
		\return (\c ReturnValue) The block types (list[string])
        f = None
            f = open(self.__bm_base_path + "/daemon/core/blockinfo.py")
        except IOError as e:
            msg = "No blockinfo.py file available, please run the " + \
               "blockinfoparser.py script to generate this file"
            r = ReturnValue(ReturnValue.CODE_FAILURE, msg, None)
            return jsonpickle.encode(r)


        from core.blockinfo import block_infos
        r = ReturnValue(ReturnValue.CODE_SUCCESS, "", block_infos.keys())
        return jsonpickle.encode(r)

    def jsonrpc_get_hw_specs(self):
        """\brief Gets a description of the local host's hardware specs
		\return (\c ReturnValue) The specs (HostSpecsInfo)
        mngr = HostSpecsManager()
        r = ReturnValue(ReturnValue.CODE_SUCCESS, "", mngr.get_host_specs())
        return jsonpickle.encode(r)

    def jsonrpc_get_blocks_info(self, block_types):
        """\brief Gets ful information about the given set of blocks
		\param  block_types (\c list[string]) The block types (e.g., ["PFQSource"])
		\return			 (\c ReturnValue)  The information (list[BlockInfo])
        f = None
            f = open(self.__bm_base_path + "/daemon/core/blockinfo.py")
        except IOError as e:
            msg = "No blockinfo.py file available, please run the " + \
               "blockinfoparser.py script to generate this file"
            r = ReturnValue(ReturnValue.CODE_FAILURE, msg, None)
            return jsonpickle.encode(r)


        from core.blockinfo import block_infos
        blocks = []
        not_found = []
        for block_type in block_types:
            if block_infos.has_key(block_type):

        msg = ""
        if len(not_found) > 0:
            msg = "not found:" + str(not_found)

        r = ReturnValue(ReturnValue.CODE_SUCCESS, msg, blocks)
        return jsonpickle.encode(r)

    def jsonrpc_start_composition(self, comp, datafiles=[]):
        """\brief Starts a new Blockmon instance based on the given 
				  composition XML. The instance will run in a newly
				  spawned process.
		\param  comp (\c string)	  The composition XML
		\param  datafiles (\c list)	  The datafile to be used
		\return	  (\c ReturnValue) Value member is empty
        comp_id = self.__parser.parse_comp_id()

        if self.__bm_processes.has_key(comp_id):
                "tried to start already running composition (id=" + comp_id +
            r = ReturnValue(ReturnValue.CODE_SUCCESS,
                            "composition already running", None)

        bmproc_id = "bmprocess" + str(self.__spawn_proc_id)
        logfile = self.__logging_dir + "/" + bmproc_id + ".log"
        compfile = self.__tmp_dir + "/" + bmproc_id + ".xml"
        commands.getstatusoutput("mkdir -p " + self.__tmp_dir)

        if len(datafiles):
            for (fname, fbin) in datafiles:
                isSaved = yield threads.deferToThread(self.__save_datafile,
                                                      fname, fbin)
                if isSaved:
                    comp = comp.replace(fname, self.__tmp_dir + "/" + fname)

        f = open(compfile, "w")

        portno = yield threads.deferToThread(self.__find_open_port)
        port = str(portno)
        args = [compfile, logfile, port]
            proc = yield threads.deferToThread(ProcessSpawner.spawn,
                                               self.__bm_proc_exec, args)
        except OSError as err:
            # handle error (see below)
                "Failure when starting composition. Ensure that core/bmprocess.py is set to executable (u+x)."
                + err)
            r = ReturnValue(ReturnValue.CODE_FAILURE,
                            "error while starting composition", None)
        info = BMProcessInfo(proc, comp, logfile, port)
        self.__bm_processes[comp_id] = info
        self.__spawn_proc_id += 1
        r = ReturnValue(ReturnValue.CODE_SUCCESS, "", None)

        self.__logger.info("spawned bm process on port " + port)
        print "spawned bm process on port " + port

    def jsonrpc_update_composition(self, comp):
        """\brief Updates a Blockmon instance based on the given 
				  composition XML. 
		\param  comp (\c string)	  The composition XML
		\return	  (\c ReturnValue) Value member is empty
        comp_id = self.__parser.parse_comp_id()
        port = self.__bm_processes[comp_id].get_port()
        url = "http://localhost:" + str(port) + "/"
        proxy = xmlrpclib.ServerProxy(url)
        r = pickle.loads(proxy.update_composition(comp))
        return jsonpickle.encode(r)

    def jsonrpc_stop_composition(self, comp_id):
        """\brief Stops a Blockmon instance identified by the given 
				  composition id.
		\param  (\c string)	  The composition's id
		\return (\c ReturnValue) Value member is empty
        if not self.__bm_processes.has_key(comp_id):
            msg = "no composition with the given id exists, can't stop"
            r = ReturnValue(ReturnValue.CODE_SUCCESS, msg, None)
            return jsonpickle.encode(r)
        port = self.__bm_processes[comp_id].get_port()
        url = "http://localhost:" + str(port) + "/"
        proxy = xmlrpclib.ServerProxy(url)
        r = pickle.loads(proxy.stop_composition())
        del self.__bm_processes[comp_id]
        self.__logger.info("killed bm process for composition " + comp_id)
        print "killed bm process for composition " + comp_id
        return jsonpickle.encode(r)

    def jsonrpc_get_composition_ids(self):
        """\brief Gets the ids of all compositions currently running
		\return (\c ReturnValue) The ids (list[string])
        r = ReturnValue(ReturnValue.CODE_SUCCESS, "",
        return jsonpickle.encode(r)

    def jsonrpc_get_running_compositions(self, comp_ids):
        """\brief Gets the composition XML for the given ids
		\param comp_ids (\c list[string]) The ids
		\return		 (\c ReturnValue)  The compositions' XML (list[string])
        comps = []
        for comp_id in comp_ids:
            if self.__bm_processes.has_key(comp_id):
        r = ReturnValue(ReturnValue.CODE_SUCCESS, "", comps)
        return jsonpickle.encode(r)

    def jsonrpc_read_variables(self, comp_id, json_variables):
        """\brief Reads a set of block variables. Each VariableInfo object
				  needs to have the name of the block and the variable name
				  set. The access_type member should be set to "read". The
				  function returns the same list, this time with the "value"
				  member filled out.
		\param comp_id		(\c string)			 The composition id
		\param json_variables (\c list[VariableInfo]) Json-encode variables
		\return			   (\c ReturnValue)		The values (list[VariableInfo])
        if not self.__bm_processes.has_key(comp_id):
            msg = "no composition with the given id exists, can't read variables"
            return jsonpickle.encode(
                ReturnValue(ReturnValue.CODE_FAILURE, msg, None))

        variables = []
            variables = jsonpickle.decode(json_variables)
            # Non-jsonpickle encoding, supports non-python clients (assumes
            # a list of lists)
            for v in json_variables:
                    core.block.VariableInfo(str(v[0]), str(v[1]), str(v[2]),

        port = self.__bm_processes[comp_id].get_port()
        url = "http://localhost:" + str(port) + "/"
        proxy = xmlrpclib.ServerProxy(url)

        results = []
        for variable in variables:
            result = pickle.loads(proxy.read_variable(pickle.dumps(variable)))
        r = ReturnValue(ReturnValue.CODE_SUCCESS, "", results)
        return jsonpickle.encode(r)

    def jsonrpc_write_variables(self, comp_id, json_variables):
        """\brief Writes to a set of block variables. Each VariableInfo object
				  needs to have the name of the block, the variable name and the
				  value set. The access_type member should be set to "write". 
		\param comp_id		(\c string)			 The composition id
		\param json_variables (\c list[VariableInfo]) Json-encode variables
		\return		  (\c ReturnValue)		Value member is empty
        if not self.__bm_processes.has_key(comp_id):
            msg = "no composition with the given id exists, can't write variables"
            return ReturnValue(ReturnValue.CODE_FAILURE, msg, None)

        variables = []
            variables = jsonpickle.decode(json_variables)
            # Non-jsonpickle encoding, supports non-python clients (assumes
            # a list of lists)
            for v in json_variables:
                    core.block.VariableInfo(v[0], v[1], v[2], v[3], v[4]))

        port = self.__bm_processes[comp_id].get_port()
        url = "http://localhost:" + str(port) + "/"
        proxy = xmlrpclib.ServerProxy(url)

        results = []
        for variable in variables:
            result = pickle.loads(proxy.write_variable(pickle.dumps(variable)))
        r = ReturnValue(ReturnValue.CODE_SUCCESS, "", results)
        return jsonpickle.encode(r)

    def __save_datafile(self, fname, fbin):
        import base64
        data = base64.b64decode(fbin)
        f = open(self.__tmp_dir + '/' + fname, 'w')
            return False
        return True

    def jsonrpc_save_datafile(self, fname, fbin):
        isSaved = yield threads.deferToThread(self.__save_datafile, fname,
        if isSaved:
            r = ReturnValue(ReturnValue.CODE_SUCCESS,
                            "datafile saved successfully", None)
            r = ReturnValue(ReturnValue.CODE_FAILURE,
                            "error while saving datafile", None)

    def get_listening_port(self):
        return self.__listening_port

    def __find_open_port(self):
        port = None
        while (1):
            port = random.randint(40000, 65535)
            cmd = "netstat -lant | grep " + str(port) + " | wc -l"

            if int(commands.getstatusoutput(cmd)[1]) == 0:
                return port

    def __parse_config(self):
        cp = ConfigParser.ConfigParser()
        self.__logging_dir = cp.get('MAIN', 'logging_dir')
        self.__tmp_dir = cp.get('MAIN', 'tmp_dir')
        self.__listening_port = int(cp.get('NETWORK', 'listening_port'))
            self.__bc_ipaddr = cp.get('NETWORK', 'bc_ipaddr')
            self.__bc_listening_port = int(
                cp.get('NETWORK', 'bc_listening_port'))
            iface = cp.get('NETWORK', 'iface')
            self.__local_ip = self.__get_ip_address(iface)
        except ConfigParser.NoOptionError:
        self.__block_ext = cp.get('BLOCKS', 'block_ext')
        self.__blocks_path = cp.get('BLOCKS', 'blocks_path')
        self.__bm_proc_exec = cp.get('MAIN', 'bm_process_exec')
        self.__bm_base_path = cp.get('DEFAULT', 'bm_basepath')

    def __init_logging(self):
        self.__logger = logging.getLogger()
        if not os.path.isdir(self.__logging_dir):
                commands.getstatusoutput("mkdir -p " + self.__logging_dir)
                print "error while trying to initialize logging!"

        hdlr = logging.FileHandler(self.__logging_dir + "/bmdaemon.log")
        formatter = logging.Formatter('%(asctime)s %(levelname)s %(message)s')

    def __registration_results(self, value):
        r = jsonpickle.decode(value)
        self.__bc_connected = (True if r.get_code() is ReturnValue.CODE_SUCCESS
                               else False)
        self.__attempts = 0

    def __registration_error(self, error):
        self.__bc_connected = False
        self.__attempts += 1
        if self.__attempts == self.__MAX_ATTEMPTS:
            print "giving up registering to BC"

    def __get_ip_address(self, ifname):
        s = socket.socket(socket.AF_INET, socket.SOCK_DGRAM)
        return socket.inet_ntoa(
            fcntl.ioctl(s.fileno(), 0x8915, struct.pack('256s',

    def __registration(self):
        port = self.__listening_port
        if ((self.__bc_ipaddr == None) or \
         (self.__bc_listening_port == None)):
            print "no BC ip or port specified, skipping registration"
        bc_register = Proxy('http://%s:%d/' %
                            (self.__bc_ipaddr, self.__bc_listening_port))
        if self.__bc_connected:
            d = bc_register.callRemote('keepalive', self.__local_ip, port)
            host_specs = HostSpecsManager().get_host_specs()
            specs = jsonpickle.encode(host_specs)
            from core.blockinfo import block_infos
            blocks = block_infos.keys()
            blocks_descr = [block_infos[b] for b in blocks]
            descr = jsonpickle.encode(blocks_descr)
            #blocks_descr = [str(block_infos[b]) for b in blocks]
            #d = bc_register.callRemote('register', self.__local_ip, port, specs, blocks)
            #d = bc_register.callRemote('register', self.__local_ip, port, specs, blocks, blocks_descr)
            d = bc_register.callRemote('register', self.__local_ip, port,
                                       specs, blocks, descr)
class BMDaemon(jsonrpc.JSONRPC):
    """\brief Uses a json-rpc server on a well-known port to present a
              Blockmon API to the outside world (json is also used for 
              marshalling and demarshalling objects). All calls return a 
              core.returnvalue.ReturnValue object. Note that function
              documentation will list ReturnValue as the return type, but
              the human-readable description refers to ReturnValue.value.
              Run as root/sudo.

              The daemon works by spawning processes each running a separate
              instance of blockmon. In order to communicate with these, the
              BMDaemon uses xml-rpc and pickle. Note that core/bmprocess.py
              must be executable (u+x) in order for things to work.
    def __init__(self, config):
        """\brief Initializes class
        \param config (\c string) The path to the daemon's configuration file
        self.__bm_processes = {
        }  # [string]->BMProcessInfo (string: composition id)
        self.__config = config
        self.__parser = CompositionParser()
        self.__listening_port = None
        self.__bm_proc_exec = None
        self.__block_ext = None
        self.__blocks_path = None
        self.__logging_dir = None
        self.__bm_base_path = None
        self.__tmp_dir = None
        self.__logger = None
        self.__spawn_proc_id = 1
        self.__logger.info("starting bm daemon on port %s",

    def jsonrpc_get_blocks_list(self):
        """\brief Gets a list of the block types currently installed on the local host
        \return (\c ReturnValue) The block types (list[string])
        f = None
            f = open(self.__bm_base_path + "/daemon/core/blockinfo.py")
        except IOError as e:
            msg = "No blockinfo.py file available, please run the " + \
                  "blockinfoparser.py script to generate this file"
            r = ReturnValue(ReturnValue.CODE_FAILURE, msg, None)
            return jsonpickle.encode(r)


        from core.blockinfo import block_infos
        r = ReturnValue(ReturnValue.CODE_SUCCESS, "", block_infos.keys())
        return jsonpickle.encode(r)

    def jsonrpc_get_hw_specs(self):
        """\brief Gets a description of the local host's hardware specs
        \return (\c ReturnValue) The specs (HostSpecsInfo)
        mngr = HostSpecsManager()
        r = ReturnValue(ReturnValue.CODE_SUCCESS, "", mngr.get_host_specs())
        return jsonpickle.encode(r)

    def jsonrpc_get_blocks_info(self, block_types):
        """\brief Gets ful information about the given set of blocks
        \param  block_types (\c list[string]) The block types (e.g., ["PFQSource"])
        \return             (\c ReturnValue)  The information (list[BlockInfo])
        f = None
            f = open(self.__bm_base_path + "/daemon/core/blockinfo.py")
        except IOError as e:
            msg = "No blockinfo.py file available, please run the " + \
                  "blockinfoparser.py script to generate this file"
            r = ReturnValue(ReturnValue.CODE_FAILURE, msg, None)
            return jsonpickle.encode(r)


        from core.blockinfo import block_infos
        blocks = []
        not_found = []
        for block_type in block_types:
            if block_infos.has_key(block_type):

        msg = ""
        if len(not_found) > 0:
            msg = "not found:" + str(not_found)

        r = ReturnValue(ReturnValue.CODE_SUCCESS, msg, blocks)
        return jsonpickle.encode(r)

    def jsonrpc_start_composition(self, comp):
        """\brief Starts a new Blockmon instance based on the given 
                  composition XML. The instance will run in a newly
                  spawned process.
        \param  comp (\c string)      The composition XML
        \return      (\c ReturnValue) Value member is empty
        bmproc_id = "bmprocess" + str(self.__spawn_proc_id)
        logfile = self.__logging_dir + "/" + bmproc_id + ".log"
        compfile = self.__tmp_dir + "/" + bmproc_id + ".xml"

        commands.getstatusoutput("mkdir -p " + self.__tmp_dir)
        f = open(compfile, "w")

        port = str(self.__find_open_port())
        args = [compfile, logfile, port]
        proc = ProcessSpawner.spawn(self.__bm_proc_exec, args)
        info = BMProcessInfo(proc, comp, logfile, port)
        comp_id = self.__parser.parse_comp_id()
        self.__bm_processes[comp_id] = info
        self.__spawn_proc_id += 1
        r = ReturnValue(ReturnValue.CODE_SUCCESS, "", None)

        self.__logger.info("spawned bm process on port " + port)
        print "spawned bm process on port " + port

        return jsonpickle.encode(r)

    def jsonrpc_update_composition(self, comp):
        """\brief Updates a Blockmon instance based on the given 
                  composition XML. 
        \param  comp (\c string)      The composition XML
        \return      (\c ReturnValue) Value member is empty
        comp_id = self.__parser.parse_comp_id()
        port = self.__bm_processes[comp_id].get_port()
        url = "http://localhost:" + str(port) + "/"
        proxy = xmlrpclib.ServerProxy(url)
        r = pickle.loads(proxy.update_composition(comp))
        return jsonpickle.encode(r)

    def jsonrpc_stop_composition(self, comp_id):
        """\brief Stops a Blockmon instance identified by the given 
                  composition id.
        \param  (\c string)      The composition's id
        \return (\c ReturnValue) Value member is empty
        if not self.__bm_processes.has_key(comp_id):
            msg = "no composition with the given id exists, can't stop"
            ReturnValue(ReturnValue.CODE_SUCCESS, msg, None)
        port = self.__bm_processes[comp_id].get_port()
        url = "http://localhost:" + str(port) + "/"
        proxy = xmlrpclib.ServerProxy(url)
        r = pickle.loads(proxy.stop_composition())
        del self.__bm_processes[comp_id]
        self.__logger.info("killed bm process for composition " + comp_id)
        print "killed bm process for composition " + comp_id
        return jsonpickle.encode(r)

    def jsonrpc_get_composition_ids(self):
        """\brief Gets the ids of all compositions currently running
        \return (\c ReturnValue) The ids (list[string])
        r = ReturnValue(ReturnValue.CODE_SUCCESS, "",
        return jsonpickle.encode(r)

    def jsonrpc_get_running_compositions(self, comp_ids):
        """\brief Gets the composition XML for the given ids
        \param comp_ids (\c list[string]) The ids
        \return         (\c ReturnValue)  The compositions' XML (list[string])
        comps = []
        for comp_id in comp_ids:
            if self.__bm_processes.has_key(comp_id):
        r = ReturnValue(ReturnValue.CODE_SUCCESS, "", comps)
        return jsonpickle.encode(r)

    def jsonrpc_read_variables(self, comp_id, json_variables):
        """\brief Reads a set of block variables. Each VariableInfo object
                  needs to have the name of the block and the variable name
                  set. The access_type member should be set to "read". The
                  function returns the same list, this time with the "value"
                  member filled out.
        \param comp_id        (\c string)             The composition id
        \param json_variables (\c list[VariableInfo]) Json-encode variables
        \return               (\c ReturnValue)        The values (list[VariableInfo])
        if not self.__bm_processes.has_key(comp_id):
            msg = "no composition with the given id exists, can't read variables"
            ReturnValue(ReturnValue.CODE_SUCCESS, msg, None)
        variables = jsonpickle.decode(json_variables)
        port = self.__bm_processes[comp_id].get_port()
        url = "http://localhost:" + str(port) + "/"
        proxy = xmlrpclib.ServerProxy(url)
        pickled_variables = pickle.dumps(variables)
        r = pickle.loads(proxy.read_variables(pickled_variables))
        return jsonpickle.encode(r)

    def jsonrpc_write_variables(self, comp_id, json_variables):
        """\brief Writes to a set of block variables. Each VariableInfo object
                  needs to have the name of the block, the variable name and the
                  value set. The access_type member should be set to "write". 
        \param comp_id        (\c string)             The composition id
        \param json_variables (\c list[VariableInfo]) Json-encode variables
        \return          (\c ReturnValue)        Value member is empty
        if not self.__bm_processes.has_key(comp_id):
            msg = "no composition with the given id exists, can't write variables"
            ReturnValue(ReturnValue.CODE_SUCCESS, msg, None)
        variables = jsonpickle.decode(json_variables)
        port = self.__bm_processes[comp_id].get_port()
        url = "http://localhost:" + str(port) + "/"
        proxy = xmlrpclib.ServerProxy(url)
        pickled_variables = pickle.dumps(variables)
        r = pickle.loads(proxy.write_variables(pickled_variables))
        return jsonpickle.encode(r)

    def get_listening_port(self):
        return self.__listening_port

    def __find_open_port(self):
        port = None
        while (1):
            port = random.randint(40000, 65535)
            cmd = "netstat -a | egrep 'Proto|LISTEN' | grep " + str(
                port) + " | wc -l"
            if int(commands.getstatusoutput(cmd)[1]) == 0:
                return port

    def __parse_config(self):
        cp = ConfigParser.ConfigParser()
        self.__logging_dir = cp.get('MAIN', 'logging_dir')
        self.__tmp_dir = cp.get('MAIN', 'tmp_dir')
        self.__listening_port = int(cp.get('NETWORK', 'listening_port'))
        self.__block_ext = cp.get('BLOCKS', 'block_ext')
        self.__blocks_path = cp.get('BLOCKS', 'blocks_path')
        self.__bm_proc_exec = cp.get('MAIN', 'bm_process_exec')
        self.__bm_base_path = cp.get('DEFAULT', 'bm_basepath')

    def __init_logging(self):
        self.__logger = logging.getLogger()
        if not os.path.isdir(self.__logging_dir):
                commands.getstatusoutput("mkdir -p " + self.__logging_dir)
                print "error while trying to initialize logging!"

        hdlr = logging.FileHandler(self.__logging_dir + "/bmdaemon.log")
        formatter = logging.Formatter('%(asctime)s %(levelname)s %(message)s')
class BMProcessManager:
    """\brief Controls a running blockmon process. Note that this class/file can be
              used directly as an executable (the method used by the blockmon daemon
              to spawn blockmon processes) or by creating an instance of the class
              (the method used for the blockmon CLI). For the former, the manager runs
              an XML-RPC server which the blockmon daemon uses to communicate with it.
              Further note that all xml-rpc operations return a pickled ReturnValue object.
    bm_running = False

    def __init__(self,
        """\brief Initializes class
        \param comp       (\c string)         The composition
        \param bm_logger  (\c logging.logger) The bm logger
        \param port       (\c string)         The port to run the xml-rpc server on
        \parm is_comp_str (\c bool)           Whether the composition or a file path
        self.__composition = comp
        if comp and not is_comp_str:
            f = open(comp, "r")
            self.__composition = f.read()

        self.__logger = bm_logger
        self.__port = None
        if port:
            self.__port = int(port)
        self.__server = None

    def set_composition(self, comp):
        self.__composition = comp

    def set_logger(self, logger):
        self.__logger = logger

    def serve(self):
        """\brief Starts up a composition as well as the xml-rpc server
        self.__server = SimpleXMLRPCServer(("localhost", self.__port))
        self.__server.register_function(self.read_variables, "read_variables")
        self.__logger.info("Starting Blockmon process with pid=" + str(os.getpid()) +\
                           " and listening on localhost:" + str(self.__port))

    def start_composition(self, comp=None):
        """\brief Starts up a composition
        \param comp (\c string)      The composition. If None self.__composition is used
        \return     (\c ReturnValue) The result of the operation
        if comp:
            self.__composition = comp
        self.__parser = CompositionParser(self.__composition)
        self.__comp_id = self.__parser.parse_comp_id()
        self.__comp_mngr = CompositionManager(self.__comp_id, blockmon,
        return ReturnValue(ReturnValue.CODE_SUCCESS, "", None)

    def update_composition(self, comp):
        """\brief Updates up a composition
        \param comp (\c string)      The composition
        \return     (\c ReturnValue) The result of the operation
        self.__composition = comp
        r = ReturnValue(ReturnValue.CODE_SUCCESS, "", None)
        if self.__server:
            return pickle.dumps(r)
        return r

    def is_running(self):
        return self.bm_running

    def stop_composition(self):
        """\brief Stops the composition
        \return     (\c ReturnValue) The result of the operation
        r = ReturnValue(ReturnValue.CODE_SUCCESS, "", None)
        if self.__server:
            return pickle.dumps(r)
        return r

    def read_variables(self, variables):
        """\brief Reads variables from blocks
        \param variables (\c [VariableInfo]) The variables to read, pickled.
        \return          (\c ReturnValue)    The result of the operation
        if self.__server:
            variables = pickle.loads(variables)
        for v in variables:
            value = self.__comp_mngr.read_block_var(v.get_block_name(),
        r = ReturnValue(ReturnValue.CODE_SUCCESS, "", variables)
        if self.__server:
            return pickle.dumps(r)
        return r

    def write_variables(self, variables):
        """\brief Writes values to block variables
        \param variables (\c [VariableInfo]) The variables to write to, pickled.
        \return          (\c ReturnValue)    The result of the operation
        if self.__server:
            variables = pickle.loads(variables)
        for v in variables:
        r = ReturnValue(ReturnValue.CODE_SUCCESS, "", None)
        if self.__server:
            return pickle.dumps(r)
        return r

    def start_bm():
        """\brief Starts all blockmon schedulers and timers
        if (BMProcessManager.bm_running):
            raise Exception('blockmon already running')
            BMProcessManager.bm_running = True

    def stop_bm():
        """\brief Stops all blockmon schedulers and timers
        if (BMProcessManager.bm_running):
        BMProcessManager.bm_running = False
class BMProcessManager:

    """\brief Controls a running blockmon process. Note that this class/file can be
              used directly as an executable (the method used by the blockmon daemon
              to spawn blockmon processes) or by creating an instance of the class
              (the method used for the blockmon CLI). For the former, the manager runs
              an XML-RPC server which the blockmon daemon uses to communicate with it.
              Further note that all xml-rpc operations return a pickled ReturnValue object.
    bm_running = False
    def __init__(self, comp=None, bm_logger=None, port=None, is_comp_str=False):
        """\brief Initializes class
        \param comp       (\c string)         The composition
        \param bm_logger  (\c logging.logger) The bm logger
        \param port       (\c string)         The port to run the xml-rpc server on
        \parm is_comp_str (\c bool)           Whether the composition or a file path
        self.__composition = comp
        if comp and not is_comp_str:
            f = open(comp, "r")
            self.__composition = f.read()

        self.__logger = bm_logger
        self.__port = None
        if port:
            self.__port = int(port)
        self.__server = None

    def set_composition(self, comp):
        self.__composition = comp

    def set_logger(self, logger):
        self.__logger = logger

    def serve(self):
        """\brief Starts up a composition as well as the xml-rpc server
        self.__server = SimpleXMLRPCServer(("localhost", self.__port))
        self.__server.register_function(self.update_composition, "update_composition")
        self.__server.register_function(self.stop_composition, "stop_composition")
        self.__server.register_function(self.read_variables, "read_variables")
        self.__server.register_function(self.write_variables, "write_variables")
        self.__logger.info("Starting Blockmon process with pid=" + str(os.getpid()) +\
                           " and listening on localhost:" + str(self.__port))

    def start_composition(self, comp=None):
        """\brief Starts up a composition
        \param comp (\c string)      The composition. If None self.__composition is used
        \return     (\c ReturnValue) The result of the operation
        if comp:
            self.__composition = comp
        self.__parser = CompositionParser(self.__composition)
        self.__comp_id = self.__parser.parse_comp_id()
        self.__comp_mngr = CompositionManager(self.__comp_id, blockmon, self.__logger)
        return ReturnValue(ReturnValue.CODE_SUCCESS, "", None)

    def update_composition(self, comp):
        """\brief Updates up a composition
        \param comp (\c string)      The composition
        \return     (\c ReturnValue) The result of the operation
        self.__composition = comp
        r = ReturnValue(ReturnValue.CODE_SUCCESS, "", None)
        if self.__server:
            return pickle.dumps(r)
        return r

    def is_running(self):
        return self.bm_running

    def stop_composition(self):
        """\brief Stops the composition
        \return     (\c ReturnValue) The result of the operation
        r = ReturnValue(ReturnValue.CODE_SUCCESS, "", None)
        if self.__server:
            return pickle.dumps(r)
        return r

    def read_variables(self, variables):
        """\brief Reads variables from blocks
        \param variables (\c [VariableInfo]) The variables to read, pickled.
        \return          (\c ReturnValue)    The result of the operation
        if self.__server:
            variables = pickle.loads(variables)
        for v in variables:
            value = self.__comp_mngr.read_block_var(v.get_block_name(), v.get_name())
        r = ReturnValue(ReturnValue.CODE_SUCCESS, "", variables)
        if self.__server:
            return pickle.dumps(r)
        return r

    def write_variables(self, variables):
        """\brief Writes values to block variables
        \param variables (\c [VariableInfo]) The variables to write to, pickled.
        \return          (\c ReturnValue)    The result of the operation
        if self.__server:
            variables = pickle.loads(variables)
        for v in variables:
        r = ReturnValue(ReturnValue.CODE_SUCCESS, "", None)
        if self.__server:
            return pickle.dumps(r)
        return r

    def start_bm():
        """\brief Starts all blockmon schedulers and timers
        if (BMProcessManager.bm_running):
            raise Exception('blockmon already running')
            BMProcessManager.bm_running = True

    def stop_bm():
        """\brief Stops all blockmon schedulers and timers
        if (BMProcessManager.bm_running):
        BMProcessManager.bm_running = False
class BMDaemon(jsonrpc.JSONRPC):

    """\brief Uses a json-rpc server on a well-known port to present a
              Blockmon API to the outside world (json is also used for
              marshalling and demarshalling objects). All calls return a
              core.returnvalue.ReturnValue object. Note that function
              documentation will list ReturnValue as the return type, but
              the human-readable description refers to ReturnValue.value.
              Run as root/sudo.

              The daemon works by spawning processes each running a separate
              instance of blockmon. In order to communicate with these, the
              BMDaemon uses xml-rpc and pickle. Note that core/bmprocess.py
              must be executable (u+x) in order for things to work.

    def __init__(self, config):
        """\brief Initializes class
        \param config (\c string) The path to the daemon's configuration file
        self.__bm_processes = {}    # [string]->BMProcessInfo (string: composition id)
        self.__config = config
        self.__parser = CompositionParser()
        self.__listening_port = None
        self.__bm_proc_exec = None
        self.__block_ext = None
        self.__blocks_path = None
        self.__logging_dir = None
        self.__bm_base_path = None
        self.__tmp_dir = None
        self.__logger = None

        self.__bc_ipaddr = None
        self.__bc_listening_port = None
        self.__bc_connected = False
        self.__local_ip = None

        self.__spawn_proc_id = 1
        self.__logger.info("starting bm daemon on port %s", str(self.__listening_port))

        TIMEOUT = 3
        self.__MAX_ATTEMPTS = 5
        self.__attempts = 0
        self.__registration_loop = task.LoopingCall(self.__registration)

    def jsonrpc_get_blocks_list(self):
        """\brief Gets a list of the block types currently installed on the local host
        \return (\c ReturnValue) The block types (list[string])
        f = None
            f = open(self.__bm_base_path + "/daemon/core/blockinfo.py")
        except IOError as e:
            msg = "No blockinfo.py file available, please run the " + \
                  "blockinfoparser.py script to generate this file"
            r = ReturnValue(ReturnValue.CODE_FAILURE, msg, None)
            return jsonpickle.encode(r)


        from core.blockinfo import block_infos
        r = ReturnValue(ReturnValue.CODE_SUCCESS, "", block_infos.keys())
        return jsonpickle.encode(r)

    def jsonrpc_get_hw_specs(self):
        """\brief Gets a description of the local host's hardware specs
        \return (\c ReturnValue) The specs (HostSpecsInfo)
        mngr = HostSpecsManager()
        r = ReturnValue(ReturnValue.CODE_SUCCESS, "", mngr.get_host_specs())
        return jsonpickle.encode(r)

    def jsonrpc_get_blocks_info(self, block_types):
        """\brief Gets ful information about the given set of blocks
        \param  block_types (\c list[string]) The block types (e.g., ["PFQSource"])
        \return             (\c ReturnValue)  The information (list[BlockInfo])
        f = None
            f = open(self.__bm_base_path + "/daemon/core/blockinfo.py")
        except IOError as e:
            msg = "No blockinfo.py file available, please run the " + \
                  "blockinfoparser.py script to generate this file"
            r = ReturnValue(ReturnValue.CODE_FAILURE, msg, None)
            return jsonpickle.encode(r)


        from core.blockinfo import block_infos
        blocks = []
        not_found = []
        for block_type in block_types:
            if block_infos.has_key(block_type):

        msg = ""
        if len(not_found) > 0:
            msg = "not found:" + str(not_found)

        r = ReturnValue(ReturnValue.CODE_SUCCESS, msg, blocks)
        return jsonpickle.encode(r)

    def jsonrpc_start_composition(self, comp, datafiles = []):
        """\brief Starts a new Blockmon instance based on the given
                  composition XML. The instance will run in a newly
                  spawned process.
        \param  comp (\c string)      The composition XML
        \param  datafiles (\c list)      The datafile to be used
        \return      (\c ReturnValue) Value member is empty
        comp_id = self.__parser.parse_comp_id()

        if self.__bm_processes.has_key(comp_id):
            self.__logger.info("tried to start already running composition (id=" + comp_id + ")")
            r = ReturnValue(ReturnValue.CODE_SUCCESS, "composition already running", None)

        bmproc_id = "bmprocess" + str(self.__spawn_proc_id)
        logfile = self.__logging_dir + "/" + bmproc_id + ".log"
        compfile = self.__tmp_dir + "/" + bmproc_id + ".xml"
        commands.getstatusoutput("mkdir -p " + self.__tmp_dir)

        if len(datafiles):
            for (fname,fbin) in datafiles:
                isSaved = yield threads.deferToThread(self.__save_datafile, fname, fbin)
                if isSaved: comp = comp.replace(fname,self.__tmp_dir + "/" + fname)

        f = open(compfile, "w")

        portno = yield threads.deferToThread(self.__find_open_port)
        port = str(portno)
        args = [compfile, logfile, port]
            proc = yield threads.deferToThread(ProcessSpawner.spawn,self.__bm_proc_exec, args)
        except OSError as err:
            # handle error (see below)
            print("Failure when starting composition. Ensure that core/bmprocess.py is set to executable (u+x)." + err)
            r = ReturnValue(ReturnValue.CODE_FAILURE, "error while starting composition", None)
        info = BMProcessInfo(proc, comp, logfile, port)
        self.__bm_processes[comp_id] = info
        self.__spawn_proc_id += 1
        r = ReturnValue(ReturnValue.CODE_SUCCESS, "", None)

        self.__logger.info("spawned bm process on port " + port)
        print "spawned bm process on port " + port

    def jsonrpc_update_composition(self, comp):
        """\brief Updates a Blockmon instance based on the given
                  composition XML.
        \param  comp (\c string)      The composition XML
        \return      (\c ReturnValue) Value member is empty
        comp_id = self.__parser.parse_comp_id()
        port = self.__bm_processes[comp_id].get_port()
        url = "http://localhost:" + str(port) + "/"
        proxy = xmlrpclib.ServerProxy(url)
        r = pickle.loads(proxy.update_composition(comp))
        return jsonpickle.encode(r)

    def jsonrpc_stop_composition(self, comp_id):
        """\brief Stops a Blockmon instance identified by the given
                  composition id.
        \param  (\c string)      The composition's id
        \return (\c ReturnValue) Value member is empty
        if not self.__bm_processes.has_key(comp_id):
            msg = "no composition with the given id exists, can't stop"
            r = ReturnValue(ReturnValue.CODE_SUCCESS, msg, None)
            return jsonpickle.encode(r)
        port = self.__bm_processes[comp_id].get_port()
        url = "http://localhost:" + str(port) + "/"
        proxy = xmlrpclib.ServerProxy(url)
        r = pickle.loads(proxy.stop_composition())
        del self.__bm_processes[comp_id]
        self.__logger.info("killed bm process for composition " + comp_id)
        print "killed bm process for composition " + comp_id
        return jsonpickle.encode(r)

    def jsonrpc_get_composition_ids(self):
        """\brief Gets the ids of all compositions currently running
        \return (\c ReturnValue) The ids (list[string])
        r = ReturnValue(ReturnValue.CODE_SUCCESS, "", self.__bm_processes.keys())
        return jsonpickle.encode(r)

    def jsonrpc_get_running_compositions(self, comp_ids):
        """\brief Gets the composition XML for the given ids
        \param comp_ids (\c list[string]) The ids
        \return         (\c ReturnValue)  The compositions' XML (list[string])
        comps = []
        for comp_id in comp_ids:
            if self.__bm_processes.has_key(comp_id):
        r = ReturnValue(ReturnValue.CODE_SUCCESS, "", comps)
        return jsonpickle.encode(r)

    def jsonrpc_read_variables(self, comp_id, json_variables):
        """\brief Reads a set of block variables. Each VariableInfo object
                  needs to have the name of the block and the variable name
                  set. The access_type member should be set to "read". The
                  function returns the same list, this time with the "value"
                  member filled out.
        \param comp_id        (\c string)             The composition id
        \param json_variables (\c list[VariableInfo]) Json-encode variables
        \return               (\c ReturnValue)        The values (list[VariableInfo])
        if not self.__bm_processes.has_key(comp_id):
            msg = "no composition with the given id exists, can't read variables"
            return jsonpickle.encode(ReturnValue(ReturnValue.CODE_FAILURE, msg, None))

        variables = []
            variables = jsonpickle.decode(json_variables)
            # Non-jsonpickle encoding, supports non-python clients (assumes
            # a list of lists)
            for v in json_variables:
                variables.append(core.block.VariableInfo(str(v[0]), str(v[1]), str(v[2]), str(v[3])))

        port = self.__bm_processes[comp_id].get_port()
        url = "http://localhost:" + str(port) + "/"
        proxy = xmlrpclib.ServerProxy(url)

        results = []
        for variable in variables:
            result = pickle.loads(proxy.read_variable(pickle.dumps(variable)))
        r = ReturnValue(ReturnValue.CODE_SUCCESS, "", results)
        return jsonpickle.encode(r)

    def jsonrpc_write_variables(self, comp_id, json_variables):
        """\brief Writes to a set of block variables. Each VariableInfo object
                  needs to have the name of the block, the variable name and the
                  value set. The access_type member should be set to "write".
        \param comp_id        (\c string)             The composition id
        \param json_variables (\c list[VariableInfo]) Json-encode variables
        \return          (\c ReturnValue)        Value member is empty
        if not self.__bm_processes.has_key(comp_id):
            msg = "no composition with the given id exists, can't write variables"
            return ReturnValue(ReturnValue.CODE_FAILURE, msg, None)

        variables = []
            variables = jsonpickle.decode(json_variables)
            # Non-jsonpickle encoding, supports non-python clients (assumes
            # a list of lists)
            for v in json_variables:
                variables.append(core.block.VariableInfo(v[0], v[1], v[2], v[3], v[4]))

        port = self.__bm_processes[comp_id].get_port()
        url = "http://localhost:" + str(port) + "/"
        proxy = xmlrpclib.ServerProxy(url)

        results = []
        for variable in variables:
            result = pickle.loads(proxy.write_variable(pickle.dumps(variable)))
        r = ReturnValue(ReturnValue.CODE_SUCCESS, "", results)
        return jsonpickle.encode(r)

    def __save_datafile(self, fname, fbin):
        import base64
        data = base64.b64decode(fbin)
        f = open(self.__tmp_dir +'/'+fname,'w')
        try: f.write(data)
        except: return False
        return True

    def jsonrpc_save_datafile(self, fname, fbin):
        isSaved = yield threads.deferToThread(self.__save_datafile, fname, fbin)
        if isSaved: r = ReturnValue(ReturnValue.CODE_SUCCESS, "datafile saved successfully", None)
        else: r = ReturnValue(ReturnValue.CODE_FAILURE, "error while saving datafile", None)

    def get_listening_port(self):
        return self.__listening_port

    def __find_open_port(self):
        port = None
            port = random.randint(40000, 65535)
            cmd = "netstat -lant | grep " + str(port) + " | wc -l"

            if int(commands.getstatusoutput(cmd)[1]) == 0:
                return port

    def __parse_config(self):
        cp = ConfigParser.ConfigParser()
        self.__logging_dir = cp.get('MAIN', 'logging_dir')
        self.__tmp_dir = cp.get('MAIN', 'tmp_dir')
        self.__listening_port = int(cp.get('NETWORK', 'listening_port'))
            self.__bc_ipaddr = cp.get('NETWORK', 'bc_ipaddr')
            self.__bc_listening_port = int(cp.get('NETWORK', 'bc_listening_port'))
            iface = cp.get('NETWORK', 'iface')
            self.__local_ip = self.__get_ip_address(iface)
        except ConfigParser.NoOptionError: pass
        self.__block_ext = cp.get('BLOCKS', 'block_ext')
        self.__blocks_path = cp.get('BLOCKS', 'blocks_path')
        self.__bm_proc_exec = cp.get('MAIN', 'bm_process_exec')
        self.__bm_base_path = cp.get('DEFAULT', 'bm_basepath')

    def __init_logging(self):
        self.__logger = logging.getLogger()
        if not os.path.isdir(self.__logging_dir):
                commands.getstatusoutput("mkdir -p " + self.__logging_dir)
                print "error while trying to initialize logging!"

        hdlr = logging.FileHandler(self.__logging_dir + "/bmdaemon.log")
        formatter = logging.Formatter('%(asctime)s %(levelname)s %(message)s')

    def __registration_results(self, value):
        r = jsonpickle.decode(value)
        self.__bc_connected = (True if r.get_code() is ReturnValue.CODE_SUCCESS else False)
        self.__attempts = 0

    def __registration_error(self, error):
        self.__bc_connected = False
        self.__attempts += 1
        if self.__attempts == self.__MAX_ATTEMPTS:
            print "giving up registering to BC"

    def __get_ip_address(self, ifname):
        s = socket.socket(socket.AF_INET, socket.SOCK_DGRAM)
        return socket.inet_ntoa(fcntl.ioctl(s.fileno(),0x8915,struct.pack('256s', ifname[:15]))[20:24])

    def __registration(self):
        port = self.__listening_port
        if ((self.__bc_ipaddr == None) or \
            (self.__bc_listening_port == None)):
            print "no BC ip or port specified, skipping registration"
        bc_register = Proxy('http://%s:%d/' % (self.__bc_ipaddr,self.__bc_listening_port))
        if self.__bc_connected:
            d = bc_register.callRemote('keepalive', self.__local_ip, port)
            host_specs = HostSpecsManager().get_host_specs()
            specs = jsonpickle.encode(host_specs)
            from core.blockinfo import block_infos
            blocks =  block_infos.keys()
            blocks_descr = [block_infos[b] for b in blocks]
            descr = jsonpickle.encode(blocks_descr)
            #blocks_descr = [str(block_infos[b]) for b in blocks]
            #d = bc_register.callRemote('register', self.__local_ip, port, specs, blocks)
            #d = bc_register.callRemote('register', self.__local_ip, port, specs, blocks, blocks_descr)
            d = bc_register.callRemote('register', self.__local_ip, port, specs, blocks, descr)