文件: models.py 项目: aencina/datal
 def get_total_datastreams(self):
     c = Cache(db=0)
     total_datastreams = c.get('my_total_datastreams_' + str(self.id))
     if not total_datastreams:
         total_datastreams = DataStream.objects.filter(user=self.id).count()
         if total_datastreams > 0:
             c.set('my_total_datastreams_' + str(self.id), total_datastreams, settings.REDIS_STATS_TTL)
     return total_datastreams
文件: models.py 项目: aencina/datal
 def get_total_visualizations(self):
     c = Cache(db=0)
     total_visualizations = c.get('my_total_visualizations_' + str(self.id))
     if not total_visualizations:
         total_visualizations = Visualization.objects.filter(user=self.id).count()
         if total_visualizations > 0:
             c.set('my_total_visualizations_' + str(self.id), total_visualizations, settings.REDIS_STATS_TTL)
     return total_visualizations
文件: models.py 项目: mxabierto/datal
 def get_total_visualizations(self):
     c = Cache(db=0)
     total_visualizations = c.get('my_total_visualizations_' + str(self.id))
     if not total_visualizations:
         total_visualizations = Visualization.objects.filter(user=self.id).count()
         if total_visualizations > 0:
             c.set('my_total_visualizations_' + str(self.id), total_visualizations, settings.REDIS_STATS_TTL)
     return total_visualizations
文件: models.py 项目: mxabierto/datal
 def get_total_datastreams(self):
     c = Cache(db=0)
     total_datastreams = c.get('my_total_datastreams_' + str(self.id))
     if not total_datastreams:
         total_datastreams = DataStream.objects.filter(user=self.id).count()
         if total_datastreams > 0:
             c.set('my_total_datastreams_' + str(self.id), total_datastreams, settings.REDIS_STATS_TTL)
     return total_datastreams
 def get_total_datasets(self):
     c = Cache(db=0)
     users = User.objects.filter(account=self)
     total_datasets = c.get('account_total_datasets_' + str(self.id))
     if not total_datasets:
         total_datasets =  Dataset.objects.filter(user__in=users).count()
         if total_datasets > 0:
             c.set('account_total_datasets_' + str(self.id), total_datasets, settings.REDIS_STATS_TTL)
     return total_datasets
文件: models.py 项目: aencina/datal
 def get_total_datasets(self):
     c = Cache(db=0)
     users = User.objects.filter(account=self)
     total_datasets = c.get('account_total_datasets_' + str(self.id))
     if not total_datasets:
         total_datasets =  Dataset.objects.filter(user__in=users).count()
         #if settings.DEBUG: logger.info('get_total_datasets from database %d' % total_datasets)
         if total_datasets > 0:
             c.set('account_total_datasets_' + str(self.id), total_datasets, settings.REDIS_STATS_TTL)
     #    if settings.DEBUG: logger.info('get_total_datasets from cache %s' % total_datasets)
     return total_datasets
文件: models.py 项目: mxabierto/datal
 def get_total_datasets(self):
     c = Cache(db=0)
     users = User.objects.filter(account=self)
     total_datasets = c.get('account_total_datasets_' + str(self.id))
     if not total_datasets:
         total_datasets =  Dataset.objects.filter(user__in=users).count()
         if settings.DEBUG: logger.info('get_total_datasets from database %d' % total_datasets)
         if total_datasets > 0:
             c.set('account_total_datasets_' + str(self.id), total_datasets, settings.REDIS_STATS_TTL)
         if settings.DEBUG: logger.info('get_total_datasets from cache %s' % total_datasets)
     return total_datasets
class VisualizationHitsDAO:
    """class for manage access to Hits in DB and index"""

    doc_type = "vz"
    from_cache = False

    # cache ttl, 1 hora
    TTL = 3600

    def __init__(self, visualization):
        self.visualization = visualization
        self.search_index = ElasticsearchIndex()
        self.logger = logging.getLogger(__name__)
        self.cache = Cache()

    def add(self, channel_type):
        """agrega un hit al datastream. """

            hit = VisualizationHits.objects.create(
                visualization_id=self.visualization.visualization_id, channel_type=channel_type
        except IntegrityError:
            # esta correcto esta excepcion?
            raise VisualizationNotFoundException()

        self.logger.info("VisualizationHitsDAO hit! (guid: %s)" % (self.datastream.guid))

        # armo el documento para actualizar el index.
        doc = {
            "docid": "%s::%s" % (self.doc_type.upper(), self.visualization.guid),
            "type": self.doc_type,
            "script": "ctx._source.fields.hits+=1",

        return self.search_index.update(doc)

    def count(self):
        return VisualizationHits.objects.filter(visualization_id=self.visualization.visualization_id).count()

    def _get_cache(self, cache_key):

        cache = self.cache.get(cache_key)

        return cache

    def _set_cache(self, cache_key, value):

        return self.cache.set(cache_key, value, self.TTL)

    def count_by_day(self, day):
        """retorna los hits de un día determinado"""

        # si es datetime, usar solo date
        if type(day) == type(datetime.today()):
            day = day.date()

        cache_key = "%s_hits_%s_by_date_%s" % (self.doc_type, self.visualization.guid, str(day))

        hits = self._get_cache(cache_key)

        # si el día particular no esta en el caché, lo guarda
        # salvo que sea el parametro pasado sea de hoy, lo guarda en el cache pero usa siempre el de la DB
        if not hits or day == date.today():
            hits = VisualizationHits.objects.filter(
                visualization=self.visualization, created_at__startswith=day

            self._set_cache(cache_key, hits)

        return (date, hits)

    def count_by_days(self, day=30, channel_type=None):
        """trae un dict con los hits totales de los ultimos day y los hits particulares de los días desde day hasta today"""

        # no sé si es necesario esto
        if day < 1:
            return {}

        cache_key = "%s_hits_%s_%s" % (self.doc_type, self.visualization.guid, day)

        if channel_type:
            cache_key += "_channel_type_%s" % channel_type

        hits = self._get_cache(cache_key)

        # me cachendié! no esta en la cache
        if not hits:
            # tenemos la fecha de inicio
            start_date = datetime.today() - timedelta(days=day)

            # tomamos solo la parte date
            truncate_date = connection.ops.date_trunc_sql("day", "created_at")

            qs = VisualizationHits.objects.filter(visualization=self.visualization, created_at__gte=start_date)

            if channel_type:
                qs = qs.filter(channel_type=channel_type)

            hits = (
                qs.extra(select={"_date": truncate_date, "fecha": "DATE(created_at)"})

            control = [date.today() - timedelta(days=x) for x in range(day - 1, 0, -1)]

            for i in hits:
                except ValueError:

            hits = list(hits)

            for i in control:
                hits.append({"fecha": i, "hits": 0})

            hits = sorted(hits, key=lambda k: k["fecha"])

            # transformamos las fechas en isoformat
            hits = map(self._date_isoformat, hits)

            # lo dejamos, amablemente, en la cache!
            self._set_cache(cache_key, json.dumps(hits, cls=DjangoJSONEncoder))

            self.from_cache = False
            hits = json.loads(hits)
            self.from_cache = True

        return hits

    def _date_isoformat(self, row):
        row["fecha"] = row["fecha"].isoformat()
        return row
class DatastreamHitsDAO():
    """class for manage access to Hits in DB and index"""

    doc_type = "ds"
    from_cache = False

    # cache ttl, 1 hora

    def __init__(self, datastream):
        self.datastream = datastream
        #self.datastream_revision = datastream.last_published_revision
        self.search_index = ElasticsearchIndex()

    def add(self,  channel_type):
        """agrega un hit al datastream. """

        # TODO: Fix temporal por el paso de DT a DAO.
        # Es problema es que por momentos el datastream viene de un queryset y otras veces de un DAO y son objetos
        # distintos
            datastream_id = self.datastream.datastream_id
            datastream_id = self.datastream['datastream_id']

            guid = self.datastream.guid
            guid = self.datastream['guid']

            hit=DataStreamHits.objects.create(datastream_id=datastream_id, channel_type=channel_type)
        except IntegrityError:
            # esta correcto esta excepcion?
            raise DataStreamNotFoundException()

        self.logger.info("DatastreamHitsDAO hit! (guid: %s)" % ( guid))

        # armo el documento para actualizar el index.
        doc={'docid':"DS::%s" % guid,
                "type": "ds",
                "script": "ctx._source.fields.hits+=1"}

        return self.search_index.update(doc)

    def count(self):
        return DataStreamHits.objects.filter(datastream_id=self.datastream['datastream_id']).count()

    def _get_cache(self, cache_key):


        return cache

    def _set_cache(self, cache_key, value):

        return self.cache.set(cache_key, value, self.TTL)

    def count_by_days(self, day=30, channel_type=None):
        """trae un dict con los hits totales de los ultimos day y los hits particulares de los días desde day hasta today"""

        # no sé si es necesario esto
        if day < 1:
            return {}

        cache_key="%s_hits_%s_%s" % ( self.doc_type, self.datastream.guid, day)

        if channel_type:
            cache_key+="_channel_type_%s" % channel_type

        hits = self._get_cache(cache_key)

        # me cachendié! no esta en la cache
        if not hits :
            # tenemos la fecha de inicio

            # tomamos solo la parte date
            truncate_date = connection.ops.date_trunc_sql('day', 'created_at')


            if channel_type:

            hits=qs.extra(select={'_date': truncate_date, "fecha": 'DATE(created_at)'}).values("fecha").order_by("created_at").annotate(hits=Count("created_at"))

            control=[ date.today()-timedelta(days=x) for x in range(day-1,0,-1)]
            for i in hits:
                except ValueError:

            for i in control:
                hits.append({"fecha": i, "hits": 0})

            hits = sorted(hits, key=lambda k: k['fecha']) 

            # transformamos las fechas en isoformat
            hits=map(self._date_isoformat, hits)

            # lo dejamos, amablemente, en la cache!
            self._set_cache(cache_key, json.dumps(hits, cls=DjangoJSONEncoder))

            self.from_cache = True

        return hits

    def _date_isoformat(self, row):
        return row
文件: components.py 项目: Junar/datal
def workspace_open_data_metrics(auth_manager):
    from core.cache import Cache
    from datetime import date, timedelta
    from django.db import connection
    cursor = connection.cursor()

    user_id = auth_manager.id
    account_id = auth_manager.account_id
    language = auth_manager.language

    last_7_days = date.today() - timedelta(days=7)
    c = Cache(db=0)

    published_datasets = c.get('published_datasets_' + str(account_id))
    if not published_datasets:
        cursor.execute("SELECT COUNT(1) as val FROM ao_datasets d JOIN ao_users u ON u.id=d.user_id JOIN ao_accounts ac ON u.account_id=ac.id WHERE ac.id = %s and EXISTS(SELECT * FROM ao_dataset_revisions b WHERE b.dataset_id = d.id AND NOT EXISTS(SELECT * FROM ao_dataset_revisions c WHERE c.created_at > b.created_at AND c.status = 4 AND b.dataset_id = c.dataset_id) AND b.status = 3)", [str(account_id)])
        row = cursor.fetchone()
        published_datasets = row[0]
        c.set('published_datasets_' + str(account_id), published_datasets, settings.REDIS_STATS_TTL)

    total_datasets = c.get('total_datasets_' + str(account_id))
    if not total_datasets:
        total_datasets = Dataset.objects.filter(user__account=account_id).count()
        c.set('total_datasets_' + str(account_id), total_datasets, settings.REDIS_STATS_TTL)

    published_datastreams = c.get('published_datastreams_' + str(account_id))
    if not published_datastreams:
        cursor.execute("SELECT COUNT(1) as val FROM ao_datastreams d JOIN ao_users u ON u.id=d.user_id JOIN ao_accounts ac ON u.account_id=ac.id WHERE ac.id = %s and EXISTS(SELECT * FROM ao_datastream_revisions b WHERE b.datastream_id = d.id AND NOT EXISTS(SELECT * FROM ao_datastream_revisions c WHERE c.created_at > b.created_at AND c.status = 4 AND b.datastream_id = c.datastream_id) AND b.status = 3)", [str(account_id)])
        row = cursor.fetchone()
        published_datastreams = row[0]
        c.set('published_datastreams_' + str(account_id), published_datastreams, settings.REDIS_STATS_TTL)

    total_datastreams = c.get('total_datastreams_' + str(account_id))
    if not total_datastreams:
        total_datastreams = DataStream.objects.filter(user__account=account_id).count()
        c.set('total_datastreams_' + str(account_id), total_datastreams, settings.REDIS_STATS_TTL)

    published_dashboards = c.get('published_dashboards_' + str(account_id))
    if not published_dashboards:
        cursor.execute("SELECT COUNT(1) as val FROM ao_dashboards d JOIN ao_users u ON u.id=d.user_id JOIN ao_accounts ac ON u.account_id=ac.id WHERE ac.id = %s and EXISTS(SELECT * FROM ao_dashboard_revisions b WHERE b.dashboard_id = d.id AND NOT EXISTS(SELECT * FROM ao_dashboard_revisions c WHERE c.created_at > b.created_at AND c.status = 4 AND b.dashboard_id = c.dashboard_id) AND b.status = 3)", [str(account_id)])
        row = cursor.fetchone()
        published_dashboards = row[0]
        c.set('published_dashboards_' + str(account_id), published_dashboards, settings.REDIS_STATS_TTL)

    published_visualizations = c.get('published_visualizations_' + str(account_id))
    if not published_visualizations:
        cursor.execute("SELECT COUNT(1) as val FROM ao_visualizations d JOIN ao_users u ON u.id=d.user_id JOIN ao_accounts ac ON u.account_id=ac.id WHERE ac.id = %s and EXISTS(SELECT * FROM ao_visualizations_revisions b WHERE b.visualization_id = d.id AND NOT EXISTS(SELECT * FROM ao_visualizations_revisions c WHERE c.created_at > b.created_at AND c.status = 4 AND b.visualization_id = c.visualization_id) AND b.status = 3)", [str(account_id)])
        row = cursor.fetchone()
        published_visualizations = row[0]
        c.set('published_visualizations_' + str(account_id), published_visualizations, settings.REDIS_STATS_TTL)

    total_visualizations = c.get('total_visualizations_' + str(account_id))
    if not total_visualizations:
        total_visualizations = Visualization.objects.filter(user__account=account_id).count()
        c.set('total_visualizations_' + str(account_id), total_visualizations, settings.REDIS_STATS_TTL)

    return locals()
def workspace_open_data_metrics(auth_manager):
    from core.cache import Cache
    from datetime import date, timedelta
    from django.db import connection
    cursor = connection.cursor()

    user_id = auth_manager.id
    account_id = auth_manager.account_id
    language = auth_manager.language

    last_7_days = date.today() - timedelta(days=7)
    c = Cache(db=0)

    published_datasets = c.get('published_datasets_' + str(account_id))
    if not published_datasets:
            "SELECT COUNT(1) as val FROM ao_datasets d JOIN ao_users u ON u.id=d.user_id JOIN ao_accounts ac ON u.account_id=ac.id WHERE ac.id = %s and EXISTS(SELECT * FROM ao_dataset_revisions b WHERE b.dataset_id = d.id AND NOT EXISTS(SELECT * FROM ao_dataset_revisions c WHERE c.created_at > b.created_at AND c.status = 4 AND b.dataset_id = c.dataset_id) AND b.status = 3)",
        row = cursor.fetchone()
        published_datasets = row[0]
        c.set('published_datasets_' + str(account_id), published_datasets,

    total_datasets = c.get('total_datasets_' + str(account_id))
    if not total_datasets:
        total_datasets = Dataset.objects.filter(
        c.set('total_datasets_' + str(account_id), total_datasets,

    published_datastreams = c.get('published_datastreams_' + str(account_id))
    if not published_datastreams:
            "SELECT COUNT(1) as val FROM ao_datastreams d JOIN ao_users u ON u.id=d.user_id JOIN ao_accounts ac ON u.account_id=ac.id WHERE ac.id = %s and EXISTS(SELECT * FROM ao_datastream_revisions b WHERE b.datastream_id = d.id AND NOT EXISTS(SELECT * FROM ao_datastream_revisions c WHERE c.created_at > b.created_at AND c.status = 4 AND b.datastream_id = c.datastream_id) AND b.status = 3)",
        row = cursor.fetchone()
        published_datastreams = row[0]
        c.set('published_datastreams_' + str(account_id),
              published_datastreams, settings.REDIS_STATS_TTL)

    total_datastreams = c.get('total_datastreams_' + str(account_id))
    if not total_datastreams:
        total_datastreams = DataStream.objects.filter(
        c.set('total_datastreams_' + str(account_id), total_datastreams,

    published_visualizations = c.get('published_visualizations_' +
    if not published_visualizations:
            "SELECT COUNT(1) as val FROM ao_visualizations d JOIN ao_users u ON u.id=d.user_id JOIN ao_accounts ac ON u.account_id=ac.id WHERE ac.id = %s and EXISTS(SELECT * FROM ao_visualizations_revisions b WHERE b.visualization_id = d.id AND NOT EXISTS(SELECT * FROM ao_visualizations_revisions c WHERE c.created_at > b.created_at AND c.status = 4 AND b.visualization_id = c.visualization_id) AND b.status = 3)",
        row = cursor.fetchone()
        published_visualizations = row[0]
        c.set('published_visualizations_' + str(account_id),
              published_visualizations, settings.REDIS_STATS_TTL)

    total_visualizations = c.get('total_visualizations_' + str(account_id))
    if not total_visualizations:
        total_visualizations = Visualization.objects.filter(
        c.set('total_visualizations_' + str(account_id), total_visualizations,

    return locals()