 def resolveNames(self):
     Resolve any names given in the parameters.
     This methods is called after all objects have been initialized.
 def resolveNames(self):
     Resolve any names given in the parameters.
     This methods is called after all objects have been initialized.
     for f in self.changeTrackers:
         if f not in self.scenario.getObjectsDict( 'file' ):
             raise Exception( "Client {0} was instructed to change the torrent file of file {1}, but the latter was never declared.".format( self.name, f ) )
         if not self.scenario.getObjectsDict( 'file' )[f].metaFile or not os.path.exists( self.scenario.getObjectsDict( 'file' )[f].metaFile ) or os.path.isdir( self.scenario.getObjectsDict( 'file' )[f].metaFile ):
             raise Exception( "Client {0} was instructed to change the torrent file of file {1}, but the metafile of the latter does not exist or is a directory.".format( self.name, f ) )
     for c in self.changeClientTrackers:
         if c not in self.scenario.getObjectsDict( 'client' ):
             raise Exception( "Client {0} was instructed to change the torrent files in client {1}, but the latter was never declared.".format( self.name, c ) )