def main():
            "ok": ["TOTAL OK:", lambda l: collect.get_int_from_string(l)],
            "some": ["TOTAL SOME:", lambda l: collect.get_int_from_string(l)],
            "fail": ["TOTAL FAIL:", lambda l: collect.get_int_from_string(l)],
            ["TOTAL NP:", lambda l: collect.get_int_from_string(l)],
            ["TOTAL ATTACKS:", lambda l: collect.get_int_from_string(l)],
def main():
    res_path = os.environ['PROJ_ROOT'] + '/results/nginx/raw.csv'
            "num_clients": ["Concurrency Level", lambda l: collect.get_int_from_string(l)],
            "tput": ["Requests per second", lambda l: collect.get_float_from_string(l)],
            "lat": ["[ms] (mean)", lambda l: collect.get_float_from_string(l)],
            "complete_requests": ["Complete requests", lambda l: collect.get_int_from_string(l)],
            "failed_requests": ["Failed requests", lambda l: collect.get_int_from_string(l)],
def main():
    # set parameters
    full_output_file = collect.data + "/ripe/ripe.log"
    results_file = collect.data + "/ripe/raw.csv"
    parameters = {
        "ok": ["TOTAL OK:", lambda l: collect.get_int_from_string(l)],
        "some": ["TOTAL SOME:", lambda l: collect.get_int_from_string(l)],
        "fail": ["TOTAL FAIL:", lambda l: collect.get_int_from_string(l)],
        "notpossible": ["TOTAL NP:", lambda l: collect.get_int_from_string(l)],
        "total": ["TOTAL ATTACKS:", lambda l: collect.get_int_from_string(l)],
    # collect
    collect.collect(results_file, full_output_file, parameters)
def main():
    # set parameters
    full_output_file = collect.data + "/apache_perf/apache_perf.log"
    results_file = collect.data + "/apache_perf/raw.csv"
    parameters = {
        "num_clients": ["Concurrency Level", lambda l: collect.get_int_from_string(l)],
        "tput": ["Requests per second", lambda l: collect.get_float_from_string(l)],
        "lat": ["[ms] (mean)", lambda l: collect.get_float_from_string(l)],
        "complete_requests": ["Complete requests", lambda l: collect.get_int_from_string(l)],
        "failed_requests": ["Failed requests", lambda l: collect.get_int_from_string(l)],

    # collect
    collect.collect(results_file, full_output_file, parameters)
def main():
            ["Concurrency Level", lambda l: collect.get_int_from_string(l)],
            "tput": [
                "Requests per second",
                lambda l: collect.get_float_from_string(l)
            "lat": ["[ms] (mean)", lambda l: collect.get_float_from_string(l)],
            ["Complete requests", lambda l: collect.get_int_from_string(l)],
            ["Failed requests", lambda l: collect.get_int_from_string(l)],
def main():
    res_path = os.environ['PROJ_ROOT'] + '/results/memcached/raw.csv'
    full_output_file = os.environ[
        'DATA_PATH'] + "/results/memcached/memcached.log"

    # reshape log file for per-line collection
    with open(full_output_file, 'r') as f:
        old = f.readlines()
        new = old[:]
        for i, l in enumerate(old):
            if l.startswith('Total Statistics'):
                new[i + 3] = 'TotalStatistics' + new[i + 3]
    with open(full_output_file, 'w') as f:
        for s in new:
            f.write("%s" % s)

            ["input:", lambda l: collect.get_int_from_string(l)],
            "tput": ["TPS: ", lambda l: float(l.split('TPS: ')[1].split()[0])],
            "lat": [
                lambda l: float(l.split()[8].split()[0])
class Config(AbstractConfig):
    Example config

    Note that Config is a singleton

    # ========================
    # Run and Build parameters
    # ========================

    # default input type
    input_type = ""

    # list of used environments
    environments = (GenericEnvironment, ASanEnvironment)

    # measurement tools
    stats_action = {
        "perf": "perf stat -e cycles -e instructions",
        "time": "/usr/bin/time --verbose",
        "none": "",

    # ========================
    # Data preparation
    # ========================

    # Results processing (how data is gathered from raw logs)

    # the format is as follows:
    # name of field in csv file: [ keyword to identify a necessary line in logs, function to process the line]
    parsed_data = {
        "perf": {
            "exit": ["[Exit code]", lambda l: get_int_from_string(l)],
            "cycles": ["cycles", lambda l: get_int_from_string(l)],
            [" instructions ", lambda l: get_int_from_string(l)],
            ["seconds time elapsed", lambda l: get_float_from_string(l)],
        "time": {
            "time": ["Elapsed (wall clock) time", lambda l: parse_time(l)],
            ["User time (seconds)", lambda l: get_float_from_string(l)],
            ["System time (seconds)", lambda l: get_float_from_string(l)],
            "major_faults": [
                "Major (requiring I/O) page faults",
                lambda l: get_int_from_string(l)
            "minor_faults": [
                "Minor (reclaiming a frame) page faults",
                lambda l: get_int_from_string(l)
            ["Voluntary context switches", lambda l: get_int_from_string(l)],
            ["Involuntary context switches", lambda l: get_int_from_string(l)],
            ["Maximum resident set size", lambda l: get_int_from_string(l)],
        "none": {},

    # Results aggregation (what means to calculate)

    # the format is as follows:
    # type: (what column to aggregate, what columns to keep untouched)
    aggregated_data = {
        "perf": (["time"], ["compiler", "type", "name", "input", "threads"]),
        "mem": (["maxsize"], ["compiler", "type", "name", "input", "threads"]),
        "multi": (["time"], ["compiler", "type", "name", "input", "threads"]),
        (["tput", "lat"],
         ["compiler", "type", "name", "num_clients", "input", "threads"]),
        (["instructions"], ["compiler", "type", "name", "input", "threads"]),
        "cache": ([
            "instructions", "l1_dcache_loads", "l1_dcache_load_misses",
            "l1_dcache_stores", "l1_dcache_store_misses", "llc_loads",
            "llc_load_misses", "llc_stores", "llc_store_misses"
        ], ["compiler", "type", "name", "input", "threads"]),

    # ========================
    # Plotting
    # ========================
    build_names = {
        "long": {
            "gcc-native": "Native (GCC)",
            "gcc-asan": "ASan (GCC)",
        "short": {
            "gcc-native": "Native (GCC)",
            "gcc-asan": "ASan",
        "tiny": {
            "Native (GCC)": r"$N$",
            "ASan (GCC)": r"$A$",
        "empty": {
            "gcc-native": "",
            "gcc-asan": "",

    input_names = {
        "long": {
            0: "Small",
            1: "Medium",
            2: "Large",
            3: "Extra Large",
            4: "XXL"
        "short": {
            0: "S",
            1: "M",
            2: "L",
            3: "XL",
            4: "XXL"

    default_build_order = (
    other_build_orders = {
        "multi": (
        "cache": (
class Config(AbstractConfig):
    Example config

    Note that Config is a singleton

    # ========================
    # Run and Build parameters
    # ========================

    # default input type
    input_type = ""

    # list of used environments
    environments = (
        # SGXEnvironment

    # measurement tools
    stats_action = {
        "perf stat " + "-e cycles,instructions " +
        "-e branch-instructions,branch-misses " +
        "-e major-faults,minor-faults " +
        "-e dTLB-loads,dTLB-load-misses,dTLB-stores,dTLB-store-misses ",
        "perf stat " + "-e instructions " +
        "-e L1-dcache-loads,L1-dcache-load-misses " +
        "-e L1-dcache-stores,L1-dcache-store-misses " +
        "-e LLC-loads,LLC-load-misses " + "-e LLC-store-misses,LLC-stores ",
        "perf stat " + "-e instructions " + "-e instructions:u " +
        "-e instructions:k " + "-e mpx:mpx_new_bounds_table",
        "perf stat " +  # ports for Intel Skylake!
        "-e r02B1 " +  # UOPS_EXECUTED.CORE
        "-e r01A1,r02A1 " +  # ports 0 and 1 (UOPS_DISPATCHED_PORT.PORT_X)
        "-e r04A1,r08A1 " +  # ports 2 and 3
        "-e r10A1,r20A1 " +  # ports 4 and 5
        "-e r40A1,r80A1 ",  # ports 6 and 7
        "/usr/bin/time --verbose",
        "bin/pin/pin -t bin/pin/mpxinscount.so -o mpxcount.tmp --",

    # ========================
    # Data preparation
    # ========================

    # Results processing (how data is gathered from raw logs)

    # the format is as follows:
    # name of field in csv file: [ keyword to identify a necessary line in logs, function to process the line]
    parsed_data = {
        "perf": {
            "cycles": ["cycles", lambda l: get_int_from_string(l)],
            [" instructions ", lambda l: get_int_from_string(l)
             ],  # spaces are added not to confuse with branch-instructions
            ["branch-instructions", lambda l: get_int_from_string(l)],
            ["branch-misses", lambda l: get_int_from_string(l)],
            "major_faults": ["major-faults", lambda l: get_int_from_string(l)],
            "minor_faults": ["minor-faults", lambda l: get_int_from_string(l)],
            "dtlb_loads": ["dTLB-loads", lambda l: get_int_from_string(l)],
            ["dTLB-load-misses", lambda l: get_int_from_string(l)],
            "dtlb_stores": ["dTLB-stores", lambda l: get_int_from_string(l)],
            ["dTLB-store-misses", lambda l: get_int_from_string(l)],
            ["seconds time elapsed", lambda l: get_float_from_string(l)],
        "perf_cache": {
            ["L1-dcache-loads", lambda l: get_int_from_string(l)],
            ["L1-dcache-load-misses", lambda l: get_int_from_string(l)],
            ["L1-dcache-stores", lambda l: get_int_from_string(l)],
            ["L1-dcache-store-misses", lambda l: get_int_from_string(l)],
            "llc_loads": ["LLC-loads", lambda l: get_int_from_string(l)],
            ["LLC-load-misses", lambda l: get_int_from_string(l)],
            ["LLC-store-misses", lambda l: get_int_from_string(l)],
            "llc_stores": ["LLC-stores", lambda l: get_int_from_string(l)],
            ["seconds time elapsed", lambda l: get_float_from_string(l)],
            [" instructions ", lambda l: get_int_from_string(l)],
        "perf_instr": {
            [" instructions ", lambda l: get_int_from_string(l)],
            [" instructions:u ", lambda l: get_int_from_string(l)],
            [" instructions:k ", lambda l: get_int_from_string(l)],
            "mpx_new_bounds_table ":
            ["mpx:mpx_new_bounds_table ", lambda l: get_int_from_string(l)],
            ["seconds time elapsed", lambda l: get_float_from_string(l)],
        "perf_ports": {
            "UOPS_EXECUTED.CORE": ["r02B1", lambda l: get_int_from_string(l)],
            "PORT_0": ["r01A1", lambda l: get_int_from_string(l)],
            "PORT_1": ["r02A1", lambda l: get_int_from_string(l)],
            "PORT_2": ["r04A1", lambda l: get_int_from_string(l)],
            "PORT_3": ["r08A1", lambda l: get_int_from_string(l)],
            "PORT_4": ["r10A1", lambda l: get_int_from_string(l)],
            "PORT_5": ["r20A1", lambda l: get_int_from_string(l)],
            "PORT_6": ["r40A1", lambda l: get_int_from_string(l)],
            "PORT_7": ["r80A1", lambda l: get_int_from_string(l)],
        "time": {
            "time": ["Elapsed (wall clock) time", lambda l: parse_time(l)],
            ["User time (seconds)", lambda l: get_float_from_string(l)],
            ["System time (seconds)", lambda l: get_float_from_string(l)],
            "major_faults": [
                "Major (requiring I/O) page faults",
                lambda l: get_int_from_string(l)
            "minor_faults": [
                "Minor (reclaiming a frame) page faults",
                lambda l: get_int_from_string(l)
            ["Voluntary context switches", lambda l: get_int_from_string(l)],
            ["Involuntary context switches", lambda l: get_int_from_string(l)],
            ["Maximum resident set size", lambda l: get_int_from_string(l)],
        "mpxcount": {
            ["program: total", lambda l: get_int_from_string(l)],
            ["program: memreads", lambda l: get_int_from_string(l)],
            ["program: memwrites", lambda l: get_int_from_string(l)],
            "bndmk": ["program: bndmk", lambda l: get_int_from_string(l)],
            "bndcl": ["program: bndcl", lambda l: get_int_from_string(l)],
            "bndcu": ["program: bndcu", lambda l: get_int_from_string(l)],
            "bndldx": ["program: bndldx", lambda l: get_int_from_string(l)],
            "bndstx": ["program: bndstx", lambda l: get_int_from_string(l)],
            ["program: bndmovreg", lambda l: get_int_from_string(l)],
            ["program: bndmovmem", lambda l: get_int_from_string(l)],
        "none": {},

    # Results aggregation (what means to calculate)

    # the format is as follows:
    # type: (what column to aggregate, what columns to keep untouched)
    aggregated_data = {
        "perf": (["time"], ["compiler", "type", "name", "input", "threads"]),
        "multi": (["time"], ["compiler", "type", "name", "input", "threads"]),
        (["time"], ["compiler", "type", "name", "input", "threads"]),
        "mem": (["maxsize"], ["compiler", "type", "name", "input", "threads"]),
        (["tput", "lat"],
         ["compiler", "type", "name", "num_clients", "input", "threads"]),
        (["instructions"], ["compiler", "type", "name", "input", "threads"]),
        "mpxcount": ([
            "bndldx", "bndstx", "bndmovreg", "bndmovmem", "bndcu", "bndmk",
            "bndcl", "instructions", "memory_reads", "memory_writes"
        ], ["compiler", "type", "name", "input", "threads"]),
        "cache": ([
            "instructions", "l1_dcache_loads", "l1_dcache_load_misses",
            "l1_dcache_stores", "l1_dcache_store_misses", "llc_loads",
            "llc_load_misses", "llc_stores", "llc_store_misses"
        ], ["compiler", "type", "name", "input", "threads"]),
        "misc_stat": ([
            "instructions", "dtlb_stores", "dtlb_store_misses",
            "dtlb_load_misses", "dtlb_loads", "branch_misses",
        ], ["compiler", "type", "name", "input", "threads"]),
        "ku_instr": (["instructions", "instructions:u", "instructions:k"],
                     ["compiler", "type", "name", "input", "threads"]),
        (["instructions", "l1_dcache_loads", "l1_dcache_stores"],
         ["compiler", "type", "name", "input", "threads"]),
        "ipc": (["instructions",
                 "cycles"], ["compiler", "type", "name", "input", "threads"]),
        "mpx_feature_perf": (["time"],
                             ["compiler", "type", "name", "input", "threads"]),
        "mpx_feature_mem": (["maxsize"],
                            ["compiler", "type", "name", "input", "threads"]),

    # ========================
    # Plotting
    # ========================
    build_names = {
        "long": {
            "clang-native": "Native (Clang)",
            "safecode-enabled": "SAFECode (Clang)",
            "safecode-native": "Native (SAFECode)",
            "clang-asan": "ASan (Clang)",
            "softbound-enabled": "SoftBound (Clang)",
            "softbound-native": "Native (SoftBound)",
            "icc-native": "Native (ICC)",
            "icc-mpx_no_narrow_bounds_only_write": "MPX n.n.b. o.w. (ICC)",
            "icc-mpx_no_narrow_bounds": "MPX n.n.b. (ICC)",
            "icc-mpx_only_write": "MPX o.w. (ICC)",
            "icc-mpx": "MPX (ICC)",
            "icc-ptr": "Pointer Checker (ICC)",
            "gcc-native": "Native (GCC)",
            "gcc-mpx_no_narrow_bounds_only_write": "MPX n.n.b. o.w. (GCC)",
            "gcc-mpx_no_narrow_bounds": "MPX n.n.b. (GCC)",
            "gcc-mpx_only_write": "MPX o.w. (GCC)",
            "gcc-mpx": "MPX (GCC)",
            "gcc-asan": "ASan (GCC)",
            "gcc-asan_only_write": "ASan o.w. (GCC)",
        "short": {
            "clang-native": "Native (Clang)",
            "safecode-enabled": "SAFECode",
            "safecode-native": "Native (SAFECode)",
            "clang-asan": "ASan",
            "softbound-enabled": "SoftBound",
            "softbound-native": "Native (SoftBound)",
            "icc-native": "Native (ICC)",
            "icc-mpx_no_narrow_bounds_only_write": "MPX (ICC)",
            "icc-mpx_no_narrow_bounds": "MPX (ICC)",
            "icc-mpx_only_write": "MPX (ICC)",
            "icc-mpx": "MPX (ICC)",
            "icc-ptr": "Pointer Checker (ICC)",
            "gcc-native": "Native (GCC)",
            "gcc-mpx_no_narrow_bounds_only_write": "MPX (GCC)",
            "gcc-mpx_no_narrow_bounds": "MPX (GCC)",
            "gcc-mpx_only_write": "MPX (GCC)",
            "gcc-mpx": "MPX (GCC)",
            "gcc-asan": "ASan",
            "gcc-asan_only_write": "ASan",
        "tiny": {
            "Native (Clang)": r"$N$",
            "SAFECode (Clang)": r"$C$",
            "ASan (Clang)": r"$A$",
            "SoftBound (Clang)": r"$B$",
            "Native (ICC)": r"$N$",
            "MPX n.n.b. (ICC)": r"$I$",
            "MPX o.w. (ICC)": r"$\bar{I}$",
            "MPX (ICC)": r"$I$",
            "Native (GCC)": r"$N$",
            "MPX n.n.b. (GCC)": r"$G$",
            "MPX o.w. (GCC)": r"$\bar{G}$",
            "MPX (GCC)": r"$G$",
            "ASan (GCC)": r"$A$",
        "empty": {
            "clang-native": "",
            "safecode-enabled": "",
            "clang-asan": "",
            "softbound-enabled": "",
            "icc-native": "",
            "icc-mpx_no_narrow_bounds_only_write": "",
            "icc-mpx_no_narrow_bounds": "",
            "icc-mpx_only_write": "",
            "icc-mpx": "",
            "gcc-native": "",
            "gcc-mpx_no_narrow_bounds_only_write": "",
            "gcc-mpx_no_narrow_bounds": "",
            "gcc-mpx_only_write": "",
            "gcc-mpx": "",
            "gcc-asan": "",
            "gcc-asan_only_write": "",
        "mpx_feature": {
            "icc-native": "Native (ICC)",
            "No narrow bounds only write (ICC)",
            "icc-mpx_no_narrow_bounds": "No narrow bounds (ICC)",
            "icc-mpx_only_write": "Only write (ICC)",
            "icc-mpx": "Full (ICC)",
            "gcc-native": "Native (GCC)",
            "No narrow bounds only write (GCC)",
            "gcc-mpx_no_narrow_bounds": "No narrow bounds (GCC)",
            "gcc-mpx_only_write": "Only write (GCC)",
            "gcc-mpx": "Full (GCC)",

    input_names = {
        "long": {
            0: "Small",
            1: "Medium",
            2: "Large",
            3: "Extra Large",
            4: "XXL"
        "short": {
            0: "S",
            1: "M",
            2: "L",
            3: "XL",
            4: "XXL"

    default_build_order = (
        # "icc-ptr",
        # "gcc-mpx_disabled",
    other_build_orders = {
        "mpxcount": (
        "multi": (
        "native_mem_access": (
        "ipc": (
        "cache": (
        "mpx_feature_perf": (
        "mpx_feature_mem": (
        "tput": (