	def extract(self, source):
		"""Extract an image from *source*.
		If the image is supported an instance of PIL's Image is returned, otherwise None.
		p = Parser()
		f = open_pds(source)
		if self.log: self.log.debug("Parsing '%s'" % (source))
		self.labels = p.parse(f)
		if self.log: self.log.debug("Found %d labels" % (len(self.labels)))
		if self._check_image_is_supported():
			if self.log: self.log.debug("Image in '%s' is supported" % (source))
			dim = self._get_image_dimensions()
			loc = self._get_image_location()
			if self.log: self.log.debug("Image dimensions should be %s" % (str(dim)))
			if self.log: self.log.debug("Seeking to image data at %d" % (loc))
			if self.log: self.log.debug("Seek successful, reading data")
			# rawImageData = f.readline()
			# f.seek(-int(self.labels["RECORD_BYTES"]), os.SEEK_CUR)
			rawImageData = f.read(dim[0] * dim[1])
			if self.log: self.log.debug("Read successful (len: %d), creating Image object" % (len(rawImageData)))
			# The frombuffer defaults may change in a future release;
			# for portability, change the call to read:
			# frombuffer(mode, size, data, 'raw', mode, 0, 1).
			img = Image.frombuffer('L', dim, rawImageData, 'raw', 'L', 0, 1)
			if self.log: self.log.debug("Image result: %s" % (str(img)))
			if self.log: self.log.debug("Image info: %s" % (str(img.info)))
			if self.log: self.log.debug("Image size: %s" % (str(img.size)))
			if self.log: self.log.error("Image is not supported '%s'" % (source))
			img = None
		return img, self.labels
	def extract(self, source):
		"""Extract an image from *source*.

		If the image is supported an instance of PIL's Image is returned, otherwise None.
		p = Parser()
		f = open_pds(source)
		if self.log: self.log.debug("Parsing '%s'" % (source))
		self.labels = p.parse(f)
		if self.log: self.log.debug("Found %d labels" % (len(self.labels)))
		if self._check_image_is_supported():
			if self.log: self.log.debug("Image in '%s' is supported" % (source))
			dim = self._get_image_dimensions()
			loc = self._get_image_location()
			imageSampleBits = int(self.labels['IMAGE']['SAMPLE_BITS'])
			imageSampleType = self.labels['IMAGE']['SAMPLE_TYPE']
			md5Checksum = self._get_image_checksum()
			if self.log: self.log.debug("Image dimensions should be %s" % (str(dim)))
			if self.log: self.log.debug("Seeking to image data at %d" % (loc))
			if imageSampleBits == 8:
				readSize = dim[0] * dim[1]
			elif imageSampleBits == 16:
				readSize = dim[0] * dim[1] * 2
			print readSize
			if self.log: self.log.debug("Seek successful, reading data (%s)" % (readSize))
			# rawImageData = f.readline()
			# f.seek(-int(self.labels["RECORD_BYTES"]), os.SEEK_CUR)
			rawImageData = f.read(readSize)
			if md5Checksum:
				rawImageChecksum = hashlib.md5(rawImageData).hexdigest()
				checksumVerificationPassed = rawImageChecksum == md5Checksum and True or False
				if not checksumVerificationPassed:
					if self.log: self.log.debug("Secure hash verification failed")
					if self.raisesChecksumError:
						errorMessage = "Verification failed! Expected '%s' but got '%s'." % (md5Checksum, rawImageChecksum)
						raise ChecksumError, errorMessage
					if self.log: self.log.debug("Secure hash verification passed")
			if self.log: self.log.debug("Read successful (len: %d), creating Image object" % (len(rawImageData)))
			# The frombuffer defaults may change in a future release;
			# for portability, change the call to read:
			# frombuffer(mode, size, data, 'raw', mode, 0, 1).
			if (imageSampleBits == 16) and imageSampleType == ('MSB_INTEGER'):
				#img = Image.frombuffer('I', dim, rawImageData, 'raw', 'I;16BS', 0, 1)
				img = Image.frombuffer('F', dim, rawImageData, 'raw', 'F;16B', 0, 1)
				img = ImageMath.eval("convert(a/16.0, 'L')", a=img)
				img = Image.frombuffer('L', dim, rawImageData, 'raw', 'L', 0, 1)
			if self.log:
				self.log.debug("Image result: %s" % (str(img)))
				self.log.debug("Image info: %s" % (str(img.info)))
				self.log.debug("Image mode: %s" % (str(img.mode)))
				self.log.debug("Image size: %s" % (str(img.size)))
			if self.log: self.log.error("Image is not supported '%s'" % (source))
			img = None

		return img, self.labels
    def extract(self, source):
        """Extract an image from *source*.
		If the image is supported an instance of PIL's Image is returned, otherwise None.
        p = Parser()
        f = open_pds(source)
        pdsdatadir, pdsfile = os.path.split(source)
        if self.log:
            self.log.debug("Parsing '%s'" % (source))
        self.labels = p.parse(f)
        if self.log:
            self.log.debug("Found %d labels" % (len(self.labels)))
        if self._check_table_is_supported():
            if self.log:
                self.log.debug("Table in '%s' is supported" % (source))
            dim = self._get_table_dimensions()

            # Get the location of the table
            location = self._get_table_location().strip().replace('"', "")
            # location = os.path.join(pdsdatadir,location)

            # Get the structure of the table from the pointer
            struct_fname = self._get_table_structure().strip().replace('"', "")
            structurefile = getPdsFileName(struct_fname, pdsdatadir)

            sp = ColumnParser()
            s = open_pds(structurefile)
            slabels = sp.parse(s)
            columns = []
            for l in slabels:
                columns.append(l["COLUMN"]["NAME"].strip().replace('"', ""))
            if self.log:
                self.log.debug("Found %d columns" % (len(columns)))
            if self.labels["TABLE"]["INTERCHANGE_FORMAT"] == "ASCII":
                locationfile = getPdsFileName(location, pdsdatadir)
                tbl = csv.DictReader(open(locationfile), fieldnames=columns, delimiter=" ")

            if self.log:
                self.log.error("Table is not supported '%s'" % (source))
            tbl = None

        return tbl, self.labels
    def extract(self, source):
        """Extract an image from *source*.
		If the image is supported an instance of PIL's Image is returned, otherwise None.
        p = Parser()
        f = open_pds(source)
        pdsdatadir, pdsfile = os.path.split(source)
        if self.log: self.log.debug("Parsing '%s'" % (source))
        self.labels = p.parse(f)
        if self.log: self.log.debug("Found %d labels" % (len(self.labels)))
        if self._check_table_is_supported():
            if self.log:
                self.log.debug("Table in '%s' is supported" % (source))
            dim = self._get_table_dimensions()

            # Get the location of the table
            location = self._get_table_location().strip().replace("\"", "")
            #location = os.path.join(pdsdatadir,location)

            # Get the structure of the table from the pointer
            struct_fname = self._get_table_structure().strip().replace(
                "\"", "")
            structurefile = getPdsFileName(struct_fname, pdsdatadir)

            sp = ColumnParser()
            s = open_pds(structurefile)
            slabels = sp.parse(s)
            columns = []
            for l in slabels:
                columns.append(l['COLUMN']['NAME'].strip().replace("\"", ""))
            if self.log: self.log.debug("Found %d columns" % (len(columns)))
            if self.labels['TABLE']['INTERCHANGE_FORMAT'] == 'ASCII':
                locationfile = getPdsFileName(location, pdsdatadir)
                tbl = csv.DictReader(open(locationfile),
                                     delimiter=' ')

            if self.log:
                self.log.error("Table is not supported '%s'" % (source))
            tbl = None

        return tbl, self.labels
	def test_no_exceptions(self):
		import os

		from core import open_pds

		testDataDir = '../../test_data/'
		outputDir = '../../tmp/'
		imgExtractor = ImageExtractor(log="ImageExtractor_Unit_Tests")
		for root, dirs, files in os.walk(testDataDir):
			for name in files:
				filename = os.path.join(root, name)
				print filename
				img, _ = imgExtractor.extract(open_pds(filename))
					if img:
						img.save(outputDir + name + '.jpg')
				except Exception, e:
					# Re-raise the exception, causing this test to fail.
					# The following is executed if and when control flows off the end of the try clause.
					assert True
	def test_no_exceptions(self):
		import os

		from core import open_pds

		testDataDir = '../../test_data/'
		outputDir = '../../tmp/'
		imgExtractor = ImageExtractor(log="ImageExtractor_Unit_Tests")
		for root, dirs, files in os.walk(testDataDir):
			for name in files:
				filename = os.path.join(root, name)
				print filename
				img, _ = imgExtractor.extract(open_pds(filename))
					if img:
						img.save(outputDir + name + '.jpg')
				except Exception, e:
					# Re-raise the exception, causing this test to fail.
					# The following is executed if and when control flows off the end of the try clause.
					assert True