def _initPool(self): self._maxThreads ="maxThreads") or 0 # # Please note that I'm using the q_size parameter of the Threadpool. This is what the # threadpool documentation says about it: # # If q_size > 0 the size of the work request is limited and the # thread pool blocks when queue is full and it tries to put more # work requests in it. # # This will basically save me from filling-up all the memory with WorkRequest objects # when somebody performs something like this: # # for url in looooooong_list: # self._tm.startFunction( target=self._do_request, args=(url,) ) # if self._maxThreads: self._threadPool = ThreadPool(self._maxThreads, q_size=200) else: # if I want to use the restrict argument of startFunction, the thread pool # MUST have some threads self._threadPool = ThreadPool(5, 15)
class threadManager(object): """ This class manages threads. @author: Andres Riancho ( [email protected] ) """ def __init__(self): self._daemonThreads = [] self.informed = False self._initialized = False self._waitForJoin = 2 self._initPool() def _initPool(self): self._maxThreads ="maxThreads") or 0 # # Please note that I'm using the q_size parameter of the Threadpool. This is what the # threadpool documentation says about it: # # If q_size > 0 the size of the work request is limited and the # thread pool blocks when queue is full and it tries to put more # work requests in it. # # This will basically save me from filling-up all the memory with WorkRequest objects # when somebody performs something like this: # # for url in looooooong_list: # self._tm.startFunction( target=self._do_request, args=(url,) ) # if self._maxThreads: self._threadPool = ThreadPool(self._maxThreads, q_size=200) else: # if I want to use the restrict argument of startFunction, the thread pool # MUST have some threads self._threadPool = ThreadPool(5, 15) def setMaxThreads(self, num_threads): if self._maxThreads > num_threads: self._threadPool.dismissWorkers(self._maxThreads - num_threads) self._maxThreads = num_threads elif self._maxThreads < num_threads: self._threadPool.createWorkers(num_threads - self._maxThreads) self._maxThreads = num_threads def getMaxThreads(self): if not self._initialized: self._initPool() return self._maxThreads def startDaemon(self, threadObj): om.out.debug("Starting daemon thread: " + str(threadObj)) threadObj.setDaemon(1) threadObj.start() self._daemonThreads.append(threadObj) def stopDaemon(self, threadObj): for daemon in self._daemonThreads: if daemon == threadObj: threadObj.stop() om.out.debug("Calling join on daemon thread: " + str(threadObj)) threadObj.join(self._waitForJoin) def stopAllDaemons(self): om.out.debug("Calling join on all daemon threads") for thread in self._daemonThreads: thread.stop() om.out.debug("Calling join on daemon thread: " + str(thread)) thread.join(self._waitForJoin) def startFunction(self, target, args=(), kwds={}, restrict=True, ownerObj=None): if not self._initialized: self._initPool() self._initialized = True if not self._maxThreads and restrict: # Just start the function if not self.informed: om.out.debug("Threading is disabled.") self.informed = True target(*args, **kwds) else: # Assign a job to a thread in the thread pool wr = WorkRequest(target, args=args, kwds=kwds, ownerObj=ownerObj) self._threadPool.putRequest(wr) msg = "[thread manager] Successfully added function to threadpool. Work queue size: " msg += str(self._threadPool.requestsQueue.qsize()) om.out.debug(msg) def join(self, ownerObj=None, joinAll=False): self._threadPool.wait(ownerObj, joinAll)