def creat_course(): ''' 创建课程 :return: ''' while True: course_list = Module.get_data('course', 'course') course_name = input('课程名称(b退出)>>:').strip() if course_name == 'b': return if not Module.check_file('course', course_name) and len(course_name) != 0: course_period = input('周期(数字,单位month)>>:').strip() course_price = input('课程价格>>:').strip() course_time = input('上课时间>>:').strip() course_id = '%03d' % (len(course_list) + 1) # 生成课程ID print(course_id) obj = Course(course_name, course_id, course_period, course_price, course_time, [], '1', []) # 生成课程对象 # 存储课程ID{ID:name} course_list[obj.course_id] = obj.course_name Module.save_file('course', obj.course_id, obj.structure) Module.save_file('course', 'course', course_list) return obj else: print('课程存在或者课程名不能为空!')
def create_course(self): # 创建课程 while 1: flag = 0 print('创建课程信息:') course_name = input('课程名:') with open(settings.course_information, 'r', encoding='utf-8') as f: for i in f: i = i.split() if i[0] == course_name: print('课程已存在!重新输入:') flag = 1 break if flag == 1: continue course_price = input('课程价格:') course_cycle = input('课程周期:') course_teacher = input('课程老师:') course_obj = Course(course_name, course_price, course_cycle, course_teacher) with open(settings.course_information, 'a', encoding='utf-8') as f: temp = course_obj.course_name + ' ' + course_obj.course_price + ' ' + course_obj.course_cycle + ' ' + course_obj.course_teacher f.write(temp) f.write('\n') f.flush() print('创建成功!') break
def develop_course(sch_obj, ACCESS_LOG): """ 函数功能:开设课程 :param sch_obj: :param ACCESS_LOG: :return: """ may_course =[sch_obj.addr] courses = "" for course in may_course: courses += "%s, " % course courses = courses.rstrip(", ") msg = ''' -------------------------您可以开设的课程为---------------------------- %s ''' % courses # 打印可以开设的课程 print(msg) msg = ''' -------------------------您已经开设的课程为---------------------------- %s ''' % sch_obj.get_opened_course(ACCESS_LOG) print(msg) while True: choice = input("请输入您想要开设的课程>>>") if choice in may_course: new_course = Course(choice, choice) msg = sch_obj.develop_one_course(new_course, ACCESS_LOG) menu = { "1": "{sch_name}分校教师团队没有教师掌握技能{course_ref},无法开设课程:{course_name}".format( sch_name=sch_obj.addr, course_ref=new_course.ref_skill,, "2": "{sch_name}分校开设课程{course_name}成功".format( sch_name=sch_obj.addr,, "3": "开设失败:课程{course_name}已经开设,不必重复开设".format( }[msg]) if msg != "2": break db_handle = Db.db_handle() sql = "UPDATE schools SET data = update_obj WHERE = %s" % sch_obj.addr db_handle(sql, sch_obj) sql = "UPDATE courses SET data = course_obj WHERE = %s" % db_handle(sql, new_course) break
def born_course(role, ID): ''' 从文件中获取内容实例化课程 :param role: :param ID: :return: ''' course_data = Module.get_data(role, ID) # 从文件中读取课程信息 course = Course(course_data['course_name'], course_data['course_id'], course_data['period'], course_data['perice'], course_data['course_time'], course_data['course_teacher'], course_data['state']) return course
def create_course(self): print("\033[1;031m创建课程输入格式\033[0m:课程名,课程周期,课程价格,授课老师") try: cou_name, cou_price, cou_period, cou_teacher = input( "请输入要创建的课程:").strip().split(',') cou_obj = Course(cou_name, cou_price, cou_period, cou_teacher) with open(course_info, mode='a', encoding='utf-8') as f: f.write('{},{},{},{}\n'.format(, cou_obj.price, cou_obj.period, cou_obj.teacher)) print("[\033[032m{}\033[0m]课程,\033[031m创建完成\033[0m".format( # 写日志'用户:{},创建新的{}课程.'.format(, except ValueError: log.logging.error( '用户:{},创建新课程的时候,创建失败,应按格式输入:课程名,课程周期,课程价格,授课老师.'.format( print("课程创建失败")
class AdminView(View): admin_account = AdminAccount() class_obj = Class() course_obj = Course() teacher_obj = TeacherAccount() # 学校的时候使用 school_data = { 'school': None, 'course': {}, 'class': {}, 'teacher': {}, 'student': {} } def __init__(self): # 要使用父类中user_data super(AdminView, self).__init__() # 运行程序就会默认创建一个管理员账户 self.create_admin_account() def create_admin_account(self): """ 第一次登录,就创建管理员账号 :return: """ admin_account_obj = self.admin_account.setter(ADMIN_NAME, ADMIN_PASSWORD, "admin") if admin_account_obj: # 设置成功,说明admin是第一次登录,需要保存到文件中 db_handler_obj = DbHandler("admin", "admin", admin_account_obj) db_handler_obj.save_to_db() def create_school(self): """ 新建学校,保存到文件中 :return: """ exit_flag = True while exit_flag: school_name = input("please input school name:").strip() school_country = input("please input school country:").strip() school_city = input("please input school city:").strip() if school_name and school_country and school_city: school_path = "%s/%s" % (SCHOOL_PATH, school_name) if os.path.exists(school_path) and school_name: print_info("this school has already exist!", "error") else: school_obj = self.school_obj.setter( school_name, school_country, school_city) self.school_data["school"] = school_obj school_db_handler_obj = SchoolDbHandler( school_name, self.school_data) school_db_handler_obj.save_to_db() print_info( "you have add this school to the file successful!") exit_flag = False else: print_info("your input is illegal", "error") exit_flag = False def create_class(self): """ 通过学校创建班级, 班级关联课程、讲师 :return: """ exit_flag = True while exit_flag: class_name = input("please input class name:").strip() associate_school_name = input( "please input associate school name:").strip() associate_course_name = input( "please input associate course name:").strip() associate_teacher_name = input( "please input associate teacher name:").strip() school_path = "%s/%s" % (SCHOOL_PATH, associate_school_name) if os.path.exists(school_path) and associate_school_name: school_data = self.school_obj.getter(associate_school_name, None) # print_info(school_data) if associate_course_name not in school_data["course"]: print_info( "course %s is not exist! you can create it!" % associate_course_name, "error") exit_flag = False elif associate_teacher_name not in school_data["teacher"]: print_info( "teacher %s is not exist! you can create it!" % associate_teacher_name, "error") exit_flag = False else: self.class_obj = self.class_obj.setter( class_name, associate_course_name, associate_school_name, associate_teacher_name) school_data["class"][class_name] = self.class_obj # 课程对象也与班级联系起来,用于展示该教该课程的班级有哪些,可展示出来供用户选择 school_data["course"][ associate_course_name].associate_class_names.append( class_name) # 创建班级的时候,分配了老师,这里为了后面展示该老师管理哪些班级,把班级信息加入到老师对象中 teacher_obj = school_data["teacher"][ associate_teacher_name] teacher_obj.classes.append(class_name) db_handler_obj = DbHandler(teacher_obj.username, "teacher", teacher_obj) db_handler_obj.save_to_db() school_db_handler_obj = SchoolDbHandler( associate_school_name, school_data) school_db_handler_obj.save_to_db() print_info( "you have add this class to the school file successful!" ) exit_flag = False else: print_info("this school is not exist!you can create it!", "error") exit_flag = False def create_course(self): """ 课程包含,周期,价格,通过学校创建课程 :return: """ exit_flag = True while exit_flag: course_name = input("please input course name:").strip() period = input("please input period[month]:").strip() price = input("please input price:").strip() associate_school_name = input( "please input associate school name:").strip() school_path = "%s/%s" % (SCHOOL_PATH, associate_school_name) if os.path.exists(school_path) and associate_school_name: if period.isdigit() and price.isdigit(): school_data = self.school_obj.getter( associate_school_name, None) self.course_obj = self.course_obj.setter( course_name, period, price, associate_school_name) school_data["course"][course_name] = self.course_obj school_db_handler_obj = SchoolDbHandler( associate_school_name, school_data) school_db_handler_obj.save_to_db() print_info( "you have add this course to the school file successful!" ) exit_flag = False else: print_info("price and period must be a number!", "error") exit_flag = False else: print_info("this school is not exist!you can create it!", "error") exit_flag = False def create_teacher(self): """ 创建讲师角色时要关联学校 :return: """ exit_flag = True while exit_flag: teacher_name = input("please input teacher name:").strip() teacher_password = input("please input teacher password:"******"please input associate school name:").strip() school_path = "%s/%s" % (SCHOOL_PATH, associate_school_name) if os.path.exists(school_path) and associate_school_name: school_data = self.school_obj.getter(associate_school_name, None) self.teacher_obj = self.teacher_obj.teacher_setter( teacher_name, teacher_password, "teacher", associate_school_name) if self.teacher_obj: school_data["teacher"][teacher_name] = self.teacher_obj school_db_handler_obj = SchoolDbHandler( associate_school_name, school_data) school_db_handler_obj.save_to_db() db_handler_obj = DbHandler(teacher_name, "teacher", self.teacher_obj) db_handler_obj.save_to_db() print_info( "you have create this teacher and add this teacher to the school file successful!" ) exit_flag = False else: # 为FALSE,说明老师已经存在了 print_info("teacher has already exist!", "error") exit_flag = False else: print_info("this school is not exist!you can create it!", "error") exit_flag = False def show_school_info(self): """ 展示学校信息 :return: """ exit_flag = True while exit_flag: school_info = "" school_name = input( "please input school name you want to show:").strip() school_path = "%s/%s" % (SCHOOL_PATH, school_name) if os.path.exists(school_path) and school_name: school_data = self.school_obj.getter(school_name, None) school_info += "class:\n" for class_name in school_data["class"]: school_info += "class_name:%s" % class_name school_info += " associate_course_name:%s" % \ school_data["class"][class_name].associate_course_name school_info += " associate_teacher_name:%s" % \ school_data["class"][class_name].associate_teacher_name school_info += "\n" school_info += "course:\n" for course_name in school_data["course"]: school_info += "course_name:%s" % course_name school_info += " period:%s" % school_data["course"][ course_name].period school_info += " rice:%s" % school_data["course"][ course_name].price school_info += " associate_class_names:%s" % \ str(school_data["course"][course_name].associate_class_names) school_info += "\n" school_info += "teacher:\n" for teacher_name in school_data["teacher"]: school_info += "teacher_name:%s" % teacher_name school_info += " classes managed: %s" % str( school_data["teacher"][teacher_name].classes) school_info += "\n" school_info += "student:\n" for student_name in school_data["student"]: school_info += "student_name:%s" % student_name school_info += "\n" print_info(school_info) exit_flag = False else: print_info("this school is not exist!you can create it!", "error") exit_flag = False