async def guild_roles(self, ctx): """Returns all the existing roles in the current guild.""" e = Embed() e.add_field(name="\uFEFF", value=[", ".join(r.mention for r in [*ctx.guild.roles])]) e.color = color.invis(self) await ctx.send(embed=e)
async def _warn_info(self, ctx, *, warn_id: str): """ info about a warn by its ID if you don't know the warm id just type warns @member """ if not warn_id: await ctx.send("No warn id was provided.") else: found = await "SELECT * FROM warns WHERE warn_id = $1 AND guild_id = $2", warn_id,, ) if found: for warn in found: reason = "".join(map(str, warn["reason"])) warn_id = "".join(map(str, warn["warn_id"])) member_id = f'<@{warn["member_id"]}>' author_id = f'<@{warn["author_id"]}>' e = Embed( color=color.invis(self), description=f"Warn info for {member_id}", ) e.add_field(name="Warn ID", value=warn_id) e.add_field(name="Warned by", value=author_id, inline=True) e.add_field(name="Reason", value=reason, inline=False) e.add_field(name="Warned at", value=warn["warned_at"]) await ctx.send(embed=e) else: await ctx.send("No warns found.")
async def define(self, ctx, *, word: str): try: resp = await ctx.http.get( "", headers={ "x-rapidapi-key": config.rapid_api, "x-rapidapi-host": "", }, params={"term": word.lower()}, ) coro = await resp.json() define = random.choice(coro.get("list")) ex: str = str(define.get("example", None)) real: str = str(define.get("definition", None)) vots: int = define.get("thumbs_up", 0) votedown: int = define.get("thumbs_down", 0) date: datetime.datetime = define.get("written_on") url: str = define.get("permalink", None) author: str = define.get("author") e = discord.Embed( title=f"ThumbsUp ```{vots}``` | ThumbsDown ```{votedown}```", description=real.replace("[", "").replace("]", ""), color=color.invis(self), ) e.add_field(name="Example", value=ex.replace("[", "").replace("]", "")) e.set_author(name=author, url=url) e.set_footer(text=date) await ctx.send(embed=e) except IndexError: return await ctx.send("Didn't find anything.")
async def _tag_info(self, ctx, *, tag): """returns info about a specific tag.""" found = await ctx.pool.fetchrow( """ SELECT tag_name, tag_owner, created_at, tag_id FROM tags WHERE tag_name = $1 AND guild_id = $2 """, tag,, ) if found: name = found["tag_name"] owner = f'<@{found["tag_owner"]}>' created_at = found["created_at"] tag_id = found["tag_id"] e = Embed(title=f"Info about {tag}", color=color.invis(self)) e.add_field(name="Name", value=name) e.add_field(name="Owner", value=owner) e.add_field(name="ID", value=tag_id) e.add_field(name="Created At", value=created_at) await ctx.send(embed=e) else: await ctx.send("Tag not found.")
async def on_command_error(self, ctx: Context, err) -> None: if isinstance(err, commands.NoPrivateMessage): await"This command cannot be used in private messages.") elif isinstance(err, commands.BotMissingPermissions): embed = discord.Embed( title=f"I don't have permissions to do that.", colour=color.invis(self) ) await ctx.send(embed=embed) elif isinstance(err, commands.CommandInvokeError): original = err.original if not isinstance(original, discord.HTTPException): _LOG.error(f"In {ctx.command.qualified_name}:", file=sys.stderr) traceback.print_tb(original.__traceback__) _LOG.error( f"{original.__class__.__name__}: {original}", file=sys.stderr ) elif isinstance(err, commands.CommandOnCooldown): embed = discord.Embed( title="This command is on cooldown.", colour=color.invis(self) ) await ctx.send(embed=embed)
async def color_cmd(self, ctx, *, color=None) -> None: """ Returns a human readble color by its name. Examples: ```color blue``` ```color red``` ```color violet``` ```color indigo``` """ e = Embed(title=colour.Color(color).hex, color=c.invis(self)) e.set_image(url=self.api.view_color(colour.Color(color).hex)) try: await ctx.send(embed=e) except ValueError: pass
async def on_guild_remove(self, guild): roles = [role.mention for role in guild.roles] e = discord.Embed(title="Left a server!", color=color.invis(self), timestamp=datetime.utcnow()) e.add_field(name="Server name", e.add_field(name="Server ID", e.add_field(name="Server Owner", value=guild.owner) e.add_field(name="Members", value=guild.member_count) e.add_field(name="Server region", value=guild.region) e.add_field(name="Boosters", value=guild.premium_subscription_count) e.add_field(name="Boost Level", value=guild.premium_tier) e.add_field( name="Roles", value=", ".join(roles) if len(roles) < 20 else f"{len(roles)} roles", ) e.set_thumbnail(url=guild.icon_url) chan = await chan.send(embed=e)
async def warns(self, ctx, member: Union[Member, FetchedUser] = None): """ Show a member's warns. You will need the admin or `manage_guild` perms to use this command. ```Usage: warns <member_id> or <member name> or <@member>``` """ member = member or found = await "SELECT * FROM warns WHERE member_id = $1 AND guild_id = $2",,, ) if found: fmt = "\n".join(r["reason"] + " " + f"(ID: {r['warn_id']})" for r in found) e = Embed(color=color.invis(self), description=fmt) e.set_author(name=member.display_name, icon_url=member.avatar) return await ctx.send(embed=e) else: return await ctx.send("No warns found.")