文件: ffLifx.py 项目: zpriddy/Firefly
 def install_lifx(self, args={}):
   from core.firefly_api import install_child_device
   lightData = self.getLights()
   for light, data in lightData['lights'].iteritems():
     data['bridgeID'] = self._id
     data['args'] = data
     data['args']['name'] = data.get('label')
     newLight = lightDevice.Device(light, data)
     lData = {}
     lData['name'] = data.get('label')
     lData['args'] = {'name':data.get('label')}
     install_child_device(light, newLight, config=lData)
 def install_lifx(self, args={}):
     from core.firefly_api import install_child_device
     lightData = self.getLights()
     for light, data in lightData['lights'].iteritems():
         data['bridgeID'] = self._id
         data['args'] = data
         data['args']['name'] = data.get('label')
         newLight = lightDevice.Device(light, data)
         lData = {}
         lData['name'] = data.get('label')
         lData['args'] = {'name': data.get('label')}
         install_child_device(light, newLight, config=lData)
    def install_devices(self):
    Installs all supported devices from indigo. Each device name will be: indigo-{{NAME}}

        # TODO Updated this to the enw install_child function
        from core.firefly_api import install_child_device
        for name, device in self.get_devices().iteritems():
            logging.info('Installing child device %s' % name)
            if device.get('typeSupportsOnOff') and not device.get(
                    'typeIsSensor') and not device.get('typeIsDimmer'):
                logging.info('SUPPORTED DEVICE')
                config = {'args': device}
                new_switch = indigoSwitch(name, args=config)
                install_child_device(name, new_switch, config=config)
                logging.error('UNSUPPORTED DEVICE %s' % name)
文件: ffHue.py 项目: zpriddy/Firefly
  def install_hue(self):
    from core.firefly_api import install_child_device
    logging.debug("Installing Hue Bridge")
    self._hueBridge = bridge.Bridge(deviceID='ffHueBridge', username=self._username)

    rawLightData = self._hueBridge.get_lights()
    for light, lightData in rawLightData.iteritems():
      lightData['bridgeID'] = 'ffHueBridge'
      lightConfig = {}
      lightConfig['args'] = lightData
      lightConfig['args']['lightID'] = light
      newLight = lightDevice.Device('hue-light-' + str(light), lightConfig)
      lightData['args'] = {}
      lightData['args']['name'] = lightData.get('name')
      install_child_device('hue-light-' + str(light), newLight, config=lightData)

    rawGroupData = self._hueBridge.get_groups()
    for group, groupData in rawGroupData.iteritems():
      groupData['bridgeID'] = 'ffHueBridge'
      groupConfig = {}
      groupConfig['args'] = groupData
      groupConfig['args']['groupID'] = group
      newGroup = groupDevice.Device('hue-group-' + str(group), groupConfig)
      groupData['args'] = {}
      groupData['args']['name'] = groupData.get('name')
      install_child_device('hue-group-' + str(group), newGroup, config=groupData)
