def match_by_pitch(data_src_path, data_dst_path): r = 0.05 mn = 1 mx = 3 import cv import shutil # 准备各种路径 src_aligned_store = os.path.join(data_src_path, "aligned_store") if not os.path.exists(src_aligned_store): raise Exception("No Src Aligned Store") src_aligned = os.path.join(data_dst_path, "src") if os.path.exists(src_aligned): shutil.rmtree(src_aligned) os.mkdir(src_aligned) dst_aligned = os.path.join(data_dst_path, "aligned") dst_aligned_trash = os.path.join(data_dst_path, "aligned_trash") if not os.path.exists(dst_aligned_trash): os.mkdir(dst_aligned_trash) # 读取角度信息 src_img_list = get_pitch_yaw_roll(src_aligned_store) dst_img_list = get_pitch_yaw_roll(dst_aligned) src_pitch = list([i[1] for i in src_img_list]) src_yaw = list([i[2] for i in src_img_list]) dst_pitch = list([i[1] for i in dst_img_list]) dst_yaw = list([i[2] for i in dst_img_list]) src_ps = np.array(list(zip(src_pitch, src_yaw)), "float") dst_ps = np.array(list(zip(dst_pitch, dst_yaw)), "float") # 计算最近的n个点 src_match = set() dst_match = set() for p, i in io.progress_bar_generator(zip(dst_ps, range(len(dst_ps))), "Calculating"): ds = np.linalg.norm(src_ps - p, axis=1, keepdims=True) idxs = np.argsort(ds, axis=0) min_idx = idxs[mn - 1][0] # 极端情况所有距离都不满足半径范围 if ds[min_idx] > r: continue # 至少有一个满足半径条件了,dst_point可以留下 dst_match.add(i) # 所有满足条件的加入到src_match for idx in idxs[:mx]: idx = idx[0] if ds[idx] > r: break src_match.add(idx) io.log_info("%s, %s, %s, %s" % ("Src Match", len(src_match), "Src All", len(src_img_list))) io.log_info("%s, %s, %s, %s" % ("Dst Match", len(dst_match), "Dst All", len(dst_img_list))) # 画图 width = 800 xycr = [] for idx in range(len(src_img_list)): t = src_img_list[idx] if idx in src_match: xycr.append([t[1], t[2], (128, 128, 128), int(r * width / 2)]) # 蓝色,匹配到的 shutil.copy(t[0], src_aligned) else: xycr.append([t[1], t[2], (128, 128, 128), 2]) # 灰色,没匹配到 for idx in range(len(dst_img_list)): t = dst_img_list[idx] if idx in dst_match: xycr.append([t[1], t[2], (0, 255, 0), 2]) # 绿色,保留 else: xycr.append([t[1], t[2], (0, 0, 255), 2]) # 红色,删除 shutil.move(t[0], dst_aligned_trash) img = cv.cv_new((width, width)) xs = [i[0] for i in xycr] ys = [i[1] for i in xycr] cs = [i[2] for i in xycr] rs = [i[3] for i in xycr] cv.cv_scatter(img, xs, ys, [-1, 1], [-1, 1], cs, rs) cv.cv_save(img, os.path.join(dst_aligned, "_match_by_pitch.bmp")) # 加入base base_dir = os.path.join(data_src_path, "aligned_base") if os.path.exists(base_dir): for img in os.listdir(base_dir): if img.endswith(".jpg") or img.endswith(".png"): img_path = os.path.join(base_dir, img) shutil.copy(img_path, src_aligned)
def sort_best(input_path, faster=False): target_count = io.input_int ("Target number of faces?", 2000) io.log_info ("Performing sort by best faces.") if faster: io.log_info("Using faster algorithm. Faces will be sorted by source-rect-area instead of blur.") img_list, trash_img_list = FinalLoaderSubprocessor( pathex.get_image_paths(input_path), faster ).run() final_img_list = [] grads = 128 imgs_per_grad = round (target_count / grads) #instead of math.pi / 2, using -1.2,+1.2 because actually maximum yaw for 2DFAN landmarks are -1.2+1.2 grads_space = np.linspace (-1.2, 1.2,grads) yaws_sample_list = [None]*grads for g in io.progress_bar_generator ( range(grads), "Sort by yaw"): yaw = grads_space[g] next_yaw = grads_space[g+1] if g < grads-1 else yaw yaw_samples = [] for img in img_list: s_yaw = -img[3] if (g == 0 and s_yaw < next_yaw) or \ (g < grads-1 and s_yaw >= yaw and s_yaw < next_yaw) or \ (g == grads-1 and s_yaw >= yaw): yaw_samples += [ img ] if len(yaw_samples) > 0: yaws_sample_list[g] = yaw_samples total_lack = 0 for g in io.progress_bar_generator ( range(grads), ""): img_list = yaws_sample_list[g] img_list_len = len(img_list) if img_list is not None else 0 lack = imgs_per_grad - img_list_len total_lack += max(lack, 0) imgs_per_grad += total_lack // grads sharpned_imgs_per_grad = imgs_per_grad*10 for g in io.progress_bar_generator ( range (grads), "Sort by blur"): img_list = yaws_sample_list[g] if img_list is None: continue img_list = sorted(img_list, key=operator.itemgetter(1), reverse=True) if len(img_list) > sharpned_imgs_per_grad: trash_img_list += img_list[sharpned_imgs_per_grad:] img_list = img_list[0:sharpned_imgs_per_grad] yaws_sample_list[g] = img_list yaw_pitch_sample_list = [None]*grads pitch_grads = imgs_per_grad for g in io.progress_bar_generator ( range (grads), "Sort by pitch"): img_list = yaws_sample_list[g] if img_list is None: continue pitch_sample_list = [None]*pitch_grads grads_space = np.linspace (-math.pi / 2,math.pi / 2, pitch_grads ) for pg in range (pitch_grads): pitch = grads_space[pg] next_pitch = grads_space[pg+1] if pg < pitch_grads-1 else pitch pitch_samples = [] for img in img_list: s_pitch = img[4] if (pg == 0 and s_pitch < next_pitch) or \ (pg < pitch_grads-1 and s_pitch >= pitch and s_pitch < next_pitch) or \ (pg == pitch_grads-1 and s_pitch >= pitch): pitch_samples += [ img ] if len(pitch_samples) > 0: pitch_sample_list[pg] = pitch_samples yaw_pitch_sample_list[g] = pitch_sample_list yaw_pitch_sample_list = FinalHistDissimSubprocessor(yaw_pitch_sample_list).run() for g in io.progress_bar_generator (range (grads), "Fetching the best"): pitch_sample_list = yaw_pitch_sample_list[g] if pitch_sample_list is None: continue n = imgs_per_grad while n > 0: n_prev = n for pg in range(pitch_grads): img_list = pitch_sample_list[pg] if img_list is None: continue final_img_list += [ img_list.pop(0) ] if len(img_list) == 0: pitch_sample_list[pg] = None n -= 1 if n == 0: break if n_prev == n: break for pg in range(pitch_grads): img_list = pitch_sample_list[pg] if img_list is None: continue trash_img_list += img_list return final_img_list, trash_img_list
def __init__(self, is_training=False, saved_models_path=None, training_data_src_path=None, training_data_dst_path=None, pretraining_data_path=None, pretrained_model_path=None, no_preview=False, force_model_name=None, force_gpu_idxs=None, cpu_only=False, debug=False, force_model_class_name=None, silent_start=False, **kwargs): self.is_training = is_training self.saved_models_path = saved_models_path self.training_data_src_path = training_data_src_path self.training_data_dst_path = training_data_dst_path self.pretraining_data_path = pretraining_data_path self.pretrained_model_path = pretrained_model_path self.no_preview = no_preview self.debug = debug self.model_class_name = model_class_name = Path(inspect.getmodule(self).__file__)"_", 1)[1] if force_model_class_name is None: if force_model_name is not None: self.model_name = force_model_name else: while True: # gather all model dat files saved_models_names = [] for filepath in pathex.get_file_paths(saved_models_path): filepath_name = if filepath_name.endswith(f'{model_class_name}_data.dat'): saved_models_names += [ (filepath_name.split('_')[0], os.path.getmtime(filepath)) ] # sort by modified datetime saved_models_names = sorted(saved_models_names, key=operator.itemgetter(1), reverse=True ) saved_models_names = [ x[0] for x in saved_models_names ] if len(saved_models_names) != 0: if silent_start: self.model_name = saved_models_names[0] io.log_info(f'Silent start: choosed model "{self.model_name}"') else: io.log_info ("Choose one of saved models, or enter a name to create a new model.") io.log_info ("[r] : rename") io.log_info ("[d] : delete") io.log_info ("") for i, model_name in enumerate(saved_models_names): s = f"[{i}] : {model_name} " if i == 0: s += "- latest" io.log_info (s) inp = io.input_str(f"", "0", show_default_value=False ) model_idx = -1 try: model_idx = np.clip ( int(inp), 0, len(saved_models_names)-1 ) except: pass if model_idx == -1: if len(inp) == 1: is_rename = inp[0] == 'r' is_delete = inp[0] == 'd' if is_rename or is_delete: if len(saved_models_names) != 0: if is_rename: name = io.input_str(f"Enter the name of the model you want to rename") elif is_delete: name = io.input_str(f"Enter the name of the model you want to delete") if name in saved_models_names: if is_rename: new_model_name = io.input_str(f"Enter new name of the model") for filepath in pathex.get_paths(saved_models_path): filepath_name = model_filename, remain_filename = filepath_name.split('_', 1) if model_filename == name: if is_rename: new_filepath = filepath.parent / ( new_model_name + '_' + remain_filename ) filepath.rename (new_filepath) elif is_delete: filepath.unlink() continue self.model_name = inp else: self.model_name = saved_models_names[model_idx] else: self.model_name = io.input_str(f"No saved models found. Enter a name of a new model", "new") self.model_name = self.model_name.replace('_', ' ') break self.model_name = self.model_name + '_' + self.model_class_name else: self.model_name = force_model_class_name self.iter = 0 self.options = {} self.options_show_override = {} self.loss_history = [] self.sample_for_preview = None self.choosed_gpu_indexes = None model_data = {} self.model_data_path = Path( self.get_strpath_storage_for_file('data.dat') ) if self.model_data_path.exists(): io.log_info (f"Loading {self.model_name} model...") model_data = pickle.loads ( self.model_data_path.read_bytes() ) self.iter = model_data.get('iter',0) if self.iter != 0: self.options = model_data['options'] self.loss_history = model_data.get('loss_history', []) self.sample_for_preview = model_data.get('sample_for_preview', None) self.choosed_gpu_indexes = model_data.get('choosed_gpu_indexes', None) if self.is_first_run(): io.log_info ("\nModel first run.") if silent_start: self.device_config = nn.DeviceConfig.BestGPU() io.log_info (f"Silent start: choosed device {'CPU' if self.device_config.cpu_only else self.device_config.devices[0].name}") else: self.device_config = nn.DeviceConfig.GPUIndexes( force_gpu_idxs or nn.ask_choose_device_idxs(suggest_best_multi_gpu=True)) \ if not cpu_only else nn.DeviceConfig.CPU() nn.initialize(self.device_config) #### self.default_options_path = saved_models_path / f'{self.model_class_name}_default_options.dat' self.default_options = {} if self.default_options_path.exists(): try: self.default_options = pickle.loads ( self.default_options_path.read_bytes() ) except: pass self.choose_preview_history = False self.batch_size = self.load_or_def_option('batch_size', 1) ##### io.input_skip_pending() self.on_initialize_options() if self.is_first_run(): # save as default options only for first run model initialize self.default_options_path.write_bytes( pickle.dumps (self.options) ) self.autobackup_hour = self.options.get('autobackup_hour', 0) self.write_preview_history = self.options.get('write_preview_history', False) self.target_iter = self.options.get('target_iter',0) self.random_flip = self.options.get('random_flip',True) self.on_initialize() self.options['batch_size'] = self.batch_size self.preview_history_writer = None if self.is_training: self.preview_history_path = self.saved_models_path / ( f'{self.get_model_name()}_history' ) self.autobackups_path = self.saved_models_path / ( f'{self.get_model_name()}_autobackups' ) if self.write_preview_history or io.is_colab(): if not self.preview_history_path.exists(): self.preview_history_path.mkdir(exist_ok=True) else: if self.iter == 0: for filename in pathex.get_image_paths(self.preview_history_path): Path(filename).unlink() if self.generator_list is None: raise ValueError( 'You didnt set_training_data_generators()') else: for i, generator in enumerate(self.generator_list): if not isinstance(generator, SampleGeneratorBase): raise ValueError('training data generator is not subclass of SampleGeneratorBase') self.update_sample_for_preview(choose_preview_history=self.choose_preview_history) if self.autobackup_hour != 0: self.autobackup_start_time = time.time() if not self.autobackups_path.exists(): self.autobackups_path.mkdir(exist_ok=True) io.log_info( self.get_summary_text() )
def process_info_generator(self): cpu_count = len(self.img_chunks_list) io.log_info(f'Running on {cpu_count} threads') for i in range(cpu_count): yield 'CPU%d' % (i), {'i':i}, {}
def sort_by_hue(input_path): io.log_info ("Sorting by hue...") img_list = [ [x, np.mean ( cv2.cvtColor(cv2_imread(x), cv2.COLOR_BGR2HSV)[...,0].flatten() )] for x in io.progress_bar_generator( pathex.get_image_paths(input_path), "Loading") ] io.log_info ("Sorting...") img_list = sorted(img_list, key=operator.itemgetter(1), reverse=True) return img_list, []
def main( detector=None, input_path=None, output_path=None, output_debug=None, manual_fix=False, manual_output_debug_fix=False, manual_window_size=1368, image_size=256, face_type='full_face', max_faces_from_image=0, cpu_only=False, force_gpu_idxs=None, ): face_type = FaceType.fromString(face_type) if not input_path.exists(): io.log_err('Input directory not found. Please ensure it exists.') return if detector is None: io.log_info("Choose detector type.") io.log_info("[0] S3FD") io.log_info("[1] manual") detector = {0: 's3fd', 1: 'manual'}[io.input_int("", 0, [0, 1])] device_config = nn.DeviceConfig.GPUIndexes( force_gpu_idxs or nn.ask_choose_device_idxs(choose_only_one=detector=='manual', suggest_all_gpu=True) ) \ if not cpu_only else nn.DeviceConfig.CPU() output_debug_path = output_path.parent / ( + '_debug') if output_debug is None: output_debug = io.input_bool( f"Write debug images to {}?", False) if output_path.exists(): if not manual_output_debug_fix and input_path != output_path: output_images_paths = pathex.get_image_paths(output_path) if len(output_images_paths) > 0: io.input( f"WARNING !!! \n {output_path} contains files! \n They will be deleted. \n Press enter to continue." ) for filename in output_images_paths: Path(filename).unlink() else: output_path.mkdir(parents=True, exist_ok=True) input_path_image_paths = pathex.get_image_unique_filestem_paths( input_path, verbose_print_func=io.log_info) if manual_output_debug_fix: if not output_debug_path.exists(): io.log_err( f'{output_debug_path} not found. Re-extract faces with "Write debug images" option.' ) return else: detector = 'manual' io.log_info( 'Performing re-extract frames which were deleted from _debug directory.' ) input_path_image_paths = DeletedFilesSearcherSubprocessor( input_path_image_paths, pathex.get_image_paths(output_debug_path)).run() input_path_image_paths = sorted(input_path_image_paths) io.log_info('Found %d images.' % (len(input_path_image_paths))) else: if output_debug_path.exists(): for filename in pathex.get_image_paths(output_debug_path): Path(filename).unlink() else: output_debug_path.mkdir(parents=True, exist_ok=True) images_found = len(input_path_image_paths) faces_detected = 0 if images_found != 0: if detector == 'manual': io.log_info('Performing manual extract...') data = ExtractSubprocessor( [ ExtractSubprocessor.Data(Path(filename)) for filename in input_path_image_paths ], 'landmarks-manual', image_size, face_type, output_debug_path if output_debug else None, manual_window_size=manual_window_size, device_config=device_config).run() io.log_info('Performing 3rd pass...') data = ExtractSubprocessor( data, 'final', image_size, face_type, output_debug_path if output_debug else None, final_output_path=output_path, device_config=device_config).run() else: io.log_info('Extracting faces...') data = ExtractSubprocessor( [ ExtractSubprocessor.Data(Path(filename)) for filename in input_path_image_paths ], 'all', image_size, face_type, output_debug_path if output_debug else None, max_faces_from_image=max_faces_from_image, final_output_path=output_path, device_config=device_config).run() faces_detected += sum([d.faces_detected for d in data]) if manual_fix: if all(np.array([d.faces_detected > 0 for d in data]) == True): io.log_info('All faces are detected, manual fix not needed.') else: fix_data = [ ExtractSubprocessor.Data(d.filepath) for d in data if d.faces_detected == 0 ] io.log_info('Performing manual fix for %d images...' % (len(fix_data))) fix_data = ExtractSubprocessor( fix_data, 'landmarks-manual', image_size, face_type, output_debug_path if output_debug else None, manual_window_size=manual_window_size, device_config=device_config).run() fix_data = ExtractSubprocessor( fix_data, 'final', image_size, face_type, output_debug_path if output_debug else None, final_output_path=output_path, device_config=device_config).run() faces_detected += sum([d.faces_detected for d in fix_data]) io.log_info('-------------------------') io.log_info('Images found: %d' % (images_found)) io.log_info('Faces detected: %d' % (faces_detected)) io.log_info('-------------------------')
def summary(self): layers = self.get_layers() layers_names = [] layers_params = [] max_len_str = 0 max_len_param_str = 0 delim_str = "-" total_params = 0 #Get layers names and str lenght for delim for l in layers: if len(str(l))>max_len_str: max_len_str = len(str(l)) layers_names+=[str(l).capitalize()] #Get params for each layer layers_params = [ int(np.sum( for w in l.get_weights())) for l in layers ] total_params = np.sum(layers_params) #Get str lenght for delim for p in layers_params: if len(str(p))>max_len_param_str: max_len_param_str=len(str(p)) #Set delim for i in range(max_len_str+max_len_param_str+3): delim_str += "-" output = "\n"+delim_str+"\n" #Format model name str model_name_str = "| " len_model_name_str = len(model_name_str) for i in range(len(delim_str)-len_model_name_str): model_name_str+= " " if i!=(len(delim_str)-len_model_name_str-2) else " |" output += model_name_str +"\n" output += delim_str +"\n" #Format layers table for i in range(len(layers_names)): output += delim_str +"\n" l_name = layers_names[i] l_param = str(layers_params[i]) l_param_str = "" if len(l_name)<=max_len_str: for i in range(max_len_str - len(l_name)): l_name+= " " if len(l_param)<=max_len_param_str: for i in range(max_len_param_str - len(l_param)): l_param_str+= " " l_param_str += l_param output +="| "+l_name+"|"+l_param_str+"| \n" output += delim_str +"\n" #Format sum of params total_params_str = "| Total params count: "+str(total_params) len_total_params_str = len(total_params_str) for i in range(len(delim_str)-len_total_params_str): total_params_str+= " " if i!=(len(delim_str)-len_total_params_str-2) else " |" output += total_params_str +"\n" output += delim_str +"\n" io.log_info(output)
def tick(self): for cli in self.clis[:]: while not cli.c2s.empty(): obj = cli.c2s.get() op = obj.get('op', '') if op == 'success': #success processed data, return data and result to on_result self.on_result(cli.host_dict, obj['data'], obj['result']) self.sent_data = None cli.state = 0 elif op == 'error': #some error occured while process data, returning chunk to on_data_return if 'data' in obj.keys(): self.on_data_return(cli.host_dict, obj['data']) #and killing process cli.kill() self.clis.remove(cli) elif op == 'log_info': io.log_info(obj['msg']) elif op == 'log_err': io.log_err(obj['msg']) elif op == 'progress_bar_inc': io.progress_bar_inc(obj['c']) for cli in self.clis[:]: if cli.state == 1: if cli.sent_time != 0 and self.no_response_time_sec != 0 and ( time.time() - cli.sent_time) > self.no_response_time_sec: #subprocess busy too long io.log_info('%s doesnt response, terminating it.' % ( self.on_data_return(cli.host_dict, cli.sent_data) cli.kill() self.clis.remove(cli) for cli in self.clis[:]: if cli.state == 0: #free state of subprocess, get some data from get_data data = self.get_data(cli.host_dict) if data is not None: #and send it to subprocess cli.s2c.put({'op': 'data', 'data': data}) cli.sent_time = time.time() cli.sent_data = data cli.state = 1 if all([cli.state == 0 for cli in self.clis]): #gracefully terminating subprocesses for cli in self.clis[:]: cli.s2c.put({'op': 'close'}) cli.sent_time = time.time() while True: for cli in self.clis[:]: terminate_it = False while not cli.c2s.empty(): obj = cli.c2s.get() obj_op = obj['op'] if obj_op == 'finalized': terminate_it = True break if (time.time() - cli.sent_time) > 30: terminate_it = True if terminate_it: cli.state = 2 cli.kill() if all([cli.state == 2 for cli in self.clis]): break #finalizing host logic self.q_timer.stop() self.q_timer = None self.on_clients_finalized()
def pack(samples_path): samples_dat_path = samples_path / packed_faceset_filename if samples_dat_path.exists(): io.log_info(f"{samples_dat_path} : file already exists !") io.input("Press enter to continue and overwrite.") as_person_faceset = False dir_names = pathex.get_all_dir_names(samples_path) if len(dir_names) != 0: as_person_faceset = io.input_bool( f"{len(dir_names)} subdirectories found, process as person faceset?", True) if as_person_faceset: image_paths = [] for dir_name in dir_names: image_paths += pathex.get_image_paths(samples_path / dir_name) else: image_paths = pathex.get_image_paths(samples_path) samples = samplelib.SampleLoader.load_face_samples(image_paths) samples_len = len(samples) samples_configs = [] for sample in io.progress_bar_generator(samples, "Processing"): sample_filepath = Path(sample.filename) sample.filename = if as_person_faceset: sample.person_name = samples_configs.append(sample.get_config()) samples_bytes = pickle.dumps(samples_configs, 4) of = open(samples_dat_path, "wb") of.write(struct.pack("Q", PackedFaceset.VERSION)) of.write(struct.pack("Q", len(samples_bytes))) of.write(samples_bytes) del samples_bytes #just free mem del samples_configs sample_data_table_offset = of.tell() of.write(bytes(8 * (samples_len + 1))) #sample data offset table data_start_offset = of.tell() offsets = [] for sample in io.progress_bar_generator(samples, "Packing"): try: if sample.person_name is not None: sample_path = samples_path / sample.person_name / sample.filename else: sample_path = samples_path / sample.filename with open(sample_path, "rb") as f: b = offsets.append(of.tell() - data_start_offset) of.write(b) except: raise Exception(f"error while processing sample {sample_path}") offsets.append(of.tell()), 0) for offset in offsets: of.write(struct.pack("Q", offset)), 2) of.close() if io.input_bool(f"Delete original files?", True): for filename in io.progress_bar_generator(image_paths, "Deleting files"): Path(filename).unlink() if as_person_faceset: for dir_name in io.progress_bar_generator( dir_names, "Deleting dirs"): dir_path = samples_path / dir_name try: shutil.rmtree(dir_path) except: io.log_info(f"unable to remove: {dir_path} ")
def video_from_sequence(input_dir, output_file, reference_file=None, ext=None, fps=None, bitrate=None, include_audio=False, lossless=None): input_path = Path(input_dir) output_file_path = Path(output_file) reference_file_path = Path( reference_file) if reference_file is not None else None if not input_path.exists(): io.log_err("input_dir not found.") return if not output_file_path.parent.exists(): output_file_path.parent.mkdir(parents=True, exist_ok=True) return out_ext = output_file_path.suffix if ext is None: ext = io.input_str("Input image format (extension)", "png") if lossless is None: lossless = io.input_bool("Use lossless codec", False) video_id = None audio_id = None ref_in_a = None if reference_file_path is not None: if reference_file_path.suffix == '.*': reference_file_path = pathex.get_first_file_by_stem( reference_file_path.parent, reference_file_path.stem) else: if not reference_file_path.exists(): reference_file_path = None if reference_file_path is None: io.log_err("reference_file not found.") return #probing reference file probe = ffmpeg.probe(str(reference_file_path), cmd=UIParamReflect.GlobalConfig.ffprobe_cmd_path) #getting first video and audio streams id with fps for stream in probe['streams']: if video_id is None and stream['codec_type'] == 'video': video_id = stream['index'] fps = stream['r_frame_rate'] if audio_id is None and stream['codec_type'] == 'audio': audio_id = stream['index'] if audio_id is not None: #has audio track ref_in_a = ffmpeg.input(str(reference_file_path))[str(audio_id)] if fps is None: #if fps not specified and not overwritten by reference-file #ps = max (1, io.input_int ("Enter FPS", 25) ) fps = UIParamReflect.UIParam2Config.default_fps InfoNotifier.InfoNotifier.g_progress_info.append(f"默认合成帧率:{fps}") if not lossless and bitrate is None: # bitrate = max (1, io.input_int ("Bitrate of output file in MB/s", 16) ) bitrate = UIParamReflect.UIParam2Config.bit_rate io.log_info("Bitrate of output file in MB/s " + str(bitrate)) input_image_paths = pathex.get_image_paths(input_path) i_in = ffmpeg.input('pipe:', format='image2pipe', r=fps) output_args = [i_in] if include_audio and ref_in_a is not None: output_args += [ref_in_a] output_args += [str(output_file_path)] output_kwargs = {} if lossless: output_kwargs.update({ "c:v": "libx264", "crf": "0", "pix_fmt": "yuv420p", }) else: output_kwargs.update({ "c:v": "libx264", "b:v": "%dM" % (bitrate), "pix_fmt": "yuv420p", }) if include_audio and ref_in_a is not None: output_kwargs.update({"c:a": "aac", "b:a": "192k", "ar": "48000"}) job = (ffmpeg.output(*output_args, **output_kwargs).overwrite_output()) try: job_run = job.run_async( pipe_stdin=True, cmd=UIParamReflect.GlobalConfig.ffmpeg_cmd_path) for image_path in input_image_paths: with open(image_path, "rb") as f: image_bytes = job_run.stdin.write(image_bytes) job_run.stdin.close() job_run.wait() except: io.log_err("ffmpeg fail, job commandline:" + str(job.compile()))
def __init__(self, name, SubprocessorCli_class, no_response_time_sec=0, io_loop_sleep_time=0.005): if not issubclass(SubprocessorCli_class, QSubprocessor.Cli): raise ValueError( "SubprocessorCli_class must be subclass of QSubprocessor.Cli") = name self.SubprocessorCli_class = SubprocessorCli_class self.no_response_time_sec = no_response_time_sec self.io_loop_sleep_time = io_loop_sleep_time self.clis = [] #getting info about name of subprocesses, host and client dicts, and spawning them for name, host_dict, client_dict in self.process_info_generator(): try: cli = self.SubprocessorCli_class(client_dict) cli.state = 1 cli.sent_time = 0 cli.sent_data = None = name cli.host_dict = host_dict self.clis.append(cli) except: raise Exception( f"Unable to start subprocess {name}. Error: {traceback.format_exc()}" ) if len(self.clis) == 0: raise Exception("Unable to start QSubprocessor '%s' " % ( #waiting subprocesses their success(or not) initialization while True: for cli in self.clis[:]: while not cli.c2s.empty(): obj = cli.c2s.get() op = obj.get('op', '') if op == 'init_ok': cli.state = 0 elif op == 'log_info': io.log_info(obj['msg']) elif op == 'log_err': io.log_err(obj['msg']) elif op == 'error': cli.kill() self.clis.remove(cli) break if all([cli.state == 0 for cli in self.clis]): break io.process_messages(0.005) if len(self.clis) == 0: raise Exception("Unable to start subprocesses.") #ok some processes survived, initialize host logic self.on_clients_initialized() self.q_timer = QTimer() self.q_timer.timeout.connect(self.tick) self.q_timer.start(5)
def save_faceset_metadata_folder(input_path): input_path = Path(input_path) metadata_filepath = input_path / 'meta.dat' io.log_info(f"Saving metadata to {str(metadata_filepath)}\r\n") d = {} for filepath in io.progress_bar_generator( pathex.get_image_paths(input_path), "Processing"): filepath = Path(filepath) dflimg = DFLIMG.load(filepath) if dflimg is None or not dflimg.has_data(): io.log_info(f"{filepath} is not a dfl image file") continue dfl_dict = dflimg.get_dict() d[] = (dflimg.get_shape(), dfl_dict) try: with open(metadata_filepath, "wb") as f: f.write(pickle.dumps(d)) except: raise Exception('cannot save %s' % (filename)) io.log_info("Now you can edit images.") io.log_info("!!! Keep same filenames in the folder.") io.log_info( "You can change size of images, restoring process will downscale back to original size." ) io.log_info("After that, use restore metadata.")
def initialize(device_config=None, floatx="float32", data_format="NHWC"): if is None: if device_config is None: device_config = nn.getCurrentDeviceConfig() nn.setCurrentDeviceConfig(device_config) # Manipulate environment variables before import tensorflow if 'CUDA_VISIBLE_DEVICES' in os.environ.keys(): os.environ.pop('CUDA_VISIBLE_DEVICES') first_run = False if len(device_config.devices) != 0: if sys.platform[0:3] == 'win': # Windows specific env vars if all( [ == device_config.devices[0].name for x in device_config.devices ] ): devices_str = "_" + device_config.devices[0].name.replace(' ','_') else: devices_str = "" for device in device_config.devices: devices_str += "_" +' ','_') compute_cache_path = Path(os.environ['APPDATA']) / 'NVIDIA' / ('ComputeCache' + devices_str) if not compute_cache_path.exists(): first_run = True os.environ['CUDA_CACHE_PATH'] = str(compute_cache_path) os.environ['CUDA_CACHE_MAXSIZE'] = '536870912' #512Mb (32mb default) os.environ['TF_MIN_GPU_MULTIPROCESSOR_COUNT'] = '2' os.environ['TF_CPP_MIN_LOG_LEVEL'] = '2' # tf log errors only if first_run: io.log_info("Caching GPU kernels...") import tensorflow as tf = tf import logging # Disable tensorflow warnings logging.getLogger('tensorflow').setLevel(logging.ERROR) # Initialize framework import core.leras.ops import core.leras.layers import core.leras.initializers import core.leras.optimizers import core.leras.models import core.leras.archis # Configure tensorflow session-config if len(device_config.devices) == 0: nn.tf_default_device = "/CPU:0" config = tf.ConfigProto(device_count={'GPU': 0}) else: nn.tf_default_device = "/GPU:0" config = tf.ConfigProto() config.gpu_options.visible_device_list = ','.join([str(device.index) for device in device_config.devices]) config.gpu_options.force_gpu_compatible = True config.gpu_options.allow_growth = True nn.tf_sess_config = config if nn.tf_sess is None: nn.tf_sess = tf.Session(config=nn.tf_sess_config) if floatx == "float32": floatx = elif floatx == "float16": floatx = else: raise ValueError(f"unsupported floatx {floatx}") nn.set_floatx(floatx) nn.set_data_format(data_format)
def ask_choose_device_idxs(choose_only_one=False, allow_cpu=True, suggest_best_multi_gpu=False, suggest_all_gpu=False): devices = Devices.getDevices() if len(devices) == 0: return [] all_devices_indexes = [device.index for device in devices] if choose_only_one: suggest_best_multi_gpu = False suggest_all_gpu = False if suggest_all_gpu: best_device_indexes = all_devices_indexes elif suggest_best_multi_gpu: best_device_indexes = [device.index for device in devices.get_equal_devices(devices.get_best_device()) ] else: best_device_indexes = [ devices.get_best_device().index ] best_device_indexes = ",".join([str(x) for x in best_device_indexes]) io.log_info ("") if choose_only_one: io.log_info ("Choose one GPU idx.") else: io.log_info ("Choose one or several GPU idxs (separated by comma).") io.log_info ("") if allow_cpu: io.log_info ("[CPU] : CPU") for device in devices: io.log_info (f" [{device.index}] : {}") io.log_info ("") while True: try: if choose_only_one: choosed_idxs = io.input_str("Which GPU index to choose?", best_device_indexes) else: choosed_idxs = io.input_str("Which GPU indexes to choose?", best_device_indexes) if allow_cpu and choosed_idxs.lower() == "cpu": choosed_idxs = [] break choosed_idxs = [ int(x) for x in choosed_idxs.split(',') ] if choose_only_one: if len(choosed_idxs) == 1: break else: if all( [idx in all_devices_indexes for idx in choosed_idxs] ): break except: pass io.log_info ("") return choosed_idxs
def __init__(self, is_interactive, merger_session_filepath, predictor_func, predictor_input_shape, face_enhancer_func, xseg_256_extract_func, merger_config, frames, frames_root_path, output_path, output_mask_path, model_iter): if len (frames) == 0: raise ValueError ("len (frames) == 0") super().__init__('Merger', InteractiveMergerSubprocessor.Cli, io_loop_sleep_time=0.001) self.is_interactive = is_interactive self.merger_session_filepath = Path(merger_session_filepath) self.merger_config = merger_config self.predictor_func = predictor_func self.predictor_input_shape = predictor_input_shape self.face_enhancer_func = face_enhancer_func self.xseg_256_extract_func = xseg_256_extract_func self.frames_root_path = frames_root_path self.output_path = output_path self.output_mask_path = output_mask_path self.model_iter = model_iter self.prefetch_frame_count = self.process_count = multiprocessing.cpu_count() session_data = None if self.is_interactive and self.merger_session_filepath.exists(): io.input_skip_pending() if io.input_bool ("Use saved session?", True): try: with open( str(self.merger_session_filepath), "rb") as f: session_data = pickle.loads( except Exception as e: pass rewind_to_frame_idx = None self.frames = frames self.frames_idxs = [ *range(len(self.frames)) ] self.frames_done_idxs = [] if self.is_interactive and session_data is not None: # Loaded session data, check it s_frames = session_data.get('frames', None) s_frames_idxs = session_data.get('frames_idxs', None) s_frames_done_idxs = session_data.get('frames_done_idxs', None) s_model_iter = session_data.get('model_iter', None) frames_equal = (s_frames is not None) and \ (s_frames_idxs is not None) and \ (s_frames_done_idxs is not None) and \ (s_model_iter is not None) and \ (len(frames) == len(s_frames)) # frames count must match if frames_equal: for i in range(len(frames)): frame = frames[i] s_frame = s_frames[i] # frames filenames must match if != frames_equal = False if not frames_equal: break if frames_equal: io.log_info ('Using saved session from ' + '/'.join ([-2:]) ) for frame in s_frames: if frame.cfg is not None: # recreate MergerConfig class using constructor with get_config() as dict params # so if any new param will be added, old merger session will work properly frame.cfg = frame.cfg.__class__( **frame.cfg.get_config() ) self.frames = s_frames self.frames_idxs = s_frames_idxs self.frames_done_idxs = s_frames_done_idxs if self.model_iter != s_model_iter: # model was more trained, recompute all frames rewind_to_frame_idx = -1 for frame in self.frames: frame.is_done = False elif len(self.frames_idxs) == 0: # all frames are done? rewind_to_frame_idx = -1 if len(self.frames_idxs) != 0: cur_frame = self.frames[self.frames_idxs[0]] cur_frame.is_shown = False if not frames_equal: session_data = None if session_data is None: for filename in pathex.get_image_paths(self.output_path): #remove all images in output_path Path(filename).unlink() for filename in pathex.get_image_paths(self.output_mask_path): #remove all images in output_mask_path Path(filename).unlink() frames[0].cfg = self.merger_config.copy() for i in range( len(self.frames) ): frame = self.frames[i] frame.idx = i frame.output_filepath = self.output_path / ( frame.frame_info.filepath.stem + '.png' ) frame.output_mask_filepath = self.output_mask_path / ( frame.frame_info.filepath.stem + '.png' ) if not frame.output_filepath.exists() or \ not frame.output_mask_filepath.exists(): # if some frame does not exist, recompute and rewind frame.is_done = False frame.is_shown = False if rewind_to_frame_idx is None: rewind_to_frame_idx = i-1 else: rewind_to_frame_idx = min(rewind_to_frame_idx, i-1) if rewind_to_frame_idx is not None: while len(self.frames_done_idxs) > 0: if self.frames_done_idxs[-1] > rewind_to_frame_idx: prev_frame = self.frames[self.frames_done_idxs.pop()] self.frames_idxs.insert(0, prev_frame.idx) else: break
def ask_settings(self): s = """Choose mode: \n""" for key in mode_dict.keys(): s += f"""({key}) {mode_dict[key]}\n""" io.log_info(s) mode = io.input_int("", mode_str_dict.get(self.default_mode, 1)) self.mode = mode_dict.get(mode, self.default_mode) if 'raw' not in self.mode: if self.mode == 'hist-match': self.masked_hist_match = io.input_bool("Masked hist match?", True) if self.mode == 'hist-match' or self.mode == 'seamless-hist-match': self.hist_match_threshold = np.clip( io.input_int("Hist match threshold", 255, add_info="0..255"), 0, 255) s = """Choose mask mode: \n""" for key in mask_mode_dict.keys(): s += f"""({key}) {mask_mode_dict[key]}\n""" io.log_info(s) self.mask_mode = io.input_int("", 1, valid_list=mask_mode_dict.keys()) if 'raw' not in self.mode: self.erode_mask_modifier = np.clip( io.input_int("Choose erode mask modifier", 0, add_info="-400..400"), -400, 400) self.blur_mask_modifier = np.clip( io.input_int("Choose blur mask modifier", 0, add_info="0..400"), 0, 400) self.motion_blur_power = np.clip( io.input_int("Choose motion blur power", 0, add_info="0..100"), 0, 100) self.output_face_scale = np.clip( io.input_int("Choose output face scale modifier", 0, add_info="-50..50"), -50, 50) if 'raw' not in self.mode: self.color_transfer_mode = io.input_str( "Color transfer to predicted face", None, valid_list=list(ctm_str_dict.keys())[1:]) self.color_transfer_mode = ctm_str_dict[self.color_transfer_mode] super().ask_settings() self.super_resolution_power = np.clip( io.input_int( "Choose super resolution power", 0, add_info="0..100", help_message= "Enhance details by applying superresolution network."), 0, 100) if 'raw' not in self.mode: self.image_denoise_power = np.clip( io.input_int("Choose image degrade by denoise power", 0, add_info="0..500"), 0, 500) self.bicubic_degrade_power = np.clip( io.input_int("Choose image degrade by bicubic rescale power", 0, add_info="0..100"), 0, 100) self.color_degrade_power = np.clip( io.input_int("Degrade color power of final image", 0, add_info="0..100"), 0, 100) io.log_info("")
def on_tick(self): io.process_messages() go_prev_frame = False go_first_frame = False go_prev_frame_overriding_cfg = False go_first_frame_overriding_cfg = False go_next_frame = self.process_remain_frames go_next_frame_overriding_cfg = False go_last_frame_overriding_cfg = False cur_frame = None if len(self.frames_idxs) != 0: cur_frame = self.frames[self.frames_idxs[0]] if self.is_interactive: screen_image = None if self.process_remain_frames else \ self.main_screen.get_image() self.main_screen.set_waiting_icon( self.process_remain_frames or \ self.is_interactive_quitting ) if cur_frame is not None and not self.is_interactive_quitting: if not self.process_remain_frames: if cur_frame.is_done: if not cur_frame.is_shown: if cur_frame.image is None: image = cv2_imread (cur_frame.output_filepath, verbose=False) image_mask = cv2_imread (cur_frame.output_mask_filepath, verbose=False) if image is None or image_mask is None: # unable to read? recompute then cur_frame.is_done = False else: image = imagelib.normalize_channels(image, 3) image_mask = imagelib.normalize_channels(image_mask, 1) cur_frame.image = np.concatenate([image, image_mask], -1) if cur_frame.is_done: io.log_info (cur_frame.cfg.to_string( ) cur_frame.is_shown = True screen_image = cur_frame.image else: self.main_screen.set_waiting_icon(True) self.main_screen.set_image(screen_image) self.screen_manager.show_current() key_events = self.screen_manager.get_key_events() key, chr_key, ctrl_pressed, alt_pressed, shift_pressed = key_events[-1] if len(key_events) > 0 else (0,0,False,False,False) if key == 9: #tab self.screen_manager.switch_screens() else: if key == 27: #esc self.is_interactive_quitting = True elif self.screen_manager.get_current() is self.main_screen: if self.merger_config.type == MergerConfig.TYPE_MASKED and chr_key in self.masked_keys: self.process_remain_frames = False if cur_frame is not None: cfg = cur_frame.cfg prev_cfg = cfg.copy() if cfg.type == MergerConfig.TYPE_MASKED: self.masked_keys_funcs[chr_key](cfg, shift_pressed) if prev_cfg != cfg: io.log_info ( cfg.to_string( ) cur_frame.is_done = False cur_frame.is_shown = False else: if chr_key == ',' or chr_key == 'm': self.process_remain_frames = False go_prev_frame = True if chr_key == ',': if shift_pressed: go_first_frame = True elif chr_key == 'm': if not shift_pressed: go_prev_frame_overriding_cfg = True else: go_first_frame_overriding_cfg = True elif chr_key == '.' or chr_key == '/': self.process_remain_frames = False go_next_frame = True if chr_key == '.': if shift_pressed: self.process_remain_frames = not self.process_remain_frames elif chr_key == '/': if not shift_pressed: go_next_frame_overriding_cfg = True else: go_last_frame_overriding_cfg = True elif chr_key == '-': self.screen_manager.get_current().diff_scale(-0.1) elif chr_key == '=': self.screen_manager.get_current().diff_scale(0.1) elif chr_key == 'v': self.screen_manager.get_current().toggle_show_checker_board() if go_prev_frame: if cur_frame is None or cur_frame.is_done: if cur_frame is not None: cur_frame.image = None while True: if len(self.frames_done_idxs) > 0: prev_frame = self.frames[self.frames_done_idxs.pop()] self.frames_idxs.insert(0, prev_frame.idx) prev_frame.is_shown = False io.progress_bar_inc(-1) if cur_frame is not None and (go_prev_frame_overriding_cfg or go_first_frame_overriding_cfg): if prev_frame.cfg != cur_frame.cfg: prev_frame.cfg = cur_frame.cfg.copy() prev_frame.is_done = False cur_frame = prev_frame if go_first_frame_overriding_cfg or go_first_frame: if len(self.frames_done_idxs) > 0: continue break elif go_next_frame: if cur_frame is not None and cur_frame.is_done: cur_frame.image = None cur_frame.is_shown = True self.frames_done_idxs.append(cur_frame.idx) self.frames_idxs.pop(0) io.progress_bar_inc(1) f = self.frames if len(self.frames_idxs) != 0: next_frame = f[ self.frames_idxs[0] ] next_frame.is_shown = False if go_next_frame_overriding_cfg or go_last_frame_overriding_cfg: if go_next_frame_overriding_cfg: to_frames = next_frame.idx+1 else: to_frames = len(f) for i in range( next_frame.idx, to_frames ): f[i].cfg = None for i in range( min(len(self.frames_idxs), self.prefetch_frame_count) ): frame = f[ self.frames_idxs[i] ] if frame.cfg is None: if i == 0: frame.cfg = cur_frame.cfg.copy() else: frame.cfg = f[ self.frames_idxs[i-1] ].cfg.copy() frame.is_done = False #initiate solve again frame.is_shown = False if len(self.frames_idxs) == 0: self.process_remain_frames = False return (self.is_interactive and self.is_interactive_quitting) or \ (not self.is_interactive and self.process_remain_frames == False)
def dev_test_68(input_dir): # process 68 landmarks dataset with .pts files input_path = Path(input_dir) if not input_path.exists(): raise ValueError('input_dir not found. Please ensure it exists.') output_path = input_path.parent / ( + '_aligned') io.log_info(f'Output dir is % {output_path}') if output_path.exists(): output_images_paths = pathex.get_image_paths(output_path) if len(output_images_paths) > 0: io.input_bool( "WARNING !!! \n %s contains files! \n They will be deleted. \n Press enter to continue." % (str(output_path)), False) for filename in output_images_paths: Path(filename).unlink() else: output_path.mkdir(parents=True, exist_ok=True) images_paths = pathex.get_image_paths(input_path) for filepath in io.progress_bar_generator(images_paths, "Processing"): filepath = Path(filepath) pts_filepath = filepath.parent / (filepath.stem + '.pts') if pts_filepath.exists(): pts = pts_filepath.read_text() pts_lines = pts.split('\n') lmrk_lines = None for pts_line in pts_lines: if pts_line == '{': lmrk_lines = [] elif pts_line == '}': break else: if lmrk_lines is not None: lmrk_lines.append(pts_line) if lmrk_lines is not None and len(lmrk_lines) == 68: try: lmrks = [ np.array(lmrk_line.strip().split(' ')).astype( np.float32).tolist() for lmrk_line in lmrk_lines ] except Exception as e: print(e) print(filepath) continue rect = LandmarksProcessor.get_rect_from_landmarks(lmrks) output_filepath = output_path / (filepath.stem + '.jpg') img = cv2_imread(filepath) img = imagelib.normalize_channels(img, 3) cv2_imwrite(output_filepath, img, [int(cv2.IMWRITE_JPEG_QUALITY), 95]) raise Exception("unimplemented") #DFLJPG.x(output_filepath, face_type=FaceType.toString(FaceType.MARK_ONLY), # landmarks=lmrks, #, # source_rect=rect, # source_landmarks=lmrks # ) io.log_info("Done.")
def run(self): if not self.on_check_run(): return self.get_result() self.clis = [] #getting info about name of subprocesses, host and client dicts, and spawning them for name, host_dict, client_dict in self.process_info_generator(): try: cli = self.SubprocessorCli_class(client_dict) cli.state = 1 cli.sent_time = 0 cli.sent_data = None = name cli.host_dict = host_dict self.clis.append (cli) if self.initialize_subprocesses_in_serial: while True: while not cli.c2s.empty(): obj = cli.c2s.get() op = obj.get('op','') if op == 'init_ok': cli.state = 0 elif op == 'log_info': io.log_info(obj['msg']) elif op == 'log_err': io.log_err(obj['msg']) elif op == 'error': cli.kill() self.clis.remove(cli) break if cli.state == 0: break io.process_messages(0.005) except: raise Exception (f"Unable to start subprocess {name}. Error: {traceback.format_exc()}") if len(self.clis) == 0: raise Exception ("Unable to start Subprocessor '%s' " % ( #waiting subprocesses their success(or not) initialization while True: for cli in self.clis[:]: while not cli.c2s.empty(): obj = cli.c2s.get() op = obj.get('op','') if op == 'init_ok': cli.state = 0 elif op == 'log_info': io.log_info(obj['msg']) elif op == 'log_err': io.log_err(obj['msg']) elif op == 'error': cli.kill() self.clis.remove(cli) break if all ([cli.state == 0 for cli in self.clis]): break io.process_messages(0.005) if len(self.clis) == 0: raise Exception ( "Unable to start subprocesses." ) #ok some processes survived, initialize host logic self.on_clients_initialized() #main loop of data processing while True: for cli in self.clis[:]: while not cli.c2s.empty(): obj = cli.c2s.get() op = obj.get('op','') if op == 'success': #success processed data, return data and result to on_result self.on_result (cli.host_dict, obj['data'], obj['result']) self.sent_data = None cli.state = 0 elif op == 'error': #some error occured while process data, returning chunk to on_data_return if 'data' in obj.keys(): self.on_data_return (cli.host_dict, obj['data'] ) #and killing process cli.kill() self.clis.remove(cli) elif op == 'log_info': io.log_info(obj['msg']) elif op == 'log_err': io.log_err(obj['msg']) elif op == 'progress_bar_inc': io.progress_bar_inc(obj['c']) for cli in self.clis[:]: if cli.state == 1: if cli.sent_time != 0 and self.no_response_time_sec != 0 and (time.time() - cli.sent_time) > self.no_response_time_sec: #subprocess busy too long print ( '%s doesnt response, terminating it.' % ( ) self.on_data_return (cli.host_dict, cli.sent_data ) cli.kill() self.clis.remove(cli) for cli in self.clis[:]: if cli.state == 0: #free state of subprocess, get some data from get_data data = self.get_data(cli.host_dict) if data is not None: #and send it to subprocess cli.s2c.put ( {'op': 'data', 'data' : data} ) cli.sent_time = time.time() cli.sent_data = data cli.state = 1 if self.io_loop_sleep_time != 0: io.process_messages(self.io_loop_sleep_time) if self.on_tick() and all ([cli.state == 0 for cli in self.clis]): #all subprocesses free and no more data available to process, ending loop break #gracefully terminating subprocesses for cli in self.clis[:]: cli.s2c.put ( {'op': 'close'} ) cli.sent_time = time.time() while True: for cli in self.clis[:]: terminate_it = False while not cli.c2s.empty(): obj = cli.c2s.get() obj_op = obj['op'] if obj_op == 'finalized': terminate_it = True break if (time.time() - cli.sent_time) > 30: terminate_it = True if terminate_it: cli.state = 2 cli.kill() if all ([cli.state == 2 for cli in self.clis]): break #finalizing host logic and return result self.on_clients_finalized() return self.get_result()
def extract_umd_csv(input_file_csv, face_type='full_face', device_args={}): #extract faces from dataset csv file with pitch,yaw,roll info. multi_gpu = device_args.get('multi_gpu', False) cpu_only = device_args.get('cpu_only', False) face_type = FaceType.fromString(face_type) input_file_csv_path = Path(input_file_csv) if not input_file_csv_path.exists(): raise ValueError('input_file_csv not found. Please ensure it exists.') input_file_csv_root_path = input_file_csv_path.parent output_path = input_file_csv_path.parent / ('aligned_' + io.log_info("Output dir is %s." % (str(output_path))) if output_path.exists(): output_images_paths = pathex.get_image_paths(output_path) if len(output_images_paths) > 0: io.input_bool( "WARNING !!! \n %s contains files! \n They will be deleted. \n Press enter to continue." % (str(output_path)), False) for filename in output_images_paths: Path(filename).unlink() else: output_path.mkdir(parents=True, exist_ok=True) try: with open(str(input_file_csv_path), 'r') as f: csv_file = except Exception as e: io.log_err("Unable to open or read file " + str(input_file_csv_path) + ": " + str(e)) return strings = csv_file.split('\n') keys = strings[0].split(',') keys_len = len(keys) csv_data = [] for i in range(1, len(strings)): values = strings[i].split(',') if keys_len != len(values): io.log_err("Wrong string in csv file, skipping.") continue csv_data += [{keys[n]: values[n] for n in range(keys_len)}] data = [] for d in csv_data: filename = input_file_csv_root_path / d['FILE'] x, y, w, h = float(d['FACE_X']), float(d['FACE_Y']), float( d['FACE_WIDTH']), float(d['FACE_HEIGHT']) data += [ ExtractSubprocessor.Data(filename=filename, rects=[[x, y, x + w, y + h]]) ] images_found = len(data) faces_detected = 0 if len(data) > 0: io.log_info("Performing 2nd pass from csv file...") data = ExtractSubprocessor(data, 'landmarks', multi_gpu=multi_gpu, cpu_only=cpu_only).run() io.log_info('Performing 3rd pass...') data = ExtractSubprocessor(data, 'final', face_type, None, multi_gpu=multi_gpu, cpu_only=cpu_only, manual=False, final_output_path=output_path).run() faces_detected += sum([d.faces_detected for d in data]) io.log_info('-------------------------') io.log_info('Images found: %d' % (images_found)) io.log_info('Faces detected: %d' % (faces_detected)) io.log_info('-------------------------')
def main( detector=None, input_path=None, output_path=None, output_debug=None, manual_fix=False, manual_output_debug_fix=False, manual_window_size=1368, face_type='full_face', max_faces_from_image=None, image_size=None, jpeg_quality=None, cpu_only=False, force_gpu_idxs=None, ): if not input_path.exists(): io.log_err('Input directory not found. Please ensure it exists.') return if not output_path.exists(): output_path.mkdir(parents=True, exist_ok=True) if face_type is not None: face_type = FaceType.fromString(face_type) if face_type is None: if manual_output_debug_fix: files = pathex.get_image_paths(output_path) if len(files) != 0: dflimg = DFLIMG.load(Path(files[0])) if dflimg is not None and dflimg.has_data(): face_type = FaceType.fromString(dflimg.get_face_type()) input_image_paths = pathex.get_image_unique_filestem_paths( input_path, verbose_print_func=io.log_info) output_images_paths = pathex.get_image_paths(output_path) output_debug_path = output_path.parent / ( + '_debug') continue_extraction = False if not manual_output_debug_fix and len(output_images_paths) > 0: if len(output_images_paths) > 128: continue_extraction = io.input_bool( "继续提取?", True, help_message= "Extraction can be continued, but you must specify the same options again." ) if len(output_images_paths) > 128 and continue_extraction: try: input_image_paths = input_image_paths[ [Path(x).stem for x in input_image_paths]. index(Path(output_images_paths[-128]).stem.split('_')[0]):] except: io.log_err( "Error in fetching the last index. Extraction cannot be continued." ) return elif input_path != output_path: io.input( f"\n WARNING !!! \n {output_path} contains files! \n They will be deleted. \n Press enter to continue.\n" ) for filename in output_images_paths: Path(filename).unlink() device_config = nn.DeviceConfig.GPUIndexes( force_gpu_idxs or nn.ask_choose_device_idxs(choose_only_one=detector=='manual', suggest_all_gpu=True) ) \ if not cpu_only else nn.DeviceConfig.CPU() if face_type is None: face_type = io.input_str( "脸类型 Face type", 'wf', ['f', 'wf', 'head'], help_message= "Full face / whole face / head. 'Whole face' covers full area of face include forehead. 'head' covers full head, but requires XSeg for src and dst faceset." ).lower() face_type = { 'f': FaceType.FULL, 'wf': FaceType.WHOLE_FACE, 'head': FaceType.HEAD }[face_type] if max_faces_from_image is None: max_faces_from_image = io.input_int( f"单张图中提取人脸数量上限 Max number of faces from image", 0, help_message= "If you extract a src faceset that has frames with a large number of faces, it is advisable to set max faces to 3 to speed up extraction. 0 - unlimited" ) if image_size is None: image_size = io.input_int( f"图片大小 Image size", 512 if face_type < FaceType.HEAD else 768, valid_range=[256, 2048], help_message= "Output image size. The higher image size, the worse face-enhancer works. Use higher than 512 value only if the source image is sharp enough and the face does not need to be enhanced." ) if jpeg_quality is None: jpeg_quality = io.input_int( f"图片质量 Jpeg quality", 90, valid_range=[1, 100], help_message= "Jpeg quality. The higher jpeg quality the larger the output file size." ) if detector is None: io.log_info("选择提取算法 Choose detector type.") io.log_info("[0] S3FD") io.log_info("[1] manual") detector = {0: 's3fd', 1: 'manual'}[io.input_int("", 0, [0, 1])] if output_debug is None: output_debug = io.input_bool( f"保存调试图片 Write debug images to {}?", False) if output_debug: output_debug_path.mkdir(parents=True, exist_ok=True) if manual_output_debug_fix: if not output_debug_path.exists(): io.log_err( f'{output_debug_path} not found. Re-extract faces with "Write debug images" option.' ) return else: detector = 'manual' io.log_info( 'Performing re-extract frames which were deleted from _debug directory.' ) input_image_paths = DeletedFilesSearcherSubprocessor( input_image_paths, pathex.get_image_paths(output_debug_path)).run() input_image_paths = sorted(input_image_paths) io.log_info('Found %d images.' % (len(input_image_paths))) else: if not continue_extraction and output_debug_path.exists(): for filename in pathex.get_image_paths(output_debug_path): Path(filename).unlink() images_found = len(input_image_paths) faces_detected = 0 if images_found != 0: if detector == 'manual': io.log_info('Performing manual extract...') data = ExtractSubprocessor( [ ExtractSubprocessor.Data(Path(filename)) for filename in input_image_paths ], 'landmarks-manual', image_size, jpeg_quality, face_type, output_debug_path if output_debug else None, manual_window_size=manual_window_size, device_config=device_config).run() io.log_info('Performing 3rd pass...') data = ExtractSubprocessor( data, 'final', image_size, jpeg_quality, face_type, output_debug_path if output_debug else None, final_output_path=output_path, device_config=device_config).run() else: io.log_info('正在提取人脸...') data = ExtractSubprocessor( [ ExtractSubprocessor.Data(Path(filename)) for filename in input_image_paths ], 'all', image_size, jpeg_quality, face_type, output_debug_path if output_debug else None, max_faces_from_image=max_faces_from_image, final_output_path=output_path, device_config=device_config).run() faces_detected += sum([d.faces_detected for d in data]) if manual_fix: if all(np.array([d.faces_detected > 0 for d in data]) == True): io.log_info('All faces are detected, manual fix not needed.') else: fix_data = [ ExtractSubprocessor.Data(d.filepath) for d in data if d.faces_detected == 0 ] io.log_info('Performing manual fix for %d images...' % (len(fix_data))) fix_data = ExtractSubprocessor( fix_data, 'landmarks-manual', image_size, jpeg_quality, face_type, output_debug_path if output_debug else None, manual_window_size=manual_window_size, device_config=device_config).run() fix_data = ExtractSubprocessor( fix_data, 'final', image_size, jpeg_quality, face_type, output_debug_path if output_debug else None, final_output_path=output_path, device_config=device_config).run() faces_detected += sum([d.faces_detected for d in fix_data]) io.log_info('-------------------------') io.log_info('图片数量: %d' % (images_found)) io.log_info('人脸数量: %d' % (faces_detected)) io.log_info('-------------------------')
def trainerThread(s2c, c2s, e, model_class_name=None, saved_models_path=None, training_data_src_path=None, training_data_dst_path=None, pretraining_data_path=None, pretrained_model_path=None, no_preview=False, force_model_name=None, force_gpu_idxs=None, cpu_only=None, silent_start=False, execute_programs=None, debug=False, dump_ckpt=False, **kwargs): while True: try: start_time = time.time() save_interval_min = 25 if not training_data_src_path.exists(): training_data_src_path.mkdir(exist_ok=True, parents=True) if not training_data_dst_path.exists(): training_data_dst_path.mkdir(exist_ok=True, parents=True) if not saved_models_path.exists(): saved_models_path.mkdir(exist_ok=True, parents=True) if dump_ckpt: cpu_only = True model = models.import_model(model_class_name)( is_training=not dump_ckpt, saved_models_path=saved_models_path, training_data_src_path=training_data_src_path, training_data_dst_path=training_data_dst_path, pretraining_data_path=pretraining_data_path, pretrained_model_path=pretrained_model_path, no_preview=no_preview, force_model_name=force_model_name, force_gpu_idxs=force_gpu_idxs, cpu_only=cpu_only, silent_start=silent_start, debug=debug) if dump_ckpt: e.set() model.dump_ckpt() break is_reached_goal = model.is_reached_iter_goal() shared_state = {'after_save': False} loss_string = "" save_iter = model.get_iter() def model_save(): if not debug and not is_reached_goal: io.log_info("Saving....", end='\r') shared_state['after_save'] = True def model_backup(): if not debug and not is_reached_goal: model.create_backup() def send_preview(): if not debug: previews = model.get_previews() c2s.put({ 'op': 'show', 'previews': previews, 'iter': model.get_iter(), 'loss_history': model.get_loss_history().copy() }) else: previews = [('debug, press update for new', model.debug_one_iter())] c2s.put({'op': 'show', 'previews': previews}) e.set() #Set the GUI Thread as Ready if model.get_target_iter() != 0: if is_reached_goal: io.log_info( 'Model already trained to target iteration. You can use preview.' ) else: io.log_info( 'Starting. Target iteration: %d. Press "Enter" to stop training and save model.' % (model.get_target_iter())) else: io.log_info( 'Starting. Press "Enter" to stop training and save model.') last_save_time = time.time() execute_programs = [[x[0], x[1], time.time()] for x in execute_programs] for i in itertools.count(0, 1): if not debug: cur_time = time.time() for x in execute_programs: prog_time, prog, last_time = x exec_prog = False if prog_time > 0 and (cur_time - start_time) >= prog_time: x[0] = 0 exec_prog = True elif prog_time < 0 and (cur_time - last_time) >= -prog_time: x[2] = cur_time exec_prog = True if exec_prog: try: exec(prog) except Exception as e: print("Unable to execute program: %s" % (prog)) if not is_reached_goal: if model.get_iter() == 0: io.log_info("") io.log_info( "Trying to do the first iteration. If an error occurs, reduce the model parameters." ) io.log_info("") if sys.platform[0:3] == 'win': io.log_info("!!!") io.log_info( "Windows 10 users IMPORTANT notice. You should set this setting in order to work correctly." ) io.log_info("") io.log_info("!!!") iter, iter_time = model.train_one_iter() loss_history = model.get_loss_history() time_str = time.strftime("[%H:%M:%S]") if iter_time >= 10: loss_string = "{0}[#{1:06d}][{2:.5s}s]".format( time_str, iter, '{:0.4f}'.format(iter_time)) else: loss_string = "{0}[#{1:06d}][{2:04d}ms]".format( time_str, iter, int(iter_time * 1000)) if shared_state['after_save']: shared_state['after_save'] = False mean_loss = np.mean(loss_history[save_iter:iter], axis=0) for loss_value in mean_loss: loss_string += "[%.4f]" % (loss_value) io.log_info(loss_string) save_iter = iter else: for loss_value in loss_history[-1]: loss_string += "[%.4f]" % (loss_value) if io.is_colab(): io.log_info('\r' + loss_string, end='') else: io.log_info(loss_string, end='\r') if model.get_iter() == 1: model_save() if model.get_target_iter( ) != 0 and model.is_reached_iter_goal(): io.log_info('Reached target iteration.') model_save() is_reached_goal = True io.log_info('You can use preview now.') if not is_reached_goal and (time.time() - last_save_time ) >= save_interval_min * 60: last_save_time += save_interval_min * 60 model_save() send_preview() if i == 0: if is_reached_goal: model.pass_one_iter() send_preview() if debug: time.sleep(0.005) while not s2c.empty(): input = s2c.get() op = input['op'] if op == 'save': model_save() elif op == 'backup': model_backup() elif op == 'preview': if is_reached_goal: model.pass_one_iter() send_preview() elif op == 'close': model_save() i = -1 break if i == -1: break model.finalize() except Exception as e: print('Error: %s' % (str(e))) traceback.print_exc() break c2s.put({'op': 'close'})
def sort_by_hist(input_path): io.log_info ("Sorting by histogram similarity...") img_list = HistSsimSubprocessor(pathex.get_image_paths(input_path)).run() return img_list, []
def main(**kwargs): io.log_info("Running trainer.\r\n") no_preview = kwargs.get('no_preview', False) s2c = queue.Queue() c2s = queue.Queue() e = threading.Event() thread = threading.Thread(target=trainerThread, args=(s2c, c2s, e), kwargs=kwargs) thread.start() e.wait() #Wait for inital load to occur. if no_preview: while True: if not c2s.empty(): input = c2s.get() op = input.get('op', '') if op == 'close': break try: io.process_messages(0.1) except KeyboardInterrupt: s2c.put({'op': 'close'}) else: wnd_name = "Training preview" io.named_window(wnd_name) io.capture_keys(wnd_name) previews = None loss_history = None selected_preview = 0 update_preview = False is_showing = False is_waiting_preview = False show_last_history_iters_count = 0 iter = 0 while True: if not c2s.empty(): input = c2s.get() op = input['op'] if op == 'show': is_waiting_preview = False loss_history = input[ 'loss_history'] if 'loss_history' in input.keys( ) else None previews = input['previews'] if 'previews' in input.keys( ) else None iter = input['iter'] if 'iter' in input.keys() else 0 if previews is not None: max_w = 0 max_h = 0 for (preview_name, preview_rgb) in previews: (h, w, c) = preview_rgb.shape max_h = max(max_h, h) max_w = max(max_w, w) max_size = 800 if max_h > max_size: max_w = int(max_w / (max_h / max_size)) max_h = max_size #make all previews size equal for preview in previews[:]: (preview_name, preview_rgb) = preview (h, w, c) = preview_rgb.shape if h != max_h or w != max_w: previews.remove(preview) previews.append( (preview_name, cv2.resize(preview_rgb, (max_w, max_h)))) selected_preview = selected_preview % len(previews) update_preview = True elif op == 'close': break if update_preview: update_preview = False selected_preview_name = previews[selected_preview][0] selected_preview_rgb = previews[selected_preview][1] (h, w, c) = selected_preview_rgb.shape # HEAD head_lines = [ '[s]:save [b]:backup [enter]:exit', '[p]:update [space]:next preview [l]:change history range', 'Preview: "%s" [%d/%d]' % (selected_preview_name, selected_preview + 1, len(previews)) ] head_line_height = 15 head_height = len(head_lines) * head_line_height head = np.ones((head_height, w, c)) * 0.1 for i in range(0, len(head_lines)): t = i * head_line_height b = (i + 1) * head_line_height head[t:b, 0:w] += imagelib.get_text_image( (head_line_height, w, c), head_lines[i], color=[0.8] * c) final = head if loss_history is not None: if show_last_history_iters_count == 0: loss_history_to_show = loss_history else: loss_history_to_show = loss_history[ -show_last_history_iters_count:] lh_img = models.ModelBase.get_loss_history_preview( loss_history_to_show, iter, w, c) final = np.concatenate([final, lh_img], axis=0) final = np.concatenate([final, selected_preview_rgb], axis=0) final = np.clip(final, 0, 1) io.show_image(wnd_name, (final * 255).astype(np.uint8)) is_showing = True key_events = io.get_key_events(wnd_name) key, chr_key, ctrl_pressed, alt_pressed, shift_pressed = key_events[ -1] if len(key_events) > 0 else (0, 0, False, False, False) if key == ord('\n') or key == ord('\r'): s2c.put({'op': 'close'}) elif key == ord('s'): s2c.put({'op': 'save'}) elif key == ord('b'): s2c.put({'op': 'backup'}) elif key == ord('p'): if not is_waiting_preview: is_waiting_preview = True s2c.put({'op': 'preview'}) elif key == ord('l'): if show_last_history_iters_count == 0: show_last_history_iters_count = 5000 elif show_last_history_iters_count == 5000: show_last_history_iters_count = 10000 elif show_last_history_iters_count == 10000: show_last_history_iters_count = 50000 elif show_last_history_iters_count == 50000: show_last_history_iters_count = 100000 elif show_last_history_iters_count == 100000: show_last_history_iters_count = 0 update_preview = True elif key == ord(' '): selected_preview = (selected_preview + 1) % len(previews) update_preview = True try: io.process_messages(0.1) except KeyboardInterrupt: s2c.put({'op': 'close'}) io.destroy_all_windows()
def process_info_generator(self): cpu_count = multiprocessing.cpu_count() io.log_info(f'Running on {cpu_count} CPUs') for i in range(cpu_count): yield 'CPU%d' % (i), {}, {}
def model_save(): if not debug and not is_reached_goal: io.log_info("Saving....", end='\r') shared_state['after_save'] = True
def sort_by_absdiff(input_path): io.log_info ("Sorting by absolute difference...") is_sim = io.input_bool ("Sort by similar?", True, help_message="Otherwise sort by dissimilar.") from core.leras import nn device_config = nn.DeviceConfig.ask_choose_device(choose_only_one=True) nn.initialize( device_config=device_config, data_format="NHWC" ) tf = image_paths = pathex.get_image_paths(input_path) image_paths_len = len(image_paths) batch_size = 512 batch_size_remain = image_paths_len % batch_size i_t = tf.placeholder (tf.float32, (None,None,None,None) ) j_t = tf.placeholder (tf.float32, (None,None,None,None) ) outputs_full = [] outputs_remain = [] for i in range(batch_size): diff_t = tf.reduce_sum( tf.abs(i_t-j_t[i]), axis=[1,2,3] ) outputs_full.append(diff_t) if i < batch_size_remain: outputs_remain.append(diff_t) def func_bs_full(i,j): return (outputs_full, feed_dict={i_t:i,j_t:j}) def func_bs_remain(i,j): return (outputs_remain, feed_dict={i_t:i,j_t:j}) import h5py db_file_path = Path(tempfile.gettempdir()) / 'sort_cache.hdf5' db_file = h5py.File( str(db_file_path), "w") db = db_file.create_dataset("results", (image_paths_len,image_paths_len), compression="gzip") pg_len = image_paths_len // batch_size if batch_size_remain != 0: pg_len += 1 pg_len = int( ( pg_len*pg_len - pg_len ) / 2 + pg_len ) io.progress_bar ("Computing", pg_len) j=0 while j < image_paths_len: j_images = [ cv2_imread(x) for x in image_paths[j:j+batch_size] ] j_images_len = len(j_images) func = func_bs_remain if image_paths_len-j < batch_size else func_bs_full i=0 while i < image_paths_len: if i >= j: i_images = [ cv2_imread(x) for x in image_paths[i:i+batch_size] ] i_images_len = len(i_images) result = func (i_images,j_images) db[j:j+j_images_len,i:i+i_images_len] = np.array(result) io.progress_bar_inc(1) i += batch_size db_file.flush() j += batch_size io.progress_bar_close() next_id = 0 sorted = [next_id] for i in io.progress_bar_generator ( range(image_paths_len-1), "Sorting" ): id_ar = np.concatenate ( [ db[:next_id,next_id], db[next_id,next_id:] ] ) id_ar = np.argsort(id_ar) next_id = np.setdiff1d(id_ar, sorted, True)[ 0 if is_sim else -1] sorted += [next_id] db_file.close() db_file_path.unlink() img_list = [ (image_paths[x],) for x in sorted] return img_list, []
def main(model_class_name=None, saved_models_path=None, training_data_src_path=None, force_model_name=None, input_path=None, output_path=None, output_mask_path=None, aligned_path=None, force_gpu_idxs=None, cpu_only=None, src_src=False): io.log_info("Running merger.\r\n") try: if not input_path.exists(): io.log_err('Input directory not found. Please ensure it exists.') return if not output_path.exists(): output_path.mkdir(parents=True, exist_ok=True) if not output_mask_path.exists(): output_mask_path.mkdir(parents=True, exist_ok=True) if not saved_models_path.exists(): io.log_err('Model directory not found. Please ensure it exists.') return # Initialize model import models model = models.import_model(model_class_name)( is_training=False, src_src=src_src, saved_models_path=saved_models_path, force_gpu_idxs=force_gpu_idxs, cpu_only=cpu_only) predictor_func, predictor_input_shape, cfg = model.get_MergerConfig() # Preparing MP functions predictor_func = MPFunc(predictor_func) run_on_cpu = len(nn.getCurrentDeviceConfig().devices) == 0 xseg_256_extract_func = MPClassFuncOnDemand( XSegNet, 'extract', name='XSeg', resolution=256, weights_file_root=saved_models_path, place_model_on_cpu=True, run_on_cpu=run_on_cpu) face_enhancer_func = MPClassFuncOnDemand(FaceEnhancer, 'enhance', place_model_on_cpu=True, run_on_cpu=run_on_cpu) if src_src: is_interactive = False else: is_interactive = io.input_bool( "Use interactive merger?", True) if not io.is_colab() else False if not is_interactive: cfg.ask_settings() subprocess_count = io.input_int( "Number of workers?", max(8, multiprocessing.cpu_count()), valid_range=[1, multiprocessing.cpu_count()], help_message= "Specify the number of threads to process. A low value may affect performance. A high value may result in memory error. The value may not be greater than CPU cores." ) input_path_image_paths = pathex.get_image_paths(input_path) if cfg.type == MergerConfig.TYPE_MASKED: if not aligned_path.exists(): io.log_err( 'Aligned directory not found. Please ensure it exists.') return packed_samples = None try: packed_samples = samplelib.PackedFaceset.load(aligned_path) except: io.log_err( f"Error occured while loading samplelib.PackedFaceset.load {str(aligned_path)}, {traceback.format_exc()}" ) if packed_samples is not None: io.log_info("Using packed faceset.") def generator(): for sample in io.progress_bar_generator( packed_samples, "Collecting alignments"): filepath = Path(sample.filename) yield filepath, DFLIMG.load( filepath, loader_func=lambda x: sample.read_raw_file()) else: def generator(): for filepath in io.progress_bar_generator( pathex.get_image_paths(aligned_path), "Collecting alignments"): filepath = Path(filepath) yield filepath, DFLIMG.load(filepath) alignments = {} multiple_faces_detected = False for filepath, dflimg in generator(): if dflimg is None or not dflimg.has_data(): io.log_err(f"{} is not a dfl image file") continue source_filename = if src_src else dflimg.get_source_filename( ) if source_filename is None: continue source_filepath = Path(source_filename) source_filename_stem = source_filepath.stem if source_filename_stem not in alignments.keys(): alignments[source_filename_stem] = [] alignments_ar = alignments[source_filename_stem] alignments_ar.append( (dflimg.get_source_landmarks(), filepath, source_filepath, dflimg.get_image_to_face_mat(), dflimg.get_shape()[0], dflimg.get_face_type())) if len(alignments_ar) > 1: multiple_faces_detected = True if multiple_faces_detected: io.log_info("") io.log_info( "Warning: multiple faces detected. Only one alignment file should refer one source file." ) io.log_info("") for a_key in list(alignments.keys()): a_ar = alignments[a_key] if len(a_ar) > 1: print(a_ar) for _, filepath, source_filepath, _, _, _ in a_ar: io.log_info( f"alignment {} refers to {} " ) io.log_info("") alignments[a_key] = [(a[0], a[3], a[4], a[5]) for a in a_ar] if multiple_faces_detected: io.log_info( "It is strongly recommended to process the faces separatelly." ) io.log_info( "Use 'recover original filename' to determine the exact duplicates." ) io.log_info("") frames = [] for p in input_path_image_paths: alignment = alignments.get(Path(p).stem, None) landmarks_list = None image_to_face_mat = None aligned_size = None aligned_face_type = None if alignment is not None: landmarks_list, image_to_face_mat, aligned_size, aligned_face_type = alignment[ 0] landmarks_list = [landmarks_list] frame_info = FrameInfo(filepath=Path(p), landmarks_list=landmarks_list, image_to_face_mat=image_to_face_mat, aligned_size=aligned_size, face_type=aligned_face_type) frame = InteractiveMergerSubprocessor.Frame( frame_info=frame_info) frames.append(frame) if multiple_faces_detected: io.log_info( "Warning: multiple faces detected. Motion blur will not be used." ) io.log_info("") elif src_src: io.log_info( "SRC-SRC mode configured, skipping motion blur calculation..." ) io.log_info("") else: s = 256 local_pts = [(s // 2 - 1, s // 2 - 1), (s // 2 - 1, 0)] #center+up frames_len = len(frames) for i in io.progress_bar_generator(range(len(frames)), "Computing motion vectors"): fi_prev = frames[max(0, i - 1)].frame_info fi = frames[i].frame_info fi_next = frames[min(i + 1, frames_len - 1)].frame_info if len(fi_prev.landmarks_list) == 0 or \ len(fi.landmarks_list) == 0 or \ len(fi_next.landmarks_list) == 0: continue mat_prev = LandmarksProcessor.get_transform_mat( fi_prev.landmarks_list[0], s, face_type=FaceType.FULL) mat = LandmarksProcessor.get_transform_mat( fi.landmarks_list[0], s, face_type=FaceType.FULL) mat_next = LandmarksProcessor.get_transform_mat( fi_next.landmarks_list[0], s, face_type=FaceType.FULL) pts_prev = LandmarksProcessor.transform_points( local_pts, mat_prev, True) pts = LandmarksProcessor.transform_points( local_pts, mat, True) pts_next = LandmarksProcessor.transform_points( local_pts, mat_next, True) prev_vector = pts[0] - pts_prev[0] next_vector = pts_next[0] - pts[0] motion_vector = pts_next[0] - pts_prev[0] fi.motion_power = npla.norm(motion_vector) motion_vector = motion_vector / fi.motion_power if fi.motion_power != 0 else np.array( [0, 0], dtype=np.float32) fi.motion_deg = -math.atan2( motion_vector[1], motion_vector[0]) * 180 / math.pi if len(frames) == 0: io.log_info("No frames to merge in input_dir.") else: if False: pass else: InteractiveMergerSubprocessor( is_interactive=is_interactive, merger_session_filepath=model.get_strpath_storage_for_file( 'merger_session.dat'), predictor_func=predictor_func, predictor_input_shape=predictor_input_shape, face_enhancer_func=face_enhancer_func, xseg_256_extract_func=xseg_256_extract_func, merger_config=cfg, frames=frames, frames_root_path=input_path, output_path=output_path, output_mask_path=output_mask_path, model_iter=model.get_iter(), subprocess_count=subprocess_count, src_src=src_src, ).run() model.finalize() except Exception as e: print(traceback.format_exc())
def extract_vggface2_dataset(input_dir, device_args={}): multi_gpu = device_args.get('multi_gpu', False) cpu_only = device_args.get('cpu_only', False) input_path = Path(input_dir) if not input_path.exists(): raise ValueError('Input directory not found. Please ensure it exists.') bb_csv = input_path / 'loose_bb_train.csv' if not bb_csv.exists(): raise ValueError('loose_bb_train.csv found. Please ensure it exists.') bb_lines = bb_csv.read_text().split('\n') bb_lines.pop(0) bb_dict = {} for line in bb_lines: name, l, t, w, h = line.split(',') name = name[1:-1] l, t, w, h = [int(x) for x in (l, t, w, h)] bb_dict[name] = (l, t, w, h) output_path = input_path.parent / ( + '_out') dir_names = pathex.get_all_dir_names(input_path) if not output_path.exists(): output_path.mkdir(parents=True, exist_ok=True) data = [] for dir_name in io.progress_bar_generator(dir_names, "Collecting"): cur_input_path = input_path / dir_name cur_output_path = output_path / dir_name if not cur_output_path.exists(): cur_output_path.mkdir(parents=True, exist_ok=True) input_path_image_paths = pathex.get_image_paths(cur_input_path) for filename in input_path_image_paths: filename_path = Path(filename) name = + '/' + filename_path.stem if name not in bb_dict: continue l, t, w, h = bb_dict[name] if min(w, h) < 128: continue data += [ ExtractSubprocessor.Data(filename=filename, rects=[(l, t, l + w, t + h)], landmarks_accurate=False, force_output_path=cur_output_path) ] face_type = FaceType.fromString('full_face') io.log_info('Performing 2nd pass...') data = ExtractSubprocessor(data, 'landmarks', 256, face_type, debug_dir=None, multi_gpu=multi_gpu, cpu_only=cpu_only, manual=False).run() io.log_info('Performing 3rd pass...') ExtractSubprocessor(data, 'final', 256, face_type, debug_dir=None, multi_gpu=multi_gpu, cpu_only=cpu_only, manual=False, final_output_path=None).run()
def extract_src(): import os import shutil root_dir = get_root_path() extract_workspace = os.path.join(root_dir, "extract_workspace") target_dir = os.path.join(extract_workspace, "aligned_") valid_exts = [".mp4", ".avi", ".wmv", ".mkv", ".ts"] fps = io.input_int( "Enter FPS ( ?:help skip:fullfps ) : ", 0, help_message= "How many frames of every second of the video will be extracted.") def file_filter(file): if os.path.isdir(os.path.join(extract_workspace, file)): return False ext = os.path.splitext(file)[-1] if ext not in valid_exts: return False return True files = list(filter(file_filter, os.listdir(extract_workspace))) files.sort() pos = 0 for file in files: pos += 1 io.log_info("@@@@@ Start Process %s, %d / %d" % (file, pos, len(files))) # 提取图片 input_file = os.path.join(extract_workspace, file) output_dir = os.path.join(extract_workspace, "extract_images") if not os.path.exists(output_dir): os.mkdir(output_dir) for f in os.listdir(output_dir): os.remove(os.path.join(output_dir, f)) dfl.dfl_extract_video(input_file, output_dir, fps) io.log_info("@@@@@ Start Extract %s, %d / %d" % (file, pos, len(files))) # 提取人脸 input_dir = output_dir output_dir = os.path.join(extract_workspace, "_current") dfl.dfl_extract_faces(input_dir, output_dir, output_debug=True) # 复制到结果集 io.log_info("@@@@@ Start Move %s, %d / %d" % (file, pos, len(files))) if not os.path.exists(target_dir): os.mkdir(target_dir) ts = get_time_str() for f in os.listdir(output_dir): src = os.path.join(output_dir, f) dst = os.path.join(target_dir, "%s_%s" % (ts, f)) shutil.move(src, dst) # 全部做完,删除该文件 io.log_info("@@@@@ Finish %s, %d / %d" % (file, pos, len(files))) os.remove(os.path.join(extract_workspace, file)) os.rmdir(output_dir) # 做完后排序 io.log_info("@@@@@ Sort By Hist") dfl.dfl_sort_by_hist(target_dir) beep()