        def simple_center_loss(y_true, y_pred):

            # y_true has no fixed shape, but we require that the second dimension size is already known. Reshape it.
            n = self.input_count
            if self.include_self_comparison:
                y_len = n * (n + 1) // 2
                y_len = n * (n - 1) // 2
            y_true = Lambda(lambda x: y_true)(center_loss_vectors[0])
            y_true = Reshape((y_len, ))(y_true)

            # # Dummy values
            # y_true = Lambda(lambda y_true: 0. * y_true)(y_true)

            # Calculate the centers for each vector and then the loss (just MSE)
            centers = reweight_values(center_loss_vectors, y_true)
            return mean_squared_error(concat(centers, axis=1),
                                      concat(center_loss_vectors, axis=1))
    def __build_comparisons_arrays(self, embeddings, comparator_f, weight):
        assert self.input_count == len(embeddings)

        cmp_eq = [] # All comparisons assuming the elements do equal
        cmp_ne = [] # All comparisons assuming the elements do not equal

        comparisons = 0
        for i_source in range(self.input_count):
            e_source = embeddings[i_source]

            # Should i_source be compared with itself?
            if self._include_self_comparison:
                target_range = range(i_source, self.input_count)
                target_range = range(i_source + 1, self.input_count)

            for i_target in target_range:
                e_target = embeddings[i_target]

                cmp_eq.append(comparator_f(e_source, e_target, 1.))
                cmp_ne.append(comparator_f(e_source, e_target, 0.))
                comparisons += 1

        # Create two long vectors for cmp_eq and cmp_ne
        cmp_eq = concat(cmp_eq, axis=1)
        cmp_ne = concat(cmp_ne, axis=1)

        # # Reshape and merge them
        # cmp_eq = Reshape((1, comparisons))(cmp_eq)
        # cmp_ne = Reshape((1, comparisons))(cmp_ne)
        # # Concat both
        # cmp = concat([cmp_eq, cmp_ne], axis=1)

        cmp = concat([cmp_eq, cmp_ne], axis=1)

        # Weight the result
        cmp = cmp * weight

        # If this is not already the case: Convert the 'cmp' obj to a keras tensor (this command is a bit "dummy")
        cmp = Lambda(lambda x: cmp)(embeddings[0])

        return cmp
    def _build_network(self, network_input, network_output, additional_network_outputs):
        cluster_counts = list(self.data_provider.get_cluster_counts())

        # The simple loss cluster NN requires a specific output: a list of softmax distributions
        # First in this list are all softmax distributions for k=k_min for each object, then for k=k_min+1 for each
        # object etc. At the end, there is the cluster count output.

        # First we get an embedding for the network inputs
        embeddings = self._get_embedding(network_input)

        # Reshape all embeddings to 1d vectors
        # embedding_shape = self._embedding_nn.model.layers[-1].output_shape
        # embedding_size = np.prod(embedding_shape[1:])
        embedding_shape = embeddings[0].shape
        embedding_size = int(str(np.prod(embedding_shape[1:])))
        embedding_reshaper = self._s_layer('embedding_reshape', lambda name: Reshape((1, embedding_size), name=name))
        embeddings_reshaped = [embedding_reshaper(embedding) for embedding in embeddings]

        cohesion_d_layer = self._s_layer('cohesion_d_layer', lambda name: Dense(2, activation='tanh', name=name))
        cohesion_embeddings = [cohesion_d_layer(embedding) for embedding in embeddings_reshaped]
            concat(cohesion_embeddings, axis=1),

            # If the values are no longer used (as this is the case here), we need a dissimilarity weight, because
            # otherwise there is the trivial solution to map all inputs to 0
            lambda x, y, similar: meier_cluster_cohesion(x, y, similar, dissimilar_distance_weight=-1),


        # We need now the internal representation of the embeddings. This means we have to resize them.
        internal_embedding_size = self.__internal_embedding_size // 2 * 2
        embedding_internal_resizer = self._s_layer('internal_embedding_resize', lambda name: Dense(internal_embedding_size, name=name))
        embeddings_reshaped = [embedding_internal_resizer(embedding) for embedding in embeddings_reshaped]
        embedding_internal_resizer_act = LeakyReLU()
        embeddings_reshaped = [embedding_internal_resizer_act(embedding) for embedding in embeddings_reshaped]

        # Merge all embeddings to one tensor
        embeddings_merged = self._s_layer('embeddings_merge', lambda name: Concatenate(axis=1, name=name))(embeddings_reshaped)

        # Use now some lstm-layers
        processed = embeddings_merged
        for i in range(self.__lstm_layers):
            tmp = self._s_layer(
                'LSTM_proc_{}'.format(i), lambda name: Bidirectional(LSTM(internal_embedding_size // 2, return_sequences=True), name=name)
            processed = Add()([processed, tmp])

        # Split the tensor to seperate layers
        embeddings_processed = [self._s_layer('slice_{}'.format(i), lambda name: slice_layer(processed, i, name)) for i in range(len(network_input))]

        # Create now two outputs: The cluster count and for each cluster count / object combination a softmax distribution.
        # These outputs are independent of each other, therefore it doesn't matter which is calculated first. Let us start
        # with the cluster count / object combinations.

        # First prepare some generally required layers
        layers = []
        for i in range(self.__output_dense_layers):
            layers += [
                self._s_layer('output_dense{}'.format(i), lambda name: Dense(self.__output_dense_units, name=name)),
                self._s_layer('output_batch'.format(i), lambda name: BatchNormalization(name=name)),
                # self._s_layer('output_relu'.format(i), lambda name: Activation(LeakyReLU(), name=name))
        cluster_softmax = {
            k: self._s_layer('softmax_cluster_{}'.format(k), lambda name: Dense(k, activation='softmax', name=name)) for k in cluster_counts

        # Create now the outputs
        clusters_output = additional_network_outputs['clusters'] = {}
        for i in range(len(embeddings_processed)):
            embedding_proc = embeddings_processed[i]

            # Add the required layers
            for layer in layers:
                embedding_proc = layer(embedding_proc)

            input_clusters_output = clusters_output['input{}'.format(i)] = {}
            for k in cluster_counts:

                # Create now the required softmax distributions
                output_classifier = cluster_softmax[k](embedding_proc)
                input_clusters_output['cluster{}'.format(k)] = output_classifier

        # Calculate the real cluster count
        assert self.__cluster_count_lstm_layers >= 1
        cluster_count = embeddings_merged
        for i in range(self.__cluster_count_lstm_layers - 1):
            cluster_count = self._s_layer('cluster_count_LSTM{}'.format(i), lambda name: Bidirectional(LSTM(self.__cluster_count_lstm_units, return_sequences=True), name=name)(cluster_count))
            cluster_count = self._s_layer('cluster_count_LSTM{}_batch'.format(i), lambda name: BatchNormalization(name=name))(cluster_count)
        cluster_count = self._s_layer('cluster_count_LSTM_merge', lambda name: Bidirectional(LSTM(self.__cluster_count_lstm_units), name=name)(cluster_count))
        cluster_count = self._s_layer('cluster_count_LSTM_merge_batch', lambda name: BatchNormalization(name=name))(cluster_count)
        for i in range(self.__cluster_count_dense_layers):
            cluster_count = self._s_layer('cluster_count_dense{}'.format(i), lambda name: Dense(self.__cluster_count_dense_units, name=name))(cluster_count)
            cluster_count = self._s_layer('cluster_count_batch{}'.format(i), lambda name: BatchNormalization(name=name))(cluster_count)
            cluster_count = LeakyReLU()(cluster_count)
            # cluster_count = self._s_layer('cluster_count_relu{}'.format(i), lambda name: Activation(LeakyReLU(), name=name))(cluster_count)

        # The next layer is an output-layer, therefore the name must not be formatted
        cluster_count = self._s_layer(
            lambda name: Dense(len(cluster_counts), activation='softmax', name=name),
        additional_network_outputs['cluster_count_output'] = cluster_count


        return True
    def _build_network(self, network_input, network_output,
        cluster_counts = self._get_cluster_counts()

        # The simple loss cluster NN requires a specific output: a list of softmax distributions
        # First in this list are all softmax distributions for k=k_min for each object, then for k=k_min+1 for each
        # object etc. At the end, there is the cluster count output.

        # First we get an embedding for the network inputs
        embeddings = self._get_embedding(network_input)

        # Reshape all embeddings to 1d vectors
        # embedding_shape = self._embedding_nn.model.layers[-1].output_shape
        # embedding_size = np.prod(embedding_shape[1:])
        embedding_shape = embeddings[0].shape
        embedding_size = int(str(np.prod(embedding_shape[1:])))
        embedding_reshaper = self._s_layer(
            'embedding_reshape', lambda name: Reshape(
                (1, embedding_size), name=name))
        embeddings_reshaped = [
            embedding_reshaper(embedding) for embedding in embeddings

        # Merge all embeddings to one tensor
        embeddings_merged = self._s_layer(
            lambda name: Concatenate(axis=1, name=name))(embeddings_reshaped)

        # self._add_additional_prediction_output(embeddings_merged, 'Embeddings')

        # Use now some LSTM-layer to process all embeddings
        processed = embeddings_merged

        # Split the tensor to seperate layers
        embeddings_processed = [
                          lambda name: slice_layer(processed, i, name))
            for i in range(len(network_input))

        # Create now two outputs: The cluster count and for each cluster count / object combination a softmax distribution.
        # These outputs are independent of each other, therefore it doesn't matter which is calculated first. Let us start
        # with the cluster count / object combinations.

        # First prepare some generally required layers
        layers = []
        cluster_softmax = {
            k: self._s_layer(
                lambda name: Dense(k, activation='softmax', name=name))
            for k in cluster_counts

        # Create now the outputs
        clusters_output = additional_network_outputs['clusters'] = {}
        for i in range(len(embeddings_processed)):
            embedding_proc = embeddings_processed[i]

            # Add the required layers
            for layer in layers:
                embedding_proc = layer(embedding_proc)

            input_clusters_output = clusters_output['input{}'.format(i)] = {}
            for k in cluster_counts:

                # Create now the required softmax distributions
                output_classifier = cluster_softmax[k](embedding_proc)
                    k)] = output_classifier

        # Calculate the real cluster count
        cluster_count = embeddings_merged
        cluster_count = self._s_layer(
            lambda name: Bidirectional(LSTM(self.__cluster_count_lstm_units),
        cluster_count = self._s_layer(
            lambda name: BatchNormalization(name=name))(cluster_count)

        # The next layer is an output-layer, therefore the name must not be formatted
        cluster_count = self._s_layer(
            lambda name: Dense(
                len(cluster_counts), activation='softmax', name=name),
        additional_network_outputs['cluster_count_output'] = cluster_count

        # Add a regularizer that is based on the "Deep Divergence-Based CLustering" paper
        # We require these inputs:
        # 1) A list of embeddings
        # 2) A list of softmaxs
        # We have for each cluster count possibility a list of softmaxs and we calculate the regularization for all
        # possibilities, then they are weighted by their cluster probability.
        x_inputs = embeddings
        # ddbc_losses = []
        d_a_losses = []
        d_m_losses = []
        triuAAt_losses = []
        for k in cluster_counts:
            s_inputs = list(
                    lambda i: Reshape((k, ))
                        i)]['cluster{}'.format(k)]), range(len(embeddings))))
            # ddbc_losses.append(get_ddbc_loss_function(x_inputs, s_inputs)[0])
            _, d_a, triuAAt, d_m = get_ddbc_loss_function(x_inputs, s_inputs)
        # ddbc_loss = concat_layer(input_count=len(ddbc_losses), axis=1)(ddbc_losses) # Concatenate(axis=1)(ddbc_losses)
        # self._add_debug_output(ddbc_loss, "ddbc_loss")
        # self._add_debug_output(cluster_count, "cluster_count")
        # ddbc_loss = Dot(axes=1)([ddbc_loss, cluster_count])
        # self._add_debug_output(ddbc_loss, "ddbc_loss2")
        # self._register_additional_regularisation(ddbc_loss, "Ddbc_Loss")

        d_a_losses = concat(inputs=d_a_losses, axis=1)
        d_m_losses = concat(inputs=d_m_losses, axis=1)
        triuAAt_losses = concat(inputs=triuAAt_losses, axis=1)
        self._add_debug_output(d_a_losses, "d_a_losses")
        self._add_debug_output(d_m_losses, "d_m_losses")
        self._add_debug_output(triuAAt_losses, "triuAAt_losses")
        self._add_debug_output(cluster_count, "cluster_count")
        d_a_losses = Dot(axes=1)([d_a_losses, cluster_count])
        d_m_losses = Dot(axes=1)([d_m_losses, cluster_count])
        triuAAt_losses = Dot(axes=1)([triuAAt_losses, cluster_count])
        self._add_debug_output(d_a_losses, "d_a_losses2")
        self._add_debug_output(d_m_losses, "d_m_losses2")
        self._add_debug_output(triuAAt_losses, "triuAAt_losses2")
        self._register_additional_regularisation(d_a_losses, "d_a_loss")
        self._register_additional_regularisation(d_m_losses, "d_m_loss")


        return True
 def py_matrix_to_keras_matrix(M):
     return concat(axis=1, inputs=list(map(
         lambda x: concat(axis=2, inputs=x),
    def _build_network(self, network_input, network_output,
        cluster_counts = list(self.data_provider.get_cluster_counts())

        # The simple loss cluster NN requires a specific output: a list of softmax distributions
        # First in this list are all softmax distributions for k=k_min for each object, then for k=k_min+1 for each
        # object etc. At the end, there is the cluster count output.

        # First we get an embedding for the network inputs
        embeddings = self._get_embedding(network_input)

        # Do some dropout
        d_out = self._s_layer('embedding_dout',
                              lambda name: Dropout(0.5, name=name))
        embeddings = [d_out(embedding) for embedding in embeddings]

        # Reshape all embeddings to 1d vectors
        # embedding_shape = self._embedding_nn.model.layers[-1].output_shape
        # embedding_size = np.prod(embedding_shape[1:])
        embedding_shape = embeddings[0].shape
        embedding_size = int(str(np.prod(embedding_shape[1:])))
        embedding_reshaper = self._s_layer(
            'embedding_reshape', lambda name: Reshape(
                (1, embedding_size), name=name))
        embeddings_reshaped = [
            embedding_reshaper(embedding) for embedding in embeddings

        self._add_debug_output(concat(embeddings_reshaped, axis=1),
        embeddings_reshaped = reweight_values(embeddings_reshaped,
        self._add_debug_output(concat(embeddings_reshaped, axis=1),

        # # Implement the KL-divergence on this layer. First, like lukic et al., do another fully connedted layer
        # kl_embeddings = embeddings_reshaped
        # kl_dense0 = self._s_layer('kl_dense0', lambda name: Dense(self.__kl_embedding_size, name=name, activation='relu'))
        # kl_embeddings = [kl_dense0(kl_embedding) for kl_embedding in kl_embeddings]
        # kl_softmax = self._s_layer('kl_softmax', lambda name: Dense(self.__kl_embedding_size, name=name, activation='softmax'))
        # kl_embeddings = [kl_softmax(kl_embedding) for kl_embedding in kl_embeddings]
        # self._register_additional_embedding_comparison_regularisation(
        #     'KL_divergence',
        #     lukic_kl_divergence,
        #     kl_embeddings,
        #     weight=self.__kl_divergence_factor
        # )

        # We need now the internal representation of the embeddings. This means we have to resize them.
        internal_embedding_size = self.__internal_embedding_size // 2 * 2
        embedding_internal_resizer = self._s_layer(
            lambda name: Dense(internal_embedding_size, name=name))
        embeddings_reshaped = [
            for embedding in embeddings_reshaped
        embedding_internal_resizer_act = LeakyReLU()
        embeddings_reshaped = [
            for embedding in embeddings_reshaped

        # Merge all embeddings to one tensor
        embeddings_merged = self._s_layer(
            lambda name: Concatenate(axis=1, name=name))(embeddings_reshaped)

        # Use now some lstm-layers
        processed = embeddings_merged
        for i in range(self.__lstm_layers):
            tmp = self._s_layer(
                lambda name: Bidirectional(LSTM(internal_embedding_size // 2,
            processed = Add()([processed, tmp])

        # Split the tensor to seperate layers
        embeddings_processed = [
                          lambda name: slice_layer(processed, i, name))
            for i in range(len(network_input))

        # Create now two outputs: The cluster count and for each cluster count / object combination a softmax distribution.
        # These outputs are independent of each other, therefore it doesn't matter which is calculated first. Let us start
        # with the cluster count / object combinations.

        # First prepare some generally required layers
        layers = []
        for i in range(self.__output_dense_layers):
            layers += [
                    lambda name: Dense(self.__output_dense_units, name=name)),
                              lambda name: BatchNormalization(name=name)),
                # self._s_layer('output_relu'.format(i), lambda name: Activation(LeakyReLU(), name=name))
        cluster_softmax = {
            k: self._s_layer(
                lambda name: Dense(k, activation='softmax', name=name))
            for k in cluster_counts

        # Create now the outputs
        clusters_output = additional_network_outputs['clusters'] = {}
        for i in range(len(embeddings_processed)):
            embedding_proc = embeddings_processed[i]

            # Add the required layers
            for layer in layers:
                embedding_proc = layer(embedding_proc)

            input_clusters_output = clusters_output['input{}'.format(i)] = {}
            for k in cluster_counts:

                # Create now the required softmax distributions
                output_classifier = cluster_softmax[k](embedding_proc)
                    k)] = output_classifier

        # Calculate the real cluster count
        assert self.__cluster_count_lstm_layers >= 1
        cluster_count = embeddings_merged
        for i in range(self.__cluster_count_lstm_layers - 1):
            cluster_count = self._s_layer(
                lambda name: Bidirectional(LSTM(
                    self.__cluster_count_lstm_units, return_sequences=True),
            cluster_count = self._s_layer(
                lambda name: BatchNormalization(name=name))(cluster_count)
        cluster_count = self._s_layer(
            lambda name: Bidirectional(LSTM(self.__cluster_count_lstm_units),
        cluster_count = self._s_layer(
            lambda name: BatchNormalization(name=name))(cluster_count)
        for i in range(self.__cluster_count_dense_layers):
            cluster_count = self._s_layer(
                lambda name: Dense(self.__cluster_count_dense_units, name=name
            cluster_count = self._s_layer(
                lambda name: BatchNormalization(name=name))(cluster_count)
            cluster_count = LeakyReLU()(cluster_count)
            # cluster_count = self._s_layer('cluster_count_relu{}'.format(i), lambda name: Activation(LeakyReLU(), name=name))(cluster_count)

        # The next layer is an output-layer, therefore the name must not be formatted
        cluster_count = Dropout(0.5)(cluster_count)
        cluster_count = self._s_layer(
            lambda name: Dense(
                len(cluster_counts), activation='softmax', name=name),
        additional_network_outputs['cluster_count_output'] = cluster_count


        return True