def clear_notifications(read: bool, user: User, type: str = None):
    Clear a user's notifications; optionally of a specific type. Requires the
    ``notifications_modify`` permission. Clearing another user's notifications
    requires the ``notifications_modify_others`` permission.

    .. :quickref: Notification; View notifications of a type.

    **Example response**:

    .. parsed-literal::

         "status": "success",
         "response": "All notifications cleared."

    :>json str response: Response message

    :statuscode 200: Successfully cleared notifications.
    :statuscode 403: User does not have permission to clear notifications.
    if not read:
        raise APIException('You cannot set all notifications to unread.')
        pks=Notification.get_pks_from_type(user.id, type, include_read=False),
        update={'read': True},
    return flask.jsonify(
        f'{"All" if not type else type} notifications cleared.')