def test_clusters_items_should_provide_correct_location(self): context = ResourceContext(cluster_conf={ 'master-node-1': {'privateipaddr': '', 'zookeeperlistenerport': '2181'}, 'master-node-2': {'privateipaddr': '', 'zookeeperlistenerport': '2182'}, }, extra_values={'privateipaddr': ''}) items = context.get_items() assert items[RCCONTEXT_ITEM.MASTER_LOCATION] == ','
def test_cluster_conf_items_should_correspond_stub(self): context = ResourceContext(istor_nodes=self.get_nodes()) items = context.get_items() assert items[RCCONTEXT_ITEM.DCOS_INST_DPATH] == 'val_root' assert items[RCCONTEXT_ITEM.DCOS_TMP_DPATH] == 'val_tmp' assert items[RCCONTEXT_ITEM.DCOS_BIN_DPATH] == 'val_bin' assert items[RCCONTEXT_ITEM.DCOS_LIB_DPATH] == 'val_lib'
def test_cluster_items_should_be_not_empty(self): context = ResourceContext(cluster_conf={}, extra_values={'privateipaddr': ''}) itms = context.get_items() assert itms == { RCCONTEXT_ITEM.MASTER_LOCATION: '', RCCONTEXT_ITEM.MASTER_PRIV_IPADDR: '', RCCONTEXT_ITEM.LOCAL_PRIV_IPADDR: '', RCCONTEXT_ITEM.ZK_CLIENT_PORT: 2181, 'privateipaddr': '' }
def __init__(self, pkg_id, istor_nodes, cluster_conf, pkg_info=None, pkg_extcfg=None, pkg_svccfg=None, extra_context=None): """Constructor. :param pkg_id: PackageId, package ID :param istor_nodes: IStorNodes, DC/OS installation storage nodes (set of pathlib.Path objects) :param cluster_conf: dict, configparser.ConfigParser.read_dict() compatible data. DC/OS cluster setup parameters :param pkg_info: dict, package info descriptor from DC/OS package build system :param pkg_extcfg: dict, extra package installation options :param pkg_svccfg: dict, configparser.ConfigParser.read_dict() compatible. Package system service options :param extra_context: dict, extra 'key=value' data to be added to the resource rendering context """ assert isinstance( pkg_id, PackageId), (f'Argument: pkg_id:' f' Got {type(pkg_id).__name__} instead of PackageId') assert isinstance(istor_nodes, IStorNodes), ( f'Argument: istor_nodes:' f' Got {type(istor_nodes).__name__} instead of IStorNodes') assert isinstance( cluster_conf, dict), (f'Argument: cluster_conf:' f'Got {type(cluster_conf).__name__} instead of dict') self._pkg_id = pkg_id self._istor_nodes = istor_nodes self._context = ResourceContext(istor_nodes=istor_nodes, cluster_conf=cluster_conf, pkg_id=pkg_id, extra_values=extra_context) # Load package info descriptor self._pkg_info = pkg_info if pkg_info is not None else ( self._load_pkg_info()) # Load package extra installation options descriptor self._pkg_extcfg = pkg_extcfg if pkg_extcfg is not None else ( self._load_pkg_extcfg()) # Load package system service options descriptor self._pkg_svccfg = pkg_svccfg if pkg_svccfg is not None else ( self._load_pkg_svccfg())
def rc_load_ini(fpath: Path, emheading: str = None, render: bool = False, context: ResourceContext = None) -> Any: """Load INI-formatted data from a resource file. Content of a resource file can be pre-processed by Jinja2 rendering engine before being passed to INI-parser. :param fpath: pathlib.Path, path to a source file :param emheading: str, heading to be added to the exception's description :param render: bool, perform template rendering :param context: ResourceContext, rendering context data object :return: dict, configparser.ConfigParser.read_dict() compatible data. """ cfg_parser = cfp.ConfigParser() if render is True: jj2_env = jj2.Environment( loader=jj2.FileSystemLoader(str(fpath.parent)) ) jj2_tmpl = jj2_env.get_template(str( context_items = {} if context is None else context.get_items() ini_str = jj2_tmpl.render(**context_items) LOG.debug(f'rc_load_ini(): ini_str: {ini_str}') cfg_parser.read_string(ini_str, source=str(fpath)) else: with as fp: cfg_parser.read_file(fp) return {k: dict(v) for k, v in cfg_parser.items()}
def rc_load_json(fpath: Path, emheading: str = None, render: bool = False, context: ResourceContext = None) -> Any: """Load JSON-formatted data from a resource file. Content of a resource file can be pre-processed by Jinja2 rendering engine before being passed to JSON-parser. :param fpath: Path, path to a source file. :param emheading: str, heading to be added to the exception's description :param render: bool, perform template rendering :param context: ResourceContext, rendering context data object :return: json obj, JSON-formatted data """ if render is True: jj2_env = jj2.Environment( loader=jj2.FileSystemLoader(str(fpath.parent)) ) jj2_tmpl = jj2_env.get_template(str( context_items = {} if context is None else context.get_items(json_ready=True) json_str = jj2_tmpl.render(**context_items) LOG.debug(f'rc_load_json(): json_str: {json_str}') j_body = json.loads(json_str, strict=False) else: with as fp: j_body = json.load(fp, strict=False) return j_body
def rc_load_yaml(fpath: Path, emheading: str = "", render: bool = False, context: ResourceContext = None) -> Any: """Load YAML-formatted data from a resource file. Content of a resource file can be pre-processed by Jinja2 rendering engine before being passed to YAML-parser. :param fpath: pathlib.Path, path to a source file. :param emheading: str, heading to be added to the exception's description :param render: bool, perform template rendering :param context: ResourceContext, rendering context data object :return: yaml obj, YAML-formatted data """ if render is True: jj2_env = jj2.Environment( loader=jj2.FileSystemLoader(str(fpath.parent)) ) jj2_tmpl = jj2_env.get_template(str( context_items = {} if context is None else context.get_items() yaml_str = jj2_tmpl.render(**context_items) LOG.debug(f'rc_load_yaml(): yaml_str: {yaml_str}') y_body = yaml.safe_load(yaml_str) else: with as fp: y_body = yaml.safe_load(fp) return y_body
def __init__(self, pkg_id: PackageId, istor_nodes: IStorNodes, cluster_conf: dict, pkg_info: dict = None, pkg_extcfg: dict = None, pkg_svccfg: dict = None, extra_context: dict = None): """Constructor. :param pkg_id: PackageId, package ID :param istor_nodes: IStorNodes, DC/OS installation storage nodes (set of pathlib.Path objects) :param cluster_conf: dict, configparser.ConfigParser.read_dict() compatible data. DC/OS cluster setup parameters :param pkg_info: dict, package info descriptor from DC/OS package build system :param pkg_extcfg: dict, extra package installation options :param pkg_svccfg: dict, configparser.ConfigParser.read_dict() compatible. Package system service options :param extra_context: dict, extra 'key=value' data to be added to the resource rendering context """ self.msg_src = self.__class__.__name__ self._pkg_id = pkg_id self._istor_nodes = istor_nodes self._context = ResourceContext(istor_nodes=istor_nodes, cluster_conf=cluster_conf, pkg_id=pkg_id, extra_values=extra_context) # Load package info descriptor self._pkg_info = pkg_info if pkg_info is not None else ( self._load_pkg_info()) # Load package extra installation options descriptor self._pkg_extcfg = pkg_extcfg if pkg_extcfg is not None else ( self._load_pkg_extcfg()) # Load package system service options descriptor self._pkg_svccfg = pkg_svccfg if pkg_svccfg is not None else ( self._load_pkg_svccfg())
def _process_pkgconf_srcfile(self, src_fpath: Path, tmp_dpath: Path, context: ResourceContext = None): """Process DC/OS package configuration source file. :param src_fpath: Path, path to a source configuration file :param tmp_dpath: Path, path to a temporary directory to save intermediate rendered content :param context: ResourceContext, rendering context data object """ if '.j2' in src_fpath.suffixes[-1:]: dst_fname = src_fpath.stem json_ready = '.json' in src_fpath.suffixes[-2:-1] else: dst_fname = json_ready = '.json' in src_fpath.suffixes[-1:] try: j2_env = j2.Environment( loader=j2.FileSystemLoader(str(src_fpath.parent))) j2_tmpl = j2_env.get_template(str( context_items = {} if context is None else context.get_items( json_ready=json_ready) rendered_str = j2_tmpl.render(**context_items) LOG.debug(f'{self.msg_src}: Process configuration file:' f' {src_fpath}: Rendered content: {rendered_str}') dst_fpath = tmp_dpath.joinpath(dst_fname) dst_fpath.write_text(rendered_str, encoding='utf-8') LOG.debug(f'{self.msg_src}: Process configuration file:' f' {src_fpath}: Save: {dst_fpath}') except (FileNotFoundError, j2.TemplateNotFound) as e: err_msg = f'Load: {src_fpath}' raise cfgm_exc.PkgConfFileNotFoundError(err_msg) from e except (OSError, RuntimeError) as e: err_msg = f'Load: {src_fpath}: {type(e).__name__}: {e}' raise cfgm_exc.PkgConfError(err_msg) from e except j2.TemplateError as e: err_msg = f'Load: {src_fpath}: {type(e).__name__}: {e}' raise cfgm_exc.PkgConfFileInvalidError(err_msg) from e
def _deploy_dcos_conf(self): """Deploy aggregated DC/OS configuration object.""" LOG.debug(f'{self.msg_src}: Execute: Deploy aggregated config: ...') context = ResourceContext( istor_nodes=self.config.inst_storage.istor_nodes, cluster_conf=self.config.cluster_conf, extra_values=self.config.dcos_conf.get('values')) context_items = context.get_items() context_items_jr = context.get_items(json_ready=True) t_elements = self.config.dcos_conf.get('template').get('package', []) for t_element in t_elements: path = t_element.get('path') content = t_element.get('content') try: j2t = j2.Environment().from_string(path) rendered_path = j2t.render(**context_items) dst_fpath = Path(rendered_path) j2t = j2.Environment().from_string(content) if '.json' in dst_fpath.suffixes[-1:]: rendered_content = j2t.render(**context_items_jr) else: rendered_content = j2t.render(**context_items) except j2.TemplateError as e: err_msg = (f'Execute: Deploy aggregated config: Render:' f' {path}: {type(e).__name__}: {e}') raise cfgm_exc.PkgConfFileInvalidError(err_msg) from e if not dst_fpath.parent.exists(): try: dst_fpath.parent.mkdir(parents=True, exist_ok=True) LOG.debug(f'{self.msg_src}: Execute: Deploy aggregated' f' config: Create directory:' f' {dst_fpath.parent}: OK') except (OSError, RuntimeError) as e: err_msg = (f'Execute: Deploy aggregated config: Create' f' directory: {dst_fpath.parent}:' f' {type(e).__name__}: {e}') raise cr_exc.SetupCommandError(err_msg) from e elif not dst_fpath.parent.is_dir(): err_msg = (f'Execute: Deploy aggregated config: Save content:' f' {dst_fpath}: Existing parent is not a directory:' f' {dst_fpath.parent}') raise cr_exc.SetupCommandError(err_msg) elif dst_fpath.exists(): err_msg = (f'Execute: Deploy aggregated config: Save content:' f' {dst_fpath}: Same-named file already exists!') raise cr_exc.SetupCommandError(err_msg) try: dst_fpath.write_text(rendered_content) LOG.debug(f'{self.msg_src}: Execute: Deploy aggregated config:' f' Save content: {dst_fpath}: OK') except (OSError, RuntimeError) as e: err_msg = (f'Execute: Deploy aggregated config: Save content:' f' {dst_fpath}: {type(e).__name__}: {e}') raise cr_exc.SetupCommandError(err_msg) from e LOG.debug(f'{self.msg_src}: Execute: Deploy aggregated config: OK')
def test_extra_items_should_provide_all_keys(self): context = ResourceContext(extra_values={'key': 'val'}) items = context.get_items() assert items['key'] == 'val'
def test_pkg_items_should_provide_all_keys(self): pkg_id = mock.Mock() context = ResourceContext(istor_nodes=self.get_nodes(), pkg_id=pkg_id) items = context.get_items() assert list(items.keys()) == RCCONTEXT_ITEMS
def test_default_get_items_should_be_empty(self): context = ResourceContext() assert context.get_items() == {}
class PackageManifest: """Package manifest container.""" def __init__(self, pkg_id, istor_nodes, cluster_conf, pkg_info=None, pkg_extcfg=None, pkg_svccfg=None, extra_context=None): """Constructor. :param pkg_id: PackageId, package ID :param istor_nodes: IStorNodes, DC/OS installation storage nodes (set of pathlib.Path objects) :param cluster_conf: dict, configparser.ConfigParser.read_dict() compatible data. DC/OS cluster setup parameters :param pkg_info: dict, package info descriptor from DC/OS package build system :param pkg_extcfg: dict, extra package installation options :param pkg_svccfg: dict, configparser.ConfigParser.read_dict() compatible. Package system service options :param extra_context: dict, extra 'key=value' data to be added to the resource rendering context """ assert isinstance( pkg_id, PackageId), (f'Argument: pkg_id:' f' Got {type(pkg_id).__name__} instead of PackageId') assert isinstance(istor_nodes, IStorNodes), ( f'Argument: istor_nodes:' f' Got {type(istor_nodes).__name__} instead of IStorNodes') assert isinstance( cluster_conf, dict), (f'Argument: cluster_conf:' f'Got {type(cluster_conf).__name__} instead of dict') self._pkg_id = pkg_id self._istor_nodes = istor_nodes self._context = ResourceContext(istor_nodes=istor_nodes, cluster_conf=cluster_conf, pkg_id=pkg_id, extra_values=extra_context) # Load package info descriptor self._pkg_info = pkg_info if pkg_info is not None else ( self._load_pkg_info()) # Load package extra installation options descriptor self._pkg_extcfg = pkg_extcfg if pkg_extcfg is not None else ( self._load_pkg_extcfg()) # Load package system service options descriptor self._pkg_svccfg = pkg_svccfg if pkg_svccfg is not None else ( self._load_pkg_svccfg()) # TODO: Add content verification (jsonschema) for self.body. Raise # ValueError, if conformance was not confirmed. def __str__(self): return str(self.body) @property def body(self): """""" return { 'pkg_id': self._pkg_id.pkg_id, 'context': self._context.as_dict(), 'pkg_info': self._pkg_info, 'pkg_extcfg': self._pkg_extcfg, 'pkg_svccfg': self._pkg_svccfg, } @property def pkg_id(self): """""" return self._pkg_id @property def istor_nodes(self): """""" return self._istor_nodes @property def context(self): """""" return ResourceContext(self._istor_nodes, self._context._cluster_conf, self._pkg_id) @property def pkg_info(self): """""" return self._pkg_info @property def pkg_extcfg(self): """""" return self._pkg_extcfg @property def pkg_svccfg(self): """""" return self._pkg_svccfg def _load_pkg_info(self): """Load package info descriptor from a file. :return: dict, package info descriptor """ fpath = getattr(self._istor_nodes, ISTOR_NODE.PKGREPO).joinpath(self._pkg_id.pkg_id, cr_const.PKG_INFO_FPATH) try: pkg_info = cr_utl.rc_load_json(fpath, emheading='Package info descriptor', render=True, context=self._context) except cr_exc.RCNotFoundError: pkg_info = {} return pkg_info def _load_pkg_extcfg(self): """Load package extra installation options from a file. :return: dict, package extra installation options descriptor """ fpath = getattr(self._istor_nodes, ISTOR_NODE.PKGREPO).joinpath( self._pkg_id.pkg_id, cr_const.PKG_EXTCFG_FPATH.format(pkg_name=self._pkg_id.pkg_name)) try: pkg_extcfg = cr_utl.rc_load_yaml( fpath, emheading='Package inst extra descriptor', render=True, context=self._context) except cr_exc.RCNotFoundError: pkg_extcfg = {} return pkg_extcfg def _load_pkg_svccfg(self): """Load package system service options from a file. :return: dict, package system service descriptor """ fpath = getattr(self._istor_nodes, ISTOR_NODE.PKGREPO).joinpath( self._pkg_id.pkg_id, cr_const.PKG_SVCCFG_FPATH.format(pkg_name=self._pkg_id.pkg_name)) try: pkg_svccfg = cr_utl.rc_load_ini( fpath, emheading='Package service descriptor', render=True, context=self._context) except cr_exc.RCNotFoundError: pkg_svccfg = {} return pkg_svccfg def json(self): """Construct JSON representation of the manifest.""" return json.dumps(self.body, indent=4, sort_keys=True) @classmethod def load(cls, fpath): """Load package manifest from a file. :param fpath: pathlib.Path, path to a JSON-formatted manifest file. :return: dict, package manifest. """ m_body = cr_utl.rc_load_json(fpath, emheading='Package manifest') # TODO: Add content verification (jsonschema) for m_body. Raise # ValueError, if conformance was not confirmed. try: manifest = cls( pkg_id=PackageId(pkg_id=m_body.get('pkg_id')), istor_nodes=IStorNodes( **{ k: Path(v) for k, v in m_body.get('context').get( 'istor_nodes').items() }), cluster_conf=m_body.get('context').get('cluster_conf'), pkg_info=m_body.get('pkg_info'), pkg_extcfg=m_body.get('pkg_extcfg'), pkg_svccfg=m_body.get('pkg_svccfg'), ) LOG.debug(f'Package manifest: Load: {fpath}') except (ValueError, AssertionError, TypeError) as e: err_msg = (f'Package manifest: Load:' f' {fpath}: {type(e).__name__}: {e}') raise cr_exc.RCInvalidError(err_msg) from e return manifest def save(self): """Save package manifest to a file within the active packages index.""" fpath = getattr( self._istor_nodes, ISTOR_NODE.PKGACTIVE).joinpath(f'{self._pkg_id.pkg_id}.json') try: with'w') as fp: json.dump(self.body, fp) except (OSError, RuntimeError) as e: err_msg = f'Package manifest: Save: {type(e).__name__}: {e}' raise cr_exc.RCError(err_msg) from e LOG.debug(f'Package manifest: Save: {fpath}') def update_context(self, values=None): """Update context data. :param values: dict, 'key=value' data to be added to / updated in the resource rendering context. """ self._context.update(values=values)
def context(self): """""" return ResourceContext(self._istor_nodes, self._context._cluster_conf, self._pkg_id)
def get_dcos_conf(self): """Get the DC/OS aggregated configuration object. :return: dict, set of DC/OS shared and package specific configuration objects: { 'package': {[ {'path': <str>, 'content': <str>}, ... ]} } """ dstor_root_url = (self.cluster_conf.get('distribution-storage', {}).get('rooturl', '')) dstor_dcoscfg_path = (self.cluster_conf.get('distribution-storage', {}).get('dcoscfgpath', '')) # Unblock irrelevant local operations if self.cluster_conf_nop or dstor_dcoscfg_path == 'NOP':'{self.msg_src}: dcos_conf: NOP') return {} dcoscfg_url = posixpath.join(dstor_root_url, dstor_dcoscfg_path) dcoscfg_fname = Path(dstor_dcoscfg_path).name try:, str(self.inst_storage.tmp_dpath)) LOG.debug(f'{self.msg_src}: DC/OS aggregated config: Download:' f' {dcoscfg_fname}: {dcoscfg_url}') except Exception as e: raise cr_exc.RCDownloadError( f'DC/OS aggregated config: Download: {dcoscfg_fname}:' f' {dcoscfg_url}: {type(e).__name__}: {e}') from e dcoscfg_fpath = self.inst_storage.tmp_dpath.joinpath(dcoscfg_fname) try: dcos_conf = cr_utl.rc_load_yaml( dcoscfg_fpath, emheading=f'DC/OS aggregated config: {dcoscfg_fname}', render=True, context=ResourceContext( istor_nodes=self.inst_storage.istor_nodes, cluster_conf=self.cluster_conf)) if (not isinstance(dcos_conf, dict) or not isinstance(dcos_conf.get('package'), list)): raise cr_exc.RCInvalidError( f'DC/OS aggregated config: {dcos_conf}') for element in dcos_conf.get('package'): if (not isinstance(element, dict) or not isinstance(element.get('path'), str) or not isinstance(element.get('content'), str)): raise cr_exc.RCElementError( f'DC/OS aggregated config: {element}') return dcos_conf except cr_exc.RCError as e: raise e finally: dcoscfg_fpath.unlink()