def information(): def information_menu(): global ch5 mods.clear_screen() logo.dorkify_logo() print(f''' CHOOSE OPTION : {colors.bcolors.OKBLUE}[~]{colors.bcolors.ENDC} Definition [1] {colors.bcolors.OKBLUE}[~]{colors.bcolors.ENDC} Information [2] {colors.bcolors.OKBLUE}[~]{colors.bcolors.ENDC} Stocks [3] {colors.bcolors.OKBLUE}[~]{colors.bcolors.ENDC} Maps [4] {colors.bcolors.OKBLUE}[~]{colors.bcolors.ENDC} Weather [5] ''') ch5 = int(input(" --> ")) print('\n\n') information_menu() if ch5 == 1: s = input('SEARCH DEFINITION: ') q = str('define:' + s) print('\nSearching... \n') search_url.url_search(q) elif ch5 == 2: s = input('SEARCH : ') q = str('info:' + s) print('\nGathering Info... \n') search_url.url_search(q) elif ch5 == 3: s = input('SEARCH COMPANY WITH TICKER CODE: ') q = str('stocks:' + s) print('\nSearching Stocks \n') search_url.url_search(q) elif ch5 == 4: s = input('SEARCH CITY: ') q = str('maps:' + s) print('\nFinding Maps \n') search_url.url_search(q) elif ch5 == 5: s = input('ENTER CITY NAME: ') q = str('weather:' + s) print('\nChecking Weather \n') search_url.url_search(q) else: print('INVALID OPTION \n TRY AGAIN') sys.exit()
def ftp(): def ftp_menu(): global ch mods.clear_screen() logo.dorkify_logo() print(f''' CHOOSE OPTION : {colors.bcolors.OKBLUE}[~]{colors.bcolors.ENDC} Detect vulnerable FTP sites [1] {colors.bcolors.OKBLUE}[~]{colors.bcolors.ENDC} Finding potential log files in FTP servers [2] {colors.bcolors.OKBLUE}[~]{colors.bcolors.ENDC} Find open FTP Servers [3] {colors.bcolors.OKBLUE}[~]{colors.bcolors.ENDC} Find admin folders on FTP servers [4] ''') ch = int(input(" --> ")) print('\n\n') ftp_menu() if ch == 1: q = 'inurl:ftp://ftp' print('\n Searching...\n') time.sleep(1) search_url.url_search(q) elif ch == 2: q = '"index of" /ftp/logs' print('\n Searching...\n') time.sleep(1) search_url.url_search(q) elif ch == 3: q = 'intitle:"index of" inurl:ftp' print('\n Searching...\n') time.sleep(1) search_url.url_search(q) elif ch == 4: q = 'intitle:"index of" inurl:ftp intext:admin' print('\n Searching...\n') time.sleep(1) search_url.url_search(q) else: print('INVALID OPTION \n TRY AGAIN') sys.exit()
def userpass(): def userpass_menu(): global ch mods.clear_screen() logo.dorkify_logo() print(f''' CHOOSE OPTION : {colors.bcolors.OKBLUE}[~]{colors.bcolors.ENDC} Vulnerable log files containing passwords [1] {colors.bcolors.OKBLUE}[~]{colors.bcolors.ENDC} Less secured password files [2] {colors.bcolors.OKBLUE}[~]{colors.bcolors.ENDC} Vulnerable passwords list [3] {colors.bcolors.OKBLUE}[~]{colors.bcolors.ENDC} Vulnerable password DAT files [4] {colors.bcolors.OKBLUE}[~]{colors.bcolors.ENDC} SQL files vulnerable passwords [5] {colors.bcolors.OKBLUE}[~]{colors.bcolors.ENDC} Vulnerable password text files [6] {colors.bcolors.OKBLUE}[~]{colors.bcolors.ENDC} Vulnerable password files [7] {colors.bcolors.OKBLUE}[~]{colors.bcolors.ENDC} Web pages with User lists [8] {colors.bcolors.OKBLUE}[~]{colors.bcolors.ENDC} Search for database password files [9] ''') ch = int(input(" --> ")) print('\n\n') userpass_menu() if ch == 1: q = 'allintext:username,password filetype:log' print('\n Searching...\n') time.sleep(1) search_url.url_search(q) elif ch == 2: q = 'allintext:password filetype:log' print('\n Searching...\n') time.sleep(1) search_url.url_search(q) elif ch == 3: q = 'intitle:"index of " "*.passwords.txt"' print('\n Searching...\n') time.sleep(1) search_url.url_search(q) elif ch == 4: q = 'filetype:dat "password.dat' print('\n Searching...\n') time.sleep(1) search_url.url_search(q) elif ch == 5: q = 'filetype:sql password' print('\n Searching...\n') time.sleep(1) search_url.url_search(q) elif ch == 6: q = 'intext:"Index of /" +password.txt' print('\n Searching...\n') time.sleep(1) search_url.url_search(q) elif ch == 7: q = 'intitle:"index of" passwd' print('\n Searching...\n') time.sleep(1) search_url.url_search(q) elif ch == 8: q = 'intitle: index.of people.lst' print('\n Searching...\n') time.sleep(1) search_url.url_search(q) elif ch == 9: q = 'intitle: "Index of" pwd.db' print('\n Searching...\n') time.sleep(1) search_url.url_search(q) else: print('INVALID OPTION \n TRY AGAIN') sys.exit()
# Main Program if args['cli']: logo.dorkify_logo() print(notice) yn = input() if yn == 'y' or yn == 'Y': dorkify_menu() else: print('YOU MUST AGREE TO THE TERMS') sys.exit() if ch == 1: q = input('SEARCH : ') print('\n Performing Google Search\n') search_url.url_search(q) elif ch == 2: url_menu() if ch2 == 1: s = input('SEARCH : ') q = str('intitle:' + s) print('\nSearching... \n') search_url.url_search(q) elif ch2 == 2: s = input('SEARCH : ') q = str('inurl:' + s) print('\nSearching... \n') search_url.url_search(q)
def wordpress(): def wp_menu(): global ch mods.clear_screen() logo.dorkify_logo() print(f''' CHOOSE OPTION : {colors.bcolors.OKBLUE}[~]{colors.bcolors.ENDC} WP sites that are running the Wordfence WAF [1] {colors.bcolors.OKBLUE}[~]{colors.bcolors.ENDC} Search for WP configuration files [2] {colors.bcolors.OKBLUE}[~]{colors.bcolors.ENDC} Finds config files for MySQL, ABSPATH, WP [3] {colors.bcolors.OKBLUE}[~]{colors.bcolors.ENDC} Search for backed-up database.sql files [4] {colors.bcolors.OKBLUE}[~]{colors.bcolors.ENDC} Log information for vulnerable WP sites [5] {colors.bcolors.OKBLUE}[~]{colors.bcolors.ENDC} Debug log in vulnerable WP sites [6] {colors.bcolors.OKBLUE}[~]{colors.bcolors.ENDC} SQL dump files of WP sites [7] {colors.bcolors.OKBLUE}[~]{colors.bcolors.ENDC} Webshell Upload. WordPress Levo-Slideshow [8] {colors.bcolors.OKBLUE}[~]{colors.bcolors.ENDC} MAC OS X WP Information [9] {colors.bcolors.OKBLUE}[~]{colors.bcolors.ENDC} wp-config Database password of vulnerable WP sites [10] {colors.bcolors.OKBLUE}[~]{colors.bcolors.ENDC} Find vulnerable wp-config.php files [11] {colors.bcolors.OKBLUE}[~]{colors.bcolors.ENDC} Search for misconfigured WP sites [12] {colors.bcolors.OKBLUE}[~]{colors.bcolors.ENDC} Search for sensitive data, db in public folders [13] ''') ch = int(input(" --> ")) print('\n\n') wp_menu() if ch == 1: q = 'filetype:ini "wordfence"' print('\n Searching...\n') time.sleep(1) search_url.url_search(q) elif ch == 2: q = 'intext:DB_PASSWORD || intext:"MySQL hostname" ext:txt' print('\n Searching...\n') time.sleep(1) search_url.url_search(q) elif ch == 3: q = 'inurl:"-wp13.txt"' print('\n Searching...\n') time.sleep(1) search_url.url_search(q) elif ch == 4: q = 'inurl:"/wp-content/wpclone-temp/wpclone_backup/"' print('\n Searching...\n') time.sleep(1) search_url.url_search(q) elif ch == 5: q = 'inurl:log -intext:log ext:log inurl:wp-' print('\n Searching...\n') time.sleep(1) search_url.url_search(q) elif ch == 6: q = 'inurl:wp-content/debug.log' print('\n Searching...\n') time.sleep(1) search_url.url_search(q) elif ch == 7: q = 'filetype:sql intext:wp_users phpmyadmin' print('\n Searching...\n') time.sleep(1) search_url.url_search(q) elif ch == 8: q = 'inurl:"/wp-content/uploads/levoslideshow/"' print('\n Searching...\n') time.sleep(1) search_url.url_search(q) elif ch == 9: q = 'intitle:Index of /__MACOSX' print('\n Searching...\n') time.sleep(1) search_url.url_search(q) elif ch == 10: q = '''inurl:wp-config -intext:wp-config "'DB_PASSWORD'"''' print('\n Searching...\n') time.sleep(1) search_url.url_search(q) elif ch == 11: q = 'inurl:wp-admin/admin-ajax.php inurl:wp-config.php' print('\n Searching...\n') time.sleep(1) search_url.url_search(q) elif ch == 12: q = 'inurl:wp-admin/ intext:css/' print('\n Searching...\n') time.sleep(1) search_url.url_search(q) elif ch == 13: q = 'inurl:/wp-content/wpbackitup_backups' print('\n Searching...\n') time.sleep(1) search_url.url_search(q) else: print('INVALID OPTION \n TRY AGAIN') sys.exit()
def cameras(): def camera_menu(): global ch mods.clear_screen() logo.dorkify_logo() print(f''' CHOOSE OPTION : {colors.bcolors.OKBLUE}[~]{colors.bcolors.ENDC} Camera 1 [1] {colors.bcolors.OKBLUE}[~]{colors.bcolors.ENDC} Camera 2 [2] {colors.bcolors.OKBLUE}[~]{colors.bcolors.ENDC} Liveapplet Cam [3] {colors.bcolors.OKBLUE}[~]{colors.bcolors.ENDC} Public CCTV 1 [4] {colors.bcolors.OKBLUE}[~]{colors.bcolors.ENDC} Public CCTV 2 [5] {colors.bcolors.OKBLUE}[~]{colors.bcolors.ENDC} Public CCTV 3 [6] {colors.bcolors.OKBLUE}[~]{colors.bcolors.ENDC} Multiple CCTV gallery [7] ' ''') ch = int(input(" --> ")) print('\n\n') camera_menu() if ch == 1: q = 'inurl:view/view.shtml' print('\n Searching...\n') time.sleep(1) search_url.url_search(q) elif ch == 2: q = 'intitle:”live view” intitle:axis' print('\n Searching...\n') time.sleep(1) search_url.url_search(q) elif ch == 3: q = 'intitle:liveapplet inurl:LvAppl' print('\n Searching...\n') time.sleep(1) search_url.url_search(q) elif ch == 4: q = 'inurl:ViewerFrame?Mode=' print('\n Searching...\n') time.sleep(1) search_url.url_search(q) elif ch == 5: q = 'inurl:”CgiStart?page=”' print('\n Searching...\n') time.sleep(1) search_url.url_search(q) elif ch == 6: q = '''intitle:"webcamXP 5" inurl:8080 'Live' ''' print('\n Searching...\n') time.sleep(1) search_url.url_search(q) elif ch == 7: q = '''intitle:"webcam 7" inurl:'/gallery.html' ''' print('\n Searching...\n') time.sleep(1) search_url.url_search(q) else: print('INVALID OPTION \n TRY AGAIN') sys.exit()