文件: builtin.py 项目: gnprice/oil
def Read(argv, splitter, mem):
    arg, i = READ_SPEC.Parse(argv)

    names = argv[i:]
    if arg.n is not None:  # read a certain number of bytes
            name = names[0]
        except IndexError:
            name = 'REPLY'  # default variable name
        s = posix.read(sys.stdin.fileno(), arg.n)
        #log('read -n: %s = %s', name, s)

        state.SetLocalString(mem, name, s)
        # NOTE: Even if we don't get n bytes back, there is no error?
        return 0

    if not names:

    # leftover words assigned to the last name
    max_results = len(names)

    # We have to read more than one line if there is a line continuation (and
    # it's not -r).

    parts = []
    join_next = False
    while True:
        line = ReadLineFromStdin()
        #log('LINE %r', line)
        if not line:  # EOF
            status = 1

        if line.endswith('\n'):  # strip trailing newline
            line = line[:-1]
            status = 0
            # odd bash behavior: fail even if we can set variables.
            status = 1

        spans = splitter.SplitForRead(line, not arg.r)
        done, join_next = _AppendParts(line, spans, max_results, join_next,

        #log('PARTS %s continued %s', parts, continued)
        if done:

    for i in xrange(max_results):
            s = parts[i]
        except IndexError:
            s = ''  # if there are too many variables
        #log('read: %s = %s', names[i], s)
        state.SetLocalString(mem, names[i], s)

    return status
def InitEvaluator():
    word_ev = test_lib.InitWordEvaluator()
    state.SetLocalString(word_ev.mem, 'x', '- -- ---')
    state.SetLocalString(word_ev.mem, 'y', 'y yy')
    state.SetLocalString(word_ev.mem, 'empty', '')
    state.SetLocalString(word_ev.mem, 'binding', 'spam=eggs')
    state.SetLocalString(word_ev.mem, 'binding_with_spaces',
                         'x=green eggs and ham')

    word_ev.mem.SetArgv(['x', 'foo', 'spam=eggs'])
    return word_ev
文件: builtin.py 项目: lheckemann/oil
def Read(argv, mem):
    # TODO:
    # - Use IFS instead of Python's split().

    arg, i = READ_SPEC.Parse(argv)

    if not arg.r:
        util.warn('*** read without -r not implemented ***')

    names = argv[i:]
    if arg.n is not None:
            name = names[0]
        except IndexError:
            name = 'REPLY'  # default variable name
        s = os.read(sys.stdin.fileno(), arg.n)
        #log('read -n: %s = %s', name, s)

        state.SetLocalString(mem, name, s)
        # NOTE: Even if we don't get n bytes back, there is no error?
        return 0

    line = sys.stdin.readline()
    if not line:  # EOF
        return 1

    if line.endswith('\n'):  # strip trailing newline
        line = line[:-1]
        status = 0
        # odd bash behavior: fail even if we can set variables.
        status = 1

    # leftover words assigned to the last name
    n = len(names)

    strs = line.split(None, n - 1)

    # TODO: Use REPLY variable here too?
    for i in xrange(n):
            s = strs[i]
        except IndexError:
            s = ''  # if there are too many variables
        #log('read: %s = %s', names[i], s)
        state.SetLocalString(mem, names[i], s)

    return status
def Read(argv, mem):
    # TODO:
    # - parse flags.
    # - Use IFS instead of Python's split().

    names = argv
    line = sys.stdin.readline()
    if not line:  # EOF
        return 1

    if line.endswith('\n'):  # strip trailing newline
        line = line[:-1]
        status = 0
        # odd bash behavior: fail even if we can set variables.
        status = 1

    # leftover words assigned to the last name
    n = len(names)

    strs = line.split(None, n - 1)

    for i in xrange(n):
            s = strs[i]
        except IndexError:
            s = ''  # if there are too many variables
        state.SetLocalString(mem, names[i], s)

    return status
  def _Dispatch(self, node, fork_external):
    # If we call RunCommandSub in a recursive call to the executor, this will
    # be set true (if strict-errexit is false).  But it only lasts for one
    # command.
    self.check_command_sub_status = False

    #argv0 = None  # for error message
    check_errexit = False  # for errexit

    if node.tag == command_e.SimpleCommand:
      check_errexit = True

      # Find span_id for a basic implementation of $LINENO, e.g.
      # PS4='+$SOURCE_NAME:$LINENO:'
      # NOTE: osh2oil uses node.more_env, but we don't need that.
      span_id = const.NO_INTEGER
      if node.words:
        first_word = node.words[0]
        span_id = word.LeftMostSpanForWord(first_word)


      # PROBLEM: We want to log argv in 'xtrace' mode, but we may have already
      # redirected here, which screws up logging.  For example, 'echo hi
      # >/dev/null 2>&1'.  We want to evaluate argv and log it BEFORE applying
      # redirects.

      # Another problem:
      # - tracing can be called concurrently from multiple processes, leading
      # to overlap.  Maybe have a mode that creates a file per process.
      # xtrace-proc
      # - line numbers for every command would be very nice.  But then you have
      # to print the filename too.

      words = braces.BraceExpandWords(node.words)
      argv = self.word_ev.EvalWordSequence(words)

      # This comes before evaluating env, in case there are problems evaluating
      # it.  We could trace the env separately?  Also trace unevaluated code
      # with set-o verbose?

      if node.more_env:
        for env_pair in node.more_env:
          val = self.word_ev.EvalWordToString(env_pair.val)
          # Set each var so the next one can reference it.  Example:
          # FOO=1 BAR=$FOO ls /
          self.mem.SetVar(ast.LhsName(env_pair.name), val,
                          (var_flags_e.Exported,), scope_e.TempEnv)

        # NOTE: This might never return!  In the case of fork_external=False.
        status = self._RunSimpleCommand(argv, fork_external, span_id)
        if node.more_env:

    elif node.tag == command_e.Sentence:
      # Don't check_errexit since this isn't a real node!
      if node.terminator.id == Id.Op_Semi:
        status = self._Execute(node.child)
        status = self._RunJobInBackground(node.child)

    elif node.tag == command_e.Pipeline:
      check_errexit = True
      if node.stderr_indices:
        raise NotImplementedError('|&')

      if node.negated:
          status2 = self._RunPipeline(node)

        # errexit is disabled for !.
        check_errexit = False
        status = 1 if status2 == 0 else 0
        status = self._RunPipeline(node)

    elif node.tag == command_e.Subshell:
      check_errexit = True
      # This makes sure we don't waste a process if we'd launch one anyway.
      p = self._MakeProcess(node.child)
      status = p.Run(self.waiter)

    elif node.tag == command_e.DBracket:
      check_errexit = True
      result = self.bool_ev.Eval(node.expr)
      status = 0 if result else 1

    elif node.tag == command_e.DParen:
      check_errexit = True
      i = self.arith_ev.Eval(node.child)
      status = 0 if i != 0 else 1

    elif node.tag == command_e.Assignment:
      flags = word_compile.ParseAssignFlags(node.flags)

      if node.keyword == Id.Assign_Local:
        lookup_mode = scope_e.LocalOnly
      # typeset and declare are synonyms?  I see typeset -a a=() the most.
      elif node.keyword in (Id.Assign_Declare, Id.Assign_Typeset):
        # declare is like local, except it can also be used outside functions?
        if var_flags_e.Global in flags:
          lookup_mode = scope_e.GlobalOnly
          lookup_mode = scope_e.LocalOnly
      elif node.keyword == Id.Assign_Readonly:
        lookup_mode = scope_e.Dynamic
      elif node.keyword == Id.Assign_None:  # mutate existing local or global
        lookup_mode = scope_e.Dynamic
        raise AssertionError(node.keyword)

      for pair in node.pairs:
        if pair.op == assign_op_e.PlusEqual:
          assert pair.rhs, pair.rhs  # I don't think a+= is valid?
          val = self.word_ev.EvalRhsWord(pair.rhs)
          old_val, lval = expr_eval.EvalLhsAndLookup(pair.lhs, self.arith_ev,
                                                     self.mem, self.exec_opts)
          sig = (old_val.tag, val.tag)
          if sig == (value_e.Undef, value_e.Str):
            pass  # val is RHS
          elif sig == (value_e.Undef, value_e.StrArray):
            pass  # val is RHS
          elif sig == (value_e.Str, value_e.Str):
            val = runtime.Str(old_val.s + val.s)
          elif sig == (value_e.Str, value_e.StrArray):
            e_die("Can't append array to string")
          elif sig == (value_e.StrArray, value_e.Str):
            e_die("Can't append string to array")
          elif sig == (value_e.StrArray, value_e.StrArray):
            val = runtime.StrArray(old_val.strs + val.strs)

        else:  # plain assignment
          spid = pair.spids[0]  # Source location for tracing
          lval = self._EvalLhs(pair.lhs, spid, lookup_mode)

          # RHS can be a string or array.
          if pair.rhs:
            val = self.word_ev.EvalRhsWord(pair.rhs)
            assert isinstance(val, runtime.value), val

          else:  # e.g. 'readonly x' or 'local x'
            val = None

        # NOTE: In bash and mksh, declare -a myarray makes an empty cell with
        # Undef value, but the 'array' attribute.

        #log('setting %s to %s with flags %s', lval, val, flags)
        self.mem.SetVar(lval, val, flags, lookup_mode,

        # Assignment always appears to have a spid.
        if node.spids:
          current_spid = node.spids[0]
          current_spid = const.NO_INTEGER
        self.tracer.OnAssignment(lval, pair.op, val, flags, lookup_mode)

      # PATCH to be compatible with existing shells: If the assignment had a
      # command sub like:
      # s=$(echo one; false)
      # then its status will be in mem.last_status, and we can check it here.
      # If there was NOT a command sub in the assignment, then we don't want to
      # check it.
      if node.keyword == Id.Assign_None:  # mutate existing local or global
        # Only do this if there was a command sub?  How?  Look at node?
        # Set a flag in mem?   self.mem.last_status or
        if self.check_command_sub_status:
          self._CheckStatus(self.mem.last_status, node)
          # A global assignment shouldn't clear $?.
          status = self.mem.last_status
          status = 0
        # To be compatible with existing shells, local assignments DO clear
        # $?.  Even in strict mode, we don't need to bother setting
        # check_errexit = True, because we would have already checked the
        # command sub in RunCommandSub.
        status = 0
        # TODO: maybe we should have a "sane-status" that respects this:
        # false; echo $?; local f=x; echo $?

    elif node.tag == command_e.ControlFlow:
      if node.arg_word:  # Evaluate the argument
        val = self.word_ev.EvalWordToString(node.arg_word)
        assert val.tag == value_e.Str
        arg = int(val.s)  # They all take integers
        arg = 0  # return 0, exit 0, break 0 levels, etc.

      # NOTE: We don't do anything about a top-level 'return' here.  Unlike in
      # bash, that is OK.  If you can return from a sourced script, it makes
      # sense to return from a main script.
      ok = True
      tok = node.token
      if (tok.id in (Id.ControlFlow_Break, Id.ControlFlow_Continue) and
          self.loop_level == 0):
        ok = False
        msg = 'Invalid control flow at top level'

      if ok:
        raise _ControlFlow(tok, arg)

      if self.exec_opts.strict_control_flow:
        e_die(msg, token=tok)
        # Only print warnings, never fatal.
        # Bash oddly only exits 1 for 'return', but no other shell does.
        ui.PrintFilenameAndLine(tok.span_id, self.arena)
        status = 0

    # The only difference between these two is that CommandList has no
    # redirects.  We already took care of that above.
    elif node.tag in (command_e.CommandList, command_e.BraceGroup):
      status = self._ExecuteList(node.children)
      check_errexit = False

    elif node.tag == command_e.AndOr:
      # NOTE: && and || have EQUAL precedence in command mode.  See case #13
      # in dbracket.test.sh.

      left = node.children[0]

      # Suppress failure for every child except the last one.
        status = self._Execute(left)

      i = 1
      n = len(node.children)
      while i < n:
        #log('i %d status %d', i, status)
        child = node.children[i]
        op_id = node.ops[i-1]

        #log('child %s op_id %s', child, op_id)

        if op_id == Id.Op_DPipe and status == 0:
          i += 1
          continue  # short circuit

        elif op_id == Id.Op_DAmp and status != 0:
          i += 1
          continue  # short circuit

        if i == n - 1:  # errexit handled differently for last child
          status = self._Execute(child)
          check_errexit = True
            status = self._Execute(child)

        i += 1

    elif node.tag == command_e.WhileUntil:
      if node.keyword.id == Id.KW_While:
        _DonePredicate = lambda status: status != 0
        _DonePredicate = lambda status: status == 0

      status = 0

      self.loop_level += 1
        while True:
            cond_status = self._ExecuteList(node.cond)

          done = cond_status != 0
          if _DonePredicate(cond_status):
            status = self._Execute(node.body)  # last one wins
          except _ControlFlow as e:
            if e.IsBreak():
              status = 0
            elif e.IsContinue():
              status = 0
            else:  # return needs to pop up more
        self.loop_level -= 1

    elif node.tag == command_e.ForEach:
      iter_name = node.iter_name
      if node.do_arg_iter:
        iter_list = self.mem.GetArgv()
        words = braces.BraceExpandWords(node.iter_words)
        iter_list = self.word_ev.EvalWordSequence(words)
        # We need word splitting and so forth
        # NOTE: This expands globs too.  TODO: We should pass in a Globber()
        # object.

      status = 0  # in case we don't loop
      self.loop_level += 1
        for x in iter_list:
          #log('> ForEach setting %r', x)
          state.SetLocalString(self.mem, iter_name, x)

            status = self._Execute(node.body)  # last one wins
          except _ControlFlow as e:
            if e.IsBreak():
              status = 0
            elif e.IsContinue():
              status = 0
            else:  # return needs to pop up more
        self.loop_level -= 1

    elif node.tag == command_e.ForExpr:
      status = 0
      init, cond, body, update = node.init, node.cond, node.body, node.update
      if init:

      self.loop_level += 1
        while True:
          if cond:
            b = self.arith_ev.Eval(cond)
            if not b:

            status = self._Execute(body)
          except _ControlFlow as e:
            if e.IsBreak():
              status = 0
            elif e.IsContinue():
              status = 0
            else:  # return needs to pop up more

          if update:

        self.loop_level -= 1

    elif node.tag == command_e.DoGroup:
      status = self._ExecuteList(node.children)
      check_errexit = False  # not real statements

    elif node.tag == command_e.FuncDef:
      # NOTE: Would it make sense to evaluate the redirects BEFORE entering?
      # It will save time on function calls.
      self.funcs[node.name] = node
      status = 0

    elif node.tag == command_e.If:
      done = False
      for arm in node.arms:
          status = self._ExecuteList(arm.cond)

        if status == 0:
          status = self._ExecuteList(arm.action)
          done = True
      # TODO: The compiler should flatten this
      if not done and node.else_action is not None:
        status = self._ExecuteList(node.else_action)

    elif node.tag == command_e.NoOp:
      status = 0  # make it true

    elif node.tag == command_e.Case:
      val = self.word_ev.EvalWordToString(node.to_match)
      to_match = val.s

      status = 0  # If there are no arms, it should be zero?
      done = False

      for arm in node.arms:
        for pat_word in arm.pat_list:
          # NOTE: Is it OK that we're evaluating these as we go?

          # TODO: case "$@") shouldn't succeed?  That's a type error?
          # That requires strict-array?

          pat_val = self.word_ev.EvalWordToString(pat_word, do_fnmatch=True)
          #log('Matching word %r against pattern %r', to_match, pat_val.s)
          if libc.fnmatch(pat_val.s, to_match):
            status = self._ExecuteList(arm.action)
            done = True  # TODO: Parse ;;& and for fallthrough and such?
            break  # Only execute action ONCE
        if done:

    elif node.tag == command_e.TimeBlock:
      # TODO:
      # - When do we need RUSAGE_CHILDREN?
      # - Respect TIMEFORMAT environment variable.
      # "If this variable is not set, Bash acts as if it had the value"
      # $'\nreal\t%3lR\nuser\t%3lU\nsys\t%3lS'
      # "A trailing newline is added when the format string is displayed."

      start_t = time.time()  # calls gettimeofday() under the hood
      start_u = resource.getrusage(resource.RUSAGE_SELF)
      status = self._Execute(node.pipeline)

      end_t = time.time()
      end_u = resource.getrusage(resource.RUSAGE_SELF)

      real = end_t - start_t
      user = end_u.ru_utime - start_u.ru_utime
      sys_ = end_u.ru_stime - start_u.ru_stime
      libc.print_time(real, user, sys_)

      raise NotImplementedError(node.__class__.__name__)

    return status, check_errexit
def InitEvaluator():
  word_ev = test_lib.InitWordEvaluator()
  state.SetLocalString(word_ev.mem, 'x', 'xxx')
  state.SetLocalString(word_ev.mem, 'y', 'yyy')
  return word_ev
    def Run(self, cmd_val):
        # type: (cmd_value__Argv) -> int
        arg, i = READ_SPEC.ParseCmdVal(cmd_val)

        names = cmd_val.argv[i:]
        if arg.n is not None:  # read a certain number of bytes
            stdin = sys.stdin.fileno()
                name = names[0]
            except IndexError:
                name = 'REPLY'  # default variable name
            s = ""
            if sys.stdin.isatty():  # set stdin to read in unbuffered mode
                orig_attrs = termios.tcgetattr(stdin)
                attrs = termios.tcgetattr(stdin)
                # disable canonical (buffered) mode
                # see `man termios` for an extended discussion
                attrs[3] &= ~termios.ICANON
                    termios.tcsetattr(stdin, termios.TCSANOW, attrs)
                    # posix.read always returns a single character in unbuffered mode
                    while arg.n > 0:
                        s += posix.read(stdin, 1)
                        arg.n -= 1
                    termios.tcsetattr(stdin, termios.TCSANOW, orig_attrs)
                s_len = 0
                while arg.n > 0:
                    buf = posix.read(stdin, arg.n)
                    # EOF
                    if buf == '':
                    arg.n -= len(buf)
                    s += buf

            state.SetLocalString(self.mem, name, s)
            # NOTE: Even if we don't get n bytes back, there is no error?
            return 0

        if not names:

        # leftover words assigned to the last name
        if arg.a:
            max_results = 0  # no max
            max_results = len(names)

        # We have to read more than one line if there is a line continuation (and
        # it's not -r).

        parts = []
        join_next = False
        while True:
            line = ReadLineFromStdin()
            #log('LINE %r', line)
            if not line:  # EOF
                status = 1

            if line.endswith('\n'):  # strip trailing newline
                line = line[:-1]
                status = 0
                # odd bash behavior: fail even if we can set variables.
                status = 1

            spans = self.splitter.SplitForRead(line, not arg.r)
            done, join_next = _AppendParts(line, spans, max_results, join_next,

            #log('PARTS %s continued %s', parts, continued)
            if done:

        if arg.a:
            state.SetArrayDynamic(self.mem, arg.a, parts)
            for i in xrange(max_results):
                    s = parts[i]
                except IndexError:
                    s = ''  # if there are too many variables
                #log('read: %s = %s', names[i], s)
                state.SetStringDynamic(self.mem, names[i], s)

        return status
文件: word_eval.py 项目: jedahan/oil
    def _EvalBracedVarSub(self, part, part_vals, quoted):
      part_vals: output param to append to.
        # We have four types of operator that interact.
        # 1. Bracket: value -> (value, bool maybe_decay_array)
        # 2. Then these four cases are mutually exclusive:
        #   a. Prefix length: value -> value
        #   b. Test: value -> part_value[]
        #   c. Other Suffix: value -> value
        #   d. no operator: you have a value
        # That is, we don't have both prefix and suffix operators.
        # 3. Process maybe_decay_array here before returning.

        maybe_decay_array = False  # for $*, ${a[*]}, etc.

        var_name = None  # For ${foo=default}

        # 1. Evaluate from (var_name, var_num, token Id) -> value
        if part.token.id == Id.VSub_Name:
            var_name = part.token.val
            val = self.mem.GetVar(var_name)
            #log('EVAL NAME %s -> %s', var_name, val)

        elif part.token.id == Id.VSub_Number:
            var_num = int(part.token.val)
            val = self._EvalVarNum(var_num)
            # $* decays
            val, maybe_decay_array = self._EvalSpecialVar(
                part.token.id, quoted)

        # 2. Bracket: value -> (value v, bool maybe_decay_array)
        # maybe_decay_array is for joining ${a[*]} and unquoted ${a[@]} AFTER
        # suffix ops are applied.  If we take the length with a prefix op, the
        # distinction is ignored.
        if part.bracket_op:
            if part.bracket_op.tag == bracket_op_e.WholeArray:
                op_id = part.bracket_op.op_id

                if op_id == Id.Lit_At:
                    if not quoted:
                        maybe_decay_array = True  # ${a[@]} decays but "${a[@]}" doesn't
                    if val.tag == value_e.Undef:
                        val = self._EmptyStrArrayOrError(part.token)
                    elif val.tag == value_e.Str:
                        e_die("Can't index string with @: %r", val, part=part)
                    elif val.tag == value_e.StrArray:
                        # TODO: Is this a no-op?  Just leave 'val' alone.
                        val = runtime.StrArray(val.strs)

                elif op_id == Id.Arith_Star:
                    maybe_decay_array = True  # both ${a[*]} and "${a[*]}" decay
                    if val.tag == value_e.Undef:
                        val = self._EmptyStrArrayOrError(part.token)
                    elif val.tag == value_e.Str:
                        e_die("Can't index string with *: %r", val, part=part)
                    elif val.tag == value_e.StrArray:
                        # TODO: Is this a no-op?  Just leave 'val' alone.
                        # ${a[*]} or "${a[*]}" :  maybe_decay_array is always true
                        val = runtime.StrArray(val.strs)

                    raise AssertionError(op_id)  # unknown

            elif part.bracket_op.tag == bracket_op_e.ArrayIndex:
                anode = part.bracket_op.expr

                if val.tag == value_e.Undef:
                    pass  # it will be checked later

                elif val.tag == value_e.Str:
                    # Bash treats any string as an array, so we can't add our own
                    # behavior here without making valid OSH invalid bash.
                    e_die("Can't index string %r with integer",

                elif val.tag == value_e.StrArray:
                    index = self.arith_ev.Eval(anode)
                        # could be None because representation is sparse
                        s = val.strs[index]
                    except IndexError:
                        s = None

                    if s is None:
                        val = runtime.Undef()
                        val = runtime.Str(s)

                elif val.tag == value_e.AssocArray:
                    key = self.arith_ev.Eval(anode, int_coerce=False)
                        val = runtime.Str(val.d[key])
                    except KeyError:
                        val = runtime.Undef()

                    raise AssertionError(val.__class__.__name__)

                raise AssertionError(part.bracket_op.tag)

        if part.prefix_op:
            val = self._EmptyStrOrError(val)  # maybe error
            val = self._ApplyPrefixOp(val, part.prefix_op)
            # NOTE: When applying the length operator, we can't have a test or
            # suffix afterward.  And we don't want to decay the array

        elif part.suffix_op:
            op = part.suffix_op
            if op.tag == suffix_op_e.StringNullary:
                if op.op_id == Id.VOp0_P:
                    # TODO: Use dependency injection
                    #val = self.prompt._EvalPS1(val)
                    prompt = ui.PROMPT.EvalPrompt(val)
                    val = runtime.Str(prompt)
                    raise NotImplementedError(op.op_id)

            elif op.tag == suffix_op_e.StringUnary:
                if LookupKind(part.suffix_op.op_id) == Kind.VTest:
                    # TODO: Change style to:
                    # if self._ApplyTestOp(...)
                    #   return
                    # It should return whether anything was done.  If not, we continue to
                    # the end, where we might throw an error.

                    assign_part_vals, effect = self._ApplyTestOp(
                        val, part.suffix_op, quoted, part_vals)

                    # NOTE: Splicing part_values is necessary because of code like
                    # ${undef:-'a b' c 'd # e'}.  Each part_value can have a different
                    # do_glob/do_elide setting.
                    if effect == effect_e.SpliceParts:
                        return  # EARLY RETURN, part_vals mutated

                    elif effect == effect_e.SpliceAndAssign:
                        if var_name is None:
                            # TODO: error context
                            e_die("Can't assign to special variable")
                            # NOTE: This decays arrays too!  'set -o strict_array' could
                            # avoid it.
                            rhs_str = _DecayPartValuesToString(
                                assign_part_vals, self.splitter.GetJoinChar())
                            state.SetLocalString(self.mem, var_name, rhs_str)
                        return  # EARLY RETURN, part_vals mutated

                    elif effect == effect_e.Error:
                        raise NotImplementedError

                        # The old one
                        #val = self._EmptyStringPartOrError(part_val, quoted)
                        pass  # do nothing, may still be undefined

                    val = self._EmptyStrOrError(val)  # maybe error
                    # Other suffix: value -> value
                    val = self._ApplyUnarySuffixOp(val, part.suffix_op)

            elif op.tag == suffix_op_e.PatSub:  # PatSub, vectorized
                val = self._EmptyStrOrError(val)  # ${undef//x/y}

                pat_val = self.EvalWordToString(op.pat, do_fnmatch=True)
                assert pat_val.tag == value_e.Str, pat_val

                if op.replace:
                    replace_val = self.EvalWordToString(op.replace,
                    assert replace_val.tag == value_e.Str, replace_val
                    replace_str = replace_val.s
                    replace_str = ''

                # Either GlobReplacer or ConstStringReplacer
                replacer = libstr.MakeReplacer(pat_val.s, replace_str,

                if val.tag == value_e.Str:
                    s = replacer.Replace(val.s, op)
                    val = runtime.Str(s)

                elif val.tag == value_e.StrArray:
                    strs = []
                    for s in val.strs:
                        if s is not None:
                            strs.append(replacer.Replace(s, op))
                    val = runtime.StrArray(strs)

                    raise AssertionError(val.__class__.__name__)

            elif op.tag == suffix_op_e.Slice:
                val = self._EmptyStrOrError(val)  # ${undef:3:1}

                if op.begin:
                    begin = self.arith_ev.Eval(op.begin)
                    begin = 0

                if op.length:
                    length = self.arith_ev.Eval(op.length)
                    length = None

                if val.tag == value_e.Str:  # Slice UTF-8 characters in a string.
                    s = val.s

                        if begin < 0:
                            # It could be negative if we compute unicode length, but that's
                            # confusing.

                            # TODO: Instead of attributing it to the word part, it would be
                            # better if we attributed it to arith_expr begin.
                            raise util.InvalidSlice(
                                "The start index of a string slice can't be negative: %d",

                        byte_begin = libstr.AdvanceUtf8Chars(s, begin, 0)

                        if length is None:
                            byte_end = len(s)
                            if length < 0:
                                # TODO: Instead of attributing it to the word part, it would be
                                # better if we attributed it to arith_expr begin.
                                raise util.InvalidSlice(
                                    "The length of a string slice can't be negative: %d",

                            byte_end = libstr.AdvanceUtf8Chars(
                                s, length, byte_begin)

                    except (util.InvalidSlice, util.InvalidUtf8) as e:
                        if self.exec_opts.strict_word_eval:
                            # TODO:
                            # - We don't see the error location here, but we see it when set
                            #   -o strict-word-eval.
                            # - Doesn't make the command exit with 1.  It just sets the word
                            #   to empty string.
                            substr = ''  # error condition
                        substr = s[byte_begin:byte_end]

                    val = runtime.Str(substr)

                elif val.tag == value_e.StrArray:  # Slice array entries.
                    # NOTE: unset elements don't count towards the length.
                    strs = []
                    for s in val.strs[begin:]:
                        if s is not None:
                            if len(
                            ) == length:  # never true for unspecified length
                    val = runtime.StrArray(strs)

                    raise AssertionError(
                        val.__class__.__name__)  # Not possible

        # After applying suffixes, process maybe_decay_array here.
        if maybe_decay_array and val.tag == value_e.StrArray:
            val = self._DecayArray(val)

        # For the case where there are no prefix or suffix ops.
        val = self._EmptyStrOrError(val)

        # For example, ${a} evaluates to value_t.Str(), but we want a
        # part_value.StringPartValue.
        part_val = _ValueToPartValue(val, quoted)
  def _EvalBracedVarSub(self, part, part_vals, quoted):
      part_vals: output param to append to.
    # We have four types of operator that interact.
    # 1. Bracket: value -> (value, bool decay_array)
    # 2. Then these four cases are mutually exclusive:
    #   a. Prefix length: value -> value
    #   b. Test: value -> part_value[]
    #   c. Other Suffix: value -> value
    #   d. no operator: you have a value
    # That is, we don't have both prefix and suffix operators.
    # 3. Process decay_array here before returning.

    decay_array = False  # for $*, ${a[*]}, etc.

    var_name = None  # For ${foo=default}

    # 1. Evaluate from (var_name, var_num, token Id) -> value
    if part.token.id == Id.VSub_Name:
      var_name = part.token.val
      val = self.mem.GetVar(var_name)
      #log('EVAL NAME %s -> %s', var_name, val)

    elif part.token.id == Id.VSub_Number:
      var_num = int(part.token.val)
      val = self._EvalVarNum(var_num)
      # $* decays
      val, decay_array = self._EvalSpecialVar(part.token.id, quoted)

    # 2. Bracket: value -> (value v, bool decay_array)
    # decay_array is for joining ${a[*]} and unquoted ${a[@]} AFTER suffix ops
    # are applied.  If we take the length with a prefix op, the distinction is
    # ignored.
    if part.bracket_op:
      if part.bracket_op.tag == bracket_op_e.WholeArray:
        op_id = part.bracket_op.op_id

        if op_id == Id.Lit_At:
          if not quoted:
            decay_array = True  # ${a[@]} decays but "${a[@]}" doesn't
          if val.tag == value_e.Undef:
            val = self._EmptyStrArrayOrError(part.token)
          elif val.tag == value_e.Str:
            e_die("Can't index string with @: %r", val, part=part)
          elif val.tag == value_e.StrArray:
            val = runtime.StrArray(val.strs)

        elif op_id == Id.Arith_Star:
          decay_array = True  # both ${a[*]} and "${a[*]}" decay
          if val.tag == value_e.Undef:
            val = self._EmptyStrArrayOrError(part.token)
          elif val.tag == value_e.Str:
            e_die("Can't index string with *: %r", val, part=part)
          elif val.tag == value_e.StrArray:
            # Always decay_array with ${a[*]} or "${a[*]}"
            val = runtime.StrArray(val.strs)

          raise AssertionError(op_id)  # unknown

      elif part.bracket_op.tag == bracket_op_e.ArrayIndex:
        anode = part.bracket_op.expr
        index = self.arith_ev.Eval(anode)

        if val.tag == value_e.Undef:
          pass  # it will be checked later
        elif val.tag == value_e.Str:
          # TODO: Implement this as an extension. Requires unicode support.
          # Bash treats it as an array.
          e_die("Can't index string %r with integer", part.token.val)
        elif val.tag == value_e.StrArray:
            s = val.strs[index]
          except IndexError:
            val = runtime.Undef()
            val = runtime.Str(s)

        raise AssertionError(part.bracket_op.tag)

    if part.prefix_op:
      val = self._EmptyStrOrError(val)  # maybe error
      val = self._ApplyPrefixOp(val, part.prefix_op)
      # At least for length, we can't have a test or suffix afterward.

    elif part.suffix_op:
      op = part.suffix_op
      if op.tag == suffix_op_e.StringUnary:
        if LookupKind(part.suffix_op.op_id) == Kind.VTest:
          # TODO: Change style to:
          # if self._ApplyTestOp(...)
          #   return
          # It should return whether anything was done.  If not, we continue to
          # the end, where we might throw an error.

          assign_part_vals, effect = self._ApplyTestOp(val, part.suffix_op,
                                                       quoted, part_vals)

          # NOTE: Splicing part_values is necessary because of code like
          # ${undef:-'a b' c 'd # e'}.  Each part_value can have a different
          # do_glob/do_elide setting.
          if effect == Effect.SpliceParts:
            return  # EARLY RETURN, part_vals mutated

          elif effect == Effect.SpliceAndAssign:
            if var_name is None:
              # TODO: error context
              e_die("Can't assign to special variable")
              # NOTE: This decays arrays too!  'set -o strict_array' could
              # avoid it.
              rhs_str = _DecayPartValuesToString(assign_part_vals,
              state.SetLocalString(self.mem, var_name, rhs_str)
            return  # EARLY RETURN, part_vals mutated

          elif effect == Effect.Error:
            raise NotImplementedError

            # The old one
            #val = self._EmptyStringPartOrError(part_val, quoted)
            pass  # do nothing, may still be undefined

          val = self._EmptyStrOrError(val)  # maybe error
          # Other suffix: value -> value
          val = self._ApplyUnarySuffixOp(val, part.suffix_op)

      elif op.tag == suffix_op_e.PatSub:  # PatSub, vectorized
        val = self._EmptyStrOrError(val)

        pat_val = self.EvalWordToString(op.pat, do_fnmatch=True)
        assert pat_val.tag == value_e.Str, pat_val

        if op.replace:
          replace_val = self.EvalWordToString(op.replace, do_fnmatch=True)
          assert replace_val.tag == value_e.Str, replace_val
          replace_str = replace_val.s
          replace_str = ''

        pat = pat_val.s
        if val.tag == value_e.Str:
          s = libstr.PatSub(val.s, op, pat, replace_str)
          val = runtime.Str(s)

        elif val.tag == value_e.StrArray:
          strs = []
          for s in val.strs:
            strs.append(libstr.PatSub(s, op, pat, replace_str))
          val = runtime.StrArray(strs)

          raise AssertionError(val.__class__.__name__)

      elif op.tag == suffix_op_e.Slice:
        # NOTE: The beginning can be negative, but Python handles this.  Might
        # want to make it explicit.
        # TODO: Check out of bounds errors?  begin > end?
        if op.begin:
          begin = self.arith_ev.Eval(op.begin)
          begin = 0

        if op.length:
          length = self.arith_ev.Eval(op.length)
          end = begin + length
          end = None  # Python supports None as the end

        if val.tag == value_e.Str:  # Slice characters in a string.
          # TODO: Need to support unicode?  Write spec # tests.
          val = runtime.Str(val.s[begin : end])

        elif val.tag == value_e.StrArray:  # Slice array entries.
          val = runtime.StrArray(val.strs[begin : end])

          raise AssertionError(val.__class__.__name__)

    # After applying suffixes, process decay_array here.
    if decay_array:
      val = self._DecayArray(val)

    # No prefix or suffix ops
    val = self._EmptyStrOrError(val)

    # For example, ${a} evaluates to value_t.Str(), but we want a
    # part_value.StringPartValue.
    part_val = _ValueToPartValue(val, quoted)
  def _Dispatch(self, node, fork_external):
    argv0 = None  # for error message
    check_errexit = True  # for errexit

    if node.tag == command_e.SimpleCommand:
      # PROBLEM: We want to log argv in 'xtrace' mode, but we may have already
      # redirected here, which screws up loggnig.  For example, 'echo hi
      # >/dev/null 2>&1'.  We want to evaluate argv and log it BEFORE applying
      # redirects.

      # Another problem:
      # - tracing can be called concurrently from multiple processes, leading
      # to overlap.  Maybe have a mode that creates a file per process.
      # xtrace-proc
      # - line numbers for every command would be very nice.  But then you have
      # to print the filename too.

      words = braces.BraceExpandWords(node.words)
      argv = self.ev.EvalWordSequence(words)
      if argv:
        argv0 = argv[0]

      environ = self.mem.GetExported()
      self._EvalEnv(node.more_env, environ)

      if self.exec_opts.xtrace:
        log('+ %s', argv)
        #print('+ %s' % argv, file=sys.stderr)
        #print('+ %s' % argv, file=self.XFILE)
        #os.write(2, '+ %s\n' % argv)

      status = self._RunSimpleCommand(argv, environ, fork_external)

      if self.exec_opts.xtrace:
        #log('+ %s -> %d', argv, status)

    elif node.tag == command_e.Sentence:
      if node.terminator.id == Id.Op_Semi:
        # Don't check_errexit since this isn't a real node!
        check_errexit = False
        status = self._Execute(node.child)
        status = self._RunJobInBackground(node.child)

    elif node.tag == command_e.Pipeline:
      if node.stderr_indices:
        raise NotImplementedError('|&')

      if node.negated:
          status2 = self._RunPipeline(node)

        # errexit is disabled for !.
        check_errexit = False
        status = 1 if status2 == 0 else 0
        status = self._RunPipeline(node)

    elif node.tag == command_e.Subshell:
      # This makes sure we don't waste a process if we'd launch one anyway.
      p = self._MakeProcess(node.child)
      status = p.Run(self.waiter)

    elif node.tag == command_e.DBracket:
      result = self.bool_ev.Eval(node.expr)
      status = 0 if result else 1

    elif node.tag == command_e.DParen:
      i = self.arith_ev.Eval(node.child)
      status = 0 if i != 0 else 1

    elif node.tag == command_e.Assignment:
      pairs = []
      if node.keyword == Id.Assign_Local:
        lookup_mode = scope.LocalOnly
        flags = ()
      elif node.keyword == Id.Assign_Declare:
        # declare is like local, except it can also be used outside functions?
        lookup_mode = scope.LocalOnly
        # TODO: Respect flags.  -r and -x matter, but -a and -A might be
        # implicit in the RHS?
        flags = ()
      elif node.keyword == Id.Assign_Readonly:
        lookup_mode = scope.Dynamic
        flags = (var_flags.ReadOnly,)
      elif node.keyword == Id.Assign_None:  # mutate existing local or global
        lookup_mode = scope.Dynamic
        flags = ()
        # TODO: typeset, declare, etc.  Those are dynamic though.
        raise NotImplementedError(node.keyword)

      for pair in node.pairs:
        if pair.rhs:
          # RHS can be a string or array.
          val = self.ev.EvalWordToAny(pair.rhs)
          assert isinstance(val, runtime.value), val
          # 'local x' is equivalent to local x=""
          val = runtime.Str('')

        if pair.op == assign_op.PlusEqual:
          old_val, lval = expr_eval.EvalLhs(pair.lhs, self.arith_ev, self.mem,
          sig = (old_val.tag, val.tag)
          if sig == (value_e.Str, value_e.Str):
            val = runtime.Str(old_val.s + val.s)
          elif sig == (value_e.Str, value_e.StrArray):
            e_die("Can't append array to string")
          elif sig == (value_e.StrArray, value_e.Str):
            e_die("Can't append string to array")
          elif sig == (value_e.StrArray, value_e.StrArray):
            val = runtime.StrArray(old_val.strs + val.strs)
          lval = self._EvalLhs(pair.lhs)

        #log('ASSIGNING %s -> %s', lval, val)
        self.mem.SetVar(lval, val, flags, lookup_mode)

      # TODO: This should be eval of RHS, unlike bash!
      status = 0

    elif node.tag == command_e.ControlFlow:
      if node.arg_word:  # Evaluate the argument
        val = self.ev.EvalWordToString(node.arg_word)
        assert val.tag == value_e.Str
        arg = int(val.s)  # They all take integers
        arg = 0  # return 0, break 0 levels, etc.

      # NOTE: always raises so we don't set status.
      raise _ControlFlow(node.token, arg)

    # The only difference between these two is that CommandList has no
    # redirects.  We already took care of that above.
    elif node.tag in (command_e.CommandList, command_e.BraceGroup):
      status = self._ExecuteList(node.children)

    elif node.tag == command_e.AndOr:
      left, right = node.children

      # This is everything except the last one.
        status = self._Execute(left)

      if node.op_id == Id.Op_DPipe:
        if status != 0:
          status = self._Execute(right)
      elif node.op_id == Id.Op_DAmp:
        if status == 0:
          status = self._Execute(right)
        raise AssertionError

    elif node.tag in (command_e.While, command_e.Until):
      # TODO: Compile this out?
      if node.tag == command_e.While:
        _DonePredicate = lambda status: status != 0
        _DonePredicate = lambda status: status == 0

      status = 0
      while True:
          cond_status = self._ExecuteList(node.cond)

        done = cond_status != 0
        if _DonePredicate(cond_status):
          status = self._Execute(node.body)  # last one wins
        except _ControlFlow as e:
          if e.IsBreak():
            status = 0
          elif e.IsContinue():
            status = 0
          else:  # return needs to pop up more

    elif node.tag == command_e.ForEach:
      iter_name = node.iter_name
      if node.do_arg_iter:
        iter_list = self.mem.GetArgv()
        words = braces.BraceExpandWords(node.iter_words)
        iter_list = self.ev.EvalWordSequence(words)
        # We need word splitting and so forth
        # NOTE: This expands globs too.  TODO: We should pass in a Globber()
        # object.
      status = 0  # in case we don't loop
      for x in iter_list:
        #log('> ForEach setting %r', x)
        state.SetLocalString(self.mem, iter_name, x)

          status = self._Execute(node.body)  # last one wins
        except _ControlFlow as e:
          if e.IsBreak():
            status = 0
          elif e.IsContinue():
            status = 0
          else:  # return needs to pop up more

    elif node.tag == command_e.ForExpr:
      raise NotImplementedError(node.tag)

    elif node.tag == command_e.DoGroup:
      status = self._ExecuteList(node.children)

    elif node.tag == command_e.FuncDef:
      # NOTE: Would it make sense to evaluate the redirects BEFORE entering?
      # It will save time on function calls.
      self.funcs[node.name] = node
      status = 0

    elif node.tag == command_e.If:
      done = False
      for arm in node.arms:
          status = self._ExecuteList(arm.cond)

        if status == 0:
          status = self._ExecuteList(arm.action)
          done = True
      # TODO: The compiler should flatten this
      if not done and node.else_action is not None:
        status = self._ExecuteList(node.else_action)

    elif node.tag == command_e.NoOp:
      status = 0  # make it true

    elif node.tag == command_e.Case:
      val = self.ev.EvalWordToString(node.to_match)
      to_match = val.s

      status = 0  # If there are no arms, it should be zero?
      done = False

      for arm in node.arms:
        for pat_word in arm.pat_list:
          # NOTE: Is it OK that we're evaluating these as we go?
          pat_val = self.ev.EvalWordToString(pat_word, do_fnmatch=True)
          #log('Matching word %r against pattern %r', to_match, pat_val.s)
          if libc.fnmatch(pat_val.s, to_match):
            status = self._ExecuteList(arm.action)
            done = True  # TODO: Parse ;;& and for fallthrough and such?
        if done:

    elif node.tag == command_e.TimeBlock:
      # TODO:
      # - When do we need RUSAGE_CHILDREN?
      # - Respect TIMEFORMAT environment variable.
      # "If this variable is not set, Bash acts as if it had the value"
      # $'\nreal\t%3lR\nuser\t%3lU\nsys\t%3lS'
      # "A trailing newline is added when the format string is displayed."

      start_t = time.time()  # calls gettimeofday() under the hood
      start_u = resource.getrusage(resource.RUSAGE_SELF)
      status = self._Execute(node.pipeline)
      end_t = time.time()
      end_u = resource.getrusage(resource.RUSAGE_SELF)

      real = end_t - start_t
      user = end_u.ru_utime - start_u.ru_utime
      sys_ = end_u.ru_stime - start_u.ru_stime
      print('real\t%.3f' % real, file=sys.stderr)
      print('user\t%.3f' % user, file=sys.stderr)
      print('sys\t%.3f' % sys_, file=sys.stderr)

      raise AssertionError(node.tag)

    return status, check_errexit
    def _EvalBracedVarSub(self, part, quoted):
        # We have four types of operator that interact.
        # 1. Bracket: value -> (value, bool decay_array)
        # 2. Then these four cases are mutually exclusive:
        #   a. Prefix length: value -> value
        #   b. Test: value -> part_value[]
        #   c. Other Suffix: value -> value
        #   d. no operator: you have a value
        # That is, we don't have both prefix and suffix operators.
        # 3. Process decay_array here before returning.

        decay_array = False  # for $*, ${a[*]}, etc.

        var_name = None  # For ${foo=default}

        # 1. Evaluate from (var_name, var_num, token Id) -> value
        if part.token.id == Id.VSub_Name:
            var_name = part.token.val
            val = self.mem.GetVar(var_name)
            #log('EVAL NAME %s -> %s', var_name, val)

        elif part.token.id == Id.VSub_Number:
            var_num = int(part.token.val)
            val = self._EvalVarNum(var_num)
            # $* decays
            val, decay_array = self._EvalSpecialVar(part.token.id, quoted)

        # 2. Bracket: value -> (value v, bool decay_array)
        # decay_array is for joining ${a[*]} and unquoted ${a[@]} AFTER suffix ops
        # are applied.  If we take the length with a prefix op, the distinction is
        # ignored.
        if part.bracket_op:
            if part.bracket_op.tag == bracket_op_e.WholeArray:
                op_id = part.bracket_op.op_id

                if op_id == Id.Lit_At:
                    if not quoted:
                        decay_array = True  # ${a[@]} decays but "${a[@]}" doesn't
                    if val.tag == value_e.Undef:
                        val = self._EmptyStrArrayOrError(part.token)
                    elif val.tag == value_e.Str:
                        raise RuntimeError("Can't index string with @")
                    elif val.tag == value_e.StrArray:
                        val = runtime.StrArray(val.strs)

                elif op_id == Id.Arith_Star:
                    decay_array = True  # both ${a[*]} and "${a[*]}" decay
                    if val.tag == value_e.Undef:
                        val = self._EmptyStrArrayOrError(part.token)
                    elif val.tag == value_e.Str:
                        raise RuntimeError("Can't index string with *")
                    elif val.tag == value_e.StrArray:
                        # Always decay_array with ${a[*]} or "${a[*]}"
                        val = runtime.StrArray(val.strs)

                    raise AssertionError(op_id)  # unknown

            elif part.bracket_op.tag == bracket_op_e.ArrayIndex:
                anode = part.bracket_op.expr
                index = self.arith_ev.Eval(anode)

                if val.tag == value_e.Undef:
                    pass  # it will be checked later
                elif val.tag == value_e.Str:
                    # TODO: Implement this as an extension. Requires unicode support.
                    # Bash treats it as an array.
                    e_die("Can't index string %r with integer", part.token.val)
                elif val.tag == value_e.StrArray:
                        s = val.strs[index]
                    except IndexError:
                        val = runtime.Undef()
                        val = runtime.Str(s)

                raise AssertionError(part.bracket_op.tag)

        if part.prefix_op:
            val = self._EmptyStrOrError(val)  # maybe error
            val = self._ApplyPrefixOp(val, part.prefix_op)
            # At least for length, we can't have a test or suffix afterward.

        elif part.suffix_op:
            out_part_vals = []
            op = part.suffix_op
            if op.tag == suffix_op_e.StringUnary:
                if LookupKind(part.suffix_op.op_id) == Kind.VTest:
                    # VTest: value -> part_value[]
                    new_part_vals, effect = self._ApplyTestOp(
                        val, part.suffix_op, quoted)

                    # NOTE: Splicing part_values is necessary because of code like
                    # ${undef:-'a b' c 'd # e'}.  Each part_value can have a different
                    # do_glob/do_elide setting.
                    if effect == Effect.SpliceParts:
                        return new_part_vals  # EARLY RETURN

                    elif effect == Effect.SpliceAndAssign:
                        if var_name is None:
                            # TODO: error context
                            e_die("Can't assign to special variable")
                            # NOTE: This decays arrays too!  'set -o strict_array' could
                            # avoid it.
                            rhs_str = _DecayPartValuesToString(
                                new_part_vals, _GetJoinChar(self.mem))
                            state.SetLocalString(self.mem, var_name, rhs_str)
                        return new_part_vals

                    elif effect == Effect.Error:
                        raise NotImplementedError

                        # The old one
                        #val = self._EmptyStringPartOrError(part_val, quoted)
                        pass  # do nothing, may still be undefined

                    val = self._EmptyStrOrError(val)  # maybe error
                    # Other suffix: value -> value
                    val = self._ApplyUnarySuffixOp(val, part.suffix_op)

            elif op.tag == suffix_op_e.PatSub:  # PatSub, vectorized
                pat_val = self.word_ev.EvalWordToString(op.pat,
                assert pat_val.tag == value_e.Str, pat_val

                if op.replace:
                    replace_val = self.word_ev.EvalWordToString(
                        op.replace, do_fnmatch=True)
                    assert replace_val.tag == value_e.Str, replace_val
                    replace_str = replace_val.s
                    replace_str = ''

                pat = pat_val.s
                if val.tag == value_e.Str:
                    s = self._PatSub(val.s, op, pat, replace_str)
                    val = runtime.Str(s)
                elif val.tag == value_e.StrArray:
                    strs = []
                    for s in val.strs:
                        strs.append(self._PatSub(s, op, pat, replace_str))
                    val = runtime.StrArray(strs)

                    raise AssertionError(val.tag)

            elif op.tag == suffix_op_e.Slice:
                # Either string slicing or array slicing.  However string slicing has
                # a unicode problem?
                # Or maybe have a different operator for byte slice and char slice.
                raise NotImplementedError(op)

        # After applying suffixes, process decay_array here.
        if decay_array:
            val = self._DecayArray(val)

        # No prefix or suffix ops
        val = self._EmptyStrOrError(val)

        return [_ValueToPartValue(val, quoted)]