def domain(module): ''' bla bla bla read the code and uou will understand ''' domain = str(input(GDOMAIN)) data = load(module, domain) if data != 0: return data else: error("Something went worng") exits()
def manual(): ''' manual interface ''' menu(["Whois", "GEO to IP", "Shodan", "Subdoamins", "PWNED ?"]) try: choose = int(input(CHOOSE)) if choose == 1: domain(whois) exits() if choose == 2: domain(geoip) exits() if choose == 3: for item in shodan_parser(domain(Shodan)): print(item) exits() if choose == 4: domain(hackertarget) exits() if choose == 5: pwn = pwned_parser(domain(pwned)) if pwn != 0: success(pwn) if pwn == 9: error("Not Found") else: error("Something went wrong") exits() else: error("Wrong number") exits() except ValueError: error("Please only nembers") exits()
def main(): ''' main function ''' try: menu(['Recon', 'Vulnerability Scan', 'Exit']) choose = int(input(CHOOSE)) if choose == 1: menu(['Automated recon', 'specific recon']) choose = int(input(CHOOSE)) if choose == 1: domain = str(input(GDOMAIN)) process = multiprocessing.Process(target=automate, args=[domain]) process.start() exit() if choose == 2: manual() else: error("Choose a number") if choose == 2: scan() if choose == 3: pass else: error("Worng number") except KeyboardInterrupt: print("Bey bey") except ValueError: error('Value Error')
def scan(): ''' scanner interface ''' menu(["Clickjacking"]) try: choose = int(input(CHOOSE)) if choose == 1: from modules.vulnerability.click_jacking import click_jacking domain = str(input(GDOMAIN)) result = load(click_jacking, domain) if result == 1: success("Vulnerable") if result == 2: error("Not vulnerable") if result == 0: error("Check your connection") else: error("Wrong number") except KeyboardInterrupt: error("Bey bey")
def scan(): ''' scanner interface ''' menu(["Clickjacking"]) try: choose = int(input(CHOOSE)) if choose == 1: domain = str(input(GDOMAIN)) if click_jacking(domain): success(f"{domain} : could be \"Vulnerable\"") else: error("Not vulnerable") exits() else: error("Wrong number") exits() except KeyboardInterrupt: error("Bey bey") exits()
def automate(domain): ''' Automate recon process ''' workplace = WorkPlace(domain) workplace.my_work() doing("Whois query") whois_result = whois(domain) if whois_result != 0: success(whois_result) workplace.reporter('whois', whois_result) else: error("Something went wrong") doing("GEOIP") geoip_result = geoip(domain) if geoip_result != 0: workplace.reporter('GeoIP', geoip_result) success(geoip_result) else: error("Somthing went wrong") sleep(1) doing("Subdomain enumeration") hackertarget_result = hackertarget(domain) if hackertarget_result != 0: workplace.reporter('subdomains', hackertarget_result) success(hackertarget_result) if hackertarget_result == 0: error("Something went worng") sleep(1) doing("Getting targets from Shodan") shodan_result = shodan_parser(Shodan(domain)) if shodan_result != 0: workplace.reporter('shodan', ' '.join(shodan_result)) success("Result") for item in shodan_result: print(item) else: if key() == 0: error("Please add your api key") else: error("Something went wrong") exits() sleep(1) doing("Checking if the target is pwned") pwned_result = pwned_parser(pwned(domain)) if isinstance(pwned_result, str): workplace.reporter('pwned', pwned_result) success(pwned_result) if pwned_result != 9: error("No breach") else: error("Something went wrong") exits() success(f"Workplace saved in : {}")
def manual(): ''' manual interface ''' menu([ "Whois", "IP to GeoLocation", "Shodan", "Subdoamins", "PWNED ?", "Google Dork" ]) try: choose = int(input(CHOOSE)) if choose == 1: from modules.recon.passive.whois import whois domain(whois) exits() if choose == 2: from modules.recon.passive.geoip import geoip domain(geoip) exits() if choose == 3: from modules.recon.passive.shodan import shodan for item in shodan_parser(domain(Shodan)): print(item) exits() if choose == 4: from modules.recon.passive.hackertarget import hackertarget domain(hackertarget) exits() if choose == 5: from modules.recon.passive.pwned import pwned pwn = pwned_parser(domain(pwned)) if pwn != 0: success(pwn) if pwn == 9: error("Not Found") else: error("Something went wrong") exits() if choose == 6: from modules.recon.passive.gdork import gdork dork = gdork(domain(gdork)) if dork != 0: success(dork) if dork == 9: error("Not Found") else: error("Something went wrong") exits() else: error("Wrong number") exits() except ValueError: error("Please only nembers") exits()