文件: sphere.py 项目: neodyme60/raypy
    def Sample2(self, p: Point3d, u: (float, float), Ns: Normal) -> Point3d:
        # Compute coordinate system for sphere sampling
        Pcenter = Point3d(0, 0, 0) * self.objectToWorld
        wc = (Pcenter - p).get_normalized()
        wcX, wcY = Transform.create_coordinateSystem(wc)

        # Sample uniformly on sphere if $\pt{}$ is inside it
        if (p - Pcenter).get_length_squared() - self.radius * self.radius < 1e-40:
            return self.Sample1(u, Ns)

        # Sample sphere uniformly inside subtended cone
        sinThetaMax2 = self.radius * self.radius / (p - Pcenter).get_length_squared()
        cosThetaMax = math.sqrt(max(0.0, 1.0 - sinThetaMax2))
        dgSphere = DifferentialGeometry()

        thit = 1.0

        r = Ray(p, UniformSampleCone2(u, cosThetaMax, wcX, wcY, wc), 1e-3)
        b, t = self.get_intersection(r, dgSphere)
#        if not b:
        thit = Vector3d.dot(Pcenter - p, r.direction.get_normalized())
        ps = r.get_at(thit)

        nn = (ps - Pcenter).get_normalized()
        # if (ReverseOrientation) *ns *= -1.f;
        return ps
文件: bsdf.py 项目: neodyme60/raypy
    def __init__(self, dg: DifferentialGeometry, ngeom: Normal):
        self.bxdfs = list()
        self.dgShading = dg
        self.ng = ngeom
        self.nn = self.dgShading.normal

#        self.sn = self.dgShading.normal
#        self.tn = Vector3d.cross(self.nn, self.sn)

        self.sn, self.tn = Transform.create_coordinateSystem(self.nn)
文件: api.py 项目: neodyme60/raypy
def create_spotLight(paramSet: ParamSet, light2world: Transform) -> PointLight:
    from maths.matrix44 import Matrix44
    from maths.vector4d import Vector4d

    I = paramSet.find_spectrum("I", Spectrum(1.0))
    sc = paramSet.find_spectrum("scale", Spectrum(1.0))
    coneangle = paramSet.find_float("coneangle", 30.0)
    conedelta = paramSet.find_float("conedeltaangle", 5.0)

    # Compute spotlight world to light transformation
    frome = paramSet.find_point("from", Point3d(0.0, 0.0, 0.0))
    to = paramSet.find_point("to", Point3d(0.0, 0.0, 1.0))
    direction = (to - frome).get_normalized()
    du, dv = Transform.create_coordinateSystem(dir)
    m = Matrix44.create_from_vector4d(
        Vector4d(du.x, du.y, du.z, 0.0),
        Vector4d(dv.x, dv.y, dv.z, 0.0),
        Vector4d(direction.x, direction.y, direction.z, 0.0),
        Vector4d(0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 1.0))
    dirToZ = Transform(m)
    light2world = light2world * Transform.create_translate(frome.ex, frome.ey, frome.ez) * dirToZ.get_invert()
    return SpotLight(light2world, I * sc, coneangle, coneangle - conedelta)