文件: tdop.py 项目: sailfish009/oil
 def Eat(self, token_type):
   # type: (Id_t) -> None
   """Assert that we're at the current token and advance."""
   if not self.AtToken(token_type):
     p_die('Parser expected %s, got %s',
           ui.PrettyId(token_type), ui.PrettyId(self.op_id),
  def _ReadPatSubVarOp(self):
    # type: () -> suffix_op__PatSub
    Match     = ('/' | '#' | '%') WORD
    VarSub    = ...
              | VarOf '/' Match '/' WORD
    # Exception: VSub_ArgUnquoted even if it's quoted
    # stop at eof_type=Lit_Slash, empty_ok=False
    UP_pat = self._ReadVarOpArg3(lex_mode_e.VSub_ArgUnquoted, Id.Lit_Slash, False)
    assert UP_pat.tag_() == word_e.Compound, UP_pat  # Because empty_ok=False
    pat = cast(compound_word, UP_pat)

    if len(pat.parts) == 1:
      ok, s, quoted = word_.StaticEval(pat)
      if ok and s == '/' and not quoted:  # Looks like ${a////c}, read again

    if len(pat.parts) == 0:
      p_die('Pattern in ${x/pat/replace} must not be empty',

    replace_mode = Id.Undefined_Tok
    # Check for / # % modifier on pattern.
    UP_first_part = pat.parts[0]
    if UP_first_part.tag_() == word_part_e.Literal:
      lit_id = cast(Token, UP_first_part).id
      if lit_id in (Id.Lit_Slash, Id.Lit_Pound, Id.Lit_Percent):
        replace_mode = lit_id

    # NOTE: If there is a modifier, the pattern can be empty, e.g.
    # ${s/#/foo} and ${a/%/foo}.

    if self.token_type == Id.Right_DollarBrace:
      # e.g. ${v/a} is the same as ${v/a/}  -- empty replacement string
      return suffix_op.PatSub(pat, None, replace_mode)

    if self.token_type == Id.Lit_Slash:
      replace = self._ReadVarOpArg(lex_mode_e.VSub_ArgUnquoted)  # do not stop at /

      if self.token_type != Id.Right_DollarBrace:
        # NOTE: I think this never happens.
        # We're either in the VS_ARG_UNQ or VS_ARG_DQ lex state, and everything
        # there is Lit_ or Left_, except for }.
        p_die("Expected } after replacement string, got %s",
              ui.PrettyId(self.token_type), token=self.cur_token)

      return suffix_op.PatSub(pat, replace, replace_mode)

    # Happens with ${x//} and ${x///foo}, see test/parse-errors.sh
    p_die('Expected } or / to close pattern', token=self.cur_token)
文件: expr_parse.py 项目: dpercy/oil
def _Classify(gr, tok):
  # type: (Grammar, Token) -> int

  # We have to match up what ParserGenerator.make_grammar() did when
  # calling make_label() and make_first().  See classify() in
  # opy/pgen2/driver.py.

  # 'x' and 'for' are both tokenized as Expr_Name.  This handles the 'for'
  # case.
  if tok.id == Id.Expr_Name:
    if tok.val in gr.keywords:
      return gr.keywords[tok.val]

  # This handles 'x'.
  typ = tok.id
  if typ in gr.tokens:
    return gr.tokens[typ]

  type_str = '' if tok.id == Id.Unknown_Tok else (' (%s)' % ui.PrettyId(tok.id))
  p_die('Unexpected token in expression mode%s', type_str, token=tok)
文件: expr_parse.py 项目: dpercy/oil
  def Parse(self, lexer, start_symbol):
    # type: (Lexer, int) -> Tuple[PNode, Token]

    # Reuse the parser
      last_token = _PushOilTokens(self.parse_ctx, self.gr, self.push_parser,
    except parse.ParseError as e:
      #log('ERROR %s', e)
      # TODO:
      # - Describe what lexer mode we're in (Invalid syntax in regex)
      #   - Maybe say where the mode started
      # - Id.Unknown_Tok could say "This character is invalid"

      # ParseError has a "too much input" case but I haven't been able to
      # tickle it.  Mabye it's because of the Eof tokens?

      p_die('Syntax error in expression (near %s)', ui.PrettyId(e.tok.id),
      #raise error.Parse('Syntax error in expression', token=e.tok)

    return self.push_parser.rootnode, last_token
    def Eval(self, node):
        # type: (bool_expr_t) -> bool

        UP_node = node
        with tagswitch(node) as case:
            if case(bool_expr_e.WordTest):
                node = cast(bool_expr__WordTest, UP_node)
                s = self._EvalCompoundWord(node.w)
                return bool(s)

            elif case(bool_expr_e.LogicalNot):
                node = cast(bool_expr__LogicalNot, UP_node)
                b = self.Eval(node.child)
                return not b

            elif case(bool_expr_e.LogicalAnd):
                node = cast(bool_expr__LogicalAnd, UP_node)
                # Short-circuit evaluation
                if self.Eval(node.left):
                    return self.Eval(node.right)
                    return False

            elif case(bool_expr_e.LogicalOr):
                node = cast(bool_expr__LogicalOr, UP_node)
                if self.Eval(node.left):
                    return True
                    return self.Eval(node.right)

            elif case(bool_expr_e.Unary):
                node = cast(bool_expr__Unary, UP_node)
                op_id = node.op_id
                s = self._EvalCompoundWord(node.child)

                # Now dispatch on arg type
                arg_type = consts.BoolArgType(
                    op_id)  # could be static in the LST?

                if arg_type == bool_arg_type_e.Path:
                    return bool_stat.DoUnaryOp(op_id, s)

                if arg_type == bool_arg_type_e.Str:
                    if op_id == Id.BoolUnary_z:
                        return not bool(s)
                    if op_id == Id.BoolUnary_n:
                        return bool(s)

                    raise AssertionError(op_id)  # should never happen

                if arg_type == bool_arg_type_e.Other:
                    if op_id == Id.BoolUnary_t:
                            fd = int(s)
                        except ValueError:
                            # TODO: Need location information of [
                            e_die('Invalid file descriptor %r',
                        return bool_stat.isatty(fd, s, node.child)

                    # See whether 'set -o' options have been set
                    if op_id == Id.BoolUnary_o:
                        index = match.MatchOption(s)
                        if index == 0:
                            return False
                            return self.exec_opts.opt_array[index]

                    e_die("%s isn't implemented",
                          ui.PrettyId(op_id))  # implicit location

                raise AssertionError(arg_type)  # should never happen

            elif case(bool_expr_e.Binary):
                node = cast(bool_expr__Binary, UP_node)

                op_id = node.op_id
                # Whether to glob escape
                with switch(op_id) as case2:
                    if case2(Id.BoolBinary_GlobEqual, Id.BoolBinary_GlobDEqual,
                        quote_kind = quote_e.FnMatch
                    elif case2(Id.BoolBinary_EqualTilde):
                        quote_kind = quote_e.ERE
                        quote_kind = quote_e.Default

                s1 = self._EvalCompoundWord(node.left)
                s2 = self._EvalCompoundWord(node.right, quote_kind=quote_kind)

                # Now dispatch on arg type
                arg_type = consts.BoolArgType(op_id)

                if arg_type == bool_arg_type_e.Path:
                    return bool_stat.DoBinaryOp(op_id, s1, s2)

                if arg_type == bool_arg_type_e.Int:
                    # NOTE: We assume they are constants like [[ 3 -eq 3 ]].
                    # Bash also allows [[ 1+2 -eq 3 ]].
                    i1 = self._StringToIntegerOrError(s1, blame_word=node.left)
                    i2 = self._StringToIntegerOrError(s2,

                    if op_id == Id.BoolBinary_eq:
                        return i1 == i2
                    if op_id == Id.BoolBinary_ne:
                        return i1 != i2
                    if op_id == Id.BoolBinary_gt:
                        return i1 > i2
                    if op_id == Id.BoolBinary_ge:
                        return i1 >= i2
                    if op_id == Id.BoolBinary_lt:
                        return i1 < i2
                    if op_id == Id.BoolBinary_le:
                        return i1 <= i2

                    raise AssertionError(op_id)  # should never happen

                if arg_type == bool_arg_type_e.Str:

                    if op_id in (Id.BoolBinary_GlobEqual,
                        #log('Matching %s against pattern %s', s1, s2)
                        return libc.fnmatch(s2, s1)

                    if op_id == Id.BoolBinary_GlobNEqual:
                        return not libc.fnmatch(s2, s1)

                    if op_id in (Id.BoolBinary_Equal, Id.BoolBinary_DEqual):
                        return s1 == s2

                    if op_id == Id.BoolBinary_NEqual:
                        return s1 != s2

                    if op_id == Id.BoolBinary_EqualTilde:
                        # TODO: This should go to --debug-file
                        #log('Matching %r against regex %r', s1, s2)
                            matches = libc.regex_match(s2, s1)
                        except RuntimeError:
                            # Status 2 indicates a regex parse error.  This is fatal in OSH but
                            # not in bash, which treats [[ like a command with an exit code.
                            e_die("Invalid regex %r",

                        if matches is None:
                            return False

                        return True

                    if op_id == Id.Op_Less:
                        return s1 < s2

                    if op_id == Id.Op_Great:
                        return s1 > s2

                    raise AssertionError(op_id)  # should never happen

        raise AssertionError(node.tag_())
  def ParseFactor(self):
    # type: () -> bool_expr_t
    Factor  : WORD
            | UNARY_OP WORD
            | WORD BINARY_OP WORD
            | '(' Expr ')'
    if self.bool_kind == Kind.BoolUnary:
      # Just save the type and not the token itself?
      op = self.bool_id
      w = self.cur_word
      # e.g. [[ -f < ]].  But [[ -f '<' ]] is OK

      tag = w.tag_()
      if tag != word_e.Compound and tag != word_e.String:
        p_die('Invalid argument to unary operator', word=w)

      tilde = word_.TildeDetect(w)
      if tilde:
        w = tilde

      node = bool_expr.Unary(op, w)  # type: bool_expr_t
      return node

    if self.bool_kind == Kind.Word:
      # Peek ahead another token.
      t2 = self._LookAhead()
      t2_bool_id = word_.BoolId(t2)
      t2_bool_kind = consts.GetKind(t2_bool_id)

      #log('t2 %s / t2_bool_id %s / t2_bool_kind %s', t2, t2_bool_id, t2_bool_kind)
      # Op for < and >, -a and -o pun
      if t2_bool_kind == Kind.BoolBinary or t2_bool_id in (Id.Op_Less, Id.Op_Great):
        left = self.cur_word

        op = self.bool_id

        # TODO: Need to change to lex_mode_e.BashRegex.
        # _Next(lex_mode) then?
        is_regex = t2_bool_id == Id.BoolBinary_EqualTilde
        if is_regex:

        right = self.cur_word
        if is_regex:
          # NOTE: StaticEval for checking regex syntax isn't enough.  We could
          # need to pass do_ere so that the quoted parts get escaped.
          #ok, s, unused_quoted = word_.StaticEval(right)


        tilde = word_.TildeDetect(left)
        if tilde:
          left = tilde
        tilde = word_.TildeDetect(right)
        if tilde:
          right = tilde

        return bool_expr.Binary(op, left, right)

      else:  # [[ foo ]]
        w = self.cur_word
        tilde = word_.TildeDetect(w)
        if tilde:
          w = tilde
        return bool_expr.WordTest(w)

    if self.bool_id == Id.Op_LParen:
      node = self.ParseExpr()
      if self.bool_id != Id.Op_RParen:
        p_die('Expected ), got %s', word_.Pretty(self.cur_word),
      return node

    # It's not WORD, UNARY_OP, or '('
    p_die('Unexpected token in boolean expression (%s)', ui.PrettyId(self.bool_id), word=self.cur_word)
def DoUnaryOp(op_id, s):
    # type: (Id_t, str) -> bool

    # Only use lstat if we're testing for a symlink.
    if op_id in (Id.BoolUnary_h, Id.BoolUnary_L):
            mode = posix.lstat(s).st_mode
        except OSError:
            # TODO: simple_test_builtin should this as status=2.
            #e_die("lstat() error: %s", e, word=node.child)
            return False

        return stat.S_ISLNK(mode)

        st = posix.stat(s)
    except OSError as e:
        # TODO: simple_test_builtin should this as status=2.
        # Problem: we really need errno, because test -f / is bad argument,
        # while test -f /nonexistent is a good argument but failed.  Gah.
        #e_die("stat() error: %s", e, word=node.child)
        return False
    mode = st.st_mode

    if op_id in (Id.BoolUnary_e, Id.BoolUnary_a):  # -a is alias for -e
        return True

    if op_id == Id.BoolUnary_f:
        return stat.S_ISREG(mode)

    if op_id == Id.BoolUnary_d:
        return stat.S_ISDIR(mode)

    if op_id == Id.BoolUnary_b:
        return stat.S_ISBLK(mode)

    if op_id == Id.BoolUnary_c:
        return stat.S_ISCHR(mode)

    if op_id == Id.BoolUnary_k:
        # need 'bool' for MyPy
        return bool(stat.S_IMODE(mode) & stat.S_ISVTX)

    if op_id == Id.BoolUnary_p:
        return stat.S_ISFIFO(mode)

    if op_id == Id.BoolUnary_S:
        return stat.S_ISSOCK(mode)

    if op_id == Id.BoolUnary_x:
        return posix.access(s, posix.X_OK_)

    if op_id == Id.BoolUnary_r:
        return posix.access(s, posix.R_OK_)

    if op_id == Id.BoolUnary_w:
        return posix.access(s, posix.W_OK_)

    if op_id == Id.BoolUnary_s:
        return st.st_size != 0

    if op_id == Id.BoolUnary_O:
        return st.st_uid == posix.geteuid()

    if op_id == Id.BoolUnary_G:
        return st.st_gid == posix.getegid()

    e_die("%s isn't implemented", ui.PrettyId(op_id))  # implicit location
文件: string_ops.py 项目: dotmpe/oil
def DoUnarySuffixOp(s, op, arg, extglob):
    # type: (str, suffix_op__Unary, str, bool) -> str
    """Helper for ${x#prefix} and family."""

    # Fast path for constant strings.
    if not glob_.LooksLikeGlob(arg):
        # It doesn't look like a glob, but we glob-escaped it (e.g. [ -> \[).  So
        # reverse it.  NOTE: We also do this check in Globber.Expand().  It would
        # be nice to somehow store the original string rather tahn
        # escaping/unescaping.
        arg = glob_.GlobUnescape(arg)

        if op.op_id in (Id.VOp1_Pound, Id.VOp1_DPound):  # const prefix
            # explicit check for non-empty arg (len for mycpp)
            if len(arg) and s.startswith(arg):
                return s[len(arg):]
                return s

        elif op.op_id in (Id.VOp1_Percent, Id.VOp1_DPercent):  # const suffix
            # need explicit check for non-empty arg (len for mycpp)
            if len(arg) and s.endswith(arg):
                return s[:-len(arg)]
                return s

        # These operators take glob arguments, we don't implement that obscure case.
        elif op.op_id == Id.VOp1_Comma:  # Only lowercase the first letter
            if arg != '':
                # TODO: location info for op
                e_die("%s can't have an argument", ui.PrettyId(op.op_id))
            if len(s):
                return s[0].lower() + s[1:]
                return s

        elif op.op_id == Id.VOp1_DComma:
            if arg != '':
                e_die("%s can't have an argument", ui.PrettyId(op.op_id))
            return s.lower()

        elif op.op_id == Id.VOp1_Caret:  # Only uppercase the first letter
            if arg != '':
                e_die("%s can't have an argument", ui.PrettyId(op.op_id))
            if len(s):
                return s[0].upper() + s[1:]
                return s

        elif op.op_id == Id.VOp1_DCaret:
            if arg != '':
                e_die("%s can't have an argument", ui.PrettyId(op.op_id))
            return s.upper()

        else:  # e.g. ^ ^^ , ,,
            raise AssertionError(op.op_id)

    # For patterns, do fnmatch() in a loop.
    # TODO:
    # - Another potential fast path:
    #   v=aabbccdd
    #   echo ${v#*b}  # strip shortest prefix
    # If the whole thing doesn't match '*b*', then no test can succeed.  So we
    # can fail early.  Conversely echo ${v%%c*} and '*c*'.
    # (Although honestly this whole construct is nuts and should be deprecated.)

    n = len(s)

    if op.op_id == Id.VOp1_Pound:  # shortest prefix
        # 'abcd': match '', 'a', 'ab', 'abc', ...
        i = 0
        while True:
            assert i <= n
            #log('Matching pattern %r with %r', arg, s[:i])
            if libc.fnmatch(arg, s[:i], extglob):
                return s[i:]
            if i >= n:
            i = _NextUtf8Char(s, i)
        return s

    elif op.op_id == Id.VOp1_DPound:  # longest prefix
        # 'abcd': match 'abc', 'ab', 'a'
        i = n
        while True:
            assert i >= 0
            #log('Matching pattern %r with %r', arg, s[:i])
            if libc.fnmatch(arg, s[:i], extglob):
                return s[i:]
            if i == 0:
            i = PreviousUtf8Char(s, i)
        return s

    elif op.op_id == Id.VOp1_Percent:  # shortest suffix
        # 'abcd': match 'abcd', 'abc', 'ab', 'a'
        i = n
        while True:
            assert i >= 0
            #log('Matching pattern %r with %r', arg, s[:i])
            if libc.fnmatch(arg, s[i:], extglob):
                return s[:i]
            if i == 0:
            i = PreviousUtf8Char(s, i)
        return s

    elif op.op_id == Id.VOp1_DPercent:  # longest suffix
        # 'abcd': match 'abc', 'bc', 'c', ...
        i = 0
        while True:
            assert i <= n
            #log('Matching pattern %r with %r', arg, s[:i])
            if libc.fnmatch(arg, s[i:], extglob):
                return s[:i]
            if i >= n:
            i = _NextUtf8Char(s, i)
        return s

        raise NotImplementedError(ui.PrettyId(op.op_id))