def main(): if sys.version_info[0] != 3: print("[-] Intensio-Obfuscator only support Python 3.x") sys.exit(0) if sys.platform != "win32" and sys.platform != "linux": print("[-] This tool support [windows - Linux] only !") sys.exit(0) try: from core.utils.intensio_design import INTENSIO_BANNER from core.utils.intensio_utils import Utils from core.utils.intensio_usage import Args from core.utils.intensio_error import EXIT_SUCCESS, ERROR_BAD_ENVIRONMENT, ERROR_INVALID_PARAMETER, ERROR_BAD_ARGUMENTS,\ ERROR_INVALID_FUNCTION, ERROR_FILE_NOT_FOUND from core.obfuscation.intensio_replace import ReplaceWords from core.obfuscation.intensio_padding import Padding from core.obfuscation.intensio_analyze import Analyze from core.obfuscation.intensio_remove import Remove except ImportError as e: print("[-] {0}\n".format(e)) sys.exit(0) args = Args() utils = Utils() if len(sys.argv) > 1 and len(sys.argv) <= 14: pass else: print("[-] Incorrect number of arguments\n") args.GetArgHelp() sys.exit(ERROR_BAD_ARGUMENTS) if args.GetArgsValue().input: if args.GetArgsValue().output: if args.GetArgsValue().code: if re.match(r"^python$", args.GetArgsValue().code): if args.GetArgsValue().mixerlevel: if re.match(r"^lower$|^medium$|^high$", args.GetArgsValue().mixerlevel): if not args.GetArgsValue().padding and not args.GetArgsValue().replace \ and not args.GetArgsValue().rcommentaries and not args.GetArgsValue().rprint: print( "\n[-] Need at least one argument [-r --replace] or [-p --padding] or [-rc --rcommentaries] or [-rp --rprint]" ) sys.exit(ERROR_BAD_ARGUMENTS) else: print( "[-] Incorrect level of mixerlevel, [lower - medium - high] only supported\n" ) sys.exit(ERROR_INVALID_PARAMETER) else: print( "[-] Mixerlevel [-m --mixerlevel] argument missing\n" ) sys.exit(ERROR_BAD_ARGUMENTS) else: print( "[-] '{0}' Incorrect code argument, [python] only supported\n" .format(args.GetArgsValue().Code)) sys.exit(ERROR_INVALID_PARAMETER) else: print("[-] Code [-c --code] argument missing\n") sys.exit(ERROR_BAD_ARGUMENTS) else: print("[-] Output [-o --output] argument missing\n") sys.exit(ERROR_BAD_ARGUMENTS) else: print("[-] Input [-i --input] argument missing\n") sys.exit(ERROR_BAD_ARGUMENTS) for line in INTENSIO_BANNER.split("\n"): time.sleep(0.05) print(line) # -- Analysis and set up of the work environment -- # print( "\n\n*********************** [ Analyze and setup environment ] ************************\n" ) analyze = Analyze() if (analyze.InputAvailable(args.GetArgsValue().input, args.GetArgsValue().code, args.GetArgsValue().verbose) == EXIT_SUCCESS): print("\n[+] Analyze input argument '{0}' -> Successful".format( args.GetArgsValue().input)) else: print("[-] Analyze input '{0}' failed\n".format( args.GetArgsValue().input)) sys.exit(ERROR_INVALID_FUNCTION) if (analyze.OutputAvailable(args.GetArgsValue().input, args.GetArgsValue().code, args.GetArgsValue().output, args.GetArgsValue().verbose) == EXIT_SUCCESS): print( "\n[+] Analyze and setup output argument environment '{0}' -> Successful" .format(args.GetArgsValue().output)) else: print("[-] Analyze output '{0}' failed\n".format( args.GetArgsValue().output)) sys.exit(ERROR_INVALID_FUNCTION) # -- Obfuscation process -- # print( "\n\n************************** [ Obfuscation Rcommentaries ] **************************\n" ) if args.GetArgsValue().rcommentaries: removeData = Remove() if (removeData.Commentaries( args.GetArgsValue().code, args.GetArgsValue().output) == EXIT_SUCCESS): print("[+] Obfuscation Rcommentaries -> Successful") else: print("\n[-] Obfuscation Rcommentaries -> Failed") else: print("[!] Obfuscation Rcommentaries no asked !") print( "\n\n***************************** [ Obfuscation Replace ] *****************************\n" ) if args.GetArgsValue().replace: replaceWords = ReplaceWords() if (replaceWords.VarsDefinedByUser( args.GetArgsValue().code, args.GetArgsValue().output, args.GetArgsValue().mixerlevel, args.GetArgsValue().verbose) == EXIT_SUCCESS): print("[+] Obfuscation Replace -> Successful") else: print("\n[-] Obfuscation Replace -> Failed") else: print("[!] Obfuscation Replace no asked !") print( "\n\n***************************** [ Obfuscation Padding ] *****************************\n" ) if args.GetArgsValue().padding: paddingScripts = Padding() if (paddingScripts.AddScripts( args.GetArgsValue().code, args.GetArgsValue().output, args.GetArgsValue().mixerlevel) == EXIT_SUCCESS): print("[+] Obfuscation Padding -> Successful") else: print("\n[-] Obfuscation Padding -> Failed") else: print("[!] Obfuscation Padding no asked !") print( "\n\n****************************** [ Obfuscation Rprint ] *****************************\n" ) if args.GetArgsValue().rprint: if (removeData.PrintFunc(args.GetArgsValue().code, args.GetArgsValue().output) == EXIT_SUCCESS): print("[+] Obfuscation Rprint -> Successful\n") else: print("\n[-] Obfuscation Rprint -> Failed\n") else: print("[!] Obfuscation Rprint no asked !\n")
def main(): if sys.version_info[0] != 3: print(ERROR_COLOUR + "[-] Intensio-Obfuscator only support Python 3.x") sys.exit(0) if sys.platform != "win32" and sys.platform != "linux": print(ERROR_COLOUR + "[-] This tool support [windows - Linux] only !") sys.exit(0) args = Args() utils = Utils() if len(sys.argv) > 1 and len(sys.argv) <= 13: pass else: print(ERROR_COLOUR + "[-] Incorrect number of arguments\n") args.GetArgHelp() sys.exit(ERROR_BAD_ARGUMENTS) if args.GetArgsValue().input: if args.GetArgsValue().output: if args.GetArgsValue().mixerlevel: if re.match(r"^lower$|^medium$|^high$", args.GetArgsValue().mixerlevel): if not args.GetArgsValue().paddingscript and not args.GetArgsValue().replacetostr \ and not args.GetArgsValue().replacefilename and not args.GetArgsValue().replacetohex: print( ERROR_COLOUR + "\n[-] Need at least one argument [-rts] - [-ps] - [-rfn] - [-rth]" ) sys.exit(ERROR_BAD_ARGUMENTS) else: print( ERROR_COLOUR + "[-] Incorrect level of mixerlevel, [lower - medium - high] only supported\n" ) sys.exit(ERROR_INVALID_PARAMETER) else: print(ERROR_COLOUR + "[-] Mixerlevel [-m, --mixerlevel] argument missing\n") sys.exit(ERROR_BAD_ARGUMENTS) else: print(ERROR_COLOUR + "[-] Output [-o, --output] argument missing\n") sys.exit(ERROR_BAD_ARGUMENTS) else: print(ERROR_COLOUR + "[-] Input [-i, --input] argument missing\n") sys.exit(ERROR_BAD_ARGUMENTS) for line in INTENSIO_BANNER.split("\n"): time.sleep(0.05) print(BANNER_COLOUR + line) # -- Analysis and set up of the work environment -- # print( SECTION_COLOUR + "\n\n*********************** [ Analyze and setup environment ] ************************\n" ) analyzeData = Analyze() analyseDataInEnv = analyzeData.InputAvailable( inputArg=args.GetArgsValue().input, verboseArg=args.GetArgsValue().verbose) if analyseDataInEnv == EXIT_SUCCESS: print("\n[+] Analyze input argument '{0}' -> ".format( args.GetArgsValue().input) + SUCESS_COLOUR + "Successful") else: print("[-] Analyze input '{0}' -> ".format(args.GetArgsValue().input) + FAILED_COLOUR + "failed\n") sys.exit(ERROR_INVALID_FUNCTION) analyseDataOutEnv = analyzeData.OutputAvailable( inputArg=args.GetArgsValue().input, outputArg=args.GetArgsValue().output, verboseArg=args.GetArgsValue().verbose) if analyseDataOutEnv == EXIT_SUCCESS: print("\n[+] Analyze and setup output argument environment '{0}' -> " \ .format(args.GetArgsValue().output) + SUCESS_COLOUR + "Successful") else: print( "[-] Analyze output '{0}' -> ".format(args.GetArgsValue().output) + FAILED_COLOUR + "failed\n") sys.exit(ERROR_INVALID_FUNCTION) # -- Obfuscation process -- # print( SECTION_COLOUR + "\n\n************************ [ Obfuscation remove comment ] *************************\n" ) removeData = Remove() removeCommentsData = removeData.Comments( outputArg=args.GetArgsValue().output, verboseArg=args.GetArgsValue().verbose) if removeCommentsData == EXIT_SUCCESS: print("[+] Obfuscation remove comments -> " + SUCESS_COLOUR + "Successful") else: print("\n[-] Obfuscation remove comments -> " + FAILED_COLOUR + "Failed") if not args.GetArgsValue().verbose: print("\n[!] Retry with [-v, --verbose] parameter") print( SECTION_COLOUR + "\n\n*********************** [ Obfuscation remove line space ] ***********************\n" ) if removeData: pass else: removeData = Remove() removeLinesSpacesData = removeData.LinesSpaces( outputArg=args.GetArgsValue().output, verboseArg=args.GetArgsValue().verbose) if removeLinesSpacesData == EXIT_SUCCESS: print("[+] Obfuscation remove lines spaces -> " + SUCESS_COLOUR + "Successful") else: print("\n[-] Obfuscation remove lines spaces -> " + FAILED_COLOUR + "Failed") if not args.GetArgsValue().verbose: print("\n[!] Retry with [-v, --verbose] parameter") # -- If empty class (avert to generate an error) -- # print( SECTION_COLOUR + "\n\n*********************** [ Correction padding empty class ] **********************\n" ) paddingData = Padding() paddingDataEmptyClass = paddingData.EmptyClasses( outputArg=args.GetArgsValue().output, mixerLevelArg=args.GetArgsValue().mixerlevel, verboseArg=args.GetArgsValue().verbose) if paddingDataEmptyClass == EXIT_SUCCESS: pass else: print("\n[-] Padding empty class -> " + FAILED_COLOUR + "Failed") if not args.GetArgsValue().verbose: print("\n[!] Retry with [-v, --verbose] parameter") # -- If empty functions (avert to generate an error) -- # print( SECTION_COLOUR + "\n\n********************** [ Correction padding empty function ] ********************\n" ) if paddingData: pass else: paddingData = Padding() paddingDataEmptyFunc = paddingData.EmptyFunctions( outputArg=args.GetArgsValue().output, mixerLevelArg=args.GetArgsValue().mixerlevel, verboseArg=args.GetArgsValue().verbose) if paddingDataEmptyFunc == EXIT_SUCCESS: pass else: print("\n[-] Padding empty function -> " + FAILED_COLOUR + "Failed") if not args.GetArgsValue().verbose: print("\n[!] Retry with [-v, --verbose] parameter") print( SECTION_COLOUR + "\n\n**************** [ Obfuscation replace string to string mixed ] *****************\n" ) if args.GetArgsValue().replacetostr: replaceData = Replace() replaceDataStrStr = replaceData.StringToString( outputArg=args.GetArgsValue().output, mixerLevelArg=args.GetArgsValue().mixerlevel, verboseArg=args.GetArgsValue().verbose) if replaceDataStrStr == EXIT_SUCCESS: print("[+] Obfuscation replace string to string mixed -> " + SUCESS_COLOUR + "Successful") else: print("\n[-] Obfuscation replace string to string mixed -> " + FAILED_COLOUR + "Failed") if not args.GetArgsValue().verbose: print( "\n[!] Retry with [-v, --verbose] parameter for more informations" ) else: print("[!] Obfuscation [ replace string to string ] mixed no asked !") print( SECTION_COLOUR + "\n\n********************* [ Obfuscation adding padding script ] *********************\n" ) if args.GetArgsValue().paddingscript: if paddingData: pass else: paddingData = Padding() paddingDataGarbage = paddingData.AddRandomScripts( outputArg=args.GetArgsValue().output, mixerLevelArg=args.GetArgsValue().mixerlevel, verboseArg=args.GetArgsValue().verbose) if paddingDataGarbage == EXIT_SUCCESS: print("[+] Obfuscation padding script -> " + SUCESS_COLOUR + "Successful") else: print("\n[-] Obfuscation padding script -> " + FAILED_COLOUR + "Failed") if not args.GetArgsValue().verbose: print( "\n[!] Retry with [-v, --verbose] parameter for more informations" ) else: print("[!] Obfuscation [ padding script ] no asked !") print( SECTION_COLOUR + "\n\n********************** [ Obfuscation replace file name ] ************************\n" ) if args.GetArgsValue().replacefilename: if args.GetArgsValue().replacetostr: pass else: replaceData = Replace() replaceDataStrFname = replaceData.FilesName( outputArg=args.GetArgsValue().output, mixerLevelArg=args.GetArgsValue().mixerlevel, verboseArg=args.GetArgsValue().verbose) if replaceDataStrFname == EXIT_SUCCESS: print("\n[+] Obfuscation replace file name -> " + SUCESS_COLOUR + "Successful") else: print("\n[-] Obfuscation replace file name -> " + FAILED_COLOUR + "Failed") if not args.GetArgsValue().verbose: print( "\n[!] Retry with [-v, --verbose] parameter for more informations" ) else: print("[!] Obfuscation [ replace file name ] feature no asked !") print( SECTION_COLOUR + "\n\n******************** [ Obfuscation replace string to hex ] **********************\n" ) if args.GetArgsValue().replacetohex: if args.GetArgsValue().replacetostr or args.GetArgsValue( ).replacefilename: pass else: replaceData = Replace() replaceDataStrHex = replaceData.StringsToHex( outputArg=args.GetArgsValue().output, mixerLevelArg=args.GetArgsValue().mixerlevel, verboseArg=args.GetArgsValue().verbose) if replaceDataStrHex == EXIT_SUCCESS: print("\n[+] Obfuscation replace string to hex -> " + SUCESS_COLOUR + "Successful") else: print("\n[-] Obfuscation replace string to hex -> " + FAILED_COLOUR + "Failed") if not args.GetArgsValue().verbose: print( "\n[!] Retry with [-v, --verbose] parameter for more informations" ) else: print("[!] Obfuscation [ replace string to hex ] feature no asked !") # -- Remove if python pyc file in output directory -- # print( SECTION_COLOUR + "\n\n*********************** [ Correction remove .pyc file ] *************************\n" ) if removeData: pass else: removeData = Remove() removePycData = removeData.TrashFiles( outputArg=args.GetArgsValue().output, verboseArg=args.GetArgsValue().verbose, ) if removePycData == EXIT_SUCCESS: pass else: print("\n[-] Remove .pyc file in {0} directory -> ".format( args.GetArgsValue().output) + FAILED_COLOUR + "Failed") if not args.GetArgsValue().verbose: print( "\n[!] Retry with [-v, --verbose] parameter for more informations" )
def main(): if sys.version_info[0] != 3: print(Colors.ERROR + "[-] Intensio-Obfuscator only support Python 3.x" + Colors.DISABLE) sys.exit(1) if sys.platform != "win32" and sys.platform != "linux": print(Colors.ERROR + "[-] This tool support [windows - Linux] only !" + Colors.DISABLE) sys.exit(1) args = Args() utils = Utils() if len(sys.argv) > 1 and len(sys.argv) <= 13: pass else: print(Colors.ERROR + "[-] Incorrect number of arguments\n" + Colors.DISABLE) args.GetArgHelp() sys.exit(1) if args.GetArgsValue().input: if args.GetArgsValue().output: if re.match(r"^lower$|^medium$|^high$", args.GetArgsValue().mixerlength): if not args.GetArgsValue().paddingscript and not args.GetArgsValue().replacetostr \ and not args.GetArgsValue().replacefilename and not args.GetArgsValue().replacetohex: print( Colors.ERROR + "\n[-] Need at least one argument [-rts] - [-ps] - [-rfn] - [-rth]" + Colors.DISABLE) sys.exit(1) else: print( Colors.ERROR + "[-] -mlen, --mixerlength argument [lower-medium-high] only supported\n" + Colors.DISABLE) sys.exit(1) else: print(Colors.ERROR + "[-] Output [-o, --output] argument missing\n" + Colors.DISABLE) sys.exit(1) else: print(Colors.ERROR + "[-] Input [-i, --input] argument missing\n" + Colors.DISABLE) sys.exit(1) for line in INTENSIO_BANNER.split("\n"): time.sleep(0.05) print(line) # -- Analysis and set up of the work environment -- # print(Colors.SECTION + "\n\n********************* [ Analyze and setup environment ] **********************\n" \ + Colors.DISABLE) analyzeData = Analyze() analyseDataInEnv = analyzeData.InputAvailable( inputArg=args.GetArgsValue().input, verboseArg=args.GetArgsValue().verbose) if analyseDataInEnv == 0: print("\n[+] Analyze input argument '{}' -> ".format(args.GetArgsValue().input) + Colors.SUCCESS + \ "Successful" + Colors.DISABLE) else: print("[-] Analyze input '{}' -> ".format(args.GetArgsValue().input) + Colors.ERROR + "failed\n" + Colors.DISABLE) sys.exit(1) analyseDataOutEnv = analyzeData.OutputAvailable( inputArg=args.GetArgsValue().input, outputArg=args.GetArgsValue().output, verboseArg=args.GetArgsValue().verbose) if analyseDataOutEnv == 0: print("\n[+] Analyze and setup output argument environment '{}' -> " \ .format(args.GetArgsValue().output) + Colors.SUCCESS + "Successful" + Colors.DISABLE) else: print( "[-] Analyze output '{}' -> ".format(args.GetArgsValue().output) + Colors.ERROR + "failed\n" + Colors.DISABLE) sys.exit(1) # -- Obfuscation process -- # print( Colors.SECTION + "\n\n********************** [ Obfuscation delete comments ] ***********************\n" + Colors.DISABLE) deleteData = Delete() deleteCommentsData = deleteData.Comments( outputArg=args.GetArgsValue().output, verboseArg=args.GetArgsValue().verbose) if deleteCommentsData == 0: print("[+] Obfuscation delete comments -> " + Colors.SUCCESS + "Successful" + Colors.DISABLE) else: print("\n[-] Obfuscation delete comments -> " + Colors.ERROR + "Failed" + Colors.DISABLE) if not args.GetArgsValue().verbose: print("\n[!] Retry with [-v, --verbose] parameter") print( Colors.SECTION + "\n\n******************** [ Obfuscation delete line space(s) ] ********************\n" + Colors.DISABLE) if deleteData: pass else: deleteData = Delete() deleteLinesSpacesData = deleteData.LinesSpaces( outputArg=args.GetArgsValue().output, verboseArg=args.GetArgsValue().verbose) if deleteLinesSpacesData == 0: print("[+] Obfuscation delete lines spaces -> " + Colors.SUCCESS + "Successful" + Colors.DISABLE) else: print("\n[-] Obfuscation delete lines spaces -> " + Colors.ERROR + "Failed" + Colors.DISABLE) if not args.GetArgsValue().verbose: print("\n[!] Retry with [-v, --verbose] parameter") # -- If empty class (avert to generate an error) -- # print( Colors.SECTION + "\n\n******************* [ Correction padding empty class(es) ] *******************\n" + Colors.DISABLE) paddingData = Padding() paddingDataEmptyClass = paddingData.EmptyClasses( outputArg=args.GetArgsValue().output, mixerLengthArg=args.GetArgsValue().mixerlength, verboseArg=args.GetArgsValue().verbose) if paddingDataEmptyClass == 0: pass else: print("\n[-] Padding empty class -> " + Colors.ERROR + "Failed" + Colors.DISABLE) if not args.GetArgsValue().verbose: print("\n[!] Retry with [-v, --verbose] parameter") # -- If empty functions (avert to generate an error) -- # print( Colors.SECTION + "\n\n****************** [ Correction padding empty function(s) ] ******************\n" + Colors.DISABLE) if paddingData: pass else: paddingData = Padding() paddingDataEmptyFunc = paddingData.EmptyFunctions( outputArg=args.GetArgsValue().output, mixerLengthArg=args.GetArgsValue().mixerlength, verboseArg=args.GetArgsValue().verbose) if paddingDataEmptyFunc == 0: pass else: print("\n[-] Padding empty function -> " + Colors.ERROR + "Failed" + Colors.DISABLE) if not args.GetArgsValue().verbose: print("\n[!] Retry with [-v, --verbose] parameter") print( Colors.SECTION + "\n\n************ [ Obfuscation replace string(s) to string(s) mixed ] ************\n" + Colors.DISABLE) if args.GetArgsValue().replacetostr: replaceData = Replace() replaceDataStrStr = replaceData.StringToString( outputArg=args.GetArgsValue().output, mixerLengthArg=args.GetArgsValue().mixerlength, verboseArg=args.GetArgsValue().verbose) if replaceDataStrStr == 0: print("[+] Obfuscation replace string to string mixed -> " + Colors.SUCCESS + "Successful" + Colors.DISABLE) else: print("\n[-] Obfuscation replace string to string mixed -> " + Colors.ERROR + "Failed" + Colors.DISABLE) if not args.GetArgsValue().verbose: print( "\n[!] Retry with [-v, --verbose] parameter for more informations" ) else: print("[!] Obfuscation [ replace string to string ] mixed no asked !") print( Colors.SECTION + "\n\n****************** [ Obfuscation adding padding script(s) ] ******************\n" + Colors.DISABLE) if args.GetArgsValue().paddingscript: if paddingData: pass else: paddingData = Padding() paddingDataGarbage = paddingData.AddRandomScripts( outputArg=args.GetArgsValue().output, mixerLengthArg=args.GetArgsValue().mixerlength, verboseArg=args.GetArgsValue().verbose) if paddingDataGarbage == 0: print("[+] Obfuscation padding script -> " + Colors.SUCCESS + "Successful" + Colors.DISABLE) else: print("\n[-] Obfuscation padding script -> " + Colors.ERROR + "Failed" + Colors.DISABLE) if not args.GetArgsValue().verbose: print( "\n[!] Retry with [-v, --verbose] parameter for more informations" ) else: print("[!] Obfuscation [ padding script ] no asked !") print( Colors.SECTION + "\n\n******************** [ Obfuscation replace file(s) name ] ********************\n" + Colors.DISABLE) if args.GetArgsValue().replacefilename: if args.GetArgsValue().replacetostr: pass else: replaceData = Replace() replaceDataStrFname = replaceData.FilesName( outputArg=args.GetArgsValue().output, mixerLengthArg=args.GetArgsValue().mixerlength, verboseArg=args.GetArgsValue().verbose) if replaceDataStrFname == 0: print("\n[+] Obfuscation replace file name -> " + Colors.SUCCESS + "Successful" + Colors.DISABLE) else: print("\n[-] Obfuscation replace file name -> " + Colors.ERROR + "Failed" + Colors.DISABLE) if not args.GetArgsValue().verbose: print( "\n[!] Retry with [-v, --verbose] parameter for more informations" ) else: print("[!] Obfuscation [ replace file name ] feature no asked !") print( Colors.SECTION + "\n\n****************** [ Obfuscation replace string(s) to hex ] ******************\n" + Colors.DISABLE) if args.GetArgsValue().replacetohex: if args.GetArgsValue().replacetostr or args.GetArgsValue( ).replacefilename: pass else: replaceData = Replace() replaceDataStrHex = replaceData.StringsToHex( outputArg=args.GetArgsValue().output, mixerLengthArg=args.GetArgsValue().mixerlength, verboseArg=args.GetArgsValue().verbose) if replaceDataStrHex == 0: print("\n[+] Obfuscation replace string to hex -> " + Colors.SUCCESS + "Successful" + Colors.DISABLE) else: print("\n[-] Obfuscation replace string to hex -> " + Colors.ERROR + "Failed" + Colors.DISABLE) if not args.GetArgsValue().verbose: print( "\n[!] Retry with [-v, --verbose] parameter for more informations" ) else: print("[!] Obfuscation [ replace string to hex ] feature no asked !") # -- Delete line spaces of padding scripts -- # if args.GetArgsValue().paddingscript: print( Colors.SECTION + "\n\n******************** [ Obfuscation delete line space(s) ] ********************\n" + Colors.DISABLE) if deleteData: pass else: deleteData = Delete() deleteLinesSpacesData = deleteData.LinesSpaces( outputArg=args.GetArgsValue().output, verboseArg=args.GetArgsValue().verbose) if deleteLinesSpacesData == 0: print("[+] Obfuscation delete lines spaces of padding scripts-> " + Colors.SUCCESS + "Successful" + Colors.DISABLE) else: print( "\n[-] Obfuscation delete lines spaces of padding scripts -> " + Colors.ERROR + "Failed" + Colors.DISABLE) if not args.GetArgsValue().verbose: print("\n[!] Retry with [-v, --verbose] parameter") # -- Delete if python pyc file in output directory -- # print( Colors.SECTION + "\n\n********************* [ Correction delete .pyc file(s) ] *********************\n" + Colors.DISABLE) if deleteData: pass else: deleteData = Delete() deletePycData = deleteData.TrashFiles( outputArg=args.GetArgsValue().output, verboseArg=args.GetArgsValue().verbose, ) if deletePycData == 0: pass else: print("\n[-] Delete .pyc file from {} directory -> ".format(args.GetArgsValue().output) + Colors.ERROR + \ "Failed" + Colors.DISABLE) if not args.GetArgsValue().verbose: print( "\n[!] Retry with [-v, --verbose] parameter for more informations" )
def main(): if sys.version_info[0] != 3: print(Colors.ERROR + "[-] Intensio-Obfuscator only support Python 3.x" + Colors.DISABLE) sys.exit(0) if sys.platform != "win32" and sys.platform != "linux": print(Colors.ERROR + "[-] This tool support [windows - Linux] only !" + Colors.DISABLE) sys.exit(0) args = Args() utils = Utils() if len(sys.argv) > 1 and len(sys.argv) <= 15: pass else: print(Colors.ERROR + "[-] Incorrect number of arguments" + Colors.DISABLE + "\n") args.GetArgHelp() sys.exit(0) if args.GetArgsValue().input: if args.GetArgsValue().output: if re.match(Reg.detectMlenArg, str(args.GetArgsValue().mixerlength)): if re.match(Reg.detectIndentArg, str(args.GetArgsValue().indent)): pass else: print("\n" + Colors.ERROR + "[-] -ind, --indent argument [2|4|8] missing" + Colors.DISABLE + "\n") sys.exit(0) else: print( "\n" + Colors.ERROR + "[-] -mlen, --mixerlength argument [lower|medium|high] missing" + Colors.DISABLE + "\n") sys.exit(0) else: print("\n" + Colors.ERROR + "[-] Output [-o, --output] argument missing" + Colors.DISABLE + "\n") sys.exit(0) else: print("\n" + Colors.ERROR + "[-] Input [-i, --input] argument missing" + Colors.DISABLE + "\n") sys.exit(0) for line in INTENSIO_BANNER.split("\n"): time.sleep(0.05) print(line) print("\n\n" + Colors.SECTION + "********************************* [ START ] **********************************" \ + Colors.DISABLE + "\n") # -- Analysis and set up of the work environment -- # print("\n\n" + Colors.SECTION + "********************* [ Analyze and setup environment ] **********************" \ + Colors.DISABLE + "\n") analyzeData = Analyze() analyseDataInEnv = analyzeData.InputAvailable( inputArg=args.GetArgsValue().input, verboseArg=args.GetArgsValue().verbose) if analyseDataInEnv == 1: print("\n[+] Analyze input argument '{}' -> ".format(args.GetArgsValue().input) + Colors.SUCCESS + \ "Successful" + Colors.DISABLE) else: print("[-] Analyze input '{}' -> ".format(args.GetArgsValue().input) + Colors.ERROR + "failed" + Colors.DISABLE + "\n") sys.exit(0) analyseDataOutEnv = analyzeData.OutputAvailable( inputArg=args.GetArgsValue().input, outputArg=args.GetArgsValue().output, verboseArg=args.GetArgsValue().verbose) if analyseDataOutEnv == 1: print("\n[+] Analyze and setup output argument environment '{}' -> " \ .format(args.GetArgsValue().output) + Colors.SUCCESS + "Successful" + Colors.DISABLE) else: print( "[-] Analyze output '{}' -> ".format(args.GetArgsValue().output) + Colors.ERROR + "failed" + Colors.DISABLE + "\n") sys.exit(0) # -- Obfuscation process -- # startObfuscationTime = time.time() print("\n\n" + Colors.SECTION + "********************** [ Obfuscation delete comments ] ***********************" \ + Colors.DISABLE + "\n") deleteData = Delete() deleteCommentsData = deleteData.Comments( outputArg=args.GetArgsValue().output, verboseArg=args.GetArgsValue().verbose) if deleteCommentsData == 1: print("[+] Obfuscation delete comments -> " + Colors.SUCCESS + "Successful" + Colors.DISABLE) else: print("\n[-] Obfuscation delete comments -> " + Colors.ERROR + "Failed" + Colors.DISABLE) if not args.GetArgsValue().verbose: print("\n[!] Retry with [-v, --verbose] parameter") print("\n\n" + Colors.SECTION + "******************** [ Obfuscation delete line space(s) ] ********************" \ + Colors.DISABLE + "\n") if deleteData: pass else: deleteData = Delete() deleteLinesSpacesData = deleteData.LinesSpaces( outputArg=args.GetArgsValue().output, verboseArg=args.GetArgsValue().verbose) if deleteLinesSpacesData == 1: print("[+] Obfuscation delete lines spaces -> " + Colors.SUCCESS + "Successful" + Colors.DISABLE) else: print("\n[-] Obfuscation delete lines spaces -> " + Colors.ERROR + "Failed" + Colors.DISABLE) if not args.GetArgsValue().verbose: print("\n[!] Retry with [-v, --verbose] parameter") # -- If empty class (avert to generate an error) -- # print("\n\n" + Colors.SECTION + "******************* [ Correction padding empty class(es) ] *******************" \ + Colors.DISABLE + "\n") paddingData = Padding() paddingDataEmptyClass = paddingData.EmptyClasses( outputArg=args.GetArgsValue().output, mixerLengthArg=args.GetArgsValue().mixerlength, basicIndentArg=args.GetArgsValue().indent, verboseArg=args.GetArgsValue().verbose) if paddingDataEmptyClass == 1: pass else: print("\n[-] Padding empty class -> " + Colors.ERROR + "Failed" + Colors.DISABLE) if not args.GetArgsValue().verbose: print("\n[!] Retry with [-v, --verbose] parameter") # -- If empty functions (avert to generate an error) -- # print("\n\n" + Colors.SECTION + "****************** [ Correction padding empty function(s) ] ******************" \ + Colors.DISABLE + "\n") if paddingData: pass else: paddingData = Padding() paddingDataEmptyFunc = paddingData.EmptyFunctions( outputArg=args.GetArgsValue().output, mixerLengthArg=args.GetArgsValue().mixerlength, basicIndentArg=args.GetArgsValue().indent, verboseArg=args.GetArgsValue().verbose) if paddingDataEmptyFunc == 1: pass else: print("\n[-] Padding empty function -> " + Colors.ERROR + "Failed" + Colors.DISABLE) if not args.GetArgsValue().verbose: print("\n[!] Retry with [-v, --verbose] parameter") print("\n\n" + Colors.SECTION + "************ [ Obfuscation replace string(s) to string(s) mixed ] ************" \ + Colors.DISABLE + "\n") if args.GetArgsValue().replacetostr: replaceData = Replace() replaceDataStrStr = replaceData.StringToString( outputArg=args.GetArgsValue().output, mixerLengthArg=args.GetArgsValue().mixerlength, verboseArg=args.GetArgsValue().verbose) if replaceDataStrStr == 1: print("[+] Obfuscation replace string to string mixed -> " + Colors.SUCCESS + "Successful" + Colors.DISABLE) else: print("\n[-] Obfuscation replace string to string mixed -> " + Colors.ERROR + "Failed" + Colors.DISABLE) if not args.GetArgsValue().verbose: print( "\n[!] Retry with [-v, --verbose] parameter for more informations" ) else: print("[!] Obfuscation [ replace string to string ] mixed no asked !") print("\n\n" + Colors.SECTION + "****************** [ Obfuscation adding padding script(s) ] ******************" \ + Colors.DISABLE + "\n") if args.GetArgsValue().paddingscript: if paddingData: pass else: paddingData = Padding() paddingDataGarbage = paddingData.AddRandomScripts( outputArg=args.GetArgsValue().output, mixerLengthArg=args.GetArgsValue().mixerlength, basicIndentArg=args.GetArgsValue().indent, verboseArg=args.GetArgsValue().verbose) if paddingDataGarbage == 1: print("[+] Obfuscation padding script -> " + Colors.SUCCESS + "Successful" + Colors.DISABLE) else: print("\n[-] Obfuscation padding script -> " + Colors.ERROR + "Failed" + Colors.DISABLE) if not args.GetArgsValue().verbose: print( "\n[!] Retry with [-v, --verbose] parameter for more informations" ) else: print("[!] Obfuscation [ padding script ] no asked !") print("\n\n" + Colors.SECTION + "******************** [ Obfuscation replace file(s) name ] ********************" \ + Colors.DISABLE + "\n") if args.GetArgsValue().replacefilename: if args.GetArgsValue().replacetostr: pass else: replaceData = Replace() replaceDataStrFname = replaceData.FilesName( outputArg=args.GetArgsValue().output, mixerLengthArg=args.GetArgsValue().mixerlength, verboseArg=args.GetArgsValue().verbose) if replaceDataStrFname == 1: print("\n[+] Obfuscation replace file name -> " + Colors.SUCCESS + "Successful" + Colors.DISABLE) else: print("\n[-] Obfuscation replace file name -> " + Colors.ERROR + "Failed" + Colors.DISABLE) if not args.GetArgsValue().verbose: print( "\n[!] Retry with [-v, --verbose] parameter for more informations" ) else: print("[!] Obfuscation [ replace file name ] feature no asked !") print("\n\n" + Colors.SECTION + "****************** [ Obfuscation replace string(s) to hex ] ******************" \ + Colors.DISABLE + "\n") if args.GetArgsValue().replacetohex: if args.GetArgsValue().replacetostr or args.GetArgsValue( ).replacefilename: pass else: replaceData = Replace() replaceDataStrHex = replaceData.StringsToHex( outputArg=args.GetArgsValue().output, mixerLengthArg=args.GetArgsValue().mixerlength, verboseArg=args.GetArgsValue().verbose) if replaceDataStrHex == 1: print("\n[+] Obfuscation replace string to hex -> " + Colors.SUCCESS + "Successful" + Colors.DISABLE) print("\n[!] care, only works for python 2 files") else: print("\n[-] Obfuscation replace string to hex -> " + Colors.ERROR + "Failed" + Colors.DISABLE) if not args.GetArgsValue().verbose: print( "\n[!] Retry with [-v, --verbose] parameter for more informations" ) else: print("[!] Obfuscation [ replace string to hex ] feature no asked !") # -- Delete line spaces of padding scripts -- # if args.GetArgsValue().paddingscript: print("\n\n" + Colors.SECTION + "******************** [ Obfuscation delete line space(s) ] ********************" \ + Colors.DISABLE + "\n") if deleteData: pass else: deleteData = Delete() deleteLinesSpacesData = deleteData.LinesSpaces( outputArg=args.GetArgsValue().output, verboseArg=args.GetArgsValue().verbose) if deleteLinesSpacesData == 1: print("[+] Obfuscation delete lines spaces of padding scripts-> " + Colors.SUCCESS + "Successful" + Colors.DISABLE) else: print( "\n[-] Obfuscation delete lines spaces of padding scripts -> " + Colors.ERROR + "Failed" + Colors.DISABLE) if not args.GetArgsValue().verbose: print("\n[!] Retry with [-v, --verbose] parameter") # -- Delete if python pyc file in output directory -- # print("\n\n" + Colors.SECTION + "********************* [ Correction delete .pyc file(s) ] *********************" \ + Colors.DISABLE + "\n") if deleteData: pass else: deleteData = Delete() deletePycData = deleteData.TrashFiles( outputArg=args.GetArgsValue().output, verboseArg=args.GetArgsValue().verbose, ) if deletePycData == 1: pass else: print("\n[-] Delete .pyc file from {} directory -> ".format(args.GetArgsValue().output) + Colors.ERROR + \ "Failed" + Colors.DISABLE) if not args.GetArgsValue().verbose: print( "\n[!] Retry with [-v, --verbose] parameter for more informations" ) print("\n\n" + Colors.SECTION + "********************************** [ END ] ************************************" \ + Colors.DISABLE + "\n") # -- Result of execution time -- # endObfuscationTime = time.time() executionTime = endObfuscationTime - startObfuscationTime executionTime = str(executionTime) executionTime = executionTime.split(".") print("[*] Obfuscation Time : {} second(s)".format(executionTime[0]))
def main(): if sys.version_info[0] != 3: print(ERROR_COLOUR + "[-] Intensio-Obfuscator only support Python 3.x") sys.exit(0) if sys.platform != "win32" and sys.platform != "linux": print(ERROR_COLOUR + "[-] This tool support [windows - Linux] only !") sys.exit(0) try: from core.utils.intensio_design import INTENSIO_BANNER from core.utils.intensio_utils import Utils from core.utils.intensio_usage import Args from core.utils.intensio_error import EXIT_SUCCESS, ERROR_BAD_ENVIRONMENT, ERROR_INVALID_PARAMETER, \ ERROR_BAD_ARGUMENTS, ERROR_INVALID_FUNCTION, ERROR_FILE_NOT_FOUND from core.obfuscation.intensio_replace import Replace from core.obfuscation.intensio_padding import Padding from core.obfuscation.intensio_analyze import Analyze from core.obfuscation.intensio_remove import Remove except ImportError as e: print(ERROR_COLOUR + "[-] {0}\n".format(e)) sys.exit(0) args = Args() utils = Utils() if len(sys.argv) > 1 and len(sys.argv) <= 16: pass else: print(ERROR_COLOUR + "[-] Incorrect number of arguments\n") args.GetArgHelp() sys.exit(ERROR_BAD_ARGUMENTS) if args.GetArgsValue().input: if args.GetArgsValue().output: if args.GetArgsValue().code: if args.GetArgsValue().code == "python": if args.GetArgsValue().mixerlevel: if re.match(r"^lower$|^medium$|^high$", args.GetArgsValue().mixerlevel): if not args.GetArgsValue().paddingscripts and not args.GetArgsValue().replacetostr \ and not args.GetArgsValue().removecommentaries and not args.GetArgsValue().removeprint \ and not args.GetArgsValue().replacetohex and not args.GetArgsValue().replacefilesname: print( ERROR_COLOUR + "\n[-] Need at least one argument [-rts --replacetostr] or [-ps --paddingscripts] \ or [-rc --removecommentaries] or [-rp --removeprint] or [-rth --replacetohex] or [-rfn, --replacefilesname]" ) sys.exit(ERROR_BAD_ARGUMENTS) else: print( ERROR_COLOUR + "[-] Incorrect level of mixerlevel, [lower - medium - high] only supported\n" ) sys.exit(ERROR_INVALID_PARAMETER) else: print( ERROR_COLOUR + "[-] Mixerlevel [-m --mixerlevel] argument missing\n" ) sys.exit(ERROR_BAD_ARGUMENTS) else: print( ERROR_COLOUR + "[-] '{0}' Incorrect code argument, [python] only supported\n" .format(args.GetArgsValue().Code)) sys.exit(ERROR_INVALID_PARAMETER) else: print(ERROR_COLOUR + "[-] Code [-c --code] argument missing\n") sys.exit(ERROR_BAD_ARGUMENTS) else: print(ERROR_COLOUR + "[-] Output [-o --output] argument missing\n") sys.exit(ERROR_BAD_ARGUMENTS) else: print(ERROR_COLOUR + "[-] Input [-i --input] argument missing\n") sys.exit(ERROR_BAD_ARGUMENTS) for line in INTENSIO_BANNER.split("\n"): time.sleep(0.05) print(BANNER_COLOUR + line) # -- Analysis and set up of the work environment -- # print( SECTION_COLOUR + "\n\n*********************** [ Analyze and setup environment ] ************************\n" ) analyzeData = Analyze() if (analyzeData.InputAvailable( args.GetArgsValue().input, args.GetArgsValue().code, args.GetArgsValue().verbose) == EXIT_SUCCESS): print("\n[+] Analyze input argument '{0}' -> ".format( args.GetArgsValue().input) + SUCESS_COLOUR + "Successful") else: print("[-] Analyze input '{0}' -> ".format(args.GetArgsValue().input) + FAILED_COLOUR + "failed\n") sys.exit(ERROR_INVALID_FUNCTION) if (analyzeData.OutputAvailable( args.GetArgsValue().input, args.GetArgsValue().code, args.GetArgsValue().output, args.GetArgsValue().verbose) == EXIT_SUCCESS): print("\n[+] Analyze and setup output argument environment '{0}' -> ". format(args.GetArgsValue().output) + SUCESS_COLOUR + "Successful") else: print( "[-] Analyze output '{0}' -> ".format(args.GetArgsValue().output) + FAILED_COLOUR + "failed\n") sys.exit(ERROR_INVALID_FUNCTION) # -- Obfuscation process -- # print( SECTION_COLOUR + "\n\n********************** [ Obfuscation remove commentaries ] **********************\n" ) if args.GetArgsValue().removecommentaries: removeData = Remove() if (removeData.Commentaries( args.GetArgsValue().code, args.GetArgsValue().output) == EXIT_SUCCESS): print("[+] Obfuscation remove commentaries -> " + SUCESS_COLOUR + "Successful") else: print("\n[-] Obfuscation remove commentaries -> " + FAILED_COLOUR + "Failed") else: print("[!] Obfuscation remove commentaries no asked !") print( SECTION_COLOUR + "\n\n*************** [ Obfuscation replace strings to strings mixed ] ****************\n" ) if args.GetArgsValue().replacetostr: replaceData = Replace() if (replaceData.StringsToStrings( args.GetArgsValue().code, args.GetArgsValue().output, args.GetArgsValue().mixerlevel, args.GetArgsValue().verbose) == EXIT_SUCCESS): print("[+] Obfuscation replace strings to strings mixed -> " + SUCESS_COLOUR + "Successful") else: print("\n[-] Obfuscation replace strings to strings mixed -> " + FAILED_COLOUR + "Failed") else: print("[!] Obfuscation replace strings to strings mixed no asked !") print( SECTION_COLOUR + "\n\n************************ [ Obfuscation padding scripts ] ************************\n" ) if args.GetArgsValue().paddingscripts: paddingData = Padding() if (paddingData.AddRandomScripts( args.GetArgsValue().code, args.GetArgsValue().output, args.GetArgsValue().mixerlevel) == EXIT_SUCCESS): print("[+] Obfuscation padding random scripts -> " + SUCESS_COLOUR + "Successful") else: print("\n[-] Obfuscation padding random scripts -> " + FAILED_COLOUR + "Failed") else: print("[!] Obfuscation add random scripts no asked !") print( SECTION_COLOUR + "\n\n************************* [ Obfuscation remove print ] **************************\n" ) if args.GetArgsValue().removeprint: if (removeData.PrintFunctions( args.GetArgsValue().code, args.GetArgsValue().output) == EXIT_SUCCESS): print("[+] Obfuscation remove print functions -> " + SUCESS_COLOUR + "Successful") else: print("\n[-] Obfuscation remove print functions -> " + FAILED_COLOUR + "Failed") else: print("[!] Obfuscation remove print functions no asked !") print( SECTION_COLOUR + "\n\n********************** [ Obfuscation replace files name ] ***********************\n" ) if args.GetArgsValue().replacefilesname: if args.GetArgsValue().replacetostr: pass else: replaceData = Replace() if (replaceData.FilesName( args.GetArgsValue().code, args.GetArgsValue().output, args.GetArgsValue().mixerlevel, args.GetArgsValue().verbose) == EXIT_SUCCESS): print("\n[+] Obfuscation replace files name -> " + SUCESS_COLOUR + "Successful") else: print("\n[-] Obfuscation replace files name -> " + FAILED_COLOUR + "Failed") else: print("[!] Obfuscation replace files name no asked !") print( SECTION_COLOUR + "\n\n******************** [ Obfuscation replace strings to hex ] *********************\n" ) if args.GetArgsValue().replacetohex: if args.GetArgsValue().replacetostr or args.GetArgsValue( ).replacefilesname: pass else: replaceData = Replace() if (replaceData.StringsToHex( args.GetArgsValue().code, args.GetArgsValue().output, args.GetArgsValue().mixerlevel) == EXIT_SUCCESS): print("\n[+] Obfuscation replace strings to hex -> " + SUCESS_COLOUR + "Successful\n") else: print("\n[-] Obfuscation replace strings to hex -> " + FAILED_COLOUR + "Failed\n") else: print("[!] Obfuscation replace strings to hex no asked !\n") # -- Remove if python pyc file(s) in output directory -- # if (removeData.TrashFiles(args.GetArgsValue().code, args.GetArgsValue().output) >= 0): pass else: print( SECTION_COLOUR + "\n**************************** [ Remove pyc files ] *****************************\n" ) print("\n[-] Remove .pyc files in {0} directory -> " + FAILED_COLOUR + "Failed\n".format(args.GetArgsValue().output))
def main(): if sys.version_info[0] != 3: print("[-] Intensio-Obfuscator only support Python 3.x") sys.exit(0) if sys.platform != "win32" and sys.platform != "linux": print("[-] This tool support [windows - Linux] only !") sys.exit(0) try: from core.lolz.intensio_bullshit import BestFunctionOfTheWorld from core.lolz.intensio_design_skill import INTENSIO_BANNER from core.utils.intensio_utils import Utils from core.utils.intensio_usage import Args from core.utils.intensio_error import EXIT_SUCCESS, ERROR_BAD_ENVIRONMENT, ERROR_INVALID_PARAMETER, ERROR_BAD_ARGUMENTS,\ ERROR_INVALID_FUNCTION, ERROR_FILE_NOT_FOUND from core.obfuscation.intensio_replace import Replace from core.obfuscation.intensio_padding import Padding from core.obfuscation.intensio_analyze import Analyze from core.obfuscation.intensio_remove import Remove except ImportError as e: print("[-] {0}\n".format(e)) sys.exit(0) args = Args() utils = Utils() if len(sys.argv) > 1 and len(sys.argv) <= 14: if args.GetArgsValue().onefile == False and args.GetArgsValue().multiplefiles == False: print("[-] [-f --onefile] or [-d --multiple] argument unspecifed") sys.exit(ERROR_BAD_ARGUMENTS) if args.GetArgsValue().input: if args.GetArgsValue().output: for line in INTENSIO_BANNER.split("\n"): time.sleep(0.05) print(line) if args.GetArgsValue().secret: if (BestFunctionOfTheWorld("YES-YES-YES!!") == EXIT_SUCCESS): pass else: sys.exit(ERROR_INVALID_FUNCTION) print("\n\n*********************** [ Analyze and setup environment ] ***********************\n") # -- Analysis and set up of the work environment -- # if args.GetArgsValue().code: if re.match(r"^python$", args.GetArgsValue().code): analyze = Analyze() if (analyze.InputAvailable(args.GetArgsValue().onefile, args.GetArgsValue().input, args.GetArgsValue().code) == EXIT_SUCCESS): print("[+] Analyze input argument '{0}' -> Successful".format(args.GetArgsValue().input)) if (analyze.OutputAvailable(args.GetArgsValue().onefile, args.GetArgsValue().input, args.GetArgsValue().code, args.GetArgsValue().output) == EXIT_SUCCESS): print("[+] Analyze and setup output argument environment '{0}' -> Successful".format(args.GetArgsValue().output)) if args.GetArgsValue().mixer: if re.match(r"(^lower$)|(^medium$)|(^high$)", args.GetArgsValue().mixer): if not args.GetArgsValue().padding and not args.GetArgsValue().replace and not args.GetArgsValue().remove: print("\n[-] Need at least one argument [-r --replace] or [-p --padding] or [-rm -remove]") sys.exit(ERROR_BAD_ARGUMENTS) else: print("\n\n***************************** [ Obfuscation Replace ] ****************************\n") if args.GetArgsValue().replace: replace = Replace() if (replace.VarsDefinedByUser(args.GetArgsValue().onefile, args.GetArgsValue().code, args.GetArgsValue().output, args.GetArgsValue().mixer) == EXIT_SUCCESS): print("[+] Obfuscation Replace -> Successful") else: print("[-] Obfuscation Replace -> Failed") else: print("[!] Obfuscation Replace no asked !") print("\n\n***************************** [ Obfuscation Padding ] ****************************\n") if args.GetArgsValue().padding: paddingScripts = Padding() if (paddingScripts.AddScripts(args.GetArgsValue().onefile, args.GetArgsValue().code, args.GetArgsValue().output, args.GetArgsValue().mixer) == EXIT_SUCCESS): print("[+] Obfuscation Padding -> Successful") else: print("[-] Obfuscation Padding -> Failed") else: print("[!] Obfuscation Padding no asked !") print("\n\n***************************** [ Obfuscation Remove ] *****************************\n") if args.GetArgsValue().remove: removeData = Remove() if (removeData.Commentaries(args.GetArgsValue().onefile, args.GetArgsValue().code, args.GetArgsValue().output) == EXIT_SUCCESS): print("[+] Obfuscation Remove -> Successful\n") else: print("[-] Obfuscation Remove -> Failed\n") else: print("[!] Obfuscation Remove no asked !\n") else: print("[-] Incorrect level of mixer, [lower - medium - high] only supported\n") sys.exit(ERROR_INVALID_PARAMETER) else: print("[-] Mixer [-m --mixer] argument missing\n") sys.exit(ERROR_BAD_ARGUMENTS) else: print("[-] Analyze output '{0}' failed\n".format(args.GetArgsValue().output)) sys.exit(ERROR_INVALID_FUNCTION) else: print("[-] Analyze input '{0}' failed\n".format(args.GetArgsValue().input)) sys.exit(ERROR_INVALID_FUNCTION) else: print("[-] '{0}' Incorrect code argument, [python] only currently supported\n".format(args.GetArgsValue().Code)) sys.exit(ERROR_INVALID_PARAMETER) else: print("[-] Code [-c --code] argument missing\n") sys.exit(ERROR_BAD_ARGUMENTS) else: print("[-] Output [-o --output] argument missing\n") sys.exit(ERROR_BAD_ARGUMENTS) else: print("[-] Input [-i --input] argument missing\n") sys.exit(ERROR_BAD_ARGUMENTS) else: print("[-] Incorrect number of arguments\n") args.GetArgHelp() sys.exit(ERROR_BAD_ARGUMENTS)