async def removeMember(self, context, member: discord.Member): """ remove a member from a team """ currentChannel = currentCategory = currentChannel.category #team_name = re.findall(r'(.*)_hackthebot$', user_id = participant_id = verify_api(user_id) print(participant_id) r = requests.get(config.HACK_THE_BOT_URL + f"/api/participant/{participant_id}") res = r.json() team_name = res['team']['name'] print(team_name) if in config.HACK_THE_BOT_SPACES and team_name != None: await context.trigger_typing() user_id = participant_id = verify_api(user_id) participant_id_to_delete = verify_api( r = requests.delete( config.HACK_THE_BOT_URL + f"/api/participant/{participant_id}/team/remove", json={"member": participant_id_to_delete}) res = r.json() if res["status"] == 'UNKNOWN_ERROR': raise HackTheBotUnknownError() elif res["status"] == 'SUCCESS': team_role = get(member.roles, name=f"{team_name}_hackthebot") await member.remove_roles(team_role) await context.send( "Member removed from team successfully :white_check_mark:") else: await context.send(res['status'])
async def help_mentor(self, context: commands.Context): """ Calls a mentor to help the team """ user_id = verify_api(user_id) await context.trigger_typing() guild = context.guild text_channel = #TODO* Getting the voice_channel with the same name as text channel voice_channel = discord.utils.find( lambda c: ==, guild.voice_channels) parts ="_") if len(parts) == 2 and parts[1] == "space": role_name = "HTB-mentor" role = get(guild.roles, name=role_name) permission = text_channel.overwrites.get(role, None) if (permission is not None and permission.read_messages is True and permission.send_messages is True): embed = discord.Embed( title="Check your channel", description= "A mentor should be there with you, if not please wait for them", color=int(config.EMBED_COLOR, 16)) await return else: print(f"Adding ${role} role to text channel ${text_channel}") await text_channel.set_permissions(role, read_messages=True, send_messages=True) print(f"Adding ${role} role to voice channel ${voice_channel}") if voice_channel is not None: await voice_channel.set_permissions(role, read_messages=True, send_messages=True) embed = discord.Embed( title="Help Mentor", description= "A mentor will be coming your way...stay tight :star_struck:", color=int(config.EMBED_COLOR, 16)) await # Sending log message to mentors to alert them mentor_logs_channel = guild.get_channel( config.HACK_THE_BOT_LOGS) embed = discord.Embed( title="Team needs help", description= f"Team {text_channel.mention} is looking for a mentor, please help them :smiling_face_with_3_hearts:", color=int(config.EMBED_COLOR, 16)) await mentor_logs_channel.send(embed=embed) else: raise HackTheBotUnknownError( message="Command can only be issued from a team channel")
async def verify(self, context): """ Verify if the user is a participant of hack the bot ! """ user_id = await context.trigger_typing() verify_api(user_id) embed = discord.Embed( title="PARTICIPANT", description= "How can i help you **participant** :thinking: , You have registered **successfully** :white_check_mark: Can't wait to say what you will made during the Hackathon :star_struck:", color=int(config.EMBED_COLOR, 16)) await
async def joinTeam(self, context, token: str): """ Join a team using a token given to the team leader (the one who created the team)/ team must contain at most 3 members """ user_id = await context.trigger_typing() participant_id = verify_api(user_id) # verify it is a participant and has no team r = + f"/api/participant/{participant_id}/team/join", json={"token": token}) res = r.json() if res["status"] == 'UNKNOWN_ERROR': raise HackTheBotUnknownError() elif res["status"] == 'SUCCESS': team_name = res["team_name"] guild =[0] team_role = get(guild.roles, name=f"{team_name}_hackthebot") member = find(lambda m: == user_id, guild.members) await member.add_roles(team_role) await context.send(res['message']) log_channel = guild.get_channel(config.HACK_THE_BOT_LOGS) embed = discord.Embed( title=f"Participant joined", description=f"{member.mention} join {team_name}", color=int(config.EMBED_COLOR, 16), ) #embed.set_thumbnail(url=data["image"]) await log_channel.send(embed=embed) else: await context.send(res['status'])
async def createTeam(self, context): """ Create new Hack the bot team / Only team leader should create Team """ user_id = await context.trigger_typing() participant_id = verify_api(user_id) await context.send("This command will allow you to create a new team :people_with_bunny_ears_partying: , "\ "Please provide the required information once requested :blush:. If you would like to abort the creation, "\ "do not respond and I will move on.") time.sleep(1) await context.trigger_typing() data = {} ## get team name await context.send( "Please give me the your team name :blush: ! Team name must be alphanumeric only and length less than 25" ) try: team_name_message = await 'message', timeout=120, check=lambda message: == context.message. and message.content != "") team_name = team_name_message.content.lower() if len(team_name) > 25 or not team_name.isalnum(): raise HackTheBotInvalidTeamName() data["name"] = team_name except asyncio.TimeoutError: await send_embed(context, "Cancelled", ":octagonal_sign: Command cancelled") await "you took too long to provide the requested information.") return ## get team image time.sleep(1) await context.trigger_typing() await context.send( "The next step is to pass me an image :sunrise_over_mountains: that represents your team. This step is totally optional, send NONE if you don't want to set image " ) validfiles = [".jpg", ".jpeg", ".gif", ".png", ".bmp"] data["image"] = "" try: team_image_message = await 'message', timeout=120, check=lambda message: == context.message. if team_image_message.content != "NONE": if (len(team_image_message.attachments)) > 0: attachment = Path( team_image_message.attachments[0].filename) # verify its an image if attachment.suffix in validfiles: imageurl = team_image_message.attachments[0].url if len(imageurl) > 100: await send_embed( context, "Cancelled", "An invalid file attached :octagonal_sign:, The image name you have submitted is to big try to rename it to a.png or something i can handle" ) return data["image"] = imageurl else: await send_embed( context, "Cancelled", "An invalid file attached :octagonal_sign:, we accept the following formats only : .jpg , .jpeg , .gif , .png , .bmp" ) return else: await send_embed(context, "Cancelled", "No Attachments have been sent !") return except asyncio.TimeoutError: await send_embed(context, "Cancelled", ":octagonal_sign: Command cancelled") await "you took too long to provide the requested information.") return token = md5(os.urandom(8) + data["name"].encode()).hexdigest() data["token"] = token r = + f"/api/participant/{participant_id}/team/create", json=data) response = r.json() if (response["status"] == "ALREADY_IN_A_TEAM"): embed = discord.Embed( title="Already have a team", description= "You already have a team...Good luck with your hack :muscle:", color=int(config.EMBED_COLOR, 16)) await return elif response["status"] == 'TEAM_ALREADY_EXIST': embed = discord.Embed( title="Team Already exist", description= "Team Already exists with this name... be more creative :stuck_out_tongue:", color=int(config.EMBED_COLOR, 16)) await return else: print(response) embed = discord.Embed( title="Team Created", description= f"Team was created successfully your partners can join you using this key {data['token']} by sending me a dm with the `$joinTeam` command ", color=int(config.EMBED_COLOR, 16)) await guild =[0] first_category = guild.get_channel(config.HACK_THE_BOT_SPACES[0]) text_channels_number = len( list( filter(lambda channel: str(channel.type) == 'text', first_category.channels))) space_category = first_category if text_channels_number > 24: space_category = guild.get_channel(config.HACK_THE_BOT_SPACES[1]) team_role = get(guild.roles, name=f"{team_name}_hackthebot") # get the member to add him a role user_id = member = find(lambda m: == user_id, guild.members) if team_role: await member.add_roles(team_role) await "SUCCESS!! :white_check_mark: Welcome abroad :sunglasses: Good luck on the hack! :muscle:" ) #sending logs to logs channel log_channel = guild.get_channel(config.HACK_THE_BOT_LOGS) embed = discord.Embed( title="Team Created", description= f"Team ${team_name} has joined the competition :fire: Good luck for the competition :muscle:", color=int(config.EMBED_COLOR, 16), ) embed.set_thumbnail(url=data["image"]) await log_channel.send(embed=embed) else: await guild.create_role(name=f"{team_name}_hackthebot") time.sleep(1) role = get(guild.roles, name=f"{team_name}_hackthebot") overwrites = { guild.default_role: discord.PermissionOverwrite(read_messages=False), discord.PermissionOverwrite(read_messages=True), role: discord.PermissionOverwrite(read_messages=True) } try: channel = await guild.create_text_channel( f"{team_name}_space", category=space_category, overwrites=overwrites) channel_voice = await guild.create_voice_channel( f"{team_name}_space", category=space_category, overwrites=overwrites) except Exception as errors: print(f"Bot Error: {errors}") finally: await member.add_roles(role) await "SUCCESS!! :white_check_mark: Welcome abroad :sunglasses: Good luck on the hack! :muscle:" ) log_channel = guild.get_channel(config.HACK_THE_BOT_LOGS) embed = discord.Embed( title="Team Created", description= f"Team ${team_name} has joined the war :fire: Good luck for the competition :muscle:", color=int(config.EMBED_COLOR, 16), ) embed.set_thumbnail(url=data["image"]) await log_channel.send(embed=embed)