def order_update_status(order_list): core.function_clear() order_view(order_list) update_status = int( input( "Enter 0 to cancel. To update an order status, enter the order ID: " )) if update_status == 0: return orders_stats = [ "Preparing", "Ready For Delivery", "Out For Delivery", "Delivered" ] x = ("\n") for i, item in enumerate(orders_stats): x += (f"Status: {i+1} -> {item} \n") print(x, "\n") user_new_status = int( input( "Enter 0 to cancel. Enter one of the following options [1] [2] [3] [4] to update the status: " )) # add error message here print("\nOrder updated successfully.\n") # needs work if user_new_status == 0: return sql = "UPDATE orders SET status = %s WHERE order_id = %s" update_status_value = (orders_stats[user_new_status - 1], update_status) connectdb.cursor.execute(sql, update_status_value) connectdb.connection.commit()
def courier_update(courier_list): core.function_clear() courier_view(courier_list) try: enter_c_id = input("\nPress Enter to return Courier Menu. Please enter an ID to update the courier: ").strip() if enter_c_id == "": return enter_c_id = int(enter_c_id) except ValueError: print(f"Sorry but {enter_c_id} is invalid, please input a valid Courier ID.\n") return c_name = input("\nPress Enter to return to Courier Menu. What is new courier's name?: ").strip() if c_name.strip() == "": return if (any(char.isdigit() for char in c_name)): print(f"\nSorry but {c_name} is invalid. Please only enter alphabetical characters.") return current_courier = search(enter_c_id, courier_list) try: c_number = input(f"\nWhat is {c_name}'s telephone number? ").strip() if c_name == "": return c_number = int(c_number) except ValueError: print(f"\nSorry but {c_number} is invalid, please input a valid telephone number.\n") return print(f"\n{c_name.title()} has now replaced the previous courier successfully.\n") update_sql = "UPDATE couriers SET courier_name = %s, telephone_number = %s WHERE courier_id = %s" update_value = (c_name, c_number, enter_c_id) connectdb.cursor.execute(update_sql, update_value) connectdb.connection.commit()
def courier_view(courier_list): core.function_clear() view_sql = "SELECT * FROM couriers" # use `` back quotation marks if you have space connectdb.cursor.execute(view_sql) courier_list = connectdb.cursor.fetchall() print(tabulate(courier_list, headers=["Courier ID", "Courier Name", "Telephone Number"], tablefmt="fancy_grid")) print("\n")
def courier_add(courier_list): core.function_clear() courier_view(courier_list) adding_courier = input("\nPress Enter to return to Courier Menu. What courier would you like to add? ").strip() if adding_courier == "": return if (any(char.isdigit() for char in adding_courier)): print(f"\nSorry but {adding_courier} is invalid. Enter a valid name.\n") return try: adding_number = input(f"\nPress Enter to return to Courier Menu. What is {adding_courier}'s telephone number? ").strip() if adding_number == "": print("\n") return adding_number = int(adding_number) except ValueError: print(f"\nSorry but {adding_courier} is invalid, please enter valid a telephone number.\n") else: print(f"\n{adding_courier.title()} has been added to the list of couriers.\n") # input("Press Enter to continue browsing in the Data Cafe app.\n") add_sql = "INSERT INTO couriers (courier_name, telephone_number) VALUES (%s, %s)" add_value = (adding_courier.title(), adding_number) connectdb.cursor.execute(add_sql, add_value) connectdb.connection.commit()
def product_view(product_list): core.function_clear() view_sql = "SELECT * FROM products" # SQL data persistence, in earlier versionm I used txt, csv connectdb.cursor.execute(view_sql) product_list = connectdb.cursor.fetchall() print( tabulate(product_list, headers=["Product ID", "Product Name", "Price £"], tablefmt="fancy_grid")) print("\n")
def product_update(product_list): core.function_clear() product_view(product_list) try: enter_p_id = input( "\nPress Enter to return to Product Menu. Please enter an ID to update the product: " ).strip() if enter_p_id == "": return enter_p_id = int(enter_p_id) except ValueError: print( f"\nSorry but {enter_p_id} is invalid, please input a valid Product ID.\n" ) return p_name = input( "\nPress Enter to return to Product Menu. What is the new product's name? " ).strip() if p_name.strip() == "": return if (any(char.isdigit() for char in p_name)): print( f"\nSorry but {p_name} is invalid. Please only enter alphaphetical characters.\n" ) return current_product = search(enter_p_id, product_list) try: p_price = input( f"\nPress Enter to return to Product Menu. What is the price of {p_name}? " ).strip() if p_price == "": return p_price = float(p_price) except ValueError: print( f"\nSorry but {p_price} is invalid, please input a valid price.\n") return print( f"\n{p_name.title()} has now replaced the previous product successfully.\n" ) update_sql = "UPDATE products SET product_name = %s, price = %s WHERE product_id = %s" # SQL data persistence, in earlier versionm I used txt, csv update_value = (p_name.title(), p_price, enter_p_id) connectdb.cursor.execute(update_sql, update_value) connectdb.connection.commit()
def courier_delete(courier_list): core.function_clear() courier_view(courier_list) try: c_delete = input("\nPress Enter to return to Courier Menu. Please enter an ID to delete the courier: ") if c_delete == "": return c_delete = int(c_delete) except ValueError: print(f"\nSorry but {c_delete} is invalid, please input a valid Courier ID.\n") return print(f"\nCourier ID {c_delete} has been deleted from the list of couriers.\n") delete_sql = "DELETE FROM couriers WHERE courier_id = %s" delete_value = (c_delete) connectdb.cursor.execute(delete_sql, delete_value) connectdb.connection.commit()
def order_delete(order_list): core.function_clear() order_view(order_list) try: o_delete = input( "Press Enter to return to Order Menu. Please enter an ID to delete the order: " ) if o_delete.strip() == "": return o_delete = int(o_delete) except ValueError: print( f"\nSorry but {o_delete} is invalid, please input a valid Order ID.\n" ) return print(f"\nOrder ID {o_delete} has been deleted from the list of orders.\n") delete_sql = "DELETE FROM orders WHERE order_id = %s" delete_value = (o_delete) connectdb.cursor.execute(delete_sql, delete_value) connectdb.connection.commit()
def product_add(product_list): core.function_clear() product_view(product_list) adding_product = input( "\nPress Enter to return to Product Menu. What product would you like to add? " ).strip() if adding_product == "": return if (any(char.isdigit() for char in adding_product)): print( f"\nSorry but {adding_product} is invalid. Please only enter alphabetical characters.\n" ) return try: adding_price = input( f"\nPress Enter to return to Product Menu. What is the price of {adding_product}? " ).strip() if adding_price == "": print("\n") return adding_price = float(adding_price) # casting it to a float except ValueError: print( f"\nSorry but {adding_price} is invalid, please input a valid price.\n" ) else: print( f"\n{adding_product.title()} has been added to the list of products.\n" ) # input("Press Enter to continue browsing in the Data Cafe app.\n") add_sql = "INSERT INTO products (product_name, price) VALUES (%s, %s)" # SQL data persistence, in earlier versionm I used txt, csv add_value = ( adding_product.title().strip(), adding_price ) # add .title() here so it capitalises the word to the database connectdb.cursor.execute(add_sql, add_value) connectdb.connection.commit() # sends changes to the database
def order_view(order_list): core.function_clear() view_sql = """ SELECT o.order_id,, o.address, o.telephone_number, o.status, o.courier_id, GROUP_CONCAT(p.product_name SEPARATOR ', ') FROM orders o INNER JOIN order_product op on op.order_id = o.order_id JOIN products p on p.product_id = op.product_id GROUP BY op.order_id """ connectdb.cursor.execute(view_sql) order_list = connectdb.cursor.fetchall() print( "\t\t\t\t ✵✵✵✵☆☆☆☆☆☆☆☆✪✪✪✪☆☆☆☆☆☆☆☆The Data Cafe☆☆☆☆☆☆☆☆✪✪✪✪☆☆☆☆☆☆☆☆✵✵✵✵" ) print( tabulate(order_list, headers=[ "Order ID", "Customer Name", "Address", "Telephone Number", "Order Status", "Courier ID", "Products Ordered" ], tablefmt="fancy_grid")) print("\n")
def product_delete(product_list): core.function_clear() product_view(product_list) try: p_delete = input( "\nPress Enter to return to Product Menu. Please enter an ID to delete the product: " ) if p_delete == "": return p_delete = int(p_delete) except ValueError: print( f"\nSorry but {p_delete} is invalid, please input a valid Product ID.\n" ) return print( f"\nProduct ID {p_delete} has been deleted from the list of products.\n" ) delete_sql = "DELETE FROM products WHERE product_id = %s" # SQL data persistence, in earlier versionm I used txt, csv delete_value = (p_delete) connectdb.cursor.execute(delete_sql, delete_value) connectdb.connection.commit()
def order_add(order_list, courier_list, product_list): core.function_clear() order_view(order_list) product_selection = [] # this is where the user adds their products cust_name = input( "\nPress Enter to return to Order Menu. What is the customer's name? " ).title().strip() if cust_name == "": return if (any(char.isdigit() for char in cust_name)): print( f"\nSorry but {cust_name} is invalid. Please only enter alphaetical characters.\n" ) return cust_address = input( "\nPress Enter to return to Order Menu. What is the customer's address? " ).title().strip() if cust_address == "": return try: cust_phone = input( "\nPress Enter to return to Order Menu. What is the customer's telephone number? " ).strip() if cust_phone == "": print("\n") return cust_phone = int(cust_phone) except ValueError: print( f"\nSorry but {cust_phone} is invalid, please input a valid telephone number.\n" ) return cust_status = "Preparing" enter_p_id = "" product_view( product_list ) # the user can view all products before adding their products while enter_p_id != "0": enter_p_id = input( "\nEnter 0 when you finish your order. Please type a Product ID: ") product_sql = "SELECT * FROM products WHERE product_id = %s" value = (enter_p_id) connectdb.cursor.execute(product_sql, value) the_product_the_user_selected = connectdb.cursor.fetchall( ) # why doesn't it print as a dictionary? if (len(the_product_the_user_selected) > 0): # if the user entered a valid product ID product_selection.append( enter_p_id) # appending ids to product selection else: (print( "\nWe apologise for this inconvenience. We do not have this product in stock." )) print("\n") courier_view(courier_list) try: courier_order = input( "\nPress Enter to return to Order Menu or Input a Courier ID: ") if courier_order == "": return courier_order = int(courier_order) except ValueError: print( f"\nSorry but {courier_order} is invalid, please input a valid Courier ID." ) return courier_sql = "SELECT * FROM couriers WHERE courier_id = %s" # we select the courier that we want from couriers and save it to "the_courier_we_want" courier_value = (courier_order) connectdb.cursor.execute(courier_sql, courier_value) the_courier_we_want = connectdb.cursor.fetchall() if len(the_courier_we_want) != 0: # if courier ID is a valid courier add_sql = "INSERT INTO orders (name, address, telephone_number, status, courier_id) VALUES (%s, %s, %s, %s, %s)" add_value = ( cust_name.title(), cust_address, cust_phone, cust_status, courier_order ) # how do I link product_id and courier_id here? I think I already linked it connectdb.cursor.execute(add_sql, add_value) connectdb.connection.commit() SQL_statement = "SELECT max(order_id) FROM orders" # This returns the most recently added item - max finds the largest value connectdb.cursor.execute(SQL_statement) newest_order_id = connectdb.cursor.fetchone()[ 0] #get the id and save to the newest_order_id variable add_sql2 = "INSERT INTO order_product (order_id, product_id) VALUES (%s, %s)" for item in product_selection: add_value2 = (newest_order_id, item) connectdb.cursor.execute(add_sql2, add_value2) connectdb.connection.commit()
def order_update(order_list, courier_list, product_list): core.function_clear() order_view(order_list) connectdb.cursor.execute("SELECT * FROM orders") orders = connectdb.cursor.fetchall() update_the_order = int( input("Enter 0 to cancel. To update an order, Enter the Order ID: "). strip()) for order in orders: if update_the_order == order[0]: user_input_new_name = input( "\nPress Enter to skip. What would you like to update the name to? " ).title().strip() user_input_new_name != "" new_address = input( "\nPress Enter to skip. What would you like to update the address to? " ).title().strip() new_address != "" new_number = input( "\nPress Enter to skip. What would you like to update the telephone number to?: " ).strip() new_number != "" product_selection = [] enter_product_id = 1 while enter_product_id != 0: connectdb.cursor.execute( "SELECT product_id, product_name from products") products = connectdb.cursor.fetchall() product_view(product_list) while True: try: enter_product_id = int( input( "Enter 0 to continue. Input the Product ID you wish to order: " )) print("\n") except '': break except ValueError: print("Please select a valid Product ID.") else: if enter_product_id != 0: product_selection.append(enter_product_id) break connectdb.cursor.execute( "SELECT courier_id, courier_name FROM couriers ") couriers = connectdb.cursor.fetchall() courier_view(courier_list) while True: try: courier_selection = int( input( "Enter 0 to continue. Input the Courier ID you wish to order: " )) print("\n") except ValueError: print("Please select a valid Courier ID.") else: break if user_input_new_name != "": connectdb.cursor.execute( f"UPDATE orders SET name = '{user_input_new_name}' WHERE order_id = {update_the_order}" ) # need quotation marks for strings, but not for ints when passing values to the database connectdb.connection.commit() if new_address != "": connectdb.cursor.execute( f"UPDATE orders SET address = '{new_address}' WHERE order_id = {update_the_order}" ) connectdb.connection.commit() if new_number != "": connectdb.cursor.execute( f"UPDATE orders SET telephone_number = '{new_number}' WHERE order_id = {update_the_order}" ) connectdb.connection.commit() if len(product_selection) > 0: for i in product_selection: sql_statement = "INSERT INTO order_product (order_id, product_id) VALUES (%s, %s)" value = (update_the_order, i ) # the i refers to the product_id connectdb.cursor.execute(sql_statement, value) connectdb.connection.commit() if courier_selection != 0: connectdb.cursor.execute( f"UPDATE orders SET courier_id = {courier_selection} WHERE order_id = {update_the_order}" ) connectdb.connection.commit()
import sys import product_functions import courier_functions import order_functions import core import connectdb # variables, lists products = [] couriers = [] orders = [] core.function_clear() core.welcome_message() core.data_cafe() username = input("Enter your username: "******"\nHi {username.strip()}. Please select an option: ") core.function_clear() if user_value == "0": core.thank_you() sys.exit(0) elif user_value == "1": # product menu product_menu = True while product_menu == True: product_functions.product_menu() # imported function p_value = input(